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10/13/21, 8:27 PM Specialized Training Program for the preparation of the CISA – Certified Information Systems Auditor exam

Auditor exam | Institutul Banc…

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Specialized Training Program for the preparation of the CISA – Certified Information Systems Auditor exam

Specialized Training Program for the preparation of the CISA – Certified Information Systems Cauta
Auditor exam Cauta...

Educatie financiara (8)

Educaţie financiară pentru elevi şi studenţi
Starting Fall 2017, the Romanian Banking Institute offered the Specialized Training Program for the
preparation of the CISA – Certified Information Systems Auditor exam, for small groups (1 to 3 Educaţie şi competenţă bancară pentru
participants), at the bank’ premises or at RBI. profesori (4)

Programe de training (115)

In Romania, the banks which run or want to implement electronic payment instruments, as well as
Internet banking or home banking, are obliged by law, to be audited every year by a CISA certified Certificari profesionale internationale
auditor. (10)

The technical requirements regarding the participants in the electronic payment system provide the ACI Dealing (2)
NBR’s request regarding the IT auditor who must hold the CISA certification.

CISA ACI Operations (1)

The CISA designation is a globally recognized certification for Information Systems audit, control, CEFA (1)
and security professionals. The exam tests the knowledge of five domains:

Domain 1 – The Process of Auditing Information Systems (21%)

CFC (1)
Domain 2 – Governance and Management of IT (16%)

Domain 3 – Information Systems Acquisition, Development and Implementation (18%)

CISA (1)
Domain 4 – Information Systems Operations, Maintenance and Service Management (20%)

Domain 5 – Protection of Information Assets (25%) DipIFR (1)

The exam* consists in 150 multiple choice items that aims to test if the candidate has five or more ECDL (5)
years of experience in IS audit, control, assurance, or security. Duration: 4 hours.

The RBI’s coaching program is designed to transfer to the candidate the knowledge in the CISA EFCB TRIPLE E (1)
Exam domains and to provide guidance on how to achieve the best performance when taking the
CISA Exam. Each domain will be accompanied by practice questions. GFC (1)

* In Romania, CISA exams are held at Ager Business Tech (NT) (WBD), It Av. Marcel Andreescu, RiFS (1)
No. 29, Bucharest, 011646 and Road Language Centre (NT) (WBD), Str. Dr. Staicovici nr 4, sector
5, Bucharest. Cursuri (167)

LECTURER Invatamant la distanta (12)

Florin-Mihai Iliescu, CISA, CISSP is licensed in Computer Science by University Politehnica of
Diploma Bancara (4)
Bucharest, holds a Master Degree in Architecture of Information Systems and has about 20 years of
experience in Information Technology. In 2004, Florin-Mihai Iliescu founded Info-Logica Silverline,
Perfectionare (3 luni) (7)
where he acts as a security professional, information systems auditor and consultant. His experience
in Info-Logica Silverline includes more than 200 projects of information systems audit, ethical-
Specializare (5 luni) (4)
hacking, vulnerability assessment, risk analysis development, information technology strategy
development and implementation. Florin-Mihai Iliescu is one of the contributors of CISA Review
Manual and author of CISA Exam Questions, contribution awarded by ISACA with Certificate of IT (24)
Appreciation for development CISA Study Materials.
Limbi straine (7)
The proposed plan for a period of 2 months of the 15 training sessions (2 hours x 15 sessions = 30 Seminarii (124)
hours) allows the candidate to acquire the required knowledge in order to be able to take the exam.

Domenii (103)
Domain 1 – The Process of Auditing Information Systems: 2 sessions in 16.03, 18.03.2021;
Domain 2 – Governance and Management of IT: 3 sessions: 23.03, 25.03, 30.03 Anti-frauda, conformitate,
Domain 3 – Information Systems Acquisition, Development and Implementation: 3 sessions in guvernanta si etica (27)
01.04, 06.04 and
This 08.04;
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10/13/21, 8:27 PM Specialized Training Program for the preparation of the CISA – Certified Information Systems Auditor exam | Institutul Banc…
Domain 4 – Information Systems Operations, Maintenance and Service Management: 3 sessions
Audit, control intern, IFRS si
in 13.04, 15.04 and 20.04;
fiscalitate (20)
Domain 5 – Protection of Information Assets: 4 sessions in: 22.04, 27.04, 28.04 and 06.05.2021
Business & Competitive Intelligence
Alina Ioniţă,

Specialist Formare
Creditare, analiza financiara si management de proiect (25)

Cursuri de limbi straine (5)

Cursuri MIFID II (7)

Formular de contact IT&C si securitate (25)
Nume și prenume*

Juridic, resurse umane si comunicare


Management, marketing si tranzactii

internationale (9)

Managementul riscului,
prudentialiate si raportari (27)

Piete financiare si trezorerie (11)

Produse si operatiuni financiar-

Adresa de email*

bancare (13)

Programe de training pentru TOP

Titlul cursului*

Other training programs (5)

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Harta Programe de training Contact

Cursuri Institutul Bancar Român

Afișați harta mărită Str. Negru Vodă, nr 3, sector 3

Certificari profesionale internationale București, România

021 327 48 91

074 888 68 08 (call center dezvoltat in

proiectul TICFIN)

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10/13/21, 8:27 PM Specialized Training Program for the preparation of the CISA – Certified Information Systems Auditor exam | Institutul Banc…

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