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Home Work 1: Lagrangian Mechanics

1 A list of Lagrangians
A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving freely in one dimensions, R :
L [q(t), q̇(t)] = q̇(t)2 (1)
One dimensional simple harmonic oscillator of frequency ω (configuration space R):

m m ω2
L [q(t), q̇(t)] = q̇(t)2 − q(t)2 (2)
2 2
A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving freely in two dimensions, R2 :
ẋ(t)2 + ẏ(t)2

L [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t)] = (3)
A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving freely in two dimensions, R2 :
L [ρ(t), ρ̇(t), φ(t), φ̇(t)] = ρ̇(t)2 + ρ(t)2 φ̇(t)2 (4)
A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving freely in three dimensions, R3 :
ẋ(t)2 + ẏ(t)2 + ż(t)2

L [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), z(t), ż(t)] = (5)
A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving freely in three dimensions, R3 :
L [ρ(t), ρ̇(t), φ(t), φ̇(t), z(t), ż(t)] = ρ̇(t)2 + ρ(t)2 φ̇(t)2 + ż(t)2 (6)
A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving freely in three dimensions, R3 :
L [r(t), ṙ(t), θ(t), θ̇(t), φ(t), φ̇(t)] = ṙ(t)2 + r(t)2 θ̇(t)2 + r(t)2 (sin θ(t))2 φ̇(t)2 (7)
A rigid rod moving freely in two dimensions, R2 :
m 2 2 I 2
L [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), φ(t), φ̇(t)] = ẋ(t) + ẏ(t) + φ̇(t) (8)
2 2

A rigid rod moving freely in three dimensions, R3 :

m  I I
L [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), z(t), ż(t), θ(t), θ̇(t), φ(t), φ̇(t)] = ẋ(t)2 + ẏ(t)2 + ż(t)2 + θ̇(t)2 + (sin θ(t))2 φ̇(t)2
2 2 2
A symmetric rigid rod moving freely in three dimensions, R3 :
ẋ(t)2 + ẏ(t)2 + ż(t)2

L [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), z(t), ż(t), θ(t), θ̇(t), φ(t), φ̇(t), ψ(t), ψ̇(t)] =
I1  2 2 2
+ θ̇(t) + (sin θ(t)) φ̇(t) + ψ̇(t) + cos(θ(t)) φ̇(t) (10)
2 2

A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving under the influence of a central force, in three dimen-
sions, R3 :
m p
ẋ(t)2 + ẏ(t)2 + ż(t)2 − V ( x(t)2 + y(t)2 + z(t)2 )

L [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), z(t), ż(t)] = (11)
where V (a) is a function of one variable.
A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving under the influence of a central force, in three dimen-
sions, R3 :
L [r(t), ṙ(t), θ(t), θ̇(t), φ(t), φ̇(t)] = ṙ(t)2 + r(t)2 θ̇(t)2 + r(t)2 (sin θ(t))2 φ̇(t)2 − V (r(t)) (12)
where V (a) is a function of one variable.

2 Problems
2.1 For each of the classical mechanical systems given in equations (1) - (12), understand the
number of degrees of freedom, the configuration space and compute the Euler-Lagrange equations.
Some of these systems have multiple Euler-Lagrange equations associated with them. Find all of

2.2 Use the well-known co-ordinate transformation formulae between cartesian co-ordinates and
polar co-ordinates to obtain (i) the Lagrangian in (4) from the one in (3) and (ii) the Lagrangian
in (3) from the one in (4).

2.3 Use the well-known co-ordinate transformation formulae between cartesian co-ordinates and
spherical polar co-ordinates to obtain (i) the Lagrangian in (7) from the one in (5) and (ii) the
Lagrangian in (5) from the one in (7).

2.4 Compute the Euler-Lagrange equation for (1). Solve the equations of motion with the initial
and final conditions:
q(t1 ) = q1 , q(t2 ) = q2 . (13)

For this time-evolution curve, which is the classical time-evolution of the system, compute the

2.5 Compute the Euler-Lagrange equation for (1). Solve the equations of motion with the initial
q(t0 ) = q0 , q̇(t0 ) = v0 . (14)

2.6 Compute the Euler-Lagrange equation for (2). Solve the equations of motion with the initial
and final conditions:
q(t1 ) = q1 , q(t2 ) = q2 . (15)

For this time-evolution curve, which is the classical time-evolution of the system, compute the

2.7 Consider a classical mechanical system with one degree of freedom and whose Lagrangian is
time-dependent L[q(t), q̇(t), t] i.e. there is an explicit time dependence apart from the usual implicit
time dependence via q(t) and q̇(t). Set up the discussion of the action and the action principle and
the functional derivative and compute the Euler-Lagrange equation for the system.

2.8 Following are time-evolution curves for the system of (1):

t − t1 N
(N )
q (t) = (q2 − q1 ) + q1 . (16)
t2 − t1
There are an infinite number of such curves labelled by N = 1, 2, . . .. First show that each of
these curves satisfy the initial and final conditions (13). Then compute the action for each of these
curves. If you can’t do for all N , at least do for N = 1, 2. Which of these curves has the least

2.9 Show that the only trivial Lagrangian for a classical system with one degree of freedom is the
time-derivative of a functional of only the position i.e dt f [q(t)]. Note that this is the converse of
what we showed in class viz. that the time-derivative of a functional of only the position is a trivial

2.10 Repeat problem 2.9 for a classical mechanical system with multiple degrees of freedom. State
clearly what you need to show/prove and then show/prove.

2.11 Consider acceleration-dependent Lagrangians i.e. Lagrangians that are allowed to depend on
the second time derivative of the time-evolution curve L[q(t), q̇(t), q̈(t)]. Set up the discussion of
the action and the action principle and the functional derivative and the Euler-Lagrange equation.
Pay particular attention to the initial and final conditions needed. The Euler-Lagrange equation
that you should obtain will be a differential equation; what is it’s order?

2.12 Generalise the study in problem 2.11 to a system with multiple degrees of freedom.

2.13 Generalise the study in problem 2.11 to a situation where the Lagrangian is allowed to depend
on upto N time-derivatives of the time-evolution curve.

2.14 Solve the Euler-Lagrange equations of the system of (5) with the initial and final conditions

x(t1 ) = x1 , x(t2 ) = x2 , y(t1 ) = y1 , y(t2 ) = y2 , z(t1 ) = z1 , z(t2 ) = z2 . (17)

Show that following six functionals are conserved quantities:

f1 [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), z(t), ż(t)] = m ẋ(t) (18)

f2 [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), z(t), ż(t)] = m ẏ(t) (19)
f3 [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), z(t), ż(t)] = m ż(t) (20)
f4 [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), z(t), ż(t)] = m [x(t)ẏ(t) − y(t)ẋ(t)] (21)
f5 [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), z(t), ż(t)] = m [y(t)ż(t) − z(t)ẏ(t)] (22)
f6 [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), z(t), ż(t)] = m [z(t)ẋ(t) − x(t)ż(t)] (23)

Then compute each of these six conserved quantities for the classical time-evolution curve that you
have obtained. Your answers should depend only on the constants in the problem viz. the initial
and final conditions of (17) and constants in the Lagrangian.

2.15 Show that the functionals in (18)-(23) are conserved quantities for the classical mechanical
system of (11) also. You will need to compute all the Euler-Lagrange equations for the system,
which you have already done in problem 2.1 above.

Home Work 2: Noether’s theorem and Central force problem.

1. Consider the following six transformations on the degrees of freedom of a three-dimensional free

x0 (t) = x(t) + α1 − β2 z(t) + β3 y(t)

y 0 (t) = y(t) + α2 + β1 z(t) − β3 x(t)
z 0 (t) = z(t) + α3 − β1 y(t) + β2 x(t). (1)

Here, the α’s and the β’s are infinitesimal parameters that define the six transformations. Show
that each of these six transformations are symmetry transformations of the first kind. And compute
the Noether charges/conserved quantities associated with each.

2. Consider the following three transformations on the degrees of freedom of a three-dimensional

particle in a central potential:

x0 (t) = x(t) − β2 z(t) + β3 y(t)

y 0 (t) = y(t) + β1 z(t) − β3 x(t)
z 0 (t) = z(t) − β1 y(t) + β2 x(t). (2)

Show that each of these three transformations are symmetry transformations of the first kind. And
compute the Noether charges/conserved quantities associated with each.

3. The expressions for the angular momenta in Cartesian co-ordinates is given by the well-known

l3 = m [x(t)ẏ(t) − y(t)ẋ(t)], l1 = m [y(t)ż(t) − z(t)ẏ(t)], l2 = m [z(t)ẋ(t) − x(t)ż(t)] (3)

Use the co-ordinate transformation between Cartesian and spherical polar co-ordinates to obtain
the expressions for the angular momenta in the latter co-ordinate system.

4. For the following Lagrangian,

m 2
L[ρ, ρ̇, φ, φ̇] = (ρ̇ + ρ2 φ̇2 ) + A ρ2 sin2 φ (4)
where A is a dimensionful constant whose units are chosen so that the last term has units of energy,
show that the following
sin φ(t)
ρ0 (t) = ρ(t) + α cos φ(t), φ0 (t) = φ(t) − α (5)

is a symmetry transformation of the first kind and compute the associated conserved quanti-
tiy/Noether charge. Can you recognise this symmetry transformation? It has been studied in
class in another form. Use the conserved quantity you have computed as a hint. For another hint,
see problem 5 below.

5. For classical mechanical systems whose configuration space is R2 , we can use either Cartesian or
plane polar co-ordinate systems. Show that a transformation on the degrees of freedom in Cartesian
x0 (t) = x(t) + α δx(t), y 0 (t) = y(t) + α δy(t) (6)

is related to the transformation on the degrees of freedom in polar co-ordinates

ρ0 (t) = ρ(t) + α δρ(t), φ0 (t) = φ(t) + α δφ(t) (7)


δρ(t) = cos φ(t) δx(t) + sin φ(t) δy(t)

sin φ(t) cos φ(t)
δφ(t) = − δx(t) + δy(t). (8)
ρ(t) ρ(t)

Now, work out the transformations for (i) x-translation, (ii) y-translation and (iii) rotation, in
plane polar co-ordinates.

6. In this problem, you will compute the three symmetry transformations of the first kind associated
with the three rotations, for the three dimensional free particle, but in spherical polar co-ordinates.
The method of this problem is an alternative to the one in problem 5 above which also can be
adapted to solve the present problem.
6.1 First, let us solve for the rotations about the x-axis. Start with the expression for l1 and
convert it to spherical polar co-ordinates. Show that it is of the form:

l1 = f [r, θ, φ] ṙ + g[r, θ, φ] θ̇ + h[r, θ, φ] φ̇ (9)

Now compare with the expression for the Noether charge associated with a symmetry transforma-
tion of the first kind viz.
∂L ∂L ∂L
l1 = ∆r + ∆θ + ∆φ (10)
∂ ṙ ∂ θ̇ ∂ φ̇
and read off ∆r, ∆θ and ∆φ. Put them together into

r0 = r + α ∆r, θ0 = θ + α ∆θ, φ0 = φ + α ∆φ (11)

and you have obtained the symmetry transformation of the first kind pertaining to rotations about
x-axis. Repeat for the other two rotations.

6.2 Now, working in spherical polar co-ordinates, show that the transformations (11) are symmetry
transformations of the first kind for the Lagrangian (also written in spherical polar co-ordinates).
6.3 Show that ∆r vanishes for all rotations.

7. The following Lagrangian describes the dynamics of a particle on a two dimensional sphere:
L [θ(t), θ̇(t), φ(t), φ̇(t)] = θ̇(t)2 + (sin θ(t))2 φ̇(t)2 . (12)
Obtain symmetry transformations (of the first kind) for this Lagrangian and also compute their
Noether charges. Hints: The first hint is that if you perform rotations in three dimensions, the
sphere is left invariant in the sense that a point on a sphere goes to another point on the sphere.
Another hint is problem 6 above.

8. The Lagrangian for a rigid rod moving freely in three dimensions, R3 :

m  I I
L [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), z(t), ż(t), θ(t), θ̇(t), φ(t), φ̇(t)] = ẋ(t)2 + ẏ(t)2 + ż(t)2 + θ̇(t)2 + (sin θ(t))2 φ̇(t)2
2 2 2
The above Lagrangian admits nine different symmetry tranformations. Identify all of them, write
them out explicitly. Also compute the associated conserved quantities.

9. Consider a system with N degrees of freedom qi . Let qi0 = qi + α ∆qi be a symmetry transfor-
mation of the first kind which changes the Lagrangian by dt J[q1 , q2 , . . . qN ]. Derive a formula for
the conserved quantity that is associated with the symmetry transformation.

10. For every cyclic co-ordinate of a given Lagrangian, show that there is a symmetry transforma-
tion which leaves the Lagrangian invariant, whose Noether charge equals the momentum conjugate
to the cyclic co-ordinate.

11. The present and the next problem rely on using the many techniques and tricks you learnt from
solving the Newton-Kepler problem. These include solving some of the equations of motion that
follow from cyclic co-ordinates and somehow reducing to a one dimensional problem, analysing
the one-dimensional problem to get a qualitative understanding of the solutions. They also in-
clude eliminating t and obtaining equations that describe the shape of the trajectory. Solve the
two-dimensional free particle in plane polar co-ordinates in this way.
It is imperative that you solve this problem only in the polar co-ordinate system. You will
receive no credit for solving in Cartesian co-ordinates, in which the problem is very simple and it is
easy to obtain not just the shape of the trajectories but also the actual movement in time. But of

course, the knowledge of the solutions to this problem viz. that the particle moves in straight lines
with uniform velocities will be there in the back of your mind, and can guide you throughout.

12. Solve the classical mechanical system defined in equation (12) along the lines of problem 11
above. Try to visualize the shape of the classical trajectories by embedding the two sphere in three
dimensional Euclidean space.

13. Recall the original definition of a conserved quantity of a classical mechanical system. It
is some functional of the positions and velocities whose time derivative vanishes after using the
Euler-Lagrange equations of motion. First write down the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion for
a free particle in two-dimensions, in plane-polar co-ordinates (you will receive no credit if you work
in Cartesian co-ordinates). Then show that the Lagrangian itself is a conserved quantity..

14. Show that the Lagrangian of equation (12) is a conserved quantity for the dynamics that
follows from it.

15. The equation for the trajectory of the reduced mass in polar co-ordinates has been derived in
class to be: s
rmin 2 E
=1+ 1+ cos(φ − φ0 ) (14)
r l32

15.1 Show that for E > 0, by working in Cartesian co-ordinates, this equation becomes the equation
of a hyperbola. Obtain parameters of the hyperbola: semi-major axis, semi-minor axis.
15.2 Locate the foci of the parabola and ascertain that the orgin(Sun) is one of the foci.

16. We have seen in class that for the Newton-Kepler problem when E = 0, the shape of the
trajectory is a parabola.
16.1 From the effective potential of the one-dimensional problem, compute the radius of closest
approach of the reduced mass to the centre of mass.
16.2 From the complete solution of the problem one whose key equations is (14), compute the
radius of closest approach of the reduced mass to the centre of mass.
Do your answers from 16.1 and 16.2 agree?

17. We have shown in class that for the Newton-Kepler problem when E is negative without it
taking the minimum value, the shape of the trajectory is an ellispse.

17.1 From the effective potential of the one-dimensional problem, compute the closest and the
farthest radius that the reduced mass can attain.
17.2 From the complete solution of the problem one whose key equations is (14), obtain the closest
and the furthest radius actually attained by the reduced mass.
Do your answers from 17.1 and 17.2 agree?

18. The original masses of the two-body problem, what we call the first mass with mass m1 and
the second mass with m2 , have their own trajectories, which is different from the trajectory of the
reduced mass. The shape of the trajectory of the reduced mass, in the centre of mass frame, is
given in (14). From this, obtain the equations for the shape of the trajectories of the original two
masses in the centre of mass frame. Trace out the trajectories in some examples.

Home Work 3: Hamiltonian Mechanics
due Nov 8, 2021

1 A list of Lagrangians
A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving freely in one dimensions, R :
L [q(t), q̇(t)] = q̇(t)2 (1)
One dimensional simple harmonic oscillator of frequency ω (configuration space R):

m m ω2
L [q(t), q̇(t)] = q̇(t)2 − q(t)2 (2)
2 2
A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving freely in two dimensions, R2 :
ẋ(t)2 + ẏ(t)2

L [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t)] = (3)
A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving freely in two dimensions, R2 :
L [ρ(t), ρ̇(t), φ(t), φ̇(t)] = ρ̇(t)2 + ρ(t)2 φ̇(t)2 (4)
A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving freely in three dimensions, R3 :
ẋ(t)2 + ẏ(t)2 + ż(t)2

L [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), z(t), ż(t)] = (5)
A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving freely in three dimensions, R3 :
L [ρ(t), ρ̇(t), φ(t), φ̇(t), z(t), ż(t)] = ρ̇(t)2 + ρ(t)2 φ̇(t)2 + ż(t)2 (6)
A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving freely in three dimensions, R3 :
L [r(t), ṙ(t), θ(t), θ̇(t), φ(t), φ̇(t)] = ṙ(t)2 + r(t)2 θ̇(t)2 + r(t)2 (sin θ(t))2 φ̇(t)2 (7)
A rigid rod moving freely in two dimensions, R2 :
m 2 2 I 2
L [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), φ(t), φ̇(t)] = ẋ(t) + ẏ(t) + φ̇(t) (8)
2 2

A rigid rod moving freely in three dimensions, R3 :

m  I I
L [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), z(t), ż(t), θ(t), θ̇(t), φ(t), φ̇(t)] = ẋ(t)2 + ẏ(t)2 + ż(t)2 + θ̇(t)2 + (sin θ(t))2 φ̇(t)2
2 2 2
A symmetric rigid rod moving freely in three dimensions, R3 :
ẋ(t)2 + ẏ(t)2 + ż(t)2

L [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), z(t), ż(t), θ(t), θ̇(t), φ(t), φ̇(t), ψ(t), ψ̇(t)] =
I1  2 2 2
+ θ̇(t) + (sin θ(t)) φ̇(t) + ψ̇(t) + cos(θ(t)) φ̇(t) (10)
2 2

A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving under the influence of a central force, in three dimen-
sions, R3 :
m p
ẋ(t)2 + ẏ(t)2 + ż(t)2 − V ( x(t)2 + y(t)2 + z(t)2 )

L [x(t), ẋ(t), y(t), ẏ(t), z(t), ż(t)] = (11)
where V (a) is a function of one variable.
A non-relativistic particle of mass m moving under the influence of a central force, in three dimen-
sions, R3 :
L [r(t), ṙ(t), θ(t), θ̇(t), φ(t), φ̇(t)] = ṙ(t)2 + r(t)2 θ̇(t)2 + r(t)2 (sin θ(t))2 φ̇(t)2 − V (r(t)) (12)
where V (a) is a function of one variable.

2 Problems
2.1 For each of the classical mechanical systems given in equations (1) - (12), first perform the
Legendre transform and obtain the Hamiltonian. Then obtain the Hamilton’s equations.

2.2 For systems whose Lagrangian takes the T − V form, show that the Hamiltonian is given by
T +V.

xP yQ
2.3 Show that the functions f (x) = P and g(y) = Q are Legendre transforms of each other (with
(x, y) constituting the Legendre pair of variables), where P and Q are rational numbers whose
reciprocals add to 1.

2.4 One of the interesting features of solutions to Hamilton’s equations is that two different solution
curves (i.e. with two different initial conditions) never intersect; they either have no common points
or all common points. Show this for the one dimensional simple harmonic oscillator.
To be precise, obtain the solution curves: I starting at (q1 , p1 ) and II starting at (q2 , p2 ) for
q1 6= q2 and p1 6= p2 and then prove that they do not have any common points.

2.5 Consider the Newton-Kepler problem. We have studied this problem in the Lagrangian formal-
ism. We have set up the Euler-Lagrange equations and obtained solutions. One of the solutions is
the circular solution, which in the Lagrangian formalism, is the following configuration space curve:
r(t) = r0 , θ(t) = , φ(t) = ω t + φ0 (13)
l32 l3
where r0 = GM µ2
and ω = µ r02

Find the phase space curve i.e. obtain the functions r(t), pr (t), θ(t), pθ (t), φ(t), pφ (t) corre-
sponding to this circular solution. Then show that these solve the (six) Hamilton’s equations for
the Newton-Kepler problem (which you have already obtained in 2.1 above.) Also, try to geomet-
rically visualise this phase space curve.

2.6 Consider the three dimensional free particle in the Lagrangian formalism, in Cartesian co-
ordinates. Recall that there are six conserved quantities viz. m ẋ(t), m ẏ(t), m ż(t), m [x(t)ẏ(t) −
y(t)ẋ(t)], m [y(t)ż(t) − z(t)ẏ(t)] and m [z(t)ẋ(t) − x(t)ż(t)].
Your job now is to use your knowledge of going from the Lagrangian formalism to the Hamil-
tonian formalism to find the six functions of phase space that the above six conserved quantities
correspond to. Let us call these six functions of phase space f1 . . . f6 .
In the Hamiltonian formalism, the definition of a conserved quantity is that it’s Poisson-bracket
with the Hamiltonian vanishes. Show that the six phase space functions f1 . . . f6 are conserved
Furthermore, by computing all pair-wise Poisson-brackets1 viz. {f1 , f2 }, {f1 , f3 }, {f1 , f4 }, . . . {f5 , f6 },
show that the set of conserved quantities form a sub-Lie-algebra. This Lie-algebra is the symmetry
Lie-algebra of the system.

2.7 Repeat problem 2.6 above, but with the Lagrangian in spherical polar co-ordinates, as your
starting point.

2.8 Compute the symmetry-Lie-algebra for a particle on a two-dimensional sphere. This problem
has been studied in this course in the Lagrangian formalism. That is your starting point. Recall the
conserved quantities and translate (using the ingredients of the Legendre transform) into functions
on phase space .....

2.9 A very important Lie-algebra is the Lie-algebra of matrices. It is true that every finite dimen-
sional Lie-algebra is the sub-Lie-algebra of some matrix Lie-algebra. Both matrix Lie-algebras as
well as their infinite-dimensional cousins viz. operator Lie-algebras play crucial roles in quantum
Let us denote the set of n×n matrices with real entries by Mn (R). First show that it is a vector
space. Define the addition operation between two matrices and define the scalar multiplication
operation between real numbers and matrices. What is the dimension of this vector space?
There are a total of 15 computations you would need to do.

Now define the Lie-bracket operation between two matrices A and B as follows:

[A, B] ≡ A.B − B.A (14)

where the dot on the right hand side denotes ordinary matrix multiplication and the minus the usual
subtraction of matrices. Check that the above is a good Lie-bracket i.e. check for anti-symmetry,
bi-linearity and Jacobi identity. At this point, you would have proved that Mn (R) is a Lie-algebra.

2.10 Just like the Poisson-bracket, the matrix Lie-bracket defined in (14) also satisfies a Liebniz-like
[A, B.C] = B.[A, C] + [A, B].C (15)

Prove this.
Just as the Liebniz-rule for Poisson-brackets eases your computations on classical observables
greatly, the Liebniz-rule for matrix commutators will help you in your computations on quantum

Home Work 4: Hamiltonian Mechanics II
due Nov 26, 2021

1. Verify that the Hamilton’s equations of motion can be written in terms of Poisson-brackets
as follows:
q̇i = {qi , H}, ṗi = {pi , H}. (1)

This (1) is known as the Poisson-bracket formulation of Hamilton’s equations. Note how in the
Poisson-bracket formulation, both the Hamilton’s equations (i.e the q̇ and ṗ equations) are similar,
while in the original formulation, the two are different in form, with one of them having a minus
sign and the other not; it always takes a moment to work out which one has and which one doesn’t.

2. Show that the time-evolution of an observable f (q1 , q2 , . . . qN , p1 , p2 , . . . pN ) is given by the

= {f, H}. (2)
There is an equation you will encounter in quantum mechanics, called the Heisenberg equation for
operators, which can be thought of (following Dirac) as a quantum mechanical analog of the above
equation (2).

3. Consider acceleration dependent Lagrangians and the Euler-Lagrange equations resulting

from such Lagrangians. Let us assume that the configuration space is N -dimensional. Show that
an arbitrary co-ordinate transformation in configuration space leaves the Euler-Lagrange equations
In class, we have explicitly shown the above for (at most) velocity-dependent Lagrangians.

4. A symplectic matrix is a 2n × 2n real matrix, A, which satisfies the equation:

A.S.AT = S, (3)

where !
0 1
S= (4)
−1 0
in which 0 and 1 stand for n × n zero and identity matrices respectively. Show that the set of all
symplectic matrices forms a group under matrix multiplication.

What you will need to show first is that the product of two symplectic matrices is symplectic.
You will also need to show that the identity matrix is a symplectic matrix and finally that the
inverse of a symplectic matrix is also symplectic.

5. Show that the determinant of a symplectic matrix is either +1 of −1.

6. The Jacobian of a canonical transformation is a matrix with entries which are not real
numbers, but rather real functions. One can evaluate all the entries of the Jacobian matrix at a
particular point in phase space and one then has a matrix with real number entries. Show that this
matrix. i.e. the Jacobian matrix evaluated at (any) point in phase space, is a symplectic matrix.

7. Consider two canonical transformations:

I : (q, p) −→ (q̃, p̃)

iI : (q̃, p̃) −→ (Q, P ). (5)

What this means is that you are given q̃(q, p), p̃(q, p) as well as q(q̃, p̃), p(q̃, p̃) and they satisfy the
following equations, that define a canonical transformation:
∂ q̃ ∂p ∂ q̃ ∂q ∂ p̃ ∂p ∂ p̃ ∂q
= , =− , =− , = . (6)
∂q ∂ p̃ ∂p ∂ p̃ ∂q ∂ q̃ ∂p ∂ q̃
And you are also given Q(q̃, p̃), P (q̃, p̃) as well as q̃(Q, P ), p̃(Q, P ) and they satisfy the following
equations, that define a canonical transformation:
∂Q ∂ p̃ ∂Q ∂ q̃ ∂P ∂ p̃ ∂P ∂ q̃
= , =− , =− , = . (7)
∂ q̃ ∂Q ∂ p̃ ∂P ∂ q̃ ∂Q ∂ p̃ ∂Q
Now, consider the composition of the two canonical tranformations:

III : (q, p) −→ (Q, P ), (8)

which is obtained as follows:

Q(q, p) = Q(q̃(q, p), p̃(q, p)), ... (9)

Show that the composition of two canonical transformations is also a canonical transformation.

8. This problem concerns the two-body problem, in which we have two bodies of masses
m1 and m2 and we have a six-dimensional configuration space with a natural set of co-ordinates
x1 , y1 , z1 , x2 , y2 , z2 , where the first three co-ordinates are for the first body and the last three co-
ordinates for the second body. Then, recall, we introduced new co-ordinates for the configuration

space viz. X, Y, Z, x, y, z where the first three are the centre-of-mass co-ordinates and the last three
are co-ordinates for the reduced mass. In this new co-ordinate system, the physics simplifies. Recall
the co-ordinate transformations between these two co-ordinate systems:

(x1 , y1 , z1 , x2 , y2 , z2 ) ←→ (X, Y, Z, x, y, z). (10)

In class, we did not study the problem in the Hamiltonian formalism, which you will now, in this
problem, partially. The two-body system has a twelve dimensional phase space and we have two
co-ordinate systems:
(x1 , y1 , z1 , x2 , y2 , z2 , px1 , py1 , pz1 , px2 , py2 , pz2 ) (11)

(X, Y, Z, x, y, z, pX , pY , pZ , px , py , pz ). (12)

Obtain a canonical transformation between (11) and (12) that generalizes (10). (see problem 9

9. In this problem, you will do a computation that will complete a discussion in the lectures. We
were studying the problem of generalizing a given co-ordinate transformation in configuration space
to a canonical transformation in phase space. Recall the co-ordinate transformation in configuration
Qi (q1 , q2 , . . . qN ) ←→ qi (Q1 , Q2 , . . . QN ). (13)

and also the one in phase space

Qi (q1 , q2 , . . . qN , p1 , p2 , . . . pN ) = Qi (q1 , q2 , . . . qN ),
X ∂qj
Pi (q1 , q2 , . . . qN , p1 , p2 , . . . pN ) = pj
qi (Q1 , Q2 , . . . QN , P1 , P2 , . . . PN ) = qi (Q1 , Q2 , . . . QN )
X ∂Qj
pi (Q1 , Q2 , . . . QN , P1 , P2 , . . . PN ) = Pj . (14)

Compute the Jacobian and the inverse Jacobian matrices, which, recall we had organized as:
! !
A B a b
Jacobian = , Jacobian−1 = . (15)
C D c d

Now, to show that (14) constitute a canonical transformation, you need to prove the following four
matrix equations:
AT = d, DT = a, BT = −b, CT = −c. (16)

The first three of the above equations had been shown in class. Here, you will prove the last
equation (the one with the C and the c).

10. Starting from an arbitrary function F3 (p, Q), describe the procedure to obtain a co-ordinate
transformation in phase space. After having delineated the procedure, show that the canonical com-
mutation relations are preserved, thus proving that you have obtained a canonical transformation.

11. Repeat problem 10. above for the generating function of the fourth kind F4 (p, P ).

12. Consider the following co-ordinate transformation on a two dimensional phase space:

p2 + q 2 q
P (q, p) = , Q(q, p) = tan−1 (17)
2 p
√ √
q(Q, P ) = 2P sin Q, p(Q, P ) = 2P cos Q (18)

First show that it is a canonical transformation. Then show that it could have been derived from
a generating function of either the first, second, third or fourth kind, In each case, determine the
generating function explicitly.

13. In class, we have studied the theory of generating functions of canonical transformations
for a two-dimensional phase space. In this problem, you will attempt to construct a similar theory
when the phase space is 2N -dimensional, for N ≥ 2.
There are many sub-problems you have to solve. For, example work out the details of the
obvious generating function of the first kind, where you start with an arbitrary function of all
the old positions and all the new positions. Outline the procedure of obtaining the canonical
transformation i.e. the new positions and new momenta as functions of the old positions and
old momenta. Then, prove the canonical commutation relations for the new positions and new
Then, explore if there are other kinds of generating functions possible. Also, what is the analog
of the diamond for N ≥ 2? Is it still a diamond or something more complicated?

14. The Liouville theorem (the one that addresses phase space volumes) posits that the time-
evolution of a region in phase space with a certain area evolves in time to a region with the same
area. In class, we have shown this for the one dimensional free particle. Here, you will do the
computations to check Liouville theorem for the one dimensional harmonic oscillator.

15. Consider a mechanical system whose configuration space is R3 and whose Lagrangian has
a rotational symmetry. Work in Cartesian co-ordinates for the configuration space. From the first

half of this course, you would know the symmetry transformations on the Cartesian co-ordinates
that correspond to rotations. Gather all these formulae.
Now recall how to obtain a transformation on phase space starting from a transformation in
configuration space. One first obtains a transformation of the velocities and then one uses the
definition of the momenta to obtain a transformation for the momenta. Implement this procedure
and obtain a transformation in phase space (with co-ordinates x, y, x, px , py , pz ).
Now compare your result to the formulae for the infinitesmal canonical transformation generated
by the angular momenta. Do they match?

16. Repeat problem 15 above but work with a spherical co-ordinate system. That is, the
co-ordinates in the configuration space are r, θ, φ and the ones in phase space are r, θ, φ, pr , pθ , pφ .

17. For systems with configuration space R3 and rotational symmetry, show that the following
set of conserved quantities fulfil the hypotheses of the Liouville-integrability theorem.

{ H, Lz , L2x + L2y + L2z } (19)

18. A three dimensional particle is subjected to a potential of the form V (x2 + y 2 ). Show that
such a system is an integrable system with the following set of conserved quantities that fulfil the
hypotheses of the Liouville-integrability theorem.

{ H, Lz , pz } (20)

19. In class, we obtained the “action-angle” co-ordinates for the harmonic oscillator:

p2 + q 2 q
F (q, p) = , Ψ(q, p) = tan−1 (21)
2 p
If one started with a different choice of conserved quantity F , what would the corresponding “angle”
Ψ be?
F (q, p) = p2 + q 2 , Ψ(q, p) = ? (22)

20. In class, we obtained the “action-angle” co-ordinates for the harmonic oscillator, but having
set m = 1 and ω = 1:
p2 + q 2 q
F (q, p) = , Ψ(q, p) = tan−1 (23)
2 p
Repeat the computation retaining the m and ω factors and obtain the “action-angle” co-ordinates:

p2 mω 2 q 2
F (q, p) = + , Ψ(q, p) = ? (24)
2m 2

Home Work 5: Small Oscillations a.k.a Normal Modes

1 Problems
1. The linearized equations of motion around an equilibrium configuration are written in a compact
~η = A~η (1)
where ~η is a column vector of length N , where N is the number of degrees of freedom of the system
under study. The entries of this column vector are η1 (t), η2 (t), . . . ηN (t). The matrix A is a N × N
matrix with entries that are constants; they depend only on the constants in the Lagrangian. Let
the eigenvalues of the matrix A be denoted by ξj and their corresponding eigenvectors be denoted
by µ
~ j i.e.

~ j = ξj µ
~j . (2)

Finally introduce functions of time corresponding to each eigenvalue as follows:

S(ξj ) = Aj sin(ωj t + φj ) when ξj = −ωj2 < 0 (3)

S(ξj ) = Aj exp(λj t) + Bj exp(−λj t) when ξj = +λ2j > 0 (4)
S(ξj ) = Aj t + Bj when ξj = 0. (5)

Now, we are in a position to write the solution to the linearized equations (1):
~η = S(ξj ) µ
~j (6)

The task for you in this problem is to show that (6) indeed solves (1).

2. In the double pendulum problem studied in class, we had found that there are four equilibria
(0) (0)
I : (θ1 , θ2 ) = (0, 0) (7)
(0) (0)
II : (θ1 , θ2 ) = (0, π) (8)
(0) (0)
III : (θ1 , θ2 ) = (π, 0) (9)
(0) (0)
IV : (θ1 , θ2 ) = (π, π). (10)

We have computed the linearized equations of motion around equilibrium configuration I and found
that it takes the form (2) with !
g 2 −1
A=− (11)
l −2 2.

Compute the matrix A for the other three equilibria.
We had shown in class that the eigenvalues of the matrix in (11) are both negative and hence
we had concluded that the equilibrium configuration I is a stable equilibrium and there are two
oscillatory normal modes. When you taken the system away from equilibrium, it oscillates around
the equilibrium configuration in either of the two oscillatory modes or any linear combination of
Next compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix A for the other three equilibria.
Find also the solution to the linearized equations of motion and discuss the physics.

3. Study the double pendulum problem with arbitrary masses m1 and m2 and arbitrary lengths
(0) (0)
l1 and l2 . First obtain the equilibrium configurations, one of which is the (θ1 , θ2 ) = (0, 0)
configuration. Find the normal modes and their frequencies.

4. Study the triple pendulum. Start with a general situation with three different masses and
three different lengths. Write down the Lagrangian. Obtain all the equilibrium configuration.
(0) (0) (0)
Study the normal modes around the (θ1 , θ2 , θ3 ) = (0, 0, 0) configuration. You will encounter a
3 × 3 matrix. If you find the general case hard, you can do the simpler situation with all masses
and lengths equal.

2 Molecules

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