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LP02: Sociological Self

2 CHARLES COOLEY (1864-1929)
SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE - “I am not what I think I am, I am not
what you think I am; I am what I
1 GEORGE HERBERT MEAD (1863- think you think I am.”
- Refers to the notion that the self
- He believes that the self is born of develops through pur perceptions of
society and builds on social others’ evaluation and appraisal of
experience. us.
- Self cannot be separated from - The image people have themselves is
society and communication plays a based on how the society perceives
vital role. them.
- Self is reflective and reflexive a. First, an individual must
- This process started by the time imagine how he/she appears
children begins to learn language, to others, be it family,
they develop a sense of the self friends, or any random
person being encountered.
b. Second, one imagines how
1.1 STAGES IN MEAD’S THEORY he/she must be evaluated
ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF based on the way one is
THE SELF observed by others. For
instance, a person might be
evaluated as being humorous,
a) PREPATORY STAGE (0-2) – or clever, or maybe wise.
children mimic or imitate others c. Lastly, one develops a self-
basis on one’s impressions of
b) PLAY STAGE (2-6) – children these evaluations or
pretend to play the role of a judgments of others.
particular other perspective. (ex.

c) GAME STAGE (7+) – children 3 ERVING GOFFMAN

play organized games and takes on
the perspective of the generalized - Social interaction may be compared
other (represents learned to a theater and people to actors on a
behaviors, attitudes, expectations stage where each plays a variety of
of the society). roles.
- This model on social life assumes
that personalities are not static
because they change to suit the
1.2 TWO SIDES OF THE SELF situation.
Existential Socialized (DRAMATURGY)
Natural Cultured
- Focuses on how individuals take on
Concerned about Concerned beyond
the self the self (society) role and act them out to present a
The person’s Generalized other favorable impression to their
individuality audience
Impression management
- a process in which people regulate
and control information in social

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