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Making Connections 1 unit 3 reading 1

A.Write the correct word in the space before its definition.

available crop explore familiar flavour occur population produce rare soil valuable wild

(of an animal or plant) living or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or
1. ____________ 
2. ____________ the taste of a particular type of food or drink
3. ____________ to make or grow something
4. ____________  to travel across or through for the purpose of discovery or investigation.
5. ____________  the upper part of the earth's surface.
6. ____________  having great material or monetary worth; expensive.
7. ____________  easily recognized; commonly known.
8. ____________ the harvest of one or more agricultural products in a year or a season.
9. ____________  to take place; happen.
10. ____________  ready to use
11. ____________  happening or being found very infrequently; uncommon.
12. ____________  the total number of people inhabiting a country, city, area, or the like.
B.Complete these sentences using the words on this list.

available crops explore familiar flavour occur population produces rare soil valuable wild

1. I'm really not _______________ with the area, so could you give me directions?
2. This factory _______________ machine parts.
3. What's your favorite ice cream _________________?
4. He owns many _______________ paintings.
5. What's the _______________ of Turkey?
6. Are there any apartments _______________ in this building?
7. Plants take in water from the _______________ .
8. The typhoon caused great damage to the _______________ .
9. Millions of _______________ animals live in Alaska.
10. It is _______________ to see these birds in our region.
11. We can hire bikes for a day to _______________ the town.
12. Accidents frequently _______________ at this intersection.

KEY: A. 1. wild 2. flavour 3. produce 4. explore 5. soil 6. valuable 7. familiar 8. crop 9. occur 10. available 11. rare 12.population
B. 1. familiar 2. produces 3. flavour 4. valuable 5. population 6. available 7. soil 8. crops 9. wild 10. rare 11.explore 12. occur

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