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Jul 23, 1997, 3:00:00 PM


Round Robin reading is considered old-fashioned and "out" now but I

believe it has its place in reading instruction. One advantage of "Round
Robin" is that you get to hear all students read. If students are only
reading by choice some students quietly opt not to read. It's important
for the teacher to hear students read outloud for evaluation purposes.
Also most of us teaching primary grades believe that students should read
outloud, not just silently. Round robin reading is one way of doing that.
Of course there are other ways for students to read outloud. One way is
for students to read to each other with in partners. Part of the class or
the whole class can read outloud together. Every method has its
limitations. Using a variety of methods in teaching instruction is really
Keep in mind that when you substitute teach the teacher who you are
replacing will probably want to leave you the easiest plans possible.
When I have a sub I often ask the person to read a story with the reading
group together ("Round Robin".) This has to be about the easiest thing a
person walking in cold could do with the students. Actually I do a lot
more creative group activities with the students but some of these
activities are not easy to explain and these acticities may make
discipline a little more difficult for the substitute teacher.
The issue of embarrassment is really important. Use your theories
from school and your common sense and do what works for your students.

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