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Market Analysis

The Technovation Company has a goal to be one of the most successful marketing
websites nationwide and worldwide. The company aims to raise its competitive edge
against its competitors.
A. Target Market
Technovation aims to provide the best services for its customers. The first few
months of operation of the Technovation Website will be hard for it will cause a lot of
efforts to get known by the customers. The target market of the company are the
contractors, which are the person hired to carry out the work in the construction projects;
the scaffolding rental shop owners, that will provide the scaffoldings to be rented; and
other customers (residential home owners, civil engineers, architects etc.) who use the
scaffolding for their own needs. The company’s target market also includes the online
shoppers, for they are exposed in online marketing websites.
The company’s target markets by users are:
1. Contractors
Technovation aims to help contractors find scaffolding rentals more conveniently. This
would help the contractors save time, for they could browse for rental shops more easily.
Furthermore, this would also reduce the risk of the contractors’ and their employees’ risk
of acquiring COVID-19 and would help them to follow quarantine restrictions more easily.
2. Rental Owners
Technovation also aims to help scaffolding rental shop owners by providing an avenue
for them to find more potential customers. With quarantine restrictions in place due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, third-party marketing sites would help small scaffolding rental
businesses expand their businesses and keep up with the competition.
3. Other Customers (Home Owners, Engineers, Architects)
Engineers and architects who also serve as independent contractors would not have a
hard time finding scaffolding rental shops, for with Technovation, rental shops would be
one click away. Also, home owners who could not afford hiring contractors will easily find
scaffolding rental shops for their construction and/or renovation projects.
The company’s target market by applications are:
1. New Construction
High-rise construction has become a trend for some reasons, including flood control and
minimizing land use. And so, one essential component in high-rise construction is
scaffolding. Scaffolding is useful in many ways, including construction of walls, installation
of roofs, and so on. Technovation brings scaffolding rental shops and construction project
owners closer.
2. Renovation
For some reasons, building owners have their edifices renovated. In some instances, they
add vertical levels to their buildings, in others, they expand their buildings horizontally.
Either way, scaffolding would be an essential equipment. Technovation would help
building owners and contractors find scaffolding rental shops that would provide just what
they need.
3. Repairs
Damages to buildings are sometimes inevitable. But what is more important is these
damages would be addressed before everything is too late. And sometimes, these
damages are in the upper parts of the building, parts that are beyond human height. In
these cases, scaffolding is needed to repair the damages. Technovation comes in – it
provides access to scaffolding rental shops.
4. Industrial Applications (Paint, Roof etc.)
Roofs and paints are important items in construction. Unless your house would be of
human height (which is very unlikely the case), scaffolding would be essential in easing
the job of installation of roofing and painting of the upper parts of the building.
B. Competitive Analysis
Scaffolding rental shops are very frequent in the country. Scaffoldings are
essential, especially in construction of high-rise edifices. With the onslaught of the
COVID-19 pandemic, multi-level quarantine facilities would soon prove to be a feasible
option, to save land use on the construction of quarantine facilities. Because of this, an
even greater demand for scaffolding would be expected.
1. The Competitors
a. United Rentals (
United Rentals is the largest rental company in the world. This company was
founded in 1997. It has a store network nearly three times the size of any other provider
and locations in 49 states and ten Canadian provinces.
b. COMER Formworks Industrial Development Inc. (
COMER Formworks Industrial Development Inc. is a manufacturer of materials for
construction purposes. It was founded in 1994 and started as scaffold manufacturing
company. COMER Formworks Industrial Development Inc. reputed to do all types of
scaffolding from private homebuilders to construction towers and to infrastructure
c. Other Physical Rental Shops
For the more traditional construction firms, physical renting shops would continue
to be the first choice. Owing to the lack of technological aptitude, these construction firms
would prefer the physical renting shops because those are more convenient for them.
d. Websites that offer rental of construction equipment
The greatest competitor of the Technovation will be the existing online rental
shops. They have current customers which the Technovation doesn’t have yet in its first
days to months of operations.
C. SWOT Analysis
a. Strengths
Technovation is the only third-party marketing website that specialize in scaffolding
rentals. We allow all scaffolding rental shops to post their services on our website.
b. Weaknesses
As a third-party marketing website, clients may go to the physical rental shops near
them if they consider it more convenient and has easier process.
c. Opportunities
Being a third-party marketing website, there are lots of opportunities waiting for the
Technovation company. The COVID 19 pandemic will weaken physical rental shops due
to limited operating time. These rental shops will adapt to the trend of digitalization and
will soon sign up to our website.
d. Threats
The greatest threats of the Technovation Company are the other scaffolding rental
shop marketing website existing.
Strategy and Implementation Summary
The Technovation Company is looking for different ways to make its service
popular in the market. With the aim to have the best service in the market and make this
website the best rental platform for scaffolding services. The company conducted various
of meetings to develop marketing strategies regarding various marketing methods, sales
strategies and more. And think of new strategies compared to the existing strategies of
various companies. Proper implementation of it will be the key element to achieve the
ultimate mark of our company that is to accelerate its number of satisfied customers and
continue its growth in the market. Although new, we will ensure that the strategies that
will be used to achieve the goals of our company will be useful.
We aim to make this website user-friendly so that it will not be difficult for
customers. So, the Team is implementing various strategies to bring its best service not
only to our target customers but also to rental shop owners.
A. Competitive Edge
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to restrict movement, sooner or later,
construction firms which fail to adapt to the trend of digitalization might not be able to
keep up with the competition. Because of this, more construction firms might switch to
digitalization, and physical renting shops which do not follow suit will not be able to keep
up with the competition. Physical renting shops with little capital might forge ties with third-
party marketing websites to remain in business.
With the minimal number of Web sites that offer rental of construction equipment,
Technovation is a game-changer. Technovation would bring construction equipment
rental shops, contractors, engineers, architects, and project owners closer.
The Technovation Company’s center point is to have three key elements which
encompass the competitive edge of the company to others, which is a major advantage
for the fast growth of the service in the market.
1. Safe and User-Friendly- For Rental Shop Owners, it is Easy and hassle-free
registration of their products. For the customers, since it is a user-friendly website,
it is easy to accessed the service that categorize based on their preference. It is
safe because our company does not only provide good service but also its safety.
This website is fully secured to its users. The Team conducts a thorough check of
the information and details of our users based on legal papers. And the information
provided by the users is also secured by the website and it will not be spread.
2. Outstanding Customer Support- We have a good foundation in terms of
customer support because we have the best entrepreneurs to manage our
company status, sales, promotions and marketing.
3. 24/7 Service Assistance- Our team can access the web users 24/7 to answer
their queries and gave them help assistance.
B. Market Strategy
Technovation market strategy focuses on two main areas- securing the scaffolding
rental owners onto the platform and ensuring that the costumer will experience a safe,
available and affordable services online. The platform will be launched into the mass
market and will be publicized using following marketing methods which includes:
a. Advertisement Campaigns - Technovation will reach out to the mass market via
online/mobile advertising messages through a variety of media including radio, TV and
b. Using Social Media Platforms - With the continuous increase of Social Media
Platforms users like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and etc., Technovation believes that
this platform is a great way to promote their services online. The company team members
will provide or add the website link in their social media platforms, posts, stories or bios
so that it can be a way to get attention by clicking on the link itself. The team will also
upload advertising clip/videos of their services into the different social media platforms.
c. Direct Mail Campaign- This campaign allows potential customers to contact the
company team directly for questions and verifications on social media.
C. Sales Strategy
The Technovation company will focus on gathering information on companies with
large production of this service in the market. The Technovation team will come up with
these companies with a contract based on its development and have strong negotiations.
In addition, Techonation accepts many contracts with various companies for its large
production which can help and speed up the service if it is close to the customer's place.
For customers, we will have the previewing of videos about the background of
every company’s service offers. From that, the company is concerned on how to grow,
from one and first-time users to constant customers. Aside from the review videos, the
impact of the first service available to our first-time customers will also be a big factor. So,
if these contractors impress other contractors in the good service, it can be a way to refer
this kind of service to others. This referral has a guarantee that there will be high and fast
growth of company services. So, this is also one of the most powerful sales strategy
proposal that can be offered.
D. Sales Forecast
The following tables and charts show the Sales Forecast for Scaffolding Equipment
Rental. Based on the Commission-only plan, Revenue commission plan and Tiered
commission plan, they consider sales commissions structures range starting from a 5%.
So, the team decided and agreed it as E-commerce stores like Lazada used.
Marketing Forecast
Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
PAYMENT 800,000 1,800,000 4,000,000 7,000,000 9,000,000
ANNUAL 300,000 700,000 1,500,000 3,000,000 5,000,000
TOTAL 1,100,000 2,500,000 5,500,000 10,000,000 14,000,000
Management Team
The content of this section is based on business management
categorized relevant to the responsibilities of team members includes team
organizations departments and department employees.

Chief Executive

Chief Operating
Chief Technical Chief Marketing
Officer Officer

Design Team
Marketing Team Partnership Team

Web Development

Web Maintenance

Customers Service
Web Operation

Consultancy and Communication Advertising

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