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Nutrient ID/enzyme lab alternative assignment

Part 1: Nutrient tests

** A reminder that ALL discussion questions (with the exception of # 3) will require APA style in-
text citations. Question 3 will require you reference your table.
Background Information:
A number of different chemical tests which we discussed in class can be used qualitatively to detect the
presence of different macromolecules. The reagents used in this lab include:

 Benedict’s reagent: will change color from blue  green  yellow  orange  red / brown
when heated in the presence of a reducing sugar. Reducing sugars are a group that includes
monosaccharides and some disaccharides (note: sucrose is not a reducing sugar). The colour
produced indicates the % of reducing sugar in the substance being analyzed.
Blue Light green Olive green Yellow / green Orange Red / brown
0% 0.15-0.5% 0.5-1.0% 1.0-1.5% 1.5-2.0%  2.0%

 Iodine reagent: will change colour from yellow  black in the presence of starch (a plant
polysaccharide consisting of many monosaccharides combined together).
 Biuret reagent: will change color from light blue  pink / purple in the presence of peptide
bonds. Proteins are complex molecules produced from peptide bonds between amino acids.
 Brown paper: will become translucent in the presence of a lipid. Simple lipids consist of a
molecule of glycerol combined with 3 fatty acid chains.

Materials Equipment
Benedicts’ reagent Canola oil Oven mitt Test tubes
Iodine reagent 5% glucose solution Hot plate Test tube stoppers
Biuret reagent 1% starch solution Grease pencil Test tube rack
Brown paper 1% albumin solution 10mL grad cylinder Distilled water
*Unknown mixture that will be compared to the positive and negative control will be provided

Table 1: ____________________________________________________________________________

Sample Benedict’s Iodine Biuret Sudan IV test


Peanut butter and

jelly sandwich

7 up and French

Butter chicken
with Naan
Corn on the cobb
with butter

1) Using the table above, identify which tests would be either positive or negative based on the food
samples above. You will need to reference recipes for the above to determine which
macromolecules are present in the food

2) Explain why each of the samples would test positive for the given nutrient tests
3) Based on the results, which of the food(s) from the table are the most and least nutrient
diverse? Food for thought – Does this make you want to reconsider your dietary choices?

Part 2: Enzyme tests

Background information
Liver is known to produce many different types of enzymes, each with their own unique form and
function around the body. Pineapple has bromelain, a group of enzymes found both in the fruit and stem
portion of the plant. One of the ways we can measure enzyme activity is by measuring the amount of
product produced from a given amount of substrate. In the case of this lab, our substrate was hydrogen
peroxide, and the product was oxygen (in the form of bubbles). The amount of product produced was
determined by measuring the level in the test tube the bubbles were able to reach (in cm).
Table 2: _____________________________________________________________________________


Sample Level the bubbles reached in the test tube (cm)

Cooked liver 2cm
Fresh Liver 18cm
Fresh liver after peroxide was added to cooked 14cm
Fresh Pineapple 1cm
Frozen pineapple 1cm
Fresh pineapple after peroxide was added to 0.5cm
frozen pineapple

Include a graph of the data above. Your graph should include a relevant figure caption, title, axis
labels, and a legend that distinguishes between the pineapple tests and liver tests (2 colors).
4) What enzyme is responsible for reacting with the hydrogen peroxide? Explain how this
enzyme reacts with the substrate and its purpose within the body.

5) Which seemed to have more of an effect on the enzymes activity; cooking the liver (high
temperature) or freezing the pineapple (cold temperature). Why was this the case?
Marking Rubric Please fill out your self-assessment in pencil or highlight if done in word
4 3 2 1 0
Observation The student The student Tables are
tables provided a detailed provided a incomplete.
figure caption for detailed table
each of the tables. caption for
one of the
tables, but not
the other

Results (Graph) The student The student The student Data is not graphed
included a graph included a graph included a
that contained all of that contained all of graph that is
the necessary data the necessary data missing
points for the points. However, necessary data
enzyme activity the graph is missing points.
tests for the elements such as a Elements such
pineapple and liver legend, figure as a legend &
trials. Graph is caption or is figure caption
formatted using formatted are missing,
proper graphing incorrectly. and the graph
guidelines and is all is drawn
on one page (Title, without a
figure caption, and ruler.
graph on same

Discussion The student answered all The student fully The student fully Answers are Answers are
questions of the questions fully answered most answered some missing incomplete
and completely questions but there questions but there context and
providing insightful are some gaps in are a noticeable demonstrated
scientific thought and understanding. number of gaps in understanding
reasoning. APA understanding. of the
references are cited APA in-text concepts is
properly in text for ALL citations are present, APA in-text minimal.
questions & figures and but they are missing citations are present,
data tables are also in some instances but they are missing
referenced for question 3 in some instances

Bibliography All references are Some References are cited

cited correctly in references are incorrectly, or
APA 7 format. cited illegitimate sources
correctly, but are used like
there are Wikipedia or
mistakes. Britannica, or any
other non-peer
reviewed source.

Student completed self-assessment in pencil (1 mark)

Self assessment total: /12 Instructor mark: /12

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