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Submitted by: Dianna Lynn L. Molina (BSA - 1 - 3)

Submitted to: Sir Joe Rey E. Locquiao

Activity 2
Module 2 Summary
This module helps us to know and be aware of who we are, why we were born,
and what our mission in life is (SELF-AWARENESS), and to be able to develop
ourselves (SELF-DEVELOPMENT), our personalities (PERSONAL
DEVELOPMENT), and our values (VALUES DEVELOPMENT) in order to
effectively serve our nation (NSTP) by looking into the welfare of our
community, municipality, or city (CWTS) that we may contribute to its

> Self-awareness is so important for individual because it is how you learn about
yourself, your needs and your potential, it helps you minimize your reactions to
help you make more intentional decisions, it gives a voice to your inner voice,
and it helps you see patterns in your thoughts and behaviors.

You can practice self-awareness by:

- daily writing habit,
- by being aware of your strongest reactions,
- by monitoring your most negative and positive feelings, and
- by paying attention to just one aspect of your life you want to change.

> Self-awareness is the mechanism that helps us bring our habits into alignment
with the goals we’ve set for ourselves.


> You must be aware that God created you, that you are wonderfully made, that
God’s wonderful creation was destroyed because of sin, that destroyed God’s
creation was quickened and restored by the Lord Jesus Christ, and that you will
be quickened and restored if you believe that Jesus washed all your sins by His
blood at the cross.

> Self-development is:
- the state or process of improving or developing oneself.
- the development of one's capabilities or potentialities.
- taking steps to better yourself, such as by learning new skills or overcoming
bad habits.

There are 7 ‘senses’ of self-development, these are the:

- sense of self,
- sense of curiosity,
- sense of direction,
- sense of follow through,
- sense of urgency,
- sense of resiliency, and
- sense of connectedness.


> It is the development of body, soul and spirit of a human being.

BODY is the visible part of a human being formed out of the dust of the ground.
The development of the body is the breath, eat and drink, and exercise.

SOUL is the invisible part of a human being, which is described as the human’s
consciousness of this world.
The development of the soul is the presence of the LORD God, the meditation of
the WORD of God, and the sincere PRAYER unto God.

SPIRIT is another invisible part of a human being, which is described as the

human’s consciousness to God.
The development of the spirit is the spirit must first be quickened and be saved
by grace, not being carnally minded but spiritually minded, not fulfilling the lust
of the flesh but walk in the spirit, feed the spirit with the word of God, and teach
the word of God.

There are four areas of human development to which every conscientious

person ought to give attention (as reflected by the growth of Christ). These
are the:
> intellectuals,
> physical,
> social, and
> spiritual.

> Personal development is:
- is the lifelong process for people to assess, analyze, and improve themselves,
their skills and qualities in order to make the most of unused potential.
- the process of improving oneself through such activities as enhancing
employment skills, increasing consciousness and building wealth.
- the process of improving oneself through conscious habits and activities. It is
the pursuit of personal growth to enhance the quality of life and to achieve one’s
dreams and aspirations.

There are 7 main categories of personal development that most people

focus on. These are the:
> personal skills,
> personal growth,
> personal power,
> personal improvement,
> personal empowerment,
> personal analysis, and
> personal objectives.

There are a number of steps to take in managing your personal

development. These are the:
> developing a personal vision,
> planning your personal development,
> starting the improvement process,
> recording your personal development, and
> reviewing and revising personal development plans.


- It is the process of being changed into the image of Christ, from glory to glory [2
Corinthians 3:18].
- It is the process of Christlikeness.

> Becoming more like Christ is the desire of every believer, and it is encouraging
to know that God has the same desire for us.

There are three things, which contribute to our being more Christlike.
These are:
> our surrender to God,
> our freedom from sin, and
> our spiritual growth.


> SELF-DEVELOPMENT speaks about human development while PERSONAL
DEVELOPMENT speaks about the development of a person.

> Values is:
- important and lasting beliefs or an ideal shared by the members of a culture
about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable.
- the principles that help you to decide what is right and wrong, and how to act in
various situations.
- personal values provide an internal reference for what is good, beneficial,
important, useful, beautiful, desirable and constructive. Values are one of the
factors that generate behavior (besides needs, interests and habits) and
influence the choices made by an individual.

There are three periods during which values are developed as we grow.
> Sociologist Morris Massey has described three major periods during which
values are developed. These are the Imprint Period, the Modeling Period, and the
Socialization Period. Other influences at these ages include the media, especially
those parts that seem to resonate with the values of our peer groups.

There are steps of becoming principled. These are the:

> Pre-moral,
> Conventional, and
> Principled.

- Being principled is a very powerful method of influencing others. But keep in

mind that this is a one-way street, which means there are many things you
cannot do.

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