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SAS Functions Pocket Reference

Chris Fehily

Questing Vole Press

San Francisco
SAS Functions Pocket Reference
by Chris Fehily
Copyright © 2006 by Chris Fehily. All rights reserved.
Published by Questing Vole Press
San Francisco, California
Editor: Diane Yee
Interior Design: Rad Proctor and Chris Fehily
Cover Design: k.a. salvo
Compositor: Chris Fehily
For corrections go to
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN 0-9785907-0-8

Chapter 1 Using Functions 1

Introduction 1
Typographic Conventions 1
About Functions 2
Functions by Category 5
Chapter 2 List of Functions 9

| iii
Chapter 1 1 Using Functions

Like William Goldman’s The Princess Bride, this book is the “good
parts” version of the official SAS 9.1 function reference. I’ve
stripped that creature to its essentials: Every function (even the
obscure ones) is covered and each entry gives the function’s syn-
tax, purpose, and required and optional arguments. In most cases
you’ll also find examples, cross-references to related functions,
and other odds and ends.
I expect that you’ll use this book like I do: Pick it up while you’re
programming, flip to whatever you need reminding of, and then
toss it aside without breaking stride. To this end, I give parameter
names that are self-descriptive (in binomial functions the proba-
bility of success is prob_success, not p) and consistent (str always
is a string, char a character, x a floating-point number, n an inte-
ger, and so on).

Typographic Conventions
Italic type introduces new terms or represents replaceable vari-
ables in regular text.
Monospace type denotes SAS code in examples and regular text.
It also shows filenames, directory (folder) names, and the output
from programs or commands.
Italic monospace type denotes a variable in SAS code that you
must replace with a value. You’d replace filename with the name
of a real file, for example.
Bold monspace type highlights SAS code fragments and results
that are explained in the accompanying text.

About Functions
A function is a named routine that performs a computation on its
arguments and returns a value. Functions typically are used in
DATA-step statements but they also can appear in SQL, WHERE
expressions, PROC REPORT, and some statistical procedures.
You can use %sysfunc or %qsysfunc to invoke a function in a
macro statement.
The syntax of a function is

where function is the function’s name and each argument is a vari-

able name, constant, or any expression, including another func-
tion. Separate multiple arguments by commas. Most functions
take user-supplied arguments but a few take none because they
get their information from SAS or the operating system; for no-
argument functions specify parentheses with nothing between.
The following table lists the special symbols that I use for argu-
ments in function syntax.

Characters Meaning
| A vertical bar or pipe separates alternative arguments.
You can choose exactly one of the given items. (Don’t
type the vertical bar.) A|B|C is read “A or B or C.” Don’t
confuse the pipe symbol with the double-pipe symbol,
||, which is SAS’s string-concatenation operator.

[] Brackets enclose one or more optional arguments.

(Don’t type the brackets.) [A|B|C] means “type A or
B or C or type nothing.” [D] means “type D or type
[ [ []]] Nested brackets show the hierarchy of two or more
optional arguments. To specify any item, you also must
specify all the bracketed items to its left. [A[B[C]]]
means you can type A without typing B and C, but you
can’t type B without typing A too. Likewise, you can’t
type C without typing A and B also.
... Ellipses mean that the preceding item(s) can be repeat-
ed any number of times.

2 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

Return Values
Functions return either a numeric or character value. If you
assign a returned character value to a variable, that variable (typi-
cally created with a LENGTH statement) should be long enough
to hold the result without truncation. The returned value’s default
length either is derived from the arguments or is set to an arbi-
trary fixed length that’s usually 200 or fewer characters.

If any argument’s value is invalid, SAS logs an error message and
the function returns a missing value (numeric or character). The
usual reasons for a bad argument are a value that’s out of range (a
probability that’s less than zero or greater than one, for example),
a wrong type (a number instead of a string, or vice versa), or a
missing value where a nonmissing one is needed.

Call Routines
I use the term function to refer to both functions and call routines
unless the distinction is important. A call routine is almost the
same as a function except that, instead of returning a result, it
changes the values of some or all of the variables used as its argu-
ments. (If you’ve programmed in other languages, you know this
behavior as call-by-reference. Functions, which never alter their
arguments, are call-by-value.) The syntax of a call routine is
call routine(arg1,arg2,...);

where routine is the call routine’s name. The argument(s) that the
routine puts its results in must be variables of appropriate type
and length, not constants or complex expressions. Note the ter-
minating semicolon—a call routine is a standalone statement that
can’t be nested or used in an assignment statement. You can use
%syscall to invoke a call routine in a macro statement.

Variable Lists
In functions or call routines that take variables as arguments (most
descriptive-statistics functions, for example) you can use OF, -,

Using Functions | 3
and other keywords and operators to specify a shorthand list of
variables rather than typing each variable explicitly. The follow-
ing table shows some examples of function calls.

In this function call The arguments are

sum(3,-4.5,6e-2,3Fx) Numeric constants
cat('a',"12") Character constants
sum(4,9,3,8,.,x) Numeric constants, a numeric missing
value, and the variable x
cat('a',"12",' ',s) Character constants, a character missing
value, and the variable s
sum(x1,x2,x3) The variables x1, x2, and x3
sum(OF x y z) The variables x, y, and z
sum(OF x1-x3) The variables x1, x2, and x3
sum(OF x:) All variables whose names begin with ‘x’
sum(OF item:) All variables whose names begin with
sum(OF x1-x3,y1) The variables x1, x2, x3, and y1
sum(OF x1-x3 y1-y3) The variables x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, and y3
sum(OF x1-x3, The same as sum(OF x1-x3 y1-y3)
OF y1-y3)

sum(OF x1-x3,y1-y3) The variables x1, x2, x3, and y1 minus y3

sum(OF x1--y3) All variables between x1 and y3 inclusive,
determined by their order in the dataset
(available from PROC CONTENTS by
using the VARNUM option)
sum(x1--y3) x1 minus negative y3
sum(OF a{*}) All elements of array a
sum(OF a{1}-a{3}) Illegal (not the array elements 1, 2, and 3)
sum(OF _NUMERIC_) All numeric variables in the DATA step
cat(OF _CHARACTER_) All character variables in the DATA step
sum(OF _ALL_) All variables in the DATA step
today() No arguments

4 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

Functions by Category
Category Functions
Array dim, hbound, lbound
Bitwise logical band, blshift, bnot, bor, brshift, bxor
Character call prxchange, call prxdebug, call prxfree,
string call prxnext, call prxposn, call prxsubstr,
matching call rxchange, call rxfree, call rxsubstr, prxchange,
prxmatch, prxparen, prxparse, prxposn, rxmatch,
Character any<chartype>, byte, call cats, call catt, call catx,
call compcost, call missing, call scan, call scanq, cat,
cats, catt, catx, choosec, choosen, coalescec, collate,
compare, compbl, compged, complev, compress,
count, countc, dequote, find, findc, ifc, ifn, index,
indexc, indexw, kcvt, left, length, lengthc, lengthm,
lengthn, lowcase, missing, nltime, not<chartype>,
nvalid, propcase, quote, rank, repeat, reverse, right,
scan, scanq, soundex, spedis, strip, subpad, substr,
substrn, translate, trantab, tranwrd, trim, trimn,
upcase, verify
Currency eurocurr
DBCS kcompare, kcompress, kcount, kcvt, kindex, kindexc,
kleft, klength, klowcase, kreverse, kright, kscan,
kstrcat, ksubstr, ksubstrb, ktranslate, ktrim, ktruncate,
kupcase, kupdate, kupdateb, kverify
Date and time datdif, date, datejul, datepart, datetime, day, dhms,
hms, hour, intck, intnx, juldate, juldate7, mdy, minute,
month, nldate, nldatm, nltime, qtr, second, time,
timepart, today, week, weekday, year, yrdif, yyq
Descriptive css, cv, geomean, geomeanz, harmean, harmeanz, iqr,
statistics kurtosis, largest, mad, max, mean, median, min,
missing, n, nmiss, ordinal, pctl, range, rms, skewness,
smallest, std, stderr, sum, uss, var

Using Functions | 5
Category Functions
External files dclose, dcreate, dinfo, dnum, dopen, doptname,
doptnum, dread, dropnote, fappend, fclose, fcol,
fdelete, fexist, fget, fileexist, filename, fileref, finfo,
fnote, fopen, foptname, foptnum, fpoint, fpos, fput,
fread, frewind, frlen, fsep, fwrite, mopen, pathname,
sysmsg, sysrc
External call module, call modulei, modulec, moduleic,
routines modulein, modulen
Financial compound, convx, convxp, daccdb, daccdbsl, daccsl,
daccsyd, dacctab, depdb, depdbsl, depsl, depsyd,
deptab, dur, durp, intrr, irr, mort, netpv, npv, pvp,
saving, yieldp
Hyperbolic cosh, sinh, tanh
Macro call execute, call symput, call symputx, resolve,
symexist, symget, symglobl, symlocal
Mathematical abs, airy, beta, call allperm, call logistic, call softmax,
call stdize, call tanh, cnonct, coalesce, comb, constant,
dairy, deviance, digamma, erf, erfc, exp, fact, fnonct,
gamma, ibessel, jbessel, lgamma, log, log10, log2,
logbeta, mod, modz, perm, sign, sqrt, tnonct,
Probability cdf, logcdf, logpdf, logsdf, pdf, poisson, probbeta,
probbnml, probbnrm, probchi, probf, probgam,
probhypr, probmc, probnegb, probnorm, probt, sdf
Quantile betainv, cinv, finv, gaminv, probit, quantile, tinv
Random call ranbin, call rancau, call ranexp, call rangam,
number call rannor, call ranperk, call ranperm, call ranpoi,
call rantbl, call rantri, call ranuni, call streaminit,
normal, ranbin, rancau, rand, ranexp, rangam, rannor,
ranpoi, rantbl, rantri, ranuni, uniform
SAS file I/O attrc, attrn, cexist, close, curobs, dropnote, dsname,
exist, fetch, fetchobs, getvarc, getvarn, iorcmsg,
libname, libref, note, open, pathname, point, rewind,
sysmsg, sysrc, var<attr>, varnum

6 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

Category Functions
Special addr, addrlong, call poke, call pokelong, call sleep, call
system, dif, getoption, input, inputc, inputn, lag, peek,
peekc, peekclong, peeklong, ptrlongadd, put, putc,
putn, sleep, sysget, sysparm, sysprocessid,
sysprocessname, sysprod, system, uuidgen
State and fipname, fipnamel, fipstate, stfips, stname, stnamel,
zip code zipcity, zipfips, zipname, zipnamel, zipstate
Trigonometric arcos, arsin, atan, atan2, cos, sin, tan
Truncation ceil, ceilz, floor, floorz, fuzz, int, intz, round, rounde,
roundz, trunc
Variable call label, call set, call vname
Variable call vnext, var<attr>, v<attr>
Web tools htmldecode, htmlencode, urldecode, urlencode

Using Functions | 7
Chapter 2 2 List of Functions

This chapter lists all SAS functions and call routines alphabetically.
Those introduced in SAS 9.0 or later are marked 9+.

List of Functions | 9
Returns the absolute value of x; that is, the nonnegative num-
ber that has the same magnitude as x. Examples: abs(2.2) →
2.2. abs(0/6) → 0. abs(-6) → 6. See also: sign (p. 146).
Returns the integer memory address of a variable on 32-bit
systems. Favor addrlong (p. 10) over addr because addrlong
works on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. See also: call poke
(p. 22), peek (p. 114), peekc (p. 114).
Returns the memory address of a variable as a binary value on
32-bit or 64-bit systems.
Prints the hex-formatted memory address of the variable x
data _null_;
put addr= $hex16.;

See also: addr (p. 10), call pokelong (p. 22), peekclong
(p. 114), peeklong (p. 115), ptrlongadd (p. 125).
Returns the value of the Airy function Ai(x), which is a solu-
tion to the differential equation y″ – xy = 0 and defined for
real values of x by the integral
∞ 3
1 t
Ai ( x ) = --- ∫ cos ⎛⎝ ---- + xt⎞⎠ dt .
π 3

Examples: airy(-2.338107410459) → 5.378084E-13 (approx-

imate root). airy(2) → 0.0349241304. See also: dairy (p. 54).
any<chartype>(str [,start_pos]) 9+
Group of functions that searches a string for a type of charac-
ter and returns the first position at which it’s found, or zero
(0) if it’s not found. start_pos is the search’s start position and
direction. start_pos < 0 searches backward (right-to-left). If

10 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


start_pos is less than the negative length of str, the search

begins at the end of str. start_pos defaults to 1, the first charac-
ter in str. If start_pos = 0 or start_pos > the length of str, the
result is zero. Replace <chartype> with one of the values listed
in the following table.

chartype Searches for a

alnum Alphanumeric character
alpha Alphabetic character
cntrl Control character
digit Digit
first Character that is valid as the first character in a
SAS variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7
graph Graphical character
lower Lowercase letter
name Character that is valid in a SAS variable name
print Printable character
punct Punctuation character
space Whitespace character (space, horizontal and verti-
cal tab, carriage return, line feed, form feed)
upper Uppercase letter
xdigit Hexadecimal character that represents a digit

The functions anyalnum, anyalpha, anygraph, anylower,

anyprint, anypunct, anyspace, and anyupper depend on the
TRANTAB=, ENCODING=, and LOCALE= dataset and sys-
tem options.
s='ABC.123 _xyZ_';

anydigit(s) → 5.

anydigit(s,0) → 0.

List of Functions | 11

anyupper(s,4) → 12.

anyupper(s,-4) → 3.

anyalpha(s,999) → 0.

anyalpha(s,-999) → 12.

anycntrl(s) → 0.

See also: not<chartype> (p. 110).

Returns the arccosine (inverse cosine) of x (-1 ≤ x ≤ 1); that is,
the angle in radians whose cosine is x. Example: arcos(-1) →
3.14159 (π radians). See also: cos (p. 51).
Returns the arcsine (inverse sine) of x (-1 ≤ x ≤ 1); that is, the
angle in radians whose sine is x.
arsin(1) → 1.5708 (π/2 radians).

arsin(2) → . (missing—invalid x).

Create an inverse trig table

data inv_trig_table;
if _N_=1 then pi=constant('pi');
retain pi;
do x=-1 to 1 by 0.1;
arcsin_degrees=arcsin_radians * 180/pi;
arccos_degrees=arccos_radians * 180/pi;
drop pi;

See also: sin (p. 146).

Returns the two-quadrant arctangent (inverse tangent) of x;
that is, the angle in radians whose tangent is x and whose val-

12 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


ue is between -π/2 and π/2. Examples: atan(0) → 0. atan(-1)

→ -0.7854 (-π/4 radians). See also: atan2 (p. 13), tan (p. 155).
atan2(x,y) 9+
Returns the arctangent (inverse tangent) of the coordinates x
and y. The returned angle is expressed in radians and is
between -π and π. The result matches atan(x/y) but the
coordinates’ signs give the quadrant. Examples: atan2(1,1)
→ 0.7854 (π/4 radians). atan2(-1,-1) → -2.3562 (-3π/4
radians). See also: atan (p. 12), tan (p. 155).
Returns the value of a character attribute of a SAS dataset.
dataset_id is the dataset identifier that open (p. 111) returns.
attr_name is one of the values listed in the following table.
attrc returns a missing value if attr_name is invalid. Example:
attrc(open('mydata.dsn','i'),'mode') → ‘I’. See also:
attrn (p. 15).

attr_name Returns
charset Character-set sort order:
Empty string—Dataset isn’t sorted
ascii—ASCII character set
ebcdic—EBCDIC character set
ansi—OS/2 ANSI standard ASCII character set
oem—OS/2 OEM code format

encrypt Dataset encryption: yes or no

engine Name of the engine used to access the dataset
label Label assigned to the dataset
lib Libref of SAS data library in which the dataset resides
mem Dataset (member) name
mode The mode in which the dataset was opened; see the
following table
mtype SAS data library member type
sortedby Names of BY variables in standard BY-clause format,
or an empty string if the dataset isn’t sorted

List of Functions | 13

attr_name Returns
sortlvl Dataset sort type:
Empty string—Dataset isn’t sorted
weak—Dataset is user-sorted (usually by the
SORTEDBY dataset option); SAS can’t validate cor-
rectness and so depends on the order of observations
strong—Dataset is sorted by SAS software (usually
by PROC SORT or the OUT= option of PROC
sortseq An empty string if the dataset is sorted on the native
machine or if the sort collating sequence is the
default for the OS; otherwise the result is the name of
the alternate collating sequence used to sort the file
type SAS dataset type

If attr_name is 'mode', attrc returns one of the values listed

in the following table.

mode Mode in which the dataset was opened

i INPUT mode allows random access if the engine
supports it; otherwise the mode defaults to in
in INPUT mode reads sequentially and allows revisiting
is INPUT mode reads sequentially but doesn’t allow
revisiting observations
n NEW mode creates a new dataset
u UPDATE mode allows random access if the engine
supports it; otherwise the mode defaults to un
un UPDATE mode reads sequentially and allows revisit-
ing observations
us UPDATE mode reads sequentially but doesn’t allow
revisiting observations
v UTILITY mode allows modification of variable
attributes and indexes associated with the dataset

14 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

Returns the value of a numeric attribute of a SAS dataset.
dataset_id is the dataset identifier that open (p. 111) returns.
attr_name is one of the values listed in the following table.
attrn returns a missing value if attr_name is invalid. Example:
→ 29MAR06:08:00:2. See also: attrc (p. 13).

attr_name Returns
alterpw 1 if a password is needed to alter the dataset; 0
anobs 1 if the engine knows the number of observa-
tions; 0 otherwise
any|varobs -1 if the dataset has no observations or vari-
ables; 0 if observations don’t exist but variables
do; or 1 if both observations and variables exist
arand|random 1 if the engine supports random access; 0 other-
arwu 1 if the engine can write (create and update)
SAS files; 0 if the engine is read-only
audit 1 if logging to an audit file is turned on; 0 other-
audit_data 1 if after-update record images are stored; 0 oth-
audit_before 1 if before-update record images are stored; 0
audit_error 1 if unsuccessful after-update record images are
stored; 0 otherwise
crdte Dataset creation date, as a SAS datetime (use
the DATETIME. format to display this value)
iconst 0 if no dataset integrity constraints exist; 1 if
one or more general integrity constraints exist;
2 if one or more referential integrity constraints
exist; or 3 if both one or more general integrity
constraints and one or more referential integrity
constraints exist

List of Functions | 15

attr_name Returns
index 1 if the dataset supports indexing; 0 otherwise
isindex 1 if at least one dataset index exists; 0 otherwise
issubset 1 if the dataset is a subset (that is, at least one
WHERE clause is active); 0 otherwise
lrecl Logical record length
lrid Length of the record ID
maxgen Maximum number of generations
maxrc 1 if an application checks return codes; 0 other-
modte Dataset modification date, as a SAS datetime
(use the DATETIME. format to display this val-
ndel Number of dataset observations marked for
nextgen Next generation number to generate
nlobs Number of logical observations (those not
marked for deletion); -1 if unknown. An active
WHERE clause doesn’t affect this number.
nlobsf Number of logical observations (those not
marked for deletion) after applying the OBS=
and FIRSTOBS= system options and WHERE
clauses. This attribute forces SAS to scan the
entire dataset.
nobs Number of physical observations (including
those marked for deletion); -1 if unknown. An
active WHERE clause doesn’t affect this num-
nvars Number of variables in the dataset
pw 1 if a password is needed to access the dataset; 0
radix 1 if access by observation number (radix
addressability) is allowed; 0 otherwise
readpw 1 if a password is needed to read the dataset; 0

16 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


attr_name Returns
tape 1 if the dataset is a sequential file; 0 otherwise
whstmt 0 if no WHERE clause is active; 1 if a perma-
nent WHERE clause is active; 2 if a temporary
WHERE clause is active; or 3 if both permanent
and temporary WHERE clauses are active
writepw 1 if a password is needed to write to the dataset;
0 otherwise

Returns the bitwise AND of two integers (0 ≤ n ≤ 232, 0 ≤ m ≤
232). Example: band(10,7) → 2 (1010 & 0111 → 0010). See
also: bnot (p. 18), bor (p. 18), bxor (p. 18).
beta(a,b) 9+
Returns the value of the beta function with shape parameters
a (> 0) and b (> 0). The beta function is defined for positive
values of a and b by the integral
a–1 b–1
B ( a, b ) = ∫0x (1 – x) dx .

Note that B(a,b) = Γ(a)Γ(b)/Γ(a+b) where Γ() is the function

gamma (p. 80).

beta(4,2) → 0.05.

beta(2,1) → 0.5.

beta(1,2) → 0.5.

beta(5,2) → 0.0333333333.

beta(5,-2) → . (missing—bad b).

See also: betainv (p. 17), logbeta (p. 100), probbeta (p. 116).
Returns the prob-th quantile from the beta distribution with
shape parameters a (> 0) and b (> 0). The probability that an

List of Functions | 17

observation from a beta distribution is less than or equal to

the returned quantile is prob (0 ≤ x ≤ 1). betainv is the
inverse of probbeta (p. 116). Example: betainv(0.04,2,1) →
0.2. See also: beta (p. 17).
Left-shifts the integer n by shift bits (0 ≤ n ≤ 232; 0 ≤ shift ≤ 31).
Example: blshift(7,3) → 56 (00000111 << 3 → 00111000).
See also: brshift (p. 18).
Returns the bitwise NOT of an integer (0 ≤ n ≤ 232). Example:
bnot(0F000000Fx) → 0FFFFFF0 (hex). See also: band (p. 17),
bor (p. 18), bxor (p. 18).

Returns the bitwise OR of two integers (0 ≤ n ≤ 232, 0 ≤ m ≤
232). Example: bor(10,7) → 15 (1010 | 0111 → 1111). See also:
band (p. 17), bnot (p. 18), bxor (p. 18).

Right-shifts the integer n by shift bits (0 ≤ n ≤ 232; 0 ≤ shift ≤
31). Example: brshift(7,3) → 0 (0111 >> 3 → 0000). See also:
blshift (p. 18).

Returns the bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR of two integers (0 ≤ n ≤
232, 0 ≤ m ≤ 232). Example: bxor(10,7) → 13 (1010 ^ 0111 →
1101). See also: band (p. 17), bnot (p. 18), bor (p. 18).
Returns the n-th character (0 ≤ n ≤ 255) in the ASCII or
EBCDIC collating sequence. The result’s default length is one.
ASCII characters 0–127 are the standard set; characters 128–
255 vary depending on your OS. Examples: byte(80) → ‘P’
(ASCII). byte(80) → ‘&’ (EBCDIC). See also: collate (p. 45),
rank (p. 131).

call allperm(index,var1 [,var2,...]); 9+

Generates a permutation of the variables var1, var2,..., varn
(n ≤ 18), which must be all the same type and, if character,
same length.

18 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

call compcost

Generate and print all permutations of the elements of ar
array ar [4] $1 ('a' 'b' 'c' 'd');
do i=1 to nfact;
call allperm(i,of ar[*]);
put i 5. +2 ar[*];

See also: call ranperk (p. 28), call ranperm (p. 28), fact
(p. 66), perm (p. 115).
call cats(result,str1 [,str2,...]); 9+
Concatenates strings, removing leading and trailing spaces,
returning the result in the variable result. If result is too small
to contain the concatenated string, SAS
• logs a warning that the result was truncated
• logs a note showing the function call’s location and the
argument that caused the truncation, except when called in
SQL or in a WHERE clause
• sets _ERROR_ to 1 in the DATA step, except in a WHERE
See also: cat (p. 38), cats (p. 40).
call catt(result,str1 [,str2,...]); 9+
Concatenates strings, removing trailing spaces, returning the
result in the variable result. See call cats (p. 19) for error
conditions. See also: cat (p. 38), catt (p. 40).
call catx(sep,result,str1 [,str2,...]); 9+
Concatenates strings, removing leading and trailing spaces
and inserting separators between strings, returning the result
in the variable result. sep usually is a space or a comma but can
be any string. See call cats (p. 19) for error conditions. See
also: cat (p. 38), catx (p. 40).
call compcost(op1=,cost1 [,op2=,cost2,...]); 9+
Sets the costs of operations for later use by compged (p. 47).
Each op is followed by its integer cost (-32767 to 32767). If an

List of Functions | 19
call execute

operation doesn’t appear in a compcost call or its cost is a

missing value, that operation’s default cost is used. The speci-
fied costs remain in effect until the next compcost call or until
the calling step ends. The following table lists each operation
and its default cost. You can abbreviate each op to the number
of letters needed to identify it uniquely. Spaces are ignored.
Example: call compcost('insert=',10,'de=',25);

op Default cost op Default cost

append= 50 insert= 100
blank= 10 match= 0
delete= 100 punctuation= 30
double= 20 replace= 100
fdelete= 200 single= 20
finsert= 200 swap= 20
freplace= 200 truncate= 10

call execute(str);
Resolves a string and executes it. str is a quoted string, an
unquoted DATA-step character variable, or a character
expression that resolves to a macro text expression or SAS
statement. If str is a macro invocation, DATA-step execution
pauses and the macro executes immediately. If str is a SAS
statement or if macro-execution generates SAS statements,
the statement(s) execute after the calling DATA-step ends. For
details see Execute in SAS Macro Language: Reference.
call label(var,char_var);
Assigns a variable’s label to a character variable. var is any SAS
variable. If var has no label, var’s name is assigned to char_var.
char_var is any SAS character variable. Labels can be up to
256 characters long; make the length of char_var long enough
to avoid truncation. See also: v<attr> (p. 161).
call logistic(var1 [,var2,...]); 9+
Replaces each numeric var by its logistic value, defined by the
equation ex/(1+ex). Use only variables as arguments, not con-

20 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

call module

stants or expressions. If any argument is a missing value, miss-

ing values are returned for all arguments. Example: x=.5; y=0;
call logistic(x,y); → Replaces x with 0.6224593312 and y
with 0.5.
call missing(var1 [,var2,...]); 9+
Assigns a missing value to the specified character or numeric
variables. call missing allows mixed character and numeric
vars. It assigns a numeric missing value (.) to each numeric
var and a character missing value (a space) to each character
n1=3; n2=4; c1='abc';

call missing(n1,c1) → n1=., n2=4, c1=‘ ’.

call missing(of _all_) → n1=., n2=., c1=‘ ’.

See also: missing (p. 102).

call module([ctrl_str,]module_name [,arg1,arg2,...]);
Calls an external routine without any return code.
ctrl_str is an optional control string: an asterisk (*) followed
by any combination of the characters in the following table.

ctrl_str Means
i Print hex representations of all call module arguments.
Use i for debugging. Using i implies e.
e Print detailed error messages. Without e (or i) call
module generates only “Invalid argument to function”.
Use e for production environments.
h Provide help about call module syntax, the attribute
file format, and suggested formats and informats

module_name is the name of the external module to call.

arg is one or more arguments to pass to module_name. Using
the wrong arguments can cause SAS or your OS to crash.

List of Functions | 21
call modulei

Call the xyz routine
routine xyz minarg=2 maxarg=2;
arg 1 input num byvalue format=ib4.;
arg 2 output char format=$char10.;
data _null_;
call module('xyz',1,x);
put x=;

See also: call modulei (p. 22), modulec (p. 104), moduleic
(p. 104), modulein (p. 104), modulen (p. 104).
call modulei([ctrl_str,]module_name [,arg1,arg2,...]);
Calls an external routine without any return code (in IML
environment only). For details see call module (p. 21). See
also: moduleic (p. 104), modulein (p. 104).
call poke(source,pointer [,len]);
Same as call pokelong (p. 22) but for 32-bit systems only.
See also: addr (p. 10), peek (p. 114), peekc (p. 114).
call pokelong(source,pointer [,len]);
Writes a value directly into memory on 32-bit or 64-bit sys-
tems. source is a string that contains a value to write. pointer is
a string that contains the virtual address of the data to over-
write. len is the number of bytes to write from source to the
pointer address. Omit len to copy the entire value of source. See
also: addrlong (p. 10), call poke (p. 22), peekclong (p. 114),
peeklong (p. 115).

call prxchange(prx_id,n,old_str [,new_str

[,result_len[,trunc_flag [,num_changes]]]]); 9+
Matches and replaces a pattern.
prx_id is the pattern identifier that prxparse (p. 121) returns.
n is the number of times to search for a match and replace a
matching pattern. If n = -1, all matching patterns are replaced.
old_str is the character expression on which to perform a
search and replace. Omit new_str to make changes directly to

22 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

call prxfree

new_str is a character variable where the result of the changes

to old_str are placed. old_str isn’t changed if new_str is speci-
result_len returns the number of characters that are copied
into the result. Trailing spaces in old_str aren’t copied to
new_str, and so aren’t included in result_len.
trunc_flag returns 0 if the entire replacement result is shorter
than new_str, or 1 if it’s longer than new_str.
num_changes returns the total number of replacements made.
If the result is truncated when placed into new_str, the value
of num_changes doesn’t changed.
Prints new_str=The woods have a tree, tree, tree, and a tree.
len=50. trunc_flag=0. num_changes=4.
data _null_;
length old_str $ 46;
length new_str $ 100;
length len trunc_flag num_changes 8;
old_str='The woods have a bat, cat, bat,
and a rat.';
call prxchange(prx_id,-1,old_str,new_str,
put new_str= len= trunc_flag= num_changes=;

See also: prxchange (p. 120).

call prxdebug(on_off ); 9+
Lets DATA-step Perl regular expressions log debug output. Set
on_off to nonzero to turn debugging on or to zero to turn it
off. call prxdebug prints messages in the SAS log about how
Perl regular expressions are compiled and pattern-matched
when calling PRX functions. See also: prxparse (p. 121).
call prxfree(prx_id ); 9+
Frees memory allocated to a Perl regular expression. prx_id is
the pattern identifier that prxparse (p. 121) returns. Example:
See prxparen (p. 121).

List of Functions | 23
call prxnext
call prxnext(prx_id,start_pos,stop_pos,str,
pos,len); 9+
Returns the position and length of a substring that matches a
pattern and iterates over multiple matches within a string.
prx_id is the pattern identifier that prxparse (p. 121) returns.
start_pos is the position at which to start the pattern matching
in str. If the match succeeds, call prxnext changes start_pos
to pos+max(1,len); otherwise start_pos isn’t changed.
stop_pos is the last character to use in str. If stop_pos is -1, then
the last character is the last nonblank character in str.
str is the character expression to search.
pos returns the position in str at which the pattern begins. If
no match is found, pos is zero (0).
len returns the length of the string that is matched by the pat-
tern. If no match is found, len is zero (0).
Find three-letter words starting with ‘c’, ‘r’, or ‘b’ and
ending with ‘at’
data _null_;
str='The woods have a bat, cat, and a rat.';
call prxnext(prx_id,start_pos,stop_pos,str,
do while (pos>0);
put found= pos= len= start_pos=;
call prxnext(prx_id,start_pos,stop_pos,str,

The result in the SAS log is

found=bat pos=18 len=3 start_pos=21
found=cat pos=23 len=3 start_pos=26
found=rat pos=34 len=3 start_pos=37

24 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

call prxposn
call prxposn(prx_id,buffer,start_pos [,len]); 9+
Returns the start position and length of a capture buffer. A
capture buffer is part of a match, enclosed in parentheses, in a
regular expression. call prxposn doesn’t return the capture-
buffer text directly; use substr (p. 151) to return the text. You
can return a capture buffer by using call prxchange (p. 22),
call prxnext (p. 24), call prxsubstr (p. 26), or prxmatch
(p. 120).
prx_id is the pattern identifier that prxparse (p. 121) returns.
buffer is a number identifying the capture buffer from which
to retrieve the start position and length. If buffer is zero,
call prxposn returns the start position and length of the
entire match. If buffer is between 1 and the number of open
parentheses, call prxposn returns the start position and
length for that capture buffer. If buffer is greater than the
number of open parentheses, call prxposn returns missing
values for start_pos and len.
start_pos returns the position at which the capture buffer is
found. If buffer isn’t found, start_pos is zero. If buffer is greater
than the number of open parentheses in the pattern, start_pos
is a missing value.
len returns the pattern length of the previous pattern match. If
the pattern match isn’t found, len is zero. If buffer is greater
than the number of open parentheses in the pattern, len is a
missing value.
Prints hour=09 minute=56 ampm=am
data _null_;
str='The time is 09:56am.';
if prxmatch(prx_id,str) then do;
call prxposn(prx_id,1,start_pos,len);
call prxposn(prx_id,2,start_pos,len);
minute=substr(str, start_pos,len);
call prxposn(prx_id,3,start_pos,len);

List of Functions | 25
call prxsubstr
put hour= minute= ampm=;

See also: prxposn (p. 124).

call prxsubstr(prx_id,str,start_pos [,len]); 9+
Returns the position and length of a substring that matches a
pattern, or zero (0) in start_pos and len if no match is found.
prx_id is the pattern identifier that prxparse (p. 121) returns.
Prints start_pos=7 len=5
data _null_;
str='Hello world!';
call prxsubstr(prx_id,str,start_pos,len);
put start_pos= len=;

See also: prxmatch (p. 120).

call ranbin(seed,num_trials,prob_success,x);
Returns a random variate from a binomial distribution with
mean np and variance np(1-p), where n is the integer number
of trials (num_trials ≥ 1) and p is the probability of success
(0 < prob_success < 1).
seed is an integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the time of day is used
to initialize the seed stream. A new value of seed is returned
each time call ranbin executes.
x is a numeric variable. A new value for the random variate x
is returned each time call ranbin executes.
See also: ranbin (p. 128).
call rancau(seed,x);
Returns a random variate from a Cauchy distribution with
location parameter 0 and scale parameter 1.
seed is an integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the time of day is used
to initialize the seed stream. A new value of seed is returned
each time call rancau executes.

26 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

call rannor

x is a numeric variable. A new value for the random variate x

is returned each time call rancau executes.
See also: rancau (p. 128).
call ranexp(seed,x);
Returns a random variate from an exponential distribution
with parameter 1.
seed is an integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the time of day is used
to initialize the seed stream. A new value of seed is returned
each time call ranexp executes.
x is a numeric variable. A new value for the random variate x
is returned each time call ranexp executes.
See also: ranexp (p. 129).
call rangam(seed,a,x);
Returns a random variate from a gamma distribution with
shape parameter a (> 0).
seed is an integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the time of day is used
to initialize the seed stream. A new value of seed is returned
each time call rangam executes.
x is a numeric variable. A new value for the random variate x
is returned each time call rangam executes.
See also: rangam (p. 130).
call rannor(seed,x);
Returns a random variate from a normal distribution with
mean 0 and variance 1.
seed is an integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the time of day is used
to initialize the seed stream. A new value of seed is returned
each time call rannor executes.
x is a numeric variable. A new value for the random variate x
is returned each time call rannor executes.
See also: rannor (p. 131).

List of Functions | 27
call ranperk
call ranperk(seed,k,var1 [,var2,...]); 9+
Generates a random permutation of k values from the vars,
which must be all the same type and, if character, same length.
seed is an integer random-number seed (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0,
the time of day is used to initialize the seed stream.
Generate random permutations of 3 of the values x1-x5
data _null_;
array ar x1-x5 (1 2 3 4 5);
do n=1 to 10;
call ranperk(seed,3,of x1-x5);
put seed= @20 x1-x3;

See also: call allperm (p. 18), call ranperm (p. 28), fact
(p. 66), perm (p. 115).
call ranperm(seed,var1 [,var2,...]); 9+
Generates a random permutation of all values from the vars,
which must be all the same type and, if character, same length.
seed is an integer random-number seed (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0,
the time of day is used to initialize the seed stream.
Generate random permutations of the values x1-x4
data _null_;
array ar x1-x4 (1 2 3 4);
do n=1 to 10;
call ranperm(seed,of x1-x4);
put seed= @20 x1-x4;

See also: call allperm (p. 18), call ranperk (p. 28), fact
(p. 66), perm (p. 115).
call ranpoi(seed,lambda,x);
Returns a random variate from a Poisson distribution with
mean lambda (≥ 0).

28 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

call ranuni

seed is an integer (<231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the time of day is used

to initialize the seed stream. A new value of seed is returned
each time call ranpoi executes.
x is a numeric variable. A new value for the random variate x
is returned each time call ranpoi executes.
See also: ranpoi (p. 131).
call rantbl(seed,prob1,...,probn,x);
Returns a random variate (positive integer) from the proba-
bility mass function defined by prob1 through probn. call
rantbl returns 1 with probability prob1, 2 with prob2,..., n
with probn, where 0 ≤ probi ≤ 1 for i = 1, 2,..., n. If the probs
sum to less than one then call rantbl can return n+1; if they
sum to greater than one then call rantbl ignores the extra
seed is an integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the time of day is used
to initialize the seed stream. A new value of seed is returned
each time call rantbl executes.
x is a numeric variable. A new value for the random variate x
is returned each time call rantbl executes.
See also: rantbl (p. 131).
call rantri(seed,height,x);
Returns a random variate from a triangular distribution on
the interval (0,1) with mode height (0 < height < 1).
seed is an integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the time of day is used
to initialize the seed stream. A new value of seed is returned
each time call rantri executes.
x is a numeric variable. A new value for the random variate x
is returned each time call rantri executes.
See also: rantri (p. 132).
call ranuni(seed,x);
Returns a random variate from a uniform distribution on the
interval (0,1).

List of Functions | 29
call rxchange

seed is an integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the time of day is used

to initialize the seed stream. A new value of seed is returned
each time call ranuni executes.
x is a numeric variable. A new value for the random variate x
is returned each time call ranuni executes.
See also: ranuni (p. 132).
call rxchange(rx_id,n,old_str [,new_str]);
Replaces a pattern-match n times in old_str, changing old_str
in place if new_str is omitted. rx_id is the pattern identifier
that rxparse (p. 135) returns. Example: See rxparse. See also:
call rxfree (p. 30), call rxsubstr (p. 30), rxmatch (p. 134).

call rxfree(rx_id );
Frees memory allocated to a SAS regular expression. rx_id is
the pattern identifier that rxparse (p. 135) returns. Example:
See rxparse.
call rxsubstr(rx_id,str,start_pos [,len [,score]]);
Returns the position, length, and score of a substring that
matches a pattern, or zero (0) if no match is found. rx_id is
the pattern identifier that rxparse (p. 135) returns. str is the
string to search. start_pos is the position in str where the
matched substring begins. len is the length of the matched
substring. score is an integer based on the number of matches
for a particular pattern in a substring. When a pattern match-
es more than one substring beginning at start_pos, the longest
substring is selected. Example: See rxparse. See also: call
rxchange (p. 30), call rxfree (p. 30), rxmatch (p. 134).

call scan(str,n,pos,len [,delims]); 9+

Returns the position and length of the n-th word in a string. If
n < 0, call scan counts words right to left. If n = 0 or |n| > the
number of words in str, call scan returns zero in pos and len.
delims specifies character(s) that separate words. The default
ASCII delimiters are: space . < ( + & ! $ * ) ; ^ - / , % |. The
default EBCDIC delimiters are: space . < ( + | & ! $ * ) ; ¬ - / , %
| ¢. Contiguous delimiters are treated as one. Leading and

30 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

call set

trailing delimiters are ignored. To extract the desired word

after calling call scan, use substrn (p. 152).
call scan('1 ab xyz',2,pos,len) → pos=3, len=2.

call scan('1 ab xyz',-3,pos,len) → pos=1, len=1.

call scan('1 ab xyz',5,pos,len) → pos=0, len=0.

call scan('1,ab xyz',2,pos,len,',') → pos=3, len=6.

call scan('1,ab xyz',2,pos,len,' ,') → pos=3, len=2.

call scan('',3,pos,len) → pos=9, len=3.

See also: call scanq (p. 31), scan (p. 145), scanq (p. 145).
call scanq(str,n,pos,len [,delims]); 9+
Returns the position and length of the n-th word in a string,
ignoring quote-enclosed delimiters. If n < 0, call scanq counts
words right to left. If n = 0 or |n| > the number of words in str,
call scanq returns zero in pos and len. Unmatched quotes in
str make left-to-right and right-to-left scans return different
words. delims specifies character(s) that separate words. The
default delimiters are whitespace characters: blank, horizontal
and vertical tab, carriage return, line feed, and form feed. You
can’t use single or double quotes as delimiters. Contiguous
delimiters are treated as one. Leading and trailing delimiters
are ignored. To extract the desired word after calling call
scanq, use substrn (p. 152).

call scanq('12 "a c" xyz',2,pos,len) → pos=4, len=5.

call scanq('12 a c xyz',2,pos,len) → pos=4, len=1.

See also: call scan (p. 30), scan (p. 145), scanq (p. 145).
call set(dataset_id );
Links SAS dataset variables to the DATA-step or macro vari-
ables in your program that have the same name and data type.
dataset_id is the dataset identifier that open (p. 111) returns.

List of Functions | 31
call sleep

After a call set, whenever a read is performed from the SAS

dataset, the values of the corresponding macro or DATA-step
variables are set to the values of the matching SAS dataset
variables. If the variable lengths don’t match, the values are
truncated or padded accordingly. In general, use call set
immediately following open. If you don’t use call set, use
getvarc (p. 81) and getvarn (p. 81).

Get values for the first 10 observations in sasuser.houses and
store them in mydata
data mydata;
length style $8 sqfeet bedrooms baths 8
street $16 price 8;
drop rc dataset_id;
call set(dataset_id);
do i=1 to 10;

See also: fetch (p. 67), fetchobs (p. 68).

call sleep(n [,unit]);
Suspends program execution for n units of time (< 46 days).
n ≥ 0 and unit defaults to 0.001 (a millisecond). See sleep
(p. 147) for details.
Example: call sleep(6000,0.01) → Sleep for one minute.
call softmax(var1 [,var2,...]); 9+
Replaces each numeric var by its softmax value (scaled mag-
nitude). Each varj is replaced by
xj xi
e ⁄ ∑e .
i =1

The softmax values sum to one. Use only variables as argu-

ments, not constants or expressions. If any argument is a
missing value, missing values are returned for all arguments.

32 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

call stdize

Example: x=0; y=1.0; z=-0.5; call softmax(x,y,z); →

Replaces x with 0.2312, y with 0.6285, and z with 0.1402.
call stdize([opt1,opt2,...,]x1 [,x2,...]); 9+
Standardizes the set of numeric x’s according to the specified
options, replacing each x with its standardized value. Stan-
dardization subtracts a location measure and divides by a
scale measure. Specify options to change the default result:

( original – location )
result = add + mult × ⎛ ------------------------------------------------------⎞
⎝ scale ⎠

where result is the final output value returned for each vari-
able, add is the constant to add (add=), mult is the constant to
multiply by (mult=), original is the original input value,
location is the location measure, and scale is the scale mea-
sure. You can replace missing values by any constant; if you
don’t specify missing= or replace, variables that have miss-
ing values aren’t changed. The initial estimation method for
abw=, ahuber=, and awave= is mad. Percentiles are computed
by using definition 5; see pctl (p. 113).
Each opt is a case-insensitive string; leading and trailing spac-
es are ignored. Use a separate argument for each opt. An opt
that ends with an equal sign is followed by its corresponding
value: another argument that is a numeric constant, variable,
or expression. For details about the options see PROC
STDIZE in SAS/STAT User’s Guide. The default opts are std
and df. The following table lists location and scale options.

opt Option
abw= Tuning constant
agk= Proportion of pairs to be included in the estimation
of the within-cluster variances
ahuber= Tuning constant
awave= Tuning constant
euclen Euclidean length
iqr Interquartile range

List of Functions | 33
call stdize

opt Option
l= Power (≥ 1) to which differences are to be raised in
computing an L(p) or Minkowski metric
mad Median absolute deviation from the median
maxabs Maximum absolute values
mean Arithmetic mean (average)
median Middle number in a set of data that is ordered
according to rank
midrange Midpoint of the range
range Range of values
spacing= Proportion of data to be contained in the spacing
std Standard deviation (the default)
sum Result obtained when numbers are added
ustd Unstandardizes variables

The following table lists options that specify the divisor to be

used in variance calculations.

opt Option
df Degrees of freedom (the default)
n Number of observations

The following table lists miscellaneous options.

opt Option
add= Number to add to each value after standardizing and
multiplying by the mult= value (default 0)
fuzz= Relative fuzz factor
missing= Value to be assigned to variables that have a missing
mult= Number to multiply each value by after standardizing
(default 1)

34 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

call streaminit

opt Option
norm Normalize the scale estimator to be consistent for the
standard deviation of a normal distribution (affects
only agk=, iqr, mad, and spacing=)
pstat Log the values of the location and scale measures
replace Replace each missing value with 0 in the standard-
ized data—this value corresponds to the location
measure before standardizing (to replace missing val-
ues by other values, use missing=)
snorm Normalize the scale estimator to have an expectation
of approximately 1 for a standard normal distribu-
tion (affects only spacing=)

w=.; x=1; y=2; z=3;

call stdize(x,y,z); → x = -1, y = 0, z = 1.

call stdize('range',w,x,y,z); → w = . (missing), x = 0, y

= 0.5, z = 1.
call stdize('mult=',10,'missing=',-1,'range',w,
x,y,z); → w = -1, x = 0, y = 5, z = 10.

call streaminit(seed ); 9+
Sets a seed value that rand (p. 128) uses to generate random
numbers. seed is an integer (< 231-1). To create reproducible
random-number streams, use call streaminit before calling
rand. Calling rand before call streaminit (or using call
streaminit with seed ≤ 0) makes rand use the system clock
to seed itself.
Create a reproducible stream of random numbers
data random;
call streaminit(12345);
do i=1 to 10;

List of Functions | 35
call symput

call symput(macro_var_name,char_value);
Assigns a value to a macro variable. macro_var_name is a
character expression that identifies the macro variable that’s
assigned a value. If the macro variable doesn’t exist, it’s creat-
ed. char_value is a character expression that contains the
DATA-step information to assign. For more information see
Symput in SAS Macro Language: Reference. See also: call
symputx (p. 36), symget (p. 153).

call symputx(macro_var_name,value [,symbol_table]); 9+

Assigns a value to a macro variable, converting a numeric
value to character by using the BEST. format and removing
leading and trailing spaces. The macro variable is stored in
the specified symbol_table: g (global table), l (the most local
table that exists, which might be the global table), or f (the
most local table in which the macro variable exists, or the
most local symbol table if it doesn’t exist). If symbol_table is
omitted, call symputx stores the macro variable in the same
table that call symput (p. 36) does.
Prints items=!remove spaces! and x=!123.456!
data _null_;
call symputx(' items ',' remove spaces ','l');
call symputx(' x ',123.456);
%put items=!&items!;
%put x=!&x!;

See also: symget (p. 153).

call system(os_command );
Submits an OS command for execution. os_command (≤ 1024
characters) is a quote-enclosed system command, an expres-
sion whose value is a system command, or the name of a char-
acter variable whose value is a system command. See also: X
statement, X command, system (p. 155).

36 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

call vnext
call tanh(var1 [,var2,...]); 9+
Replaces each numeric var by its hyperbolic tangent, defined
by (ex–e–x)/(ex+e–x). Use only variables as arguments, not con-
stants or expressions. If any argument is a missing value, miss-
ing values are returned for all arguments. Example: x=.5; y=0;
call tanh(x,y); → Replaces x with 0.4621171573 and y
with 0. See also: tanh (p. 155).
call vname(var,char_var);
Assigns a variable’s name to a character variable. var is any
SAS variable. char_var is any SAS character variable. Names
can be up to 32 characters long; make the length of char_var
long enough to avoid truncation. See also: v<attr> (p. 161).
call vnext(varname [,vartype [,varlen]]); 9+
Returns the name, type, and length of a DATA-step variable.
varname is a character variable that’s updated by call vnext.
If the input value of varname is blank, the value returned in
varname is the name of the first variable in the DATA step’s
variable list. If call vnext is executed for the first time in the
DATA step, the value returned in varname is the name of the
first variable in the DATA step’s variable list. If neither of the
preceding conditions is true, varname’s input value is ignored.
Each time call vnext executes, it returns the name of the
next variable in the list in varname. After all the variable
names in the DATA step are returned, call vnext returns a
blank in varname.
vartype is a character variable whose input value is ignored.
The returned value is ‘N’ (if varname is numeric) or ‘C’ (if it’s
character). If varname is blank, so is vartype.
varlen is a numeric variable whose input value is ignored. The
returned value is the length of varname. If varname is blank,
varlen is zero (0).
data test;
x=1; y='abc'; z=.;
length z 5;

List of Functions | 37

data attributes;
set test;
by x;
input a b $ c;
length varname $32 vartype $3;
varname=' ';
do i=1 to 99 until(varname=' ');
call vnext(varname,vartype,varlen);
put i= varname @20 vartype= varlen=;
1 a 2

The result in the SAS log is

i=1 x vartype=N varlen=8
i=2 y vartype=C varlen=3
i=3 z vartype=N varlen=5
i=4 FIRST.x vartype=N varlen=8
i=5 LAST.x vartype=N varlen=8
i=6 a vartype=N varlen=8
i=7 b vartype=C varlen=8
i=8 c vartype=N varlen=8
i=9 varname vartype=C varlen=32
i=10 vartype vartype=C varlen=3
i=11 varlen vartype=N varlen=8
i=12 i vartype=N varlen=8
i=13 myvar vartype=N varlen=8
i=14 _ERROR_ vartype=N varlen=8
i=15 _N_ vartype=N varlen=8
i=16 vartype= varlen=0

See also: var<attr> (p. 160), v<attr> (p. 161).

cat(str1[,str2,...]) 9+
Concatenates strings without removing leading or trailing
spaces, returning the concatenated value with a length up to
• 200 characters in WHERE clauses and in PROC SQL
• 32767 characters in a DATA step, except in WHERE clauses

38 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


• 65534 characters when a str is called from the macro pro-

If cat returns a value in a temporary buffer, the buffer length
depends on the caller and the buffer value can be truncated
after cat finishes. If the target variable or buffer isn’t long
enough to hold the concatenated string, SAS
• changes the result to a blank value in the DATA step or in
• logs a warning that the result was either truncated or set to
a blank value, depending on the calling OS
• logs a note showing the function call’s location and the
argument that caused the truncation
• sets _ERROR_ to 1 in the DATA step.
The following table uses the concatenation operator (||), trim
(p. 158), and left (p. 97) to show equivalents of cat, cats
(p. 40), catt (p. 40), and catx (p. 40). s1-s4 are character vari-
ables and d is a separator.

Call Equivalent code

cat(of s1-s4) s1||s2||s3||s4
cats(of s1-s4) trim(left(s1))||trim(left(s2))||
catt(of s1-s4) trim(s1)||trim(s2)||
catx(d,of s1-s4) trim(left(s1))||d||

Compare cat, cats, catt, and catx
data _null_;
str1=' abc';
str3=' xy ';
cat=cat(of str1-str4);

List of Functions | 39
cats=cats(of str1-str4);
catt=catt(of str1-str4);
catx=catx('**',of str1-str4);
put cat= cats= catt= catx= $char.;

The results are listed in the following table.

Variable Result
cat ' abc123 xy Z'
cats 'abc123xyZ'
catt ' abc123 xyZ'
catx 'abc**123**xy**Z'

See also: call cats (p. 19), call catt (p. 19), call catx
(p. 19).
cats(str1 [,str2,...]) 9+
Concatenates strings, removing leading and trailing spaces.
See cat (p. 38) for usage. Examples: See cat. See also: call
cats (p. 19).

catt(str1 [,str2,...]) 9+
Concatenates strings, removing trailing spaces. See cat (p. 38)
for usage. Examples: See cat. See also: call catt (p. 19).
catx(sep,str1 [,str2,...]) 9+
Concatenates strings, removing leading and trailing spaces
and inserting separators between strings. sep usually is a space
or a comma but can be any string. See cat (p. 38) for usage.
Examples: See cat. See also: call catx (p. 19).
cdf(dist,quantile [,param1, param2,...])
Returns the left cumulative distribution function for the con-
tinuous and discrete distributions listed in the following table.
The CDF is the function F, for a random variable X, defined
for all real values of x by

F(x) = Prob(X ≤ x) .

Note that F(–∞) = 0, F(∞) = 1, and F(a) ≤ F(b) if a < b.

40 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


The random variable is an integer for discrete distributions.

The shape, location, scale, mean, noncentrality, degrees-of-
freedom, and other params vary by dist. You can truncate dist
to the first four characters.

Distribution Function call

Bernoulli cdf('bernoulli',x,prob_success)
Beta cdf('beta',x,a,b [,left_theta,
Binomial cdf('binomial',num_successes,
Cauchy cdf('cauchy',x [,theta,lambda])
Chi-square cdf('chisquare',x,df [,nc])
Exponential cdf('exponential',x [,lambda])
F cdf('f',x,ndf,ddf [,nc])
Gamma cdf('gamma',x,a [,lambda])
Geometric cdf('geometric',num_failures,
Hypergeometric cdf('hypergeometric',x,pop_size,
Laplace cdf('laplace',x [,theta,lambda])
Logistic cdf('logistic',x [,theta,lambda])
Lognormal cdf('lognormal',x [,theta,lambda])
Negative binomial cdf('negbinomial',num_failures,
Normal cdf('normal'|'gauss',x [,theta,
Normal mixture cdf('normalmix',x,num_mixtures,
Pareto cdf('pareto',x,a [,k])
Poisson cdf('poisson',n,lambda)
t cdf('t',x,df [,nc])
Uniform cdf('uniform',x [,left_theta,

List of Functions | 41

Distribution Function call

Wald (Inv. Gauss) cdf('wald'|'igauss',x,d)
Weibull cdf('weibull',x,a [,lambda])

cdf('bern',0,0.5) → 0.5.

cdf('beta',0.2,2,1) → 0.04.

cdf('binom',6,0.5,10) → 0.828125.

cdf('chisq',5.5,10) → 0.144621493.

cdf('expo',1) → 0.632120558.

cdf('f',3.5,4,5) → 0.899032601.

cdf('lognormal',0.5,1,2) → 0.198616419.

cdf('normal',1.96) → 0.9750021049.

cdf('poisson',2,1) → 0.9196986029.

cdf('t',1.0,20) → 0.835371711.

cdf('uniform',3.0,2,4) → 0.5.

See also: logcdf (p. 100), pdf (p. 114), quantile (p. 127), sdf
(p. 146).
Returns the smallest integer ≥ x. If x is within 10-12 of an inte-
ger, ceil returns that integer. Examples: The following table
shows examples of ceil, floor (p. 74), int (p. 87), and round
(p. 133). See also: ceilz (p. 43).

x ceil() floor() int() round()

1.1 2 1 1 1
1.9 2 1 1 2
–1.1 –1 –2 –1 –1
–1.9 –1 –2 –1 –2

42 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

ceilz(x) 9+
Returns the smallest integer ≥ x, using zero fuzzing. Example:
Compare ceilz(1+1.e-13) → 2 with ceil(1+1.e-13) → 1.
See also: ceil (p. 42), fuzz (p. 79).
cexist(entry [,'u'])
Determines whether a SAS catalog or SAS catalog entry exists,
returning one (1) if it exists; zero otherwise. entry is a SAS cat-
alog or the name of an entry in a catalog. A one- or two-level
entry is assumed to be the name of a catalog. A three- or four-
level entry tests for the existence of an entry within a catalog.
Specify 'u' to test whether the entry exists and can be opened
for updating. Example: cexist('lib.cat1.x.program') → 1.
See also: exist (p. 65), fexist (p. 68), fileexist (p. 69).
choosec(n,str1 [,str2,...]) 9+
Returns the n-th string. If n is negative, choosec counts back-
ward. Examples: choosec(2,'one','two','three') → ‘two’.
choosec(-1,'A','B','C') → ‘C’. See also: choosen (p. 43).

choosen(n,num1 [,num2,...]) 9+
Returns the n-th number. If n is negative, choosen counts back-
ward. Examples: choosen(99,1,2,3,4) → . (missing—bad n).
choosen(-2,11,12*2,13) → 24. See also: choosec (p. 43).

cinv(prob,df [,nc])
Returns the prob-th quantile from the chi-square distribution
with degrees of freedom df (> 0, noninteger allowed) and
noncentrality parameter nc (≥ 0). The probability that an
observation from a chi-square distribution is less than or
equal to the returned quantile is prob (0 ≤ x < 1). If nc is omit-
ted or is zero, cinv uses the central chi-square distribution.
Large nc values can cause cinv to return a missing value. cinv
is the inverse of probchi (p. 117). Example: cinv(0.95,3) →
7.8147279033. See also: cnonct (p. 44).
close(dataset_id )
Closes a SAS dataset, returning zero (0) if successful; nonzero
otherwise. dataset_id is the dataset identifier that open
(p. 111) returns. To free memory you should close open
datasets when they’re no longer needed. Note that SAS auto-

List of Functions | 43

matically closes all datasets opened within a DATA step when

the step ends. See also: dclose (p. 56), fclose (p. 67).
Returns the nonnegative noncentrality parameter from a non-
central chi-squared distribution with the specified parame-
ters. x (≥ 0) is a random variable, df (> 0, noninteger allowed)
is the degrees of freedom, and prob (0 < prob < 1) is a proba-
bility. cnonct returns a missing value if prob is greater than
the probability from the specified distribution.
cnonct(2,4,0.05) → 4.6466335598.

cnonct(2,4,0.3) → . (missing—bad prob).

cnonct(2,4,probchi(2,4,1.5)) → 1.5.

See also: cinv (p. 43), fnonct (p. 75), probchi (p. 117), tnonct
(p. 156).
coalesce(x1 [,x2,...]) 9+
Returns the first nonmissing value from a list of numeric
arguments. The list can contain numeric values, missing
numeric values, and names of numeric variables. If only one
value is listed, coalesce returns that value. If all the values
are missing, coalesce returns a missing value. Examples:
coalesce(.,22,44) → 22. coalesce(.,.,.) → . (missing).
coalesce(7,8,9) → 7. See also: coalescec (p. 44).

coalescec(str1 [,str2,...]) 9+
Returns the first nonmissing value from a list of character
arguments. The list can contain character values, missing
character values, and names of character variables. If only one
value is listed, coalescec returns that value. If all the values
are missing, coalescec returns a missing value. Examples:
coalescec('','a','z') → ‘a’. coalescec('','','') → ‘’
(missing). coalescec('c1','c2') → ‘c1’. See also: coalesce
(p. 44).

44 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

collate(start_pos [,end_pos])
collate(start_pos [,,len])
Returns a subset of the ASCII or EBCDIC collation sequence.
start_pos is the first character in the collating sequence to
return. Specify either end_pos (start_pos ≤ end_pos ≤ 255) as
the last character to return or len as the number of characters
to return. If you omit end_pos and len, collate returns con-
secutive characters from start_pos to the end of the sequence
or up to 255 characters, whichever comes first. If you specify
both end_pos and len, end_pos prevails. See also: byte (p. 18),
rank (p. 131).

collate(48,,10) or collate(48,57) → ‘0123456789’.

collate(240,,10) or collate(240,249) → ‘0123456789’.

Returns the number of combinations of n elements taken r at
a time (0 ≤ r ≤ n). Use comb to determine the total possible
number of groups for a given number of items. A combina-
tion is any set or subset of items, regardless of their order.
Combinations are distinct from permutations, for which the
order is significant. comb(n,r) also is known as the binomial
coefficient and is read “n choose r”. The number of combina-
tions is n!/(r!(n–r)!) where n and r are integers and the symbol
! denotes a factorial. comb(n,r) is the same as fact(n)/
(fact(r)*(fact(n-r)). See also: fact (p. 66), perm (p. 115).

comb(8,0) → 1.

comb(8,1) → 8.

comb(8,2) → 28.

comb(8,6) → 28.

comb(8,8) → 1.

List of Functions | 45

comb(4,8) → . (missing—n < r).

comb(8.5,4) → . (missing—noninteger n).

comb(int(8.5),4) → 70.

compare(str1,str2 [,modifiers]) 9+
Compares two strings and returns the position of the leftmost
character by which they differ, or zero (0) if they match. The
result is negative if str1 precedes str2 in a sort sequence; posi-
tive otherwise. modifiers is one or more of the values listed in
the following table.

modifiers Means
i Ignore the case of str1 and str2
l Remove leading spaces from str1 and str2
n Remove quotes from any argument that is an n-literal
and ignore the case of str1 and str2
: (colon) Truncate the longer of str1 or str2 to the length of the
shorter string or to length one, whichever is greater; if
you omit this modifier, the shorter string is padded
with spaces to equal the length of the longer string

The order of modifiers is significant: 'ln' first removes lead-

ing spaces from the strings and then removes quotes from n-
literals; 'nl' reverses these two operations. Examples: See the
following table. See also: compged (p. 47), complev (p. 48),
nliteral (p. 108).

str1 str2 modifiers compare()

'abc' 'abc' 0
'123' 'abc' –1
'abc' '123' 1
'abc' 'abx' –3
'abc' 'abcdef' –4
'abc' 'abcdef' ':' 0
'abc' 'aBc' 2

46 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


str1 str2 modifiers compare()

'abc' 'aBc' 'i' 0
' abc' 'abc' –1
' abc' 'abc' 'l' 0
'abc' 'abc ' 0
'' 'abc' ':' –1

Replaces runs of two or more consecutive spaces with a single
space. The result’s default length is the length of str.
compbl('New York, NY 10014') →
‘New York, NY 10014’.
compbl(' ') → ‘ ’.

See also: compress (p. 48), trim (p. 158).

compged(str1,str2 [,cutoff ][,modifiers]) 9+
Compares two strings and returns the generalized edit distance
(GED), which is the minimum-cost sequence of operations
(deletions, insertions, or replacements of single characters)
needed to transform str1 into str2. Use call compcost (p. 19)
to set the costs of edit operations. The returned GED won’t
exceed cutoff. See compare (p. 46) for modifiers.
GED is a generalization of Levenshtein edit distance (LED),
which is a measure of dissimilarity between two strings. Use
complev (p. 48) to compute LED. Computing GED takes
much more time than does computing LED, but GED usually
is more useful for applications like fuzzy merging and text
mining. Examples: See the following table for examples of
comged and complev. See also: spedis (p. 148).

str1 str2 compged() and operations complev()

'baboon' 'baboon' 0 (match) 0
'baXboon' 'baboon' 100 (insert) 1

List of Functions | 47

str1 str2 compged() and operations complev()

'baoon' 'baboon' 100 (delete) 1
'baXoon' 'baboon' 100 (replace) 1
'baboonX' 'baboon' 50 (append) 1
'baboo' 'baboon' 10 (truncate) 1
'babboon' 'baboon' 20 (double) 1
'bab,oon' 'baboon' 30 (punctuation) 1
'bXaYoon' 'baboon' 200 (insert+replace) 2
'axoo' 'baboon' 310 (fdelete+replace+ 3

complev(str1,str2 [,cutoff ][,modifiers]) 9+

Compares two strings and returns the Levenshtein edit dis-
tance (LED). LED is a special case of the generalized edit dis-
tance, computed with compged (p. 47). The returned LED
won’t exceed cutoff. See compare (p. 46) for modifiers. Exam-
ples: See compged. See also: nliteral (p. 108), spedis (p. 148).
Returns a compound-interest value. init_amt (≥ 0) is the ini-
tial amount. fut_amt (≥ 0) is the future amount at the end of
num_periods. int_rate (≥ 0) is the interest rate, expressed as a
fraction. num_periods (≥ 0) is the integer number of com-
pounding periods. Provide any three nonmissing arguments
and compound returns the fourth.
Returns num_periods
compound(1,2,0.06,.) → 11.8957.

compress(str [,chars][,modifiers])
Removes or keeps specified characters in a string. chars is the
list of literal characters to keep or remove in str. By default, the
characters in chars are removed from str. If you specify k in
modifiers, only the characters in chars are kept in str. To add to
the chars list, set modifiers to one or more of the values listed
in the following table. If chars and modifiers are omitted, only

48 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


spaces are removed from str. The result’s default length is the
length of str.

modifiers Means
a Add letters (A–Z, a–z) to chars
c Add control characters to chars
d Add digits (0–9) to chars
f Add the underscore (_) and letters (A–Z, a–z) to chars
g Add graphic characters to chars
i Ignore the case of characters to be kept or removed
k Keep the characters in chars instead of removing them
n Add the underscore (_), letters (A–Z, a–z), and digits
(0–9) to chars
l Add lowercase letters (a–z) to chars
o Process chars and modifiers only once instead of every
time compress is called. Using this modifier in the
DATA step (excluding WHERE clauses) or PROC SQL
can make compress run much faster in a loop where
chars and modifiers don’t change.
p Add punctuation marks to chars
s Add whitespace characters to chars (space, horizontal
tab, vertical tab, carriage return, line feed, and form
t Trim trailing spaces from str and chars
u Add uppercase letters (A–Z) to chars
w Add printable characters to chars
x Add hexadecimal characters to chars

s='ABC 123 xyz’';

compress(s) → ‘ABC123abc’.

compress(s,'a') → ‘BC 123 abc’.

List of Functions | 49

compress(s,'A','ki') → ‘Aa’.

compress(s,'A ','d') → ‘BCabc’.

lengthc(compress(s,' ','k')) → 3 (counts spaces in s).

compress('(123) 456-7890','(-) ') → ‘1234567890’.

compress('(123) 456-7890',,'kd') → ‘1234567890’.

See also: compbl (p. 47), trim (p. 158).

constant(const [,param])
Returns the mathematical and machine constants listed in the
following table.

Constant Function call

Natural base e (2.7183...) constant('e')
Euler constant (0.5772...) constant('euler')
Pi (3.14159...) constant('pi')
Largest integer represent- constant('exactint'[,len])
able in len bytes (2 ≤ len ≤
8, default 8)
Largest 8-byte floating- constant('big')
point number
Log base (default e) of big constant('logbig'[,base])
Square root of big constant('sqrtbig')
Smallest positive 8-byte constant('small')
floating-point number
Log base (default e) of constant('logsmall'[,base])

Square root of small constant('sqrtsmall')

Machine precision—the constant('maceps')
difference between 1 and
the next greater number
Log base (default e) of constant('logmaceps'[,base])

Square root of maceps constant('sqrtmaceps')

50 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


On a Windows 32-bit machine
constant('e') → 2.7182818285.

constant('pi') → 3.1415926536.

constant('exactint') → 9.0071993E15.

constant('big') → 1.797693E308.

constant('sqrtbig') → 1.340781E154.

constant('small') → 2.22507E-308.

constant('maceps') → 2.220446E-16.

Returns the convexity of cash flows. For a description of the
parameters see dur (p. 63).
Example: convx(0.06,2,10,20,30,40) → 3.51168.
See also: convxp (p. 51), durp (p. 63).
Returns the convexity of a bond. For a description of the
parameters see pvp (p. 126).
Example: convxp(1000,0.01,4,14,0.33/2,0.1) → 11.6023.
See also: convx (p. 51), durp (p. 63).
Returns the cosine of an angle. angle is expressed in radians.
To convert degrees to radians, multiply degrees by π/180.
Note that cos(-x) = cos(x) and 1/cos(x) is the secant of x.
Examples: cos(0) → 1. cos(1.0472) → 0.5 (1.0472 radians ≈
60 degrees). See also: arcos (p. 12), sin (p. 146), tan (p. 155).
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x, defined by (ex + e–x)/2.
Examples: cosh(0) → 1. cosh(exp(1)) → 7.6101. See also:
sinh (p. 147), tanh (p. 155).

List of Functions | 51
count(str,substr [,modifiers]) 9+
Returns the number of times that a substring appears within a
string, or zero (0) if the substring isn’t found. See find (p. 71)
for modifiers. If two occurrences of substr overlap in str, count
returns inconsistent results.
str='This is a thistle? Yes, this is a thistle';

count(str,'this') → 3.

count(str,'this','i') → 4.

count(str,'is') → 6.

count('gogogo','gogo') → 1 or 2 (inconsistent).

See also: countc (p. 52), index (p. 85), rxmatch (p. 134).
countc(str,chars [,modifiers]) 9+
Returns the number of specific characters that either appear
or don’t appear in a string, or zero (0) if none are found. See
findc (p. 72) for modifiers.

str='Baboons Eat Bananas ';

countc(str,'a') → 5.

countc(str,'b') → 1.

countc(str,'b','i') → 3.

countc(str,'ab') → 6.

countc(str,'ab','i') → 8.

countc(str,'ab','v') → 16.

countc(str,'ab','vit') → 11.

countc(str,' ') → 5.

countc(str,' ','t') → 0.

See also: count (p. 52), indexc (p. 85), verify (p. 162).

52 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

css(x1 [,x2,...])
Returns the corrected sum of squares of nonmissing argu-
ments. If all the arguments are missing values, the result is a
missing value. Example: x1=3; x2=4; x3=5; css(2,of x1-
x3,6,.) → 10. See also: uss (p. 159).

curobs(dataset_id )
Returns the observation number of the current observation.
dataset_id is the dataset identifier that open (p. 111) returns.
Use curobs with only an uncompressed SAS dataset that is
accessed by using a native library engine. curobs returns a
missing value if the engine doesn’t support observation num-
bers. For SAS views, curobs returns the number of the obser-
vation within the view (not the observation number of any
underlying dataset). See also: fetchobs (p. 68).
cv(x1,x2 [,x3,...])
Returns the coefficient of variation of nonmissing arguments.
At least two nonmissing arguments are required or the result
is a missing value. Example: x1=3; x2=4; x3=5; y1=.;
cv(2,of x1-x3,6,y1) → 39.528470752.

Returns the accumulated declining balance depreciation. age
is the period of calculation. For a noninteger age, the depreci-
ation is prorated between the two consecutive time periods
that precede and follow the fractional period. init_value is the
asset’s depreciable initial value. lifetime (> 0) is the asset’s life-
time. rate (> 0) is rate of depreciation, expressed as a fraction.
Example: daccdb(10,1000,15,2) → 760.93228394.
See also: depdb (p. 56).
Returns the accumulated declining balance with conversion
to a straight-line depreciation. See daccdb (p. 53) for a descrip-
tion of the parameters (except that age must be an integer).
Example: daccdbsl(10,1000,15,2) → 772.65327087.
See also: depdbsl (p. 56).

List of Functions | 53
Returns the accumulated straight-line depreciation. See daccdb
(p. 53) for a description of the parameters.
Example: daccsl(10,1000,15) → 666.66666667.
See also: depsl (p. 57).
Returns the accumulated sum-of-years-digits depreciation. See
daccdb (p. 53) for a description of the parameters.

Example: daccsyd(10,1000,15) → 875.

See also: depsyd (p. 57).
Returns the accumulated depreciation using per-period rates.
See daccdb (p. 53) for a description of age and init_value. t1,
..., tn are fractions of depreciation for each time period where
t1 + t2 + ... + tn ≤ 1.
Example: dacctab(3,1000,0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1) → 900.
See also: deptab (p. 57).
Returns the derivative of the Airy function airy (p. 10). Exam-
ple: dairy(2) → -0.053090384.
Counts the number of days between start_date and end_date.
basis is one of the values listed in the following table.

basis Count days by using

'30/360'| 30-day months and 360-day years, regardless of
'360' the actual number of days each month or year has
'act/act'| The actual number of days between the dates,
'actual' divided by 365 plus the number of days that fall in
366-day years divided by 366

54 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


datdif('1feb2007'd,'31mar2007'd,'30/360') → 60.

datdif('1feb2007'd,'31mar2007'd,'act/act') → 58.

datdif('29dec2005'd,'1jan2007'd,'360') → 362.

datdif('29dec2005'd,'1jan2007'd,'actual') → 368.

See also: yrdif (p. 164).

Returns the current date as a SAS date (the number of days
since 1-Jan-1960). date is the same as today (p. 156).
Example: date() → 16681 (today is 2-Sep-2005).
See also: datetime (p. 55), dhms (p. 59), hms (p. 82), mdy
(p. 101), time (p. 155).
Converts a Julian date to a SAS date. Set julian_date to yyddd
or yyyyddd (1 ≤ ddd ≤ 366).
Example: datejul(2005245) → 16681 (2-Sep-2005).
See also: juldate (p. 92), juldate7 (p. 92).
Extracts the date, as a SAS date, from a SAS datetime.
Example: datepart(datetime()) → 16681 (now is 2-Sep-
2005 22:19:49).
See also: datetime (p. 55), timepart (p. 155).
Returns the current date and time of day as a SAS datetime
(the number of seconds between 1-Jan-1960 and now).
Example: datetime() → 1441311980.6 (now is 2-Sep-2005
See also: datepart (p. 55), dhms (p. 59), hms (p. 82), mdy
(p. 101), time (p. 155), timepart (p. 155), today (p. 156).

List of Functions | 55
Extracts the day of the month (1–31) from a SAS date.
Example: day(today()) → 2 (today is 2-Sep-2005).
See also: month (p. 104), qtr (p. 126), week (p. 163), weekday
(p. 163), year (p. 163).
dclose(dir_id )
Closes a directory, returning zero (0) if successful; nonzero
otherwise. dir_id is the directory identifier that dopen (p. 62)
returns. dclose also closes any open members. To free mem-
ory you should close open directories and members when
they’re no longer needed. Note that SAS automatically closes
all directories or members opened within a DATA step when
the step ends. See also: close (p. 43), fclose (p. 67).
dcreate(dir_name [,parent_dir]) 9+
Creates an external directory, returning the complete path-
name of the new directory if successful, or an empty string
otherwise. dir_name is the name of the directory to create
(this value can’t include a pathname). parent_dir is the com-
plete pathname of the directory in which to create the new
directory. If parent_dir is omitted, the current directory is
used. Example: (Windows) dcreate('newdir','c:\mydir\')
→ Creates (and returns) the directory c:\mydir\newdir.
Returns the declining balance depreciation. See daccdb (p. 53)
for a description of the parameters.
Example: depdb(10,1000,15,2) → 36.7796.
Returns the declining balance with conversion to a straight-
line depreciation. See daccdb (p. 53) for a description of the
parameters (except that age must be an integer).
Example: depdbsl(10,1000,15,2) → 45.4693.
See also: daccdbsl (p. 53).

56 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

Returns the straight-line depreciation. See daccdb (p. 53) for a
description of the parameters.
Example: depsl(10,1000,15) → 66.6667.
See also: daccsl (p. 54).
Returns sum-of-years-digits depreciation. See daccdb (p. 53)
for a description of the parameters.
Example: depsyd(10,1000,15) → 50.
See also: daccsyd (p. 54).
Returns the depreciation using per-period rates. See daccdb
(p. 53) for a description of age and init_value. t1,..., tn are frac-
tions of depreciation for each time period where t1 + t2 + ... +
tn ≤ 1.
Example: deptab(3,1000,0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1) → 200.
See also: dacctab (p. 54).
Removes interior matching quotes, reduces quoted quotes,
and deletes everything to the right of the closing quote. The
result’s default length depends on the length of str and its val-
ue depends on str’s first one or two characters:
• If the first character of str isn’t a single or double quote, the
result is str unchanged.
• If the first two characters of str are both single or double
quotes, the result is an empty string.
• If the first character of str is a single quote, dequote
removes that quote and then scans str from left to right for
more single quotes. All paired single quotes are reduced to
one single quote. The first non-paired single quote and all
characters to its right are removed.

List of Functions | 57

• If the first character of str is a double quote, dequote

removes that quote and then scans str from left to right for
for more double quotes. All paired double quotes are
reduced to one double quote. The first non-paired double
quote and all characters to its right are removed.
If str is a quote-enclosed constant, those quotes aren’t part of
the value of the string; don’t use dequote to remove the
quotes that denote a constant.
Examples: See the following table. See also: quote (p. 127).

str dequote()
xxx xxx

xxx "yyy" zzz xxx "yyy" zzz

"" xxx <zero-length string>

"xxx" or 'xxx' xxx

"xxx ""yyy"" zzz" xxx "yyy" zzz

'xxx ''yyy'' zzz' xxx 'yyy' zzz

'x "yy" zz ""ww"" tt' x "yy" zz ""ww"" tt

"xxx xxx

xxx'y zzz xxx'y zzz

"xxx" yyy "zzz" xxx

deviance(dist,rand_var,shape_params [,eps])
Computes the deviance for the distributions listed in the fol-
lowing table. eps is an optional small bounding value. Example:
deviance('normal',5,2) → 9.

Distribution Function call

Bernoulli deviance('bernoulli'|'bern',
zero_or_one,prob_success [,eps])
Binomial deviance('binomial'|'bino',num_successes,
mean,num_trials [,eps])
Gamma deviance('gamma',rand_var,mean [,eps])

58 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


Distribution Function call

Normal deviance('normal'|'gaussian',
Poisson deviance('poisson'|'pois',rand_var,
lambda [,eps])
Wald (Inv. deviance('wald'|'igauss',rand_var,
Gaussian) mean [,eps])

dhms(sas_date,hour,minute,second )
Creates a SAS datetime from a SAS date, hour, minute, and
second. The result is the number of seconds before (negative)
or after (positive) midnight, 1-Jan-1960.
dhms('10may1936'd,00,00,00) → -746150400 (10-May-
1936 midnight).
dhms('1jan1960'd,00,00,00) → 0 (1-Jan-1960 midnight).

dhms('22jun2001'd,6,0,0.56) → 1308808800.56 (22-Jun-

2001 06:00:00.56).
dhms(today(),0,0,time()) → 1441313508.5 (now is 2-Sep-
2005 20:51:49).
See also: datetime (p. 55), hms (p. 82), mdy (p. 101), time
(p. 155), today (p. 156).
Returns the difference between the current number x and the
x supplied in the n-th preceding dif call. n ranges from 1 (the
default) to 100. dif1 is equivalent to dif. dif returns a miss-
ing value the first n calls. Note that dif2(x) isn’t equivalent
to dif(dif(x)), rather difn(x) is equivalent to x-lagn(x).
See also: lag (p. 96).
Show the difference between dif and lag
data difs;

List of Functions | 59
input x @@;
1 2 4 3 8 6 -3

The resulting dataset is shown in the following table.

x d1 d2 l1 l2
1 . . . .
2 1 . 1 .
4 2 3 2 1
3 –1 1 4 2
8 5 4 3 4
6 –2 3 8 3
–3 –9 –11 6 8

Returns the value of the digamma function Γ´(x)/Γ(x), where
Γ() and Γ´() are the functions gamma (p. 80) and its derivative,
respectively, and x is a nonzero real number that isn’t a nega-
tive integer. If x > 0 then digamma is the derivative of lgamma
(p. 98). Examples: digamma(6) → 1.7061176684. digamma(1)
→ -0.577215665. See also: trigamma (p. 157).
dim(array [,n])
Returns the size (number of elements) of array, or the size of
dimension n (≥ 1) of a multidimensional array. If omitted, n
defaults to 1. dimn(array) and dim(array,n) are equivalent
array a{2:3,10:12,5} x1-x30;

60 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


dim(a) or dim(a,1) → 2.

dim2(a) or dim(a,2) → 3.

dim3(a) or dim(a,3) → 5.

Iterate over array ar

array ar[4] x1 x2 x3 x4;
do i=1 to dim(ar);
Do something with ar{i} here

Count the number of character variables in a dataset

array char_vars{*} _character_;

See also: hbound (p. 82), lbound (p. 96).

Returns information about a directory. dir_id is the directory
identifier that dopen (p. 62) returns. info_item is a string that
identifies the item to retrieve. The available info_items vary by
OS. Use doptname (p. 62) to get item names and doptnum
(p. 62) to get the number of available items. dinfo returns a
blank if info_item is invalid.
Create a dataset with information-item names and values
data dinfo;
length info_item $ 12 item_value $ 40;
keep info_item item_value;
do i=1 to num_items;

See also: finfo (p. 72).

List of Functions | 61
dnum(dir_id )
Returns the number of members (files) in a directory. dir_id
is the directory identifier that dopen (p. 62) returns. Use dnum
to determine the highest number that you can pass to dread
(p. 62).
dopen(fileref )
Opens a directory (or subdirectory, MACLIB, or partitioned
dataset, depending on your OS) and returns a unique numer-
ic directory identifier if successful; zero otherwise. Use this ID
to identify the open directory to other directory functions.
fileref is a fileref assigned to the directory by the FILENAME
statement or the function filename (p. 69). See also: dclose
(p. 56), fopen (p. 75), mopen (p. 104), open (p. 111).
Returns the name of the n-th information item for a directory.
dir_id is the directory identifier that dopen (p. 62) returns. n is
the sequence number of the item. The returned item names
vary by OS. Use doptnum (p. 62) to get the number of items
and dinfo (p. 61) to get item values. Example: See dinfo. See
also: foptname (p. 77).
doptnum(dir_id )
Returns the number of information items that are available
for a directory. dir_id is the directory identifier that dopen
(p. 62) returns. The returned number varies by OS. Use
doptname (p. 62) to get item names and dinfo (p. 61) to get
item values. Example: See dinfo. See also: foptnum (p. 77).
Returns the name of a directory member, or a blank if unsuc-
cessful. dir_id is the directory identifier that dopen (p. 62)
returns. n is the sequence number of the member (file) in the
directory. Use dnum (p. 62) to determine the maximum n.
dropnote(dataset_id|file_id,note_id )
Deletes a note created by note (p. 110) or fnote (p. 75) from a
SAS dataset or an external file, returning zero (0) if successful;
nonzero otherwise. dataset_id is the dataset identifier that
open (p. 111) returns. file_id is the file identifier that fopen

62 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


(p. 75) or mopen (p. 104) returns. note_id is the note identifier
that note or fnote returns. See also: fpoint (p. 77), point
(p. 116).
dsname(dataset_id )
Returns the name of a SAS dataset. dataset_id is the dataset
identifier that open (p. 111) returns. dsname returns an empty
string if dataset_id is invalid.
Returns the modified duration of cash flows. yld_to_mat (0 <
yld_to_mat < 1) is the effective per-period yield-to-maturity,
expressed as a fraction. freq (> 0) is the integer frequency of
cash flows per period. cf0, cf1,..., cfn is a list of cash flows.
Example: dur(0.06,2,10,20,30,40) → 1.40123.
See also: convx (p. 51).
Returns the modified duration of a bond. For a description of
the parameters see pvp (p. 126).
Example: durp(1000,0.01,4,14,0.33/2,0.1) → 3.2649.
See also: convxp (p. 51).
Returns the value of the normal error function, given by

2 x –z2
erf ( x ) = ------- ∫ e dz .
π 0

Examples: erf(0) → 0. erf(1) → 0.8427007929. erf(-1) →

See also: erfc (p. 63).
Returns the complement of the normal error function, that is,
1-erf(x). Examples: erfc(0) → 1. erfc(1) → 0.1572992071.
erfc(-1) → 1.8427007929. See also: erf (p. 63).

List of Functions | 63
Converts amount units of currency from_ccy to to_ccy. Use
the currency codes listed in the following table.

ccy Currency
ats Austrian schilling
bef Belgian franc
chf Swiss franc
czk Czech koruna
dem Deutsche mark
dkk Danish krone
esp Spanish peseta
eur or blank Euro
fim Finnish markka
frf French franc
gbp British pound sterling
grd Greek drachma
huf Hungarian forint
iep Irish pound
itl Italian lira
luf Luxembourg franc
nlg Dutch guilder
nok Norwegian krone
plz Polish zloty
pte Portuguese escudo
rol Romanian leu
rur Russian ruble
sek Swedish krona
sit Slovenian tolar
trl Turkish lira
yud Yugoslavian dinar

64 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


Euros to Deutsche marks
eurocurr(1,'eur','dem') → 1.95583.

Swiss francs to Euros

eurocurr(50,'chf','eur') → 31.166240728.

exist(member_name [,member_type [,generation]])

Determines whether a SAS data library member exists,
returning one (1) if it exists; zero otherwise.
member_name is a SAS data library member. member_name
defaults _LAST_ if omitted, blank, or an empty string.
member_type is the type of SAS data library member (typical-
ly data (the default), access, view, or catalog).
generation is the dataset’s generation number and is ignored if
member_type isn’t the value data.
Example: exist('new','data') → 1.
See also: cexist (p. 43), fexist (p. 68), fileexist (p. 69).
Returns e raised to the power x, where e ≈ 2.7182818285. To
get the approximate value of e, use exp(1) or constant('e')
(p. 50). To calculate powers of other bases, use the exponenti-
ation operator (**). exp is the inverse of log (p. 99).
exp(-2) → 0.1353352832.

exp(-1) → 0.3678794412.

exp(0) → 1.

exp(1) → 2.7182818285.

exp(2) → 7.3890560989.

exp(log(2)) or log(exp(2)) → 2.

exp(.) → . (missing).

List of Functions | 65
Returns the factorial of n (≥ 0), given by n! = 1 × 2 × ⋅⋅⋅ × n,
where n is an integer. The special case 0! is defined to be equal
to 1. Note that fact(n) equals gamma(n+1).
fact(0) → 1.

fact(1) → 1.

fact(8) → 40320.

fact(-8) → . (missing—n < 0).

fact(8.5) → . (missing—noninteger n).

fact(int(8.5)) → 40320.

fact(20) → 2.432902E18.

See also: comb (p. 45), gamma (p. 80), perm (p. 115).
fappend(file_id [,cc])
Appends the record that is currently in the File Data Buffer
(FDB) to the end of an external file, returning zero (0) if suc-
cessful; nonzero otherwise. file_id is the file identifier that
fopen (p. 75) or mopen (p. 104) returns. cc is one of the car-
riage-control characters listed in the following table. See also:
fread (p. 78), fwrite (p. 79).

cc Means
blank Start the record on a new line
0 Skip one blank line before a new line
- Skip two blank lines before a new line
1 Start the line on a new page
+ Overstrike the line on the previous line
P Interpret the line as a terminal prompt
= Interpret the line as carriage-control information
All else Start the record on a new line

66 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

fclose(file_id )
Closes an external file, directory, or directory member,
returning zero (0) if successful; nonzero otherwise. file_id is
the file identifier that fopen (p. 75) or mopen (p. 104) returns.
To free memory you should close open files when they’re no
longer needed. In some operating systems SAS automatically
closes all files opened within a DATA step when the step ends
whereas in other OSes you must fclose files explicitly. For
details see the SAS documentation for your OS. See also:
close (p. 43), dclose (p. 56).

fcol(file_id )
Returns the current column position in the File Data Buffer
(FDB). file_id is the file identifier that fopen (p. 75) or mopen
(p. 104) returns. Use fcol with fpos (p. 77) to manipulate
data in the FDB. See also: fget (p. 69), fput (p. 78).
Deletes an external file or an empty directory, returning zero
(0) if successful; nonzero otherwise. fileref is an unconcatenat-
ed fileref assigned to the external file by the FILENAME state-
ment or the function filename (p. 69). dir is an empty
directory that you have permission to delete.
Assign a fileref, delete a file, and then unassign the fileref
data _null_;
if rc=0 and fexist(fileref) then
if msg ne ' ' then put msg=;

See also: fexist (p. 68), sysmsg (p. 153).

fetch(dataset_id [,'noset'])
Reads the next nondeleted observation from a SAS dataset
into the Dataset Data Vector (DDV), returning zero (0) if suc-

List of Functions | 67

cessful, nonzero if unsuccessful, or -1 for end-of-dataset. Use

sysmsg (p. 153) to get the error message for a nonzero result.

dataset_id is the dataset identifier that open (p. 111) returns.

'noset' prevents the automatic passing of dataset variable
values to DATA-step variables or macro variables even if call
set (p. 31) has been called.

See also: fetchobs (p. 68), getvarc (p. 81), getvarn (p. 81).
fetchobs(dataset_id,n [,options])
Reads the n-th observation from a SAS dataset into the
Dataset Data Vector (DDV), returning zero (0) if successful,
nonzero if unsuccessful, or -1 for end-of-dataset. Use sysmsg
(p. 153) to get the error message for a nonzero result.
dataset_id is the dataset identifier that open (p. 111) returns.
n is the number of the observation to read. fetchobs treats n
as a relative observation number (unless you use the 'abs'
option); n may or may not coincide with the physical observa-
tion number on disk because fetchobs skips observations
marked for deletion. When a WHERE clause is active,
fetchobs counts only observations that meet the WHERE
options is one or both of the following space-separated
options: 'abs' means that n is absolute (that is, deleted obser-
vations are counted) and 'noset' prevents the automatic
passing of dataset variable values to DATA-step or macro
variables even if call set (p. 31) has been called.
See also: fetch (p. 67), getvarc (p. 81), getvarn (p. 81).
fexist(fileref )
Determines whether the external file associated with a fileref
exists, returning one (1) if it exists; zero otherwise. fileref is a
fileref assigned to the external file by the FILENAME state-
ment or the function filename (p. 69). Example: See fdelete
(p. 67). See also: cexist (p. 43), exist (p. 65), fileexist
(p. 69).

68 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

fget(file_id,var [,len])
Copies data from the File Data Buffer (FDB) into a character
variable, returning zero (0) if successful, or -1 for end-of-buff-
er or no-more-tokens conditions. After fget is executed, the
column pointer moves to the next read position in the FDB.
file_id is the file identifier that fopen (p. 75) or mopen (p. 104)
var, in a DATA step, is a character variable that holds the data.
In a macro, it’s a macro variable that holds the data. If var is a
macro variable and it doesn’t exist, it’s created.
len is the number of characters to retrieve from the FDB. If len
is omitted or the buffer contains fewer than len characters, all
the FDB characters from the current column position to the
next delimiter are returned. The default delimiter, which isn’t
retrieved, is a blank. Use fsep (p. 78) to change the delimiter.
See also: fcol (p. 67), fpos (p. 77), fput (p. 78).
Determines whether an external file exists, returning one (1)
if it exists; zero otherwise. filename is a fully qualified physical
filename of the external file in the target OS. In a DATA step,
filename is a character expression, a quoted string, or a
DATA-step variable. In a macro, filename can be any expres-
sion. See also: cexist (p. 43), exist (p. 65), fexist (p. 68),
filename (p. 69).

filename(fileref,filename [,device_type
[,host_options[,dir_ref ]]])
Assigns or unassigns a fileref to an external file, directory, or
output device, returning zero (0) if successful; nonzero other-
wise. The association between a fileref and a physical file lasts
only for the duration of the current SAS session or until you
change or unassign the association by using the FILENAME
statement or the filename function again.
fileref is, in a DATA step, the fileref to assign to the external
file. In a macro (in the %sysfunc function, for example), fileref
is the name of a macro variable (without an ampersand)

List of Functions | 69

whose value contains the fileref to assign to the external file.

A blank fileref (‘’) causes an error. If the fileref is a DATA-step
character variable with a blank value and a minimum length
of eight characters, or if a macro variable named in fileref has
a null value, then a fileref is autogenerated for you.
filename is the external file. An empty string unassigns a pre-
viously assigned fileref.
device_type is the type of device or the access method that’s
used if fileref points to an input or output device or location
that isn’t a physical file. filename supports OS-specific devic-
es (see the SAS documentation for your OS) and the devices
in the following table.

device_type Device
disk|base Disk drive (when you assign a fileref to an on-disk
file, you don’t have to use disk)
dummy The output to the file is discarded (use for testing)
gterm Graphics device that will be receiving graphics data
pipe Unnamed pipe (some OSes don’t support pipes)
plotter Unbuffered graphics output device
printer Printer or printer spool file
tape Tape drive
temp Temporary file that exists only as long as the file-
name is assigned. The file is accessed through only
the logical name and is available only while the logi-
cal name exists. Don’t specify a physical pathname.
Files manipulated by the temp device can have the
same attributes and behave identically to disk files
terminal User’s terminal
uprinter Universal Printing printer definition name

host_options is host-specific details such as file attributes and

processing attributes. For details see the SAS documentation
for your OS.

70 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


dir_ref is the fileref that was assigned to the directory or parti-

tioned dataset in which the external file resides.
See also: dopen (p. 62), fexist (p. 68), fileexist (p. 69),
fileref (p. 71), fopen (p. 75), mopen (p. 104).

fileref(fileref )
Determines whether a fileref has been assigned to a physical
file for the current SAS session, returning a positive number if
fileref isn’t assigned; a negative number if fileref exists but its
associated file doesn’t; or zero if fileref and the associated file
both exist. You can assign fileref to an external file by using
the FILENAME statement or the function filename (p. 69).
find(str,substr [,modifiers][,start_pos]) 9+
find(str,substr [,start_pos][,modifiers]) 9+
Searches a string for a substring and returns the first position
at which it’s found, or zero (0) if it’s not found. For a descrip-
tion of start_pos see any<chartype> (p. 10). modifiers is one
or more of the values listed in the following table.

modifiers Means
i Ignore character case during the search. If this modifier
is omitted, the search is case-sensitive.
t Trim trailing spacing from str and substr.

str='She sells seashells? Yes, she does.';

find(str,'she ') → 27.

find(str,'she ','i') → 1.

find(str,'she ','i',5) → 27.

find(str,'she ','it',5) → 14.

find(str,'she ','it') → 1.

See also: count (p. 52), findc (p. 72), index (p. 85), rxmatch
(p. 134).

List of Functions | 71
findc(str,chars [,modifiers][,start_pos]) 9+
findc(str,chars [,start_pos][,modifiers]) 9+
Searches a string for any of specific characters that either
appear or don’t appear in the string and returns the first posi-
tion at which it’s found, or zero (0) if it’s not found. For a
description of start_pos see any<chartype> (p. 10). modifiers
is one or more of the values listed in the following table.

modifiers Means
i Ignore character case during the search. If this modifier
is omitted, the search is case-sensitive.
o Process chars and modifiers only once at the first call to
findc. Changes to chars or modifiers in subsequent
calls are ignored.
t Trim trailing spaces from str and chars.
v Count only the characters that don’t appear in chars.

str='Hi there, Ian!';

findc(str,'Hi') → 1.

findc(str,'hi') → 2.

findc(str,'Hi','v') → 3.

findc(str,'Hi ','vi') → 4.

findc(str,'Hi','i',4) → 5.

See also: countc (p. 52), find (p. 71), indexc (p. 85), verify
(p. 162).
Returns information about an external file. file_id is the file
identifier that fopen (p. 75) or mopen (p. 104) returns.
info_item is a string that identifies the item to retrieve. The
available info_items vary by OS. Use foptname (p. 77) to get
item names and foptnum (p. 77) to get the number of available
items. finfo returns a blank if info_item is invalid.

72 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


Create a dataset with information-item names and values
data finfo;
length info_item item_value $60;
drop rc file_id num_items i close;
do i=1 to num_items;

See also: dinfo (p. 61).

finv(prob,ndf,ddf [,nc])
Returns the prob-th quantile from the F distribution with
numerator degrees of freedom ndf (> 0, noninteger allowed),
denominator degrees of freedom ddf (> 0, noninteger
allowed), and noncentrality parameter nc (≥ 0). The probabil-
ity that an observation from an F distribution is less than or
equal to the returned quantile is prob (0 ≤ x <1). If nc is omit-
ted or is zero, finv uses the central F distribution. Large nc
values can cause finv to return a missing value. finv is the
inverse of probf (p. 117). Example: finv(0.95,2,10) →
4.102821015. See also: fnonct (p. 75).
Converts a FIPS code to its state or U.S. territory name in
uppercase (≤ 20 characters). fips_code is a U.S. Federal Infor-
mation Processing Standards numeric code. Examples: The fol-
lowing table shows examples of fipname, fipnamel (p. 74),
and fipstate (p. 74).

fips_code fipname() fipnamel() fipstate()

6 CALIFORNIA California CA
7 INVALID CODE Invalid Code --

List of Functions | 73

fips_code fipname() fipnamel() fipstate()

11 DISTRICT OF District of DC
36 NEW YORK New York NY
72 PUERTO RICO Puerto Rico PR
95 PALMYRA ATOLL Palmyra Atoll --

Create a table of FIPS codes

data fips;
do i=1 to 95;
drop i;

See also: stfips (p. 150), stname (p. 150), zipfips (p. 165),
zipname (p. 166).

Converts a FIPS code to its state or U.S. territory name in
mixed case (≤ 20 characters). fips_code is a U.S. Federal Infor-
mation Processing Standards numeric code. Examples: See
fipname (p. 73). See also: fipstate (p. 74), stfips (p. 150),
stnamel (p. 150), zipfips (p. 165), zipnamel (p. 166).

Converts a FIPS code to its two-character state or U.S. territo-
ry postal code or GSA geographic code in uppercase. fips_code
is a U.S. Federal Information Processing Standards numeric
code. Examples: See fipname (p. 73). See also: fipnamel (p. 74),
stfips (p. 150), zipfips (p. 165), zipstate (p. 166).

Returns the largest integer ≤ x. If x is within 10-12 of an inte-
ger, floor returns that integer. Examples: See ceil (p. 42). See
also: floorz (p. 75), int (p. 87), round (p. 133).

74 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

floorz(x) 9+
Returns the largest integer ≤ x, using zero fuzzing. Example:
Compare floorz(1-1.e-13) → 0 with floor(1-1.e-13) →
1. See also: floor (p. 74), fuzz (p. 79).
Returns the nonnegative noncentrality parameter from a non-
central F distribution with the specified parameters. x (≥ 0) is
a random variable, ndf (> 0, noninteger allowed) is the
numerator degrees of freedom, ddf (> 0, noninteger allowed)
is the denominator degrees of freedom, and prob (0 < prob <
1) is a probability. fnonct returns a missing value if prob is
greater than the probability from the specified distribution.
fnonct(2,4,5,0.05) → 20.5828152.

fnonct(2,4,5,0.80) → . (missing—bad prob).

fnonct(2,4,5,probf(2,4,5,1.5)) → 1.5.

See also: cnonct (p. 44), finv (p. 73), probf (p. 117), tnonct
(p. 156).
fnote(file_id )
Returns a unique numeric record ID for the last record that
was read in an external file. file_id is the file identifier that
fopen (p. 75) or mopen (p. 104) returns. Use the returned ID
with fpoint (p. 77) to later return to the marked record. To
delete the ID, use dropnote (p. 62). See also: frewind (p. 78),
note (p. 110).

fopen(fileref [,open_mode [,rec_len [,rec_format]]])

Opens an external file for reading or updating, returning a
unique numeric file identifier if successful; zero otherwise.
Use this ID to identify the open file to other file functions.
fileref is a fileref assigned to the external file by the FILE-
NAME statement or the function filename (p. 69).

List of Functions | 75

open_mode is the type of access to the file. Omit open_mode

to use input mode ('i' mode), or use one of the values listed
in the following table.

open_mode Mode
a Append mode allows writing new records after the
current end-of-file
i Input mode allows reading only (the default)
o Output mode defaults to the open mode specified
in the OS option in the FILENAME statement or
filename (p. 69) function; if no OS option is spec-
ified, this option allows writing new records at the
beginning of the file (output mode overwrites the
file’s current contents without warning)
s Sequential input mode is used for pipes and other
sequential devices such as hardware ports
u Update mode allows both reading and writing

rec_len is the file’s logical record length. Omit rec_len or set it

to zero to use the existing logical record length.
rec_format is the file’s record format. Omit rec_format to use
the existing record format, or use one of the values listed in
the following table.

rec_format Record format

b Data are interpreted as binary data
d Use the default record format
e Use an editable record format
f File contains fixed-length records
p File contains printer carriage control in OS-depen-
dent record format (for z/OS datasets with FBA or
VBA record format, use this option)
v File contains variable-length records

76 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


To free memory, you should close open files when they’re no

longer needed. In some OSes SAS automatically closes files
opened within a DATA step when the step ends whereas in
other OSes you must fclose (p. 67) files explicitly. For details
see the SAS documentation for your OS.
See also: dopen (p. 62), mopen (p. 104), open (p. 111).
Returns the name of the n-th information item for an external
file. file_id is the file identifier that fopen (p. 75) or mopen
(p. 104) returns. n is the sequence number of the item. The
returned item names vary by OS. Use foptnum (p. 77) to get
the number of items and finfo (p. 72) to get item values.
Example: See finfo. See also: doptname (p. 62).
foptnum(file_id )
Returns the number of information items that are available
for an external file. file_id is the file identifier that fopen
(p. 75) or mopen (p. 104) returns. The returned number varies
by OS. Use foptname (p. 77) to get item names and finfo
(p. 72) to get item values. Example: See finfo. See also: doptnum
(p. 62).
fpoint(file_id,note_id )
Moves to the record marked previously by fnote (p. 75),
returning zero (0) if successful; nonzero otherwise. file_id is
the file identifier that fopen (p. 75) or mopen (p. 104) returns.
note_id is the note identifier that fnote returns. fpoint deter-
mines only the record to read next, not which record is writ-
ten next. When you open the file for update, fwrite (p. 79)
writes to the most recently read record. See also: dropnote
(p. 62), fread (p. 78), frewind (p. 78), point (p. 116).
Sets the position of the column pointer in the File Data Buffer
(FDB), returning zero (0) if successful; nonzero otherwise.
file_id is the file identifier that fopen (p. 75) or mopen (p. 104)
returns. n is the column at which to set the pointer. If n is past
the end of the current record, the record size is increased

List of Functions | 77

appropriately (except for fixed-block and VBA files). See also:

fcol (p. 67), fget (p. 69), fput (p. 78).

Moves data to the File Data Buffer (FDB) of an external file
starting at the FDB’s current column position, returning zero
(0) if successful; nonzero otherwise. file_id is the file identifier
that fopen (p. 75) or mopen (p. 104) returns. fdata is the file
data. In a DATA step, fdata is a quoted string or DATA-step
variable; in a macro, fdata is a macro variable. The variable’s
length determines the number of bytes moved to the FDB.
The value of the column pointer is increased to one position
past the end of the new text. See also: fcol (p. 67), fget (p. 69),
fpos (p. 77).

fread(file_id )
Reads a record from an external file into the File Data Buffer
(FDB), returning zero (0) if successful; nonzero otherwise.
file_id is the file identifier that fopen (p. 75) or mopen (p. 104)
returns. The file-pointer position updates automatically after
a read so that successive freads read successive records. To
position a file pointer explicitly, use fpoint (p. 77) or frewind
(p. 78). See also: frlen (p. 78), fwrite (p. 79).
frewind(file_id )
Moves the file pointer to the start of a file, returning zero (0) if
successful; nonzero otherwise. file_id is the file identifier that
fopen (p. 75) or mopen (p. 104) returns. frewind doesn’t affect
a file opened with sequential access. See also: fpoint (p. 77),
fread (p. 78), rewind (p. 133).

frlen(file_id )
Returns the length of the last record read or, if the file is
opened for output, returns the length of the current record.
file_id is the file identifier that fopen (p. 75) or mopen (p. 104)
returns. See also: fread (p. 78).
Sets the token delimiters for fget (p. 69), returning zero (0) if
successful; nonzero otherwise. file_id is the file identifier that
fopen (p. 75) or mopen (p. 104) returns. delims (default blank)

78 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


is one or more delimiters that separate tokens in the File Data

Buffer (FDB). Each listed character is a delimiter. If delims is
‘#@’, for example, either ‘#’ or ‘@’ can separate tokens. Multi-
ple consecutive delimiters, such as ‘@#@’ in this example, are
treated as a single delimiter.
Returns the nearest integer if x is within 10-12 of an integer;
otherwise returns x. Example: fuzz(1.99999999999) → 2
(exactly). See also: ceilz (p. 43), floorz (p. 75), intz (p. 91),
modz (p. 104), roundz (p. 134).

fwrite(file_id [,cc])
Writes the next record to a file, returning zero (0) if success-
ful; nonzero otherwise. file_id is the file identifier that fopen
(p. 75) or mopen (p. 104) returns. cc is one of the carriage-con-
trol characters listed in the following table.

cc Means
blank Start the record on a new line
0 Skip one blank line before a new line
- Skip two blank lines before a new line
1 Start the line on a new page
+ Overstrike the line on a previous line
P Interpret the line as a terminal prompt
= Interpret the line as carriage-control information
All else Start the line record on a new line

fwrite moves text from the File Data Buffer (FDB) to the
external file. To use the carriage-control characters, you must
open the file with the record format of 'p' (print format) in
fopen. See also: fappend (p. 66), fread (p. 78).

Returns the prob-th quantile from the gamma distribution
with shape parameter a (> 0). The probability that an obser-
vation from a gamma distribution is less than or equal to the

List of Functions | 79

returned quantile is prob (0 ≤ x < 1). gaminv is the inverse of

probgam (p. 117).

Example: gaminv(0.5,9.0) → 8.668951184.

See also: gamma (p. 80).
Returns the value of the gamma function Γ(x), defined as

x – 1 –t
Γ(x) = ∫0t e dt

where x is a nonzero real number but not a negative integer.

For positive integers, gamma(n) equals fact(n -1). Examples:
gamma(6) → 120. gamma(6.5) → 287.8852778. gamma(-6) →
. (missing). See also: digamma (p. 60), fact (p. 66), gaminv
(p. 79), lgamma (p. 98), probgam (p. 117), trigamma (p. 157).
geomean(x1 [,x2,...]) 9+
Returns the geometric mean of nonmissing arguments. If all
the arguments are missing values, the result is a missing value.
The geometric mean is defined by

n x1 x2 … xn

where all x ≥ 0. If any argument is zero, the geometric mean is

zero. geomean uses fuzzing and returns zero if any x is within
10-12 of zero. Example: x1=3; x2=4.5; x3=1; geomean(2,of
x1-x3,6,.) → 2.7663237344. See also: fuzz (p. 79), geomeanz
(p. 80).
geomeanz(x1 [,x2,...]) 9+
Same as geomean (p. 80) but doesn’t fuzz close-to-zero x’s.
getoption(opt_name [,reporting_opts])
Returns the value of a SAS system option or graphics option.
opt_name is the option name (with no trailing ‘=’). Password
options, such as EMAILPW, return ‘xxxxxxxx’ instead of the
actual password. Specify each of the reporting_opts as a sepa-

80 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


rate argument or separate them by spaces in a single argu-

ment; use the values listed in the following table.

reporting_opts Returns
in Graphic units in inches
cm Graphic units in centimeters
keyword Option values in KEYWORD= format suitable
for use in OPTIONS or GOPTIONS statements

getoption('center') → NOCENTER.

getoption('yearcutoff') → 1920.

getoption('PAGESIZE','keyword') → PAGESIZE=55.

Returns the character value of the n-th variable of the current
observation in a SAS dataset. dataset_id is the dataset identifi-
er that open (p. 111) returns. Use varnum (p. 161) or PROC
CONTENTS to get n. See also: fetch (p. 67), fetchobs (p. 68),
getvarn (p. 81), var<attr> (p. 160).

Returns the numeric value of the n-th variable of the current
observation in a SAS dataset. dataset_id is the dataset identifi-
er that open (p. 111) returns. Use varnum (p. 161) or PROC
CONTENTS to get n. See also: fetch (p. 67), fetchobs (p. 68),
getvarc (p. 81), var<attr> (p. 160).

harmean(x1 [,x2,...]) 9+
Returns the harmonic mean of nonmissing arguments. If all
the arguments are missing values, the result is a missing value.
The harmonic mean is defined by
1 1 … 1
----- + ----- + + -----
x1 x2 xn

List of Functions | 81

where all x ≥ 0. If any argument is zero, the harmonic mean is

zero. harmean uses fuzzing and returns zero if any x is within
10-12 of zero. Example: x1=3; x2=4.5; x3=1; harmean(2,of
x1-x3,6,.) → 2.25. See also: fuzz (p. 79), harmeanz (p. 82).

harmeanz(x1 [,x2,...]) 9+
Same as harmean (p. 81) but doesn’t fuzz close-to-zero x’s.
hbound(array [,n])
Returns the upper bound of array, or the upper bound of
dimension n (≥ 1) of a multidimensional array. If omitted, n
defaults to 1. hboundn(array) and hbound(array,n) are
equivalent calls.
array a{2:3,10:12,5} x1-x30;

hbound(a) or hbound(a,1) → 3.

hbound2(a) or hbound(a,2) → 12.

hbound3(a) or hbound(a,3) → 5.

Iterate over array ar

array ar[4] x1 x2 x3 x4;
do i=lbound(ar) to hbound(ar);
Do something with ar{i} here

See also: dim (p. 60), lbound (p. 96).

hms(hour,minute,second )
Creates a SAS time from an hour, minute, and second. The
result is the number of seconds after midnight.
hms(0,0,15) → 15 (00:00:15).

hms(20,26,21.56) → 73581.56 (20:26:21.56).

See also: datetime (p. 55), dhms (p. 59), mdy (p. 101), time
(p. 155), today (p. 156).

82 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

Extracts the hour (0–23) from a SAS time or SAS datetime.
Example: hour(time()) → 22 (the time is 10:19:49.44 PM).
See also: minute (p. 102), second (p. 146).
Decodes a string that contains HTML numeric character ref-
erences and character entity references. htmldecode recog-
nizes the character entity references listed in the following
table. For numeric character references, use &#nnn; where
nnn is a decimal number, or &#Xhhh; where hhh is a hexadec-
imal number. All unrecognized entities are returned unmodi-
fied in the output string.

Entity Decoded character

&amp; &
&lt; <
&gt; >
&quot; "
&apos; 9+ '

Example: htmldecode('G&amp;&#84;') → ‘G&T’.

See also: htmlencode (p. 83), urldecode (p. 159).
htmlencode(str [,options])
Encodes a string as HTML text. By default, the characters >,
<, and & are encoded as &gt;, &lt;, and &amp;. The returned
string can be longer than str—assign the result to a sufficient-
ly long output variable to avoid truncation. In SAS 9 and later,
you can use the options listed in the following table to modify
the default encoding behavior.

options Character Character entity reference

amp & &amp;

gt > &gt;

List of Functions | 83

options Character Character entity reference

lt < &lt;

apos ' &apos;

quot " &quot;

7bit Any character not rep- &#Xhhh; (Unicode; hhh is a

resented in 7-bit ASCII hexadecimal number.)

htmlencode("I'm sure x<y") → ‘I'm sure x&lt;y’.

htmlencode("I'm sure x<y",'apos lt gt') → ‘I&apos;m

sure x&lt;y’.
htmlencode('80'x,'7bit') → ‘&#x20AC;’ (€ symbol).

See also: htmldecode (p. 83), urlencode (p. 159).

Returns the value of the modified Bessel function of order nu
(≥ 0) evaluated at x (≥ 0). When kode (a non-negative integer)
equals 0, the Bessel function is returned; otherwise the value
of the following function is returned.
e I mn ( x )

Example: ibessel(1,2,1) → 0.2152692892. See also: jbessel

(p. 92).
[,result_if_missing]) 9+
Returns a character value based on whether a condition is
true, false, or missing. condition is a logical expression that
evaluates to true if it’s not zero or not missing. If
result_if_missing is omitted, result_if_false is returned if
condition evaluates to missing. Example: The statement

is equivalent to

84 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


if score>60 then grade='pass'; else grade='fail';

See also: ifn (p. 85).

[,result_if_missing]) 9+
Returns a numeric value based on whether a condition is true,
false, or missing. condition is a logical expression that evalu-
ates to true if it’s not zero or not missing. If result_if_missing is
omitted, result_if_false is returned if condition evaluates to
missing. Example: The statement

is equivalent to
if sales>500 then bonus=10000; else bonus=0;

See also: ifc (p. 84).

Returns the first position in a string in which a case-sensitive
substring appears, or zero (0) if the substring isn’t found.
Example: index('abcABC','AB') → 4.
See also: count (p. 52), find (p. 71), indexc (p. 85), indexw
(p. 85).
indexc(str,substr1 [,substr2,...])
Returns the first position in a string in which any of the char-
acters in the substrings appear, or zero (0) if none are found.
Example: indexc('abcABC','xyz','12','CD') → 6.
See also: countc (p. 52), findc (p. 72), index (p. 85), indexw
(p. 85).
indexw(str,word [,delims])
Returns the first position in which a word appears in a string,
or zero (0) if the word isn’t found. One or more delims are
word separators in str. The default delimiter is a space. SAS
ignores leading and trailing delims in word. To match, word
must begin and end on word boundaries. The boundaries are

List of Functions | 85

are delims, the beginning of str, and the end of str. If both str
and word are empty strings or contain only spaces, the result
is 1. If word is an empty string or contains only spaces, and str
contains a character or numeric value, the result is 0.
indexw('asdf adog dog','dog') → 11.

indexw('asdf adog dog',' ') → 0.

indexw('asdf@ adog@ dog',' dog','@') → 12.

indexw('asdf@adog%dog','adog','%@') → 6.

See also: index (p. 85), indexc (p. 85).

input(str, [?|??]informat.)
Uses an informat to read a string at run time. The ? option
suppresses log messages. The ?? option suppresses log mes-
sages and doesn’t let SAS set _ERROR_ to 1. informat deter-
mines whether the result is numeric or character. You can use
input to convert character values to numeric values. informat
is a literal argument; don’t use an expression or quoted string.
The result’s default length is the informat width.
input('$20,000.00',comma10.2) → Read as 20000.

input('1234',4.2) → Read as 12.34.

input('kidnap',$3.) → Read as ‘kid’.

input('20jan2005',date9.) → Read as 16456.

input('(34%)',percent5.) → Read as -0.34.

See also: inputc (p. 86), inputn (p. 87), put (p. 125), putc
(p. 126), putn (p. 126), INPUT statement.
Uses a character informat to read a string at run time. Specify-
ing w overrides any width specification in char_informat. The
result’s default length is the length of str.

86 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


Example: inputc('sas','$upcase3.') → Read as ‘SAS’.

See also: input (p. 86), inputn (p. 87), put (p. 125), putc
(p. 126), putn (p. 126).
inputn(str,num_informat.[,w [,d ]])
Uses a numeric informat to read the string at run time. Speci-
fying w or d overrides any width or decimal-places specifica-
tion in num_informat.
Example: inputn('1234','F4.2') → Read as 12.34.
See also: input (p. 86), inputc (p. 86), put (p. 125), putc
(p. 126), putn (p. 126).
Returns the integer part of x, removing the fractional part. If x
is within 10-12 of an integer, int returns that integer. If x is
positive, int returns the same result as floor (p. 74). If x is
negative, int returns the same result as ceil (p. 42). Examples:
See ceil. See also: intz (p. 91), mod (p. 102), modz (p. 104),
round (p. 133).

Counts the number of intervals between from and to, which
are two SAS dates, two SAS times, or two SAS datetimes. The
general form of interval is unit [mult][.start].
unit is the interval unit; use one of the values listed in the fol-
lowing table.

unit Interval unit and shift

day Daily intervals, starting each day (shift days)
week Weekly intervals, starting Sunday (shift days:
1 = Sunday,..., 7 = Saturday)
weekday[daysW] Daily intervals, starting each day with Fri-
Sat-Sun counted as the same day (shift days)
tenday Ten-day intervals, starting the 1st, 11th, and
21st of each month (shift ten-day periods)

List of Functions | 87

unit Interval unit and shift

semimonth Half-month intervals, starting the 1st and 16th
of each month (shift semi-monthly periods)
month Monthly intervals, starting the 1st of each
month (shift months)
qtr Quarterly (three-month) intervals, starting
Jan 1, Apr 1, Jul 1, and Oct 1 (shift months)
semiyear Semiannual (six-month) intervals, starting
Jan 1 and Jul 1 (shift months)
year Yearly intervals, starting Jan 1 (shift months)
second Second intervals, starting midnight (shift
minute Minute intervals, starting midnight (shift
hour Hour intervals, starting midnight (shift sec-
Datetime intervals Prepend dt to any interval unit (dtmonth,
for example)

mult (default 1) is a positive number that multiplies unit.

year2 is a two-year interval, for example.

start (default 1) is the interval’s starting point. start > 1 shifts

the start to a later point within the interval. The shifting unit,
which depends on unit, is shown parenthesized in the preced-
ing table. For example, year.3 is the yearly period March 1
through February 28 (or 29) the following year.
The following table shows some example intervals.

interval Interval
day3 Three-day intervals starting on Sunday
week.7 Weekly with Saturday as the first day of the
week6.13 Six-week intervals starting on second Fridays
week2 Biweekly intervals starting on first Sundays

88 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


interval Interval
week1.1 Same as week
week.2 Weekly intervals starting on Mondays
week6.3 Six-week intervals starting on first Tuesdays
week6.11 Six-week intervals starting on second Wednes-
week4 Four-week intervals starting on first Sundays
weekday1w Six-day week with Sunday as a weekend day
weekday35w Five-day week with Tuesday and Thursday as
weekend days (the trailing W means that day 3
and day 5 are weekend days)
weekday17w Same as weekday
weekday67w Five-day week with Friday and Saturday as
weekend days
weekday3.2 Three-weekday intervals with Saturday and
Sunday as weekend days (with the cycle three-
weekday intervals aligned to Monday 4 Jan
tenday4.2 Four ten-day periods starting at the second
tenday period

semimonth2.2 Intervals from the sixteenth of one month

through the fifteenth of the next month
month2.2 Feb–Mar, Apr–May, Jun–Jul, Aug–Sep, Oct–
Nov, and Dec–Jan of the following year
month2 Jan–Feb, Mar–Apr, May–Jun, Jul–Aug, Sep–
Oct, Nov–Dec
qtr3.2 Three-month intervals starting on Apr 1, Jul 1,
Oct 1, and Jan 1
semiyear.3 Six-month intervals, Mar–Aug and Sep–Feb
year.10 Fiscal years starting in October
year2.7 Biennial intervals starting in July of even years
year2.19 Biennial intervals starting in July of odd years
year4.11 Four-year intervals starting in November of
leap years (U.S. presidential elections)

List of Functions | 89

interval Interval
year4.35 Four-year intervals starting in November of
even years between leap years (U.S. midterm
dtmonth13 Thirteen-month intervals starting at midnight
of 1-Jan-1960, such as 1-Nov-1957, 1-Dec-1958,
1-Jan-1960, 1-Feb-1961, and 1-Mar-1962
hour8.7 Eight-hour intervals starting at 6 AM, 2 PM,
and 10 PM

intck('qtr','10jan2005'd,'01jul2005'd) → 2.

intck('week2.2','01jan2005'd,'31mar2005'd) → 6.

intck('year','01jan2005'd,'31dec2005'd) → 0.

intnx(interval,start,increment [,alignment])
Increments a date, time, or datetime by a specified interval or
intervals. The starting point start is a SAS date, time, or date-
time. increment is the integer number of intervals to shift
start. The general form of interval, unit [mult][.start], is
described in intck (p. 87). alignment sets the position of the
result; use one of the values listed in the following table.

alignment The returned date is aligned to the

beginning|b Beginning of the interval (the default)
middle|m Midpoint of the interval
end|e End of the interval
sameday|same|s Same calendar date with the corresponding
interval increment

intnx('year','05feb2005'd,3) → 17532 (1-Jan-2008).

intnx('dtday','8jun2005:08:25:30'dt,0) →
1433808000 (8-Jun-2005 00:00:00).

90 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


intnx('month','01jan2005'd,5,'b') → 16588 (1-Jun-

intnx('month','01jan2005'd,5,'e') → 16617 (30-Jun-
Returns the internal rate of return, as a fraction. freq (> 0) is
the number of payments over a specified base period of time
associated with the desired IRR (set freq = 0 for continuous
compounding). Set freq = 3, for example, for a quarterly IRR
(three-month base period) with monthly payments. cf0, cf1,...,
cfn are two or more start-of-period cash payments (< 0) or
inflows (> 0) occurring at equally spaced times 0, 1,..., n. irr
(p. 91) returns the same result but as a percentage.
Example: intrr(1,-400,100,200,300) → 0.19438.
intz(x) 9+
Returns the integer part of x, removing the fractional part and
using zero fuzzing. Example: Compare intz(1-1.e-13) → 0
with int(1-1.e-13) → 1. See also: fuzz (p. 79), int (p. 87),
mod (p. 102), modz (p. 104).

Returns the error-message text of the current value of the
automatic variable _IORC_. The result’s default length is 200.
_IORC_ is created when you use the MODIFY statement or
the SET statement with the KEY= option. The _IORC_ value
is internal and meant to be read in conjunction with the
%sysrc autocall macro. Don’t set _IORC_ yourself.
iqr(x1 [,x2,...]) 9+
Returns the interquartile range (third quartile minus the first
quartile) of nonmissing arguments. If all the arguments are
missing values, the result is a missing value. Example: x1=3;
x2=4; x3=5; iqr(-10,2,of x1-x3,.,123) → 3. See also:
mad (p. 100), pctl (p. 113).

Returns the internal rate of return. irr is the same as intrr
(p. 91), except that the result is a percentage, not a fraction.

List of Functions | 91
Returns the value of the Bessel function of order nu (≥ 0)
evaluated at x (≥ 0). Example: jbessel(1,2) → 0.5767248078.
See also: ibessel (p. 84).
Converts a SAS date to a Julian date. If sas_date falls within
the 100-year span defined by the YEARCUTOFF= system
option, the result is yyddd; otherwise the result is yyyyddd (1
≤ ddd ≤ 366). For example, if YEARCUTOFF=1920, juldate
returns 97001 for January 1, 1997 and 1878365 for December
31, 1878. Use juldate7 (p. 92) to avoid two-digit years.
Example: juldate(today()) → 05245 (today is 2-Sep-2005).
See also: datejul (p. 55).
Converts a SAS date to a Julian date. juldate7 is the same as
juldate (p. 92), except that its result always has seven digits
yyyyddd (1 ≤ ddd ≤ 366).
Example: juldate7(today()) → 2005245 (today is 2-Sep-
See also: datejul (p. 55).
(DBCS) Compares two strings and returns a negative number
if str1 < str2, zero if str1 = str2, or a positive number if str1 >
str2. start_pos is the starting position in str1 to begin the com-
parison. If start_pos is omitted, all of str1 is compared. If
start_pos < 0, str1 is assumed to be extended DBCS data that
contains no SO/SI characters. len is the number of bytes to
compare. If len is omitted, all of str1 that follows start_pos is
compared (trailing spaces are ignored).
kcompress(str [,chars])
(DBCS) Removes characters from a string. chars lists the
character(s) to remove. If chars is omitted, all single- and dou-
ble-byte spaces are removed. See also: kleft (p. 93), kright
(p. 94), ktrim (p. 95).

92 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

(DBCS) Counts double-byte characters in a string.
kcvt(text,in_encoding,new_encoding [,options])
(DBCS) Converts data from one encoding to another. See
Encoding Values in SAS National Language Support (NLS):
User’s Guide. The options are listed in the following table.

options Means
nososi| No shift code or Hankaku characters

inplace Replace character data by conversion

kana Include Hankaku katakana characters in columns of
character data
upcase Convert 2-byte alphabet to uppercase characters
lowcase Convert 2-byte alphabet to lowercase characters
kata2hira Convert Katakana data to Hiragana
hira2kata Convert Hiragana data to Katakana

(DBCS) Scans a string from left to right and returns the first
position at which a substring appears within the string, or
zero (0) if the substring isn’t found. See also: kindexc (p. 93).
kindexc(str,substr1 [,substr2,...])
(DBCS) Scans a string from left to right and returns the first
position in the string at which any of the characters in the
substrings appear, or zero (0) if no characters in any of the
substrings are found. See also: kindex (p. 93).
(DBCS) Left-aligns a string by removing leading DBCS spaces
and SO/SI. See also: kcompress (p. 92), kright (p. 94), ktrim
(p. 95).
(DBCS) Returns the length of its argument. The length is the
position of the rightmost nonspace character in expression. If

List of Functions | 93

expression is a missing value, the result is 1. If expression is an

uninitialized numeric variable, klength returns 12 and logs a
note that numbers have been converted to characters.
(DBCS) Converts all uppercase letters in a string to lowercase.
See also: kupcase (p. 95).
(DBCS) Reverses the order of characters in a string.
(DBCS) Right-aligns a string by removing trailing DBCS
spaces and SO/SI. See also: kcompress (p. 92), kleft (p. 93),
ktrim (p. 95).

kscan(str,n [,delims])
(DBCS) Returns the n-th word in a string. See scan (p. 145)
for a description of the parameters.
kstrcat(str1,str2 [,str3,...])
(DBCS) Concatenates two or more single-byte or double-byte
strings, removing SO/SI pairs between the strings.
ksubstr(str,start_pos [,len])
(DBCS) Extracts a substring from a string. start_pos (≥ 1) is
the position of the first character in the substring. len is the
length of the substring to extract. If len is zero, negative, or
greater than the length of str after start_pos, ksubstr extracts
the remainder of str and logs an invalid-length note. If len is
omitted, ksubstr extracts the remainder of str. The result’s
default length is the length of str.
Example: ksubstr('kidnap',4,3) → ‘nap’.
See also: ksubstrb (p. 94).
ksubstrb(str,start_pos [,len])
(DBCS) Same as ksubstr (p. 94), except that start_pos and n
are expressed in byte units. If len is greater than the length (in
byte units) of str after start_pos, ksubstrb extracts the
remainder of str.

94 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

ktranslate(str,to1,from1 [,to2,from2,...])
(DBCS) Replaces all occurrences of from characters in str
with to characters. ktranslate is the same as translate
(p. 156), except that ktranslate can translate a single-byte
character expression to a double-byte one, and vice versa.
(DBCS) Removes trailing DBCS spaces and SO/SI from a
string. Is str is blank, the result is one blank. If the trimmed
value is shorter than the target variable, SAS pads the result
with spaces as it assigns it to the variable. See also: kcompress
(p. 92), kleft (p. 93), kright (p. 94).
(DBCS) Truncates a full-length number (stored as a double)
to len bytes and pads the truncated bytes with 0s. This process
duplicates the effect of storing numbers at less than full length
and then reading them.
(DBCS) Converts all single-byte lowercase letters in a string
to uppercase. See also: klowcase (p. 94).
kupdate(str,start_pos [,n][,chars])
(DBCS) Replaces str with chars, starting at start_pos and
replacing n characters, where n ≤ the number of characters in
str after start_pos. n and chars both are optional but at least
one must be specified. If n is omitted, kupdate uses all the
characters in chars to replace str.
kupdate('abcde',3,2) → ‘abe’.

kupdate('abcde',3,'xx') → ‘abxx’.

kupdate('abcde',3,2,'xx') → ‘abxxe’.

See also: kupdateb (p. 95).

kupdateb(str,start_pos [,n][,chars])
(DBCS) Same as kupdate (p. 95), except that start_pos and n
are expressed in byte units.

List of Functions | 95
kurtosis(x1,x2,x3,x4 [,x5,...])
Returns the kurtosis (peakedness) of nonmissing arguments.
At least four nonmissing arguments are required or the result
is a missing value. Example: x1=-3; x2=0.5; x3=50; y1=.;
kurtosis(2,of x1-x3,6,y1) → 4.5733146626.

kverify(str,substr1 [,substr2,...])
(DBCS) Returns the position of the first character in a string
that’s not in any substring, or zero if every character in str is in
at least one substr.
Returns the queued value supplied in the n-th preceding lag
function call. n ranges from 1 (the default) to 100. lag1 is
equivalent to lag. value is numeric or character. Each occur-
rence of a lagn in a program generates its own queue of val-
ues. The lagn queue is initialized with n missing values.
When lagn executes, its queue’s front value is removed and
returned; the remaining values are shifted frontward; and the
new value is placed at the back of the queue. Missing values
are returned for the first n executions of lagn, after which the
lagged values of value start to appear. When value is character,
the result’s default length is 200. Example: See dif (p. 59).
largest(n,x1 [,x2,...]) 9+
Returns the n-th largest of nonmissing values. If n is missing,
a noninteger, less than one, or greater than the number of
nonmissing values, then largest returns a missing value.
Example: x1=-3.5; x2=-4; x3=5; largest(2,2,of x1-
x3,6,.) → 5. See also: max (p. 101), min (p. 101), ordinal
(p. 112), pctl (p. 113), smallest (p. 147).
lbound(array [,n])
Returns the lower bound of array, or the lower bound of
dimension n (≥ 1) of a multidimensional array. If omitted, n
defaults to 1. lboundn(array) and lbound(array,n) are
equivalent calls.

96 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


array a{2:3,10:12,5} x1-x30;

lbound(a) or lbound(a,1) → 2.

lbound2(a) or lbound(a,2) → 10.

lbound3(a) or lbound(a,3) → 1.

Iterate over array ar

array ar[10:13] x1 x2 x3 x4;
do i=lbound(ar) to hbound(ar);
Do something with ar{i} here

See also: dim (p. 60), hbound (p. 82).

Left-aligns a string by moving leading spaces to the end. The
length of str doesn’t change. The result’s default length is the
length of str. Examples: The following table shows examples of
left, right (p. 133), strip (p. 150), trim (p. 158), and trimn
(p. 158).

Function ‘ abc ’ ‘ ‘ (3 spaces) ‘’ (empty string)

left() ‘abc ’ ‘ ’ (3 spaces) ‘ ’ (1 space)
right() ‘ abc’ ‘ ’ (3 spaces) ‘ ’ (1 space)
strip() ‘abc’ ‘’ (empty string) ‘’ (empty string)
trim() ‘ abc’ ‘ ’ (1 space) ‘ ’ (1 space)
trimn() ‘ abc’ ‘’ (empty string) ‘’ (empty string)

Prints s="aaa |bbb" (two spaces follow the ‘aaa’)

s=cat(left(' aaa '),'|',left(' bbb '));
put s= $quote20.;

Returns the length of a string, not counting trailing spaces,
returning 1 if str is an empty string or a string of one or more
spaces. If str is a number, length returns 12 and logs a note
that numbers have been converted to characters. Examples:

List of Functions | 97

The following table shows examples of length, lengthc

(p. 98), lengthm (p. 98), and lengthn (p. 98).

str length() lengthc() lengthm() lengthn()

‘abc’ 3 3 3 3
‘abc ’ 3 6 6 3
‘ ’ (3 spaces) 1 3 3 0
‘’ (empty string) 1 1 1 0
42 (number) 12 12 12 12

lengthc(str) 9+
Returns the length of a string, counting trailing spaces. If str is a
number, lengthc returns 12 and logs a note that numbers have
been converted to characters. Examples: See length (p. 97). See
also: lengthm (p. 98), lengthn (p. 98).
lengthm(str) 9+
Returns the number of bytes allocated to a string. If str is a
number, lengthm returns 12 and logs a note that numbers
have been converted to characters. Examples: See length
(p. 97). See also: lengthc (p. 98), lengthn (p. 98).
lengthn(str) 9+
Returns the length of a string, not counting trailing spaces,
returning 0 if str is an empty string or a string of one or more
spaces. If str is a number, lengthn returns 12 and logs a note
that numbers have been converted to characters. Examples: See
length (p. 97). See also: lengthc (p. 98), lengthm (p. 98).

Returns the natural log of the function gamma (p. 80), defined
for x > 0. lgamma(x) is the same as log(gamma(x)). Examples:
lgamma(6) → 4.7874917428. lgamma(1) → 0. lgamma(0) → .
(missing). See also: digamma (p. 60), log (p. 99), trigamma
(p. 157).
libname(libref [,data_lib [,engine [,options]]])
Assigns or unassigns a libref for a SAS data library, returning
zero (0) if successful; or nonzero on an error (failure), warn-

98 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


ing (success), or note (success). For nonzero values, examine

the SAS log to determine whether the function was successful.
libref is the libref that is assigned to a SAS data library.
data_lib is the physical name of the SAS data library that’s
associated with libref, specified as required by the host OS. If
data_lib is omitted or is an empty string, libref disassociates
from data_lib.
engine is the engine that’s used to access SAS files opened in
data_lib (specify 'remote' if you’re using a SAS/SHARE serv-
options is one or more space-delimited engine options.
See also: libref (p. 99), open (p. 111).
libref(libref )
Determines whether a libref is assigned, returning zero (0) if
libref is assigned; nonzero otherwise. Librefs are assigned to a
SAS library by the LIBNAME statement or the function
libname (p. 98).

Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of x (> 0). log is the
inverse of exp (p. 65). See also: log10 (p. 99), log2 (p. 99).
log(0.5) → -0.693147181.

log(1.0) → 0.

log(constant('e')) → 1.

log(exp(2)) or exp(log(2)) → 2.

Returns the base-10 logarithm of x (> 0). Examples: log10(.01)
→ -2. log10(1000) → 3. See also: log (p. 99), log2 (p. 99).
Returns the base-2 logarithm of x (> 0). Examples: log2(0.5)
→ -1. log2(256) → 8. See also: log (p. 99), log10 (p. 99).

List of Functions | 99
logbeta(a,b) 9+
Returns the natural logarithm of the function beta (p. 17).
See beta for a description of the parameters. logbeta is the
same as log(beta()). See also: gamma (p. 80), log (p. 99).
logcdf(dist,quantile [,param1,param2,...]) 9+
Returns the natural logarithm of the left cumulative distribu-
tion function cdf (p. 40). See cdf for a description of the
parameters. logcdf is the same as log(cdf()). See also: log
(p. 99).
logpdf(dist,quantile [,param1,param2,...])
Returns the natural logarithm of the probability density
(mass) function pdf (p. 114). See cdf (p. 40) for a description
of the parameters. logpdf is the same as log(pdf()). Alias:
logpmf. See also: log (p. 99).

logsdf(dist,quantile [,param1,param2,...])
Returns the natural logarithm of the survival function sdf
(p. 146). See cdf (p. 40) for a description of the parameters.
logsdf is the same as log(sdf()). See also: log (p. 99).

Converts all uppercase letters in a string to lowercase. The
result’s default length is the length of str.
lowcase('Place de l''Étoile') → ‘place de l'étoile’.

Make a word proper case (sets t = ‘Proper’)


See also: propcase (p. 120), upcase (p. 158).

mad(x1 [,x2,...]) 9+
Returns the median absolute deviation from the median of
nonmissing arguments. If all the arguments are missing val-
ues, the result is a missing value. Example: x1=3; x2=4; x3=5;
mad(-10,2,of x1-x3,.,999) → 1.5. See also: iqr (p. 91),
median (p. 101), pctl (p. 113).

100 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

max(x1,x2 [,x3,...])
Returns the largest of nonmissing arguments. If all the argu-
ments are missing values, the result is a missing value. Exam-
ple: x1=-3; x2=-4; x3=5; max(2,of x1-x3,6,.) → 6. See
also: largest (p. 96), min (p. 101), smallest (p. 147).
Creates a SAS date from a month (1–12), day (1–31), and year.
year is two or four digits. The YEARCUTOFF= system option
defines the year value for two-digit years. The result is the
number of days before (negative) or after (positive) 1-Jan-
mdy(5,10,1936) → -8636 (10-May-1936).

mdy(1,1,1960) → 0 (1-Jan-1960).

mdy(9,2,2005) → 16681 (2-Sep-2005).

mdy(5,33,2006) → . (missing—bad day).

See also: datetime (p. 55), dhms (p. 59), hms (p. 82), time
(p. 155), today (p. 156).
mean(x1 [,x2,...])
Returns the arithmetic mean (average) of nonmissing argu-
ments. If all the arguments are missing values, the result is a
missing value. Example: x1=3; x2=4; x3=5; mean(2,of x1-
x3,6,.) → 4. See also: median (p. 101), n (p. 106), sum (p. 153).

median(x1 [,x2,...]) 9+
Returns the median of nonmissing arguments. If all the argu-
ments are missing values, the result is a missing value. Exam-
ple: x1=3; x2=4; x3=5; median(-10,2,of x1-x3,.,123)
→ 3.5. See also: mad (p. 100), mean (p. 101), n (p. 106).
min(x1,x2 [,x3,...])
Returns the smallest of nonmissing arguments. If all the argu-
ments are missing values, the result is a missing value. Exam-
ple: x1=-3; x2=-4; x3=5; min(2,of x1-x3,6,.) → -4. See
also: largest (p. 96), max (p. 101), smallest (p. 147).

List of Functions | 101

Extracts the minute (0–59) from a SAS time or SAS datetime.
Example: minute(time()) → 19 (the time is 10:19:49.44 PM).
See also: hour (p. 83), second (p. 146).
Returns one (1) if its argument contains a missing value; zero
num_expr is a numeric expression. It’s defined as missing if
the expression’s result is missing (.) or if it contains special
characters that you used to differentiate among missing val-
ues. The special characters are the uppercase or lowercase let-
ters A–Z and the underscore (_), preceded by a dot.
char_expr is the name of a character variable or an expression
that evaluates to a character value. It’s defined as missing if the
expression’s result is empty or contains only spaces.
missing(10) → 0.

missing('abc') → 0.

missing(.) → 1.

missing(.a) → 1.

missing(._) → 1.

missing('') → 1.

missing(' ') → 1.

missing(' ') → 1.

See also: call missing (p. 21), n (p. 106), nmiss (p. 109).
Returns the remainder when x is divided by divisor, returning
zero if the result is within 10-12 of zero or divisor to avoid most
unexpected floating-point results. Nonzero results have the
same sign as x; the sign of divisor is ignored.

102 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


The following table shows examples of mod and modz (p. 104)

x divisor mod() modz()

10 3 1 1
3 10 3 3
–10 4 –2 –2
–10 –4 –2 2
0.3 –0.1 0 0.1
1.5 0.6 0.3 0.3
0.9 0.3 0 5.551115E–17
12345678 10**4 5678 5678

Split mydata randomly into three (near) equal-sized datasets

First, add a uniform random variable

data mydata;
set mydata;

Use the new variable to randomize the row order

proc sort data=mydata;
by rand;

Pick every n-th row for each sub-dataset

data dsrand1 dsrand2 dsrand3;
set mydata;
drop rand pick_obs;
pick_obs = mod(_N_,3);
select (pick_obs);
when(0) output dsrand1;
when(1) output dsrand2;
otherwise output dsrand3;

See also: int (p. 87), intz (p. 91).

List of Functions | 103

modulec([ctrl_str,]module_name [,arg1,arg2,...])
Calls an external routine and returns a character value. For
details see call module (p. 21). See also: modulen (p. 104).
moduleic([ctrl_str,]module_name [,arg1,arg2,...])
Calls an external routine and returns a character value (in
IML environment only). For details see call module (p. 21).
See also: modulein (p. 104).
modulein([ctrl_str,]module_name [,arg1,arg2,...])
Calls an external routine and returns a numeric value (in IML
environment only). For details see call module (p. 21). See
also: moduleic (p. 104).
modulen([ctrl_str,]module_name [,arg1,arg2,...])
Calls an external routine and returns a numeric value. For
details see call module (p. 21). See also: modulec (p. 104).
modz(x,divisor) 9+
Returns the remainder when x is divided by divisor, using
zero fuzzing. Nonzero results have the same sign as x; the sign
of divisor is ignored. Examples: See mod (p. 102). See also: fuzz
(p. 79), int (p. 87), intz (p. 91).
Extracts the month (1–12) from a SAS date.
Example: month(today()) → 9 (today is 2-Sep-2005).
See also: day (p. 56), qtr (p. 126), week (p. 163), weekday
(p. 163), year (p. 163).
mopen(dir_id,member_name [,open_mode [,rec_len
Opens the file identified by directory ID and member name
and returns a unique numeric file identifier if successful; zero
otherwise. Use this ID to identify the open file to other file
functions as you would use the ID returned by fopen (p. 75).
dir_id is the directory identifier that dopen (p. 62) returns.
member_name is the member name in the directory.

104 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


open_mode is the type of access to the file. Omit open_mode

to use input mode ('i' mode), or use one of the values listed
in the following table.

open_mode Mode
a Append mode allows writing new records after the
current end-of-file
i Input mode allows reading only (the default)
o Output mode defaults to the OPEN mode specified
in the OS option in the FILENAME statement or
the function filename (p. 69); if no OS option is
specified, this option allows writing new records at
the beginning of the file (output mode overwrites
the file’s current contents without warning)
s Sequential input mode is used for pipes and other
sequential devices such as hardware ports
u Update mode allows both reading and writing
w Sequential update mode is used for pipes and other
sequential devices such as ports

rec_len is the file’s logical record length. Omit rec_len or set it

to zero to use the existing logical record length.
rec_format is the file’s record format. Omit rec_format to use
the existing record format, or use one of the values listed in
the following table.

rec_format Record format

b Data are interpreted as binary data
d Use the default record format
e Use an editable record format
f File contains fixed-length records
p File contains printer carriage control in OS-depen-
dent record format (for z/OS datasets with FBA or
VBA record format, use p)
v File contains variable-length records

List of Functions | 105


To free memory, you should close open files when they’re no

longer needed. In some OSes SAS automatically closes files
opened within a DATA step when the step ends, whereas in
other OSes you must fclose (p. 67) files explicitly. For details
see the SAS documentation for your OS.
See also: dopen (p. 62), fopen (p. 75), open (p. 111).
Returns an amortization value. init_amt is the initial amount.
pmt is the periodic payment. int_rate is the interest rate,
expressed as a fraction. num_periods (≥ 0) is the integer num-
ber of compounding periods. Provide any three nonmissing
arguments and mort returns the fourth.
Returns pmt
mort(100000,.,0.06/12,30*12) → 599.55.

n(x1 [,x2,...])
Counts nonmissing arguments.
n(10,11) → 2.

n(10,.,11) → 2.

n(.,.,.) → 0.

x1=3; x2=4; x3=5;

n(.,.,2,of x1-x3,6) → 5.

See also: missing (p. 102), nmiss (p. 109).

Returns the net present value as a fraction. int_rate is the
interest rate, expressed as a fraction, over some base period of
time. freq (> 0) is the number of payments during the base
period of time used for int_rate (set freq = 0 for continuous
discounting). cf0, cf1,..., cfn are two or more start-of-period
cash payments (< 0) or inflows (> 0) occurring at equally
spaced times 0, 1,..., n.

106 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


Example: netpv(0.06,0.5,-400,100,200,300) → 58.9065.

See also: npv (p. 110).
nldate(sas_date,descriptors) 9+
Converts a SAS date to a text date by using date-format modi-
fiers. Use the case-sensitive descriptors listed in the following
table to specify how the output date is formatted.

descriptors Date format

%% The % character
%a Mon–Sun
%A Monday–Sunday
%b Jan–Dec
%B January–December
%C January–December (space padding)
%d 01–31 (zero padding)
%e 1–31 (space padding)
%F Monday–Sunday (space padding)
%j 001–366 (zero padding)
%m 01–12 (zero padding)
%o 1–12 (space padding)
%u 1–7 (Monday-Sunday)
%U U algorithm
%V V algorithm
%w 0–6 (Sunday-Saturday)
%W W algorithm
%y 00–99 (two-digit year)
%Y 1970–2069 (four-digit year)

nldate('24feb2003'd,'%B-%d.log') → ‘February-24.log’.

List of Functions | 107

If OPTIONS LOCALE=English_unitedstates
nldate('24feb2003'd,'%A') → Monday.

If OPTIONS LOCALE=German_Germany
nldate('24feb2003'd,'%A') → Montag.

See also: nldatm (p. 108), nltime (p. 109).

nldatm(sas_datetime,descriptors) 9+
Converts a SAS datetime to a text datetime by using datetime-
format modifiers. See nldate (p. 107) and nltime (p. 109) for
the date and time format descriptors. descriptors is case-sensi-
tive. Example: nldatm(datetime(),'%Y-%m-%d %h:%M') →
2006-04-12 16:56.
nliteral(str) 9+
Converts a string to a SAS name literal (an n-literal). str isn’t
converted if, under the default rules, it’s a SAS variable name.
These default rules are in effect when the SAS system option
VALIDVARNAME=V7; that is, str isn’t converted if it begins
with an English letter or underscore, all subsequent characters
are English letters, underscores, or digits, and its length is 32
or fewer characters. If you assign the result to a variable that’s
too short, nliteral returns a blank string, logs an error mes-
sage, and sets _ERROR_ to 1. The result’s default length is
200. If str contains an ampersand (&), a percent sign (%), or
more double quotes than single quotes, nliteral encloses the
result in single quotes; otherwise it encloses it in double
nliteral("abc_123") → abc_123.

nliteral("This and That") → "This and That"N.

nliteral("Ed's profits (%)") → 'Ed''s profits (%)'N.

nliteral('"double quotes"') → ' "single quotes" 'N.

nliteral("'single quotes'") → " 'single quotes' "N.

See also: compare (p. 46), dequote (p. 57), nvalid (p. 110).

108 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

nltime(sas_time|sas_datetime,descriptors) 9+
Converts a SAS time or SAS datetime to a text time by using
time-format modifiers. Use the descriptors listed in the fol-
lowing table to specify how the output time is formatted.

descriptors Time format

%% The % character
%h 00–23 (24-hour clock)
%i 01–12 (12-hour clock)
%M 00–59 (minutes)
%p AM or PM
%s 00–59 (seconds)

If OPTIONS LOCALE=English_unitedstates
nltime('12:39:43't,'%I%p') → 00 PM.

If OPTIONS LOCALE=German_Germany
nltime('12:39:43't,'%I%p') → 00 nachm.

See also: nldate (p. 107), nldatm (p. 108).

nmiss(x1 [,x2,...])
Counts missing arguments.
nmiss(10,11) → 0.

nmiss(10,.,11) → 1.

nmiss(.,.,.) → 3.

x1=3; x2=4; x3=5;

nmiss(.,.,2,of x1-x3,6) → 2.

See also: missing (p. 102), n (p. 106).

normal(seed )
Same as rannor (p. 131).

List of Functions | 109

not<chartype>(str [,start_pos]) 9+
Group of functions that searches a string for a character that
isn’t a particular type and returns the first position at which
it’s found, or zero (0) if it’s not found. See any<chartype>
(p. 10) for a description of <chartype> and start_pos.
s='ABC.123 _xyZ_';

notdigit(s) → 1.

notdigit(s,0) → 0.

notupper(s,1) → 4.

notupper(s,-4) → 4.

notalpha(s,999) → 0.

notalpha(s,-999) → 13.

notcntrl(s) → 1.

note(dataset_id )
Returns a unique numeric observation ID for the current
observation of a SAS dataset. dataset_id is the dataset identifi-
er that open (p. 111) returns. Use the returned ID with point
(p. 116) to later return to the marked observation. To delete
the ID, use dropnote (p. 62). See also: fnote (p. 75), rewind
(p. 133).
Returns the net present value. npv is the same as netpv
(p. 106), except that int_rate is expressed as a percentage, not
a fraction.
nvalid(str [,validvarname]) 9+
Determines whether a string is valid for use as a SAS variable
name in a SAS statement. nvalid returns one (1) if str is valid
or zero (0) otherwise (trailing spaces are ignored).
validvarname is one of the validity rules listed in the following
table. If validvarname is omitted, nvalid uses the value of the

110 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


system option VALIDVARNAME= to determine whether str

is a valid SAS variable name.

validvarname Means str is a valid SAS variable name if it

v7 Begins with an English letter or underscore, all
subsequent characters are English letters, under-
scores, or digits, and its length is 32 or fewer char-
any Contains 32 or fewer characters of any type, includ-
ing spaces
nliteral Is in the form of a SAS name literal ('name'N) or if
it’s a valid name under VALIDVARNAME=V7

See also: compare (p. 46), dequote (p. 57), nliteral (p. 108).
open([dataset_name [,open_mode]])
Opens a SAS dataset and returns a unique numeric dataset
identifier if successful; zero otherwise. Use this ID to identify
the open dataset to other dataset functions.
dataset_name is the name of the SAS dataset or SQL view to
open. It takes the form
[libref.]member_name [(dataset_options)]
and defaults to _LAST_. libref is the libref assigned to a SAS
library by the LIBNAME statement or the function libname
(p. 98). Use any dataset_options except OBS= and FIRSTOBS=
to control how the dataset is read.
open_mode is the type of access to the dataset. Omit
open_mode to use random-access mode ('i' mode), or use
one of the values listed in the following table.

open_mode Mode
i Opens the dataset in random-access input mode (the
default); values can be read but not modified (if the
engine doesn’t support random access, open defaults
to in mode automatically and logs a warning)

List of Functions | 111


open_mode Mode
in Opens the dataset in input mode; observations are
read sequentially and can be revisited
is Opens the dataset in input mode; observations are
read sequentially but can’t be revisited

You should close (p. 43) an open dataset when it’s no longer
needed. If you open a dataset within a DATA step, SAS closes
it automatically when the step ends.
Example: open('mydata.dsn','i') → 1.
See also: attrc (p. 13), attrn (p. 15), dopen (p. 62), fopen
(p. 75), mopen (p. 104).
ordinal(n,x1,x2 [,x3,...])
Sorts values in ascending order and returns the n-th value in
the sorted list. Missing values are sorted as the lowest values.
If n is missing, a noninteger, less than one, or greater than the
number of values, ordinal returns a missing value. ordinal
differs from smallest (p. 147) in that smallest ignores miss-
ing values whereas ordinal counts them.
x1=-3.5; x2=-4; x3=5;

ordinal(1,8,6,of x1-x3,6,.) → . (missing value in list).

ordinal(2,8,6,of x1-x3,6,.) → -4.

ordinal(5,8,6,of x1-x3,6,.) → 6.

ordinal(6,8,6,of x1-x3,6,.) → 6.

ordinal(7,8,6,of x1-x3,6,.) → 8.

ordinal(5.5,8,6,of x1-x3,6,.) → . (missing—bad n).

ordinal(999,8,6,of x1-x3,6,.) → . (missing—bad n).

See also: largest (p. 96), max (p. 101), min (p. 101), pctl
(p. 113).

112 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

pathname(libref|fileref [,search_ref ])
Returns the physical pathname of a SAS library or an external
file, or returns a blank for a bad reference. The result’s default
length is 200.
fileref is a fileref assigned to the external file by the FILE-
NAME statement or the function filename (p. 69).
libref is the libref assigned to a SAS library by the LIBNAME
statement or the function libname (p. 98).
If fileref and libref have identical names, set search_ref to 'f'
to search for a fileref, or 'l' to search for a libref. If search_ref
is omitted, pathname searches first for a fileref and, if it
doesn’t exist, then for a libref.
Get the name of the external file associated with myfile
data _null_;
length path $ 200;
if (assigned=0) then do;
put path=;

See also: fexist (p. 68), fileexist (p. 69), fileref (p. 71).
pctl[def ](percentage,x1 [,x2,...]) 9+
Returns a percentile of nonmissing arguments. If all the argu-
ments are missing values, the result is a missing value.
def is a digit from 1 to 5 (default 5) that specifies the definition
of the percentile to compute. pctl() and pctl5() are equiva-
lent function calls. In general, differences among percentile
definitions are pronounced only for small samples or samples
that contain many ties. For information about how pctl cal-
culates percentiles see PROC UNIVARIATE in Base SAS Pro-
cedures Guide.
percentage (0 ≤ percentage ≤ 100) is the percentile to compute.

List of Functions | 113


pctl(25,2,4,1,3) → 1.5 (lower quartile).

pctl2(25,2,4,1,3) → 1 (lower quartile, def = 2).

pctl(100/3,2,4,1,3) → 2 (lower tertile).

pctl3(100/3,2,4,1,3) → 2 (lower tertile, def = 3).

pctl(50,2,4,1,3) → 2.5 (median).

pctl(200/3,2,4,1,3) → 3 (upper tertile).

pctl(75,2,4,1,3) → 3.5 (upper quartile).

See also: largest (p. 96), max (p. 101), min (p. 101), ordinal
(p. 112), smallest (p. 147).
pdf(dist,quantile [,param1,param2,...])
Returns the probability density (mass) function. See cdf
(p. 40) for a description of the parameters. Alias: pmf. Example:
pdf('normal',1.96) → 0.058441. See also: logpdf (p. 100),
quantile (p. 127), sdf (p. 146).

peek(addr [,len])
Same as peeklong (p. 115) but for 32-bit systems only. See
also: addr (p. 10), call poke (p. 22), peekc (p. 114).
peekc(addr [,len])
Same as peekclong (p. 114) but for 32-bit systems only. See
also: addr (p. 10), call poke (p. 22), peek (p. 114).
peekclong(addr [,len])
Returns the character contents stored at an address in memo-
ry on 32-bit or 64-bit systems. addr is the memory address.
len (1 ≤ len ≤ 32767, default 8) is the length of the result.
Prints contents=‘ab’ (32-bit system)
put contents=;

114 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


See also: addrlong (p. 10), call pokelong (p. 22), peeklong
(p. 115), ptrlongadd (p. 125).
peeklong(addr [,len])
Returns the numeric contents stored at an address in memory
on 32-bit or 64-bit systems. addr is the memory address. len
(32-bit: 1 ≤ len ≤ 4, default 4. 64-bit: 1 ≤ len ≤ 8, default 8) is
the length of the result.
Prints contents=1 (32-bit system)
length x $4;
put contents=;

See also: addrlong (p. 10), call pokelong (p. 22), peekclong
(p. 114).
perm(n [,r])
Returns the number of permutations of n elements taken r at
a time (0 ≤ r ≤ n). If r is omitted, perm(n) returns the factorial
of n. A permutation is any set or subset of items where order
is significant. Permutations are distinct from combinations,
for which order doesn’t matter. The number of permutations
is n!/(n–r)! where n and r are integers and the symbol !
denotes the factorial. perm(n,r) is the same as fact(n)/
fact(n-r). See also: comb (p. 45), fact (p. 66).

perm(8,0) → 1.

perm(8,1) → 8.

perm(8,2) → 56.

perm(8,6) → 20160.

perm(8,8) → 40320.

perm(8) → 40320.

List of Functions | 115


perm(4,8) → . (missing—n < r).

perm(8.5,4) → . (missing—noninteger n).

perm(int(8.5),4) → 1680.

See also: call allperm (p. 18), call ranperk (p. 28), call
ranperm (p. 28).

point(dataset_id,note_id ))
Moves to the observation marked previously by note (p. 110),
returning zero (0) if successful; nonzero otherwise. dataset_id
is the dataset identifier that open (p. 111) returns. note_id is
the note identifier that note returns. point prepares the pro-
gram to read from the dataset. The Dataset Data Vector
(DDV) isn’t updated until a read is done by using fetch (p. 67)
or fetchobs (p. 68). See also: dropnote (p. 62), fpoint (p. 77),
rewind (p. 133).

Returns the probability that an observation from a Poisson
distribution with mean lambda (≥ 0) is less than or equal to n
(≥ 0). The probability that an observation is equal to a given
value of n is the difference of two probabilities from the Pois-
son distribution for n and n–1. Example: poisson(2.5,2) →
0.5438131159. See also: cdf (p. 40).
Returns the probability that an observation from a beta distri-
bution with shape parameters a (> 0) and b (> 0) is less than
or equal to x (0 ≤ x ≤ 1). probbeta is the inverse of betainv
(p. 17). Example: probbeta(0.2,2,1) → 0.04. See also: beta
(p. 17), cdf (p. 40).
Returns the probability that an observation from a binomial
distribution with probability of success prob_success (0 ≤
prob_success ≤ 1) and number of trials num_trials (≥ 1) is less
than or equal to the number of successes num_successes (0 ≤
num_successes ≤ num_trials). The probability that an observa-
tion equals a given value of num_successes is the difference of
two probabilities from the binomial distribution for

116 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


num_successes and num_successes–1. Example: probbnml(0.5,

10,5) → 0.62304687. See also: cdf (p. 40).

Returns the probability that an observation (X,Y) from a stan-
dard bivariate normal distribution with mean 0, variance 1,
and correlation coefficient corr (-1 ≤ corr ≤ 1), is less than or
equal to (x, y) (that is, the probability that X ≤ x and Y ≤ y).
The probability is
x y
2 2
1 u – 2ruv + v -
2π ( 1 – r )
- ∫ ∫ exp – ----------------------------------
2(1 – r )
dv du
–∞ –∞

where r is corr and u and v represent the random variables x

and y. Example: probbnrm(0.5,-0.5,0.5) → 0.272239352.
See also: cdf (p. 40).
probchi(x,df [,nc])
Returns the probability that an observation from a chi-square
distribution with degrees of freedom df (> 0, noninteger
allowed) and noncentrality parameter nc (≥ 0) is less than or
equal to x (≥ 0). If nc is omitted or is zero, probchi uses the
central chi-square distribution. probchi is the inverse of cinv
(p. 43). Example: probchi(5.5,10) → 0.144621493. See also:
cdf (p. 40), cnonct (p. 44).

probf(x,ndf,ddf [,nc])
Returns the probability that an observation from an F distri-
bution with numerator degrees of freedom ndf (> 0, noninte-
ger allowed), denominator degrees of freedom ddf (> 0,
noninteger allowed), and noncentrality parameter nc (≥ 0) is
less than or equal to x (≥ 0). If nc is omitted or is zero, probf
uses the central F distribution. probf is the inverse of finv
(p. 73). Example: probf(3.5,4,5) → 0.899032601. See also:
cdf (p. 40), fnonct (p. 75).

Returns the probability that an observation from a gamma
distribution with shape parameter a (> 0) is less than or equal
to x (≥ 0). probgam is the inverse of gaminv (p. 79). Example:

List of Functions | 117


probgam(2,3) → 0.323323583. See also: cdf (p. 40), gamma

(p. 80).
Returns the probability that an observation from an extended
hypergeometric distribution with population size pop_size
(≥ 1), number of items in the category of interest category_size
(0 ≤ category_size ≤ pop_size), sample size sample_size (0 ≤
sample_size ≤ pop_size), and odds ratio odds_ratio (≥ 0,
default 1), is less than or equal to x (max(0, category_size +
sample_size–pop_size) ≤ x ≤ min(category_size, sample_size)).
Example: probhypr(100,50,10,2) → 0.045823577. See also:
cdf (p. 40).

Returns the prob-th quantile from the standard normal distri-
bution. The probability that an observation from the standard
normal distribution is less than or equal to the returned quan-
tile is prob (0 < x < 1). Extreme results may be truncated to fall
between -8.222 and 7.941. probit is the inverse of probnorm
(p. 119). Example: probit(0.025) → -1.95996398. See also: cdf
(p. 40).
Returns the quantile or the probability from various distribu-
tions for multiple comparisons of means.
dist is one of the values listed in the following table. quantile is
the quantile of dist. prob is the left probability of dist.

dist Distribution
dunnett1 One-sided Dunnett
dunnett2 Two-sided Dunnett
maxmod Maximum modulus
range Studentized range
williams Williams

118 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


prob is the probability that the random variable is less than

quantile. Calculate p-values as 1-prob (prob=0.95 computes
the critical value for a 5% significance level, for example).
Specify either quantile or prob but not both; use a dot (.) for
the omitted parameter.
df is the degrees of freedom (a missing value is interpreted as
an infinite value).
sample_size_params is a set of num_treatments parameters
whose meaning depends on dist. If sample_size_params is
omitted, equal sample sizes are assumed.
Example: probmc('williams',.,.95,42,6) → 1.806524758.
See also: cdf (p. 40).
Returns the probability that an observation from a negative
binomial distribution with probability of success prob_success
(0 ≤ prob_success ≤ 1) and number of successes num_successes
(≥ 1) is less than or equal to num_failures (≥ 0). The probabil-
ity that an observation equals a given value of num_failures is
the difference of two probabilities from the negative binomial
distribution for num_failures and num_failures–1. Example:
probnegb(0.5,4,3) → 0.5. See also: cdf (p. 40).

Returns the probability that an observation from the standard
normal distribution is less than or equal to x. probnorm is the
inverse of probit (p. 118). Example: probnorm(1.96) →
≈0.975. See also: cdf (p. 40).
probt(x,df [,nc])
Returns the probability that an observation from a Student’s t
distribution with degrees of freedom df (> 0, noninteger
allowed) and noncentrality parameter nc is less than or equal
to x. If nc is omitted or is zero, probt uses the central t distri-
bution. probt is the inverse of tinv (p. 156). The significance
level of a two-tailed t test is (1-probt(abs(x),df ))*2. Exam-
ple: probt(0.95,10) → 0.817746627. See also: cdf (p. 40),
tnonct (p. 156).

List of Functions | 119

propcase(str [,delims]) 9+
Converts all the words in a string to proper case (title case).
propcase sets to uppercase each letter preceded by a space,
forward slash, hyphen, open parenthesis, dot, or tab (other
letters are set to lowercase). To change the default delimiters,
set delims to one or more characters. If you specify delims then
the default delimiters, including the space, are no longer in
effect. The result’s default length is the length of str.
propcase('john q. PUBLIC') → ‘John Q. Public’.

propcase('WINSTON-SALEM, n.c. (u.s.)') →

‘Winston-Salem, N.C. (U.S.)’.
propcase('place de l''étoile') → ‘Place De L'étoile’.

propcase('place de l''étoile' "'") → ‘Place de l'Étoile’.

propcase('FLANN O''BRIEN', " '") → ‘Flann O'Brien’.

See also: lowcase (p. 100), upcase (p. 158).

prxchange(prx_id|perl_regex,n,str) 9+
Matches and replaces a pattern.
prx_id is the pattern identifier that prxparse (p. 121) returns.
perl_regex is a Perl regular expression (see prxparse).
n is the number of times to search for a match and replace a
matching pattern. If n = -1, all matching patterns are replaced.
str is the character expression on which to perform a search
and replace.
See also: call prxchange (p. 22).
prxmatch(prx_id|perl_regex,str) 9+
Returns the position at which a pattern-match is found in a
string, or zero (0) if it’s not found. prx_id is the pattern identi-
fier that prxparse (p. 121) returns. perl_regex is a Perl regular
expression (see prxparse). Example: See prxparse. See also:
call prxsubstr (p. 26).

120 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

prxparen(prx_id ) 9+
Returns the last bracket match for which there is a match in a
pattern. prx_id is the pattern identifier that prxparse (p. 121)
returns. prxparen can find the largest capture-buffer number
that can be passed to call prxposn (p. 25).
Prints paren1=2 paren2=1 paren3=3
data _null_;
str1='A cat is here';
str2='A dog is here';
str3='An ape is here';

if pos then paren1=prxparen(prx_id);

if pos then paren2=prxparen(prx_id);

if pos then paren3=prxparen(prx_id);

put paren1= paren2= paren3=;

call prxfree(prx_id);

prxparse(perl_regex) 9+
Parses and compiles a Perl regular expression (pattern) and
returns a unique numeric pattern identifier that other PRX
functions can use. prxparse returns a missing value if a pars-
ing error occurs. The corresponding function for SAS regular
expressions is rxparse (p. 135).
perl_regex is a Perl regular expression. If perl_regex is a con-
stant or if it uses the /o option, perl_regex is compiled once.
Successive prxparse calls don’t recompile but return the pat-
tern ID from the preceding compile. This behavior means
that you don’t need to use an initialization block (if _N_=1) to
initialize Perl regular expressions. This compile-once behav-
ior occurs only in a DATA step, for all other uses perl_regex is
recompiled on each prxparse call. You can use metacharac-

List of Functions | 121


ters to construct a Perl regular expression. The following table

lists common metacharacters.

Metacharacter Means
\ Mark the next character as either a special charac-
ter, a literal, a back reference, or an octal escape.
"n" matches the character "n"; "\n" matches a new-
line character; "\\" matches "\"; "\(" matches "(".
| Use an OR condition when comparing alphanu-
meric strings.
^ Match the position at the beginning of the string.
$ Match the position at the end of the string.
* Match the preceding subexpression zero or more
times (equivalent to {0}). "zo*" matches "z" and
+ Match the preceding subexpression one or more
times (equivalent to {1,}). "zo+" matches "zo" and
"zoo" but not "z".
? Match the preceding subexpression zero or one
time (equivalent to {0,1}). "do(es)?" matches the
"do" in "do" or "does".
{n} n is a non-negative integer that matches exactly n
times. "o{2}" matches the two o’s in "food" but not
the "o" in "Bob".
{n,} n is a non-negative integer that matches n or more
times (o{1,} is equivalent to "o+"; o{0,} is equiva-
lent to "o*"). "o{2,}" matches all the o’s in
"foooood" but not the "o" in "Bob".
{n,m} m and n (n ≤ m) are non-negative integers match-
ing at least n but at most m times (o{0,1} is equiva-
lent to "o?"). "o{1,3}" matches the first three o’s in
"fooooood". Don’t put a space on either side of the
dot (.) Match any single character except a newline. To
match any character, including a newline, use a
pattern like "[.\n]".

122 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


Metacharacter Means
(pattern) Match a pattern and create a capture buffer for the
match. To retrieve the position and length of the
captured match, use call prxposn (p. 25). To
retrieve the value of the capture buffer, use
prxposn (p. 124). To match a parenthesis charac-
ter, use "\(" or "\)".
x|y Match either x or y. "z|food" matches "z" or "food";
"(z|f)ood" matches "zood" or "food".
[xyz] A character set that matches any one of the
enclosed characters. "[abc]" matches the "a" in
[^xyz] A character set that matches any character that
isn’t enclosed. "[^abc]" matches the "p" in "plain".
[a-z] A range of characters that matches any character
in the range. "[a-z]" matches any lowercase alpha-
betic character in the range "a" through "z".
[^a-z] A range of characters that matches any character
that isn’t in the range. "[^a-z]" matches any char-
acter that isn’t in the range lowercase "a" through
\b Match a word boundary (the position between a
word and a space). "er\b" matches the "er" in "nev-
er" but not the "er" in "verb".
\B Match a non-word boundary. "er\B" matches the
"er" in "verb" but not the "er" in "never".
\d Match a digit character (equivalent to [0-9]).
\D Match a nondigit character (equivalent to [^0-9]).
\s Match a whitespace character: space, tab, form
feed, and so on (equivalent to [\f\n\r\t\v]).
\S Match a nonwhitespace character (equivalent to
\t Match a tab character (equivalent to "\x09").
\w Match a word character including the underscore
(equivalent to [A-Za-z0-9_]).

List of Functions | 123


Metacharacter Means
\W Match a non-word character (equivalent to [^A-
\n Match n, where n is a positive integer that refers
back to captured matches. "(.)\1" matches two
consecutive identical characters.

Validate a list of telephone numbers that have the form
(xxx) xxx-xxxx or xxx-xxx-xxxx
data _null_;
if _N_=1 then do;
paren="\([2-9]\d\d\) ?[2-9]\d\d-\d\d\d\d";
regexp="/(" ||paren|| ")|(" ||dash|| ")/";
retain re;
if missing(re) then do;
put "Bad regexp: " regexp;
length first last home business $ 16;
input first last home business;
if ^prxmatch(re,home) then
put "Bad home phone: " first last home;
if ^prxmatch(re,business) then
put "Bad bus phone: " first last business;

See also: call prxchange (p. 22), call prxdebug (p. 23), call
prxfree (p. 23), call prxnext (p. 24), call prxposn (p. 25),
call prxsubstr (p. 26), prxchange (p. 120), prxmatch
(p. 120), prxparen (p. 121), prxposn (p. 124).
prxposn(prx_id,buffer,str) 9+
Returns the value for a capture buffer. A capture buffer is part
of a match, enclosed in parentheses, in a regular expression.
prxposn returns the capture-buffer text directly, without the
need for substr (p. 151). To return a capture buffer, use the

124 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


results of call prxchange (p. 22), call prxnext (p. 24),

call prxsubstr (p. 26), or prxmatch (p. 120).

prx_id is the pattern identifier that prxparse (p. 121) returns.

buffer is a number identifying the capture buffer from which
to retrieve a value. If buffer is zero, prxposn returns the entire
match. If buffer is between 1 and the number of open paren-
theses, prxposn returns the value for that capture buffer. If
buffer is greater than the number of open parentheses then
prxposn returns a missing value.

str is the text from which to extract capture buffers.

See also: call prxposn (p. 25).
ptrlongadd(ptr_addr [,add_amt])
Performs pointer arithmetic and returns a pointer address as a
string on 32-bit or 64-bit systems. ptr_addr is a pointer
address, as a string. add_amt is the amount to add to the
address (add_amt can be negative). See also: addrlong (p. 10).
Applies a format to a character or numeric value at run time.
format must be the same type (character or numeric) as value.
put always returns a string. If value is numeric, the result is
right aligned. If value is character, the result is left aligned. To
override the default alignment, add an alignment specifica-
tion to format: -L (left), -C (center), or -R (right). format is a
literal argument; don’t use an expression or quoted string. The
result’s default length is the format width. Use put to convert a
numeric value to a character value. put writes (or produces a
reformatted result) only while it executes. To preserve the
result, assign it to a variable.
put(1234,hex4.) → ‘04D2’.

put('1234',F4.2) → ‘12.34’.

See also: input (p. 86), inputc (p. 86), inputn (p. 87), putc
(p. 126), putn (p. 126), PUT statement.

List of Functions | 125

Applies the character format char_format to the string str at
run time. Specifying w overrides any width specification in
char_format. The result’s default length is the length of str.
Example: putc('123*#6','$revers.',4) → ‘*321’.
See also: input (p. 86), inputc (p. 86), inputn (p. 87), put
(p. 125), putn (p. 126).
putn(num,num_format.[,w [,d ]])
Applies a numeric format num_format to the number num at
run time. Specifying w or d overrides any width or decimal-
places specification in num_format. The result’s default length
is 200.
Example: putn(10000,'dollar12.2') → $10,000.00.
See also: input (p. 86), inputc (p. 86), inputn (p. 87), put
(p. 125), putc (p. 126).
Returns the present value of a bond. par (> 0) is the par (face)
value. cpn_rate (0 ≤ cpn_rate < 1) is the nominal per-year
coupon rate, expressed as a fraction. cpn_freq (> 0) is the inte-
ger number of coupons per year. remaining_cpns (> 0) is the
integer number of remaining coupons. time_to_next_cpn (> 0
and ≤ 1/cpn_freq) is the time from now to the next coupon
date, expressed as a fractional number of years. yld_to_mat
(> 0) is the nominal per-year yield-to-maturity, expressed as a
Example: pvp(1000,0.01,4,14,0.33/2,0.1) → 743.168.
Returns the quarter (1–4) of the year in which a SAS date falls.
Example: qtr(today()) → 3 (today is 2-Sep-2005).
See also: day (p. 56), month (p. 104), week (p. 163), weekday
(p. 163), year (p. 163), yyq (p. 165).

126 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

quantile(dist,prob [,param1,param2,...]) 9+
Returns the quantile from the specified distribution. prob (0 <
prob < 1) is a random variable. See cdf (p. 40) for a descrip-
tion of dist and param.
quantile('bern',0.75,0.25) → 0.

quantile('chisq',0.5,10) → 9.341817765.

quantile('expo',0.95) → 2.995732273.

quantile('normal',0.95) → 1.64485362.

quantile('normal',0.975) → 1.959963984.

quantile('poisson',0.9,2) → 4.

quantile('t',0.95,20) → 0.

quantile('uniform',0.5,5,10) → 7.5.

See also: pdf (p. 114), sdf (p. 146).

Adds double quotes to a string and doubles existing double
quotes. Quoted single quotes are reduced. The target variable
must be long enough to contain str (including trailing spaces),
leading and trailing quotes, and any doubled quotes; if this
variable is too short, quote returns a blank string and logs an
invalid-argument note. The result’s default length is 200.
Examples: See the following table for examples.

str quote()
'x"y' "x""y"

'x''y' "x'y"

'Don''t' "Don't"

'Don''t "worry"' "Don't ""worry"""

See also: dequote (p. 57).

List of Functions | 127

Returns a random variate from a binomial distribution with
mean np and variance np(1-p), where n is the integer number of
trials (num_trials ≥ 1) and p is the probability of success (0 <
prob_success < 1). seed is an integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the
time of day is used to initialize the seed stream. To change seed
during execution, use call ranbin (p. 26) instead of ranbin.
rancau(seed )
Returns a random variate from a Cauchy distribution with
location parameter 0 and scale parameter 1. seed is an integer
(< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the time of day is used to initialize the
seed stream. To change seed during execution, use call
rancau (p. 26) instead of rancau.

Generate a Cauchy variate x with location parameter alpha
and scale parameter beta
x=alpha+beta*rancau(seed );

rand(dist [,param1,param2,...])
Generates a random number from the continuous and dis-
crete distributions listed in the following table. The location,
scale, shape, degrees-of-freedom, and other params vary by
distribution. You can truncate dist to its first four characters.
Use call streaminit (p. 35) to set the seed for rand.

Distribution Function call

Bernoulli rand('bernoulli',prob_success)
Beta rand('beta',a,b)
Binomial rand('binomial',prob_success,
Cauchy rand('cauchy')
Chi-square rand('chisquare',df )
Erlang rand('erlang',a)
Exponential rand('exponential')
F rand('f',ndf,ddf )

128 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


Distribution Function call

Gamma rand('gamma',a)
Geometric rand('geometric',prob_success)
Hypergeometric rand('hypergeometric',pop_size,
Lognormal rand('lognormal')
Negative rand('negbinomial',prob_success,
binomial num_successes)

Normal rand('normal'[,mean,stdev])
Poisson rand('poisson',lambda)
t rand('t',df )
Tabled rand('table',prob1,prob2,...)
Triangular rand('triangle',height)
Uniform rand('uniform')
Weibull rand('weibull',a,b)

rand('bern',0.5) → 0.

rand('normal') → -1.24987951.

ranexp(seed )
Returns a random variate from an exponential distribution
with parameter 1. seed is an integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the
time of day is used to initialize the seed stream. To change
seed during execution, use call ranexp (p. 27) instead of

Generate an exponential variate x with parameter lambda
x=ranexp(seed )/lambda;

Generate an extreme-value variate x with location parameter

alpha and scale parameter beta
x=alpha-beta*log(ranexp(seed ));

List of Functions | 129

Generate a geometric variate x with parameter p
x=floor(-ranexp(seed )/log(1-p));

Returns a random variate from a gamma distribution with
shape parameter a (> 0). seed is an integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤
0, the time of day is used to initialize the seed stream. To
change seed during execution, use call rangam (p. 27) instead
of rangam.
Generate a gamma variate x with shape parameter alpha and
scale beta

Generate a chi-square variate x with 2*alpha degrees of

freedom (provided 2*alpha is an integer)

Generate an Erlang variate x (the distribution of the sum of n

independent exponential variates whose means are beta)

Generate a beta variate x with parameters alpha and beta


range(x1 [,x2,...])
Returns the range of nonmissing arguments. The range is the
absolute difference between the largest and the smallest val-
ues. If all the arguments are missing values, the result is a
missing value.
range(-2,1,6) → 8.

range(-2,1,-6) → 7.

range(10) → 0.

range(-10,-10) → 0.

x1=3; x2=4; x3=5;

range(2,of x1-x3,6,.) → 4.

130 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

Returns a character’s position in the ASCII or EBCDIC collat-
ing sequence. Examples: rank('A') → 65 (ASCII). rank('A')
→ 193 (EBCDIC). See also: byte (p. 18), collate (p. 45).
rannor(seed )
Returns a random variate from a normal distribution with
mean 0 and variance 1. seed is an integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0,
the time of day is used to initialize the seed stream. To change
seed during execution, use call rannor (p. 27) instead of
rannor. rannor is the same as normal (p. 109).

Generate a normal variate x with mean m2 and variance s2
x=m2+sqrt(s2)*rannor(seed );

Generate a lognormal variate x with mean exp(m2+s2/2) and

variance exp(2*m2+2*s2)-exp(2*m2+s2)
x=exp(m2+sqrt(s2)*rannor(seed ));

Returns a random variate from a Poisson distribution with
mean lambda (≥ 0). seed is an integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the
time of day is used to initialize the seed stream. To change
seed during execution, use call ranpoi (p. 28) instead of

Returns a random variate (positive integer) from the proba-
bility mass function defined by prob1 through probn.
rantabl returns 1 with probability prob1, 2 with prob2,..., n
with probn, where 0 ≤ probi ≤ 1 for i = 1, 2,..., n. If the probs
sum to less than one, rantabl can return n+1. If the probs
sum to greater than one, rantabl ignores the extra probs.
seed is an integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the time of day is used
to initialize the seed stream. To change seed during execution,
use call rantbl (p. 29) instead of rantbl.

List of Functions | 131


Assign to x one of the values m1, m2, or m3 with probabilities
of occurrence p1, p2, and p3, respectively (p1+p2+p3=1)
array m{3} m1-m3;
x=m{rantbl(seed,of p1-p3)};

Returns a random variate from a triangular distribution on
the interval (0,1) with mode height (0 < height < 1). seed is an
integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the time of day is used to initial-
ize the seed stream. To change seed during execution, use
call rantri (p. 29) instead of rantri.

Generate a triangular variate x on [a,b] with mode c (a ≤ c ≤ b)

ranuni(seed )
Returns a random variate from a uniform distribution on the
interval (0,1). seed is an integer (< 231-1). If seed ≤ 0, the time
of day is used to initialize the seed stream. To change seed
during execution, use call ranuni (p. 29) instead of ranuni.
ranuni is the same as uniform (p. 158).

Generate a uniform variate x on the interval (b,a+b)
x=a*ranuni(seed )+b;

Returns a string repeated n+1 times (n ≥ 0). The result’s
default length is 200. Example: repeat('Go',2) → ‘GoGoGo’.
Resolves a macro expression and returns it. The result’s
default length is 200. For details see Resolve in SAS Macro
Language: Reference. See also: symget (p. 153).
Reverses the order of characters in a string. The result’s
default length is the length of str. Example: reverse('Never
odd or even') → ‘neve ro ddo reveN’.

132 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

rewind(dataset_id )
Moves the dataset pointer to the beginning of a SAS dataset,
returning zero (0) if successful; nonzero otherwise. dataset_id
is the dataset identifier that open (p. 111) returns; the dataset
can’t be opened in 'is' mode. If a WHERE clause is active, the
pointer moves to the first satisfying observation. To read the
first observation, call fetch (p. 67) after rewind. See also:
frewind (p. 78), point (p. 116).

Right-aligns a string by moving trailing spaces to the start. The
length of str doesn’t change. The result’s default length is the
length of str. Examples: See left (p. 97). See also: strip (p. 150),
trim (p. 158), trimn (p. 158).

rms(x1 [,x2,...]) 9+
Returns the root mean square of nonmissing arguments. If all
the arguments are missing values, the result is a missing value.
The root mean square is defined by

2 2 2
x1 + x2 + … + xn
---------------------------------------- .

Example: x1=3; x2=4.5; x3=10; rms(-2,of x1-x3,6,.) →

5.8180752831. See also: mean (p. 101), n (p. 106), sqrt (p. 149),
sum (p. 153).

round(x [,unit]) 9+
Rounds x to the nearest multiple of unit (> 0) or to the nearest
integer if unit is omitted. When unit < 1 and not the reciprocal
of an integer, round—unlike roundz (p. 134)—fuzzes to try to
make the result agree with decimal arithmetic.
round(18,4) → 20.

round(386.667) → 387.

round(386.667,5) → 385.

round(386.667,10) → 390.

List of Functions | 133


round(386.667,100) → 400.

round(386.667,0.1) → 386.7.

round(386.667,0.111) → 386.613.

round(386.667,0.25) → 386.75.

round(386.667,10.5) → 388.5.

See ceil (p. 42) for other examples.

See also: floor (p. 74), int (p. 87), rounde (p. 134), trunc
(p. 158).
rounde(x [,unit]) 9+
rounde is the same as round (p. 133), except that when x is
halfway between the two nearest multiples of unit, rounde
always returns an even multiple rather than the multiple with
the greater absolute value. Example: Compare rounde(7.5,3)
→ 6 with round(7.5,3) → 9. See also: roundz (p. 134).
roundz(x [,unit]) 9+
Rounds x to the nearest multiple of unit (> 0), using zero fuzz-
ing. If omitted, unit defaults to one. roundz is the same as
round (p. 133), except that roundz returns an even multiple
when x is exactly halfway between the two nearest multiples
of unit whereas round returns the multiple with the greater
absolute value when x is approximately halfway between the
two nearest multiples. Also, when unit < 1 and not the recip-
rocal of an integer, roundz’s result might not agree exactly
with the decimal-arithmetic result whereas round fuzzes to
try to make its result agree. Example: Compare roundz(2.5-
10**(-12)) → 2 with round(2.5-10**(-12)) → 3. See also:
fuzz (p. 79), rounde (p. 134).

Returns the position at which a pattern-match is found in a
string, or zero (0) if it’s not found. rx_id is the pattern identifier
that rxparse (p. 135) returns. Example: See rxparse. See also:
call rxchange (p. 30), call rxfree (p. 30), call rxsubstr
(p. 30).

134 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

Parses and compiles a SAS regular expression (pattern) and
returns a unique numeric pattern identifier that other RX
functions can use. rxparse returns a missing value if a pars-
ing error occurs. sas_regex is a SAS regular expression made
up of the elements listed in the following table. The corre-
sponding function for Perl regular expressions is prxparse
(p. 121).

Element Means
"string" Match a substring consisting of the charac-
ters in string.
letter Match the uppercase or lowercase letter in a
digit Match the digit in a substring.
dot (.) Match a dot (.) in a substring.
underscore (_) Match an underscore (_) in a substring.
? Match any one character in a substring.
colon (:) Match any sequence of zero or more charac-
ters in a substring.
$'pattern' or Match any one character in a substring. Use
$"pattern" a hyphen (-) to specify a range of alphanu-
meric variables (rxparse("$'a-z'")
matches any lowercase letter, for example).
See “Character Classes” on page 137.
~'char_class' or Match any one character that is not matched
^'char_class' or by the corresponding character class. Use a
~"char_class" or hyphen (-) to specify a range of alphanumer-
^"char_class" ic variables (rxparse("^'a-d'") excludes
the letters a–d from a match, for example).
See “Character Class Complements” on
page 138.
pattern1 pattern2 Select any substring that pattern1 matches
or followed immediately by any substring that
pattern1||pattern2 pattern2 matches (with no intervening spac-

List of Functions | 135


Element Means
pattern1|pattern2 Select any substring that pattern1 matches or
any substring pattern2 matches. You can use
an exclamation point (!) instead of a vertical
bar (|).
(pattern) Match a substring that contains pattern. You
can use parentheses to force the order of
[pattern] or Match a substring that contains pattern or
{pattern} an empty string.
pattern* Match zero or more consecutive strings that
pattern matches.
pattern+ Match one or more consecutive strings that
pattern matches.
@pos Match the position of a variable if the next
character is located in the column specified
by the integer pos. @0 matches end-of-line.
If pos is negative, it matches –pos positions
from end-of-line.
reuse_char_class Reuse a character class that you defined pre-
viously. See “Reusing Character Classes” on
page 139.
pattern_abbrev Specify ways to shorten pattern representa-
tion. See “Pattern Abbreviations” on
page 140 and “Default Character Classes” on
page 137.
balanced_symbols Specify the number of nested parentheses,
brackets, braces, or less-than/greater-than
symbols in a mathematical expression. See
“Matching Balanced Symbols” on page 140.
special_symbol Specify a position in a string, or a score val-
ue. See “Special Symbols” on page 141.
score_value Select the pattern with the highest score val-
ue. See “Scores” on page 142.
<pattern> Retrieve a matched substring for use in a
change expression. See “Tag Expression” on
page 142.

136 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


Element Means
change_expr Specify a pattern change operation that
replaces a string containing a matched sub-
string by concatenating values to the
replacement string. See “Change Expres-
sions” on page 142.
change_item Specify items used for string manipulation.
See “Change Items” on page 144.

Character Classes
Using a character-class element is a shorthand way to specify
a range of values for matching. You can use default classes
(p. 137), define your own classes (p. 138), use class comple-
ments (p. 138), or reuse classes (p. 139).
Default Character Classes
Specify a default character class with a dollar sign ($) followed
by a single uppercase or lowercase letter, as listed in the fol-
lowing table. A hyphen at the beginning or end of a character
class is treated as a member of the class, not as a range symbol.
See also “Character Class Complements” on page 138.

Class Matches any

$a or $A Alphabetic uppercase or lowercase letter in a sub-
string ($'a-zA-Z')
$c or $C Character allowed in a version 6 SAS name found in
a substring ($'0-9a-zA-Z_')
$d or $D Digit in a substring ($'0-9')
$i or $I Initial character allowed in a version 6 SAS name
found in a substring ($'a-zA-Z_')
$l or $L Lowercase letter in a substring ($'a-z')
$u or $U Uppercase letter in a substring ($'A-Z')
$w or $W Whitespace character (space, tab, backspace, carriage
return, and so on) in a substring

List of Functions | 137


Prints pos1=8 match1=x pos2=1 match2=A
data _null_;
str='ABC123 xyz';
put pos1= match1= pos2= match2=;
call rxfree(rx_id1);
call rxfree(rx_id2);

User-defined Character Classes

A user-defined character class begins with a dollar sign ($)
and is followed by a quoted string. A character class matches
any one character within the quotes. A hyphen (-) indicates a
range of values. See also “Character Class Complements” on
page 138.
Prints pos1=8 match1=x pos2=4 match2=1
data _null_;
str='ABC123 xyz';
put pos1= match1= pos2= match2=;
call rxfree(rx_id1);
call rxfree(rx_id2);

Character Class Complements

A character class complement begins with a caret (^) or a til-
de (~) and is followed by a quoted string. A character class

138 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


complement matches any one character that’s not matched by

the corresponding character class.
Prints pos1=4 match1=1 pos2=7 match2=<space>
data _null_;
str='ABC123 xyz';
put pos1= match1= pos2= match2=;
call rxfree(rx_id1);
call rxfree(rx_id2);

Reusing Character Classes

You can reuse character classes that you defined previously by
using one of the patterns $n, ~n, or ^n.
$n reuses the n-th character class, where n is a nonzero inte-
ger. If n < 0, count backwards from the last pattern to identify
the character class for –n. For example,
rxparse("$'AB' $1 $'XYZ' $2 $-2")

is equivalent to
rxparse("$'AB' $'AB' $'XYZ' $'XYZ' $'AB'").

$1, $2, and $-2 are replaced by AB, XYZ, and AB, respectively.
~n or ^n reuses the complement n-th character class, where n
is a nonzero integer. For example,
rxparse($'Al' $1 $'Jo' $2 $'Li' $3 ~2)

is equivalent to
rxparse($'Al' $'Al' $'Jo' $'Jo'
$'Li' $'Li' $'Al' $'Li').

~2 matches patterns 1 (Al) and 3 (Li) and excludes 2 (Jo).

List of Functions | 139


Pattern Abbreviations
You can use the elements listed in the following table in your

Pattern Matches a
$f or $F Floating-point number
$n or $N SAS name
$p or $P Prefix
$q or $Q Quoted string
$s or $S Suffix

Prints pos1=1 len1=4 pos2=20 len2=4
data _null_;
str='woodchucks eat firewood';
rx_id1=rxparse("$p 'wood'");
rx_id2=rxparse("'wood' $s");
pos1=rxmatch(rx_id1,str); ‘wood’ in woodchucks
pos2=rxmatch(rx_id2,str); ‘wood’ in firewood
call rxsubstr(rx_id1,str,pos1,len1);
call rxsubstr(rx_id2,str,pos2,len2);
put pos1= len1= pos2= len2=;
call rxfree(rx_id1);
call rxfree(rx_id2);

Matching Balanced Symbols

You can match mathematical expressions containing multiple
sets of balanced parentheses, brackets, braces, and less-than/
greater-than symbols. Both the symbols and the expressions
within the symbols are part of the match. $(n) or $[n] or ${n}
or $<n> indicates nesting level n, where n is a positive integer.
Prints match_pos=2 len=9
data _null_;

140 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

call rxsubstr(rx_id,str,pos,len);
match_pos=rxmatch(rx_id,str); Matches ‘((a+b)*5)’
put match_pos= len=;
call rxfree(rx_id);

Special Symbols
You can use the special symbols listed in the following table in
the pattern.

Symbol Means
\ Set the beginning of a match to the current position.
/ Set the end of a match to the current position. If you
use a backslash (\) in one alternative of a union (|), you
must use a forward slash ( /) in all alternatives of the
union, or in a position preceding or following the
$# Request the match with the highest score, regardless of
the starting position. The position of this symbol with-
in the pattern isn’t significant.
$- Scan a string from right to left. The position of this
symbol within the pattern isn’t significant. Don’t con-
fuse a hyphen (-) used to scan a string with a hyphen
used in arithmetic operations.
$@ Require the match to begin where the scan of the text
begins. The position of this symbol within the pattern
isn’t significant.

Prints pos=6 match=ow
data _null_;
str='How now brown cow?';
pos=rxmatch(rx_id,str); Matches ‘ow’ in now
put pos= match=;
call rxfree(rx_id);

List of Functions | 141


When a pattern is matched by more than one substring begin-
ning at a specific position, the longest substring is selected. To
change this selection criterion, assign a score value to each
substring by using the # symbol followed by an integer.
The score for any substring begins at zero. When #n appears
in the pattern, n is added to the score. If two or more match-
ing substrings begin at the same leftmost position, SAS selects
the one with the highest score; if both have the same score,
SAS selects the longer one. The following table lists score rep-

Item Means
#n Add n to the score
#*n Multiply the score by nonnegative n
#/n Divide the score by positive n
#=n Assign the value of n to the score
#>n Find a match if the current score exceeds n

Tag Expression
To assign a substring of the searched string to a character var-
iable, use the expression name=<pattern>. The substring that
matches this expression is assigned to the variable name.
If you specify <pattern> (without the name=), SAS automati-
cally assigns the first occurrence of the pattern to the variable
_1, the second occurrence to _2, and so on. This assignment is
called tagging. SAS tags the corresponding substring of the
matched string.
Change Expressions
If you find a substring that matches a pattern, you can change
that substring by specifying, in the rxparse argument, the
pattern expression, the TO keyword, and the change expres-

142 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


sion. You can specify multiple change expressions by separat-

ing them with commas.
A change operation replaces a matched string by concatenat-
ing values to the replacement string. This operation concate-
nates all characters to the left of the match, the characters
specified in the change expression, and all characters to the
right of the match.
rxparse allows multiple parallel operations. For example, in
rxparse("x TO y,y TO x") x in a substring is substituted for y,
and y in a substring is substituted for x. A change expression
can include the items listed in the following table.

Item Concatenates the

"string" Contents of string.
name Name, possibly in a different case.
number Number.
Dot (.) Dot (.).
Underscore (_) Underscore (_).
=n Value of the n-th tagged substring if n is posi-
tive, or the –n-th-from-the-last tagged substring
if n is negative. In a parallel change expression,
the n-th or –n-th-from-the-last tag is counted
within the component of the parallel change
expression that yielded the match, and not over
the entire parallel change expression.
== Entire matched substring.

Search for a semicolon (;) and replace it with a space
data mydata (drop=rx_id);
set mydata;
rx_id=rxparse("$';' to ' '");
call rxchange(rx_id,999,old_str);

List of Functions | 143


Change Items
You can use the items listed in the following table to manipu-
late the replacement string. Each item positions the cursor
without affecting the replacement string.

Item Means
@n Move the pointer to column n where the next string added
to the replacement string will start.
@= Move the pointer one column past the end of the matched
>n Move the pointer to the right to column n. If the pointer is
already to the right of column n, the pointer isn’t moved.
>= Move the pointer to the right, one column past the end of
the matched substring.
<n Move pointer to the left to column n. If the pointer is
already to the left of column n, the pointer isn’t moved.
<= Move the pointer to the left, one column past the end of
the matched substring.
+n Move the pointer n columns to the right.
-n Move the pointer n columns to the left.
-L Left-align the result of the previous item or expression in
-R Right-align the result of the previous item or expression in
-C Center the result of the previous item or expression in
*n Repeat the result of the previous item or expression in
parentheses n–1 times, producing a total of n copies.

See also: call rxchange (p. 30), call rxfree (p. 30), call
rxsubstr (p. 30), rxmatch (p. 134).

Returns a periodic-savings value. fut_amt (≥ 0) is the future
amount at the end of num_periods. pmt (≥ 0) is the fixed peri-
odic payment. int_rate (≥ 0) is the periodic interest rate,

144 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


expressed as a fraction. num_periods (≥ 0) is the integer num-

ber of compounding periods. Provide any three nonmissing
arguments and saving returns the fourth.
Returns num_periods
saving(10000,100,0.05/12,.) → 83.47.

scan(str,n [,delims])
Returns the n-th word in a string. If n < 0, scan counts words
right to left. If |n| > the number of words in str, scan returns
an empty string. delims specifies character(s) that separate
words. The default ASCII delimiters are: space . < ( + & ! $ * ) ;
^ - / , % |. The default EBCDIC delimiters are: space . < ( + | &
! $ * ) ; ¬ - / , % | ¢. Contiguous delimiters are treated as one.
Leading and trailing delimiters are ignored. The result’s
default length is 200.
scan('123 abc xyz',2) → ‘abc’.

scan('123 abc xyz',-3) → ‘123’.

scan('123 abc xyz',5) → ‘’.

scan('123,abc xyz',2,',') → ‘abc xyz’.

scan('123,abc xyz',2,' ,') → ‘abc’.

scan('',3) → ‘xyz’.

See also: call scan (p. 30), call scanq (p. 31), scanq (p. 145).
scanq(str,n [,delims]) 9+
Returns the n-th word in a string, ignoring quote-enclosed
delimiters. If n < 0, scanq counts words right to left. If n = 0
or |n| > the number of words in str, scanq returns an empty
string. Unmatched quotes in str make left-to-right and right-
to-left scans return different words. delims specifies charac-
ter(s) that separate words. The default delimiters are white-
space characters: space, horizontal and vertical tab, carriage
return, line feed, and form feed. You can’t use single or double

List of Functions | 145


quotes as delimiters. Contiguous delimiters are treated as one.

Leading and trailing delimiters are ignored. The result’s
default length is 200.
scanq('12 "a c" xyz',2) → ‘a c’.

scanq('12 a c xyz',2) → ‘a’.

See also: call scan (p. 30), call scanq (p. 31), scan (p. 145).
sdf(dist,quantile [,param1,param2,...])
Returns the survival function. See cdf (p. 40) for a description
of the parameters. Example: sdf('normal',1.96) → ≈0.025.
See also: logsdf (p. 100), pdf (p. 114), quantile (p. 127).
Extracts the seconds (0–59.99...) from a SAS time or SAS
Example: second(time()) → 49.4400 (the time is 10:19:49.44
See also: hour (p. 83), minute (p. 102).
Determines the sign of x, returning 1 if x is positive, zero (0) if
x is 0, or -1 if x is negative. Examples: sign(-0.000006) → -1.
sign(10.2) → 1. sign(0/5) → 0. See also: abs (p. 10).

Returns the sine of an angle. angle is expressed in radians. To
convert degrees to radians, multiply degrees by π/180. Note
that sin(-x) = -sin(x) and 1/sin(x) is the cosecant of x.
sin(0) → 0.

sin(constant('pi')/2) → 1.

Create a trig table

data trig_table;
if _N_=1 then pi=constant('pi');

146 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

retain pi;
do degrees=0 to 360;
radians=degrees * pi/180;
drop pi;

See also: arsin (p. 12), cos (p. 51), tan (p. 155).
Returns the hyperbolic sine of x, defined by (ex – e–x)/2. Exam-
ples: sinh(1) → 1.1752. sinh(-1) → -1.1752. See also: cosh
(p. 51), tanh (p. 155).
skewness(x1,x2,x3 [,x4,...])
Returns the skewness (asymmetry) of nonmissing arguments.
At least three nonmissing arguments are required or the result
is a missing value. Example: x1=-3; x2=0.5; x3=50; y1=.;
skewness(2,of x1-x3,6,y1) → 2.1170147309.

sleep(n [,unit])
Suspends program execution for a specified amount of time
(< 46 days), returning the time slept. n (≥ 0) is the number of
units of time. unit (defaults to 1.0 on Windows; 0.001 other-
wise) is the unit of time, as a power of 10, that’s applied to n. 1
is a second and 0.001 is a millisecond, for example.
Suspend execution for one minute

Suspend execution until 28-Mar-2006, at 10:00 AM


See also: call sleep (p. 32).

smallest(n,x1 [,x2,...]) 9+
Returns the n-th smallest of nonmissing values. If n is miss-
ing, a noninteger, less than one, or greater than the number of

List of Functions | 147


nonmissing values, then smallest returns a missing value.

Example: x1=-3.5; x2=-4; x3=5; smallest(2,2,of x1-
x3,6,.) → -3.5. See also: largest (p. 96), max (p. 101), min
(p. 101), ordinal (p. 112), pctl (p. 113).
soundex(word )
Encodes a word by using the Soundex algorithm. Soundex is
English-biased. Example: soundex('Smythe') → ‘S53’ (same
result as soundex('Smith')). See also: spedis (p. 148).
spedis(query_word,keyword )
Returns the likelihood of two words matching, as the asym-
metric spelling distance between the words. query_word is the
word to query for the likelihood of a match. keyword is a tar-
get word for the query. Any trailing spaces in both words are
ignored. The result is a nonnegative value that is usually less
than 100 but never greater than 200 with the default costs.
The spelling distance is asymmetric because spedis converts
keyword to the query_word by using a sequence of operations,
so swapping the arguments usually returns a different value.
spedis is similar to, but much slower than, compged (p. 47)
and complev (p. 48). The following table lists each operation
and its default cost.

Operation Cost
match (no change) 0
singlet (delete one of a double letter) 25
doublet (double a letter) 50
swap (reverse the order of two consecutive letters) 50
truncate (delete a letter from the end) 50
append (add a letter to the end) 35
delete (delete a letter from the middle) 50
insert (insert a letter in the middle) 100
replace (replace a letter in the middle) 100
firstdel (delete the first letter) 100

148 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


Operation Cost
firstins (insert a letter at the beginning) 200
firstrep (replace the first letter) 200

The returned distance is the sum of the costs divided by the

length of the query. If this ratio is greater than one, the result
is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
Examples: The following table shows spedis values for various
arguments. See also: soundex (p. 148).

query_word keyword spedis()

'baboon' 'baboon' 0
'baXboon' 'baboon' 14
'baoon' 'baboon' 10
'baXoon' 'baboon' 16
'baboonX' 'baboon' 5
'baboo' 'baboon' 10
'babboon' 'baboon' 7
'bab,oon' 'baboon' 14
'bXaYoon' 'baboon' 28
'axoo' 'baboon' 62

Returns the positive square root of x (≥ 0). Examples: sqrt(16)
→ 4. sqrt(constant('pi')) → 1.7724538509.
std(x1,x2 [,x3,...])
Returns the standard deviation of nonmissing arguments. At
least two nonmissing arguments are required or the result is a
missing value. Example: x1=3; x2=4; x3=5; y1=.; std(2,of
x1-x3,6,y1) → 1.5811388301. See also: var (p. 160).

stderr(x1,x2 [,x3,...])
Returns the standard error of the mean of nonmissing argu-
ments. At least two nonmissing arguments are required or the

List of Functions | 149


result is a missing value. Example: x1=3; x2=4; x3=5; y1=.;

stderr(2,of x1-x3,6,y1) → 0.7071067812.

Converts a two-character state or U.S. territory postal code or
GSA geographic code to its numeric FIPS (Federal Informa-
tion Processing Standards) code. postal_code is case-insensi-
tive with no leading spaces; trailing spaces are ignored. Examples:
The following table shows examples of stfips, stname
(p. 150), and stnamel (p. 150). See also: fipstate (p. 74),
zipfips (p. 165).

postal_code stfips() stname() stnamel()

CA 6 CALIFORNIA California
PR 72 PUERTO RICO Puerto Rico
XX . (missing) ‘ ’ (missing) ‘ ’ (missing)

Converts a two-character state or U.S. territory postal code or
GSA geographic code to its name in uppercase (≤ 20 charac-
ters). postal_code is case-insensitive and can have trailing, but
not leading, spaces. Examples: See stfips (p. 150). See also:
fipname (p. 73), stnamel (p. 150), zipname (p. 166).

Converts a two-character state or U.S. territory postal code or
GSA geographic code to its name in mixed case (≤ 20 charac-
ters). postal_code is case-insensitive and can have trailing, but
not leading, spaces. Examples: See stfips (p. 150). See also:
fipnamel (p. 74), stname (p. 150), zipnamel (p. 166).

strip(str) 9+
Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string, returning
an empty string (‘’) if str is blank. Assigning the result to a var-
iable doesn’t affect the variable’s length; if necessary, strip
pads the result with new trailing spaces to match the target
variable’s length. The result’s default length is the length of str.
strip is useful for removing trailing spaces during concate-

150 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


nation. strip() is equivalent to trimn(left()) but runs fast-

er. Examples: See left (p. 97). See also: right (p. 133), trim
(p. 158), trimn (p. 158).
subpad(str,start_pos [,len]) 9+
Returns a substring that has a specified length, padding with
trailing spaces if necessary. start_pos (≥ 1) is the position of
the first character in the substring. len (≥ 0) is the length of
the substring. If len is omitted, the returned substring extends
from start_pos to the end of str. The result’s default length is
subpad('abcde',2) → ‘bcde’.

subpad('abcde',2,3) → ‘bcd’.

subpad('abcde',2,6) → ‘bcde ’ (2 trailing spaces).

See also: substr (p. 151), substrn (p. 152).
substr(char_var|str,start_pos [,len])
Extracts (if right of =) or inserts (if left of =) a substring. The
syntax of substr depends on its position. If it’s to the left of =,
the syntax is
substr(char_var,start_pos [,len])=chars_to_replace

If it’s to the right of =, the syntax is

var=substr(str,start_pos [,len])

char_var is a character variable. var is a SAS variable name. str

is a character expression. start_pos (≥ 1) is the position of the
first character in the substring. chars_to_replace are the char-
acters that will replace the contents of char_var. The meaning
of len depends on the position of substr:
• If left of =, substr replaces the value of char_var with the
expression on the right side, replacing len characters start-
ing at start_pos. len can’t be greater than the length of the
expression that remains in char_var after start_pos. If len is
omitted, substr uses all of the characters on the right side

List of Functions | 151


to replace the values of char_var. The result’s default length

is 8.
• If right of =, substr returns a portion of str, beginning at
start_pos and continuing for len characters. If len is zero,
negative, or greater than the length of str after start_pos,
substr extracts the remainder of str and logs an invalid-
length note. If len is omitted, substr extracts the remain-
der of str. The result’s default length is the length of str.
substr(c,1,3)='cat' → c becomes ‘catnap’.

s=substr('kidnap',4,3) → Assigns ‘nap’ to s.

See also: subpad (p. 151), substrn (p. 152).

substrn(str,start_pos [,len]) 9+
Returns a substring. start_pos is the position of the first char-
acter in the substring. len is the length of the substring. If len
is omitted, the result extends from start_pos to the end of str.
The result’s default length is the length of str.
substrn, unlike substr (p. 151), returns a zero-length result
and doesn’t log an invalid-argument note and set _ERROR_
=1 for bad values of start_pos or len. If start_pos or len is a
missing value, the result is a zero-length string. If start_pos ≤
0, the result is truncated at the beginning: The result’s first
character is the first character of str and its length is reduced
accordingly. If len extends beyond the end of str, the result is
truncated at the end: The result’s last character is the last char-
acter of str.
substrn('abcde',2) → ‘bcde’.

substrn('abcde',-2) → ‘abcde’.

substrn('abcde',2,3) → ‘bcd’.

substrn('abcde',2,99) → ‘bcde’.

152 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


substrn('abcde',2,-6) → ‘’ (empty string).

See also: subpad (p. 151).

sum(x1 [,x2,...])
Returns the sum of nonmissing arguments. If all the argu-
ments are missing values, the result is a missing value. Exam-
ple: x1=3; x2=4; x3=5; y1=.; sum(2,of x1-x3,6,y1) →
20. See also: mean (p. 101), n (p. 106).
symexist(macro_var_name) 9+
Returns one (1) if a macro variable exists; zero otherwise. For
details see Symexist in SAS Macro Language: Reference.
Returns a macro-variable value during DATA-step execution.
The result’s default length is 200. For details see Symget in SAS
Macro Language: Reference. See also: call symput (p. 36),
call symputx (p. 36).

symglobl(macro_var_name) 9+
Returns one (1) if a macro variable is in a global scope to the
calling DATA step; zero otherwise. For details see Symglobl in
SAS Macro Language: Reference. See also: symlocal (p. 153).
symlocal(macro_var_name) 9+
Returns one (1) if a macro variable is in a local scope to the
calling DATA step; zero otherwise. For details see Symlocal in
SAS Macro Language: Reference. See also: symglobl (p. 153).
Returns the value of an OS environment variable. env_var is
the case-sensitive name of the environment variable. Trailing
spaces are significant; use trim (p. 158) to remove them. The
result’s default length is 200. sysget logs a warning if it trun-
cates the result, or returns a missing value if env_var is unde-
fined. Example: sysget('username') → ‘judy’ (Windows).
Returns the text of error messages or warning messages that
are generated when a dataset or external-file access function
encounters an error condition. If no error message is avail-

List of Functions | 153


able, the result is blank. The internally stored error message is

reset to blank after calling sysmsg, so subsequent sysmsg calls
before another error condition occurs return blank values. See
also: sysrc (p. 155).
Returns the value of the SYSPARM= system option or an
empty string if SYSPARM= is unspecified. The result’s default
length is 200.
Returns the process ID of the current SAS process, as a 32-
character hexadecimal string. To get the process name, pass
the ID to sysprocessname (p. 154).
sysprocessname([process_id ])
Returns the process name associated with process_id or, if
process_id is omitted, the name of the current SAS process.
You can use the value returned by sysprocessid (p. 154) or
the values of the automatic macro variables &sysprocessid or
&sysstartid as the sysprocessname argument.
sysprocessname() → ‘DMS Process’.

sysprocessname(sysprocessid()) → ‘DMS Process’.

%let id=&sysprocessid;
%let name=%sysfunc(sysprocessname(&id));
%put &name; (logs ‘DMS Process’)

Determines whether a SAS product is licensed, returning 1 if
product_name is a licensed SAS product, 0 if it’s unlicensed
(inaccessible), or -1 if it’s not a SAS product. A product is
licensed if its license expiration date hasn’t passed. A SAS
product can exist on your system but no longer be licensed.
product_name takes the case-insensitive values access, base
(always returns true), connect, ets, graph, share, stat, and
so on. You can prefix a product name with ‘SAS/’. Example:
sysprod('stat') → 1. See also: PROC SETINIT.

154 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

Returns the error number for the most recent system error
encountered by a call to an external-file or dataset function.
See also: sysmsg (p. 153).
system(os_command )
Executes an OS command during a SAS session and returns
the OS-dependent return code. os_command (≤ 1024 charac-
ters) is a system command enclosed in quotes, an expression
whose value is a system command, or the name of a character
variable whose value is a system command. See also: X state-
ment, X command, call system (p. 36).
Returns the tangent of an angle. angle is expressed in radians
and can’t be an odd multiple of π/2. To convert degrees to
radians, multiply degrees by π/180. Note that 1/tan(x) is the
cotangent of x, and tan(x) = sin(x)/cos(x). Examples:
tan(0.7854) → 1 (0.7854 radians ≈ 45 degrees). tan(0) → 0.
tan(constant('pi')/2) → . (missing—bad angle). See also:
atan (p. 12), atan2 (p. 13), cos (p. 51), sin (p. 146).

Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x, defined by (ex–e–x)/(ex+e–x)
or sinh(x)/cosh(x). Examples: tanh(0) → 0. tanh(0.5) →
0.4621. See also: call tanh (p. 37), cosh (p. 51), sinh (p. 147).
Returns the current time of day as a SAS time (the number
seconds after midnight, 0 ≤ time() < 86400).
Example: time() → 73580.56 (the time is 20:26:21).
See also: datetime (p. 55), dhms (p. 59), hms (p. 82), mdy
(p. 101), today (p. 156).
Extracts the time, as a SAS time, from a SAS datetime.
Example: timepart(datetime()) → 80389.44 (now is 02-Sep-
2005 22:19:49).
See also: datepart (p. 55), datetime (p. 55).

List of Functions | 155

tinv(prob,df [,nc])
Returns the prob-th quantile from the Student’s t distribution
with degrees of freedom df (> 0, noninteger allowed) and
noncentrality parameter nc. The probability that an observa-
tion from a t distribution is less than or equal to the returned
quantile is prob (0 < x < 1). If nc is omitted or is zero, tinv
uses the central t distribution. Large nc values can cause tinv
to return a missing value. tinv is the inverse of probt (p. 119).
Example: tinv(0.95,2.5,3) → 11.03383362. See also: tnonct
(p. 156).
Returns the nonnegative noncentrality parameter from a non-
central Student’s t distribution with the specified parameters.
x (≥ 0) is a random variable, df (> 0, noninteger allowed) is the
degrees of freedom, and prob (0 < prob < 1) is a probability.
tnonct(2,4,0.05) → 3.8966229298.

tnonct(2,4,probt(2,4,1.5)) → 1.499999999.

See also: cnonct (p. 44), fnonct (p. 75), probt (p. 119), tinv
(p. 156).
Returns the current date as a SAS date (the number of days
since 1-Jan-1960). today is the same as date (p. 55).
Example: today() → 16681 (today is 2-Sep-2005).
See also: datetime (p. 55), dhms (p. 59), hms (p. 82), mdy
(p. 101), time (p. 155).
translate(str,to1,from1 [,to2,from2,...])
Replaces all occurrences of from characters in str with to char-
acters. to and from values correspond on a character-by-char-
acter basis; translate changes the first character of from to
the first character of to, and so on. If to has fewer characters
than from, translate changes the extra from characters to
spaces. If to has more characters than from, translate
ignores the extra to characters. The maximum number of to-

156 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


from pairs depends on your OS. Using many pairs of short

arguments is no different from using fewer pairs of long ones.
The result’s default length is the length of str.
Example: translate('abcdeb','24,','bde') → ‘a2c4,2’.
See also: tranwrd (p. 157).
trantab(str,translation_table) 9+
Transcodes a string by using a translation table to remap the
characters from one internal representation to another. The
encoding of str must match the encoding of table 1 in
translation_table (see PROC TRANTAB for details). In SAS
8.2 and later use the LOCALE= system option instead of

Transcode from Latin2 to uppercase Latin2
trantab('polyalloy','lat2_ucs') → ‘POLYALLOY’.

Replaces or removes all occurrences of a substring within a
string. Trailing spaces in str and replace_with are significant.
The result’s default length is 200.
tranwrd('Miss J. Kim','Miss','Ms.') → ‘Ms. J. Kim’.

tranwrd('Miss J. Kim','Miss','') → ‘J. Kim’.

tranwrd('abc def ghi',' ',',') → ‘abc,def,ghi’.

See also: translate (p. 156).

Returns the value of the trigamma function, defined as the
derivative of the function digamma (p. 60) where x is a nonze-
ro real number that isn’t a negative integer. If x > 0 then
trigamma is the second derivative of lgamma (p. 98). Examples:
trigamma(6) → 0.1813229557. trigamma(-1) → . (missing—
bad x). trigamma(-0.5) → 8.9348022005. See also: gamma
(p. 80).

List of Functions | 157

Removes trailing spaces from a string, returning one space
(‘ ’) if str is blank. Assigning the result to a variable doesn’t
affect the variable’s length; if necessary, trim pads the result
with new trailing spaces to match the target variable’s length.
The result’s default length is the length of str. trim is useful for
removing trailing spaces during concatenation. Examples: See
left (p. 97). See also: right (p. 133), strip (p. 150), trimn
(p. 158).
Same as trim (p. 158), except that trimn returns an empty
string (‘’) if str is blank. Examples: See left (p. 97).
Shortens a full-length double number x to len bytes (3 ≤ len ≤
8), padding truncated bytes with zeros. Use trunc to compare
a numerical constant to a SAS numerical value that’s stored in
fewer than 8 bytes. The maximum integer that you can store
in len bytes depends on your operating system.
trunc(1,4) → 1.00000000.

trunc(1,8) → 1.00000000.

trunc(1.3,3) → 1.29980469.

trunc(1.3,4) → 1.29999924.

trunc(1.3,8) → 1.30000000.

trunc(1.5,4) → 1.50000000.

See also: round (p. 133).

uniform(seed )
Same as ranuni (p. 132).
Converts all lowercase letters in a string to uppercase. The
result’s default length is the length of str.

158 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


upcase('Place de l''Étoile') → ‘PLACE DE L'ÉTOILE’.

Convert all character-variable values to uppercase

data mydata;
set mydata;
array char_vars[*] _CHARACTER_;
do i=1 to dim(char_vars);
drop i;

See also: lowcase (p. 100), propcase (p. 120).

Decodes a URL, using escape syntax. A URL escape sequence
takes the form %nn. A plus character is converted to a space.
Example: urldecode('%41+B%43%20%23%31') → ‘A BC #1’.
See also: htmldecode (p. 83), urlencode (p. 159).
Encodes a string as a URL, using escape syntax. A URL escape
sequence takes the form %nn. A space character is converted
to %20. urlencode doesn’t encode alphanumeric characters
or the symbols $ - _ @ . ! * ( ) ,.
Example: urlencode('A BC #1') → ‘A%20BC%20%231’.
See also: htmlencode (p. 83), urldecode (p. 159).
uss(x1 [,x2,...])
Returns the uncorrected sum of squares of nonmissing argu-
ments. If all the arguments are missing values, the result is a
missing value. Example: x1=3; x2=4; x3=5; uss(2,of x1-
x3,6,.) → 90. See also: css (p. 53).

uuidgen([max_warnings [,binary_result]]) 9+
Generates a universal unique identifier (UUID), returning a
36-character string by default. uuidgen logs no more than
max_warnings (default 1) warnings. Set binary_result to non-

List of Functions | 159


zero for a 16-byte (short) binary result. Example: uuidgen() →

var(x1,x2 [,x3,...])
Returns the variance of nonmissing arguments. At least two
nonmissing arguments are required or the result is a missing
value. Example: x1=3; x2=4; x3=5; var(2,of x1-x3,6,.)
→ 2.5. See also: std (p. 149).
Group of functions that returns attributes of the n-th variable
in a SAS dataset. dataset_id is the dataset identifier that open
(p. 111) returns. Use varnum (p. 161) or PROC CONTENTS
to get n. Replace attr with one of the values listed in the fol-
lowing table.

attr Returns the variable’s

fmt Format (possibly a blank string)
infmt Informat (possibly a blank string)
label Label (possibly a blank string)
len Length (compile-time allocated size)
name Name (≤ 32 characters)
transcode 9+ Transcoding flag (0 = Off; 1 = On)
type Type (C = character; N = numeric)

Create a dataset of attributes of the variables in mydata
data vars;
length name label infmt fmt $ 32 type $ 1;
drop dataset_id nvars i rc;
do i=1 to nvars;

160 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference


See also: call vnext (p. 37), getvarc (p. 81), getvarn (p. 81),
v<attr> (p. 161).

Returns the number of a named variable’s position in a SAS
dataset (or zero if the variable isn’t in the dataset). dataset_id
is the dataset identifier that open (p. 111) returns. var_name is
the variable’s name. PROC CONTENTS produces the same
variable numbers.
Example: varnum(open('mydata.dsn','i'),'x4') → 4.
See also: getvarc (p. 81), getvarn (p. 81), var<attr> (p. 160).
Group of functions that returns attributes of a specified vari-
able in a SAS dataset. In the v<attr> functions, var is a vari-
able name or an array reference (not an expression or quoted
character constant). In the v<attr>x functions, str is a charac-
ter expression that evaluates to a variable name (but can’t be
an array reference). For example, use vformatd(myvar) or
vformatdx('myvar'). Replace attr with one of the values list-
ed in the following table.

attr Returns the variable’s

array Array flag (0 = No; 1 = Yes)
format Format name, including the width and dot
($CHAR20., for example)
formatd Decimal argument (d) of the format
formatn Format name, excluding the width and dot
($CHAR, for example)
formatw Width argument (w) of the format

List of Functions | 161


attr Returns the variable’s

inarray Array member flag (0 = No; 1 = Yes)
informat Informat name, including the width and dot
($CHAR20., for example)
informatd Decimal argument (d) of the informat
informatn Informat name, excluding the width and dot
($CHAR, for example)
informatw Width argument (w) of the informat
label Label, or the variable name if no label exists
length Length (compile-time allocated size)
name Name (≤ 32 characters)
transcode 9+ Transcoding flag (0 = Off; 1 = On)
type Type (C = character; N = numeric)
value 9+ Formatted value

Prints n=x t=N fn=COMMA w=10 d=2 len=8 v=1,234.00
data _null_;
format x comma10.2;
put n= t= fn= w= d= len= v=;

See also: call vnext (p. 37), var<attr> (p. 160).

verify(str,substr1 [,substr2,...])
Returns the position of the first character in a string that’s not
in any substring, or returns zero if every character in str is in
at least one substr. Example: verify('abMyz','abc','xyz')
→ 3. See also: countc (p. 52), findc (p. 72).

162 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

week([sas_date [,descriptor]]) 9+
Returns the week (0–53) of the year in which a SAS date falls.
If omitted, sas_date defaults to the current date. descriptor is
one of the values listed in the following table. If omitted,
descriptor defaults to u.

descriptor Specifies the SAS date by using the

u Week number (0–53) within the year, where Sunday is
the first day of the week (the default).
v Week number (1–53), where Monday is the first day of
the week and the first week (week 01) of the year is the
week that includes both January 4th and the first
Thursday of the year. If the first Monday of January is
the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th, the preceding days are part of the
last week of the preceding year.
w Week number (0–53) within the year, where Monday is
the first day of the week.

Example: week(today()) → 35 (today is 2-Sep-2005).

See also: day (p. 56), month (p. 104), qtr (p. 126), weekday
(p. 163), year (p. 163).
Returns the day of the week of a SAS date (1 = Sunday, 2 =
Monday,..., 7 = Saturday).
Example: weekday(today()) → 6 (today is Friday, 2-Sep-05).
See also: day (p. 56), month (p. 104), qtr (p. 126), week (p. 163),
year (p. 163).

Extracts the four-digit year from a SAS date.
Example: year(today()) → 2005 (today is 2-Sep-2005).
See also: day (p. 56), month (p. 104), qtr (p. 126), week (p. 163),
weekday (p. 163).

List of Functions | 163

time_to_next_cpn,price_plus_accrued )
Returns the yield-to-maturity of a bond. par (> 0) is the par
(face) value. cpn_rate (0 ≤ cpn_rate < 1) is the nominal per-
year coupon rate, expressed as a fraction. cpn_freq (> 0) is the
integer number of coupons per year. remaining_cpns (> 0) is
the integer number of remaining coupons. time_to_next_cpn
(> 0 and ≤ 1/cpn_freq) is the time from now until the next
coupon date, expressed as a fractional number of years.
price_plus_accrued (> 0) is the price with accrued interest.
Example: yieldp(1000,0.06,4,14,0.165,800) → 0.13607.
Returns the fractional number of years between start_date
and end_date. basis is one of the values listed in the following
table. See also: datdif (p. 54).

basis Count days by using

'30/360'| 30-day months and 360-day years, regardless of
'360' the actual number of days each month or year has
'act/act'| The actual number of days between the dates,
'actual' divided by 365 plus the number of days that fall in
366-day years divided by 366
'act/360' The actual number of days between the dates,
divided by 360
'act/365' The actual number of days between the dates,
divided by 365

sdate='1feb2004'd; edate='1may2007'd;

yrdif(sdate,edate,'30/360') → 3.25.

yrdif(sdate,edate,'act/act') → 3.2440676697.

yrdif(sdate,edate,'act/360') → 3.2916666667.

yrdif(sdate,edate,'act/365') → 3.2465753425.

164 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

Returns a SAS date for the first day of the quarter (1, 2, 3, or 4)
of year. year is a two-digit or four-digit integer. The system
option YEARCUTOFF= defines the year value for two-digit
dates. Example: yyq(2005,3) → 16618 (1-Jul-2005). See also:
qtr (p. 126), year (p. 163).

zipcity(zip) 9+
Converts a zip code to a city name, comma, space, and two-
character state postal code (≤ 20 characters). zip is numeric or
character, with or without leading zeros (trailing zeros are
required). zipcity uses the sashelp.zipcode built-in data-
set. Examples: See the following table. See also: zipfips (p. 165),
zipname (p. 166), zipnamel (p. 166), zipstate (p. 166).

zip zipcity()
‘94123’ ‘San Francisco, CA’
80303 ‘Boulder, CO’
‘04609’ ‘Bar Harbor, ME’
4609 ‘Bar Harbor, ME’
‘637’ ‘Sabana Grande, PR’
‘xxx’ ‘ ’ (missing—unknown zip code)

Converts a zip code to a numeric FIPS (Federal Information
Processing Standards) code. zip is numeric or character, with
or without leading zeros (trailing zeros are required). Exam-
ples: The following table shows examples of zipfips, zipname
(p. 166), zipnamel (p. 166), and zipstate (p. 166).

zip zipfips() zipname() zipnamel() zipstate()

‘94123’ 6 CALIFORNIA California CA
80303 8 COLORADO Colorado CO
‘04609’ 23 MAINE Maine ME
4609 23 MAINE Maine ME

List of Functions | 165


zip zipfips() zipname() zipnamel() zipstate()

‘00637’ 72 PUERTO RICO Puerto Rico PR
‘xxx’ . ‘’ ‘’ ‘’

See also: fipname (p. 73), fipnamel (p. 74), fipstate (p. 74),
stfips (p. 150), zipcity (p. 165).

Converts a zip code to its state or U.S. territory name in upper-
case (≤ 20 characters). zip is numeric or character, with or
without leading zeros (trailing zeros are required). Examples:
See zipfips (p. 165). See also: fipname (p. 73), stname (p. 150),
zipcity (p. 165), zipnamel (p. 166), zipstate (p. 166).

Converts a zip code to its state or U.S. territory name in mixed
case (≤ 20 characters). zip is numeric or character, with or
without leading zeros (trailing zeros are required). Examples:
See zipfips (p. 165). See also: fipnamel (p. 74), stnamel
(p. 150), zipcity (p. 165), zipname (p. 166), zipstate (p. 166).
Converts a zip code to its two-character state or U.S. territory
postal code or GSA geographic code in uppercase. zip is
numeric or character, with or without leading zeros (trailing
zeros are required). Examples: See zipfips (p. 165). See also:
fipstate (p. 74), zipcity (p. 165), zipname (p. 166),
zipnamel (p. 166).

166 | SAS Functions Pocket Reference

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