Lesson Plan Subject: Math Trainee: Iman Topic or Theme: Class:KG2/C Date & Duration: 25/10/2021 Trainee Personal Goals

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LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Iman Topic or Theme: Growing in the Garden (planting a seed)

Class:KG2/C Date & Duration: 25/10/2021

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on:

 Dealing with students’ behavior.

 Have a good time management.
 Have a good communication with students.
 Be sure that students understand the lesson.

Lesson Focus:

Math counting from 1 to 15

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:


 Count numbers 1-15

 Read and write numbers 1-15


 Recognize own name and some of their friends

 Relate events and information in a story to personal experiences


 Present observations using pictures, models and words and communicates with peers to explain
investigation results.


 Identify various sources of electric power.

Links to Prior Learning:

 They have an idea about the object that they will count of the letter week which is ‘C’
21st Century Skills

1. Critical thinking:

 Students will think when they try to count thigs.

 Student will thing about the materials and finding the solution on all centers.
 They will think about some words start with letter ‘C’
 They will think about after number for example, what number come after number 10?

2. Creativity:

 kids will be able to use deferent materials in each group.

 They will use their Creativity specially on the art groups when they will make their cars.

3. Collaboration:

 students work with peers and on groups.

 They will see their friends works and help them if they can.
 When someone need a help to answer a question.

4. Communication:

 Students communicate appropriately with other children when playing and doing the
 Students have a good conversation with others on morning message when they say good
morning to their friends.

Key vocabulary:


It is a……..,


SOS – Cc


1- 15


2D Shapes - Patterns

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

Identify and know the numbers. The teacher will be with them during the activity time
to focus more. She will help them to know how to
count and identify numbers.

Resources/equipment needed:

Sing along songs and videos using actions, flash cards

SOS resources

Sight words

Numbers cards

Animals’ cards



& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

In general: morning message by Sing Welcome the students to the classroom

Hello, hello, Calendar, Days of the week, and do the morning massage and sing the
weather, counting girls and boys. national anthem with the students and
ask them to say good morning to their
Specific: first they will sing the National
anthem. Then they will lesson to the
morning song as their daily routine. After
they will be on 2 line one for the girls and After she will ask them to be on 2 line one
one for the boys to do quick counting for the boys and one for the girls. Then
activity with the teacher. she will ask the boys to count the girls
and write the numbers on the board,
Then the colander time, students will say then the girls turn they should count how
the weekday together as our daily many boys there is, and the teacher write
routine. Then they will answer some the number on the board too. After that
questions from the teacher like, what’s she ask them to be adding the 2 numbers
the day today? What is yesterday? We
together for example (7 girls + 7 boys =
are in which month? We are in which
year? 2021 or 2022? 14) after that she will play a video song
about counting numbers from 1 to 15.
They will find the photos that start with
letter ‘c’ then they will do counting to 10 She will open the PowerPoint slides that
by using flowers photos. After that they
have deferent ways to explain the lesson
will count things that start with letter ‘c’
and choose the correct number as to
for them and make them engage with
their counting. her. For example, photo cards and
numbers to do counting.
They will watch and listen to counting
numbers song from 1 to 20 song and She will play a numbers song and ask
they should count all together. them to count together. She will count
with them too.
They will find letter ‘c’ between arrange
of other letters then they will count how She will ask the students to find letter ‘c’
many we have. They also must choose
and count how many we have.
how many numbers we have for
instance, highlight number 5.
She will ask them some question to make
They will be using cognitive thinking them use their cognitive skills. For
mind and thinking about after number, I example, what numbers come after
mean by this what number come after number 5? And 10? And 15? She chooses
number 10? Or number5? these three numbers to mention all level
They will go to their centers and working
on the activities. And finally, they will do She will call their name to go to their
the closing assessment which is online
groups and start working on their

She will set with her fucus group which is

math center.

Finally, she will do the closing online

Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

English group (writing): The teacher will be with her focus group
(math group) to work with them and see
what they need more to learn or what the
difficulties they face. So, she will get
feedback for herself for the next time if
she needs to change something like have
more activity or need to change the
activity level.
The students will have a papercrete
to write in, card with sentence (It is a
_______) and card photo that start
with letter ‘c’ so they must choose a
photo and write a complete
sentence. Then they should draw and
coloring. For the high-level students,
they will write one full sentence, the
medium they will write the words
and the low ones they will write the
letter only. So, this activity it collects
all students’ abilities. After they
finish, they will assets their self by
color the starts.

Math group (counting): my focus

Here the students will have cut

flower card so they should count
how many small flowers there is then
find the number to complete the
plant. Each student will have
numbers from 1 to 10.

will have this extra worksheet
activity for students who done their
work before finishing the time. They
should count how many flowers
there is then write the numbers
down by using the card numbers.
They can do coloring too.

Since group:

In since group the students will have

a plant to discovered and worksheet
that have a plant photo and photo
card with what plant needs to grow,
they should find what plants need to
grow and put it on plant worksheet.

Art group letter C:

Student will cut letter C and paste

the car on then they will coloring
their own car as they want.
& Time Plenary/Conclusion

Students will Teacher will

Raise their hand to answer and come play online counting game to cheack
to the board to put their fingers on their undesrstanding of the lesson and
the answer that they choose. what they are good in and what they
need to fucuse more in.



☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback


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