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Hygiene elements – which the customer takes them for granted by the customer.

Do or Decline
factors. WIFI in the campus.

What are the implications?

If the hygiene factors are absent and they are performed poorly on hygiene factors, it will lead to
dissatisfaction. If you are not performing on the hygiene factors, customers will be dissatisfied.
Presence of hf will bring you in a level field with the competitors.

Enhancing elements – Optional service extras whose presence will lead to satisfaction and absence
may not necessarily lead to dissatisfaction.

Two types-

1) Parity elements – which are also offered by the competition and you maybe providing a
matching average level of service with competitors, on par with competition. Two premium
retail outlets, both of them provide parking space, it is a parity element. It may not give you
a strategic advantage.
2) Superiority elements – are those elements on which you are providing a distinctly superior
service. You maybe the only one providing this service, it is unique. 1) Distinctly superior, 2)

HSBC, started ATMs around 25 years ago – unique – others started it but HSBC’s ATMs were
functioning better -distinctly superior – parity – hygiene elements.

Two premium retail outlets, Brand A – providing parking place(parity/hygiene), Brand B – provide
angular parking with fantastic lighting (unique)

Retail outlet A in a tier 2 city – all others are giving good service – but retailer A providing pickup
service – enhancing elements – unique

Brand B also started – brand A can still provide a distinctly superior service

Brand A, B, C, D, all started providing – parity

Brand D – loaner cars – unique now

Customer expectations get updated. There could be intra-encounter changes in expectations.

First improve on the concluding events/steps, invest

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