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Competency Management Assignment

Assessing Managerial Talent at AT&T

Name- Mayur Guhe

Roll No.- 201911022

 Problem 1- Number of employees to be assessed is large and time to assess them is just
3.5 days. Plus, the process is extremely lengthy, which makes the assesses exhausted.

Solution- If the same process is to be followed, then a greater number of days should be
spent on assessing. And if the number of days is same, then the process should be made
less exhausting.

 Problem 2- Assessors are trained during the week preceding the assessment centre, to
observe behaviour in assessment exercises. A weeks training may not improve one’s
observation skills.

Solution- More time should be spent on observation training.

 Problem 3- The pre- established evaluation technique includes a standardized rating scale,
regardless of objectives, dimensions, or exercises employed.
Due to this rating scale, equal weight is provided to each factor. Regardless of their
impact or relevancy. Although it assures reliability and validity, but ignores the impact &
relevancy of individual factors.

Solution- Objective and dimensions of each factor should be considered separately,

instead of standardizing them by one scale.
 Problem 4- In Group discussion one hour is given for oral representation. Because of
which presenter’s chances of reading the whole text increases, instead of selecting and
articulating important points. It is unnecessarily lengthening the process.

Solution- Reduce time for oral presentation. With reduced time judges can assess one’s
articulation & communication skills in a much better way. By observing which relevant
points are highlighted, articulated and communicated properly in less time. With this one
cannot read the whole text, he/she has to select relevant points to present.

 Problem 5- Personal interview is the only formal opportunity during the assessment week
for the participants to discuss themselves, their experience and their career with member
of staff and that to in 1-2 hours. It is an important activity for which very less time is

Solution- More time should be given to this activity, by having another round of personal
interview, separated from first round by at least a day or two. Because one’s opinion can
change while living with different and versatile participants. Two rounds of interview will
validate what one said in the first interview and make the process more reliable.

 Problem 6- Longitudinal management research study has a gap of eight years between
first and the second assessment. The gap is too long.

Solution- Consecutive follow up assessments should be taken every year to increase the
validity and reliability of the process.

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