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Assignment 2: Research Proposal


Thi Bao Ngoc Nguyen

February 24, 2021

Word Count: 605

Submitted to:

Professor Carolyn Meyer

In partial fulfilment for the requirement of

CMN216- Communication Revolutions

This assignment's chosen topic is the significant influence of social media- a

communication technology of the 21st century, on news reporting. It would also mainly focus on

understanding the origin, impacts, and development stage of social media in news reporting.

Thesis Statement: 

 The rise of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, has set a new definition:

social media reporting, in news reporting and how technological determinism poses an

impact on this new trend.

 The news reporting world has positively adapted and adopted this trend; for example,

journalism schools have integrated social media reporting into their curriculum.


This paper would focus on social media in news reporting since for me, it is is very interesting to

see since after the technology explosion, the way we do things have no longer be the same. Due

to new communication technologies, in this case is social media, people expose to many sources

of news, which positive and negative aspects. This topic would examine further what we have

learned in class which is the way how communication technologies (social media), has changed

our lives.
Annotated Bibliography

1. Bor, S. E. (2014). Teaching social media journalism: Challenges and opportunities for

future curriculum design. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 69(3), 243-


This research article demonstrates the rising demand for competent digital employees in the

news media industry and how journalism schools adapt to provide a skilled workforce in using

social media platforms. This research provides suggestions that courses should feature ethics,

technical skills, and career potential. 

The author, Stephanie E. Bor, is an assistant professor of Electronic Media in the Reynolds

School of Journalism at the University of Nevada, Reno. She earned her PhD from the

University of Utah, MA from California State University Chico, and BA from the University of

California Santa Barbara. Understanding the limitations of this research, the author supplements

this article with a thorough examination of three undergraduate broadcast journalism courses

offered at a large research university in the Western United States during fall 2012, attempting to

integrate the social media reporting curriculum.

2. Reich, Z. (2013). The impact of technology on news reporting: A longitudinal

perspective. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 90(3), 417-


This paper focuses on the impacts of new technologies' transformative on news reporting.
The author uses face-to-face reconstruction interviews since traditional methods such as

observations, interviews and surveys cannot be used to systematically capture the frequency to

which different technologies are used in news reporting. 

3. Sterrett, D., Malato, D., Benz, J., Kantor, L., Tompson, T., Rosenstiel, T., Sonderman, J.,

& Loker, K. (2019). Who shared it?: Deciding what news to trust on social media. Digital

Journalism, 7(6), 783-801.

These days, it is undeniable that social media platforms have become one of our key news

sources. With this new trend, people are easily exposed to stories from various people and

outlets, including potential fake news stories. This paper focuses on answering the question:

What leads people to trust news on social media?

This study's data come from a survey experiment conducted from November 9 to December 6

2016, that featured completed interviews with 1489 adults, including oversamples of African

Americans and Hispanics. This study tests those factors simultaneously with a recent survey

experiment of American adults that simulates social media posts by either a trusted or untrusted

public figure and directs respondents to an article manipulated to come from either a reputable

news source or a fake news source.

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