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Thi Bao Ngoc, Nguyen

Student # 501072814

CMN 211 – [Section 031]: Proposal for Research Project


Increased pronoun awareness (on personal ID documents, in the workplace, in media

representation, etc.)


In English, we often use he/she instead of a name to avoid lengthy text. But these should not be

applied for LGBTQ+ since these pronouns may not fit. Why calling people by wrong pronouns

could create stress, anxiety, and discomfort? Let's say if your pronoun is, she, but someone

keeping calling you the one you don't think of yourself as no matter how many times you have

corrected them.


Everyone should widely take this matter. 


On personal ID documents, in the workplace, in media representation, etc.

When: Started from the late 19th century as it was a hot topic like it is now

Thesis Statement: 

 The world has gained awareness and started to practice the habit of using the correct

 Pronoun awareness might cause challenges in different scenarios and how society finds

ways to overcome it. 


E.g., Citation #1 "Though still imperfect, the quality of news coverage and recommendations in

journalism style guides have improved in areas like correct use of pronouns, names, and

terminology" ("We Have to Stand Out to Blend In": Ordinary Transgender People Speak About

Being Subjects of News Stories. Taylor & Francis. )

Sentence #1: How news and media have contributed to the rise of awareness in LGBTQ+


Sentence #2: LGBTQ+ pronouns have quickly gone from obscurity to prominence in our daily

life, with the growing acceptance of gender-neutral pronouns thanks to news and media. I'll use

this to support the thesis statement "The world has gained awareness and started to practice the

habit of using the correct pronoun".


E.g. Citation #2: 

Adolescents: Meeting the Needs of Our LGBTQ Patients and Their Families. Clinical Pediatric

Emergency Medicine. 

Sentence #1: The article has mentioned steps to provide healthcare for LGBTQ patients and their

families. However, the steps mentioned in this article could also be used in many other situations
and professions. However, mistakes will occur. Acknowledging and correcting errors are

essential steps in rebuilding trust.

Sentence #2

 The thesis statement is "Pronoun awareness might cause challenges in different scenarios and

how the society finds ways to overcome it." This article provides examples of challenges and



E.g. Citation #3 (Clarke, J. A. (2019, January 10). They, Them, and Theirs. Harvard Law


Sentence #1 

This article demonstrates a thoughtful perspective on how LGBTQ+ has impacted many aspects

of life, such as education, athletics, and the workplace. 

Sentence #2

The examples in this article would support the thesis statement: "Pronoun awareness might cause

challenges in different scenarios and how the society finds ways to overcome it" because it

provides a multi-dimensional insight into the problem. And based on those examples, my

research would be more objective since it collects views from all walks of life. 

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