Class 8 Science: Shah Series

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 According to the new paper composition of NTS&FTS

 Covered full chapters and full book
Key  Notes are compiled from book’s text & exercises
 Prepared form 8th class Science book of KP Textbook Board
 Included MCQs from Past Papers of NTS and FTS
 Conceptual Notes


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Mubasir shah 8th Class Science

Chapter 1 thalamus and hypothalamus.

1. Brain of adult weight is 1300-1400 grams. 15. Cerebrum is topmost and largest of brain
divided into right and left cerebral
2. A system which carries messages from hemispheres.
one part of body to another and makes us
feel and react to things and situations is 16. The right cerebral hemisphere control
called nervous system. movement and activities of the left side of
body, while the left cerebral hemisphere
3. Human nervous system consists of
control movement and activities of right
neurons and tissues that regulate stimuli and
sides of body.

4. Nervous system consists of brain, spinal 17. Cerebrum control the sensory areas like
cord and nerves. sight, speech, smell, taste, hearing also
concerned with learning, thinking,
5. Nervous system divided into: intelligence, memory, and voluntary
� Central nervous system movements.
� Peripheral nervous system
18. Small structure inside the cerebrum is
6. Cat brain is about 30 grams. called thalamus act as a processing center
7. Dog brain is about 70 grams. between body and cerebrum receiving
sensory information and carry them to
8. Elephant brain is about 6000 grams. cerebrum.

9. Central nervous system act as a control

19. At the base of thalamus, hypothalamus is
center of the whole nervous system consist
present, which regulate body temp. Hunger,
of brain and spinal cord.
10. Human brain is enclosed in a bony case
called cranium. 20. Mid brain function is to transfer
information and impulses between forebrain
11. Adult human brain is weight about and hind brain.
pounds and consists of billions of neurons.
21. Mid brain is associated with hearing,
12. Three layers of connective tissues called
vision, sleep, wake, temp. Regulation.
meninges and fluid present in these layers
protect the brain.
22. Mid brain also control some reflexes
such as changing size of pupil to control the
13. Human brain is divided into three parts.
amount of light entering in eyes.
14. Forebrain is the largest part of brain
23. Hind brain consists of cerebellum, pons,
consist of three parts namely, cerebrum,

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and medulla oblongata.

34. Sensory neuron carries impulses from
24. Cerebellum is second largest part of receptors to central nervous system while
brain mainly concerned with posture, motor neuron carries messages from central
balance and locomotion of body. nervous system to effectors (muscles or
25. Small oval structure present above
medulla oblongata is called pons and serves 35. Peripheral nervous system consist of 12
as a bridge for conduction of impulses pairs of cranial nerves emerge from brain
between cerebrum, medulla oblongata and and mainly serve the head and neck.
36. Peripheral nervous system also consist of
26. Pons control rate of breathing, sleeping 31 pairs of spinal nerves, arise from spinal
and also movement of eyes and control facial cord and reach to rest of body.
expression. 37. Brain has more than 100 billion nerve
cells called neurons.
27. Medulla oblongata connects brain to
spinal cord control heartbeat, swallowing, 38. Neuron is the basic structural and
breathing, vomiting, coughing, sneezing and functional unit of nervous system.
39. Brain of an adult man consists of about
28. Medulla oblongata keeps on working 100,000,000,000 neurons.
when rest of brain not works.
40. Neuron consists of two parts cell body
29. Spinal cord is an extension of medulla and axon.
41. Cell body is thicker region contain
30. Spinal cord is located in vertebral nucleus and cytoplasm.
column made up of bundle of neuron.
42. Thread like projections on cell body is
31. All the signals that go or come to brain called dendrites.
pass through spinal cord.
43. Dendrites are the part of neuron which
32. If spinal cord damage, messages cannot receives messages.
move between brain and rest of body, results
paralysis. 44. Axon is long projection that carries
impulses away from cell body.
33. Peripheral nervous system consists of
sensory and motor neurons, which are 45. Fatty substance covering axon forming
distributed throughout body. myelin sheath.

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46. Neuron transmits impulses in the form of 57. Action performed according to our will is
electrochemical waves called nerve called voluntary actions e.g. clap hands, pick
impulses. up glass.

47. A single nerve is combination of many 58. Actions performed without our will is
neurons. called involuntary actions e.g. breathing,
sneezing etc.
48. Impulses may travel as fast as 150 meter
per second or as slow as 0.2 m/s. 59. Process of removing waste from body is
called excretion.
49. Associative neuron presents in the
central nervous system, link the sensory and 60. Human body has two dark brown bean
motor neuron and analyze the message for shape kidneys in abdominal region one on
proper response. either side of vertebral column.

50. Sensory neurons carry messages towards 61. Filtering of blood takes place in the
brain and spinal cord. kidneys.

51. Any change in environment that can be 62. Outer side of kidney is convex while
detected by a receptor to initiate a nerve inner side of kidney is concave.
impulse is called stimulus (heat, cold, sound, 63. Tube arise from each kidney, enters into
pressure, wave etc.) are examples of stimuli. urinary bladder is called ureter.

52. Special organ, tissue, or cell that detects 64. Internally each kidney is divided into
stimuli is called receptors. three regions. Renal cortex is outer most
regions, renal medulla is middle region, and
53. Immediate and quick response to a renal pelvis is inner region where urine is
stimulus is called reflex action. drained.

54. Reflex actions are immediate responses. 65. Nephron is basic structural and
functional unit of excretory system.
55. Pathway of nerve impulses which
complete reflex action is called reflex arc, 66. Each kidney has over one million
consist of receptor, a sensory neuron, an nephrons.
inter neuron, a motor neuron and effectors.
67. Nephron has two parts: renal corpuscle,
56. People blink about 15 times per second. renal tubule.
During the 16 hours when you awake you
blink 14,400 times each day. 68. Renal corpuscle consists of bowman
capsule and glomerulus.

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69. Bowman capsule is cup shape structure

enclosing glomerulus, while glomerulus is a Chapter 2
cluster of blood capillaries.
1. Cell division is a process in which a parent
70. Tube like structure connected to bowman cell divides into two daughter cells.
capsule at its tip is called renal tubule. Urine
2. Mitosis is a process of cell division in
is formed in renal tubules.
which a parent cell divides into two cells in
such a way that the number of chromosomes
71. First coiled part of renal tubule is called
in daughter cells remains same to that of
proximal convoluted tubule, second U-shape
parent cell and gametes produced are
part is called loop of henle; third coiled part
genetically identical.
is called distal convoluted tubule.
3. Meiosis is the process of cell division in
72. Distal tubules of many nephrons open which parent cell divides into four daughter
into collecting duct which drain and out cells in such a way that the number of
urine to pelvis region. chromosomes in the daughter cell is half to
that of parent cell and gametes produced are
73. Blood carrying nitrogenous wastes from genetically different.
the body is brought to the kidneys by
incoming blood vessels called arterioles. 4. Mitosis occurs in somatic/body cells.

5. Meiosis occurs in germ cells.

74. Main causes of renal failure are long
term infections, diabetes mellitus, and 6. Mitosis involves a single division.

7. Meiosis involves double division.

75. Medium size stones removed by
lithotripsy, which involves bombardments of 8. Chromosomes are thread like structures
shock wave on the stones from outside. present in the nucleus of each cell.

76. Cleaning of blood by artificial method is 9. Chromosomes are made up of DNA and a
called dialysis, which is done by dialyzer. protein called histones.

10. DNA is coiled many times around

77. Blood of patient is passed through
protein, which provides structural support to
dialyzer, contain dialysis fluid.

78. In kidney transplant, donor of kidney 11. DNA is made up of units called
may be a blood relative or any other close nucleotides, which are guanine, cytosine,
relative having same blood group. thymine, and adenine.
79. Accumulation of salt in kidney results
kidney stones. 12. DNA carries all information from parents
to offspring’s.

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13. DNA has short segments called genes. 28. Characters which are not transferred
from one generation to next is called non
14. Living organisms have a set of inheritable characters e.g. loss of body part
characteristics that are transferred from of a person, disease etc.
29. Eye color in human beings is controlled
15. Genes are transferred from parents to by genes.
children and carry the traits from parents to
offsprings. 30. Gene control production of brown
pigments in the iris of eye, if the gene
16. Gene is basic physical and functional produces more than the eye color will be
unit of heredity. black. If produced less eye color will be light
17. Gene occurs in pairs.

18. A pair of gene controls each heredity Chapter 3

characteristics e.g. eye color, hair color etc.
1. Use of living organisms or their products
19. Human have 23 pairs of chromosomes. for the welfare of mankind is called
20. Hermit crabs have 127 pairs of
2. Major break through in biotechnology:
� Pre-20th century: identification of living
cell and bacteria, discovery of small pox and
21. Elephant have 28 pairs of chromosomes.
rabies vaccine, artificial sweeteners, DNA
and chromosomes.
22. Cats have 19 pairs of chromosomes.
23. Carrot plant has 9 pairs of chromosomes.
� 20 century: penicillin, 3D structure of
DNA, fabrication of artificial limbs, cloning
24. One specie of round worm has only one
of first mammal (dolly)
pair of chromosome.
� 21 century: vertebrate, invertebrate and
bacterial genome sequence, completion of
25. Transfer of characters from parents to
human genome sequence, sequencing of rice
offspring is called heredity.
genome, invention of bionic legs.

26. Chromosomes, DNA and genes form

3. DNA replication takes place in the nucleus
basis of heredity.
during cell division.

27. Characters transfer from one generation 4. During replication process, DNA makes
to next is called heritable characters e.g. eye similar copies of itself.
color, skin color etc.

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5. First step involved in DNA replication is

the unwinding of double helical structure of Chapter 4
1. Our atmosphere consists of 78% of
6. In second step, each strand produce a new nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon and other
strand, one DNA molecule produces two gases.
daughter DNA molecules.
2. Any unwanted and undesirable change in
7. Chromosomes are coloured bodies present environment that affects the atmosphere and
in nucleus. disturb ecosystem is called pollution.
8. Bacteria are unicellular organism, having 3. Pollutants are man-made: burning of coal
no membrane bounded nucleus. and oil, factories smoke, vehicles exhaust
etc. or natural: rotting vegetation, volcanic
9. Bacterium has a single chromosome
eruption etc.
present in cytoplasm along with an extra
chromosomal DNA molecule called plasmid 4. SO² produced by industries and key source
which is also known as vector. of SO² include coal and petroleum, also
smoke released from thermal power plant
10. Plasmid can carry a foreign gene into
contain SO².
5. Nitrogen dioxide can be observed as
11. Plasmid acts as a carrier of foreign gene.
brown haze.
12. Organism that contains a foreign gene in
6. SO² destroys chloroplast.
its cell is called transgenic organism.
7. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless,
13. An enzyme called restriction enzyme is
odorless, non-irritating and poisonous gas
used to cut the gene from DNA of the donor
and produced by incomplete combustion of
coal and other fossil fuels.
14. Isolated gene and plasmid DNA called
recombinant DNA. 8. Chloflourocarbon are major cause of
breakdown of ozone layer and used in
15. Organisms whose genes are modified are aerosol spray, as coolant agent in
called GM organisms' recombination refrigerators, air conditioners and foam
organisms or transgenic organisms. packing.

16. Herbicides are weed killing chemicals. 9. Ultra violet Radiations from sun that reach
17. Pesticides are insects killing chemicals. the earth cause skin cancer.

18. Neeli Ravi buffalo is produced for better 10. Rain carries oxides of nitrogen to rivers
production of milk and Nancy sheep for and soil. This can cause abnormal growth of
meat. algae in water bodies making conditions for

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other aquatic organism very difficult to live 22. The phenomenon which does not lead to
is called eutrophication. global warming is photosynthesis.

11. Sulpher dioxide cause irritation of eyes, 23. Word ozone is Greek word mean strong
nose and throat, breathing difficulties, odor.
pneumonia, asthma, chronic bronchitis,
respiratory failure, lung cancer, 24. One chlorine molecule from
cardiovascular diseases. chlorofluorocarbon can destroy up to
100,000 ozone molecule.
12. Effects of nitrogen oxides are severe
effects on lung tissue, difficulty in breathing, 25. The main reason for increase in the
failure of heart. amount of carbon dioxide in air is
13. Carbon monoxide can cause damage to
central nervous system and heart, severe 26. In Pakistan only 5% of the land covered
headache, nausea, dizziness. by forest.

14. CFC's is not vehicle exhaust. 27. Deforestation mean removal and cutting
of forest.
15. Chloflourocarbons are cause skin cancer.
28. Protection and preservation of natural
16. Ozone layer filters ultra violet radiation resources is called conservation.
from sunlight.
29. A renewable resource is one, which can
17. When ultra violet radiation enters the be used repeatedly because it recycled
earth, a part of it is absorbed by earth and naturally. E.g. freshwater, oxygen, solar
rest is reflected back to atmosphere. Some energy, timber and biomass.
gases present in atmosphere trap a part of
heat reflected by earth causing in increase in 30. Resources like minerals and fossils fuels
temperature called green house effect. are not generated quickly are known as non
renewable resources.
18. Gases involved in green house effect are
called green house gases.

19. Nitrogen is not a greenhouse gas.

20. An increase in green house effect can
lead to global warming.

21. Global warming refers to the rise in

average temperature on earth.

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Chapter 5 13. Types of chemical reactions

A. Addition or synthesis reaction: these
1. Element is simplest and pure form of chemical reactions occur where two or more
matter. substances react together to form one
product. For example sulpher and oxygen
2. Compound is formed by chemical
form sulpher dioxide.
combination of two or more elements.
B. Decomposition reactions: these reactions
3. Process of formation or breaking of a
have one reactant which breaks up to form
chemical compound is called chemical
two or more products. They are usually
endothermic reactions as they require heat.
4. Mass can neither be created nor destroyed For example calcium carbonate on heating
during chemical reaction said by Lavoisier forms the calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.
C. Single displacement reactions: they occur
5. During a chemical reaction, mass of when a more reactive element displaces a
reactant is equal to mass of product. less reactive one from its compound.
For example, 4Fe+3O²➡2Fe²+O³ Zn+2HCl➡H²+znCl²

6. Chemical formula of sucrose is C¹²H²²O¹¹ D. Double displacement reactions: these

reactions involve the exchange of ions
7. Chemical formula of potassium chlorate is between two compounds.

8. Chemical formula of ammonium sulphate HCl+NaOH➡NaCl+H2O

is (NH4)²SO4
14. The reaction between sodium and
9. Chemical formula of calcium nitrate is Ca chlorine to form sodiam chloride is addition
(NO³)² reaction.

10. Substances on the left hand side of a 15. The heat evolved or obsorbed during a
chemical equation are called reactants. chemical reaction is called heat of reaction.

11. Simplest method for balancing chemical 16. A reaction in which heat is absorbed
equation is inspection or trial and error from surrounding is called endothermic
method. reactions.

12. Number of atoms of reactants is always 17. Reactions in which heat is released into
equal to number of products in a balanced surrounding are called exothermic reactions.
chemical equation. For example burning of natural gas,
formation of ammonia.

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Chapter 6 13. NaOH reacts with HCL producing NaCL

and H2O.
1. Word acid is derived from acidus means
sour define as a substance which provide 14. Salt may be acidic, basic or neutral.
hydrogen ions in aqueous solution.
15. Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) salt is
2. Physical properties of acids: sour taste,
used in the treatment of constipation.
turn methyl orange to red, and turn blue
litmus paper to red.
16. Vinegar contains acetic acid.
3. Chemical properties of acids: ionization,
reaction with metal, reaction with alkalis. 17. Citric acid is used in preparation of fruit
salt and as a food preservative.
4. Water soluble bases are called alkalis.

5. All alkalis are bases but all bases are not 18. Nitric acid and sulphuric acid are used in
alkalis. industries such as dyes, fertilizers, paints,
explosives and drugs.
6. Alkali is defined as a substance which
provides OH ions e.g. sodium hydroxide, 19. Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) is used in car
potassium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide batteries.
20. Acids are used to make aqua regia in
7. Physical properties of alkalis: bitter taste,
which noble metals such as gold platinum
slippery to touch, turn red litmus to blue,
are dissolved.
turns colorless phenolphthalein to pink.

8. Alkali reacts with fats to produce soap and 21. Uses of alkalis: ammonia used in
glycerin. production of fertilizers, aluminum
hydroxide is used as antacid to reduce
acidity of stomach, calcium hydroxide is
9. Alkali react with acids form salt and called slaked lime or lime water used for
water. white wash, neutralize the acidity of soil and
sewage treatment, sodium hydroxide
10. The alkali used as an antiacid is
commonly called caustic soda used in
Aluminum hydroxide AL(OH)3.
manufacture of soaps, detergents, cleaners
and magnesium hydroxide used as antacid
11. Acid and base react to form salt. Also
and in toothpaste.
called neutralization. Examples are table salt,
calcium sulphste, potassium chloride, baking
22. Uses of salts: sodium chloride used as
soda etc.
table salt and preservative. Potash alum (KAl
(SO4)².24H²O) is used in water purification.
12. Acid give salt and hydrogen when treated
Copper sulphate used as pesticide. Sodium
with metal.

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carbonate used in making of glass, soap, 4. Unit of force is newton (N) and that of
washing soda etc. and as water softener. area is square meter (m²)
Sodium hydrogen carbonate or baking soda
used as anti-acid, fire extinguishers and in 5. P=N/m²=Nm-²
bakeries. Magnesium sulphate is also called 6. When one newton force acts
Epsom salt used in laxatives medicines to perpendicularly on an area of one square
treat constipation. meter, the pressure exerted will be one
23. Those substances which indicate the
nature of a solution whether acidic or basic
changing the color is called indicator. A 7. Hydraulic system is often used to produce
classic example of indicator is litmus paper. large force by applying large force.

8. The branch of science (physics) which

24. An alkaline solution will change color of
deals with the transmission of fluid pressure
beet juice from red to purple.
through vessel as a source of mechanical
force is called hydraulics.
25. Blackberries juice change from red in an
acidic solution to dark blue or violet in an 9. Hydraulic pressure is stated as the force
alkaline solution. exerted by fluid on unit area, anywhere on
the surface within container.
26. Rose petals turn blue in alkaline solution.
10. Pressure of fluid can be better understood
27. The color of red and blue litmus stays by Pascal’s principle.
same in aqueous solutions of NaCL.
11. Pascal principle of fluid pressure states
that pressure applied on liquid in a closed
container is transferred equally in all
Chapter 7 directions throughout the liquid.
1. When a force is applied on object it brings 12. A mechanism which works on the
about change either in its position or in its Pascal’s principle of fluid pressure and
shape. transmits force from one place to another is
called hydraulic system. Examples hydraulic
2. Pressure is defined as the amount of force
press, hydraulic brakes, hydraulic jack,
acting perpendicularly on unit area of body.
hydraulic lifts etc.
Pressure= force/surface area
Or P=F/A
13. The pressure at any point in liquid
depends upon dept.
3. Unit of pressure is called Pascal, denoted
by pa.
14. Pressure of water increases with depth.

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15. Study of behavior of gases under atmospheric pressure.

pressure is called pneumatics.
26. Air motion is caused due to difference in
16. Robert Boyle stated that for a given mass air pressure.
of a gas, volume of gas changes inversely
with the change in pressure at constant 27. A syringe gets filled due to air pressure.
Or In other words, if temperature is constant, 28. Atmospheric pressure at Peshawar is
volume of a gas in a container decreases with greater than murree.
increase in pressure and volume increases
with decrease in pressure. 29. Ozone is not a rare gas.

17. Experiments show that pressure of a gas

depends upon quantity and temperature.

18. An aerosol is a suspension of tiny liquids Chapter 8

particles in gas enclosed under pressure and
1. All measurable things are called physical
released as a fine spray by means of a
propellant gas.
2. Comparison of something with some
19. Atmospheric pressure around us at standard is called measurement.
ground level is about 100,000 pa or 100KPa.
3. Physical quantities are always divided into
20. The area all around earth that extends to two, base and derived quantities.
a height of few hundreds kilometers is called 4. Base quantities are those in terms of
atmosphere. which other physical quantities can be
defined. Examples are mass, length, time
21. Atmospheric pressure decreases with
increase in height from the earth’s surface. 5. Physical quantities that are expressed in
terms of base quantities are called derived
22. The SI unit of area is m2. quantities. For example, volume, speed,
density, area etc.
23. At sea level the mean density of the air is
6. The standard with which things are
maximum and atmospheric pressure is
compared is called unit.
7. A physical quantity is expressed as the
24. As we go up from sea level, the density product of number and unit.
of air decreases.
8. A number with proper unit is known as
25. Barometer is used to measure the magnitude. For example '13cm' represents

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9. The unit of a base quantity is called a base 1minute=1/60 hour

unit. 1hour=1/24 solar day

10. Base quantities and their units: length 19. Kilo means 1000, centi means 1/100 part,
unit is meter, mass unit is kilogram, time unit milli means 1/1000, 1km=1000 meters,
is second, temperature unit is kelvin, electric 1kg=1000gram, 1centimeter=1/100 meter,
current unit is ampere, intensity of light unit 1milli meter=1/1000meters,
is candela, and amount of substance unit is 1milligram=1/1000grams

11. Derived quantities and their uses: 20. 1kg of water occupies volume of 1m3.
� Area= length✖width=m²
21. 25 milligrams is equal to 25/1000 g.
� Volume of solid Solid=length✖width✖
22. Meter ruler has 1000 small division
� Volume of liquid=liter=L
called millimeter.
� Density= mass/volume=kgm-³
12. The standard meter is the length of
23. The SI unit of intensity of light is
platinum-iridium alloy metal rod, kept at 0°C
in international bureau of weight and
measurement at serves near Paris (France).
24. In case of measuring water in cylinder'
13. The standard kilogram is mass of the eye should be kept on a level with the
platinum-iridium cylinder placed in bottom of the meniscus.
international bureau of weight and
measurement. 25. Meniscus of all liquids is kept
downwards but the mercury have meniscus
14. Meter ruler is used to measure the length in upward direction.
of an object.

15. Cubic meter is unit for measurement of Chapter 9


16. 1cubic meter=1000 liters or 1. Heat is a form of energy.

�1liter=1/1000 cubic meter
�1 liter =1000millilitre 2. Sun is the main source of heat.
3. S.I unit for heat is joule.
17. Unit of time is second which is 1/86400
part of a mean solar day. 4. 1 calorie=4.81joules

18. 1sec=1/60 minutes 5. Wind, rain, waves are formed due to

increase in temperature.

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6. Solids' liquids and gases expend on divided into 100 equal parts and each part or
heating. division is called degree centigrade.

7. The expansion in length due to heating is 17. In Fahrenheit scale, the lower standard
called linear expansion while that in volume point or freezing point of ice is marked as
is called volumetric expansion. 32°F and the upper standard point or boiling
point of water is 212°F. The distance
8. Expansion in liquid is more than that of between these two fixed points is divided
solids. into 180 equal parts and each part or division
is called degree Fahrenheit.
9. When water is heated from 0°C to 4°C it
contracts instead of expanding. 18. Heat is transferred through conduction'
convection and radiation.
10. When water is heated further from 4°C
up to its boiling point (100°C), it expands 19. When two surfaces are rubbed against
just like other liquids. each other' heat is produced.

11. When water is cooled down from 100°C 20. Actually objects expends on heating and
to 4°C it contracts. contracts on cooling.

12. When water is further cooled from 4°C 21. In an electric iron' temperature is
to 0°C it expands and its volume increases. controlled by using bimetallic strips.
13. Increase in the volume of water as its
temperature is lowered from 4°C to 0°C is 22. The bimetallic strip is straight when it is
known as anomalous expansion or peculiar cooled but it bends when heated.
behavior of water. It means that density of
water is maximum at 4°C.
Chapter 10
14. At 4°C' the volume of water is
maximum. 1. A lens is made of transparent material like
glass or plastic having one or both sides
15. Under frozen water during winter, the curved.
aquatic life is able to survive in the water
below the ice because ice act as insulator. 2. A lens which is thick in middle and
thinner at edges is called convex lens.
16. In centigrade scale, the lower standard
point or freezing point of ice is marked as 3. When parallel light rays pass from convex
0°C and upper standard point or boiling lens, they converge at a point called focal
point of water is marked as 100°C and the point denoted by 'F'.
distance between these two fixed points is
4. A convex lens is also known as

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converging lens. B. When the object is at 2F, the image is also

formed at 2F on the other side of lens, the
5. A lens which is thin at middle and thicker image is inverted, real and of the same size.
at edges is called concave lens.
C. When the object is placed between 2F and
6. When parallel light rays pass through F, the image is formed beyond 2F on the
concave lens, they diverged. If these other side of lens; it is real, inverted and
refracted rays are traced back, these seem to large in size.
meet at a point called focal point.
D. When the object is placed at 'F', the image
7. Concave lens also called diverging lens. is formed at infinity on the other side and the
image is real, inverted and very large in size.
8. Center of sphere of which the curved
surface of the lens is a part, called center of E. When the object lies between 'F' and ‘O’,
curvature. rays after refraction diverge out and do not
actually meet on the other side of lens.
9. The point where light rays meet after Therefore, no real image is formed on other
refraction through lens is called focal point side however a virtual image will be formed
or principal focus. and also magnified and erect.

10. The mid or central point of lens is called 15. The focal length of a thin convex lens is
its optical center. greater than thick convex lens.

11. A line passing through center of 16. Image formation by concave lens:
curvature, optical center and focal point is Rays after refraction, diverge out and do not
called principal axis or optical axis. meet on the other side of lens, therefore real
image is not formed, however, a virtual
12. The distance between optical center and image is formed which is erect, smaller and
principal focus is called focal length. formed between principal focus and optical
13. In a ray diagram, rays of light are
represented by straight line. 17. The image formed by a concave lens is
always virtual.
14. Image formation by convex lens:
18. A camera is an optical instrument having
A. When object is beyond 2F the image is convex lens at one end and light sensitive
formed on the other side of lens between F film at other end.
and 2F, the image is real, inverted, and
smaller in size. 19. Camera lens formed real, small, inverted
image of an object on the film.

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20. Most animals focus by using cilliary concavo-convex lens.

muscles to change the shape of lens. Fish,
however focus the image by moving each 29. If one of the surface of lens is concave
lens backward and forward just like camera. and other is convex, such that central region
of lens is thinner than its edges is called
21. Pupil of an eye is made smaller or larger convexo concave lens.
by iris.
30. When both surfaces of lens are concave
22. A defect in which person can not see far or curved inward it is called double concave
off objects clearly but can see the nearby lens or biconcave lens.
objects clearly is called short sightedness.
The lens of such eye become thick and focal 31. Both lens are used in spectacles,
length is reducing and parallel rays are bioculars, light microscope, camera,
focused in front of retina. It can be corrected astronomical telescope and terrestrial
by using concave lenses. telescopes.

23. A person suffering from long sightedness 32. Plano concave lenses are used in optical
can not see the near objects clearly but can projectors.
see the far objects clearly. The eye ball
become thinner due to this the parallel rays 33. Convexo concave and concavo convex
are focused behind retina. It can treat by lens are used in optical defects.
using convex lens.

24. Cone cells can perceive color in bright Chapter 11

light and rod cells perceive black and white
images and work in dim light. 1. The device that produces electricity is
called generator.
25. When both the surfaces of convex lens
are curved outwards then it is called double 2. Generator is a device which converts
convex lens or biconvex lens. mechanical energy into electrical energy.

26. If one of surface of lens is convex and 3. Two very common examples of generators
other is plane, it is called Plano convex lens. are the mechanical generator and bicycle
27. If one of the surface of lens is concave
and other is plane, it is called Plano concave 4. Hans Christian oersted a Danish scientist
lens. in 1820 discovered a relation between
28. If one of surface of lens is convex and electricity and magnetism.
other is concave such that the central region
of the lens is thicker than edges is called 5. When there is relative motion between a
magnet and coil of wire, electric current start

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flowing in them. This is called warsak and ghazi barotha.

electromagnetic induction.
13. The use of wind energy as a source for
6. The simple alternating current generator is generating electrical energy is called wind
based on the principle of electromagnetic power.
14. Kinetic of wind is converted into
7. Battery is a chemical source for generating electrical energy by means of windmills.
electric energy.
15. A windmill is a machine which converts
8. One of the most common type of battery is kinetic energy of wind into mechanical
ordinary flash light battery, often referred as energy of wind turbine and the turbine intern
a dry cell. rotates the shaft of the generator to generate
9. In dry cell, zinc case serves as the negative
terminal (cathode) while the carbon reds at 16. A steady wind with a speed of about
center serve as positive terminal (anode). 20km/hr. is needed for generation of
The space between two terminals contains electricity.
paste like mixture of manganese dioxide,
ammonium chloride and carbon. 17. Generating electricity by means of heat
produced by nuclear reactions in a nuclear
10. The electricity generated by conversion power plant is called nuclear power.
of kinetic energy of water is called
hydroelectric power. 18. In a nuclear power plant, heat generated
by fission reaction is used to convert water
11. Working of hydroelectric power: into steam. This steam is then used to rotate
Water is stored in reservoir then when this the steam turbine which in turn rotates the
water is released from reservoir, it flows shaft of connected generator to produce
down with speed through a turbine and turns electricity.
its blade to produce electricity.
19. Generating electricity by means of heat
In hydroelectric power stations, potential produced by burning of fossil fuels like coal,
energy of stored water is converted into gas, oil in a thermal power station is called
kinetic energy, kinetic energy of water thermal power.
converted into mechanical energy of turbine
and then finally into electrical energy by the 20. In a thermal power station, the heat
generator. generated by burning of fossil fuel is used to
convert water into steam. This steam is then
12. In Pakistan, main hydroelectric power used to rotate the steam turbine which intern
stations are situated at terbela, mangla, rotates the shaft of the connected generator

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to produce electricity. flow of current, used in electronic circuits.

21. Generating electricity by means of solar 32. Resistance is measure in unit called
energy is called solar power. Usually solar ohms.
cells or photovoltaic are used for this
purpose. 33. Capacitor is a device that can store
temporary electric charge.
22. When sunlight strikes a solar cell, it
develops a voltage. For generating electricity 34. Capacitance of a capacitor is measured in
on large scale, solar panels are used which farad and is denoted by 'F'.
comprise of many solar cells.
35. A diode is a device that let current flow
23. Tidal and geothermal energies are also in only one direction.
used to produce electricity.
36. A diode has two terminals called anode
24. 1kg of nuclear fuel contains nearly three and cathode.
millions times the energy that is obtained
from 1kg of coal. 37. Current will flow through diode only
when positive voltage is applied to anode
25. Chemically the electricity is produced by and negative applied on cathode. If these
using batteries. voltages are reversed, then current will not
26. Alternating current changes its direction
every moment. 38. Transistor is a device with three
terminals and is used as switches and
27. Direct current does not change its amplifiers in an electronic system.
39. An integrated circuit is a device that
28. A bicycle dynamo is a type of generator contains an entire electronic circuit, in which
attached to bicycle to produce electricity. transistors, diodes and other elements are
photographically engraved onto a tiny chip
29. Nuclear power is generated by breaking of silicon.
nuclei of some heavy elements like uranium,
plutonium etc. 40. Integrated circuits are the building blocks
of modern electronic devices such as
30. The part of an electric generator that computers and cell phones.
produces electric current due to its rotation is
called armature. 41. An electrical device that convert AC to
DC are called rectifier.
31. Resistor is a component which resists

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42. Basically diode is a device which Chapter 12

converts AC to DC.
1. Space is the place outside the earth
43. Electronic system mainly comprise of atmosphere where there is no force of
three devices: input device, processors, gravitation.
output device
2. Telescope is an instrument designed for
see distant objects.
44. Those devices which change non
electrical energy into electrical energy are 3. First telescope was invented in Natherland
called input devices. at the beginning of 17 century.

45. Microphones that convert sound into 4. Hubble space telescope is the reflecting
electrical signal, photocopier, scanner, telescope launched in 1990. Its orbit around
mouse, and keyboard are examples of input earth at a height of 600 km and sends clear
devices. pictures of galaxies and other celestial
46. Processors are the components that 5. An optical telescope gathers and focuses
convert input into required output through radiations mainly from the visible part of
processing. Examples are amplifier, tape electromagnetic spectrum. It increases the
recorder, television, computer processor. size of distant objects and helps
photographers, star gazers and astronomers
47. The devices that convert electrical energy to spot detail of distant objects.
into other forms of energy is called output
6. Optical telescope are of three types.
48. Loud speaker convert electrical energy A. Refractor telescope: it uses lens.
into sound. Television converts electrical B. Reflector telescope: it uses mirrors.
energy into sound and picture. Monitors and C. Caradioptric telescope: it uses mirrors
printers etc. are output devices. with a lens designs.

49. The general generator works on the 7. A radio telescope is more sensitive, and
principle of electromagnetic induction. able to create visual pictures of the signals it
50. In the dry cell' zinc acts as negative
electrode. 8. Radio telescope create picture of sky, not
in visible light but radio waves.

9. A radio telescope has many parts: dish

antenna, a receiver, a detector, and an

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10. Broad spectrum telescope used to 21. International space station is the largest
measure the infrared, gamma rays, alpha space station in the space. It looks like a star
rays, and x-rays as well as visible light and in space.
radio waves come from outer space.
22. Space shuttle is manned space crafts
11. A spacecraft is a vehicle designed for which are used to carry men in space. It is
space flights. sent in space with the help of rocket.

12. Space crafts are used for communication, 23. First space shuttle was launched by
earth observations, meteorology, planetary NASA in 1981.
exploration and space tourism.
24. Spectroscopes are used in telescope to
13. Space crafts also known as space ships. help scientists in analyzing the materials that
make up stars and nebulae.
14. Types of spacecraft’s:
A. Robotic space craft: sent into space for 25. Spectroscope is an instrument used to
collection of data about space, planets and examine different wavelength of light.
other celestial bodies. It is controlled from
center in earth as it does not carry humans in 26. Every space probe is fitted with
it. spectroscope.
B. Manned space crafts: carry equipments 27. Apollo technology has been used to
along with humans to space. They contain all produce lighter breathing system for
facilities such as oxygen, food, water and firefighters and the new system weight about
specially built cabins. 9kg.

15. Space probe is a robotic space crafts that 28. European space agency satellite provides
travel through space to collect scientific information on fire locations.
information. It does not orbit the earth.
29. Landsat and Skylab technology is used to
check the human eye for refractive error and
16. Probes do not have astronauts. cornea or lens obstruction.

17. Probes send data back to earth.

30. Cordless tool was developed for the
18. Voyager-1 and Voyager-2 were space study of the moon's soil sample.
probes used for collecting data about mars
and Jupiter. 31. Active pixel sensor improved image
technology requires less power and has
19. A space station is a space craft, capable provided better image for camcorders, digital
of supporting a crew. It is designed to remain camera, night vision and -rays.
in space for long time.
32. Tsunami tracking is a satellite circling
20. A space station has lack of major landing the earth receives transmission from under
system. sea detectors.
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33. In space, high temperature, zero gravity

and zero pressure present.

34. To enter in space unprotected, man can

live normally less than five minutes, after
this he will paralyzed, water start entering in
tissue, body swells, blood circulation stop
because it depend on gravity and pressure.

35. When space crafts enter the earth

atmosphere their weight increases by 10
grams for few minutes, it can damaged
human body so astronaut lay down by
keeping their face in the direction of space
crafts movements to overcome this problem.

36. Neil Armstrong was the first person who

stepped on moon on July 1969. He was
commander of Apollo.

37. Space rockets are used for transportation

of space shuttle and space crafts into space.

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