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Thursday, November 4th, 2021

Name: Jane Biringan Grade: /20= ____

A. Change these following sentences into positive, negative and question form of Present
Continuous Tense, based on the example given.

Example: Michele / help / a patient. 🡪 (+) Michele is helping a patient.

( -) Michele is not (isn’t) helping a patient.
(?) Is Michele helping a patient?

1. She / take / patient’s temperature right now.

(+) she is taking patient's temperature right now
(-) she is not taking patient's temperature right now
(?) is she taking patient's temperature right now?

2. He / complain / about pain again.

(+) He is complaining about pain again
(-) He is not complaining about pain again
(?) Is he complaining about pain again ?

3. I / wait / for Nurse Julita.

(+) I'am waiting for nurse julita
(-) I am not waiting for nurse julita
(?) Am i waiting for nurse julita?
____/ 9 points (1 point each)

B. Match 1-5 to A-E to make expressions to calm a patient.

1. It’s OK, I am __D A. good hands.

2. Please try ___E_ B. care of you.
3. You’re in ___A C. the mask on.
4. The doctor __F_ D. here

English for Nursing – Sem V – Unit 3 - Assignment 3Page 1

5. We’re taking _B E. to relax
6. Let’s put ___C F. is coming in a few minutes.

____ / 6 points (1 point each)

C. Read this following conversation and choose whether the statements are true of false.
H = Nurse Henshaw; F = Mr. Fredericks
H: Mr. Fredericks, It’s Nurse Henshaw. How can I help you?
F: I can’t ... I can’t breathe!
H: OK, I’m going to help you. Let’s put your bed up first. That’s better. Now I want to give you some
oxygen. Let’s put the mask on. Is that better?
F: I feel hot, I’m ... I’m worried. What’s happening?
H: It’s OK, I’m here. Keep your mask on. Try not to talk. I’m calling the doctor now. OK, please try to relax.
You’re in good hands. Look at me and breathe with me. good. You can slow your breathing down now.
That’s it. How are you feeling now?
F: A little better, but my chest feels so tight.
H: Keep breathing with me, it’s OK. Good. The doctor is here. We’re taking care of you.

1. Mr. Fredericks can’t breathe. (T / F) _T___

2. Nurse Henshaw gives him some water. (T / F) ___F_
3. The nurse tries to make the patient feel relaxed. (T / F) ___T_
4. The patient starts to breathe more difficult. (T / F) ___T_
5. The doctor isn’t there. (T / F) __T__

____ / 5 points (1 point each)

Do your best and God will do the rest

English for Nursing – Sem V – Unit 3 - Assignment 3Page 2

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