Sel 072

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I --

- Yttl"asoni~_lly_~~st~d-beavy S~L-
Technical delivery specifications 072
1st Ecfrtion

1 Scope sonicallysurface tested plate coveredby th~~r~;y

These delivery. specifications apply to heavy plate that specifications shall meet the requir~en~ ,9tc,I~J/pf
Table1. ' ',>.i+,\'<V
has been ultrasonically tested for internal material disconti-
nuities, e. g. laminations and coarse inclusions. 4.3L.1~nically border zone tested~'t')~t.e
shallmeet the requirements ofTable2, d~rt9 an1h8
class agreed. .'-~
2 Definition 4.3.1., AryJof the classes oflable 2
Heavy plate Is defined as ultrasonically tested in accord- the~ivefy:ln the usual case inwhichno~~r~
ance with these delivery speciflC8tions ifitis guaranteed to . tion to the application of the plate is necessarYtft8'Uttra-
be free of material discontinuities to a certain extent (see sonica11y
border zone tested platecoveredbY.~~.
Section 4 hereof) following an ultrasonic test carried out ery speCIfICationsshall meet the requiren1ent$QfCla$$
by the producer (see,Section 5 hereof). Adistinction shall ofTable 2~' . ,.,' ','

be mad~ between ultrasonic surface testing, ultrasonic 4A' Fullyultrasonicallytested~l~ ~~t

'border zone testing and full ultrasonic testlflg.
4 . . .. . :i::t~=~~:C~.
~lytested heavylatewhichcontOIm$tQ~..
3 ~Iasses . ses 5 atida.of'fimle1shall~the cona~pi~'.~
3.1 Ultrasonicallytested heavy plate under these de- 4 ofTable . 2. .:' ';
livery specifications shall be classified In accordance 4.4.1 AnyOfthe classes shownin1able1ori~fespOrid-.
withlables 1 and 2 but independently ofthe test m~od. jogtoTat;)le2 may be agreed forthe delivery.IntheregUlar
Table 1 shows the surface test classes and Table 2 the case Inwhichno adaptation to the appiioationof~ptI.~
borderzonetest c~asses. is neces$arYItshallbeagreedthatplateco'4el9d~these,
3.2 The classes per Table1 or Table2 shall be selec- delivery specifications and ~ested ,fully,~i>Oni(:811y
ted by the purchaser. The purchaser shallobserve the.stip- shall meet the requirements of ~ 3 of Table.1 and
ulatlonsof the applicable~desor recommendations Table2. .
(see Sec.tions4.2.1,4.3.1 and 4.4.1hereot).lt shall be st2t- . 4.5 : Wearsurface and borderzones mustm~t cfdfer-
ed in tne order that the present delivery s~cations eot iequirements, the applicable classes shall be agreed
-must be.complied with-in~ddition .to"~ality-reqtli''e-~s~teiyin ~ccoraaneeWith-seaions 4:2an(f"~=---
ments applicable to the steel grade concerned. Itshallbe .

stated whether the plate is to be delivered 5 Testing

ultrasonically surface tested in accordance with one of 5.1 Each plate shall be tested by the produce: to an
the classes oITable 1 (see Section 4.2 hereof) or appropriate extent using the ultrasonic testing methoc
ultrasonically border zone tested in~ccordan~ Withone - ~d i~esting conditions he Infiychoose at hi~own di~~re-
of the classes of Table 2 (see Section 4.3 hereof) or tJon . He shall al~o be free to choose the (heat) tre<!.ed
condition for the tests unless anything else is specified in
fullyultrasonically tested in accordance with one of the Technicalrules (e. g. AD Bulletin).
classes oITable 1 and 2 (see Section 4.4 hereof). .
If necessary, the tests scope can be agreed In the order
Ifno class is expressly stated in the order, class 3 shall be with the class demanded duly taken into consideration.
deemed agreed in each fase. Normally, testing using a grid of for instance 2!Jcm side
length or using a system of straight test lines which run
parallel with one another for instance at a distance of 10
4 Requirements cm or using a system of sinusoidal test lines whose oscil-
4.1 In accordance with Table 3, the requirements to lation width and half oscillation wave length are each for
toe met by ultrasonically tested heavy plate shall depend example 20 em is appropriate in the case of surface test. -

on whether the plate is to be US surface tested, US bor- ing. An are~ of a width equal to the plate thickness or at
least 2.5 cm as measured from ttle cut edges shan be cov-
d€r zone testec or fully US tested (see Section 3.2 here-
ot). ered inthe caseof border zone testing. '
5.2 The presence of the purchaser or the purchaser's
4.1.1 Asurface test shall be testing of the plate surface
agent during the test at the producer's works shali require
without special consideration of the border zo.!"eareas.
agreement- in tl:1eorder. Steps ensuring that the flow cf
4.1.2 In a border zone test the border zones shall only production will not be impeded shall be agree~ for this
be tested. purpose.
'4.1.3 A full test shall comprise testing of the plate sur. 5.3 The specificatiof1s laid down in the Suppler:"ent
face and testing of the border ~ones - shall be followed for arbl!ra!icn I~St..C3S-eS.An-artli!:3!iC!1
test case within the meaning of these delivery spec.
4.2 Ultrasonically surface tested heavy plate shall iiications shall exist in the case of disPl,;tes belwee"1:M
I"'.:'~'tthe reQuir~menls of Tablt~ 1. d~pending on the cl~SS
producer and the consumer or the consumer's agen! :0
agrc.'!ed. the evaluation of the size and/N freqlJe~c'"~f;:j:scu'1:I~~,j-
4.2.1 Any of ,the cia SSE'S of T.lble 1 m,1\' beagre~d fer lit!$found
- 1:1,'l1~h"~'rv. In !.,~~u'sual 6\$t' ..,' wl1'CIi n(r~peciarad3pt3:--c
',,,, t " th ' \t' ''' I'~~' 'O - ...
.,1 '
t " , ' ., " , 1.'" " ,. "''' ,ry ' II " J..
" = t . .'" ". ,',. ,,' . '..t ." <;,.<..,... ;- '- '. "'"
, .

.. $ei' EW0r.C'~m '60

. I.

, 6 Objections 6.2 The purchaser shall present to the supplying

6.1 On account of discontinuities shall only be ac- companythe piece which is the course of the objection
ceptable if the size and/or frequency of discontinuities and proofpieces ofthe plate receivedto enable the sup-
exceed the size and/or frequency agreed in the order as pfserto satisfyh~/f ofwhether the objectionsare satis-
fiedor not.
allowable for the classes concerned and appropriate use
ofthe plateis impairedmorethaninsignificantly.. -
- -
Ultrasonicallytestect lieavypl3f~ - -~- -
Technical delivery specifications
- Supplement
Ultrasonic testing in cases of arbitration 1stEdition,

1 Scope 4.2 Test instruments

This supplement refers to the ultrasonic testing of heavy The follOwing uttrasonictest Instruments shaD ~emplOyed:
plate in aCCOfdance with Stahl-Eisen-Uefetbedingungen 4.2.1 Instruments with dB graduated instrument
(Sa.) 072 in cases of arbitration; [ e. in cases of cfcspute sCreen and gain control.
between the producerand theconsumerortheconsumer's
agent in the evaluation of the size and trequencyofdiscon- The sensitivity of the Instruments with cathode ray screen
tinuities found during the test. This supplement specifies and gain control must be adjusted to keep the height of
the details of the test procedure in such cases of arbitration the recordable echos between 20 and 80% .Ofthe uSeful
with the object of clear dete,rmination of the size and fre- height of the screen.
quency of discontinuities In the cfcsputed plate. 4.2.2 ~systems whichdonat provide~indica'"
tion but measure and evaluate the pulse heightaUtomati-
cally. In that case thf measuring . """be Qiiduated
.2 Tet meth°ctr
, 't . ind8.~ ",,'.' r. -_'1 . .

2.1 the pulse echo test method shan be 4.3 Probes

used Inall cases.
The probes shall be selected In~with TC!bIe
Discontinuitysizes shall prefarablybe detennined bythe
half-width method. For this purpose, the probe shall be 4.3.1 . Combii1edprobes consisting of tWoindepend-
- moved over the d"lScontinulty back and forth Inseveral di- ent transducers. one transmitting,and one ~ the
rections and the points where the height of the interme- ultrasonic wave (TRprobes) shall be used tor test methoc:l
diate echo is one half of the related maximumvalueand A (see above SectiOn2~).
the fmecoMecting these points shall be regarded as the 4.3.2 ~ methodB (see above Section2.2)shallonly
limitinglineof the area of a cflSCOntinuity
to be measured be used for small cflScontinuitiesarranged at major
(fordetails see Section 5.1hefeof). -- distances fromeach other andwherea standard probe Is
As this method is less accurate for minordiscontinuities employed.
.. foundat some depth, an equivalentflawsizeshallbede-
gain-size(DGS)diagrarn (for details see Section 5.2
5 Implementation of the test
hereof). First the discontinuity shall be detected and-its distance
from the probe ascertained (evaluation threshold is 5 mm . .

2.2 Accordingly the following test methOds equivalent flaw size).

apply, depending
- on the test_purpose: - The probe and the method!o be us~ for determining the
A. Determination of discontinuity size in accordance c size of the discontinuity found shein depend on the dis-
with the half-width method using the intermediate continuity distance perTable 1.
e~ho. 5.1 In the case of test method A (see above Section
B. Determination of the equivalent flawsizeofthediscon- 2.3) the probe shall be moved over the area concerned
tinuity using the distance-gain-size(DGS)diagram'l.2I and the half width shall be measured by determining at
which is applicable to the probe to be employed in which two points the height of the intermediate echo is
each-case. - -
0.5 times the related maximum value (6 dB difference in
gain). These points for whose determination the probe
" centre shall be decisive shall be regarded CIStwopoints
3 Required conditi9n of surface oL opposite edges of the discontinuity. Further points on the
plate to be tested - discontinuitye<ige shall be detected in a similar manner
The surface of the plate to be tested shall be in a condi- -by moving the probe over the discontinuity each time in
another direction. The value of the smallest measurable
tion good enough to allow satisfactory testing. In general
the as-rolled smooth surface of the plate in its delivery discontinuity surface shall be determined by the size of
the sonic beam cross sectional area and its shape. The
condition shall be regarded as sufficiently good.
shape shall be elliptical in the case ofTR probes and shall
change with the distance. The~efore. the distance range
4 Requirements to be met by the - most favourable the scanning direction is prescribed in
Table 1.foot note 1:
test .equipment 5.2 In the case of test rne~hod 5 (see abo\'e Sec~ion
4.1 Testset-up 2.2) the -gain in dB necessary to amplify the first echo
of the discontinuity concerned to th~ lellel of the un-
The test set-up- shall ensure vertical sound wave inci~ disturbed first back wall ecno snail oe measured in the
dcnce~ Probe movement shall be discretional, either b~'
area in question. This amplifica~jcn~'alue~Vin ciSshall be
hand or by mechanical means. used for deriving from a oistarice-gain-sizeiDGS)dia-
gram"(Figure1) the diameter ::f a~ e;:u.valel}tflawlef a full
""rautkramer,-J.: Arch.-Eisenhuttenwes.-.3° (1959) reflector, e. g..Ci flat -bottom ti5!eJ"';-lidf produces the -
pp.693/703 - same indication as the discontinuity in Q~~_tion,For this
:. ~:l'ltl1lit!1n.
w.' Arch. Ejsenh~t!t~r""t!$ :b'(1~lpp 1"3/ - plJrpO$~and in accordanCt' ,,:t:- ::-:'"~~!'1p;'~,!lustrated10
5$- ?= - - figure I, from Point X the a~;:'h:'::-3:';;,r: ~-aiu~-_\-Vl1~dB in
~~ - -
a l '~
. ''.

Table 1 Classificatiol1 of heavy plate ultrasonically surface tested in accordance with these delivery specifications

Class Smallest significant - Maximum allowable Allowable frequency ofdiscontinuiti'1

size of size of . 10car21 related to whole'
discontinuities discontinuities . plate surface
cm2 per m2 perm2

031 0,5 r10t applicable 0

1 0,5 1 up t<? 4 upto 2
2 0,5 1 up to 30 upt015
3 1 10 upt010 upto 5
4 1 10 up to 50 upto 30
5 10 100 upto 1 'upto1 per2m2
6 10 100 upto 5 upto3per2m2
1) Discontinuitieswhichare situated in close proximityto Oneanother and whose size is up to 1 or 10cm2(see cIas$8$
1 to 4) and whose .cflStancebetween edges is smallerthan the fargestdimension of the smallest discontinuityshall be .
regarded as one single discontinuity.This'shailonlyapplyto the evaluationof two ~.If~1'8 morethan
two cflSCOlrtinuities
inclose proximityto one.anotherthey shall be com~witJ'I'ch ~~ Inpairs. ,. .
2)Thetermperm2r+ansanarea~1 m~1 m. t. "..' -',:' ,".' .~ . .
3) CI~ 0 shall onlybe applicable ifspecially agreed. e~g..forcert,ain~~ .

Table 2 Classificationof heavy plate ultrasonicallyborderzone tested inaccordance withthese der~sPeclfications

. '.

Class SmaUest significant Maximum allowable Maximum alloWable AIIowabIEI

size of size of length OfSignIficaI1t ofcflSQ)ntinuitieS
discOntinuities cftSCOntinuities
. . disc::OntInUitiesrunniOg
p2rallelWiththe plate edge
cm2 emf em perm
oZJ 0,5 not applicable not applicable
1 0,5 1 4 uDt02 -
- . 1 -
.2- 0.5 " upt05
3 1 10 4 upt03
4 1 10 4 upto5

1) Discontinuities which are situat~ in close proximity to one another and whose size is up to 1 or 10 cm2.(see class8s
1 to~) and whose distance between edges is smaller than the largest dimension of the smallest cflSCOOtinuity shall be
regarded as one single discontinuity. This shall only apply to the evaluation of tWo discontinuitieS. Ifthere are more than
two discontinuitieS in close J)roximitYto one -another they shall be compared with each other successively in pairs.
2) Class 0 shall only be applicable if speCially agreed, e. g. for certain border zone areas.

Table 3 Allocation of the requirements to be met by ultrasonically surface tested, ultrasonically bOrder zone tested and
fullyultrasonicallytested heavy plate "

Type ottest Requirements to be "metby Requirments to be met

" ifUStestedincompliance
with one of the classes I regular case
itUStested inthe -
-- in accordance
- with

Ultrasonically suriace Suriace one ot the classes " Class3efTable1

tested otTable 1

Ultrasonically border Border zones one of the classes Class 3 ofTabie 2

zone tested ofTable 2 -

Fully ultrasonically - Suriace and border one ot the classes Class 3 ofTable 1
zones ofT able 1 - -
tested - .
. and and
- . - the same class'l Class'3 efTable 2
of Table 2
- -
. - .

1) In the case of classes 5 and'6 ofTable 1 the border zones must meet the requirements of Class -1efTable 2.
- ";,'"
-- I
SEt. 072 SuppfemJt. "c t

- c_~-- - - -- - ---- -
Table 1 Corre,lation between discontinuity distance, probe and test method

Discontinuity distance Probe11 Methocfl


up to 20 TA5° -
'from 20 to 60 TAO" A

Equivalent flaw size aaa.:i 11mm

greater than 6o'J
Equivalent flaw size aaa. > 11mm

1) TR SO- TR probe, 4 t,1Hz. approximately SOroof angle, 'appioxim$te 12 mm focal depth,

9 20 mm transducer diameter, scanning direction fof'$InaH tninsduc;er' atameters of up to '

about 10 mm parallel, for large transducer diameters vertical to the ~ parting ptane;-
TR r1', TR pI9be, 4 MHz. about 0" roof angle, 25-40 mn1 ~ depth. 18 ~20 nun transducer
diameter, scanning direction parallel with the 8COU$ticpartingPfai1e;N ~ Standan:I PfOb!!,
. .'"
2NHz.24mm'~a~ter. . c.;ji c, c'.c,
, 'J j I .
2) See Section 2-';'J~~;:,q!', J /,-,)~,_Jc'> " " "

3) In the case of distances of more than 60 mm10thec~"~ 8$1ia11~used

fitst.1fa d"lSCOntinuity
area found bythis method exceed$11 mr11~~sizediameter.
methocIAw.iththehelpofaTRO"probeshallbeemployf3d.,": Y':: -'.;C"; , '



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.--;?' ,. T- 'N" ", '-,,,
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. -t 'C"_,
"-,. <' - " "
-./ ,,'" ,,
t- -I '"
...... -,
- - I r f\.
-'?/JJi-r?-,,, ::S:$ --"
t-- - - =+t Ii...
" "A -
- - I -L ra. --- "--
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-'- - - <?<? ..
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- 1 -:--=--t-=-
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10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 200 300 400 500
Distance to flawin mm -

-- ~ ~ ~-

~j9~r~ 1 Distance gain-size (OGS) diagram for a standard Drobe or2MHz'fr~q~ency and 2.1mm tr~!,sduc~n:!jamt't.?r.. -

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