EAPP Performance Output No.2 4 All Short 5 Tasks

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Name Subject:

Grade Level/strand-Section Subject Teacher


Title: Summarization of Text Read


1. Your outline should consist of the three main parts of your speech: the introduction, the body, and
the conclusion. Within each of these sections, you'll need to plan more specifically what you would like
to say.

2. The two main types of outlines are the topic outline and the sentence outline. In the topic outline,
the headings are given in single words or brief phrases. In the sentence outline, all the headings are
expressed in complete sentences.
How do you outline a text in summary?
3. Organize your notes into an outline which includes main ideas and supporting points but no examples
or details (dates, numbers, and statistics). Write an introductory paragraph that begins with a frame,
including an in-text citation of the source and the author as well as a reporting verb to introduce the
main idea

Task1. Read the essay and work right away on your Summary Graphic Organizer

Perseverance is a human quality

associated with exceptional
leaders in a variety
of domains. It is also linked to
personal well-being. Within this
chapter we exam-
ine the meaning of
perseverance, its benefi ts, how
to have it, and when to use it.
Included are short cases on
Thomas Edison and Abraham
Lincoln, exemplars of
perseverance. Also highlighted
are more commonplace
examples of persever-
ance in the achievement of
challenging goals. For instance,
pursuing a degree
requires perseverance. The
chapter begins with a defi nition
of perseverance and
a review of fi ndings that
substantiate its signifi cance.
Then ways to bolster per-
severance in yourself and others
are discussed—importantly,
even though perse-
verance has trait-like aspects, it
is also developable. Finally, we
consider when to
persevere or, more specifi cally,
the value of adapting a goal or
the means to
achieve it to an evolving
context. Embedded throughout
the reading are many
opportunities for refl ection and
Perseverance is a human quality
associated with exceptional
leaders in a variety
of domains. It is also linked to
personal well-being. Within this
chapter we exam-
ine the meaning of
perseverance, its benefi ts, how
to have it, and when to use it.
Included are short cases on
Thomas Edison and Abraham
Lincoln, exemplars of
perseverance. Also highlighted
are more commonplace
examples of persever-
ance in the achievement of
challenging goals. For instance,
pursuing a degree
requires perseverance. The
chapter begins with a defi nition
of perseverance and
a review of fi ndings that
substantiate its signifi cance.
Then ways to bolster per-
severance in yourself and others
are discussed—importantly,
even though perse-
verance has trait-like aspects, it
is also developable. Finally, we
consider when to
persevere or, more specifi cally,
the value of adapting a goal or
the means to
achieve it to an evolving
context. Embedded throughout
the reading are many
opportunities for refl ection and
Perseverance is a human quality
associated with exceptional
leaders in a variety
of domains. It is also linked to
personal well-being. Within this
chapter we exam-
ine the meaning of
perseverance, its benefi ts, how
to have it, and when to use it.
Included are short cases on
Thomas Edison and Abraham
Lincoln, exemplars of
perseverance. Also highlighted
are more commonplace
examples of persever-
ance in the achievement of
challenging goals. For instance,
pursuing a degree
requires perseverance. The
chapter begins with a defi nition
of perseverance and
a review of fi ndings that
substantiate its signifi cance.
Then ways to bolster per-
severance in yourself and others
are discussed—importantly,
even though perse-
verance has trait-like aspects, it
is also developable. Finally, we
consider when to
persevere or, more specifi cally,
the value of adapting a goal or
the means to
achieve it to an evolving
context. Embedded throughout
the reading are many
opportunities for refl ection and
Perseverance is a human quality
associated with exceptional
leaders in a variety
of domains. It is also linked to
personal well-being. Within this
chapter we exam-
ine the meaning of
perseverance, its benefi ts, how
to have it, and when to use it.
Included are short cases on
Thomas Edison and Abraham
Lincoln, exemplars of
perseverance. Also highlighted
are more commonplace
examples of persever-
ance in the achievement of
challenging goals. For instance,
pursuing a degree
requires perseverance. The
chapter begins with a defi nition
of perseverance and
a review of fi ndings that
substantiate its signifi cance.
Then ways to bolster per-
severance in yourself and others
are discussed—importantly,
even though perse-
verance has trait-like aspects, it
is also developable. Finally, we
consider when to
persevere or, more specifi cally,
the value of adapting a goal or
the means to
achieve it to an evolving
context. Embedded throughout
the reading are many
opportunities for refl ection and
“Is Marcos a Hero or not

”B e i n g a h e r o i s d e fi n e d a s : a p e r s o n n o t e d f o r c o u r a g e ou s a c t s o r n o b i l i t y o f
character; a person who, in the opinion of others, has special achievements, abilities, or
personal qualities and is regarded as a role model or ideal. By this definition, we could deduce that
Ferdinand E. Marcos is not a hero. He was a war veteran, and well-decorated as such, a recipient
of 27 war medals and honors but it was proven later on that this claim was false. According
to Dr. Ricardo Trota Jose, an in t e r n a ti on a l ly re c og n iz e d e x p e rt on W or ld W a r I I in t h e
P a c ifi c a n d t h e Ja p a n e se Occupation of the Philippines said that Marcos was indeed a soldier and a
president. He had some moments of heroism but the problem is that this does not outweigh the
impact that his Martial Law period did. “You don’t gauge a hero simply because of what he did
during the war. You have to look at the totality.”

Task 2. Fill in the necessary inputs to complete your summary of the above read
Name Subject:

Grade Level/strand-Section Subject Teacher


Title: Thesis Statement

Task 3. Read the same material above “Is Marcos a Hero or Not” and write one or two sentences that
summarize the what the whole essay was about.


Sentence 2___________________________________________________________________________

Task 4. Look for something in your summary sentences that say exactly the same thing in the essay. If
your sentence summary is accurate you will probably have found the thesis statement.

Name Subject:

Grade Level/strand-Section Subject Teacher


Title: Critique paper

Concept: Writing a Critique

1. Describe: give the reader a sense of the writer's overall purpose and intent.
2. Analyze: examine how the structure and language of the text convey its meaning.
3. Interpret: state the significance or importance of each part of the text.
4. Assess: make a judgment of the work's worth or value.

The 5 Parts of a Critique Essay?

Here's a guide that will walk you through how to structure your critique paper.
1. Introduction. Begin your paper by describing the journal article and authors you are critiquing.
2. Thesis Statement. The final part of your introduction should include your thesis statement. ...
3. Article Summary. ...
4. Your Analysis. ...
5. Conclusion.

Task 5.

Read carefully first to understand

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