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Class Assignment

IG3 Edexcel
FISHING Questions:
Q1.(a)Study Photograph

(i) State three ways in which the owner has improved the site for fish farming.[3]
He made a concrete base to prevent water losses through leakage.
Trees are planted on the sides of fish farms for oxygen and to minimize water loss through evaporation.
There is a bricked pathway between the ponds

(ii) Name two species of fish reared on fish farms. [2]

Salmon and cod

(iii) Describe the fishing methods used on a fish farm. [3]

The traditional methods of fighting are; Small wooden boats, Hand made nets, Ice baskets, Inherited
knowledge and skills whereas the modern methods of fishing are; Motor boats, Nylon nets,
Refrigerators,Modern weather forecast techniques and Trained/Skilled labor
(b) (i)In which year was marine fish production lowest? [1]

(ii) How did the overall total production change from 1997 to 2007?[1]
Marine fishing decreased and inland fishing increased.

(c)(i)Explain why fishing and fish farming are important industries in Pakistan. [3]
Pakistan has a domestic and international market for fish, shrimps and fish products. The catch from
marine fisheries is supplied to the local fish markets through wholesale dealers.
Frozen or processed fish is supplied to only a few large departmental stores in urban areas because
people prefer to buy fresh fish rather than processed ones.
About 30% of the total fish catch is exported to 30 countries of the world. Japan is the main market for
fish and shrimps. U.S.A, U.K and France are other markets.
Pakistan earns more than 6% of its total foreign exchange by exporting fish.
(ii)State two ways in which fish can be stored and processed before sale. [2]
The fish is first gutted and cleaned, then it is salted and dried. Fresh fish is packed in ice and then the
advance processing of fish canning is done.

(d) At the present time, most of the fish catch is processed in Karachi, The ports of Baluchistan such as
Gwadar and Pasni have the potential for development.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of developing fish processing industries? [2]
One of the advantages is Economical development, if a country has a strong fishing industry and can
export a great amount of fish, they can gain a lot of value and money in their economic state.

One of the disadvantages is overfishing; if fishermen fish too much of the same species, they can
become endangered and eventually extinct, which can later negatively affect the economy, so there are
laws that prevent overfishing from happening.

Q2.Study Fig. 2, which shows a map of the coast of Pakistan.

(a)(i) Name on the map, two of the ports shown. [2]

Karachi port which is located in Sindh and Gawadar port which is located in Baluchistan.

(ii) Name two types of fish caught in the sea near Pakistan. [2]
Shakes and catfish.

(b) Study Fig. 3, which shows the contribution to Gross National Product (GNP) of the fishing industry
in Pakistan.
(i)What was the contribution to GNP of the fishing industry in 2010?[1]
RS 56million

(ii)By how much has this figure increased since 2006? [1]
56 — 30
= RS 26million

(iii)What is meant by 'over-fishing'? Why does it occur? [2]

When too many fish are caught at once is known as overfishing. Overfishing occurs when humans
take fish from the marine and freshwater sources at a rate faster than fish can repopulate

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