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| ; : 1 , oe i OWA 7 ee: The Next Generation iGaming+DeFi ecosystem where you can Be the House and earn with BUST built on Binance Smart Chain &. BINANCE i ames 6 GusTD WHAT IS a9 ‘BUSTA? BUSTA is a fully immersive iGaming + Defi platform built on Binance Smart Chain Itis an enormous and ambitious ecosystem which will soon be populated by multiple games and tokens. Accompanied by it's own DEX, Staking pools, Affiliate and Partner programs, and DAG, it is truly unique in its intricately weaved architecture. Itis capable of huge horizontal and vertical growth and expandability, while keeping all profit cycling within the ecosystem itself and managed by the community via the DAO. ~ : EEE : 4 ECOSYSTEM | SUMMARY BR, , eR Ree RI aU Ora Tr ey eee ee Rete eee eke Racet eases cud Rnd ha Ru km Con caus ae Neon and do still function as a standalone product, but the iGaming + DeFi Ree Mec Meee ced tue eeu N ane ramen ete cueia ck ies se Our ecosystem is designed so that each component benefits the others Cee ee ad dee hat CRM Le cua} ‘our community will reap the rewards in the form of constant buy and burn LUN Mme Meteo) CaM Renae ert tle ae malic am Ren uN: eres nea secs Corwen) MD) WHAT |S BUSTA CRASH sa er OIel res erase met A [pytel ta tel ol Vom Peete ee een Ra Re maT eet Ts exponentially then click the exit button to claim their winnings before the Pee eM Nema cht a mu euet ge aR TM ny game crashes before they exit they lose their bet. ‘The chance of winning and incentive to play is relatively high for our users Co eR aC Cae Tea ak Rey ea ke ay Ronee heen CM Tee sce Ree else emer Peek ice Reka Rue cu Gee eek ta cuneate ted BUST holders are the house! THE BUSTA AMM/ROUTER ec RnR Me UN mcm aes oon Rog eta Reruns ag Ue Cum ee Rta mee aca the ability to have a 4% swap fee on all trades of BUST made on our platform, similar to transaction taxes on other popular tokens like Seen Since this fee is handled at the AMM/Router level instead of built in to the De te eee aed temo Soul Nel Rea Meanie ua On eae} Cereus B OMe ea oc RC ae Cm Ren ga Coe eer y Cesare kale keke cyte mies rane kegs eae os mame Seong control of the DAO, meaning BUST holders can vote to adjust how it rE ea eae eon eects Pewee caer! THE Gee : BUSTA DEX ye DIFFERENCE 0 FOR LISTED TOKENS a af \ Denese ORE Cun Rn cee me Su ary CR Mn cure BUSTA DEX provides a unique incentive and added utility for tokens that list with us as Red Macher ca a Re RUM RAC Ray ets onary Pouce Te Rue Ee a ae ter ke CUS ae COE a hose a Ao " Then they choose the distribution split %s for: a x Oe oc RC tna ec ha Seta U eee hia ea Datta meee eM eM am kU © Treasury - This cut goes straight to the listed project's designated wallet o De Re a a CO tole OR RU ae) CT RR eee) OM Ter Ree a ere Rk token on BUSTA DEX, without them needing to hard code these into their token contract. EP we ence! tals BUSTA DEX DIFFERENCE - : FOR LISTED TOKENS , 4 i N CROC Raed OCU UM Rese ane Dee a Ar eR Aa eR eRe Cee karo Peery Bee unre Re eo ee Rear Meee a CO Se Rar tines eek tT ak Ve a Eu Rcd Corea Tee ue CMe aC ee) eee Relea Reg ad looking to list - if their trading volume isn’t on BUSTA DEX, then they're giving someone Cea ue ce eI EM RU Rae Masts RN me RR oro Pen aOR ae Re Rs aL a oa «= : EP we ence! od SW V3 HOUSE EDGE . DISTRIBUTION 0 a c The Swap Fee and House Edge are utilised in a way that best holding/staking the BUST token. The fees are split via the following 4 protocol 1. Staking and Affiliate Rewards To help boost APY of the pools, 25% of both the swap fee and house edge is automatically + ‘sent to the BUST-BNB and BUST-BUSD LP farms, the single token BUST pool, and to our affiliate reward program. Initially these staking and affiliate rewards will be a mixture of EN Re Ute Ce Uae CoM esl iS Ron ke meres RRL PC) marl ean ame L ae oN are Ue (Perel tae hc PM ein en Reece 25% of both the swap fee and house edge is automatically used to acquire BUST-BNB and BUST-BUSD LP from the open market and permanently lock it up as liquidity on the BUST router/AMM to help create an ever-increasing price floor. 4 . 5 6 at 9 ay EP we ence! x ° SWAP FEE anp HOUSEEDGE — DISTRIBUTION . EAL ere ear tay Pte aL Ms ae ome Ahn ecu eS rosea aR aR ele Met eae a coe Ra Pe eee a Re a a a ree eth aes eee mae eR Cu eat eld Ce Mace Res eee meet Pea ae cio ye gr Z Ca eeu Cn ORe eel Rescue et vs een eal] 25% of both the swap fee and house edge is automatically sent to the DAO Treasury / Cer ON ee A Rm eco Cultel Kee} and a percentage will be used for development of future games, marketing and Cece emer OM ere h eee CUR te kets Magu) Poh aM Rad enue uae Ca kettle ele Ged eee ec en Ric ae MRE ek Cle contot EP we ence! CQUISITION) LOCK UP. EP we ence! eT a moa $20,000 WORTH OF HOUSE EDGE GENERATED (2%) Ere) lehg . 5 AFFLIATE a ‘3 REWARDS SI5K/DAY LP ACQUISITION oie ed SI5K/DAY Betaiy BUYBACK BETTY DAO Bits tae EP we ence! Ss) $40,000 Worth oF SWAP FEE GENERATED (4%) cee eeeseats = DegeneratorDAO » oe a PSTN x erected kee mC isn'ta single group who takes profit. ES SUS ay ce ke ame a Ng ‘automated utility and are governed by the community. The DAO is the Pe Ma ae un nice BUST governance token holders will periodically vote on changing %s and eee ec etiam act en EP We nen caer! 7 : pw BEING THE HOUSE ano DAO VOTING POWER es TI CIC OM CGuet ceca enc iickcicert ccc Stee em CRU a aD nea lo Ren Foleo a USD co Ne oR Coll Reel CO RNC Co the game bankroll and be rewarded with BUST and BNB from the house = cosnansea NE Racy cue el net ees OM NED changes to the game that are voted upon by BUST holders. For example, CARs tact ea ea cet ge tects iad swap fee distribution, and/or potentially have some percentage go Ce eae dearer mae J agi / Pewee caer! CONCEPT GAME DESIGN gi D4 Pero eee W cs! 7 Os o GAMIFY YOUR POOL . * Oe eRe Re Ra cu RON koh aT BUSTA game. However, we will be actively looking for partners who want Cone Cuneta eC e emiceu ac ota Oke s Peau re . AD PARTNERSHIPS Tierra eur late Kel lea oR RO Te ANC Me aN ecors | ae = (o) any BEP-20 token themselves (if fees are paid), just like when adding deus Cur Me ee me cy eR CRM tte Rag em UC ict nce Mad coin (who wouldn't want that! We also have various partnership opportunities available that will be te eae ed ene ea) eect) utility, exposure and value of our respective tokens. yi mm 5 EP we ence! ” AFFILIATE - REWARDS * FROORAM . - Our affiliate program is designed so that anyone providing an affiliate res link for new BUSTA players, traders and stakers, will automatically rec eo Pans aCe h ne eae hae k uc Tae Rae aten * Wins a round of the BUSTA game. Bee Cenc sae cet See TRes neh This is great for casual players to get a little commission here and there from inviting friends, but affiliates with large social followings are easily Ceres ae he eer eae aa eyed Pee cue eeu hu cue asec i 3 EP we ence! FUTUREGAMING , BUSTA CRASH is our flagship game butis the first of many. We will finance building games #2 and #3 from either raising sufficient Cea kM iel eh ecko ket hay rede lre tant colcts fon m uray. ve} Cea re an ue eae sa Putman Renee SRM te ere Ta ol eMac everything will flow back to the DAO ie benefit BUST. Coen ee a A au a naa teu acincuc esau tei EP we ence! AND The BUSTA CRASH game MVP release playable with BNB is scheduled for early August 2021. A large update with additional features will be Poe ene mtar ac huc meri nei ea RO au Danes Wes ene kei ag Cree ts eeu Tene oe ome ek Pree Akama AC nee ener eet CTE elel Keel as ye etal SNe en see le Rascal Reale ad pues eon AAC US eee a 202] BUSTA. All rights reserved. TOKENOmMics °° THE TOTAL SUPPLY OF $BUST IS 10B (10,000,000,000) Peon Gao cea ees (0.5% on T6E, 85% on VI Game release, 10% per manthfor Smanths 2,260,000,000 225% company 2,000,000,000 200% Treasury ea 7Oe Bex on care 1200,000,000 12.0% Deve cone ree acs oare ees 700,000,000 10% Marketing ear oe Be on oat el 580,000,000 een es 5% per month for20 months 450,000,000 ann cents Sao a 900,000,000 199% 88¢ Liquidity Unlocked ont00 = for stings only 610,000,000 em Staking Rowarde Sala 20,000,000 eax ararop 25% per week over 4wooks 300,000,000 20% strategie Sole 72% on, hen 7 per month 500,000,000 20% private sao 28% onto, ten 8x permenh 350,000.00 ae “wo Unlocked on 00 "100% OF NET IDO PROCEEDS GO IMMEDIATELY BACK TO BENEFIT BUST HOLDERS: ‘+ 40% forthe Gaming Pitform Sankzoll- bigger Bankroll means bigger winnings ‘+ 40% for agattionaliqulatty in SUST-BNB ana BUST-BUSD LP trading pools {+ 20% 08 BN stoking rewards for various pools - meaning you can stake BUST te earn BNE © 2021 BUSTA. All rights reserved. PRIVATE SALE, STRATEGIC SALE AND [DO SR ar te een a RR Re Rare ea aoa AT ema Tony Pearle eee Re Ree ecm ae uae eas ne meio eile enti a Ath Piel ti Red some real buzz going! This raise will provide funds for the following: * Continued development of the ecosystem and subsequent games See aaah Ka Tees nicer apie © Any funds beyond the Pre-Sale (ie Net of the IDO funds raised), will go towards: Ber Sema emcr eign © 40% for the Liquidity in BUST/BNB and BUST/BUSD AMM pools © 20% towards BNB APY by staking BUST. Gene ne Roa ee ena Cg ere arn em aes DePuy eae iy Eero eer! Bos aaets ow Srey Sy ROADMAP 2021 QUARTER 1 OO cacao oe ol] etek act) * Planning of game concept and eens sea eee tne 2021 QUARTER 2 Totoro Roe Cu ken] ee ae etl * Strategic partnerships formalised Peele eeu mae) 2021 QUARTER 3} reese les une RU) AMM, Farming, Affiliate rewards and rene esac PMc elton rode aaneln Nd eae ens) Peete Raat Cun ete anes Dyno iene Rome holaed 2021 QUARTER 4 More partnerships with existing and new tokens * Expansion to other blockchains Bee Me eect ene eae) eee sete Osea * Ongoing marketing eo eee Ws! busta.gg 4) Su mele Cy) twitter.com/BUSTA_GamefFi admin@busta.gg (on) es siete aC © Creer) © 2021 BUSTA All rights reserved. DISCLAIMER Cee ee ee cee ee ee information you also agree to respect the confidential nature of thie entire presentation. Specifically you agree not to eee ca ee nC Lorne oa eT enc has been prepared by and issued by BUSTA to assist in informing interasted parties about BUSTA and should not be Considered as an offer or invitation to subscribe for or purchase any securities or tokens or as an inducement to make an offer or invitation with respect to those securities or tokens. No agreement to subscribe for securities or tokens will be eee eh ete This presentation may contain forward looking statements. Whilst BUSTA has no reason to believe that any such statements are either false, misleading or incorrect, it cannot and does not warrant or guarantee that through either the passage of time or actions beyond the control of BUSTA they will not become so. You should not act and you must refrain {rom acting in reliance on any of this presentation material. Nothing contained in this presentation constitutes investment, Cen Ree hee ie ne eee ag eee mean eG? recipients may require in order to make an informed assessment of BUSTA's prospects. Re tae eee ee eee eee eae en a CR aie san cc ace ny (CHIC ane Taco ae are oto Oe NT Nee fer © 2021 BUSTA All rights reserved.

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