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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 1

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Read the text below.

            There are many arguments in favor of a boarding school education. Nevertheless, a boarding school is not always the best education
institution for everyone.

            At an early age interacting and communicating with people is very important for a child's personal life and can be especially vital for
his/her future. In a boarding school, shy children can take advantages of interaction through communal activities. A boarding school also
offers a great variety of activities such as arts, sports and music that allow children to demonstrate and develop specialized skills in their
free time.

            Furthermore, the structured way of life and strict rules at boarding school may help students to get used to a well ordered way of life.
The manners and social skills will help them become more responsible and confident and help develop their talents in leadership.
Professionality trained teachers and educators at a boarding school can offer excellent education without the parents' constant supervision.

            In spite of these good points, it is not advisable to send a child to a boarding school if he/she is a dependable learner. A boarding
school usually expects students learn independently. In addition, a boarding school should not be seen as a measure to solve inappropriate
behavior or unsatisfactory study performance. Instead of improving, problematic children may close off their relationship with their peers and

            In conclusion, although a boarding school may provide good education to most children, it is not recommended for those who are
strongly attached to their families. They may become frustrated and socially isolated.

According to the writer, children at a boarding school can develop specialized skills in…

a. Reading
b. Community service

c. Entrepreneurship
d. Music

e. Drama

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 2

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The following text is for questions!

One promotion method people can consider is through the internet. Internet promotion has advantages and disadvantages.

Internet promotion presents the advantage of a smaller budget and storage costs, when compared to printing brochures, producing television
or radio advertisements or managing a call center. It present a test or cost effective opinion for penetrating new markets.

Besides that, e-mail makes business communications instant. It makes it easier for customers to maintain contact and readily facilities
repeat purchasing. The net result is that, a small business can gain significant competitive advantage in a given market.

Furthermore, internet promotion also provides the advantage of endurance. Whereas participations at a raid fair or conference loses sales
impact, once it is over. And advertisement in a newspaper or business magazine may quickly lose its sales generation value within a day or
two, or as soon as the text issue is released. Internet promotion is often timeless. Apart from the dates and sometimes prices, much of your
website contents remain valid years later.

However, internet promotion is not without its risks and weakness. With millions of businesses with more selling the same products and
services, competing with more established businesses can be frustrating and a costly venture for a small business.

Another notable disadvantage is that it may be difficult for the business persons and a customer to thoroughly evaluate the legitimacy of a
transaction. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to theft, using stolen credit cards and stolen information to do online transaction.

Then, another disadvantage is that the customers and business persons are isolated. There is a little personal contact between customer
and sales person prior to and after the sales transaction. Thus, the prospect for repeat sales may diminish.

From all indications, it appears that the advantages of Internet promotion far exceed the disadvantages. With adequate knowledge,
entrepreneurs can benefit significantly from Internet promotions, especially small business owners.

What is the text about?

a. Pros and cons of being a salesperson

b. Pros and cons of promotion

c. Pros and cons of entrepreneurship

d. Pros and cons of Internet promotions

e. Pros and cons of running a business

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 3

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Read the text below.

            There are many arguments in favor of a boarding school education. Nevertheless, a boarding school is not always the best education
institution for everyone.

            At an early age interacting and communicating with people is very important for a child's personal life and can be especially vital for
his/her future. In a boarding school, shy children can take advantages of interaction through communal activities. A boarding school also
offers a great variety of activities such as arts, sports and music that allow children to demonstrate and develop specialized skills in their
free time.

            Furthermore, the structured way of life and strict rules at boarding school may help students to get used to a well ordered way of life.
The manners and social skills will help them become more responsible and confident and help develop their talents in leadership.
Professionality trained teachers and educators at a boarding school can offer excellent education without the parents' constant supervision.

            In spite of these good points, it is not advisable to send a child to a boarding school if he/she is a dependable learner. A boarding
school usually expects students learn independently. In addition, a boarding school should not be seen as a measure to solve inappropriate
behavior or unsatisfactory study performance. Instead of improving, problematic children may close off their relationship with their peers and

            In conclusion, although a boarding school may provide good education to most children, it is not recommended for those who are
strongly attached to their families. They may become frustrated and socially isolated.

What may help students to get used to a well ordered way of life?

a. Close relationships among students

b. The manners and social skills

c. Interaction trough a social activities

d. The structured way of life and strict rules

e. A great variety of activities

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 4

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"so am I"

a. Here is your assignment

b. She's doing her exercise

c. Let's have a rest

d. There is a pair of a glasses on a desk

e. She's doing her exercise

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 5

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He had to borrow a little money from his brother _______ he could finish his education without working.

a. so that

b. so as

c. in order so
d. in order than

e. that

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 6

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Read the text below.

            There are many arguments in favor of a boarding school education. Nevertheless, a boarding school is not always the best education
institution for everyone.

            At an early age interacting and communicating with people is very important for a child's personal life and can be especially vital for
his/her future. In a boarding school, shy children can take advantages of interaction through communal activities. A boarding school also
offers a great variety of activities such as arts, sports and music that allow children to demonstrate and develop specialized skills in their
free time.

            Furthermore, the structured way of life and strict rules at boarding school may help students to get used to a well ordered way of life.
The manners and social skills will help them become more responsible and confident and help develop their talents in leadership.
Professionality trained teachers and educators at a boarding school can offer excellent education without the parents' constant supervision.

            In spite of these good points, it is not advisable to send a child to a boarding school if he/she is a dependable learner. A boarding
school usually expects students learn independently. In addition, a boarding school should not be seen as a measure to solve inappropriate
behavior or unsatisfactory study performance. Instead of improving, problematic children may close off their relationship with their peers and

            In conclusion, although a boarding school may provide good education to most children, it is not recommended for those who are
strongly attached to their families. They may become frustrated and socially isolated.

For the text, we can conclude that…..

a. A boarding school can be very expensive

b. There are good and boarding schools

c. It is not necessary to send children to a boarding school because the students can live independently
d. A boarding school is the solution to our educational problems

e. Not everyone thinks that a boarding school is the best educational institution for children

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 7

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He is the only one of my friends _____ French.

a. that study

b. studies

c. study
d. who study

e. that studies

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 8

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The following text is for questions

One promotion method people can consider is through the internet. Internet promotion has advantages and disadvantages.

Internet promotion presents the advantage of a smaller budget and storage costs, when compared to printing brochures, producing television
or radio advertisements or managing a call center. It present a test or cost effective opinion for penetrating new markets.

Besides that, e-mail makes business communications instant. It makes it easier for customers to maintain contact and readily facilities
repeat purchasing. The net result is that, a small business can gain significant competitive advantage in a given market.

Furthermore, internet promotion also provides the advantage of endurance. Whereas participations at a raid fair or conference loses sales
impact, once it is over. And advertisement in a newspaper or business magazine may quickly lose its sales generation value within a day or
two, or as soon as the text issue is released. Internet promotion is often timeless. Apart from the dates and sometimes prices, much of your
website contents remain valid years later.

However, internet promotion is not without its risks and weakness. With millions of businesses with more selling the same products and
services, competing with more established businesses can be frustrating and a costly venture for a small business.

Another notable disadvantage is that it may be difficult for the business persons and a customer to thoroughly evaluate the legitimacy of a
transaction. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to theft, using stolen credit cards and stolen information to do online transaction.

Then, another disadvantage is that the customers and business persons are isolated. There is a little personal contact between customer
and sales person prior to and after the sales transaction. Thus, the prospect for repeat sales may diminish.

From all indications, it appears that the advantages of Internet promotion far exceed the disadvantages. With adequate knowledge,
entrepreneurs can benefit significantly from Internet promotions, especially small business owners.

What can we conclude from paragraph two and five

a. Both paragraphs discuss the advantages of Internet promotion.

b. Paragraph 2 tells about argument against, while

Paragraph 5 tells about argument for

c. Paragraph 2 tells about arguments for, while

Paragraph 5 tells about writer's conclusion

d. Both paragraphs discuss the advantages of Internet promotion.

e. Paragraph 2 tells about argument for, while

Paragraph 5 tells about argument against
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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 9

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Betty moved from the dormitory _______ the noise.

a. because

b. because for

c. because of
d. caused from

e. cause

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 10

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The data on the winter migration patterns of the Monarch butterfly is very _______.

a. of interest

b. interesting

c. interested
d. interested in

e. interest

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 11

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Nothing ________ since we left.

a. Is changed

b. Has been changed

c. Will be changed
d. Would be changed

e. Was changed

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 12

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‘Who won the ford foundation scholarship?'

‘The high school student _____the city council had chosen as the best student'

a. who
b. whose

c. whom
d. which

e. of which

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 13

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The following text is for questions!

Many people like consuming seafood, especially fish. Actually, there are advantages and disadvantages.

People should consume seafood because it is nutritious. Most of the domestic fish such as tuna, salmon and cod are good sources of
protein, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, selenium and other minerals. This is a versatile protein food source that is also relatively low in
fat. Salmon and whitefish have the highest Omega-3 fatty acid content. This type of fat is very good for cardiovascular, brain, and joints.

On the contrary. There are arguments against seafood. According to the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, more than 2 per cent of
Americans report and allergy to fish and shellfish. Some of the reaction can be severe and/or lethal.

Besides that, bigger fish have more chance to contamination by mercury and other toxins such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PBCs). The
ones to avoid or eat sparingly are swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, blue fin tuna, domesticated shark and marlin.

Moreover, undercooked or raw fish can contain many kinds of parasites (including tapeworms).

From the arguments above, we should be careful when consuming seafood. If we want to consume seafood, be sure that seafood is
commercially deep frozen and/or heated to at least 140 degrees to kill tapeworms and other parasites. Also, it's important for pregnant
woman, babies, young children and immunity-compromised persons to avoid these types of fish.

"The ones to avoid or eat sparingly are swordfish, tilefish, . . ." (Paragraph 4)

What is the opposite of ‘sparingly'?

a. Greedily

b. Extravagantly
c. Continuously

d. Frequently

e. Carefully

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 14

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Father can hardly read without his speechless and _____.

a. mother can't too

b. mother can't either

c. so is mother
d. neither can't mother

e. mothers was too

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 15

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The following text is for questions

One promotion method people can consider is through the internet. Internet promotion has advantages and disadvantages.

Internet promotion presents the advantage of a smaller budget and storage costs, when compared to printing brochures, producing television
or radio advertisements or managing a call center. It present a test or cost effective opinion for penetrating new markets.

Besides that, e-mail makes business communications instant. It makes it easier for customers to maintain contact and readily facilities
repeat purchasing. The net result is that, a small business can gain significant competitive advantage in a given market.

Furthermore, internet promotion also provides the advantage of endurance. Whereas participations at a raid fair or conference loses sales
impact, once it is over. And advertisement in a newspaper or business magazine may quickly lose its sales generation value within a day or
two, or as soon as the text issue is released. Internet promotion is often timeless. Apart from the dates and sometimes prices, much of your
website contents remain valid years later.

However, internet promotion is not without its risks and weakness. With millions of businesses with more selling the same products and
services, competing with more established businesses can be frustrating and a costly venture for a small business.

Another notable disadvantage is that it may be difficult for the business persons and a customer to thoroughly evaluate the legitimacy of a
transaction. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to theft, using stolen credit cards and stolen information to do online transaction.

Then, another disadvantage is that the customers and business persons are isolated. There is a little personal contact between customer
and sales person prior to and after the sales transaction. Thus, the prospect for repeat sales may diminish.

From all indications, it appears that the advantages of Internet promotion far exceed the disadvantages. With adequate knowledge,
entrepreneurs can benefit significantly from Internet promotions, especially small business owners.

"Internet promotion has advantages and disadvantages." (Paragraph 1)

What is similar to ‘advantages'?

a. Loss
b. Benefit

c. Relationship

d. Similarity
e. Difference

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 16

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It's a shame that you have _______ time in New York on the tour.

a. so few

b. so little

c. a few
d. a little

e. very few

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 17

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Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. No (7)…

a. Good student

b. Sweet dreams

c. Undesirable behaviors
d. Movie stars

e. Role model

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 18

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Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. No (6)…

a. Technological

b. Magical

c. Educational
d. Additional

e. Survival

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 19

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We don't have _______ tonight.

a. many home works

b. much home works

c. many home works

d. much home works

e. few home works

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 20

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My uncle doesn't earn much; _____ he can send his children to college.

a. however

b. hence

c. therefore
d. so

e. and

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 21

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Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. No (4)…

a. Produce

b. Do

c. Cause
d. Create

e. Make

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 22

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The  boy _____ is a lawyer wants to study law.

a. the father of who

b. the father of whom

c. whose father
d. the father of his

e. his father

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 23

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Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. No (5)…

a. Because of

b. Because

c. As long
d. In spite of

e. Rather than

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 24

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His supervisor _____, is a very generousperson.

a. where he borrowed a car

b. he borrowed a car from him

c. the person he borrowed a car

d. from whom he borrowed a car

e. his car he borrowed

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 25

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The following text is for questions!

Many people like consuming seafood, especially fish. Actually, there are advantages and disadvantages.

People should consume seafood because it is nutritious. Most of the domestic fish such as tuna, salmon and cod are good sources of
protein, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, selenium and other minerals. This is a versatile protein food source that is also relatively low in
fat. Salmon and whitefish have the highest Omega-3 fatty acid content. This type of fat is very good for cardiovascular, brain, and joints.

On the contrary. There are arguments against seafood. According to the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, more than 2 per cent of
Americans report and allergy to fish and shellfish. Some of the reaction can be severe and/or lethal.

Besides that, bigger fish have more chance to contamination by mercury and other toxins such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PBCs). The
ones to avoid or eat sparingly are swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, blue fin tuna, domesticated shark and marlin.

Moreover, undercooked or raw fish can contain many kinds of parasites (including tapeworms).

From the arguments above, we should be careful when consuming seafood. If we want to consume seafood, be sure that seafood is
commercially deep frozen and/or heated to at least 140 degrees to kill tapeworms and other parasites. Also, it's important for pregnant
woman, babies, young children and immunity-compromised persons to avoid these types of fish.

The following are reasons why we should not consume seafood, EXCEPT _______.

a. It may be contaminated by mercury

b. It may contain tapeworm

c. It may cause a headache

d. It may cause allergy

e. It may contain many kinds of parasites

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 26

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Sending _______ "express mail" costs about ten times as much as sending it "regular delivery"

a. pieces of mail

b. a piece of mail

c. several mails
d. a mail

e. mail

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 27

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The cookies that you sent over were _______ that I ate them all.

a. So good

b. Too good

c. Very well
d. Good

e. Very good

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 28

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It is ________ day that travel advisories have been issued for most of the major highways.

a. such a snowy

b. very snowy

c. so snowy
d. such snowy a

e. such snowy

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 29

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William Torrey Harris was one of the educators interested _______ a logical progression of topics in the school curriculum.

a. establishing

b. in establishing

c. for establishing
d. to establish

e. established

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 30

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the businessman _____ we met at the party yesterday is the general manager of a big company.

a. with whom

b. whom

c. whose
d. who

e. which

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 31

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Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. No (3)…

a. Violent

b. Arrogant

c. Selfish
d. Independent

e. Influent

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 32

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_______ his wealth, he is not spoiled.

a. in spite that

b. despite of

c. in despite
d. in spite

e. in spite of

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Soal 33

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______, I might borrow it from him.

a. Were the novel his

b. The novel were his

c. If his the novel

d. If his the novel

e. If the novel him

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 34

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The teacher would like the exercise________ by everybody before tomorrow.

a. to be finished

b. finished

c. already finished
d. finishing

e. has finished

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 35

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Ditandai dari 1,00

The following text is for questions!

Many people like consuming seafood, especially fish. Actually, there are advantages and disadvantages.

People should consume seafood because it is nutritious. Most of the domestic fish such as tuna, salmon and cod are good sources of
protein, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, selenium and other minerals. This is a versatile protein food source that is also relatively low in
fat. Salmon and whitefish have the highest Omega-3 fatty acid content. This type of fat is very good for cardiovascular, brain, and joints.

On the contrary. There are arguments against seafood. According to the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, more than 2 per cent of
Americans report and allergy to fish and shellfish. Some of the reaction can be severe and/or lethal.

Besides that, bigger fish have more chance to contamination by mercury and other toxins such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PBCs). The
ones to avoid or eat sparingly are swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, blue fin tuna, domesticated shark and marlin.

Moreover, undercooked or raw fish can contain many kinds of parasites (including tapeworms).

From the arguments above, we should be careful when consuming seafood. If we want to consume seafood, be sure that seafood is
commercially deep frozen and/or heated to at least 140 degrees to kill tapeworms and other parasites. Also, it's important for pregnant
woman, babies, young children and immunity-compromised persons to avoid these types of fish.

What should we do before consuming seafood to kill tapeworms and parasites?

a. We should pack it firmly

b. We should clean it
c. We should soak it in salt water

d. We should heat it to at last 140 degrees

e. We should keep it fresh

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 36

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Read the text below.

            There are many arguments in favor of a boarding school education. Nevertheless, a boarding school is not always the best education
institution for everyone.

            At an early age interacting and communicating with people is very important for a child's personal life and can be especially vital for
his/her future. In a boarding school, shy children can take advantages of interaction through communal activities. A boarding school also
offers a great variety of activities such as arts, sports and music that allow children to demonstrate and develop specialized skills in their
free time.

            Furthermore, the structured way of life and strict rules at boarding school may help students to get used to a well ordered way of life.
The manners and social skills will help them become more responsible and confident and help develop their talents in leadership.
Professionality trained teachers and educators at a boarding school can offer excellent education without the parents' constant supervision.

            In spite of these good points, it is not advisable to send a child to a boarding school if he/she is a dependable learner. A boarding
school usually expects students learn independently. In addition, a boarding school should not be seen as a measure to solve inappropriate
behavior or unsatisfactory study performance. Instead of improving, problematic children may close off their relationship with their peers and

            In conclusion, although a boarding school may provide good education to most children, it is not recommended for those who are
strongly attached to their families. They may become frustrated and socially isolated.

What is the main idea of paragraph four?

a. How children develop their talent in leadership

b. How children can get specialized skills in their life

c. The conclusion of placing children n a boarding school

d. The argument for placing children in a boarding school

e. The argument against placing children in a boarding school

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 37

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Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. No (1)….

a. Individual

b. Influence

c. Activity
d. Language

e. Habitual

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 38

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"Will you tell Mary that I want to see her?"

"I will if I _____."

a. saw her
b. have seen her

c. had seen her

d. see her

e. am seen her

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Soal 39

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The students are collecting money, food and clothes for the people _____ houses are destroyed in the fire last week.

a. which

b. that

c. who
d. whose

e. whom

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Soal 40

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Teenager delinquency _____ people are now complaining, has become a popular topic discussed among psychologists.

a. about which

b. whom

c. whom that
d. in which

e. which

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Soal 41

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"It would have been a failure if _____"

a. the way-out was found in time

b. the way-out hadn't been found in time

c. the way-out would be found in time

d. the way-out was being found in time

e. the way-out hasn't been found in time

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 42

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The following text is for questions

One promotion method people can consider is through the internet. Internet promotion has advantages and disadvantages.

Internet promotion presents the advantage of a smaller budget and storage costs, when compared to printing brochures, producing television
or radio advertisements or managing a call center. It present a test or cost effective opinion for penetrating new markets.

Besides that, e-mail makes business communications instant. It makes it easier for customers to maintain contact and readily facilities
repeat purchasing. The net result is that, a small business can gain significant competitive advantage in a given market.

Furthermore, internet promotion also provides the advantage of endurance. Whereas participations at a raid fair or conference loses sales
impact, once it is over. And advertisement in a newspaper or business magazine may quickly lose its sales generation value within a day or
two, or as soon as the text issue is released. Internet promotion is often timeless. Apart from the dates and sometimes prices, much of your
website contents remain valid years later.

However, internet promotion is not without its risks and weakness. With millions of businesses with more selling the same products and
services, competing with more established businesses can be frustrating and a costly venture for a small business.

Another notable disadvantage is that it may be difficult for the business persons and a customer to thoroughly evaluate the legitimacy of a
transaction. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to theft, using stolen credit cards and stolen information to do online transaction.

Then, another disadvantage is that the customers and business persons are isolated. There is a little personal contact between customer
and sales person prior to and after the sales transaction. Thus, the prospect for repeat sales may diminish.

From all indications, it appears that the advantages of Internet promotion far exceed the disadvantages. With adequate knowledge,
entrepreneurs can benefit significantly from Internet promotions, especially small business owners.

Compared to other media of promotion, how is Internet promotion?

a. It is more expensive
b. It is cheaper and longer

c. It is more difficult and more challenging

d. It is more exclusive

e. It is more interesting

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 43

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Ditandai dari 1,00

Which sentence is correct ?

a. Reading a newpaper, the sad news was startled by me.

b. Rading a newspaper, It was  startled by the bad news.

c. Reading a newspaper, the sad news startled me.

d. Reading the newspaper, I startled  the bad news.

e. Reading a newspaper, I was startled by the bad news.

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 44

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_______ here since 1967 when her parents moved from New York.

a. she's living

b. she was living

c. she lived
d. she'd live

e. she's lived

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 45

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The following text is for questions!

Many people like consuming seafood, especially fish. Actually, there are advantages and disadvantages.

People should consume seafood because it is nutritious. Most of the domestic fish such as tuna, salmon and cod are good sources of
protein, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, selenium and other minerals. This is a versatile protein food source that is also relatively low in
fat. Salmon and whitefish have the highest Omega-3 fatty acid content. This type of fat is very good for cardiovascular, brain, and joints.

On the contrary. There are arguments against seafood. According to the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, more than 2 per cent of
Americans report and allergy to fish and shellfish. Some of the reaction can be severe and/or lethal.

Besides that, bigger fish have more chance to contamination by mercury and other toxins such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PBCs). The
ones to avoid or eat sparingly are swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, blue fin tuna, domesticated shark and marlin.

Moreover, undercooked or raw fish can contain many kinds of parasites (including tapeworms).

From the arguments above, we should be careful when consuming seafood. If we want to consume seafood, be sure that seafood is
commercially deep frozen and/or heated to at least 140 degrees to kill tapeworms and other parasites. Also, it's important for pregnant
woman, babies, young children and immunity-compromised persons to avoid these types of fish.

Why should people consume seafood?

a. It is high in fat

b. It is low in protein
c. It is nourishing

d. It is cheap
e. It is delicious

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 46

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Ditandai dari 1,00

Read the text below.

            There are many arguments in favor of a boarding school education. Nevertheless, a boarding school is not always the best education
institution for everyone.

            At an early age interacting and communicating with people is very important for a child's personal life and can be especially vital for
his/her future. In a boarding school, shy children can take advantages of interaction through communal activities. A boarding school also
offers a great variety of activities such as arts, sports and music that allow children to demonstrate and develop specialized skills in their
free time.

            Furthermore, the structured way of life and strict rules at boarding school may help students to get used to a well ordered way of life.
The manners and social skills will help them become more responsible and confident and help develop their talents in leadership.
Professionality trained teachers and educators at a boarding school can offer excellent education without the parents' constant supervision.

            In spite of these good points, it is not advisable to send a child to a boarding school if he/she is a dependable learner. A boarding
school usually expects students learn independently. In addition, a boarding school should not be seen as a measure to solve inappropriate
behavior or unsatisfactory study performance. Instead of improving, problematic children may close off their relationship with their peers and

            In conclusion, although a boarding school may provide good education to most children, it is not recommended for those who are
strongly attached to their families. They may become frustrated and socially isolated.

". . . with their peers and teachers." (Paragraph 4)

What is the anonym of ‘peer'?

a. Close friend
b. Opposition

c. Family
d. Friend

e. Penpal

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 47

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Ditandai dari 1,00

Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. No (8)…

a. Push

b. Pull

c. Leave
d. Encourage

e. Insist

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 48

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They built a new high stone wall around the garden. It means _____.

a. They built a new garden.

b. The garden wall was made of stone.

c. There were high stones around the wall.

d. The garden was made of stone walls.

e. The wall was made of high stones.

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 49

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Ditandai dari 1,00

The following text is for questions

One promotion method people can consider is through the internet. Internet promotion has advantages and disadvantages.

Internet promotion presents the advantage of a smaller budget and storage costs, when compared to printing brochures, producing television
or radio advertisements or managing a call center. It present a test or cost effective opinion for penetrating new markets.

Besides that, e-mail makes business communications instant. It makes it easier for customers to maintain contact and readily facilities
repeat purchasing. The net result is that, a small business can gain significant competitive advantage in a given market.

Furthermore, internet promotion also provides the advantage of endurance. Whereas participations at a raid fair or conference loses sales
impact, once it is over. And advertisement in a newspaper or business magazine may quickly lose its sales generation value within a day or
two, or as soon as the text issue is released. Internet promotion is often timeless. Apart from the dates and sometimes prices, much of your
website contents remain valid years later.

However, internet promotion is not without its risks and weakness. With millions of businesses with more selling the same products and
services, competing with more established businesses can be frustrating and a costly venture for a small business.

Another notable disadvantage is that it may be difficult for the business persons and a customer to thoroughly evaluate the legitimacy of a
transaction. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to theft, using stolen credit cards and stolen information to do online transaction.

Then, another disadvantage is that the customers and business persons are isolated. There is a little personal contact between customer
and sales person prior to and after the sales transaction. Thus, the prospect for repeat sales may diminish.

From all indications, it appears that the advantages of Internet promotion far exceed the disadvantages. With adequate knowledge,
entrepreneurs can benefit significantly from Internet promotions, especially small business owners.

Which is the following statements is NOT the advantage of Internet promotion?

a. The prospect for repeat sales may diminish

b. It may quickly lose its promotion

c. We have to compete with other businesses selling similar products

d. It is difficult to evaluate the legitimacy of a transaction

e. It is vulnerable to theft using stolen credit cards

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Dasbor / Kursusku / XII - PAS GANJIL / Rabu, 08 Desember 2021 / Sastra Inggris

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Soal 50

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Ditandai dari 1,00

Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. No (2)…

a. Study
b. Violence

c. Teaching
d. Knowledge

e. Learning

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