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Materials Express

Copyright © 2020 by American Scientific Publishers
All rights reserved. doi:10.1166/mex.2020.1696
Printed in the United States of America

Low-cycle fatigue behavior of 7075-T6 aluminum

alloy at different strain amplitudes
Lei Fu1, 2 , Heng Duan3 , Hui Li2 , Li Lin4 , Qingyuan Wang1, ∗ , Ji Yao3 , and Yunrong Luo2
School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
College of Mechanical Engineering, Sichuan University of Science & Engineering, Zigong 643000, China
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650000, China
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Sichuan University of Science & Engineering, Zigong 643000, China

Low-cycle fatigue (LCF) life and failure mechanism of 7075-T6 high strength aluminum alloys were investigated

under MTS 809. The cycling stress response and the cyclic stress–strain relationships under different strain
amplitudes were investigated. Using Manson-Coffin
IP: law, the
On: Mon, 21 three parameter
Jun 2021 exponential function equation and
the damage function model of tensile hysteresis
Copyright: energyScientific
American (Ostergren equation), the regression analysis of LCF
test data was carried out, it was found that the by Ingenta
fatigue life prediction results of the three parameter exponential
function equation were better than the other two life prediction methods in terms of statistical analysis methods
of standard deviation and dispersion band. Analysis of microstructure and fatigue failure fracture revealed that
fatigue crack initiated at the interface of precipitations and -phase aluminium substrate in surface or near
surface of the sample.
Keywords: Low-Cycle Fatigue (LCF) Life, Failure Mechanism, Life Prediction.

1. INSTRUCTION LCF properties of 7075-T6 alloy and its failure mecha-

The 7075 aluminum alloy is widely used in fields of nism [7, 8]. According to statistics, most of the damages of
aerospace, weapons and transportation industries, etc., aircraft and automobile components are caused by fatigue
owing to its excellent corrosion resistance, high specific fracture. Therefore, in-depth study on the fatigue perfor-
strength and good machinability characteristics. This alloy mance of 7075 aluminum alloy is beneficial to the safety
have been widely applied in critical components subjected design of aircraft, automobile and other components. So
to mechanical fatigue loading conditions in industrial far there were still a lack of theoretical or experimental
applications [1]. During service, the applications experi- research on its LCF micro-fracture mechanism.
ence cyclic loading leading to premature failure of mate- Therefore, this paper would carry out detailed investiga-
rials. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the tions on the 7075 aluminum alloy LCF fatigue behaviors
fatigue behavior of 7075-T6. Most of the existing investi- including cyclic stress response, cyclic stress–strain rela-
gations are related to effect of surface strengthening treat- tionships and fatigue lifetime prediction model, etc., are
ment on LCF performance of aluminum alloy [2], very expected for a better understanding of its fatigue failure
high cycle fatigue [3], and ratcheting strain on LCF life mechanisms.
of the metallic material [1, 4]. Further, many researchers
proposed or modified some constructive modes to pre- 2. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
dict LCF life [5, 6]. Only few investigations revealed 2.1. Experimental Materials
The experimental material was 7075 aluminum alloy

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. produced by southwest aluminum corporation (China).

942 Mater. Express, Vol. 10, No. 6, 2020

Low-cycle fatigue behavior of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy at different strain amplitudes
Fu et al.
Materials Express
Table I. Nominal chemical constant of the test material (wt.% ).

Al Zn Mg Cu Mn Ti Cr Ni Fe Si

Balance 5.29 2.5 1.52 0.05 0.02 0.19 0.044 0.29 0.09

Table II. The mechanical properties.

Elasticmodulus/ Tensile strength/ Yield strength/

Gpa Mpa Mpa Elongation/%

71.3 550 476 12

Fig. 2. Micro-structure of the test material.

play a significant role in enhancing dislocation and matrix

strengthening, which is one of the main reasons for the
high strength of the alloy [9].

3.2. Characteristics of Cyclic Stress–Strain

Figure 4 shows the cyclic stress–strain curves of the test-
ing material in different strain amplitudes. Obviously, the
Fig. 1. Sample of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy (unit: mm). cyclic response curves can be divided into 3 stages. At the
initial stage, the cyclic stress amplitude increases with
The heat treatment state of the material was T6, which the increase in cyclic numbers, and the testing sample
represented the supply state of artificial aging after cooling shows obvious cyclic hardening characteristics. In the mid-
by high temperature forming process. The nominal chem- dle stage, the test material exhibits relatively good cyclic

ical constant and mechanical properties of the employed stability. At the last stage, occurrence of macro-cracks
7075-T6 alloy are listed in Tables IP:
I and On: Mon, leads
II, respectively. 21 Jun to 2021 09:56:19
the decrease in the stress amplitude and final frac-
Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
ture. The testing material shows basically the cyclic stabil-
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2.2. Experimental Processes ity during the total cyclic process, which is beneficial to
Low cycle fatigue tests of the employed aluminum alloy improve the dynamic bearing capacity and thus sustains a
were carried out according to the National Standard long life without premature damage or failure [10].
for fatigue testing (GB/T15248-2008), and the hourglass
shaped samples are fabricated from the sheet material, the 3.3. Hysteresis Curves of Typical Stress and Strain
detailed dimensions are shown in Figure 1. The stress ratio Figure 5 shows the hysteretic loops at the first and last
was R = −1, the cyclic waveform was a triangular wave, cycles under two different strain amplitudes of the testing
the loading frequency was 1 Hz, the strain amplitude was
0.7%∼0.9%, and the material failure criterion was 5%
peak load drop. ♣ ♣ Al
♦ MgZn2


3.1. Metallographic Structure and XRD Analysis
Figure 2 shows the microstructure of 7075-T6 observed

under the metallographic microscope. The microstructure

of the alloy is uniformly distributed, in which intensive
fine precipitates dispersed. The Energy Dispersive Spec-
trometer (EDS) analysis determines that these precipitates ♣
are Al7 Cu2 Fe intermetallic and Mg-rich precipitates. The
X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of the tested alloy shown
♣ ♣ ♣
in Figure 3 confirms that the alloy is mainly consisted  
of overwhelming -Al phase and few second phase 
(MgZn2 ) at the equilibrium state, without diffraction peak
from Al7 Cu2 Fe phase. This might be a result that the 30 40 50 60 70 80
Al7 Cu2 Fe precipitated particles are too small to show sig- 2θ/(deg.)
nificant characteristic peaks on XRD. It is meaningful to
illustrate that the formation of these fine precipitates can Fig. 3. X-ray diffraction pattern of the test alloy.

Mater. Express, Vol. 10, 2020 943

Materials Express Low-cycle fatigue behavior of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy at different strain amplitudes
Fu et al.

Table III. The fatigue test results.

500 Amplitude of Amplitude of Amplitude of Fatigue life

total strain (t ) elastic strain (e ) plastic strain (p ) (2Nf )/cycle
Stress amplitude/MPa

0.007 0.005843 0.001157 2822

0.0075 0.006162 0.001338 1730
450 0.008 0.006446 0.001554 1482
0.0085 0.006666 0.001834 1138
0.009 0.006783 0.002217 640
400 Strain amplitude 0.8%
0.9% the elastic strain range (e ) plus the plastic strain range
(p ) [12, 13].
350 f
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 t /2 = e /2 + p /2 = 2Nf b + f 2Nf c (1)
Cylces/N E
Where f , E, b, f , c, Nf are the fatigue strength coef-
Fig. 4. Cycle stress response characteristic curves of test material.
ficient, the Young’s modulus (MPa), the fatigue strength
exponent, the fatigue ductility coefficient, the fatigue duc-
material, respectively. It can be seen that the hystere- tility exponent and the fatigue life (cycle), respectively.
sis curve in the first cycle is almost “a solid line” and The results of LCF experiment are shown in Table III,
there is little plastic strain. With continuous cyclic load- the test data were fitted with Eq. (1), the strain fatigue
ing, the hysteresis loop is gradually plump, indicating that parameters are listed in Table IV. Then, the relation-
the plastic strain amplitude becomes larger and larger. ship between cyclic strain and life can be obtained by
Eq. (2), the life prediction results obtained by Manson-

Under the action of two strain amplitudes, the narrow

hysteresis loops show the characteristic of cyclic strain Coffin model is given in Figure 6.
IP: On: Mon, 21 Jun 2021 09:56:19
hardening [11]. In Figure 5(a), theCopyright:
narrow hysteresis
= 0.01362Nf −0.105 + 0.0442Nf −0.461
American Scientific Publishers (2)
loop is smaller than that in Figure 5(b), suggesting that by Ingenta t
the plastic deformation at the strain amplitude of 0.9%
3.4.2. Three Parameter Exponential Function Model
is significantly larger than that at the strain amplitude
of 0.7%. Fu [14] studied the LCF fatigue results of materials, and
obtained a three parameter exponential function equation
3.4. Life Prediction Model Investigations to represent the –N curves for most materials, as shown
by Eq. (3):
3.4.1. Manson-Coffin Model
Nf t − 0 m = c (3)
For the strain-controlled LCF experiment, fatigue life
estimations are commonly performed using the Manson- Where Nf is the cycles to failure (cycle), t is the total
Coffin formula. According to the Basquin formula and strain range (%), 0 , m and c are undetermined constants.
the Manson-Coffin formula, the strain-life has the follow- In accordance with LCF life test data, the fatigue
ing relationship. The total strain range (t ) is equal to strain-life (–N ) curve can be characterized by the three

600 600
(a) (b)
Stress amplitude/(MPa)
Stress amplitude(MPa)

400 400
Cycle 1
200 200
Cycle 1
0 0

-200 Cycle 1255 -200 Cycle 398

-400 -400

-600 -600
-0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 -0.9 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9
Strain amplitude(mm/mm) Strain amplitude(mm/mm)

Fig. 5. Hysteresis loops of the tested material. (a) Strain amplitude of 0.7%, (b) strain amplitude of 0.9%.

944 Mater. Express, Vol. 10, 2020

Low-cycle fatigue behavior of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy at different strain amplitudes
Fu et al.
Materials Express
Table IV. Strain fatigue parameters of the test material. 2200
f /GPa b  /%
f c
3.14 −0.105 0.0136 −0.461

Predicted Nf/cycle

parameter exponential function equation, as shown by

Eq. (4), the life prediction results obtained by three-
parameter power function equation are shown in Figure 7.

Nf = 3.4 × 10−9 × t −5.4 (4)

3.4.3. Ostergren Model 200
240 650 1200 1750
The damage function life model of the tensile hystere-
sis energy was proposed by Ostergren [15]. This method Experimental Nf/cycle
considers that the damage of LCF with strain control is Fig. 7. Life prediction results obtained by three-parameter power
decided by the testing samples stored strain energy under function equation.
action of alternating stress. The energy Wt is character-
ized by the damage function approximation as the prod-
3.5. Assessment of Life Prediction Ability
uct of the inelastic strain range in and the peak tensile
stress t . The ability of a life prediction model to correlate test data
is commonly used in engineering to assess the predictive
Wt Nfa = c (5) power of the predictive model. The correlation of the test
data can be expressed in terms of the dispersion band
Wt = in t (6)

and the standard deviation, The dispersion band represents
the degree of deviation between the predictable lifetime
Where c and a are constants, W IP: stands
for On: Mon, and
maximum 21 Jun 2021 09:56:19
the experimental lifetime, while the standard deviation
cyclic tensile stress, and in is plastic strain. American Scientific Publishers
Delivered by Ingenta the extent to which the data set is near the mean.
The tensile hysteresis energy damage function equation The smaller the standard deviation is, the higher the accu-
is obtained as Eq. (7): racy of the fatigue life prediction model is. The standard
deviation expression is usually defined as:
Wt = 36866Nf −1.632 (7)  1/2
1  n
S= lg Npre − lg Nob 2 (8)
The life prediction results obtained by the tensile hys- n − 1 i=1
teresis energy damage function equation are shown in
Figure 8. Where Npre is predictable lifetime and Nob is experimen-
tal lifetime.

1700 1800
1300 1400
Predicted Nf/cycle

Predicted Nf/cycle



200 280 750 1300 1850
250 700 1300 1900
Experimental Nf/cycle
Experimental Nf/cycle
Fig. 8. Life prediction results predicted by tensile hysteresis energy
Fig. 6. Life prediction results obtained by Manson-Coffin equation. damage function equation.

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Materials Express Low-cycle fatigue behavior of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy at different strain amplitudes
Fu et al.

Table V. substrate (Fig. 9(a)). It is also known that the -phase

Evaluation of life prediction using different prediction models.
aluminum substrate of 7075 high strength aluminum alloy
Prediction Dispersion Standard
model band deviation has face-centered cubic crystal structure (FCC) and a high
stacking fault energy, an amount of enabled slip systems
Manson-coffin formula 1.25 0.0565 are more and the critical shear stress is relatively small.
Three-parameter exponential function 1.17 0.0557
Ostergren equation 1.36 0.1255
During the alternating loads, even under low plastic defor-
mation, the dislocation is prone to move and occurs to
crossslip. On the one hand, the dislocations in the alloy
slid under the action of different internal stress, and dislo-
Regardless of the dispersion band or standard devia- cations moved to between the interface of the precipitates
tion comparison, as shown in Table V, the LCF life of the and the substrate to produce stress concentration. And on
experimental material anticipated by the three-parameter the other hand, the interface between the second phase
power function model has higher precision than those particles and the substrate is easy to cause debonding,
acquired by virtue of the Ostergren equation and the voids and the localized stress concentration under alternat-
Manson-Coffin equation. ing stress. In both cases, crack initiation is easily induced.
The crack growth zone is shown in Figures 9(b) and (c),
3.6. SEM Fracture Analysis of Aluminum Alloy the fracture morphology shows furrow pattern under high
The fatigue fracture of testing sample with the strain strain amplitude, and the fatigue striations were not
amplitude of 0.9% is selected for the scanning electron observed (Fig. 9(c)). At the same time, the crack prop-
microscopy (SEM) observation (Fig. 9). Form Figure 9(a), agation region presents characteristics of tearing ridges
the fatigue fracture included three parts: a fatigue crack accompanied by secondary cracks (Fig. 9(b)). As shown in
nucleation site (region A), a fatigue crack propagation Figure 9(d), the instantaneous fracture area presents fea-
extent (region B) and a ultimate fracture zone (region C). tures of tearing edges and dimples, so the fracture mor-
Figures 9(b)–(d) show the higher-magnification images phology belongs to quasi-cleavage fracture. In addition, a

of the three regions, respectively. At high strain ampli- large number of white precipitations strengthening phases
tude stress amplitude, the fatigue fracture was character- exfoliated from the matrix are left, dimples are caused by
IP: On: Mon, 21 Jun 2021 09:56:19
ized by multiple crack sources, the fatigue crack initiated the debonding
Copyright: American Scientific of the second phase precipitated particles
at the interface of precipitations and -phase aluminium
Delivered byand matrix.

(a) (b)

A region C region
B region

secondary cracks
A region tearing ridges
3mm 20μm

(c) (d)
secondary phase particles

furrow pattern
direction of crack growth

10μm 5μm

Fig. 9. The microscopic fracture topography of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy samples (t = 0.9%, Nf = 452). (a) Overall fracture, (b) crack propagation
zone, (c) local enlargement of the crack propagation region, (d) crack instability propagation in transient fault zone.

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Low-cycle fatigue behavior of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy at different strain amplitudes
Fu et al.
Materials Express
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Received: 12 November 2019. Accepted: 4 January 2020.

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