The Sibenik Times, September 6th

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Sibenik Times

THE ISSUE 14 • September 6th, 2008.


ACI marina

Porthole to the past around the county

Old City Vodice &
Mr. Ante Simic Photo gallery
and Mrs. Anita Last week
Franin in pictures
Issue 14
The Sibenik Times 06. 09. 2008.


A total of 653,555 tourists visited county of Lika-Senj, with more than ce lakes national park is one of the
Croatian national parks in the first 286,000 visitors. Some 85 per cent greatest natural wonders in Europe
six months of 2008. According to the of these were foreigners. The next and is listed in UNESCO’s Register
Central Bureau of Statistics, 484,907 most popular national park was Krk of World Natural Heritage. Plitvice
were foreign tourists and 168,648 with 198,000 sightseers, followed lakes are a group of 16 small lakes
domestic. The most visited park was by Brijuni, Paklenica, Mljet, Korna- interconnected with a myriad of
Plitvicka jezera (Plitvica lakes) in the ti, Risnjak and North Velebit. Plitvi- waterfalls.


elcome to our beautiful city and the fourteenth edition of “The Sibenik
Times”. When I started thinking about the smaller things that have in
changed in life since I moved to Croatia I realised that there were too
many to squeeze into one column so this is a continuation of “the little things
in life” from last week. These little things that surrounded everyone everyday
make life interesting. Most of them are we take for granted and we somehow
subconsciously push them out of our minds. Its not until we are met with a
situation were these things are changed do we really notice them. The majority NUDIST FRIENDLY FIGS FEST
of tourists only scratch the surface into life here on their holiday, only after being As a part of ‘Days of Jezera’, first time appearance had ‘Figs
here for some time do you can into contact with the millions of differences. An
fest’. Of course, everything was in theme so one could
average day is filled with differences. Not having to drive a least an hour to get
to work is a pleasant change. And while I’m on driving I must mention zebra
Croatia is emerging as a top destination for ‘naked’ tou- see fig bread, cakes, pies, rolls and even fig cocktail. ‘Tale
crossings. The zebra crossing in England is a blessed area that is the possession rism with the countries nudist beaches attracting inter- of figs’ was told by folk people and proper competitions
of the pedestrians at all times. I almost failed my driving test because I didn’t national attention. Tourists looking to strip off on holiday were held where one had to eat the whole plate of figs,
slow down when approaching a zebra crossing with a pedestrian. The fact that should head to Valalta in Istria which has one of the best following by small drink of rakia. It is said that this fest will
the pedestrian was leaning against a wall reading a newspaper didn’t matter, as nudist beaches in Europe, according to an online pollster. probably be held next year as well.
my driving instructor said “He could have stopped reading and crossed the road”, Travellers are cautioned that if they do decide to visit such
whereas zebra crossings here are like Russian roulette. I often see tourists striding a beach they will be obliged to remove their clothing, or
confidently across them without paying much attention to the traffic along to risk being thrown out. Nadine Hallak, travel expert for the
be met with a screech of brakes or a scooter swerving to avoid them. You can website, adds suncream is essential for skinny-dippers
tell the tourists who have been here for a few days because they wait cautiously to avoid any unfortunate burning. She adds: “If you’ve
before slowly extending a leg out as if testing the sea to see if it’s cold. Drinking
already burnt any areas where the sun doesn’t normally
coffee in the morning instead of the ritual and obligatory cup of tea, I noticed this
change in my drinking habit the most when I go back to England and my mother
shine, some effective natural remedies includes milk
comments that she has to buy extra coffee when I turn up. In fact when I think compresses, refrigerated Aloe Vera gel and bathing in la-
about the whole ceremony of drinking coffee outside in a café on a work day is vender oil. “Failing that, you could always reach for some
new. I can honestly say that I never sat for a coffee outside with my colleagues anti-inflammatory tablets.” Meanwhile, Homes Worldwide
in London; it was always a situation of buying a take away coffee and drinking it recently claimed the Istrian peninsula is “one of Croatia’s
either in the car or at my desk while I worked. And not to forget there is the joy most bewitching areas”, enjoying the high points of the
of being able to smoke whilst enjoying your coffee and not being made to stand Italian region of Tuscany without the same level of ex-
outside like a leper with some mega contagious disease, although I’m not sure pense. According to the publication, the north Adriatic
how long that pleasure will last. Not only have my drinking habits changed but coastline is a major attraction for those wishing to travel
also have my eating habits. Instead of having a light lunch, normally sandwiches, to Croatia.
and a heavy evening meal which is the system I was used to. I as now accustomed
to, if I have the time, a full lunch and easy meal in the evening. When we revert


back to our old English system my mother in law always mutters a complaint with
a comment like “sandwiches aren’t real food, you’ve got to eat something hot.”
Talking about foods there are more differences, people not eating sweet and salty
foods together, adding more salt than I’m used to, not eating a cooked breakfast
and eating bread with meals. The whole concept of having time was new, like Club goers and revellers looking for another desti-
not having to make an appointment in your diary to meet a friend, although that nation to add to their dance music summer excursi-
probably doesn’t fall into the “little difference” category. Another difference that ons could be interested to know one British DJ be-
took me some time to notice is the lack of a class system. This is something very lieves Croatia could become ‘the new Ibiza’. Leeds
specific about life in England, like it or not people are divided into classes, lower record spinner Tom Thorpe is bidding to launch the
classes, working classes, upper classes and the “blue blooded” higher classes.
country as a new and exciting version of the popular
Although money is one of the forces that divide these classes it certainly isn’t
Balearic island, according to Armley Today. He also
the main factor, it’s more of a cultural, educational and traditional divide. Then
there’s the whole safety difference. My apartment in London had so many locks told the newspaper the small Croatian village of Pe-
and security systems it looked like a bank. Just leaving the house to go to the shops trcane is throwing a dance event - the Like Minded
took ten minutes due to the amount of keys to find and locks to secure. Even with Festival - alongside the country’s larger Garden Fe-
these measures I still had three cars stolen in four years of living in that apartment. stival. Clubbers interested in the sound of the plan
Statistics say that a car is stolen every seven minutes in London, so my three in four will be pleased to hear aviation company
years doesn’t look so bad. Now I go to the shops and don’t even shut the front door has announced a series of flights to Croatia for next
let alone lock it. Feeling safe to walk around at three o’clock in the morning and summer. The new route could see an influx of Bri-
not looking over your shoulder at mysterious shadows in the dark, in fact when I tish partygoers heading to the country in search of
speak to foreign people who live here permanently this always comes up as one something fresh and exciting. “A country known for
of the positive aspects of living here. I could go on and on about these “little”
its culture, beauty and climate is fast becoming po-
differences, cats roaming the streets, different electrical plugs, fruit growing wild,
pular with the tourists and could soon be the new
sleeping in the afternoon, TV with subtitles, no shopping centres and name days
just to mention a few. In the end these differences are what make life interesting. music Mecca for clubbers,” according to
As W. Clement Stone once famously quoted “There is little difference in people, Flights are available to purchase from May 3rd next
but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. year. Clubs in Sibenik include Hacienda in Vodice
The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.” and Aurora in Primosten.
Issue 14
06. 09. 2008.
The Sibenik Times 3

FORBES IN CROATIAN an publishing company Europa Press

did you know?
American financial magazine ‘Forbes’ Herzegovina and Montenegro. The Holding. The editors, based in Zagreb,
has announced the launch of their planned circulation target is 24,000 will model the content on its Ameri-
Balkan edition in November. The Cro- copies initially, news website Index can counterpart, but will be free to • One of the oldest and still one of the most favourite
atian language edition will cover the has reported. The edition will be bro- manage material relevant to the Ea- food in the Sibenik region is salted pilchard in olive oil.
markets of Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and ught out in cooperation with Croati- stern European markets. • The Sibenik-Knin County has 806 kilometers of sea co-
ast, five rivers, and three big and 10 smaller lakes.

Hacienda closed
• More than 50 percent of total amount of berths that
belong to the marines on the Croatian part of the Adria-
Popular discotheque in Vodice, Hacienda, home to a tic Sea are located in the Sibenik-Knin County.
multiple celebrities and artists during summer, is closed for • Sibenik’s Town Library was founded on the 17th Febru-
this season. Until next year, of course. And to go in style, ary 1922 and during its first days it only had 1105 books,
weekend was truly to remember. First, one of ‘top guns’ in while it had only 26 inhabitants of Sibenik as its mem-
the business, DJ Chris Lake, performed on Friday, mostly bers.
known for his remixes of popular groups like Eurythmics • On Sibenik’s coast there are two biggest and most fa-
and Prodigy. His last remix of Rihanna’s ‘Umbrella’ is mous discotheques in Dalmatia - Aurora and Hacienda.
currently number one club hit in the world. Following • From October 1990, eight months before Croatia dec-
on Saturday is last Slice Me Nice and on Sunday, party is lared independence (June 25th, 1991) from Yugoslavia,
organized by Hacienda’s resident DJ, Sasha Gardijan. Knin became the main stronghold for the Serbs in the
Knin region.

Investors are set to continue being attracted to Croatia
due to Exchange Traded Funds (ETF), it is claimed. Accor-
ding Jakov Kozina, portfolio manager at financial services
group Fima, the country will gain more assets from ETFs
as its capital market becomes “more transparent”, reports He suggests this should help reverse the • Sibenik was mentioned for the first time under its pre-
trend of foreign buyers looking to other countries for sent name in 1066 in a Charter of the Croatian King Petar
newer, riskier markets in the hope of generating higher Krešimir IV.
yields. Mr Kozina adds that “initially such funds attract • The summer sea temperature reaches 26 ºc.
large hedge funds, pension funds and other professional • Zirje is the furthest inhabited island from Sibenik and is
risk-takers with longer investment horizons”. Meanwhile,
Egyptian property developer West Side Village has recom- DIAL 112 situated 20.4 kilometers south-west of the city.
• Murter is the largest island in the Sibenik County.

mended British property investors look to buy in countri- • Only divers who have finished a course in diving and
es outside the eurozone like Croatia. Stephen Smith, sales have the required certificates are allowed to dive in the
and marketing director at the organisation, explained the Adriatic.
pound will go further in these areas, leading to better va- Replacing an older system involving separate call centres • Croatia has 68 airports and airfields in use.
lue for money. He also suggested investors will be able and multiple numbers, Croatia now has a single number • Croatia won the Davis cup in 2005.
to maximise rents by purchasing “quality investment pro- to call when quick help is needed. In an emergency, a • Croatia is bigger than Belgium, Denmark, Holland and
perties in good locations”. phone call can mean life or death, and the last thing you Switzerland.
want is to have to fumble for the right number. In the past, • There are 1,185 Islands of the coast of Croatia, 66 of
Croats had to memorise three separate numbers -- 92 for them are inhabited
police, 93 for the fire brigade and 94 for medical personnel • Krka was proclaimed a national park in 1985 it is loca-
-- and it was easy to confuse them. But the situation has ted entirely within the territory of Šibenik - Knin County
changed. This year, authorities introduced 112 as a single and encompasses an area of 109 square kilometres.
number covering all emergency services and also esta- • George Bernard Shaw once visited the Kornati islands,
blished a centralised emergency call centre. By dialing and wrote the following “On the last day of the Creati-
112, members of the public can reach any type of rescue on God desired to crown his work, and thus created the
service -- ambulance crews, firefighters, alpine rescuers, Kornati Islands out of tears, stars and breath”
even veterinarians. Knowing what digits to dial is essen-
tial not only for residents, but for tourists too. Crowds of
visitors arrive each year, and there are always incidents. In
July, for instance, two young scuba divers -- a Czech and
a Slovenian -- fatally overestimated their diving capacity.
The same month, two men died of heart attacks at a Dal-
matian sea resort, and a surfer drowned days earlier. Hi-
kers intent on exploring the stunning Croatian landscape
sometimes get lost or venture into hazardous terrain.

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, in the first
six months of 2008 Croatia imported agricultural and
foodstuffs worth 1.3 billion US dollars. At the same time
We would love to hear from you.
exports of those same products amounted to just 629 mi- Please write or send an e-mail to
llion US dollars. Compared with the same period last year, us about your stay in Sibenik. Your
the value of imported agricultural and food products in- comments are valuable to us and
creased by 36 per cent in the first six months of 2008, whi- the most interesting letters will be
le exports increased by 17 per cent. In the first half of the published every week. Thanks.
2008, Croatia imported 27,000 tons of meat products to
the value of more than 80 million US dollars. Croatia also
imported 77 000 tons of vegetables and 38,000 tons of Mark Thomas
fruit and vegetables. The country’s major export destina- The Sibenik Times,
tions are Bosnia and Herzegovina, followed by Slovenia, B. Petranovića 3,
Italy and Serbia, while Croatia imported most of its food 22000, Šibenik.
from Italy, Germany, Brazil and Hungary.
Issue 14
The Sibenik Times 06. 09. 2008.
Issue 14
06. 09. 2008.
The Sibenik Times 5
Issue 14
The Sibenik Times 06. 09. 2008.


CENTRAL ter during the Venetian rule,
that same authority ordered the
on the facade and in the co-
urtyard (parts of the arcades,
Dalmatinac and the renaissance
builder Nikola Firentinac, star-
total Sibenik agglomeration.
The main city door stood on
CITY SQUARE city’s duke to begin building a portals, triforium with stone ted to develop. Wood exploitati- Poljana’s southwest side up to
Central city square for a long reservoir. That is how Sibenik sculpture) was lost. Next to the on in the construction industry 1864. On the left side of the en-
time, the central city square got its reservoir “The Four Wells” palace is the old preserved Se- had been limited by statutory trance there are the remains of
was called PLATHEI COMMU- which has been supplying citi- agate, which is an entrance to resolutions and more and more the city walls with the sculpture
NIS and later GOSPODSKI TRG zens with water for four and a the city from the shore. stone was being used. Beside of St Mihovil, the city’s patron
(Gentleman’s Square). On that half centuries. the grand cathedral rose other There is also a neorenaissance
square, in 1750, Sibenik got its
THE CORE OF churches, palaces, streets and theatre building opened for
first café. For centuries this squ-
are was the center of public and
town squares. In the XVI cen-
tury Sibenik received a defined
public form 1870. In this largest
part of the city centre there are
social medieval life, as well as PALACE Below the fortress, on a stony urbanism plan. From 1540 to several areas of various sizes
the battlefield during Venetian The Bishops Palace (1439-1441) rise in the area between today’s 1650 the building of the three that reflect a peculiar unity of
army attacks in 1378. Located leans up against the St. James double city walls in Dolac and fortresses - St Nikola, St Ivan ambient values and living areas
around the square are some of Cathedral on the sea side. The the cathedral, the first urban and Šubićevac strengthened ( Trg Ivana Pavla II, Dobric, Squa-
the most representative buil- Bishops Palace is a Gothic-Re- habitat emerged. It is the IX cen- Sibenik fortification system. re of the Croatian Republic etc.).
dings of Sibenik architecture: naissance structure from the tury Sibenik, mentioned in do- The Baroque (XVII and XVIII) The palaces of local noblemen0
the cathedral, City Hall, Mala second half of the 15th century. cuments of Croatian kings. The did not significantly influence stand out in Sibenik’s urban
Lođa, Dukes and Bishops Pala- After a number of interventions, city area defined by the city wall the city structure, though it did architecture. The central Town
ces as well as a complex of pa- the original look which can be perimeter in XIV century started leave traces in sacral and other Square, the square of the Cro-
trician stone palaces. Also inte- seen in elements to grow in population density buildings. Under the Austrian atian Republic , former Plahtea
resting in the old city core is the stored during the time of communal government in XIX ct a part of communis, has been the heart
“Trg četiri bunara” (Square of free development (1358- the city walls got torn down. of medieval Sibenik’s public
the Four Wells) which was 1409). In the XVI However the wholeness of the and social life. It’s planning and
built in 1451. Since the century con- old urban agglomeration has construction was finished in XVI
city lacked struction, led been preserved. It consists of ct. Some of the finest examples
in wa- by Juraj three parts: Grad, Dolac and Go- of Sibenik’s architecture can be
rica. The historical town centre seen around the square; the
can be accessed from all sides. cathedral, the City Hall, the Li-
The main entrance is the one ttle Loggia, Bishop’s and City
from Poljan and it repre- Prince’s palaces as well as the
sents the central stone palaces of influential citi-
area of the zens.

ANTUN VRANČIĆ hines”, which contained 49 of his projects, sketches
A writer, Latinist, historian, diplomat, royal ambas- and drawings, among which was the first published
sadors, cardinal and the most educated and learned parachute sketch, the Flying Man. His other major
man of his time. His public work and cultural crea- work is the Dictionary of five most noble European
tion, patriotism and humanism secured him a high languages, Latin, Italian, German, Dalmatian and
position in the cultural history of Croatian people and Hungarian. This Dictionary was the first printed
made him the most honorable member in Sibenik’s dictionary in Croatia and the first more extensive
hall of fame. (1504. - 1573.) one in Hungary. (1551. - 1617.)


Humanist, Latin and Croatian writer, polihistorian, Sculptor, fortificator, urbanist and architect of the
scientist, physicist, inventor, philologist, philosop- famous Sibenik cathedral. He is the founding father
her. He was one of the greatest minds in Croatia of Sibenik’s school of construction. He is our greatest
at the time and the greatest (along with his uncle constructor and sculptor of the XV ct. His artistry in
Antun Vrančić) scientist and writer in the history of shaping human figure made him one of the greatest
Šibenik. His most important work is the “New mac- renaissance masters in these parts.
Issue 14
06. 09. 2008.
The Sibenik Times 7

INTERVIEW: Mrs. Anita Franin Director of the Vodice Tourist Board

We are constantly trying to

improve our offer to tourists
he destination of tainly has big plans for town. What are the guest’s
Vodice has always the future and in the last How is the current reactions?
been one of the year has moved into new tourist season in Our biggest compliment
leading lights on offices in the heart of the Vodice? is when our guests give
the Adriatic. Most of the In general we are very sa- us positive feedback from
population of Vodice are tisfied with this year’s to- their time here. I would
oriented towards the urist season. I am con- have to say that 99% of
tourist industry in fident that in the the guests have given us
one way or anot- end it will prove good comments concer-
her including better than last ning the destination of
providing year, and that, Vodice as a whole. They
accommo- to be honest, seem to be pleased with
dation for is our goal. their accommodation, the
visitors in What is also service, the beaches and
the city’s particular- the town in general. This
hotels, ly pleasing is the highest compliment
motels, is that the we can get. VODICE FACT FILE
a n d vast majo- Are you satisfied with Distance from Sibenik – 11 kilometers
pensi- rity of our the Vodice tourist board Population – around 10,000
ons. Last guests are of new premises? Summer temperature - 26° to 30°C
week I foreign. At Yes, we now have a new First mention - In 1402 although it was founded already in the Roman times
caught the moment tourist office in a perfect
up with our statistics location right on the main until the end of October. city we must also take into
the di- show that we walking promenade. This Our season starts around consideration the town of
rector of have a 6% in- is our joint office and tou- Easter time and we are Vodice and the local po-
the Vodice crease on the rist information centre. planning to extend the pulation. Obviously we
tourist bo- number of touri- How long does the season into November. We there is a limit which we
ard, Mrs. Anita sts compared to tourist season last in will organize a few events have to be careful not to
Franin, and she last year. Vodice? in order to have some ac- cross. But extending the
informed me of the As you know most desti- tivities for guests at the season into November
current tourist sea- nations along the Adri- end of the normal season. could help to spread to-
son. The tourist atic coast have a During the summer mon- urists out over the whole
board cer- tourist se- ths Vodice as a destinati- year; there is also the po-
ason on is normally completely ssibility of attracting con-
full and somewhere near gress tourism to Vodice.
the capacity of the total Has congress tourism
accommodation. arrived in Vodice?
What’s the current Congress tourism is still
accommodation in development in Vodi-
capacity of Vodice? ce. To compete with other
We now have a ca- destinations we need to
pacity of around concentrate on impro-
14,000 beds, this ving our conference halls.
figure includes These halls do exist but
both hotel and the capacity is too low to
private acco- attract bigger, internatio-
mmodation. nal congresses. Although
When we with smaller up to medi-
think about um sized congresses we
expanding have already managed
the capa- to host over the last few
What, in your opinion,
is the biggest problem
in Vodice?
The size of the town li-
mits the level of our in-
frastructure a little. There
are plans for the future
to build a sports complex
and improve the road and
parking situation.
What are the plans for
the future?
We are constantly trying
to improve our offer to
tourists. The main purpo-
se of the tourist board is
to better inform the tou-
rists that arrive here. Our
new website, which I am
particularly proud of, has
helped to improve the si-
Issue 14
The Sibenik Times 06. 09. 2008.
Issue 14
06. 09. 2008.
The Sibenik Times 9

INTERVIEW: Mr. Ante Šimić Director of the KNIN Tourist Board

There are many plans

and ideas for the future
nin is a historical town with the season. The statistics compared to 2006. So if we can
in the Šibenik-Knin co- show that in the first six mont- finish with a better result this
unty of Croatia, located hs of this year we have achieved year I’ll be very happy.
near the source of the 15% more overnight stays than What is the total capacity of
river Krka, in the Dalmatian hin- in the same period from last Knin as a tourist destination?
terland, on the railroad Zagreb– year. Last year we had an extre- As things stand at the moment
Split. Knin rose to prominence mely good year, we finished with the city has around 140 beds
twice in history, as a one-time an 88% increase in the number and around the city with have
capital of both the medieval of over- nights another 50 beds in various types
Croatian state and briefly of the of accommodation. I am parti-
unrecognized and now defunct cularly pleased because the
Republic of Serbian Krajina. City of Knin has started
The city is of extreme looking into finding
importance for infra- investors for the
structural reasons, construction of
as the railroads another ho-
from Zadar, Split tel. This co-
and Šibenik pass uld mean,
through Knin, if everyt-
going north to hing goes
towards Za- to plan,
greb. I caught that Knin
up with the could do-
director of uble its
the Knin current
tourist capacity
board in the next
and he few years.
certa- Is your
inly has tourist
plenty of season
reasons different
to be satis- than that In Knin our season is very different. In May and June
fied. of a coastal
How pleased destination? we have a lot of tourists on team building excursions.
are you with In Knin our We have managed to attract some large companies
the tourist season is very from Zagreb who bring their staff here on these team
season in different. In May
Knin? and June we have building weekends. These weekends include everything
In general a lot of tourists from paintball, hiking, climbing and even rafting
terms I on team building
am very excursions. We have ring this period we get a lot of Over time the path has become
satis- managed to attract school excursions from all over overgrown and unusable. It’s
fied some large compani- Croatia. In July and August our a lovely walk and leads all the
es from Zagreb who bring guests change and we tend to way down to the Krk waterfalls.
their staff here on these team attract tourists who are staying We are currently in talks with
building weekends. These wee- on the coast. The fort above the the Croatian Water Board about
kends include everything from city is an interesting day trip for them clearing the path whilst
paintball, hiking, climbing and them and this year I am pleased we will install signs and guides.
even rafting. These groups are with the amount of visitors. And Then there is a cave near the
very satisfied with the gastro- not forgetting we also have gu- city which is interesting. This is
nomy and wine on offer, ests who come to Knin for the an extraordinary and attractive
as all the cuisine is fishing. Then in September and archaeological, speleological
local special- October we once again get the and natural phenomenon. Then
ties. Also team building guests. Lastly we there is a joint project that we
d u - receive guests mainly from Italy will enter into about connecting
but also from Sweden who tend the fort with the city as well as
to come for hunting. These gue- preparing some old parks in the
sts are great for the city as they city.
normally stay for a longer peri- How are you promoting Knin?
od of time. I can honestly say Firstly we have a web site which
that apart from February and at the very beginning I wanted
March the tourist season to look like a tourist site rather
last all year round. than a business site and we have
What are the plans for had some good feedback from
the future? that. We also plan to go to Za-
There are many plans and greb from the 16th to the 21st of
ideas for the future but January for an exhibition which
just to mention a few. I’m sure will also help with Knin’s
The first is to clear and promotion.
prepare a walking path How would you describe Knin
that once followed the in three words?
bank of the river Krk. Nature, history and hospitatlity.
Issue 14
The Sibenik Times 06. 09. 2008.


The tourist season in Brodarica-Krapanj is better and better year after year.

The closing concert of the first festival

of classical music “Musica Appasionata”
held in Sibenik theatre.

German painter, Jurgen Mitransky, is Preparations for the “Fair in

a lover of Dalmatian landscapes and the Medieval Sibenik”, this
after presenting his works in Split year it will take place on the
open an exhibition in Tribunj. 22nd and 23rd of September.

Krka national park is set for a record

breaking year, 360,000 guests visited
in the first seven months of this year.

Summer break is over! This week, on

September 1st, little ones are, to their
dissapointment, back in school. For some
of them it's the first time experience.
Issue 14
06. 09. 2008.
The Sibenik Times 11


The Cathedral of St. Jacob in Sibenik, Croatia is a cathedral church of the Catholic Visiani Robert (1800 - 1878) was born established the first botanical garden in
Church in Croatia, the see of Sibenik bishopric. The Cathedral has been on the in Sibenik on the street that now holds Europe at the University of Padova. His
UNESCO World Heritage List since 2000. The building of the church was initiated in his name. He was a well known natural most famous scientific work is the “Flora
1402, though plans on its construction had already begun in 1298, when Sibenik science and a botanical professor who Dalmatia”.
became a municipality. The actual work to transform the older church began in
1431. A multitude of Venetian and local craftsmen worked on it, in Gothic style. In
1441, the Grand City Council entrusted the work to the master Giorgio Orsini. He
enlarged the cathedral with a side nave and apses, prepared it for the dome and
added various sculptural decorations, including 71 small human heads on the ou- One of the most significant archeological and fortification system dating from the
ter sides and a baptistery, all in stone. Giorgio Orsini worked on the cathedral up to sites in Croatian is located 17 kilometers prehistoric era to the middle ages. The site
his death in 1475. Between 1475 and 1505 the work was overseen by Tuscan ma- from Sibenik, in the village of Danilo Gor- on Bitinje answered many questions re-
ster Niccolò di Giovanni Fiorentino. He continued the building in the Renaissance nje. A complex of Roman villas is located garding Neolithic’s in Dalmatia. The entire
style, completing the dome, the outer sculptures of St. Michael, St. James (Jacob) in the position of Šematorij, found on the Neolithic’s cultural circle was named the
and St. Mark, the roof and the upper façade. He also built the triforias and worked site of Gradina were remains of buildings Danilo Culture.
on the presbytery and sanctuary. After Fiorentino died in 1505, the construction
was finally completed in 1536 by two other craftsmen, Bartolmeo of Mestra and
his son Jacob, completely following Nicholas’ instructions. BETINA PRIMOSTEN
Thanks to its location and Primosten is a small town and harbour on a small
well- kept architecture, Betina peninsula between the coves of Raduca and Pri-
is considered to be one of the mosten, 30 km southeast of Sibenik. Economy is
most beautiful places in the based on farming, growing of vines and olives,
Adriatic. The central historical fishing and tourism. Primosten is protected from
part of Betina was built on the the northerly winds and has a very mild climate.
eastern slopes of Cape Artić, The coves of Vela and Mala Raduca, Primosten
located on the northern gate and Peles feature large beaches.
to the Murter passage. Over
time the settlement has spre-
ad to the Zdrače bay where
nowadays a marina and shi-
pyard “Betina”, as well as the
local beach, are situated. There
are nearly 100 small family shi-
pyards in Betina, where skilled
shipbuilders use hand tools to
build strong and lasting tradi-
tional wooden boats.

FACT FILES world class. The connection to the sea

The Sibenik – Knin County is full of in- is unbreakable. And finally its people
teresting sights and sounds. Its history are friendly, generous and warm. Every
and tradition are rich, complicated and week we’ll bring you a few short fact fi-
fascinating. Its nature and wildlife, inclu- les of different areas of life in the county
ding two national parks, are unique and so that you can better comprehend the
breathtaking. Its cuisine and wine are culture that surrounds you.


Raslina was mentioned Nautical Center Prgin from Šibenik has initiated a new
in 1463 under the name project, a nautical fair called Adriatic Boat Show which
of Prukljan after the bay will be held for the first time from 15th to 19th October
it lies in, 14 Km. from Si- this year. The project has been planned as a combination
benik. It was mentioned of a business fair and a public show with the emphasis
as Kastel Raslina in 1515, on the promotion of Croatian small boatbuilding and the
when it had strong walls promotion of used vessels. Exactly these two facts make
and towers. Old Kastel this fair unique and the first one of that kind in Croatia
Raslina was under the and wider region.
Turks until 1576 and was
completely destroyed.
The very old Chapel of
St. Michael is mentioned
in 1457, although it was
built much earlier. Not far
from Raslina the walls of
the submerged castle can
be seen in the water. The-
re are still many legends
about it, and it is popu-
larly known as Gavanovi
dvori. When the tide goes
down it is possible to walk
for more than a kilometer
along the stone wall of
the submerged castle and
reach the islet of Stipa-
nac. On it are the remains
of the small Church of St.
Stephen mentioned alre-
ady in 1322.
Issue 14
The Sibenik Times 06. 09. 2008.

Events in Sibenik county for AUG./sept. 2008.

The famed cannons on the Si- the wealth of their city’s cultural of Sibenik. Numerous local and
benik quay are firing once again, and historical heritage. The Fair visiting actors tell stories of the
their barrels smoking this time programmes offer a unique medieval Šibenik, harmony sin-
not in anger, defending the city presentation of life, work and ging groups and dancing trou-
from an enemy at sea, but as a gastro- nomic achievements in pes accompany the strollers dre-
part of the Fair in the Medieval the times when Šibenik was the ssed in tra- ditional costumes
Šibenik. It is an event that takes largest city in Croatia. Special and uniforms while jugglers,
21.-23.09. place through the streets and attention is therefore paid to fanfare, archers and knights lark
Primošten squares of the old town by way the features of the traditional around to recreate the atmosp-
AURORA CLUB SUMMER ‘08 of which the locals demonstrate culture and oldcraft production here of the fairs of those times.
05-07.09. 06.09 SATURDAY
from 7:00 to 13:00 jezera
Around church of Saint Frane
01.09 murter

20.09 AT 20:00 29.09.


Issue 14
06. 09. 2008.
The Sibenik Times 13


he Dalmatian Black Pine Pinus nigra long. The ovulate and pollen cones appear
(generally called Black Pine in Eu- from May to June. The mature seed cones You might be surprised by the fact that in diameter. Sponges obtain plankton
rope), is a variable species of pine, are 5–10 cm long, with rounded scales; sponges are not plants but animals that by filtering sea water and an average
occurring across southern Europe from they ripen from green to pale yellow-bu- belong to the first multi-cellular creatu- sponge can filter almost 2000 liters of
Spain to the Crimea, and also in Asia Mi- ff in September to November 18 months res on Earth. Even though there are over sea water per day. In the Adriatic, the-
nor, Cyprus, and locally in the Atlas Mo- after pollination. The winged seeds are 5000 different species of sponges, only re is an excellent rounded species of
untains of northwest Africa. It is found at wind-dispersed when the cones open some 15 of them can be commercially sponge, the so-called Dalmata Fina,
elevations ranging from sea level to 2,000 from December to April. Sexual maturity is used. Sponges can mostly be found in that can grow up to 40 cm in diameter.
m, most commonly from 250–1,600 m. reached at 15–40 years; large seed crops warm waters and can regenerate if pro- It has considerable market value due to
These trees are relatively common in Croa- are produced at 2–5 year intervals. It is perly cut off, meaning that where one its fine structure. Besides Dalmata Fina,
tia especially in the Sibenik – Knin County. moderately fast growing (30–70 cm/year) sponge used to be another one will there is also one more type of sponge
It is a large tree, growing to 20–55 m tall at and usually has a rounded conic form, take its place. Sponges live off of plan- in the Adriatic, Elephant’s Ear Sponge,
maturity. The bark is grey to yellow-brown, becoming irregular with age; it is fairly kton in warm, calm and clear waters, known for its unusual form and tre-
and is widely split by flaking fissures into long lived, with some trees probably over on rough and rocky seabed up to the mendous tenacity. Even though it can
scaly plates, becoming increasingly fissu- 500 years old. It is intolerant of shade and depth of 200 m. It takes 2 to 4 years for grow up to 1 m in diameter, it is not as
red with age. The leaves (“needles”) are in needs full sun to grow well, but is resistant sponges to grow approximately 15 cm valued as Dalmata Fina.
fascicles of two, dark green, and 8–20 cm to snow and ice damage.

The bottlenose can measure between inhabit almost all oceans and seas thro-
1.9m to 4m when adult and weighs ughout the world. However there is no
anything from 100kg to 500kg. In Cro- current worldwide estimation of popu-
atia, the population is of the coastal lation, although in the Mediterranean
eco-type, with a maximum adult size of current numbers are estimated to be
around 3m. Bottlenose dolphins can re- fewer than 10,000 individuals. Polluti-
main submerged for 4 - 5 minutes fora- on, over fishing and habitat destructi-
ging for fish. The longest time recorded on is not only reducing the numbers of
in Croatia is 6 minutes and 55 seconds. these dolphins but restricting the avai-
Bottlenose dolphins feed on fish, small lable habitats for them to live.
squid and crustacea, and are often fo-
und in direct competition with fisher-
men. They are famous for their curiosity
and this makes them prone to entan-
glement, particularly in gillnets. This is
a major form of premature death in this
species of dolphin. Bottlenose dolphins

Your Mediterranean choice



Wellness Spa Center Solaris is one of the
biggest wellness centers in Dalmatia located
on 2500 m2. It includes a complex of heated
indoor pools with sea and fresh water, along
with whirpool and jacuzzy; gym, World of
Saunas (Finnish sauna, Mediterranean grotto,
Tepidarium and Relaxarium), body massage,
Settled in the heart of Dalmatia, near the se- thallaso and aroma treatments, wellness
shop and bar. In the heart of our wellness
ashore of Šibenik, surrounded by four national spa center is a wellness bar with its breath-
parks, imbued with hospitality and special taking Mediterranean garden, where you can
enjoy yourself, while drinking freshly mixed
Mediterranean charm, Solaris Hotels Resort is fruit cocktails and frappes or simply choose
your destination for a perfect holiday. Solaris something from our healthy food menu. We-
Hotels Resort is a renowned hotel company with llness Spa Center is located next to indoor pools
within SOLARIS Hotel Ivan. The whole complex
a 40 year-old tradition which can provide an offers a beautiful view of the sea.
excellent holiday in Dalmatia, offering numerous SPECIAL OFFER OF THE MONTH > Special discount to World of Saunas
facilities and capacities in 5 hotels, villas Kornati Finnish sauna > It represents a traditional form of perspiration that has been
practiced for centuries now. It beneficially affects the heart and the blood
and Solaris Camping Resort. circulation. High temperature and exchange of warm and cold conditions
stimulates circulation. it has positive effects on metabolism, and stimulates
INFO accelerated excretion of toxic substances from the body. Mediterranean grotto
Solaris Hotels Resort > In the ambience of a cave with special lighting effects, this bath is perfect for
Solaris d.d., Hotelsko naselje bb relaxation and regeneration of the body due to inhalation of aromatised air that
Šibenik, Croatia improves the functioning of respiratory organs as well as the mood and health in
Reservations and informations general . Tepidarium > It is built in the same way as the Finnish sauna, only the
Tel: +385 22 361 001 temperature is considerably lower with medium air humidity, where aromatized
Fax:+385 22 361 800 humidity reaches sauna through special drains, resulting in positive effects to your health, especially respiratory organs.
Issue 14
The Sibenik Times 06. 09. 2008.
20.30, 20.45, 21.15 (except Saturdays), 22.00 and 23.30; Sibenik–Pirovac–Bio-
grad–Zadar at 5.45, 6.30, 7.00, 7.45 (including Sundays), 8.00, 8.45, 9.15 (except KNIN
Saturdays), 9.45, 10.05, 11.00, 11.45, 12.00, 12.15, 13.00, 13.10, 13.45, 14.10, 14.37
(except Saturdays), 16.00, 16.15, 16.45, 17.45, 19.00, 20.40, 21.15, 21.40, 22.00 and Tourist Board, tel. 664-822; Heal-
23.00; Sibenik–Rijeka at 6.30, 8.45, 9.15 (except Sundays), 9.45, 11.00, 13.00, 14.37, th centre, tel. 660-552; General
16.45, 22.00 and 23.00; Sibenik–Makarska–Ploce–Dubrovnik at 00.00, 2.30, Hospital, tel. 663-732; Bus Stati-
4.35, 8.00, 11.00, 12.00, 14.20 and 15.10; Sibenik–Zagreb at 00.40, 1.30, 7.00, 7.45 on, tel. 661-005; Pharmacy, tel.
(including Tuesdays and Fridays), 8.00, 9.15, 9.40, 10.05, 12.00, 13.45, 14.50, 15.30, 660-080; Red Cross, tel. 662-019;
16.00, 17.30, 18.00 and 23.00; Library, tel. 660-010;

Local line - working days

Sibenik-Drnis-Oklaj-Knin at 6.15, 9.30 and 15.15; Sibenik-Drnis-Kosovo-Knin MURTER
at 8.30; 10.30; 11.30; 14.00; 20.00; Sibenik-Tisno-Jezera at 10.00(Jezera bus);
Sibenik-Betina-Murter at 10.30 (Murter trade); Sibenik-Vodice-Kapela-Jeze- Tourist Board tel. 434-995; Phar-
ra-Murter at 5.45, 11.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovlje at macy tel. 434-129; Doctor’s clinic
6.30, 7.05, 8.40, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15, 12.45, 14.00, 14.30, 19.10, 20.00; Sibenik-Srima- tel. 435-262; Dentist tel. 436-026;
Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 9.00; 15.20 18.00; 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice National Park Kornati tel. 435-
at 8.00, 9.20, 13.30; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Pirovac-Kasic at 11.40, 14.00, 20.00; 740; City Council tel. 435-599;
Sibenik-Brodarica at 6.10, 7.00, 7.45, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 13.05, 14.00, 15.05, Jadranska bank tel. 443-137; Port
16.05, 17.30, 19.10, 20.00, 21.10; Sibenik-Grebastica-Brnjaca-Drage-Bratski Authority tel. 435-190,
Dolac-Sapin Dolac at 12.25 (to Brnjace), 15.10; Sibenik-Primosten-Rogoznica
at 9.45; Sibenik-Primosten-Rogoznica-Razanj at 11.00, 11.45, 14.00, 20.00;
• Health Sibenik-Primosten (BIS) at 12.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin at PIROVAC
PHARMACY BALDEKIN, Stjepana Radica 56a, tel. 332-068; PHARMACY CENTRALA, 10.30 (Antonio tours), 11.15, 12.45, 14.00, 15.20, 15.30; Sibenik-Solaris-Zablace at
Stjepana Radica bb, tel. 213-539; PHARMACY VAROS, Kralja Zvonimira 32, tel. 7.00, 9.00, 11.40, 13.15, 14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 19.15, 20.15., 17.40, 19.10, 20.15. Tourist Board tel. 466-770; Phar-
212-539; PHARMACY PLENCA, Karla Vipauca 21, tel. 214 -118, Osme dalmatinske macy tel. 467-099, from 8-14,30,
udarne brigade 3, tel. 331-022; DONATION PHARMACY, Brace Polica bb, tel. 333- Local line - Saturdays Saturdays from 8 do 12. Doctor’s
437, VITA- SPECIALISED TRADE FOR MEDICINES AND MEDICIAL PRODUCTS, Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 5.45, 9.00, 11.30, 14.00, 18.00; Clinic. 467-080; Post Office tel.
Biskupa Fosca 11, tel. 215-850 and Biskupa Milete 5a, tel. 310-525; PHARMACY Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 7.05, 8.40, 10.15, 20.00 21.00; 467-000; Jadranska bank tel. 466-
BARANOVIC-PETKOVIC, Stjepana Radica 1, tel. 212-061; PHARMACY RADIN, 622; Fire Brigade tel. 467-090.
Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20; Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30,
Kralja Zvonimira 121, tel. 338-716; PHARMACY COBANOV, Trg Ivana Pavla II, tel-fax: 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-Lepenica-Vrsno at 12.00,
331-255; HERBAL PHARMACY GOSPINA TRAVA, Stjepana Radica 27, tel. 219-245; 15.10, 20.15; Sibenik-Primosten-Rogoznica-Razanj-S. Dolac at 11.45; Sibenik-
HERBAL PHARMACY NATURA, Stjepana Radica 12, tel. 336-116. Solaris-Zablace at 7.00, 9.00, 11.40, 14.15, 15.05, 17.40, 20.15. PRIMOŠTEN
Local line - Sundays
• Banks Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 9.00, 14.00, 18.00; Sibenik- Tourist Office, Trg biskupa J. Arne-
JADRANSKA BANKA: tel. 242-242; CROATIA BANKA: Trg Pavla Subica And br. 1, Zaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibenik-Solaris-Zablace rića 2 tel. 571-111; Port Authority,
tel. 212-033; HRVATSKA POSTANSKA BANKA: A. Starcevica bb, tel. 337-345; OTP tel. 570-266; Library “dr. Ante
at 9.00, 11.40, 14.15, 17.40, 20.15.
BANKA: Ante Supuka 22, tel. 062/201-444; PRIVREDNA BANKA ZAGREB: Vladimira
Starčević” tel. 570-259; Doctor’s
Clinic tel. 570-033; Pharmacy tel.
Nazora 1, tel. 322-150; RAIFFEISEN BANK AUSTRIA: Trg Drazena Petrovica bb, tel. • Boats 570-305.
348-800; HVB - SPLITSKA BANKA: Poljana 2, tel. 022/214-663; ZAGREBACKA SIBENIK – ZLARIN (ferry): Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11.00 hours, return at 14.55
BANKA: Biskupa Milete 2a, tel. 022/201-370; ERSTE BANKA d.d.: Poljana 5, tel. hours. SIBENIK – KAPRIJE – ZIRJE: (ferry) Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
062/374-540; HYPO-GROUP ALPE ADRIA: Stjepana Radica 77a, tel. 311-940; Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 11.00 and 16.00 hours, return at 13.30 and 19.30
VOLKSBANK: Trg Drazena Petrovica bb, tel. 668-100; KRIZEVACKA BANKA: Biskupa hours. Sundays and holidays at 11.00 and 19.00, return at 17.00 and 21.00 hours.
J. Milete 6, tel. 215-396. SIBENIK – KAPRIJE - ZIRJE (hydro-speedboat Mislav): Mondays till Saturdays
Borough Rogoznica - tel/fax
at 8.00 and 20.00 hours, return at 5.30 and 9.15 hours. Sundays and holidays at 8.00 022 559- 049;Por t Authori-
• Buses and 20.10 hours. Return at 5.30 and 12.00 hours. ty Rogoznica - 022 559-045;
Buses departing from Sibenik SIBENIK – ZLARIN – PRVIC – SEPURINE - VODICE (line): Mondays, Tuesdays, Tourist Board - 022 559-253;
Sibenik–Trogir–Split at 00.00, 00.15, 2.30, 3.45, 4.35, 5.15, 6.45, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 6.00, 9.30, 13.30, 15.30 and 19.30 Doctor’s Surgery - 022 550-
10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 12.00, 12.30 (except Sundays), 13.00, 14.00, 14.20, 15.10, 15.30, hours. Return at 4.45, 12.00, 18.00 hours. Sundays and holidays at 9.30 and 20.45 032; Dentist - 022 558-392;
15.40, 16.00, 16.30, 17.00 (except Saturdays), 18.00 18.15, 18.55, 19.00, 19.30, hours. Return at 7.15 and 18.30 hours. Boat schedule valid until June 19th. Pharmacy Rogoznica - 022 558-330; Fire brigade - 022 559-294; Marina Frapa
- tel: 559 900;
PUBLISHER Important phone numbers Taxi - 091/666-0000; Post Office - tel: 559 080

Powered by Šibenski list The telephone code for Croatia is 00385 and
Božidara Petranovića 3, 22000 Šibenik, Tel: 022/311-300, fax: for Sibenik and the Sibenik county dial 022
Tourist Board tel. 771-306. Phar-
Director: Srđan Bužančić Police 92 and 347-111
macy - clinic of general medici-
Fire brigade 93 and 212-222 ne works Mondays, Wednesdays
Editor-in-chief: Zdravko Pilić HAK roadside assistance 987 and Fridays from 7,30 do 13,30, and
Information 988 Tuesdays and Thursday from 13.30
Assistant editor: Mark Thomas
Bus Station 060 368-368 to 19.30. tel. 771-099, 771-049;
Reporters: Nevena Banić, Joško Čelar, Jadran Kale, Mil- Tow away parking service 098/975 4196
ko Kronja, Nikola Urukalo Jadrolinija – ferries 218-663
Photography: Vilson Polić, Nikolina Vuković, CROPIX
Croatian Railways 9830, 333-696 TISNO / JEZERA
General Hospital 246-246
Graphic editing: Luka Čanković, Orsat Lasić, Nino Milin County council 244-200 Tourist Board, Put Zaratića 3,
City council 332-021 Jezera, tel. 022/439 – 120. Tourist
Marketing: Nikolina Čvorak; Board Tel. 438-604. Pharmacy
Port authority 217-217
091/302-0122 , Elida Slavica tel. 438 - 427; Doctor’s Clinic tel.
Meteorological station 338-585 438-427, Jadranska banka tel.
Printer: Slobodna Dalmacija Sibenik University 311-060 438-486; Post Office tel. 439-
State archive 330-370 210; Port Authority tel. 439-313;
In association with Tourist Board Šibenik: City sanitation 332-325 Firebrigade tel. 438-751;
Goran Bulat, director
Tourist info centre 214-411


Tourist Board City of Vodice, Ive
Čače 1a, tel. 443-888; City Council
tel 444-900; Police tel. 443-150;

BUS STATION SIBENIK - INFORMATION 368 Firebrigade tel. 441-324.

Issue 14
06. 09. 2008.
The Sibenik Times 15

ENGLISH CROATIAN Recipe of the week

Presented by Restaurant Jadran
Do you speak English? Govoriš engleski? Address: Brodarica, Obala Maratuša 4; Telephone: 022 350 220
Open from: 10-23 h;
You’re welcome Nema na čemu
Where are you from? Od kuda si?
Where are we going? Gdje idemo?
Happy birthday Sretan rođendan
I’m hungry (masculine) Gladan sam
I’m hungry (feminine) Gladna sam
What’s your name? Kako se zoveš?

Word from the streets

Artem and Marina BAKED SARDINES
Moscow, Russia
This is our second time in Croatia. Last year we’ve
been to Istria and this year we’ve decided to go Recipe for two people
souther and we didn’t regret it. We’re staying in
Solaris and we are just making a toour around the 600 g of sardines 1 dl of white wine
old citi which is magnificant. We like the fact that we 600 g of potatoes 10 g of parsley
can understand people easily, because Russian and
Croatian are rather similar. We also love the people,
2 olive cloves Salt
the food, everything. 1 dl of olive oil Pepper

Joanna Brkich Clean and slice the potatoes into discs and arrange at the
USA Ludmila Luda bottom of an oiled pan. On top of the potatoes arrange
Ukraine the sardines, which have been cleaned, then add a layer
My father is originally from Croatia, so I know a lot of potatoes, a layer of sardines until the top of the pan.
about the country, although I don’t speak Croatian, I’m so sorry now because I came only on a daily trip to After this add garlic, parsley, olive oil, wine, pepper, salt
because even my father was born in the USA. This Sibenik, because it’s so beautiful I don’t know where and a little water. Cover the pan with foil and bake for
is my first time in Sibenik and I can say it is really to look. Everything is so nice and so magnificant and between 30 – 40 minutes at 160ºc.
beautiful. I love the stairs, the cathedral, the narrow especially the old houses in the town. I’m coming Bon appetite.
old streets, the beautiful people... again for sure.

Quote of the week Strange but true

I feel sorry for people who don’t drink. They wake up in the Customers at a newly-opened expensive beverage at the cafe is enjoying great popula-
morning and that’s the best they’re going to feel all day. coffee shop in the Croatian Jedro cafe is Coca-Cola, which rity among locals.
Dean Martin - (June 7, 1917 – December 25, 1995) capital of Zagreb pay with costs five ‘Hail Marys,’ while a “We started out with only five
prayers instead of money for cappuccino costs four ‘Our Fa- tables, but we have so many
Riddle of the week drinks, the Ananova news thers’. No alcoholic beverages people coming here now that
website said on Tuesday. The are served in the shop, which we are already up to 20 tables
Which triangle has a bigger area: 1. A triangle with sides measu-
number of prayers depends is financed by local parish au- and it is growing all the time,”
ring 300, 400, and 500. 2. A triangle with sides measuring 300,
on a kind of a drink the visi- thorities in Zagreb’s Jarun dis- said a spokesman for the
400, and 700. other triangle cannot exist!
A triangle with sides measuring 300, 400, and 500. The tor wants to order. The most trict. Hardly surprisingly, the shop.

1. COLOUR Sudoku
14. GO IN
Issue 14
The Sibenik Times 06. 09. 2008.


HIGH 28 ºc
LOW 18 ºc

HIGH 29 ºc
LOW 19 ºc

HIGH 30 ºc
LOW 19 ºc

HIGH 27 ºc The Vodice promenade as it once looked at around the turn
LOW 14 ºc of the century. As you can see the main industry at that time
wasn’t tourism from the barrels on the dockside.

HIGH 23 ºc
LOW 16 ºc

HIGH 22 ºc
LOW 15 ºc

HIGH 18 ºc
LOW 9 ºc
The same promenade today but in a totally
different function.

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