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Kỳ thi: Học sinh giỏi văn hóa lớp 9 cấp tỉnh

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh

Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
A. LISTENING( 3 points)
PART 1. You will hear a man called Frank, talking on the radio looking for ships that sank at sea long ago.
Circle the correct answer.
1. The first old trip which Frank found was ____________________
A. covered by rocks. B. older than his first thought. C. easy to find.
2. Frank finds ships quickly because he ______________________
A. reads history books. B. is a frofessional. C. uses the latest equipment.
3. What does Frank say about the ship called The Seabird?
A. It was built in 1859. B. It sankin a storm. C. It was badly made.
4. Frank’s wife believes he should ___________________
A. stop diving. B. give things to museums. C. sell some to his collection.
5. How did Frank learn to dive?
A. by joining a diving club. B. by going on a diving holiday.
C. by teaching himself.
PART 2. You will hear a man telling a group of students about a trip to the theatre. For each question, fill in
the missing information in the numbered space.
Trip to Staunton Theatre
Meet at 6 p.m at the (1) ……………………….of the school.
The name of the play is (2) ……………………………
Get the copy of the play from the (3) ……………………..
Each theater ticket will cost (4) ……………………………..£
On the return journey, the coach willstio at the (5)……………………..and then the school.
PART 3. Look at the six sentences for this part. You will hear a conversation between a teenage boy, Alex,
and his sister, Rose, about where to go to eat. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct,
tick in the box under A for YES, put the tick in the box B for NO.
1. Alex and Rose’s mother have gone to their Grandad’s
2. Alex tries to persuade Rose to cook supper.
3. Alex wants to eat in an expensive restaurant.
4. Alex likes some of the music at Classic Express.
5. Alex and Rose are going to walk to the restaurant together.
B. PHONETICS (1 point)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Write your answers in the space
provided below. (0.5 point)
1. A. exhaust B. luxury C. examination D. anxiety
2. A. heir B. hollow C. hero D. heat
3. A. modal B. model C. modest D. modern
4. A. tissue B. passion C. machine D. issue
5. A. boast B. goal C. load D. oar
II. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others. Write your answers in the space
provided below. (0.5 point)
1. A. abound B. retire C. roommate D. repulse
2. A. compete B. domain C. reply D. emblem
3. A. comfortable B. president C. procedure D. literature
4. A. domestic B. excellent  C. foolhardy D. physical
5. A. consolidation B. enthusiasm C. photography  D. telepathy
C. LEXICO & GRAMMAR (6 points)
I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to fill in each blank. Write your answers in the space provided
below. (2.0 points)
1. He hurt his leg _____________ in order to miss the exam.
A. at purpose B. for purpose C. in purpose D. on purpose
2. It ____________ to me whether we meet them or not.
A. makes no difference B. is not a difference
C. is indifferent makes D. not a difference
3. Some officials proposed increase the __________ on tobacco.
A. money B. fee C. duty D. salary
4. He must be the director, _____?
A. will he B. mustn’t he C. is he D. isn’t he
5. The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to …….... new procedures to save time and money.
A. manufacture B. establish C. control D. restore
7. Thank you very much. I haven’t been to _____________ party for ages.
A. a so enjoyable B. the so enjoyable C. so enjoyable a D. so enjoyable
8. George took _______________ of the fine weather to work in his garden.
A. chance B. interest C. advantage D. charge
9. The escaped prisoner fought ____________before he was finally overpowered.
A. head over heels B. tooth and nail C. heart and soul D. foot and mouth
10. The builders say they will have finished the roof ____________ .
A. by Tuesday B. as soon as they can
C. at the end of last year D. without any more delay
11. The water company will have to ____off water supplies while repairs to the pipes are carried out.
A. hold B. run C. set D. cut
12. The reason why he gets into trouble so often is that he has a _______ temper.
A. fast B. rapid C. speedy D. quick
13. You can take part in sport activities or not. That depends on you. It is ________
A. compulsory B. required C. optional D. forceful
14. In the kitchen, there is a_____________ table.
A. beautiful large round wooden. B. large beautiful wooden round
C wooden round large beautiful D. round large wooden beautiful
15. - Thang: "What do you think about that work of fiction?"
- Huong: "____________________"
A. Yes, let's. B. The best I've ever read!
C. I can't agree with you more. D. I wish I could.
16. I’m very busy at present. I __________ my report on time.
A. may finish B. could not finished C. may not finish D. didn’t finish
17. ____________ the class size is our school’s immediate aim.
A. Reduced B. Reduces C. To reduce D. Reduction
18. This is _______ the most difficult job I’ve ever had to do.
A. by heart B. by chance C. by far D. by myself
19. Jack can speak two languages. One is English. _____ is Vietnamese.
A. Other B. The other C. Another D. Others
20. Not only _____ us light, but it also gives us heat.
A. the sun gives B. the sun has given
C. has the sun given D. does the sun give
II. Put the verbs in blanket into the correct form. Write your answers in the space provided. (2 points)
- It is essential that all English teachers (1. prepare) _______ for the entrance exam.
- Not a word (2. she, talk) _______________ to me since we had a quarrel.
- It was our fault to keep Jane keeping so long. We (3. inform) _____ her in advance.
- The student (4. sit) __________ next to me was nervous because he (5. not attend) __________ the gifted
exam before.
- No sooner the president (6. arrive) __________ than they had an important discussion.
- I don’t know why you (7. always, talk) __________ in class, guy.
- Jin is a first year student. By the end of the year, she (8. learn) ________ English for eight years.
- Were I (9. know) ____ you are not at home today, I wouldn’t ask him to call you.
- Peter, together with his family members, (10. visit) __________ Opera House three times this year.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III. Supply the correct forms of the words given in BOLD. Write your answers in the space provided. (1
1. We have a good ___________, who helped us a lot. RELATION
2. Because now Jenny has got a job, she is ___________ of her parents. DEPEND
3. The books read by the Romans have some _____ to the ones we are reading now. SIMILAR
4. They all cheered ___________ as their team came out. ENTHUSIASM
5. My students are so talkative. They seem to be totally ___________ of working CAPABLE
quietly by themselves.
6. This village was __________ three years ago. ELECTRIFY
7. People do not like her because she is _____________ ! HONEST
8. This matter is terribly _____________ You mustn’t confide it to anyone else. CONFIDENCE
9. It is very ____________to live in a damp and dirty room. HEALTH
10. There was loud ___________ as the clown fell off the ladder. LAUGH
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

IV. Find and correct the underlined word or phrase that is not correct as standard English.(1point)
1. If I can’t leave my bags here, what do you suggest me to do with them.
2. Some university students support themselves by tutoring, working in restaurants
or they do market research.
3. We are looking forward to taking on a tour of athens by our Greeks friends.
4. The prize-giving ceremony will be televised lively from Hoa Binh theater.
5. He usually comes home at five o’clock, but this week he works very late.
D. READING. (5 points)
I. Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each space. Write your answers
in the space provided. (2.0 points)
Saving energy doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming. But what can you do to save energy?
There is (1) ___________ that you can do to help the process of energy conservation. You can save energy by
doing things by making sure that the kettle doesn’t (2) ___________ more water than it needed, always
washing the full load in the washing machine rather than a half load or running down your central heating by
1oC – this could cut your (3) ___________ bill by 10%.
Making sure that hot water taps are not left (4) ___________ and replace washers if your taps drip. (5)
___________ work you can turn off (6) ___________ lights and your computer if you are not using them. (7)
___________ to energy saving light bulbs – these use around a quarter of the electricity, and often last eight
times (8) ___________ than an ordinary bulb. Close your curtain at (9) ___________ to keep the warm air
from escaping through the windows. Switching off (10) ___________ appliances when they are not in use
makes a big contribution to energy saving too.
1. A. plenty B. lot C. little D. few
2. A. consist B. contain C. compose D. include
3. A. hot B. heat C. heating D. heated
4. A. run B. ran C. running D. flowing
5. A. By B. At C. In D. On
6. A. any B. all C. those D. no
7. A. Change B. Consume C. Buy D. Sell
8. A. higher B. shorter C. less D. more
9. A. morning B. evening C. dusk D. afternoon
10. A. electricity B. electronic C. electric D. electrical
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use ONLY ONE WORD in each space. Write
your answers in the space provided. (2.0 points)
The importance of computers
Many of the things we do depend on receiving information from other people. Catching a train, making a
phone call and going to the cinema all involve information (1) ________ is stored, possessed and
communicated. In the past this information used to (2) ______ kept on paper in (3) ______form of, for
example, books, newspapers and timetables. Now more and more information is put (4) _______computers.
Computers play an important (5) ______ in our everyday lives. Consider the use of
computers in both shops and offices. Big shops, especially chain stores with branches all over the country,
have to deal with very large amount of (6)______ .They have to make (7) _______ there are enough goods on
the shelves for customers to buy, they need to be (8) ________ to re-order before stocks (9) ______ out, to
decide which things are selling well and so on. All these processes (10) _______ performed quickly and
efficiently by computers.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
III. Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to each of the questions(1.0 point)
In 1826, a Frenchman named Niépce needed pictures for his business. He was not a good artist, so he
invented a very simple camera. He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his yard. That was the
first photograph. The next important date in the history of photography was 1837. That year, Daguerre, another
Frenchman, took a picture of his studio. He used a new kind of camera and a different process. In his
pictures, you could see everything clearly, even the smallest details. This kind of photograph was called a
Soon, other people began to use Daguerre's process. Travelers brought back daguerreotypes from all
around the world. People photographed famous buildings, cities, and mountains.
In about 1840, the process was improved. Then photographers could take pictures of people and
moving things. The process was not simple and photographers had to carry lots of film and processing
equipment. However, this did not stop photographers, especially in the United States. After 1840,
daguerreotype artists were popular in most cities.
Matthew Brady was one well-known American photographer. He took many portraits of famous
people. The portraits were unusual because they were lifelike and full of personality. Brady was also the first
person to take pictures of a war. His 1862 Civil War pictures showed dead soldiers and ruined cities. They
made the war seem more real and more terrible.
In the 1880s, new inventions began to change photography. Photographers could buy film ready-made
in rolls, instead of having to make the film themselves. Also, they did not have to process the film
immediately. They could bring it back to their studios and develop it later. They did not have to carry lots of
equipment. And finally, the invention of the small handheld camera made photography less expensive.
With a small camera, anyone could be a photographer. People began to use cameras just for fun. They
took pictures of their families, friends, and favorite places. They called these pictures "snapshots".
Documentary photographs became popular in newspapers in the 1890s. Soon magazines and books
also used them. These pictures showed true events and people. They were much more real than drawings.
Some people began to think of photography as a form of art. They thought that photography could do
more than show the real world. It could also show ideas and feelings, like other art forms.
1. The first photograph was taken with ______.
A. a small handheld camera B. a very simple camera
C. a daguerreotype D. new types of film
2. Daguerre took a picture of his studio with ______.
A. a new kind of camera B. a very simple camera
C. special equipment D. an electronic camera
3. The word “this” in the passage refers to the ______.
A. carrying of lots of film and processing equipment
B. stopping of photographers from taking photos
C. fact that daguerreotype artists were popular in most cities
D. taking of pictures of people and moving things
4. The word “ruined” in the passage is closest in meaning to “______”.
A. poorly-painted B. heavily-polluted C. terribly spoiled D. badly damaged
5. The word “lifelike” in the passage is closest in meaning to “______”.
A. moving B. realistic C. touching D. manlike
6. The latest invention mentioned in the passage is the invention of ______.
A. handheld cameras B. processing equipment
C. daguerreotypes D. rolls of film
7. The word “handheld” in the passage is closest in meaning to “______”.
A. handling manually B. held by hand
C. controlling hands D. operated by hand
8. Matthew Brady was well-known for ______.
A. inventing daguerreotypes B. the small handheld camera
C. taking pictures of French cities D. portraits and war photographs
9. As mentioned in the passage, photography can ______.
A. print old pictures B. convey ideas and feelings
C. show the underworld D. replace drawings
10. Which of the following could best serve as the title of the passage?
A. Different Steps in Film Processing B. Story of Photography
C. Photography and Painting D. Story of Famous Photographers
E. WRITING. (5 points)
I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the first one. (1.0 point)
1. All the children will receive a prize, whatever their score in the competition.
No matter ________________________________________________
2. I didn’t come to my cousin’s party last night, so he was very unhappy.
 Had ______________________________________________________
3. Except for the inspector, everyone was in uniform.
 The inspector ________________________________________________
4. Everyone thinks the book was written by the princess herself.
 The book __________________________________________
5. He was so angry that he was lost for words.
 Such was ________________________________________________
II. Do not change the given word, use it to rewrite each of the following sentences so that each has as a
similar meaning as the original one. (1.0 point)
1. I can't understand Doris and what she has done. SENSE
 I can't  ____________________________ Doris and what she has done.
2. Peter was ready to leave the office when his boss asked him to type up a report. POINT
Peter ________________________ the office when his boss asked him to type up a report.
3. When he drinks a lot, he gets very bad. MORE
4. John was shocked to hear that he had failed his driving test. CAME
5. “Many thanks for your timely support”, said Jenny to the man. GRATITUDE

III. Some people say that “Self-study is a very important factor that helps students get success in their
study.” Do you agree or disagree? Write a paragraph of about 220-250 words to support your idea.

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