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Unit 3.

air (v.) lên sóng
audition (n.) sự thử giọng
ballade (n.) tình ca (cho piano hoặc dàn nhạc)
celebrity panel (n. phr) hội đồng giám khảo là những người nổi tiếng
conquer (v.) chinh phục, chiến thắng
cultural figure (n. phr.) nhân vật văn hóa
demanding (adj.) khó khăn, đòi hỏi khắt khe
franchise (n.) sự nhượng quyền thương hiệu
inspirational (adj) truyền cảm hứng
instrumental music (n. phr) nhạc không lời
melody (n.) giai điệu
national anthem (n. phr) quốc ca
nominate (v.) đề cử
nocturne (n.) dạ khúc
nuance (n.) sắc thái
originate (v) bắt đầu, khởi đầu
patriotic (adj.) yêu nước
patriotism (n.) lòng yêu nước
phenomenon (n.) hiện tượng
polonaise (n.) điệu nhảy truyền thống của người Ba Lan
prodigy (n.) thần đồng
prominent (adj.) quan trọng, nổi tiếng
reality TV Show (n. phr) chương trình truyền hình thực tế
renowned (adj.) nổi tiếng
sonata (n.) bản xô-nát
waltz (n.) điệu nhảy vanxơ
achievement (n.) thành tựu
biography (n.) tiểu sử
box office (n.) phòng vé
competition (n.) cuộc thi
competitive (adj.) mang tính cạnh tranh
compose (v.) soạn, sáng tác
composer (n.) nhà soạn nhạc
contest (n.) cuộc thi
contestant (n.) thí sinh
debut album (n.) album đầu tay
deceive (v.) lừa dối
eliminate (v.) loại ra
innovation (n.) sự đổi mới
launch (v.) ra mắt, giới thiệu sản phẩm
modest (adj.) khiêm tốn
musical instrument (n. phr.) nhạc cụ
passionate (adj.) nồng nhiệt, đam mê
platinum (n.) đĩa bạch kim
process (n.) quá trình
purchase (v.) mua sắm
rating list (n. phr.) bảng xếp hạng
release (v.) phát hành
single (n.) đĩa đơn
smash hit (n.) sự thành công
talented (adj.) có tài
version (n.) phiên bản
Unit 3 | MUSIC
Compound sentences
Connectives: and, or, but, so, yet, for
Các từ nối: AND, OR, BUT, SO, YET, FOR
And dùng để nối hai thành phần cùng loại của câu (động từ, danh từ, tính từ, trạng từ ...)
Ví dụ: - He sang and (he) played the guitar.
- I have a dog and a cat.
- She is beautiful and intelligent.
Or (= hay, hay là) dùng để nói đến một khả năng khác của các thành phần cùng loại trong câu.
Ví dụ: - Is it a colour (film) or a black and white film?
- Đó là phim màu hay phim đen trắng?
- Is your sister older or younger than you?
- Did they go out or stay at home?
- Do you live in the city or in the country?
Or dùng trong câu phủ định khi ta muốn đề cập đến hai hay nhiều thứ.
Ví dụ: - He can't sing or dance.
Anh ấy không biết hát mà cũng không biết nhảy.
- There are people without homes, jobs or family.
Nhiều người không nhà, không việc làm cũng không gia đình.
Or = or else; otherwise: kẻo không thì; nếu không (được dùng để cảnh báo hoặc khuyên bảo ai có điều gì
xấu có thể xảy ra.
Ví dụ: Turn the heat down or it'll burn.
Vặn nhỏ máy sưởi lại nếu không sẽ cháy.
* But / However: nhưng, tuy nhiên, tuy vậy: dùng để diễn tả sự đối lập giữa 2 vế câu.
Ví dụ: - It was cold, but he didn't wear warm clothes.
Trời lạnh, nhưng cậu ấy không mặc áo ấm.
- It was cold. However, he didn't wear warm clothes.
Trời lạnh. Tuy nhiên, cậu ấy không mặc áo ấm.
- But và However có cùng nghĩa nhưng khác nhau về cách sử dụng dấu câu như những ví dụ trên.
- Ngoài but và however, chúng ta cũng có thể dùng "yet" (tuy nhiên), "though / although / even though"
(mặc dù), "in spite of / despite" (bất chấp), "while / whereas" (trong khi đó) để diễn tả sự đối lập.
Ví dụ:
- It was cold, yet he didn't wear warm clothes.
Trời lạnh, nhưng cậu ấy không mặc áo ấm.
- Although it was cold, he didn't wear warm clothes.
Dù trời lạnh, nhưmg cậu ấy không mặc áo ấm.
In spite of the cold weather, he didn't wear warm clothes.
Despite the cold weather, he didn't wear warm clothes.
Bất chấp thời tiết lạnh, cậu ấy không mặc áo ấm.
- I am shy, while / whereas my sister is very confident.
Tôi thì nhút nhát, trong khi đó chị tôi rất tự tin.
TO- infinitive
- Ta có thể dùng to- infinitive làm chủ ngữ:
Ví dụ: - To know how to drive is useful.
- To play tennis in England isn't expensive.
nhưng trường hợp này ít phổ biến nên khi ta dùng to-infinitive làm chủ ngữ thì câu thường bắt đầu với 'it'.
Ví dụ: - It is useful to know how to drive.
- It isn't expensive to play tennis in England.
- Ta có thể dùng to-infinitive để chỉ mục đích hoặc lí do.
Ví dụ: - She is saving up to buy a motor bike.
Cô ấy tiết kiệm tiền để mua một chiếc xe máy.
- I went to a restaurant to have lunch.
Tôi đến nhà hàng để ăn trưa.
- Mary laughed to hear you hum a song.
Mary cười vì nghe anh hát nghêu ngao.
- Trong lối văn trang trọng, ta dùng in order to / so as to-infinitive để thay cho to-infinitive
Ví dụ: We went to Paris in order to learn French.
- Trong câu phủ định ta dùng in order not to / so as not to-infinitive (chứ không dùng not to - infinitive)
Ví dụ: - We left early so as not to be late. (Not: We left early not to be late.)
- We left early in order not to be late.
Những động từ sau thường được theo sau bởi: to + infinitive hoặc object + to + ininitive
agree (đồng ý) arrange (sắp xếp) appear (có vẻ, dường như)
mean (có ý định) hesitate (do dự) hope
decide demand (yêucầu) choose (lựa chọn)
seek (tìm kiếm) dare (dám làm gì) expect (trông mong)
fail (thất bại) learn manage (xoay sở, cố gắng)
offer pretend (giả vờ) plan (lập kế hoạch, dự kiến)
promise refuse (từ chối) neglect (lơ là, chểnh mảng)
want threaten (đe doạ) seem (có vẻ, dường như)
wish like intend (có ý định)
love prefer (thích hơn) deserve (xứng đáng)
help try (cố gắng) attempt (nỗ lực)
prepare happen hurry (vội vàng)
afford (không đủ tiền bạc, thời gian để làm gì)
Ví dụ: - You can't expect to leam a foreign language in a few months.
Anh không thể trông mong học được một ngoại ngữ trong vòng vài tháng.
- He's going to learn to drive.
Cậu ấy sắp sửa học lái xe.
- I'll help (to) carry these bags.
Tôi sẽ giúp bạn mang những túi xách này.
- I can't afford to go on holiday this summer.
Tôi không đủ tiền để đi nghỉ hè này.
ask tell advise allow beg
cause encourage expect forbid force
order invite permit persuade recommend
want warn wish teach remind
Ví dụ: - My parents have always encouraged me to study hard.
Ba mẹ tôi đã luôn khuyến khích tôi học hành chăm chỉ.
- We were expecting him to arrive yesterday.
Chúng tôi đã trông mong anh ấy đến cả ngày hôm qua.

Unit 3 | MUSIC
Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. certificate B. delicate C. fortunate D. communicate
2. A. movement B. statement C. comment D. current
3. A. latest B. best C. guest D. west
4. A. purchase B. base C. basement D. case
Exercise 2: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.
1. A. entertainment B. phenomenon C. contestant D. original
2. A. anxious B. persuade C. themselves D. instead
3. A. appearance B. devotee C. enthusiast D. deceiving
4. A. nominate B. audience C. process D. compete
Choose the best answer which best fits each space in each sentence.
1. The Italians are said to be the most……………people in Europe.
A. passion B. passionate C. passionately D. passions
2. The prisoners are made ……………… holes and ……………… them up again
A. dig / fill B. digging / filling C. to dig / fill D. dig / to fill
3. Her talent ……………… music showed at an early age.
A. for B. at C. in D. about
4. It is considered to be a ………………disc in this year.
A. platinum B. silver C. blonde D. famous
5. He's overweight and bald, ……………… somehow, he's attractive.
A. and B. yet C. so D. therefore
6. She sounded very eager………………you.
A. meet B. meeting C. to meet D. met
7. He was said………………for attempted murder.
A. to be imprisoned B. to have been imprisoned
C. to have imprisoned D. had been imprisoned
8. - "It was very kind of you to give us a lift."
- "Don't mention it………………"
A. It is my pleasure. B. It was my pleasure
C. Only pleasure D. Yes, I was
9. She would never forget ………….. the Himalayas for the first time.
A. to see B. to look C. looking D. seeing
10. The band's latest album ……………. next week.
A. will release B. is released
C. will have released D. will be released
Exercise 1: Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.
In the 1960s, The Beatles were probably the most famous pop group in the whole world. Since then, there
have been a great many groups that have achieved enormous fame, so it is perhaps difficult now to imagine how
sensational The Beatles were at that time. They were four boys from the North of England and none of them
had any training in music. They started by performing and recording songs by black Americans and they had
some success with these songs. Then they started writing their own songs and that was when they became really
popular. The Beatles changed pop music. They were the first pop group to achieve great success from songs
they had written themselves. After that it became common for groups and singers to write their own songs. The
Beatles did not have a long career. Their first hit record was in 1963 and they split up in 1970. They stopped
doing live performances in 1966 because it had become too dangerous for them - their fans were so excited that
they surrounded them and tried to take their clothes as souvenirs! However, today some of their songs remain as
famous as they were when they first came out. Throughout the world, many people can sing part of a Beatles
song if you can ask them.
1. The passage is mainly about
A. how The Beatles became more successful than other groups.
B. why The Beatles split up after seven years.
C. The Beatles' fame and success.
D. many people's ability to song a Beatles song.
2. The word 'sensational' is closest in meaning to
A. notorious B. bad C. shocking D. popular
3. The first songs of The Beatles were
A. written by themselves B. broadcast on the radio
C. paid a lot of money D. written by black Americans
4. What is not true about The Beatles?
A. The members had no training in music.
B. They had a long stable career.
C. They became famous when they wrote their own songs.
D. They changed pop music.
5. The Beatles stopped their live performances because
A. They had earned enough money.
B. They did not want to work with each other.
C. They spent more time writing their own songs.
D. They were afraid of being hurt by fans.
6. What the fans of The Beatles often did was
A. take their clothes as souvenirs.
B. sing together with them.
C. ask them to write more songs.
D. ask them why they would separate.
7. Some songs of The Beatles now
A. became too old to sing. B. are still famous as they used to be.
C. are the most famous. D. are sung by crazy fans.
8. The tone of the passage is that of
A. admiration B. criticism C. neutral D. sarcasm
Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. compose B. computer C. company D. comprise
2. A. process B. competitor C. federation D. elicit
3. A. culture B. number C. suffer D. support
4. A. instance B. circumstance C. finance D. romance
Exercise 2: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.
1. A. instrument B. musician C. essential D. compete
2. A. debut B. competent C. platinum D. overnight
3. A. album B. guitar C. violent D. trumpet
4. A. spirit B. vocalist C. piano D. attribute
Choose the best answer which best fits each space in each sentence.
1. Most people believe that musicians are born with special talents.
A. natural ability B. mental capacity C. good taste D. wisdom
2. She made her professional stage…………… SwanLake.
A. appearance B. debut C. view D. Both A and B
3. The region is renowned for its outstanding natural beauty.
A. known B. famous C. available D. recognized
4. The rules are not simple. They are rather ………… follow.
A. difficult B. hard C. easy D. complicated
5. He promised faithfully…………… every week.
A. to talk B. to call C. calling D. ringing
6. He was shocked to discover that he had no money…………in his account.
A. leave B. to leave C. left D. being left
7. Joe: "John says he doesn't like you".
Sue: "…………."
A. I'm not mind at all B. It is the same
C. I don't care D. So do I
8. The film was nominated…………… Academy Award.
A. for B. in C. about D. with
9. The medicine made me feel dizzy. I felt as though the room…………..around and around.
A. will spin B. spins C. were spinning D. would spin
10. At the end of this month, we…………… for ten years.
A. will have been living B. will be living
C. are living D. will live

Exercise 1: Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question.
Ever since she burst onto the pop scene in the early eighties, Madonna has remained one of the most well-
known celebrities in the world. She has shown herself to be a talented singer, dancer, songwriter and actress. To
have achieved this she undoubtedly has a strong belief in herself and her abilities.
It is possible she gained her strong personality through her tough childhood experiences. She went to a
strict Catholic school, was one of many children, and her family was split up after her mother died from a
cancer. Eventually, in search of fame, she left college and went to New York with only her suitcase and a few
Hugely successful, often through controversy, Madonna has always known what the public and media
want. She has gone from shocking clothes and pop songs, to setting trends and family life. She caused
disagreement by playing feminist roles in films and featuring in pop videos with images of Jesus Christ.
Throughout all her years and different styles and phases, she has always been able to give the general
public entertainment. Madonna has become one of the biggest stars on the planet, and has sold over 100 million
records worldwide, making her one of the highest-earning entertainers of her generation.
Even now as she approaches fifty and is a mother, Madonna is likely to continue to entertain us for many more
years, but what nobody can be sure of is exactly what she will do next.
1. What is the writer's main purpose in writing this text?
A. to discuss Madonna's acting career, and encourage other pop stars to go into acting.
B. to show well Madonna has achieved success throughout the years.
C. to remind people that money is not everything, and it comes and goes.
D. to claim that fashion always changes, and no one can stay famous forever.
2. As a child, Madonna was probably...
A. happiest during her school days.
B. lonely and without anyone to talk.
C. unhappy in New York.
D. made stronger due to difficult events.
3. What is true according to the text?
A. Madonna has always been careful not to offend the public.
B. Madonna apologised to the Church after causing offence with a pop video.
C. Madonna often upset people but achieved a great deal.
D. Madonna didn't like the controversy in her career.
4. What does the writer say about Madonna's success?
A. She is one of the richest performers of her time.
B. She has earned more money than many international businesses.
C. Her success is mainly due to the American market.
D. Her consistent style has allowed her to earn so much money.
5. What would the writer probably describe Madonna's future?
A. "After so much success, acting will become more important that singing".
B. "Family life will be the main factor in Madonna's everyday life, no more wild days!"
C. "She'll keep on pleasing the public in a predictable way".
D. "Madonna is sure to keep us guessing on her future plans".
Exercise 2: Read the passage and choose A, B, C, or D for each of the following blanks:
Music is universal - it is produced by all cultures. Some scientists believe that music came before speech
and (1) …………… as a development of mating calls. In fact, there is one theory that the (2)
……………languages were chanted or sung rather than spoken. Indeed, in some cultures, music is a form of (3)
…………… history. The Aboriginal Australian, for example, use music as a means to pass on stories of the
land and spirits to the next (4) ……………
New evidence suggests that music does not just (5) …………… the feel-good factor but it is also good for
the brain. A study of intellectually (6)…………… children showed that they could recall more information after
it was given to them in a song than after it was read to them a story. Researchers also report that people score
better on a standard intelligence test after listening to Mozart. The (7) …………… "Mozart effect" has also
been supported by findings that rats (8) …………… up on Mozart run faster through a complex network of
paths or passages, (9) …………… as a maze. Overall, it seems that in most instances who suffer from any form
of mental (10) …………… benefit from listening to music.
1. A. arises B. happens C. comes D. arose
2. A. earliest B. newest C. latest D. simplest
3. A. enjoying B. making C. recording D. stating
4. A. children B. people C. tribe D. generation
5. A. convince B. satisfy C. interest D. prefer
6. A. disabled B. inactive C. incapable D. disordered
7. A. so-called B. called C. called- so D. so long
8. A. held B. brought C. stood D. set
9. A. called B. heard C.regarded D. known
10. A. sickness B. hurt C. illness D. pain

I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. composer B. process C. pop D. post
2. A. rhythm B. heavy C. highlife D. hardcore
3. A. metal B. accidental C. gospel D. techno
4. A. listened B. danced C. composed D. played
5. A. writes B. songs C. records D. albums
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. syncopation B. accompanist C. incidental D. composition
2. A. musical B. melody C. performance D. improvise
3. A. musician B. soloist C. composer D. performer
4. A. perform B. number C. rhythm D. music
5. A. classical B. popular C. digital D. electric
III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following sentences.
1. The music industry has undergoing significant change over the past few years, with declining volumes of
music sold through an ownership model (such as downloads) and rapid growth in usage models (such as
2. Music has been used as a mean of communication and healing since the beginning of mankind.
3. Music Therapy, that involves the music therapist, the client and the music in an ever-evolving relationship,
is rooted in the ancient literate societies.
4. The conductor stands in the front of the orchestra, on a podium, and conducts by using hand and body
5. Technology became an increasingly important tool for composers, which have known to use recording tape
a compositional tool.
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences.
1. Melody is a musical line that is the "tune" of the piece. ____ is the part you will probably be humming when
you leave the concert!
A. which B. There C. This D. What
2. Accompaniment is a musical line that is secondary ____ the melody; and accompaniment parts support the
A. of B. in C. with D. to
3. Unison is the sounding of the same note by two or more ____. In a unison piece of music, the players do not
have different parts, but all play together.
A. player B. players C. the player D. the players
4. Folk Music refers to any music that comes from a common culture, and it is most often passed on ____ from
generation to generation.
A. oral B. orally C. oratorical D. oratory
5. Stringed instruments are played by drawing a bow ____ the strings or by plucking the strings with the
A. from B. away C. across D. over
6. Woodwind players produce sound by blowing air into ____ mouthpiece. Most woodwind instruments have
reeds, which vibrate very quickly to produce the sound of the instrument.
A. an B. a C. the D. his
7. Brass players make sound by "buzzing" their lips ____ blowing into the mouthpiece, they change notes with
the help of valves or slides.
A. while B. during C. before D. by
8. Music is an art form and cultural activity ____ medium is sound organized in time.
A. that B. in which C. where D. whose
9. The conductor gives the musicians non-verbal signals ____ with his hands or by using a small stick called a
A. whether B. either C. neither D. both
10. The concertmaster/concertmistress is the first violin player in the orchestra, the leader of the string section
and ____ most solos for the violin.
A. play B. that play C. will play D. to play
11. Electronically created sounds are used in combination with other electronic sounds or played together with
traditional music ____.
A. instrument B. instruments C. instrumental D. instrumentally
12. The ballet Hoedown tells the story of a cowgirl who is in love with a cowboy, but can't get him ____ her.
A. notice B. to notice C. noticing D. noticed
13. Woodwind instruments produce sound when players blow air into them; they were originally made out of
wood, ____ is why they are called woodwinds!
A. which B. that C. the reason D. for which
14. The flute has a very high, light and beautiful sound much like ____ of a bird.
A. it B. this C. which D. that
15. The OBOE makes its sound when the player blows air through a mouthpiece containing cut pieces of
bamboo ____ a "reed."
A. calls B. call C. calling D. called
16. The OBOE is a very important instrument, as the oboist is ____ player who tunes the whole orchestra before
every concert.
A. a B. the C. who D. that
17. The clarinet can play very high and very low, very soft or very loud, so they are used for many types of
music, ____ classical, jazz and folk.
A. includes B. include C. including D . included
18. The brass instruments are long brass tubes curled and bent into different shapes and flare out at one end into
____ is called a bell.
A. it B. that C. what D. where
19. The ____ of the brass instruments is produced by the vibration of the player's lips as they blow through the
A. sound B. sounds C. sounding D. sounder
20. ____ the TRUMPET is the smallest brass instrument, it can play the highest notes of all the brass
instruments and often plays in marches or fanfares.
A. Because B. Although C. However D. Since
21. The TROMBONE is the only brass instrument that does not use valves; ____ the player moves a curved
tube, called a "slide," back and forth in order to change notes.
A. rather B. other C. instead D. but
22. YouTube claims that not only does it return money directly to creators, but also that it has a ____ effect on
A. promote B. promoting C. promoted D. promotional
23. Additional evidence for universal musical tendencies ____ from archaeological discoveries of musical
instruments and scores from thousands of years ago.
A. come B. comes C. came D. had come
24. If music were purely a cultural invention, one might expect ancient music to be dramatically ____ modern
music, given the huge cultural differences between then and now.
A. differ from B. different from C. differed to D. differing from
25. At present the earliest example of what may be a musical instrument is a bone "flute" that dates ____
approximately 50,000 years ago, during the middle Paleolithic.
A. back B. away C. at D. to
26. At ____ level, infants as young as 8 months seem to perceive melodic pitch contours much as adults do.
A. most basic B. the most basic C. mostly basically D. the most basically
27. One way to reveal innate constraints on music perception is to show that certain musical stimuli are
represented or remembered more accurately than others, independent ____ experience.
A. on B. to C. with D. of
28. Every musical instrument, needless to say, requires a long period of development - usually trial-and-error
experimentation by generations of craftsmen - before arriving at ____ final perfected form.
A. its B. their C. that D. which
29. A: "Can you concentrate on other things when you are listening to music?"
B: ‘____”
A. I prefer to work in a quite area.
B. I'm keen on listening to dance music.
C. I often share my favorite albums with friends.
D. I don't think music can help with this.
30. A: "Do you think music can heal sick people?"
B: “____”
A. I can't agree with you more. B. The sooner, the better.
C. At least they can feel better. D. Doctors cannot do so.
V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following sentences.
1. Although infants clearly have not learned as much from their limited exposure to music as adults have from a
lifetime of listening, it is nonetheless difficult to explain the effects of the exposure that occurs both in the
womb and in the first few months of life.
A. presentation B. contact C. interaction D. knowledge
2. Although it is often said that music, like dance, exists since the beginning of the human race, the music
industry emerged relatively late.
A. occurred B. appeared C. came D. developed
3. The record business by using marketing tools, to record, reproduce, promote and distribute the author's work,
in reality alters the author's passion towards musical art for financial gains.
A. worry B. concern C. love D. excitement
4. Albums and individual songs can now be bought in digital format (iTunes), and downloaded onto one's
computer, and from there onto a USB-stick, CD-R, iPod, mobile telephones and the like.
A. electric appliances B. electronic instruments
C. digital devices D. mechanical products
5. The introduction of television marked the turning point in many areas, as was the case with the music
A. new era B. new program C. final stage D. finishing line
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1.A. male B. game C. fate D. rare
2.A. fascinate B. chocolate C. hesitate D. celebrate
3.A. palate B. debate C. climate D. private
4.A. educate B. concentrate C. decorate D. fortunate
5.A. indecate B. numerate C. accurate D. passionate
6.A. investigate B. participate C. immediate D. communicate
7.A. ancient B. urgent C. talent D. event
8.A. gentle B. entrance C. advent D. recent
9.A. accented B. innocent C. different D. evident
10.A. influential B. permanently C. confidential D. continental
11.A. attent B. content C. comment D. shipment
12.A. chest B. pest C. rest D. priest
13.A. forest B. honest C. strongest D. protest
14.A. esteem B. gesture C. question D. bestial
15.A. contest B. northwest C. destroy D. prestige
16.A. destiny B. Majesty C. pesticide D. festival
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others
1.A. persuade B. album C. guitar D. anxious
2.A. entertainment B. phenomenon C. enthusiastic D. original
3.A. listener B. contestant C. instrument D. audience
4.A. trumpet B. spirit C. crazy D. release
5.A. vocalist B. competent C. appearance D. platinum
6.A. musician B. essential C. devotee D. deceiving
7.A. nominate B. piano C. musical D. wonderful
8.A. passionate B. popular C. superstar D. performance
9.A. arouse B. talent C. concert D. rhythem
10.A. acoustic B. symphony C. melody D. classical
III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
1. They let us ( use ) ........................ this room for our study
2. I decided ( do ) ...................... a hotel management course in 2012
3. Their clients agree ( pay ) ................... by check
4. Recently, her husband has made her ( stay ) ...................... at home.
5. The course help me ( understand ) .............................. my cat better.
6. Their family didn’t want ( move ) ...................... to Scotland last year.
7. Taking part in many contests has taught me ( perform ) ............................ more confidently.
8. He was made ( hand ) ................... over all of his property.
9. Have you ever hoped ( see ) .................. your idol in real life.
10. I chose ( not participate ) ........................... in that competition.
IV. Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
1. Her faimily and friends advised her concentrate on study.
2. Teachers can still be creative and let their students to decide how they learn.
3. They want her consider their advice before she made up her mind
4. Parents should try make their home stimulating
5. He told me take a seat while he dealt with some other customers.
V. Give the correct form of the words in brackets:
1. He looks ................... on stage ( passion )
2. This is one of the most ............... entertainment formats in the UK. It attracts a significantly huge number of audience (
success )
3. The ................. have to get over that challange to win in this contest. ( contest )
4. Is Vietnam Idol an .................... program or a franchised one ? ( origin )
5. Van Cao is known as one of the most important ............... of modern Vietnamese music ( compose )
6. His song, Tien Quan Ca, is the ...................... anthem of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam ( nation )
7. After his ......................, he recieved the Ho Chi Minh prize ( die )
8. Exercising regularly is a powerful weapon to enhance ................... well-being ( psychology )
9. His important ..................... is to invent the instrumental ballade ( achieve )
10. The male singer will sing their challenge phrase with a ................. melody, like musical ping pong ( differ )
VI. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :
1. This reality TV show soon became a worldwide phenomenon. The underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. nation B. national C. global D. globe
2. Lan: How did she become famous ? – Minh: ......................................................
A. Yes, she became famous B. Five years ago
C. She took part in a lot of contests D. It’s unbelievable that she was famous
3. He was also the first ................. artist to have four singles to enter the Top 40
A. chorus B. solo C. simple D. private
4. This figure graduated .................... a very famous music school and devoted his life to arts.
A. on B. from C. of D. into
5. “They made Peter to create a Quan Ho performce” has the closest meaning to:
A. Peter made to create a Quan Ho performce B. Peter was made to create a Quan Ho performce
C. Peter was made create a Quan Ho performce D. Peter was created a Quan Ho performce
6. Because of it’s significance, this reality TV program has been ............... by thousand of viewers all over the country
A. done B. watched C. washed D. produced
7. He was one of the most prominent .............. during the international liberation movement
A. math B. numbers C. figures D. calculation
8. The football match was wonderful at the beginning, ................. it was awful at the end.
A. but B. and C. or D. so
9. These days, things have become more convenient, for example, you can buy airline tickets at air agencies, ............. you
can purchase the online. A. Yet B. For C. So D. or
10. This will be a hopeful season of this entertainment format to air in the near future.The underlined word has the closest
meaning to:
A. breathe out B. breathe in C. broadcast D. inhale
11. You should feel happy because your mum and dad always encourage you ............... hard
A. work B. to work C. worked D. working
12. I think that they will not agree to let you ............. out late at night.
A. go B. going C. to go D. gone
13. He is looking forward ................... this result from this contest.
A. receive B. receiving C. to receive D. to receiving
14. It took my teacher nearly 3 years ............... his rearch on motivating students in learning English by using word games.
A. complete B. to completing C. completed complete
15. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. request B. protest C. nest D. harvest
16. Lately, several oils, including rose and lemon have been shown .................. anxiety, stress and depression.
A. relieve B. to relieve C. to relieved D. to relieving
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting:
Her fans admit that her voice is beautiful, and her performance is not skillful
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting: Three days ago, Mary asked her teachers give her some advice
19. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. confident B.indent C. measurement D. encouragement
20. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. accurate B. concentrate C. penetrate D. accommodate
VII. Rearrange the words / phrases to make meaningful sentences:
1. helped / this / to / course / fears / has / me / overcome / my
2. composer / he / he / was / health / a gifted / but / had to / poor / suffer
3. on / managed / you / finish / assignment / time / have / to / you
4. to / ailments / Vietnamese health beliefs / an / according / by / are / yin and yang / caused / imbalance of
5. independently / the new / style / teacher / with / let / learning / us / work
VIII. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :
1. I’d love to ............. a musical instrument but I don’t have time
A. take up B. take in C. take off D. take after
2. The band has a huge .................... of dedicated fans
A. following B. enjoying C. pursuing D. chasing
3. I usually drive to work .................. I went by bus this morning
A. and B. but C. therefore D. because
4. She was whispering her replies in her ear if the .................... music made it impossible for her to be heard otherwise.
A. setting B. background C. context D. soft
5. She tried to be serious but she couldn’t help ....................
A. to laugh B. not laugh C. laugh D. laughing
6. Her talent .................... art has been obvious ever since she was a child.
A. at B. in C. for D. about
7. I’m tired. I’d rather ................. out this evening, if you don’t mind
A. not going B. not to go C. don’t go D. not go
8. The song was specially ................... for the wedding.
A. created B. compiled C. composed D. invented
9. When Jane came to Britain, she has to get used ............... on the left
A. driving B. to driving C. to drive D. drive
10. After their massive success in 2004 with Megalith, their record company has released this CD hoping for another big
A. hit B. leap C. step D. win
11. music was .................. quietly on a CD player when I entered the house
A. strumming B. performing C. accompanying D. playing
12. When will you get the result ?- Either tomorrow ............... the day after
A. and B. but C. nor D. or
13. I’m sure you’ll have no .................. the exam.
A. difficulty to pass B. difficulties to pass C. difficulty passing D. difficulties passing
14. Jim doesn’t speak very clearly. .
A. It is difficult to understand him B. Difficult he is to understand
C. He is difficult to understand him D. We are difficult to understand him
15. She kindly offer .............. me how ................ to the station
A. to show / to get B. to show / get C. showing / to get D. showing / get
16. Mary: Do you fancy black coffee or white coffee ? – John: .
A. Let me make you a hot cup B. Never mind
C. It’s all the same to me D. I love one
17. Mike .................... to persuade her parents to change the mind
A. regretted B. succeeded C. failed D. admitted
18. Do you like pop music or jazz ? – I don’t like ............... of them. I prefer classical music.
A. any B. both C. either D. neither
19. He and his wife shared a passion .............. classical music.
A. for B. of C. on D. about
20. The artist quickly became ............... when her debut album gain Top 40 in a short time
A. famous B. reputed C. talented D. incredible

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