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Devil’s Captive

Present time
“Come on,Miss Violet. You can’t sleep all day.”  My maid, an older Hispanic woman
named Maria, tugged on my curtains as she spoke to me.

“I don’t want to get up—not yet.”  I rubbed my eyes, but it was too late—the sun had
already hit my face.

“Happy Birthday, Violet.”  Maria turned towards me with a warm smile once the sun
was violating my vision.

“Oh!”  The sleepiness faded, and I felt excitement rushing through my veins.  “It’s my
birthday! I’m eighteen!”

“Yep, enjoy it while it lasts.”  Maria chuckled and walked over to my closet.  “Do you
want to wear that new dress your father bought you?”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?”  I raised my eyebrows and grinned. “I have to eat
breakfast before I even try to figure out what I’m going to wear today.”

“Breakfast is coming.”  Maria nodded and looked towards the door as it was pushed
open by my butler, Henry.

Maria and Henry had been working for my father at the Cabot Estate longer than I had
been alive, and they felt more like family than hired help.  They had also been secretly
dating for at least five years, and I was helping Maria plan the wedding—they just had
to find a way to tell my father that they both needed time off at the same time.  I was
pretty sure the whole estate was going to fall apart while they were away on their
honeymoon, but I could worry about that later—it was my birthday, and it was time
for breakfast in bed.

“Delicious as always, Henry.”I smiled and put my empty plate on the tray beside me. 
“But, I know the cake you’re baking for my party is going to be even better!”

“I’m trying something new this year—I think you’ll like it.”  Henry gave me a slight
nod and started pushing the tray towards the door.

“Now you have no excuse not to get up.”  Maria walked out of the bathroom that was
attached to my bedroom, and I heard the water running into my large oval-shaped tub.

“I guess not…”  I pushed the covers back and headed towards the bathroom.

I bathed, with Maria’s help, and then got dressed for my big day.  I had been looking
forward to my eighteenth birthday party since I finished the last slice of my cake from
the previous year.  I was officially an adult—as much of an adult as I could be living
in the Cabot Estate, where luxury was the only world I knew.  I was aware that I was
incredibly spoiled and had a life that some people only dreamed about, but that didn’t
stop me from enjoying it.  The real world would be different—and I was prepared for
that. I couldn’t be Hugo Cabot’s little girl forever if I wanted to have my own identity
one day—and run Cabot Enterprises once my father retired.


“Daddy!”I smiled as I walked into the lavish living room, which had been decorated
for my birthday party.

“Hello, sweetheart.”  My father’s warm smile always made my heart melt when I saw
it.  “Are you ready for your party?”

“I don’t know.”  I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.  “Did you get me a pony?”

“You have two thoroughbreds in the stable, young lady—I hardly think you need a
pony.”  He suppressed a laugh, but he still chuckled.

“Ugh, fine.  What did you get me?”  I rolled my eyes, but my tone reflected the fact
that I wasn’t serious about my request.

“You have to wait for your party.”  He pointed at the table near the entrance of the
room.  “A few people couldn’t make it, so they sent their gifts ahead of time.”
“Wow, that’s a lot more than last year.  Is anyone coming?”  I felt a bit of concern
when I saw the stack of presents.

“Yes, probably more friends than family this year, though.”  He exhaled sharply.
“Georgia said she might be late.”

Hearing my older sister’s name sent a chill through my body, but it wasn’t because of
her.  It was her husband I didn’t want to see. He was a creep—the kind of creep that
thought money gave him the right to do anything he wanted, and that included trying
to put his hands on me once.  I showed him that I didn’t appreciate his advances with
a swift knee to the groin, and I guess you could say that our relationship had been
strained ever since. I tried to tell my sister, but she didn’t believe me for a second and
called me a spoiled brat.  If she skipped my party entirely, I wouldn’t be that upset.

“Wow, yeah—there’s going to be a few empty chairs this year.”  I scanned the names
on the gifts, feeling disappointed that I wouldn’t get to see a few people I liked, but
excited to find out what they got me.

I saw a gift sitting near the edge of the table from my brother, Rhys.  I was pretty sure
he wouldn’t be coming to my party, but seeing his name on one of the gifts confirmed
it.  His relationship with our father was—complicated. Rhys wanted to be his own
man and had no interest in working at Cabot Enterprises.  My father always expected
his only son to be his successor at the head of the table. When Rhys declined, it left a
rift in our family.

At least I wouldn’t have to worry about them coming to blows before I ever opened
my first gift.

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2 years ago
Little Violet Cabot was all grown up.

Granted, it had been a few years since I’d seen her, but even I couldn’t have
anticipated her blossoming quite so beautifully. She’d gone from a duckling to a
perfect swan, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

“What are you staring at?” she asked playfully, sticking her tongue out at me.
“Nothing at all,” I replied with a prim smile. “Are you almost done, princess? I don’t
have all day.”

“Almost,” she promised, disappearing back into the changing room. “Just three more
dresses to go.”

I groaned, but secretly, I was pleased. Any extra time I got to spend in the pretty
brunette’s company was a welcome distraction from the fuck-ups I had to deal with at

Violet was only sixteen. And goddamn, did I need that reminder.

At twenty-four, I was too old for her and should know better than eyeing my father’s
business associate with hungry eyes. She was jail-fucking-bait, plain and simple.

And I couldn’t fuck up the task my father had given me – to accompany poor little rich
girl Violet and help her pick a prom dress since Daddy dearest was too busy to do it

I could see the disappointment in her eyes when she realized her father wasn’t
coming, but like a selfish prick, I was pleased when she jumped into my arms, holding
on tight. It was as if no time had passed at all.

“I haven’t seen you in so long,” she whispered in my ear. “I thought you forgot all
about me.”

When she pulled back, I was once again mesmerized by her. Those clear green eyes,
the mane of dark brown hair and her pretty, porcelain-skinned face…

She wasn’t just a looker, she was a beauty you remembered after catching a single
glance of her. And she was only sixteen. The thought of what she’d look like in a
couple of years made my cock jump to attention.

“I could never forget you,” I told her honestly, and when her pout broke out into a
smile, I knew I’d been forgiven.

I’d been busy with school and business. If I was honest with myself, I was busy being
my father’s bitch, and I fucking hated every second of it.

Normally, I would have objected to the errand he’d given me, but who could resist a
pretty girl in a gorgeous little dress? I wasn’t about to deny myself the pleasure.
The curtains opened and out she came again, this time in a white two-piece number
that made her look angelic.

The lace clung to her body, with the top part of the outfit revealing inches of her
smooth navel, and the tight skirt hugging her hips overlaid with a sheer layer of white

“What do you think of this one?” she asked, turning around in front of the mirror.

You look fucking good enough to eat, princess.

I swallowed the words on the tip of my tongue and offered her a charming smile in

“I think it’s as perfect as the other twenty-seven you’ve tried on.”

“Four,” she reminded me with a giggle. “I’ve only tried on four others.”

“Why is this prom thing so important to you, anyway?” I asked. “As far as I
remember, you never seemed to give a shit about high school activities.”

She smoothed down her skirt in front of the mirror, critically eyeing her reflection. I
wanted to tell her how perfect she looked, but I had to bite my tongue again. She
wasn’t ready. Two more fucking years.

“I’m going with a boy I like,” she finally blurted, the words coming out in more of a

I stood up from the bench in the luxurious designer changing room.

“Excuse me?”

She rolled her eyes and turned to face me, a vision in her little outfit.

“I knew you’d freak out,” she said. “That’s why I didn’t want to tell you.”

My hands formed fists at my sides as I fired off questions.

“Who is he? Do I know him? Is he a nice guy? Do I need to beat some sense into

Violet’s melodic laughter echoed in the changing room.

“Yes, I think you do know him,” she finally admitted. “I think he’s one of your
friends’ little brother. Matthew Hill?”

My eyes darkened. I knew Matthew’s brother, Calvin, alright. And he wasn’t a very
nice guy. Then again, neither was I. But Violet deserved the best.

And if I couldn’t have her, nobody fucking would.

“I don’t like that you’re going with him,” I told her plainly, and she narrowed her
eyes at me, putting her hands on her hips.

“Well, forgive me if I think you don’t get to have an opinion,” she told me. “You’ve
been gone for what, two years now? Not a single call, not a single text, Devlin. How
could you forget about me like that?”

I could tell she was hurting, but I couldn’t tell her the truth.

“Been busy,” I got out through gritted teeth.

“Yeah, use that excuse with someone else.” She rolled her eyes before checking out
her reflection one last time. “Just help me pick this dress so we can leave already.”

Her tone was hurt, upset. And I was pissed with myself for making her feel that way,
but I didn’t have a goddamn choice. Fuck you, Dad.

“Try on the next one,” I told her, trying to make my tone placating. “The red one you
picked out. I liked that one.”

She rewarded me with a tiny smile before disappearing back behind the curtain.

I found myself trying to catch a glimpse of her in the mirror, chiding myself for being
such a perverted fuck. But how the hell was I supposed to resist her? I’d been
protective of her since we were kids. The only reason I’d disappeared was because my
father had noticed.  He warned me against ever touching her.

I had an inheritance to think of.

A family to please.

And as my father explained, no pussy was worth betraying your family for.
Sometimes I hated his fucking logic, even though I knew it made sense. It was
especially annoying when it deprived me of the sweet, forbidden fruit that was Violet


I turned in the direction of the voice, finding Violet peeking from behind the pale pink
curtain, a smile lighting up her face. She looked so pretty. So innocent. So fucking
wrong for me.

“Yes?” I growled.

“I think this one’s a winner!” she exclaimed, all grudges forgotten as she pulled the
curtain open and sashayed into the waiting area.

She was wearing a beaded red and black cocktail dress with a deep V-bodice and a
lace fringe at the bottom, and she looked breathtaking.

The dress was cut provocatively, revealing her décolletage and her toned arms, not to
mention those mile-long legs. She wasn’t tall, but her body was sinful.

Whoever this Matthew was, he was goddamn lucky he’d scored her as a date to prom.

“Can you help zip me up?” she asked, lifting her mane of dark hair above her neck
and exposing her bare back to me.

I swallowed my groan and approached her, touching the cold metal of the zipper and
being careful not to brush my fingers over her skin. That would have been a fucking
death sentence. My cock was already throbbing in my pants.

I zipped her up, taking a step back and eyeing her in the mirror.

She looked good next to me. Like we were made to be together.

I cleared my throat and stepped aside, muttering, “Yeah, just pick one already. I have
a party to get to.”

She shot me a disappointed look, then nodded without saying a word and retreating
into the changing room. Once she emerged, she gave me the red and black dress
without meeting my eyes.
I paid for it with her Dad’s credit card, ignoring the sales assistant flirting with me as
she packed up Violet’s dress. I handed the pale pink cardboard box with a huge black
satin bow to my girl, and she beamed up at me.

“We’ll drop you off at your house,” I told her. “You got shoes to go with your

“I do,” she said with a nostalgic smile. “My mom was the same size, so I was going
to wear one of her Louboutins.”

“Good girl,” I muttered before I could stop myself.

A glance at Violet revealed her pleasure at being called those two little words. It was
all the proof I needed. I had a feeling she’d turn out to be a submissive doll and
seeing her react so readily to my words only cemented my feelings.

The ride back to her place was spent with her chattering about the dance and me
stewing in my own jealousy. Once we reached the Cabot Estate, she climbed out and
blew me a kiss.

“Have fun at your party, Devlin,” she said with a bright smile.

“Yeah,” I grunted. “You too.”

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Present time
“Annie,I’m so glad you made it!”  I walked over to greet my best friend as she walked
through the front door and removed her designer sunglasses.

“Do you think I would miss a Cabot party?”  She looked around the room. “Where’s
the alcohol?”

“My father is not going to serve you alcohol.”  I giggled, grabbed her arm, and
lowered my voice so nobody else could hear what I was about to say.  “Maria is
serving drinks, and I told her to put something extra in your cup.”

“I knew you were my best friend for a reason.”  She nodded in understanding and
walked with me towards the room where the party was being held.
There were a lot of guests that I recognized, but most of them weren’t my friends.  A
party at Cabot Manor, even if it was for my birthday, required invitations to people
my father did business with. They would have felt snubbed if they didn’t get an
opportunity to decline, and some of them came because it meant they might get some
one-on-one time with a father—a rarity for most people.  I walked around the room,
greeting people I knew, meeting the new significant others I didn’t, and hugging the
few members of my family that had been able to come. Nobody from my mother’s
side of the family came, but that wasn’t a surprise. She passed when I was five, and I
only knew most of them by name rather than appearance.  Some of them would have
been strangers if we passed on the street.

“Violet, you get prettier every year.”  A man with a southern twang in his voice
walked up behind me.

“Mr. Hawthorne!”  I smiled as I turned around hugged the older man who always
gave me candy when I was younger.  “How is retirement treating you?”

“Not as well as I would like.”  He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me in a

warm embrace.  “My son is an idiot, so I’m still making all of the important decisions
—I’ll probably still be making them from the grave at this rate.”

“Aw, you’ve got a long time before you have to worry about that.”  I leaned back
from our embrace and nodded.

“What he needs is a wife—someone that can kick his ass when I’m not around to do
it.  I don’t suppose you would be interested…” His voice trailed off and he winked.

“I adore Steven, but he’s not exactly my type.”  I winced.

“Yeah.”  Mr. Hawthorne exhaled sharply.  “He’s a douchebag.”

That was about as accurate a description as I could think of for Steven Hawthorne. 
He was a playboy who believed he was god’s gift to my gender, and his arrogance
was annoying.  He was also the first guy I dated—and it didn’t go well—nor did we
have a second date after the first one was an abysmal nightmare.

I continued making my rounds until I met everyone and then it was time to open
presents.  Mr. Hawthorne got me a beautiful diamond necklace, Annie got me a Louis
Vuitton purse that was one-of-a-kind, and there were so many pairs of red-soled
Christian Louboutin shoes that I would probably need a new closet—I guess word of
my shoe addiction had spread after I made a big deal over the ones I got at my
birthday party the previous year.  The gift that I was most excited about was the
brand-new red BMW Zagato Coupe that my father bought for me.  I was just about to
slip out the side door and take Annie for a spin when Raymond Grant, one of my
father’s attorneys, came running through the front door with sweat pouring down his

“Mr. Cabot!  Mr. Cabot!” His tone was hurried, and he was practically yelling.

“Raymond?  What’s going on?”  My father looked concerned as he walked towards

the sweat-soaked man who had a look of terror on his face.

Raymond never got a chance to explain—he didn’t have to.  The front door was
pushed open again and several men came storming in—men in suits—men with
badges—men with a warrant for my father’s arrest.  I ran towards my father and
screamed when one of those men presented a pair of handcuffs and told him to turn
around. I would have probably put the heel of my shoe through someone’s eye to
protect my father if Mr. Hawthorne hadn’t grabbed me by the waist.  Mr. Hawthorne
held me tight, even when I kicked at him to try and get free.

“It’s okay Violet!  The lawyers will figure this out!”  My father tried to give me a
reassuring look—but then he was dragged away.

There was a stunned silence in the room except for my screaming.  Tears were
streaming down my face and when Mr. Hawthorne finally released me, I ran to the
door in time to watch my father get roughly shoved into the back of a black sedan. 
Then he was gone. I sank to my knees in despair as people tried to console me, but
most of them decided that it was time to leave—the party was over. By the time I
found the energy to blink, Mr. Hawthorne, Raymond Grant, and Annie were the only
guests left—even the members of my family that attended my party had made a hasty

“Come on, Violet.”  I heard Maria’s voice and felt her hands on my shoulders.  “I
think you need a drink.”

“What happened?”  I looked to Raymond for answers as I walked back inside my


“It’s bad, Violet.”  He exhaled sharply and I saw his hands tremble.  “It’s really bad.”

“I don’t understand.”  I took a step towards him.  “What are they accusing him of?”

“Money laundering.”  Raymond swallowed hard.  “To fund domestic terrorism.”

“What!?”  My mouth fell open.  “He would never do that!  Cabot Enterprises has a
contract with the Department of Defense!”

“Which is why they’re talking about upgrading that charge to treason.”  He quickly
looked down at the floor.

“They’re seizing his assets.”  Raymond lifted his head slowly.  “The bank accounts
are frozen and agents with a search warrant are coming.  I begged them to wait, but
they only let me know as a courtesy—once they were already on their way to arrest
your father.”

In the hours that followed, Cabot Estate wasn’t just searched—it was ransacked. 
They took every electronic device in the house, including my personal laptop and cell
phone.  Anything that could have been used by my father was subject to the warrant.
All I could do was sit in the middle of the living room and watch as the agents
completed their search, tossing my memories around like they were garbage.  They
even knocked a picture of my mother off the wall and I nearly lost it when I watched
one of the agents step on it.

“Don’t…”  Raymond shook his head back and forth.  “If you interfere in any way,
they’ll put a pair of handcuffs on you too.”

“I don’t understand.”  Fresh tears started to stream down my face.  “How did this
happen? My father has always done things the right way—this is impossible.”

“I wish I knew.”  Raymond sighed. “They claim to have evidence, and they wouldn’t
be this vicious if they didn’t already believe he was guilty.”

“I’ve known Hugo Cabot for years!”  Mr. Hawthorne gritted his teeth as he spoke. 
“He’s the straightest arrow in the world.”

“Someone doesn’t think so…”  Raymond sighed again. “I’ve got more bad news too
—they’re seizing Cabot Estate.”

“What does that mean?”  I wiped away a tear and looked at him in confusion.

“You have a week to vacate the property.”  He looked at Maria and Henry. “That goes
for the help, too.”

“Oh my god.”  My jaw trembled, and I found out that there were more sobs left inside
me.  “They’re throwing me out of my home?”
“You can’t take anything when you go except the clothes on your back—consider
yourself lucky that they’re even letting you keep those.”  Raymond winced. “This is
serious shit. If they are able to charge him with treason, then…”

“Life imprisonment.”  Mr. Hawthorne exhaled sharply.  “I need to go.”

“What?”  I looked up at him.

“I’m sorry—I..”  He stumbled over his words.  “I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, I should go too.”  Annie stood to her feet. “My mother saw this on the news
and she won’t stop texting me.”

I watched as Mr. Hawthorne left and Annie followed him out the door.  I felt like they
were abandoning me in the hour of my greatest need, but I began to understand why
once Raymond explained that anyone who had done business with my father could
end up in handcuffs if it looked like they were complicit in what he had done. 
Annie’s father was an investor in Cabot Enterprises. Mr. Hawthorne was one of my
father’s biggest clients. I had fallen from grace in an instant—from the socialite
daughter of a well-respected man—to a pariah people were afraid to sit in the same
room with.

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2 years ago
“What the fuck is wrong with you today, man?”

I turned in the direction of the voice, taking my eyes off the target.

“Nothing,” I muttered. “I guess I’m just distracted with business shit.”

“Always talking about work,” Calvin rolled his eyes, passing the joint he was holding
to the guy next to him who took a long drag. “Fuck, I remember the times when you
knew how to have fun, Windsor.”

I didn’t take the bait, my eyes going back to the guy I’d been watching like a hawk.

“What’s the obsession with my kid brother?” Calvin piped up again. “Does it bother
you that he’s here? I can ask him to leave.”
And there he was, the eternal fucking kiss-ass. He knew I was at the top of the food
chain, and he didn’t dare question what I did.

“What’s he doing at a party like this, anyway?” I asked through gritted teeth. “Isn’t
he in kindergarten?”

“Senior in high school,” Calvin laughed out loud, taking the joint back from the
stoned guy next to him and taking a long drag himself. “I hooked him up with
Preston, you know the preppy guy from Harvard. I heard he got some dope stuff this

“Dope stuff?” I raised my eyes, shifting my attention back to Calvin. “You mean

“Yeah,” Calvin grinned at me conspiratorially, looking around to make sure nobody

was listening and then leaning in to mutter something. “He’s got this shitty high
school prom he’s going to. And he scored a date with the ice princess. Hugo Cabot’s

I saw red.

“Hey, doesn’t your dad work with him?” Calvin asked, still fucking clueless about
what he was doing to me.

What I was going to do to his kid brother.

“What kind of drugs is he getting then?” I asked, sipping at my drink as if I didn’t

have a care in the world. “Pot, I’m guessing?”

“I bet his innocent little date won’t even smoke a bit of weed,” Calvin grinned at me.
“From what he’s told me about her, she’s a frigid little bitch.”

My hand tightened around the glass so much I thought I’d crack it.

“So, what then?” I questioned him, trying to remain calm. “Pills?”

“Yeah,” Calvin replied. “Rohypnol. He’s slipping something in her drink. I mean,
that’s probably the only way he’ll get to that tight little virgin cunt. Who can blame
him? The girl’s only sixteen, but I’d fuck her in a heartbeat.”

I ground my teeth together while he gave me a curious look.

“Hey, didn’t you use to hang out with her a lot when you were kids?”
I ignored his questions, and he shrugged, going back to his conversation with the
stoned kid.

For the rest of the night, I watched Calvin’s kid brother’s every move.

Finally, when I knew he’d be meeting with Preston, I followed him outside, sipping
out of a Crystal glass filled with pure vodka.

We didn’t do red Solo cups. Rich parents make spoiled fucking kids.

I watched him make a deal with Preston. Watched the guy hand him a plastic baggy
with two little white pills. Because one apparently wasn’t enough for Mr. Rape-Date-

By the time their transaction was over, I was pissed. Not just angry but drunk on the
Hill’s parents’ booze and ready to pick a fight.

I waited until the right moment came along, then finally cornered Matthew when he
was taking a leak on his parents’ expensively manicured lawn.

Tapping my hand on his shoulder, I made him miss his aim and spray himself with

“Shit, man,” he groaned. “What the fuck do you want?”

He zipped up his pathetic excuse for a dick into his jeans, and when he did, the little
plastic baggy fell to the ground.

I picked it up, showing it to him between two fingers.

“What’s this, kid?” I asked him in a low, menacing tone.

“Oh, just some party favors,” he replied with a slick smile. “Got a high school prom
to go to. You know girls that age don’t put out so easily, right?”

He eyed me appreciatively. I was a legend in these circles. And for the first time, I
fucking hated my status.

“Who’s your date?” I asked him, giving him one last chance before I smashed his
skull in.

“Oh, that’s the kicker,” he grinned at me as if we were part of the same date-raping
club. “Hugo Cabot’s daughter. You know her, right? Violet, the fucking jailbait treat.
I’ll be the first to taste that sweet little cherry. Pop it too, if these babies work their

He attempted to take the baggy from me, but I put it in my pocket. Matthew had time
for one confused look before my fist came crashing into his face. The crunch of bone
beneath my knuckles told me I’d broken his nose on the first hit.

“What the fuck?!” Matthew cried out, clutching his face as he stumbled back from
me. “What the hell are you doing, man?”

“Teaching you a goddamn lesson,” I hissed before grabbing him and driving my knee
into his stomach.

He grunted in pain, but I didn’t stop until he was a shaking heap on the ground he’d
pissed on moments ago. He looked up at me with fear in his eyes, but I had no
remorse for him.

“You will not go to prom with Violet Cabot,” I told him coldly. “You will not look at
her again or speak to her after you tell her you’re not going to prom at all. You won’t
think of her or dare to utter her name.”

He stared up at me, eyes flashing with anger and fear. The fear was taking over.

“And if I ever fucking hear of you buying date rape drugs,” I went on. “I’m going to
smash more than your nose, kid. You want to keep your balls, right?”

He nodded, a sob escaping his lips. What a pathetic little boy.

I leaned down against his bloodied face, saying, “How unfortunate that you fell down
today, kid. Make sure to get that nose checked. Looks pretty fucked to me.”

With those words, I downed the rest of my vodka and left him whimpering on the

My job was done.

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Present time
For three days,I sat alone in Cabot Estate, dreading my final moment there.  I had no
idea where I would go. The summer home on the beach, the cabin in the mountains,
and even the yacht—all seized by the government.  The credit cards in my wallet were
worthless. The only person who reached out and offered me a place to stay was my
sister, Georgia. I considered it but staying with her was almost worse than being
homeless—I didn’t even want to think about sleeping in the same house with her
husband—to feel like I owed him a debt.

I’d rather sleep in a gutter than feel his breath on my skin again.

Raymond filled me in on the details about my father’s case as they developed.  There
was a closed hearing, and the judge ordered that he be held in federal custody pending
his trial.  They wouldn’t even let me see him. A warrant had been issued for my
brother’s arrest as well, but Raymond didn’t represent him, so he didn’t know all the
details.  Henry and Maria were already making plans to move out, and I should have
been doing the same, but I just didn’t have the energy to pull myself back from the
brink of despair.  What good would it do? All my hopes and dreams had been
shattered—and they were going to remain that way until my father’s was proven

“Miss Violet.”  Maria walked up to me with a black envelope in her hand.  “This
arrived for you.”

“Thank you…”  I reached out and took the envelope.

It was a plain black envelope with no writing on the front.  I flipped it over and my
blood ran cold when I saw the seal on the back—the Windsor family.  I didn’t have to
open the envelope to know who sent it—Devlin Windsor. I stared at the seal for a few
minutes before I finally pushed my fingernail into the flap of the envelope and tore it
open.  Inside, I found a piece of folded paper that was the same color as the envelope.
It appeared to be a letter. When I unfolded the piece of paper, I saw that the words
were handwritten in crimson-colored ink.

My Dear Violet,

It’s come to my attention that you have fallen on hard times.  Our families have not
always gotten along, but I felt compelled to reach out to you.  I would like to extend
an invitation for you to stay with me until your father is exonerated.  I might even
be able to offer some assistance with that, as I have many resources at my disposal. 
Let’s make a deal—one that will benefit us both. You know where to find me.

My hands trembled as I read the letter.  Was my fall from grace so horrific that the
only person outside of my immediate family who dared to reach out to me was Devlin
Windsor?  He wasn’t just a man—he was the devil himself. He was cruel, vile, and
the personification of evil. But, there was truth in his words. He did have many
resources at his disposal—and I had nothing.  The life I knew was over, or at least
suspended in abeyance until my father’s trial. Things didn’t look good, and every call
from Raymond was worse than the one before it.

Am I really considering this?

Am I brave enough to make a deal with the devil to save my father’s empire before
there’s nothing left but ashes?

And what does the devil want in return?

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2 years ago

Her voice on the phone was small, timid. She was scared.

“What’s up?” I asked, motioning at my secretary to leave the room.

She furrowed her brows, leaving a tall stack of papers on my desk before leaving me
alone and shutting the glass door of my office behind her.

“I’m not going to prom.”

The second the words were out, she burst out in tears, and guilt gripped my fucking
heart like a vice.

“Calm down, Violet,” I managed, gritting my teeth together so I wouldn’t give myself
away. “Start at the beginning. Tell me what happened, okay?”

“I don’t w-want to bother you,” she hiccupped, the tears coming in hot and heavy.
“Are you at work? Am I… am I being annoying?”

“No,” I replied firmly. “What happened, princess?”

I cursed myself inwardly when she followed up with a pause.

She was never supposed to know about the nickname I’d given her in my head.

But she didn’t mention it, just kept talking as if nothing happened. In a way, I was
almost disappointed.

“Matthew just came up to me in school,” she went on. “He looked like he’d been in a
fight or something… there are rumors going around about it, but no one really knows
what happened.”

Fucking good, I thought to myself. The kid kept his mouth shut.

“And then what happened?” I prompted her to go on, my hand absent-mindedly

going to the bulge in my pants and stroking my rock-hard dick over the fabric.

“He told me he couldn’t go to prom,” she whimpered. “I thought he’d changed his
mind about going with me, but he’s not going at all.”

“I’m sorry, Violet,” I managed despite the smile playing on my lips.

“You should be!” she cried out, rendering me speechless.

Does she know? Had she somehow found out that I’d threatened the kid?

He better not have spilled the beans. There were plenty of other limbs I could break,
organs I could harm.

“I don’t have a date now,” she finished, and a weight fell off my chest. “I got that
gorgeous dress and now I don’t even get to wear it.”

“You could still go alone?” I suggested. “Or maybe with some friends.”

“No,” she muttered, her voice soft. “I’m… I don’t really… I guess I’m kind of a

“What does a high school prom matter, anyway?” I asked. “You don’t really care
about that shit, do you?”

“Kind of,” she admitted. “I’ve never been to a school dance. I just want to experience
it at least once. And now I can’t go.”

I could practically see her pout in front of me.

I sighed heavily, knowing full well what I had to do. But that didn’t mean I liked it.

“Get dressed,” I got out through gritted teeth. “I’ll pick you up in two hours.”

I could hear her sharp intake of breath, the barely held-back glee evident in her soft
little voice. “Do you mean it? Are you going to find someone to take me?”

“No, princess,” I growled. “I’m going to take you myself.”


I felt like a douchebag standing in front of her door in my custom-cut tux. I even

brought her a goddamn corsage.

But the truth was, I just wanted Violet to have an amazing time. She would be forced
to grow up all too quickly soon enough, and I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I
deprived her of this simple pleasure she deserved as a teenager.

I wasn’t sure whether she told her dad I was coming, and I felt myself sweating as I
pulled through their gates. Before I could even kill the engine in front of the Cabot
Estate, the passenger door flew open and there she was. My princess.

“Hello,” she said, beaming at me as she got into the car. “Do you know where we’re
going? Do you need directions?”

I took one long look at her in that sinful little dress and managed to say, “Get out of
the car.”

“What?” Her mouth gaped open in shock. “Why? What’s wrong?”

“Just do it.”

We both got out of the car, and I walked over to the passenger side. Violet was
holding herself, shivering in the cool evening air. She wasn’t wearing anything over
her dress, and as I approached her, I shrugged my tux jacket off and placed it over
her shoulders. She shot me a surprised look when I did it.

Is it really so hard to believe I can be a nice guy sometimes?

“Why are you suddenly being so nice to me?” she muttered.


Yes, it is. Because it’s just not in my fucking nature.

“Maybe it’s because you look so pretty tonight,” I told her before I could stop myself.

She flushed at the sound of my words and I smirked at her before pulling out the red
rose corsage I’d gotten her. Violet’s eyes widened as I approached her, wrapping it
around her wrist. She was thrilled, I could tell, and I was glad I’d made all her
dreams of a perfect prom come true.

“Back in the car.” My eyes were burning with the need to touch her.

She gave me a shy smile before getting back inside myred Porsche 959 Coupe. I put
the directions to her school in my GPS and we drove in companionable silence
interrupted by the sound of the music I had playing.

“I love this song,” she muttered, twisting the buttons so the car was drowned by the
sound of the singer’s sexy, sultry voice. “I didn’t know you liked it, too.”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” I told her with a grin.

“I wish I did,” she replied with a wistful smile. “We used to be so close, Devlin. What

I looked at her out of the corner of my eyes. She looked fucking breathtaking, but how
was I supposed to tell her the truth?

You’re too young, and I want you too much.

“I’ve been busy,” I lied through gritted teeth. “You know my father wants me
involved in the business.”

“Oh yes, I know,” she laughed out loud. “But since when do you listen to what
Dominic Windsor wants, Devlin?”

She was right, so I rewarded her with an affectionate smile just as we pulled up in
front of her high school. I parked the car and got out, opening the door for her. She
got out, looking like a fucking vision in that sinful little dress, her excited, sparkling
eyes meeting mine for reassurance.

“You’ll do great, princess,” I told her. “I’ll make sure you have a blast.”
“Thank you,” she whispered, beaming.

I led her into the school. The prom theme was ‘Heaven and Hell’. Who knows how the
fuck that got approved with some of the religious freaks that were part of her private
school. I now understood Violet’s black-and-red dress a bit better.

“I thought you’d go as an angel,” I muttered in her ear as we made our way into the

She looked up at me, sparks flying between us.

“You don’t think I can be a devil?” she asked flirtatiously.

“No,” I ground out. “I think there’s only room for one devil in this city, and that’s

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“There’s nothing we can do?”I sat at the table across from Raymond, going over the
court order that required me to vacate the Cabot Estate by the end of the day.

“No.  I’ve called every judge I know—they don’t want to touch this at all.  They are
using the Patriot Act to keep from having to show us the evidence they have against
your father.  I mean, fuck the Constitution, right? Pardon my language.” Raymond
sighed angrily. “All they have to do is say the word terrorist and suddenly everyone is
afraid to get involved.”

“Yeah, most of my friends won’t even return my calls.”  I stared at the documents and
shook my head. “Even the ones that will have been quick to tell me that their parents
don’t want them talking to them.”

“I’m sorry, Violet.  Do you know where you’ll go?”  He reached out and put his hand
on mine.

“My sister offered…”  My voice trailed off and I looked away when I felt tears in the
corner of my eyes.

But I can’t stay with her…

“Ah, that’s good.”  He nodded quickly and patted my hand.  “You should be with
family right now.”

“Any word on Rhys?”  I looked back at him.

“No.  They’re looking for him though, and if they find him, he’ll be in a cell next to
your father.”  He sighed. “This is just one big fuck—freaking mess.”

It really was.  My father was in jail and we couldn’t even talk to him.  Cabot Manor
was ransacked. There was no point in cleaning up the glass the agents broke when
they knocked picture frames off the wall.  Why bother? I was the last one there, and I
had to leave with nothing but the clothes on my back.

After Raymond left, I picked up the crimson inked letter from Devlin Windsor.  I had
stared at the letter every day since I got it. I remembered a time when an invitation
from Devlin would have made me come running—but that was before I knew who he
really was—before I found out that a monster lurked behind his mesmerizing hazel
eyes.  He was attractive—god was he attractive.  He might as well have been sculpted
from a fantasy.

But he’s not my fantasy.  Not anymore. Yet he may be the only one who can help me
right now.

I couldn’t move in with my sister, even if it was just a temporary arrangement.  Not
after what her husband tried to do to me—not after my sister called me a liar when I
tried to tell her the truth about the man she married.  Devlin was my only real option.
If he could help my father, then how could I ignore his invitation?

I couldn’t.

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Two years ago

I wasn’t supposed to be at the prom with Devlin.  I wasn’t supposed to see him at all.
He stormed back into my life the day I bought the dress I was wearing, but a lot had
changed since that day.  Our parents were no longer speaking—they had gone from
business partners to bitter rivals. I didn’t fully understand what caused the rift
between them, but the first thing they did was forbid us from seeing each other again. 
It wasn’t surprising coming from Dominic Windsor. He didn’t like for Devlin to spend
time with me at all, even when we were kids. Devlin’s father tolerated our friendship
until it was time for Devlin to start working for them.  After that, he didn’t want
Devlin to be distracted by anything—the job was supposed to have all his attention.

And it did.

For three years, the one person I trusted more than anyone else in the world outside
of my immediate family was just—gone.

I was so excited to see him when he helped me pick out my dress that I did things that
weren’t characteristic of me—I flirted.  It was foolish. He was much too old for me.
Still, I thought I saw a glimmer in his eye—a hint that maybe, just maybe, there was
something more than just friendship in our future.

If it was going to happen, then the prom seemed like the best setting for romance.  It
would be scandalous, especially if our parents ever found out, but I didn’t care.  I
knew what I wanted. I wanted the man who was leading me towards the dance floor—
the man who called himself the devil and said I was an angel.  If he was the devil,
then I was ready to sell my soul. I was ready to melt into his embrace. I wanted his
gorgeous lips to crush mine—just once—so I could see how it felt.  I had all night to
make it happen, and I felt more like a devil than an angel—especially when I felt
Devlin’s hands on my body.

“I don’t really dance.”  His words came out like a growl and when the light his face,
I swear his eyes were glowing.

“But you will.”  I grinned and moved his hand to my hip.  “Because I want to

“Yes, princess.”  He nodded. “I’ll dance.”

And I’ll give you so much more than a dance if you want it.  I’ll give you everything—
all you have to do is say the words I’m dying to hear.

I took a risk calling Devlin when I found myself without a date for prom.  I just
wanted someone to talk to. My father was consumed with his work and didn’t seem to
understand how important the dance was to me—but Devlin did.  He didn’t just offer
a sympathetic ear, he offered to take me to the dance himself. My heart did
somersaults in my chest when I heard the words come off his lips.  It was more than I
ever imagined, but I thought it was fate—because fate had never been on my side, and
I was overdue for a glimmer of hope.
“I’m so glad you decided to take me to prom.”  I looked up at him and smiled. “This
night is almost perfect.”

“Almost?”  He raised an eyebrow.  “Why only almost?”

“Well—I’m sure it will be perfect before it’s over.”  My smile spread into a devious

The music stopped for a moment and the next song was faster.  I wasn’t really
interested in testing the seams on my dress with a vigorous hip-hop song, and I could
tell that Devlin had no interest in it either.  We made our way over to a table and took
our seats. Devlin seemed distracted, looking around the room like he was studying
every single person—learning them with a glance.  I wanted all his attention and I
wasn’t getting it.

“Do you want a drink?”  I looked towards the punch bowl.  “Oh, there’s Annie. I
should say hello.”

“You’re not going to leave me sitting here by myself, are you?”  He narrowed his
eyes at me.

“You’ll be fine.”  I patted his hand and stood.

If I’m lucky, you’ll watch me walk away and see something you like.

“You look beautiful!”  I walked up behind Annie and grabbed her hand.

“Violet!  You made it!”  Annie was shocked for a moment—and then she grabbed me
for a hug.  “I thought you were spending the night at home. Why didn’t you call me!? 
I could have picked you up!”

“I, um, have a date.”  I grinned and nodded quickly.

“What?  Steven changed his mind?”  She tilted her head inquisitively.

“No.”  I stepped to the side and motioned towards my table.  “I found someone a
whole lot better than Steven Hawthorne.”

“No—fucking—way.”  Her jaw dropped. “Devlin Windsor!”

“Yep!”  My grin got wider, but I saw a dark expression sweep across Annie’s face.

“Isn’t that an—issue?  Your father…” Her words trailed off.

“Tonight isn’t about my father.  It’s about me.” I reached over to the table and
quickly poured two cups of punch.  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I believe my date is
getting lonely.”

“Violet…”  Annie reached out and grabbed my arm.  “Maybe you’re not scared of
your father, but what about his?  What about Dominic Windsor? He’ll lose his shit if
he finds out Devlin is here—with you.”

“If I’m not worried about my father, I’m certainly not worried about Dominic
Windsor.”  I started walking back towards the table.

I’m not behaving like an angel tonight.

“How’s the brat?”  He looked towards Annie for a second and then turned his
attention back to me.

“She’s fine—and probably jealous.”  I grinned and put his drink down in front of

“Wait.”  Devlin snatched the cup out of my hand and sipped it. “No, you’re not
drinking this.  Someone spiked it.”

“So what?”  I reached for my cup.  “It’s prom.”

“You’re not drinking this.”  He turned and put the cups on the table beside us.

“I thought you were going to make it a fun night…”  I folded my arms across my

“Then let’s dance.  Someone finally found another good song.”  He stood and
extended his hand.

He led me back out to the dance floor and we twirled me before yanking me close
against his chest.  That was where I wanted to be—in his arms—pressed against his
muscled physique. He wasn’t a boy anymore—far from it.  My heart was racing. My
pulse was pounding. I felt things inside me that I had never felt before—urges. I had
to have him.  I had no idea how long it would be until I saw him again. It might be my
only chance.

“I never expected you to be a gentleman.”  The devious grin returned to my lips as I

pushed his hand down to my ass and he immediately pulled it back to my hip—it was
the third time he had done that.
“There are boundaries we can’t cross.”  He narrowed his eyes and exhaled sharply. 
“Not that you’re making it easy in that dress right now.”

“It can be our secret.”  I looked into his eyes, feeling the strangest desire to wither
against his touch.  “You would be my first…”

“No.”  His tone was callous, and his hands fell away from my body.  “We both know
that isn’t possible.”

“Why?  Because you’re the devil and I’m an angel?”  I tilted my head to the side. “I
promise that I can be a devil too—if you’ll give me a chance.”

“Violet—I…”  His words hesitated.

I never got a chance to hear what Devlin was going to say.  The doors behind us
suddenly flew open and when I turned around, I saw my father standing in the
entrance.  The music died out, the lights came on—and chaos erupted. Devlin took a
step back and my father charged across the dance floor like he was ready to destroy
anything in front of him—and all his attention was on my date.

“Daddy, no!”  I stepped in front of him.

“Get the fuck in the car!”  He pointed towards the doorway and his jaw clenched.

“You’re ruining my prom!”  My eyes started to fill with tears.

“Mr. Cabot…”  Devlin’s fists balled.  “I would suggest that you leave before you say
something that you’ll regret for the rest of your life.”

“You…”  My father grabbed my arm and yanked me towards his side.  “Once I get
her to the car, I’m coming back—and you sure as fuck better not be here.”

“Oh yeah?”  Devlin stepped up, squaring off with my father.  “What if I am? What
are you going to do—old man.”

“Devlin!”  A voice roared—and the few people that had started to murmur
immediately grew silent.

“Shit…”  Devlin’s fists dropped.

It was Dominic Windsor—and the moment turned into a nightmare.  He charged into
the middle of the dance floor and pushed Devlin back.  Devlin tried to take a step
towards me, his father grabbed him. We were forced apart—and when I reached out
for Devlin, I only managed to touch his hand before my father started dragging me to
the door.  Devlin pulled away from his father and ran towards me, but Dominic said
something that made him pause in his tracks. I couldn’t hear what he said, but it had
an immediate impact on my date. The look of rage on Devlin’s face faded, and he just
watched until I was pulled around the corner and lost sight of him.

“How could you do that?”  I pulled my arm away from my father as soon as we got
outside.  “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“You don’t understand!”  He roared and started walking towards the car.  “You
can’t see him—not anymore!”

“Daddy, I—like him.”  I managed to avoid saying the other L word—the one that was
simmering inside me.

“You’re a child.  You have no idea what you’re doing.”  He opened the door when
we got to the car.  “Get in.”

As soon as I got home, I had an explosive argument with my father, but he refused to
even acknowledge my feelings.  When the tears overwhelmed the rage, I made my
way upstairs and slammed the door to my bedroom. I immediately grabbed my cell
phone and tried to call Devlin, but he didn’t answer.  I left him a voicemail,
apologizing for what my father did, and begged him to call me. I was still waiting for
my phone to ring when exhaustion finally took me several hours later.

The next morning, I still didn’t have a message from Devlin.  I had messages from my
friends, especially Annie—and apparently, I was the talk of the school.  I wanted to
crawl into a hole and die. I had never felt more embarrassed in my whole life. I sat up
on the edge of my bed and tried to call Devlin again, just hoping that he would
answer—but I got his voicemail.  I didn’t even bother to leave a message.

“Good morning, Miss Violet.”  My door opened and Maria walked in with a smile on
her face.  “I guess you won’t need me to open your curtains to wake you up this

“No.”  I shook my head back and forth.

“I heard the commotion last night.  Your father sounded angry.” She walked over
and sat down on the edge of the bed.

“Yeah…”  I nodded.
“Does this have anything to do with Devlin Windsor?”  She tilted her head to the
side. “I saw you getting into his car…”

“You didn’t—tell my father, did you?”  My head snapped to the side.

“No, of course not.”  She blinked as if she was insulted that I would even suggest
that.  “He got a call from someone, and I’m not sure who it was, but he was really
upset when he left.”

“He just doesn’t understand.”  I dropped my head. “He doesn’t see Devlin like I

“The heart can be confusing sometimes, but you’re young—it’ll make sense when
you’re older.”  She patted my hand.

“Why does everyone keep accusing me of being a child?”  My words snapped off my
tongue and I felt my anger rising.

I’m not a child.

I know what I want.

I want Devlin Windsor.

I might not have gotten what I wanted last night, but I’m not going to give up.

I’ll find a way to sign my soul over to the devil if it’s the last thing I do.

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Present time
“That’s it,”I groaned, my fingers wrapping in a mane of strawberry blonde hair. “All
the way down, come on now. You can take it.”

The girl whimpered, but the sound only made me grip her harder, needing to fuck my
load into her throat. I was holding onto her hair right above her forehead, positioning
her over the tip of my cock and making her suck me like the pro she was.
“Go on, baby, suck harder,” I growled next, and she looked up at me with watery
eyes, begging for so much more than I wanted to give her. And they were not the eyes
I wanted to see.

With a sigh, I pulled out of her mouth, spit dribbling from her chin to her exposed
chest when I put my still-hard cock back in my pants.

“D-Did I do something w-wrong, Sir?” she stuttered, hastily smoothing down the
expensive lingerie I’d ordered her to wear. “Did I upset you?”

“No,” I ground out through gritted teeth. “Get dressed.”

I got up from my chair, ignoring her as I crossed the room to the minibar and poured
myself a drink. A gin and tonic was my poison of choice for the night.

I felt her eyes on mine as I looked outside the window. The city was illuminated
before me, bright lights and fast cars racing on the streets. The view made me feel like
a God. Not that night, though. That night, it just emphasized I didn’t have what I so
badly wanted.

“Sir, I apologize if I’ve upset you,” the pretty girl murmured, approaching me on
trembling legs. “It really wasn’t my intention, I was hoping we could-”

“Not tonight,” I interrupted her, swirling the liquid in my glass. “You can go home
now, Victoria.”

She flinched when I used her real name, as if I’d hit her.

Who would have thought she’d prefer being called a whore to her actual given name?

She was such a little slut, and any other night, I would’ve had a blast abusing her, but
my thoughts were elsewhere at the time, and I couldn’t give her what she so
desperately needed.

“Sir, I… I’m so sorry,” she whispered, and I turned around to find her eyes teary and
filled with urgency. “I want to make it up to you, whatever I did, I just…”

“You did nothing wrong,” I replied with a sigh. “Now please, go. My secretary will
arrange your ride home. Goodbye, Victoria.”
Her bottom lip quivered as she pulled a Burberry trench coat over her stockings and
thong. She didn’t look up at me as she left the room. I had a feeling I wasn’t going to
see her again.

Not that it made a difference to me. There were plenty of girls just like Victoria
waiting in line for me.

The problem was, the one I wanted wasn’t part of the queue.

Violet Cabot.

Her name was a whisper on my lips, untouchable and so delicious my mouth watered
as my lips formed the letters of her name. She was my obsession. Soon enough, she
would be my possession.

My plan had been put into motion. Now the ball was in her court. And if my
assumptions were correct, she would be the most eager-to-please little toy I’d had the
pleasure of playing with.

Since that moment two years ago, I knew she belonged with me.

I’d bided my time. Waited for her to become legal with bated fucking breath.

Now it was time for the Devil to claim another soul. Now, it was time for Violet
Cabot to submit to me, body, mind and fucking soul.

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18 months ago
"It was a pleasure seeing you again, Devlin."

I shook Hawthorne's hand with my signature cool smile, not revealing a single
emotion regarding how I really felt about the deal. Hawthorne was grinning from ear
to ear and given that he'd just come into a fuckton of money, he had every right to be.

"And you," I replied. "Say your regards to your family for me. How is your son
"Ah, you know Steven," Hawthorne chuckled. "Getting into trouble just like always.
But he does have a date tonight, one I've helped to arranged and that I'm praying
goes well. It would be a good connection for the business."

"I see," I replied. "Well, I'm sure they'll have a great time. Who's the lucky lady?"

"I do believe you know her," Hawthorne replied. "Although I've heard your families
aren't on the best of terms lately."

"Who is it?" I ground out, though I feared I already knew the answer. And I didn't
fucking like it one bit.

"Violet Cabot." He leaned in closer, a sly smile on his lips as he delivered the
punchline. "I hear she's grown into quite the beauty. I'm hoping everything goes well
tonight. We could use a girl like her on our side, especially with her family's fortune.
My son needs some straightening out."

"I bet," I growled, barely able to hold back my emotions.

"I just hope she can turn a blind eye to his ways," Hawthorne went on, pissing me off
even more. "You know, boys will be boys."

He winked at me, as if I was part of his stupid fucking 'boys will be boys' club. I
resisted the urge to smash my fist into his nose and instead just smiled coolly.

"I'm sure she's pliable enough," I replied instead. "What are they doing on their first

"A private screening of Beauty and the Beast tonight, at eight," Hawthorne beamed.
"I organized it. I heard it's the girl's favorite movie."

"How nice," I replied. "At your cinema downtown?"

Hawthorne owned a couple of properties in the city, and one of them was an old-
fashioned cinema called Le Théatre. I had a feeling he'd want Violet on his own turf,
so he could influence whatever happened that night.

"Indeed," Hawthorne said. "You sure do have a sharp brain, Devlin. I understand
now why your father appointed you to such a high position in the company."

I smiled, saying, "Much appreciated. I'll see you next week for the contract signing.
Have a great evening, and good luck to your son."
He smiled and shook my hand, clueless to the plans that were already being hatched
in my brain.

I sure as hell wasn't going to let this date happen. It didn't matter that Violet wasn't a
family friend anymore. I knew Steven, and I knew he was nothing but a pussy-hungry
prick who would only end up hurting her after taking advantage. Not on my fucking

As I got into my car that was waiting outside the building, I dialed a number and
barked instructions to the person on the other line.

"Blonde," I said as the driver pulled the car onto the road. "Big tits. Skimpy outfit.
Tell her to ask for Steven Hawthorne. And make sure she looks slutty as can fucking

I grinned to myself, adding, "I want her to leave a lasting impression..."


The last part of my plan was to make sure I was close by when the date happened. I
needed to make it seem like a coincidence that I was there, and make sure Violet
ended up in my arms when everything went up in flames.

I scheduled a date with Bex Jones, a pretty redhead I'd been seeing on-and-off for a
few months. She was intelligent, sexy and fun. But something prevented me from
pursuing a real relationship with her. And if I was being honest with myself, that
something was a sexy little brunette who was so off-limits I knew in the back of my
mind I'd never be able to have her. But I wasn't going to let our family feud stop me.

Bex showed up ten minutes late, exasperatedly apologizing and looking fucking
delicious in a halter neck jade green silk dress that exposed her toned shoulders and
ample tits. I gave her an appreciative look as she slid into the seat opposite of mine at
the famous Italian restaurant Bellucci's. It was a place frequented by celebrities, but
the only person I wanted to watch that night was Violet. And since Bellucci's was
right opposite the cinema, I had the perfect watching spot to make sure the date went
horribly wrong.

As Bex launched into an endless conversation, the waiter brought out our starters and
I messed with my food, my eyes constantly on the window behind Bex. I checked my
watch every so often, not really giving a shit when my date got upset about me getting
distracted. She was just a pawn in my game. I wouldn't need her for much longer.

Twenty minutes after eight, the door of the cinema burst open, and a pretty brunette
exited in tears.

"Come on," I ground out at Bex. "We're leaving."

She stared at me in shock, but a delighted expression took over when I grabbed her
coat and helped her into it.

"Oh, I see," she purred. "Can't wait after dinner tonight, can you, Devlin?"

I smirked at her, putting my own coat on and throwing a couple hundred bills on the
table to cover our food.

Let her think that. It was better than her realizing what my real plan was.

I ushered her out of the restaurant, crossing the road to the other side where the
cinema was. Bex tottered after me in her sky-high heels, practically purring with
excitement. She thought she was going to be riding my dick in the next thirty minutes.
Such a little sex kitten. She always had been addicted to the taste of my cum.

"Taxi!" I called out, raising a hand as I stepped on the pavement.

A yellow cab pulled up, and a small figure appeared before me.

"Hey, I was here first!" she argued, raising her tear-stained but ever so pretty face to

A moment later, the shock registered on her face and she whispered my name.

"Violet?" I asked, opening the door of the cab. "What are you doing here?"

Bex got into the car, ignoring my girl completely.

"I..." Violet started, glancing around herself while another tear slipped down her

Goddamn, she even looks good when she's crying. I want to be the one to put those
tears in her eyes.

"I had a date," she managed to finish. "A date that went horribly wrong."
I slammed the door of the cab shut just as she burst into tears.

"Princess," I muttered, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Do you need a ride home?"

She shook her head and shrugged. "I just want... to forget about this. It was so fucking

I glanced at the cab, as if weighing my options.

"I can take you for a sundae," I finally said, and Violet's eyes lit up as she looked up
at me. "At that ice cream shop we used to go to when we were younger. You

"Yeah," she giggled. "The one right outside your office building? You used to take me
every time our dads had meetings."

Her expression darkened. Neither of us mentioned the elephant in the room - the fact
we weren't supposed to be seen with one another after all. Since our families were
feuding, it would be completely unacceptable if we spent time together. But I didn't
give a shit.

I tapped the roof of the cab and the car pulled away with Bex's shocked face
appearing in the window. She mouthed a curse word and banged on the window, but
it was too little too late. She'd served her purpose.

Violet watched the cab take off, a cute little smile playing on her lips as she turned
her eyes to mine.

"Wasn't that your date?" she asked.

"I'll see her later," I told her, and her expression fell.

But I wanted it that way. I wanted her jealous, imagining all the things I was going to
do to Bex as the night went on. It would only make her want me for herself more.

"Shall we?" I offered her my arm. "It's only a couple of blocks away, we can walk.
And you can tell me all about this terrible date of yours."

"Are you sure?" She hesitated before finally wrapping her arm around mine. "I really
don't think we should be seen together."

"I don't give a shit about that," I told her. "Come on, princess."
We started walking toward the ice cream shop and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wanna tell me about it?" I asked her and watched another tear slip down her cheek.

"It was just a disaster," she finally muttered. "I never should have agreed to the date
in the first place. I was just doing it as a favor to my dad."

"Always a good reason for a date," I teased her, and she let out a small giggle. "What

"Well, he was ten minutes late," she managed, her voice bitter. "But his other date

"What?" My eyebrows shot up. "Another girl showed up?"

"Yeah," she ground out. "A gorgeous, tall blonde dressed so inappropriately my
mouth gaped. She said she was looking for him, Steven Hawthorne."

"And then?" I asked gently, guiding her over the street.

"And then Steven finally showed up," she went on. "Denied ever seeing the girl. But
she insisted he'd invited her. That he'd paid her."

"Paid her?" I asked. "So, she was..."

"I'm guessing so," Violet admitted miserably. "I can't believe he asked a... a... girl like
that to join us on our first date. What the hell did he think was going to happen?"

She looked up at me as if I had the answers, and my eyebrows shot up, giving her a
silent reason.

"God," she muttered. "I wasn't going to sleep with him on the first date!"

"I know that, princess," I told her calmly. "But given what I know about Steven, I'm
guessing he was trying to persuade you."

“That’s awful,” she said, shaking her head. “I never should have let Dad set this up. I
don’t even like Steven.”

A thousand questions bloomed in my head, wondering whom she liked if it wasn’t that
son of a bitch Hawthorne. Jealousy twisted my guts into knots, but I shook my head to
get the thought out. Tonight was about making Violet more comfortable around me,
not claiming her. The time for that would come.
We arrived at the sundae shop just as an employee turned over the ‘open sign’.

“Oh no,” Violet exclaimed. “It looks like it just closed.”

“Don’t worry,” I replied, knocking on the glass door.

The employee, a woman in her forties, turned around and glared at us with her hands
on her hips. She pointed at the sign and shrugged, and I held up a stack of hundred-
dollar bills. Her eyes instantly lit up, and she grinned, opening the door wide.

“Welcome to Angelo’s Gelato,” she grinned.

“Welcome indeed,” I smirked, giving her the cash. “The lady will have a salted
caramel sundae. Extra peanuts and hold the marshmallows.”

The woman nodded and disappeared into the kitchen while Violet gave me a
surprised look.

“You remember,” she said.

“Of course I do,” I told her. “We used to come here a lot. Now the real question is,
can you still handle that sundae? Because if I remember correctly, it’s so big you
need two people to finish it.”

She grinned, saying, “You’ll just have to help me.”

I walked her to a booth and we slid into the red leather seats. Her eyes were wide,
and the atmosphere was perfect. It almost felt like the date she never got to

We chatted about this and that while we waited for her order, careful not to broach
the subject of our families. I didn’t want to upset her. I knew our family quarrels were
a sore spot for her.

Moments later, the waitress appeared with the ice cream, setting it down in front of
Violet triumphantly and sticking her palm out to me.

“Really?” I raised my brows out to her, chuckling. “You drive a hard bargain, lady.”

I slid a few more bills into her hand and she retreated, a satisfied smile on her face.

Violet’s voice was soft, barely above a whisper.

I looked at her, eyes wide and framed by thick black lashes, bottom lip jutting out in a
way that made me want to sink my teeth into.

“Yes, princess?”

She set her spoon down, looking so small compared to the massive sundae in front of

“Do you think our dads will ever make up?” she whispered.

I shifted in my seat, never taking my eyes off her.

“Why do you care?” I wondered out loud. “That shouldn’t matter to you, Violet.
You’re young. You should have fun, not worry about your family’s affairs.”

She looked down, those lashes coming to rest against her flushed cheeks that were
still stained by tears from before. She’d never looked more beautiful, more
vulnerable, than at that moment.

“I just…” she started, looking up at me yet again while she fiddled with the hem of
her dress. “I just wish I’d get to see you as often as I used to.”

“And why is that, princess?” I murmured.

“I miss you.” Her voice was shaking, her hands nervously twisting the fabric in her
lap. “I… I wish you were around, the way you used to be. I really, really… need you
around, Devlin.”

I wanted to give her what she wanted so fucking badly, but the chasm between us was
widening. And I needed to bide my time. After all, she wasn’t even legal yet. I’d be
able to claim her once the time was right. For now, I needed to keep her wanting me.

“Things will change,” I promised her. “And soon enough, you’ll have me any time
you want. How does that sound, princess?”

“Good,” she replied, her lips slowly turning upward into a smile.

“You better get started on that ridiculous ice cream,” I grinned at her. “Don’t want it
to melt.”

She laughed and dug into her sundae while I watched her.
Such a mesmerizing little creature she was.

Too bad I’d have to break her heart after this.

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One year ago

“I can’t believe your Dad managed to get you tickets to Sleeping Beauty for your
birthday.”  Annie looked over at me as we stood in line, waiting for the people in
front of us to finish up at the counter.  “This ballet has been sold out for weeks.”

“I was kind of hoping for a car.”  I shrugged and sighed. “I feel like he owes me
more than tickets to the ballet after ruining my prom last year.”

“Yeah, I would be mortified if that happened to me.”  She shook her head back and
forth. “But, it’s kind of sweet—he was just being protective of his daughter.  My Dad
barely even pays attention to anything I do. Sometimes I wish he was a little more

“There’s protective and then there’s dragging you out of prom kicking and
screaming.”  My jaw tensed when I remembered the most embarrassing moment of
my life.

“Yeah…”  She nodded.

We made our way inside and found our seats.  It was a beautiful performance, but I
had trouble enjoying the show because all I could think about was prom.  It had been
a traumatic experience, and I still hadn’t completely forgiven my father for what he
did. I knew he had good intentions, but it was still humiliating.  My classmates still
hadn’t let me live it down and I didn’t like being teased. It had put a strain on some of
my friendships, and I rarely talked to anyone except Annie.  At least she was there for
me—the one friend that would never abandon me like all the others.

“Uh oh.”  Annie grabbed my arm and dug her nails in as we walked out of the
theater during intermission.

“What?”  I looked at her and then followed the direction of her eyes.  “Oh my god!”
It was Devlin.  I hadn’t seen him in six months and just the sight of him took my
breath away.  After prom, he completely ignored me, but a chance encounter
following my disastrous date with Steven Hawthorne brought us back together.  He
picked up the pieces, took me for ice cream, and gave me a small glimmer of hope
that maybe we could have something together—then he tore that hope apart.  I was
too young. I was a child—he said the same thing to me that my father did—and those
words stung. They hurt so much that I didn’t try to contact him again—I just couldn’t
handle being rejected again.

“Don’t try to talk to him.”  Annie pulled me back towards the theater.

“Come on, I should just say hello.”  I pulled my arm out of her grasp, and her grip
was so tight that the skin tore in the process.

I ignored the cut on my arm and walked over to Devlin as fast as I could in a pair of
heels that weren’t designed for speed.  He was talking to someone—a guy I didn’t
recognize—but when he saw me, that conversation ended. Our eyes locked together.
Those cool hazel eyes.  They looked at me like I saw all they had ever wanted to see
and staring into them made me want to melt and wither at the same time, but they
filled me with purpose.

“Hello, princess.”  His words were calm, but I saw him tense up when I approached. 
“What are you doing here?”

“I should be asking you that—the ballet, really?”  I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

“I’m—not here for the dancing.”  A smile swept across his face, but then it faded. 
“You’re bleeding.”

“It’s nothing.”  I reached over to cover the wound.

“Here.”  He dug a handkerchief out of his pocket that bore his initials and took my
arm in his hand.  “It doesn’t look too bad.”

“It doesn’t hurt.”  I put my hand on his, but he pulled away, leaving me holding the
handkerchief over my wound.  “So, you didn’t come for the dancing? Why are you

“I’m watching someone.”  The smile returned to his face.  “Someone that has
captured my attention.”

“Oh.”  I nodded.  “You brought a date?”

Of course he has a date.  Why wouldn’t he?

“Not exactly.”  He shook his head back and forth.  “But I have no intention of
leaving by myself tonight.”

“You could leave with me.”  I took another step closer. “I’ll be eighteen in six
months—I’m practically a woman now.”

“Princess…”  His hand lifted and he caressed the side of my cheek, but immediately
pulled his hand away.  “No. I can’t…”

“Why do you keep doing this to me?”  My eyes closed for a moment. “I know what I

“You know what you think you want.”  He exhaled sharply. “You really have no idea
what would happen if I left with you.”

“I have a pretty good idea.”  I opened my eyes slowly and smiled.

“No—you don’t.”  His words snapped at me and his eyes clouded.  “Enjoy your

“Devlin, don’t push me away again.”  I grabbed the front of his jacket—and I kissed

It was a one-sided kiss.  My lips pressed against his.  I tasted the bliss I had been
craving, but then I felt his hands on my shoulders.  He pushed me away—so hard that
I stumbled back and nearly lost my footing. He didn’t even try to catch me.  There
was no smile on his face—just an ice-cold stare. He immediately turned and headed
back into the theater as Annie rushed to my side.  The shove might as well have been
a slap across my face—I felt more humiliated by that than I did when I was dragged
out of prom.

“What an asshole.”  Annie sighed. “I swear that man really is the devil.”

I’m not so sure about that, because he keeps refusing to let me sell my soul to him.

“I guess we should get back to the show.”  I looked towards the theater.

“Yeah.”  Annie nodded and looked at my arm.  “Sorry about that—I didn’t realize
you were going to try to tear off your arm to get to him.”

“It was stupid—obviously.”  I sighed and shook my head.

We returned to our seats for the second half of the ballet and I scanned the crowd
until I found Devlin.  He was sitting alone, and it didn’t appear that he had a date. A
couple of times I saw his eyes cut in the direction of my seat, but he never looked at
me.  I barely paid attention to the rest of the show because my thoughts were
spinning. I finally felt his lips on mine—but nothing. There was no reaction on his
part other than to send me away—not just send, actually push—hard enough that he
could have sent me to the floor if I didn’t catch my footing.  I never believed Devlin
would physically hurt me before that moment, but his eyes said otherwise. He would
have watched me fall—he might have even enjoyed it. The ballet finally ended, and
the dancers did their final bow before the curtains were closed for the last time.

“Let’s go.”  Annie looked over at me.  “Is your arm okay?”

“Yes.”  I looked down and realized I had been clutching Devlin’s handkerchief
during the entire second half of the performance.  “It’s fine now.”

“I’ll call my driver.”  She pulled her cell phone out of her purse.

“Not yet.”  I stood to my feet.  “I need to try and talk to Devlin…”

“Violet—don’t!”  Annie tried to stop me, but I pushed my way through the crowd
before she had a chance to intervene.

I saw Devlin several times as I went the opposite direction of the other patrons, but
each time someone got in my way, I lost sight of him and had to find him again.  He
was heading towards the stage—no, he was going backstage. I had no idea why, but I
need to talk to him one more time. I had not laid it all on the line. If I truly meant
nothing to him, then I needed to see that in his eyes.  I needed to hear him say the
words. The crowd thinned out once I got to the stage and I avoided a security guard’s
glaring eye to enter the same door I saw Devlin go in.

There he is.

I started towards Devlin as fast as I could move on high heels, but he was walking
faster than I was and he had the lead.  When I finally turned the corner and caught
sight of him again—I witnessed something I didn’t expect. I watched him walk over to
the lead dancer, the one who had played Sleeping Beauty, and pull her close for a
kiss.  My jaw fell open—I felt my legs turning to jelly. He was involved with someone
else—and it wasn’t the woman I saw him with the night we went for ice cream. He
said she meant nothing—just a friend. It was clear the woman his lips were crushing
was more than a friend.
“Excuse me, miss.  I don’t think you’re supposed to be back here.”  One of the
dancers walked up and put her hand on my arm.

“Sorry, I must have gotten lost.”  I didn’t look at her—I just stared at the horrifying
sight in front of me.

“Ah, don’t tell me you’re one of Devlin’s girls.”  She chuckled under her breath.
“He’s quite popular.”

“I’m sorry.”  My head finally turned—and it turned in a snap.  “One of his girls?”

“Let’s just say he won’t be going home alone tonight—nor will she be the only one he
leaves with.”  She gave me a wink. “I had the pleasure once—he’s something else.”

Oh my god.

“I need to go.”  I turned and started walking back towards the door.

I truly meant nothing to Devlin.  I was just some child that was obsessed with a
fantasy—one that was never real to begin with.  I had him on a pedestal and he didn’t
deserve one. I wouldn’t have been mad if he was dating someone, but—he was just
like Steven Hawthorne.  One woman wasn’t enough to satisfy or please him. He
wasn’t looking for love, he was just looking for a fuck. I couldn’t believe I had fallen
head over heels for a man—no, he wasn’t a man.  He really was the devil.

“There you are.”  Annie came running up as I walked back into the main part of the
theater.  “Are you crying?”

“I want to go home.”  I swallowed hard and blinked away my tears.

“Here.”  She took the handkerchief from my hand and tried to wipe my eyes.

“No!”  I grabbed the handkerchief and tossed it on the ground.  “I don’t want to be
touched by anything that he’s had his filthy hands on!”

“I’m sorry, Violet.”  She put her arm around me and we walked to the car.  “I never
wanted to tell you this, but I can see you’re hurting.”

“What is it?”  I looked over at her as we entered the car.

“Devlin Windsor is not the man you think he is.”  She exhaled sharply. “I know
you’ve had this—crush on him.”
“Obviously, that was a mistake.”  My words came out through clenched teeth as my
sorrow turned to anger.

“Yes, and I’m sure it’s a lot worse than you realize.  There are stories—stories about
the girls he takes back to his place—the thing she does to them.”  Her nose wrinkled
and she shuddered. “You’re lucky you dodged that bullet, trust me.”

I would have run towards the bullet, and probably kept running when it went through
my heart—but he doesn’t want me.  I guess it’s for the best.

“Yeah.”  I nodded, not saying a single thing that was actually on my mind.

“It’s worse than that though—that isn’t why they call him the devil.”  She swallowed

“Oh?”  I tilted my head inquisitively, but it was just a reaction—all I felt was numb.

“He summons people to his estate because he wants to make a deal, and my father
says nobody ignores one of his invitations.”  She looked down for a moment before
continuing, as if she was afraid to tell me the rest. “He’s making big moves in the
business world—and none of his deals are fair, but people are afraid of him.”

“That’s ridiculous.”  I shook my head back and forth.  “He’s—harmless.”

Unless he’s taking a swing at your heart—those hits don’t miss.

“He’s not harmless Violet.  He’s far from harmless. Just hope that you never end up
getting a letter in a blank envelope—written in crimson ink.  That’s when you know
the devil wants to make a deal, and he’s definitely going to take your soul.” She

I would have gladly sold it to him—but now I know better.  Devlin Windsor—or the
devil—whatever he wants to call himself.

He’s dead to me.

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Present time, 1 week later

“Mr. Windsor?”

I raised my eyes from the contract I’d been poring over to find my maid, Belle,
standing awkwardly between the doors of my office.

“I said not to disturb me,” I barked. “What is it now?”

“I’m sorry, M-Mr. Windsor,” she stuttered. “I thought you’d want to hear r-right away
that you’ve received a response to your letter.”

“Which letter?” I asked, my stomach twisting into knots.

It had been a week.

A week of sitting on the goddamn edge of my seat waiting for Violet to respond to

And there hadn’t been a peep from her, not a single word from the Cabot Estate. I
knew the date she had to vacate the premises was coming up. Sooner or later, she’d
have to decide. And I was confident she’d make the right call.

“This o-one,” Belle managed, approaching me and handing me a cream envelope

embossed with the Cabot Estate’s logo. “I brought it over as soon as it got delivered. I
thought you m-might want it.”

“Thank you, Belle,” I got out, taking the letter from her outstretched hand. “That will
be all.”

She nodded with a shy smile and closed the door on her way out. Soon enough, it was
just me and my thoughts, along with the unopened letter I’d left on my desk.

I poured myself a gin and tonic and eyed the letter. A smirk was playing on my lips.
Finally, everything was going according to my plan.

I had no doubt about the contents of the letter. Violet had nowhere else to go, and
soon enough, she’d end up in my arms where she belonged. I was confident she’d
accepted my offer, and, unbeknownst to her, walked right into the devil’s lair.

I took my time enjoying the drink before setting the glass down and sitting back at my
desk. My fingers touched the smooth cream paper, and I brought the envelope to my
nose. It still carried her scent, gardenia and honey, the perfume she wore every day.

I inhaled her. My Violet.

Then, I tore into the envelope like a savage, revealing a short note inside. I devoured
her words, smirking to myself when I realized her response was exactly what I’d been
hoping it would be.

Miss Cabot would like to inform you she will accept your offer. Please expect her to
arrive at Windsor Manor next Friday.

I set the note down, finishing my drink and touching the ever-present bulge in my

“Welcome to Hell, princess,” I muttered to myself. “You just sold your soul to the

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Present time
“Welcome to The Devil’s Manor.”A woman opened the door and motioned for me to
enter.  “We’ve been expecting you, Miss Cabot.”

“I’m sure you have…”  I muttered under my breath as I walked inside.  “Where’s

“Mr. Windsor is away.  My name is Belle, and I’ll be attending to you while you are
our guest.”  She gave me a warm smile and looked past me. “Do you have any
belongings that I should retrieve?”

“No.”  I shook my head back and forth.  “I was only allowed to leave with the clothes
on my back.”

“That will not be an issue.  Mr. Windsor will take care of everything.”  She motioned
for me to follow. “Let me show you to your room.”

I looked around as I followed Belle towards a staircase.  The manor was dark and
mysterious with hallways that were not illuminated in any way.  Even the lighting in
the main part of the house was dim. The decor was Neo-Gothic and I wasn’t surprised
to find that every detail absolutely flawless.  Belle led me to a bedroom once we
reached the top of the stairs, and it was as luxurious as the one I left behind at Cabot
Estate. The first thing I noticed was a huge painting of Devlin hanging on the wall
opposite the bed—almost like he would be watching me sleep.
“I will get some measurements and then you will have some time to get settled before
dinner—it will be served at eight o’clock sharp.”  She pulled a seamstress tape out of
her pocket and motioned for me to lift my arms.

“I assume Devlin will be home by then?”  I lifted my arms and stared into the mirror
as she began taking measurements.

“Yes, of course.”  She nodded quickly.  “He never misses a meeting—especially when
there is a contract to be signed.”

“A contract?”  I blinked in surprise.  “What kind of contract?”

“He’ll go over that with you at dinner.”  She gave me a half-smile and nodded.

I’m not sure I like the sound of that.

“Okay…” It didn’t seem like I was going to get answers from Belle, so I would just
have to wait until I could speak with Devlin.

“I’ve got your measurements, so if there’s nothing else, I will take my leave.”  She
took a step back.

“No, I don’t think I need anything else.”  I shook my head back and forth.

“There’s a bell installed on your door.”  She walked over and pointed. “Just ring it if
you need me.  Otherwise, I’ll come to get you when it’s time for dinner.”

“Thanks…”  I nodded.

Belle left and once she was outside, I heard a click on the other side of the dour.  I
immediately walked over and twisted the handle—it was locked.

Am I a guest here or a prisoner?  Apparently, he doesn’t want me wandering around

his manor…

I looked around the room and was hit with an immediate feeling of sadness.  The
room was nice, but it wasn’t home. There were no pictures of my father—no pictures
of my mother, who passed away when I was five years old.  Belle was no Maria—
there was no sign of warmth in her—at least from what I saw during my limited
interaction. She was as cold as the manor itself.

Instead of pictures of my family, I get to stare at a huge painting of the devil himself.
I stared at the painting for a moment.  Those eyes—the artist captured them perfectly. 
They were enough to make me look away when it felt like I was actually making eye
contact with Devlin instead of an image splattered on canvas.  The was too bad the
man beneath that gorgeous exterior had a soul as dark as his manor—if he even had a
soul. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what kind of deal he would want to make with
me, especially if he was offering to help my father.  There was a time when I would
have believed his intentions were honorable, but I knew the truth—Devlin had no

It’s only five o’clock.  What am I going to do for the next three hours?

There was no television in the room, no books on the shelves—there wasn’t even a
magazine that I could flip through.  I didn’t like being alone in the silence. It made me
think about the direness of my situation. I needed to find a way to relax—some way to
stop thinking about the deal Devlin was going to offer—some way to stop my mind
from spinning out of control as I contemplated the worst-case scenarios.

I knew that Devlin would like nothing more than to get his hands on my father’s
company.  That was the most likely worst-case scenario. Devlin didn’t have any
personal interest in Cabot Enterprises, but he would love nothing more than to rub it
in his father’s face and show him he did something Dominic Windsor couldn’t.  I also
knew that my father would rather rot in jail than ever see a Windsor sitting at the head
of Cabot Enterprises—but was I brave enough to turn down any offer that could help
buy his freedom?

Cabot Enterprises was already falling apart.  Even if my father was able to prove his
innocence and get out of jail, I wasn’t sure the company would ever recover. 
Business relationships were partially built on trust and partially built on reputation.
The charges against my father would put a strain on both of those, even with someone
like Mr. Hawthorne, who had been his client longer than I had been alive.

I need to find a way to relax—at least get out of my own head before this whole
situation drives me to madness.

I walked over to the bathroom door and stared at the large bathtub.  I hadn’t had
anything more than a quick shower since my father was led away in handcuffs.  A
soak would definitely help me relax.

I started the water and looked over the different options for scented soaps and oils.  I
found a nice lavender oil and added it to the water, along with some vanilla soap. The
scent reminded me of home, and if I closed my eyes, I might even be able to convince
myself I was there and the nightmare I was living was nothing more than a bad dream.
I stripped off my dress, along with my undergarments, and laid them out on the bed.  I
would have to wear them again when I went to dinner, and I didn’t want the dress to
get wrinkled.  Once the water was ready and I sank into the warmth, I realized that the
painting of Devlin was positioned in a way that it was directly in my line of sight from
the tub.  I would have closed the door if I realized that was the case. It was too late for
that, so I just closed my eyes and tried to enjoy my first bath in days.

At least the tub is comfortable.

Even with my eyes closed, I could see the painting in my head—like the perfectly
painted eyes were haunting me.  Before I knew Devlin was the devil himself, I was
attracted to him. He teased my thoughts, even though I knew he was too old for me.  I
tried to fight those thoughts—the ones I had managed to ignore since the night I found
out the truth about him, but they returned as I lay there in the tub.  It felt like his gaze
was on me. I found my hand moving beneath the surface of the water—resting against
my inner thighs—wanting to move higher. I resisted the urge for several minutes, and
then I just gave in.  My emotions had been in so much turmoil—I needed pleasure—I
need to feel something besides chaos.

“Oh god,” I moaned the second my brushed moved against my clit.

Once I got started, it felt so good that there was no way I could stop.  My finger made
quick circles around my clit and I felt a pressure building up inside me.  I wasn’t a
frequent masturbator, especially when there always seemed to be someone around at
Cabot Estate, so it was rare for me to have time to go slow and enjoy the feeling.  I
was still a virgin, so masturbation was the most pleasurable thing I knew—but that
didn’t stop me from imagining things I had never done. I tried to picture someone
else’s face—anyone but Devlin—but his was the one burned into my thoughts.  I
imagined him there in the tub with me, ready to take my innocence and show me what
real passion was like. If only the man in my imagination was who he really was…

I’m gonna come—why can’t I imagine someone else?

It was too late to turn back.  I was locked in the fantasy with every rotation of my
finger heightening the pleasure I felt.  I let it devour me. I imagined his lips on my
skin—his fingers tracing my slender curves—and his cock ripping through me as he
took my virginity.  I started to squirm, feeling the pressure getting more intense—and
then the pressure released. Bliss rushed through my veins. Euphoria swept across my
body.  Then it was over.

I’m sitting in a bathtub full of soap and I’ve never felt dirtier than I do right now. 
Damn you, Devlin. You’re the last person in the world I want to fantasize about.
I finished my bath and walked into the bedroom once I was dried off.  I still had a lot
of time to kill, and the bath, combined with my orgasm, had left me rather tired.  I
stretched out on the bed for what I expected to be no more than a moment—but it was
so comfortable.  The next thing I knew, a bell was ringing, and it caused me to sit up
straight in the bed. My eyes drifted to the clock on the wall.  It was eight o’clock on
the dot. I wasn’t dressed. I was going to be late.

“Oh god.”  I hopped up and grabbed my clothes, dressing as quickly as possible.

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I glancedat the clock in the dining room. It was five minutes past eight, and my smirk
had turned upside down.

“Someone really wants to earn a punishment on their first day,” I muttered to myself,
sighing and getting up from the table.

Just then, the double doors leading into the room flew open, and there she was, my
pretty princess, looking disheveled and sexy as fuck.

“You’re late,” I barked at her.

“Hello to you, too,” she bit back, her cheeks flushing deeply as she entered the room.

“And you’re not even fucking ready,” I replied. “Your hair is wet. Your clothes are
wrinkled. And you’re not as dolled up as I want you to be.”

“If you think you own me just because I owe you one,” she hissed. “You couldn’t be
more wrong.”

She took a seat at the table, the chair scraping over the hardwood as she plopped that
tight little ass down. She refused to meet my eyes, grabbing her fork and staring at her
empty plate, already sulking.


That’s new.

“Where’s the food?” she asked.

Spoiled little rich girl,I thought to myself.

“I’m glad you think you’re the one running this joint,” I hissed at her, my eyes
hungrily drinking in her features.

I hadn’t seen her in so long. Hadn’t felt her touch in almost six months. And yet that
kiss was still ever-present on my mind, reminding me of how desperately she’d
thrown herself at me and how cruelly I’d pushed her away.

“You’re such a jerk, Devlin,” she muttered, shooting daggers at me from across the
table. “I can’t believe you think you own me just because I accepted your offer.”

“My goodwill,” I reminded her. “Because let me tell you something, Violet. You have
nowhere else to go. No one else will take care of you. So, the way I see it… you’re
pretty much at my mercy. Don’t you agree, princess?”

She huffed and puffed, and I got up from my seat, walking over to her and making the
first contact in six months. My fingers touched her chin, and I tipped her head back,
staring into her eyes.

“I said,” I ground out. “Don’t you agree, princess?”

She forced herself to look at me, anger coming off her in waves. She kept her mouth
stubbornly shut but I was going to get an answer out of her one way or another.

“You better talk, princess,” I told her. “Or you’ll get punished before you’ve even
begun your stay at the Devil’s Manor.”

She snorted, rolling her eyes at me. “You call yourself the devil now, huh?”

“No,” I replied with a smirk. “But other people do. I’m sure you’ll learn why soon

I let go of her chin, and she let out the smallest of gasps when my fingers stopped
touching her. It made my cock throb in my pants.

I took my seat across the table from her again, pulling a briefcase onto my lap and
opening it, smoothing the buttery leather.

“Before we eat,” I began. “We’re going to have to make sure you understand the

“Rules?” Violet raised her eyebrows at me. “I’m eighteen now, Devlin. I don’t need
house rules.”
“You do in my house,” I informed her. “And if you want me to treat you right, you’ll
obey every single one. You don’t want to get thrown out on your first day, do you,

She stayed quiet, and I rewarded her with a saccharine smile.

“Don’t think I haven’t made sure you have nowhere else to go,” I told her. “I’m
guessing your dear sister didn’t jump to your help, and brother dearest is still long

Once again, I was met by silence, and I sighed, pulling a file from my briefcase.

“You don’t have to talk to me, princess,” I told Violet. “Just sign on the dotted line so
we can move on.”

I slid the papers over the table to her, along with a pen with the engraved message
of Property of Devlin Windsor. Just like Violet would be once she signed the contract.

“What is this?” she asked, the suspicion obvious in her voice as she started looking at
the papers, turning the pages. “What the hell is this, Devlin? It doesn’t make any

I reveled in the paleness of her face, the redness emerging in her décolletage. I took
my time admiring her sexy little form in a cute, pleated pink off-the-shoulder dress
that revealed her slender shoulders. I was certain she wasn’t wearing a bra, and when
she pushed her long, dark hair onto her back, I was rewarded with a view of her
hardening nipples under the fabric of her dress.

Holy shit,I thought to myself. I want to fucking devour her.

I kept my thoughts to myself, reaching for the glass of wine I’d poured myself and
taking sip after sip of the well-rested, dark red liquid. Violet got paler and paler as she
pored over the many pages of the contract.

“My lawyer should probably look this over,” she finally managed, looking up at me
with contempt in her eyes. “You know, make sure you aren’t taking advantage of

“Your lawyer?” I asked, laughing out loud. “Good luck finding someone who’ll work
for you, princess. And better yet, good luck finding the money to pay for their
“You can’t just expect me to blindly sign a document like this!”

Her little outburst was adorable, and I grinned at her, both of us knowing she didn’t
have a choice in the matter.

“This… this here,” she muttered, her finger shaking as she pointed to a clause in the
contract. “This says I’m going to get punished if I’m disobedient.”

“That’s right,” I replied smoothly. “You can’t expect me to put up with bad behavior,
princess. I’m not going to find excuses for your mistakes like Daddy did.”

She blushed fiercely, glaring at me from her seat.

“What about this, then?” she asked, turning the page and pointing to another wall of
text. “No masturbation? That’s crazy, Devlin. You can’t control… you can’t control
that aspect of my life!”

I pushed the papers back at her, making sure to look right into her eyes as I muttered,
“Sweetheart, I’m going to control every aspect of your life once you sign this.”

I watched the tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. Her bottom lip wobbled, and I
really thought she was going to start crying on me, but she bit her lips and stopped the
tears from coming. She raised her head instead, meeting my eyes with braveness I
hadn’t expected from her.

“What do I get in return?” she questioned boldly. “What do I get for giving all of this

“That’s simple,” I replied, shrugging and grinning at her. “The way I see it, you’re
part of a fallen dynasty now, Violet. And I’m one of the only men in the world who
can restore the life you used to have. I can give you all of it back… Every little bit of
the money you had, the reputation, the rich friends, the lavish parties. I’ll do my best
to give that to you.”

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

“How are you going to do that?”

“First,” I responded. “I’m going to get your dad out of prison and prove he’s

“How?” she asked. “Can you really do that?”

She was leaning forward, hanging on my every word, even though she was trying hard
to hide her desperation. But I could see right through her. Always could.

“I believe so,” I nodded confidently. “I will do everything in my power to ensure he’s

a free man.”

“In return for…” she left her sentence unfinished, and I smirked, leaning back in my
chair and not giving a shit that my cock bulging under the fabric of my pants was
plainly visible.

“In return for the ultimate prize, of course,” I told her. “I want you, Violet.”

She bit her bottom lip, unable to give me a reply just yet.

“I’ll make sure you don’t get seriously injured in any way,” I went on, knowing I’d
already won the battle when she hadn’t stormed out of the room right away. “I’ll make
sure you’re safe, provide for you, and give you everything you deserve based on your
behavior. And in return, you’ll obey and follow the rules which are stated for you
clearly. Do you understand?”

She didn’t nod, but her sharp eyes remained on mine, calculating the other possible
outcomes of her predicament.

“What if I break the rules?” she asked in a small voice.

“You’ll be punished, of course,” I told her simply. “But I swear to you Violet, the
punishments will only be as severe as your offense. You have nothing to worry about,
as long as you’re a good girl.”

She mulled this over, her eyes darting between me and the papers on the table before

I reached over, taking the pen in my hands and gently pushing it toward her.

“It only takes two little words,” I told her, my voice gentle now. “Your name, on the
dotted line, princess. That’s all it takes to be mine.”

I reached over the table, my hand making contact. My palm rested on her hand and
she trembled under my touch, as if she’d been waiting for it for a lifetime.

“Sign it,” I whispered as her eyes met mine. “Sign it, and you can be owned like
you’ve always wanted.”
Her right hand shook as she pressed pen against paper. Her eyes shot back up to mine,
looking for reassurance. I nodded, slow and steady. She signed her name in shaky,
loopy cursive.

It’s done. She’s just changed the game.

“Good girl,” I muttered, watching the hairs on the back of her arm stand to attention.

She put the pen down, the noise of metal hitting wood the only sound in the room. A
little whimper made its way from her lips. She knew what she’d done. She knew she’d
have to follow orders now.

“Get up,” I said softly.

She pulled her hand from underneath mine, standing on her feet awkwardly.

“Come here,” I ordered.

She approached me with slow, measured steps, like an animal being careful, but
knowing it’s walking into a trap.


She kept walking until her legs bumped against mine. Her lips parted, and a silent
gasp escaped them. Her eyes never left mine, and I parted my thighs, tapping my knee
with my right palm.

“Sit, princess.”

She sank her weight onto my knee, and I gently pried her fingers apart, placing her
arms around my neck so she was safely on my lap. She hung her head, but I used my
free hand to make her look at me.

“Such pretty green eyes,” I murmured. “Don’t look away from me, Violet. Ever.”

She nodded, swallowing thickly.

“From now on, you will call me Master,” I told her. “Nod if you understand.”

Another nod, another tremble of her bottom lip. I was getting visibly hard.
“I have to go away on some business today,” I went on. “You will be fitted for a new
wardrobe in that time. On Sunday, when I return, I want you waiting for me, ready
and willing. Nod if you understand.”

Violet nodded, her eyes on mine. They were filling with tears, the panic inside her so
obvious it felt like an elephant in the room.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Violet,” I reminded her. “Not unless you beg for it. Not
unless you want it.”

“Why would I want it?” she questioned, and I smirked at her naivete.

“You’ll see,” I promised her. “I’ll make it feel so good you won’t be able to help
yourself, princess. Now, another thing. You know when I come back, things are going
to be different, right?”

“How?” she whispered.

I raised my finger to her neck, gently trailing the tip down her skin, over her
collarbone and between her tits. She mewled at the feeling but didn’t object.

“I’m going to want to have you,” I told her. “I’m going to want to fuck you. Are you a
virgin, Violet? Did you save your pretty little pussy for me?”

“I-I…” she started, shivering under my touch. Her eyes were fearful but filled with
desire she didn’t yet understand. “I haven’t let anyone…”

“What?” I demanded. “Haven’t let anyone what?”

“Fu-Fuck me,” she whispered.

“Nowhere?” I dug deeper. “Not even in your mouth, princess?”

She blushed, muttering again, “Nowhere.”

“That’s a good girl,” I told her. “I knew you’d save yourself for me. I’m fucking glad
I made sure of it.”

She furrowed her brows, but I didn’t acknowledge it.

Let her fucking wonder.

“I’m going to leave you now, Violet,” I said next. “Make sure you’re ready for me on

I attempted to get up when she suddenly straddled me, pressing her hot cunt against
my crotch and making me groan out loud. She tightened her grip around my neck,
burrowing her head in the crook of my arm.

“Don’t go,” she whispered. “Don’t leave me alone. I’m sad, Devlin. I’m so sad, and I
have nobody to talk to. They’ve all shunned me. Shut me out like I’m… like I’m some
sort of criminal.”

“There there,” I muttered, smoothing her back down with both palms and making her
whimper with pleasure at the touch. “It’s okay, Violet. Look at me.”

She pulled back, eyes once again on mine.

“What did I ask you to call me?” I said, voice firm and steady. “Did I ask you to call
me by my name, princess?”

She opened and closed her mouth, finally shaking her head.

“What did I ask you to call me?” I asked patiently, and her bottom lip quivered with
stubbornness. “Say it, Violet. Be a good girl for me and I’ll stay a little bit longer.”

“N-No,” she managed to get out.

I got up, pushing her off my lap and making her cry out.


I turned to face her, already on my way to the door. “Please, what?”


She looked pretty when she was this desperate.

I never thought she’d swallow her pride that fast, but she always managed to surprise
me with how naturally submissive she was. Like she craved an owner.

She sank to her knees before my eyes, as if a reflex had taken over, erasing Violet and
replacing her with the sex-toy version of her who would be more than eager to follow
my orders.
“Please, don’t leave,” she said again. “Please, Master, I’ll be a good girl.”

As I stroked her silky hair thoughtfully, pretending to mull over her offer, I had
already decided.

I was going to keep her.

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I finally understoodwhat the devil wanted from me.  All of the years of wondering—
wandering in confusion—it had been building to that moment.  Devlin did want me,
but not on my terms.  He didn’t want the obsessed child that begged for him at prom. 
He didn’t want the desperate girl that threw herself at him at the ballet.  He wanted a
woman—and he wanted me on my knees. The rumors were true about him—just like
Annie warned.  When the devil made someone an offer, they didn’t refuse.

I certainly couldn’t.

Not when he was the one person who could save my father.

Not when he was the man who could make sure my brother never ended up in

I sold my soul to the devil, and I was about to find out how steep the price was.

“Please don’t leave me—Master.”  The word Master still felt strange in my throat, but
I had a feeling I would get used to saying it.

“Tell me why you’re on your knees, princess.”  His fingers traced my scalp and
brushed against the back of my ear.

“I-I don’t know.”  Her shoulders slumped forward, but her head tilted against my
palm.  “I thought this was what you wanted.”

“It isn’t just about what I want.  I could leave—right now. You asked me to stay. 
Then you got down on your knees. I want to know why.”  There was more intensity in
Devlin’s words as they left his lips.

“I really don’t know, Master.”  I stared at the floor, falling further, pressing my palms
flat against the ground.
I didn’t have the answer Devlin wanted.  I didn’t even know the answer myself.
Something came over me—a strange feeling.  It forced me to kneel before him. To
look at him as my Master instead of the man I knew—the man that I wanted for so
long—the man I thought I would never have.  I had felt his rejection before. I didn’t
want to feel it again—not when I needed him more than ever.

Being on my knees was humiliating.  A Cabot didn’t kneel—a Cabot didn’t bend their
knees for anyone.  My father had the strength to stand on his own two feet when he
could have made his life a lot easier and bent to Dominic Windsor’s demands.  He
fought—and he won—but even that wasn’t enough. His world still came crashing
down. Was I taking the easy way out? What would my father do if he saw me
kneeling before Devlin Windsor—signing a contract—giving him my innocence in
exchange for my family.  But I wasn’t my father. I didn’t have his strength. I only
knew one way to get him back, and that was with my name on a dotted line—a
contract that would require me to become the devil’s toy—as long as he wanted me.

“You’ll understand soon enough—you’ll understand why you felt the need to kneel,
because it’s more than just a need—it’s an honor.  It’s a privilege.”  His words got a
little firmer and I felt his hand tighten around my hair until I was forced to look up at
him.  “You wanted to be mine for so long, but you were too young. There are lines
that even the devil can’t cross.”

“Are there?”  My words came out in a hoarse whisper.  “I need to know something.”

“What is it, princess?”  His grip didn’t loosen. “What do you need to know that I
haven’t already told you?”

“Who put my father behind bars?  Did you have anything to do with it?”  The next
thing I needed to ask got tangled in my throat, but I forced the words out.  “Was it
your father?”

“I had nothing to do with your father’s situation.”  He shook his head back and forth.
“If I did, I wouldn’t be offering to help.  I didn’t have to bring down your father’s
empire to claim you, princess. You’ve been mine since the beginning—all I had to do
was open my door.”

It wouldn’t have been that easy and you know it—not after the way you’ve treated me.

“You didn’t answer my other question.”  I felt him pull my hair a little harder and his
eyes got dark.  “Was it your father?”

“I won’t lie to you, princess.”  A sigh crossed his lips.

“So, it was.”  I felt my body trembling.

“I don’t know.”  His lips pursed. “But that doesn’t change our agreement.  I’ll get
your father out of prison and I’ll help you restore the Cabot name.”

“You’ll go to war with your father?”  I winced and blinked away the pain that was
starting to spread across my scalp.  “You’ve never stood up to him before.”

“There are many things you don’t know.”  He released my hair and my head fell
forward.  “The agreement is made—the deal is signed. As long as you uphold your
end of our bargain, you will get everything you want.”

“I will do my part.”  I sighed and swallowed hard.  “I promise.”

“You believe that don’t you?”  He chuckled and turned back towards me.  “You’ve
already violated your contract—and the ink isn’t even dry.”

“What?”  I blinked in surprise.  “I have not.”

“I know what you did in your room.  I know you—touched yourself.” A slight smile
formed on the edge of his lips.

“That was before I even signed the contract—wait—how do you know?”  My head
lifted and our eyes met.

“Nothing goes on in my house that I don’t know about.”  He tilted his head to the side.
“There are cameras everywhere—including your room.”

“What the fuck?”  I started to stand, but Devlin put his hand on my shoulder and
pushed me back down onto my knees.  “You can’t do that—it’s an invasion of

“You will have no privacy here.  That privilege ended the moment you walked
through the door.  Strip.” He took a step back.

“I’m sorry?”  I narrowed my eyes.  “What?”

“You do not question!” His words were like daggers.  “You obey!”

His commanding tone caught me off guard—but it did something else too.  It
practically compelled me to obey him. It made my body scream for his dominance—
his touch.  I had never been naked in front of a man. If Devlin was going to claim me
and take my innocence, then it was inevitable that he would be the first.  I had fallen
so far from the grace I cherished. What were my clothes worth? My dignity was gone
the moment I signed the contract. If that wasn’t enough, falling to my knees in front of
the devil did the rest.  I reached back and started to unzip my dress. Devlin watched
with a slight grin forming on the edge of his lips—it got wider as the zipper moved
down my back.

“Yes.”  He nodded.  “Show me what you’re going to give me.  Show me the forbidden
fruit that no man has touched—that no man will ever touch but me.”

“Yes, Master.”  The words left my lips before I even realized I was about to say them.

My dress fell to the floor around my knees and I was kneeling in front of Devlin in my
bra and panties.  My fingers trembled when I reached back to unsnap my bra. I
hesitated when I felt the metal twist against my fingers and the fabric became loose.  I
could see the desire in Devlin’s eyes—a desire that I wanted to see so many times
before that moment. I just never expected to be on my knees when I saw it.  My bra
finally fell forward, exposing my breasts, and then tumbling to the floor. Devlin’s
hand stroked the front of his pants—a bulge clearly visible against the fabric.  That
was for me—a reaction to my body—a reaction to my submissive nature. I wondered
if he would claim his prize the second I was undressed. Would he take my innocence
right there on the floor?

“Now your panties.”  He motioned to me again.  “I want you to remove them and put
them in my hand.”

Devlin extended his hand and my fingers trembled again as I moved them to the
waistband of my panties.  I took a deep breath and pushed them underneath the fabric.
I slid them down my hips, exposing my pelvis, and then I was forced to shift on my
knees so that I could shuffle out of them.  I slid them down my legs, doing my best to
maintain my position on my knees, and pushed off my shoes as I untangled my
panties from my feet. Devlin wasn’t close enough for me to extend my hand and reach
him.  I had to crawl—that was my only option. More waves of humiliation swept
through me as I put my palms on the floor and started moving towards him—until I
was close enough to put my panties in his hand.

“Good girl.”  He smiled and nodded.  “Turn around.”

“Master?”  I looked at him in confusion.

“I want you on your knees with your nose against the floor.”  He ground his words out
against his teeth, as if he was unhappy that I questioned what he said.
I did as he commanded and turned away from him.  I bent forward, which caused my
ass to raise. I knew he could see my pussy—and the most horrifying part of that was
realizing that I was wet.  The things he was saying—the way he was forcing me to
push past my comfort zone—it was turning me on. My body craved his touch. I
wondered if that was the moment my innocence would be shattered—my nose against
the floor with my virgin pussy wet for the taking.  I heard his feet against the floor and
saw the shadow he was casting move, but he didn’t touch me. He walked around me
in a circle, each step a little faster than the one before it.

“Yes.”  He growled underneath a sigh.  “You’re even more beautiful than I imagined
—and your pussy is so fucking wet.  Is that for me? Did you get turned on by the
thought of me earlier when you touched yourself without permission.”

“I—I…”  My words got tangled up as I tried to speak.

“Say it.  I want to hear the truth.”  He came to a stop behind me.

“Yes.”  I admitted and nodded, even though my nose was against the floor so my head
didn’t move much.

“You will have to be punished for violating one of my rules.”  He walked around until
his feet were directly in front of my face.  “Stand.”

“Yes, Master.”  I lifted and started to rise to my feet.

I’m already obeying without question—am I really this submissive?  No. I’m paying
the price for my father’s freedom. I’ll play Devlin’s game, even if I have to give him
my innocence, but he will never get my full submission—even if my body craves his
touch.  I’m changing the rules. He may have made a Cabot kneel—but my heart will
never bow to the devil. I see him for what he truly is now.

“Follow me.”  He started walking before I had a chance to process what he said, so I
had to scurry to catch up.

“Yes, Master.”  The words had gotten comfortable, but they were hollow—I was
saying what he wanted to hear because those words were a means to an end.

Devlin led me through his manor until we reached a large black door that was dimly
lit.  He pushed it open and I saw a set of stairs in front of us. He started walking down
the stairs and when I took my first step, I felt cool concrete under the soles of my
feet.  I kept following him into the darkness and when we got the bottom of the stairs,
he hit a button that illuminated what appeared to be a basement. It was well decorated,
but that wasn’t what caught my attention.  What caught my attention was a cage—
positioned in the middle of the room and standing open.

“While I am away, this cage will be your home.”  He motioned to the imposing steel
structure. You will remain in it until I return—as punishment for breaking one of my

“You can’t be serious…”  I stared at the cage and shook my head.  “I’m not going in

“Yes, you are.”  He nodded and walked over to the door.  “Now.”

“Devlin, please…”  I felt fear rising inside of me.  “I’ll be a good girl—I’ll do what
you want.  Don’t lock me in a cage!”

“You’re going to be gone for days—I told you how lonely I am.”  I took a step back.

Any contact is better than silence I’ve had at the Cabot Estate since my father was
arrested and the workers left…

“The cage will unlock a couple of times each day, so you can use the bathroom.  Your
food will be delivered. Trust me, this cage is a lot better than the one your father is
locked inside of right now.”  He motioned to the cage again. “I believe a little time
alone will allow you to see the world through his eyes—to understand why it’s so
important that you obey me in order to secure his release.”

“I don’t have a choice, do I?”  I swallowed hard.

“No, princess.”  He shook his head back and forth.  “You don’t.”

I walked towards the cage with my heart beating hard in my chest.  I didn’t want to be
locked up—I didn’t want to be his prisoner. The reality was that I didn’t have a
choice.  I had to do exactly what the devil ordered me to do. It was too early for real
defiance. If I was going to change the rules, I had to show him that I could follow
them first.  The cage was my only option—the only one he put in front of me. I took a
deep breath and dropped to my knees as I got closer. I couldn’t enter it without
crawling. The bars terrified me—the thought of being locked behind them terrified me
more.  The instant I was inside, the sound of the cage behind me echoed in my ears.

“When I return, your punishment will be over.”  He looked down at me. “If you miss
one of the timers, and do not get back in the cage before it locks, your punishment
will be even more severe when I get back.”
“Yes, Master.”  I looked up at him and clenched my jaw as I nodded.

Devlin left me without another word.  When he got to the stairs, he looked back at me
for a moment—then he turned out the lights.  My world was nearly plunged into
darkness and his footsteps echoed on the stairs. I saw his shoes against a sliver of light
coming from the door at the top of the stairs, but then they disappeared.  The door at
the top of the stairs slammed and the last glimmer of light was extinguished. I
couldn’t even see my hand in front of my face. The darkness gave me one thing
though—privacy. I could finally cry.  I could finally sob. That’s exactly what I did
too, feeling the tears run down my face and drip onto the floor underneath me.

I’m strong enough to endure this.  I’m strong enough to endure anything if it means
my father sees daylight again.

I pray that I will…

Donation of $10 for downloads during next 31 days

Thoughts of Violetconsumed me even when she wasn’t around.

I was supposed to be working, but every waking moment I had was spent thinking
about her, obsessing about how I was going to make her mine. Violet Cabot was a
dangerous addiction, and the worst part was, I had no intention of quitting her.

“Mr. Windsor?”

I looked up to find my secretary, Sally-Anne, standing between the glass doors of my


My eyes slid over her body, appreciating the pencil skirt that hugged her curves and
the bow-adorned blouse that was just sheer enough to make her pink bra peek through
the fabric.

“Yes?” I asked, looking away from her.

She didn’t hold my interest. Save for a certain spoiled little princess, no woman did.

“You have a visitor, Sir,” Sally-Anne managed, blushing fiercely as a tall, broad-
shouldered figure pushed past her and into my office.
“That will be all, Sally-May,” he told her with a wicked grin, not even glancing at me
but instead staring openly at my secretary. “My, you’re doing that outfit a favor. But it
wouldn’t kill you to do something about that hair.”

Sally-Anne let out a shocked gasp while I groaned, getting up from my chair and
approaching the two of them, knowing this wasn’t a good sign.

“Leave her alone,” I told the man. “This is my office, in case you’ve forgotten.”

“Of course it is,” he told me with a syrupy sweet smile. “Your office that Daddy pays
for, right, Devlin?”

Even though the words hadn’t been true for years, they still fucking stung. I hated that
he’d started me off in the business. I’d made a name for myself, but it was true I
wouldn’t have gotten my foot in the door without my elusive last name.

“You can go, Sally-Anne,” I told my secretary, already tired from the exchange.

Relieved, she took her leave, leaving me alone with the imposing man who’d stormed
into the office as if he owned the place.

Now, my father fiddled with the drinks area in my office, pouring himself a drink
from the bar and drinking it from the glass engraved with my initials. DW for Devlin
Windsor – and unfortunately, for Dominic Windsor as well.

He eyed me as he downed the drink in one go, a smirk playing on his lips.

“Are you getting tired of your toys?” I asked him, running a hand through my hair.
“Since you’re assaulting my staff, I’m just going to assume nobody wants to play with
you anymore. Nobody in their right mind, that is.”

“Not quite true,” he replied, setting the glass down and buttoning his jacket. “But I
guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it, Devlin?”

“What the fuck do you mean?” I ground out, moving to the front of my desk and
leaning against it to make it clear my father was outstaying his welcome in my

“I heard you have a toy of your own now,” he told me with that twisted smile.
“Someone I know, even. Isn’t that right, sonny boy? You finally came over to the dark
side, didn’t you?”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about,” I hissed in response. “And I don’t have
to listen to your accusations. I could call security in here and have you thrown out in a

"Oh yeah?"

My father smiled sweetly, approaching me with measured footsteps.

"I'd like to see one security guard in this building brave enough to throw me out. I
own this city, Devlin. You can play boss boy all you want, but the outcome's always
going to be the same. This city and its people listen to me, not some young-ass kid
who thinks he's got them all by the balls."

I shot daggers at him with my eyes, and he roared with laughter, pissing me off even

"Don't tell me I ruined your little fucking fantasy," my father said. "You and I both
know I'm the main man here, not you. You're just following in my footsteps, walking
down the road I paved for you, sonny boy."

"From an outsider's point of view, it looks like you'd do anything to see me fail," I
ground out through gritted teeth. "Quite sad to go up against your own son like that."

"You're the one with the grudge." He waves his hand dismissively. "I don't have
anything against you, kid. I even did you a favor a few weeks ago. Didn't you notice?"

My eyebrows knitted together in worry. A favor from Dominic Windsor was never a
good thing - partially because he'd always demand payment for it, and partially
because I was a stubborn bastard and wanted to deal with shit myself, not involve my

"What are you talking about?" I finally managed to get out. "I haven't asked you to do
me any favors."

"No, you're much too proud for that," he chuckled. "But I saw an opportunity present
itself, and I took it. You wanted that girl, didn't you? You've wanted her since she was
a fucking kid, Devlin. It was obvious for years."

"What?" I asked, running my fingers through my dark hair. "I don't know what you're
talking about, Dad."
"Of course you do," he winked at me. "Violet Cabot, the forbidden fucking fruit.
Don't tell me you haven't wanted to sink your dick balls deep into that virgin cunt. As
far as I know, you even went out of your way to ensure she stayed pure for you. Like
a virginal, innocent little slut. I guess that's how you like them, huh?"

I saw red, but he ignored my seething gaze, carrying on with his monologue.

"I have to say I'm partial to them myself. Something so sweet about an untouched
pussy, isn't there, sonny boy? Have you taken it yet? Popped that sweet, sweet

I moved away from my desk, fisting my hands in the expensive fabric of his shirt, but
he merely laughed at me.

"You wouldn't dare," he reminded me. "I can ruin all of this for you, Devlin. Just as
easily as I got Hugo Cabot behind bars, I can get him out, too. And you can't do shit
without my help."

"I don't want your help," I hissed. "I never fucking asked for it!"

He pried his shirt out of my grasp, shaking his head as he said, "No, you didn't. No
matter how hard I tried, you pushed me away, Devlin. That changes now."

"We'll see," I growled, making sure my tie was still in place and tightening the knot.
"Dad, you shouldn't have done that. The man is innocent."

"Is he?"

We stared at one another, with me weighing up my father's words. Could it be true

that Violet's father had really done what he'd been accused of? And if so, how could I
get him out of prison, knowing he was guilty?

"Please don't meddle," I said out loud. "I want to deal with this myself."

"Yourself?" He raised his eyebrows at me, letting out a low chuckle. "Your plans will
fail if you don't let me help, Devlin. That's what I'm here for. See, you never saw me
as an ally. I was always an opponent in your eyes."

"Aren't you?" I bit out, and he merely stared at me with amusement in his eyes.

"Call that secretary of yours in here," he ordered.

I pressed the line connecting my phone to Sally-Anne’s and ordered her in the office.
She appeared moments later, chewing her bottom lip and nervously glancing between
my father and me.

"How can I be of service, Mr. Windsor?" she asked politely.

"How about you come a little bit closer," my father said, motioning for her to close
the distance between them. "I didn't get a good enough look at you before, little girl."

She glanced between the two of us, as if looking for my permission. I didn't move. I
knew better than to argue by now. What Dominic Windsor wanted, Dominic Windsor

Sally-Anne approached my father with careful steps, and once she was closer, he
whistled in appreciation.

"Got to say, your taste in staff might be even better than mine," my father grinned
wickedly. "Why don't you do a little spin for me, Sally-May, I want to see you from
all angles."

"Sally-Anne," she whispered.

"Excuse me, little girl?" My father took a step closer, closing the distance between
them and making her cower.

"My n-name, S-Sir," she stuttered, her eyes downcast. "It's Sally-Anne, not Sally-

"How absolutely precious," he laughed out loud. "Not that I give a shit, little girl.
Now spin."

He held his hand out, and she took it cautiously, letting him spin her around the room.
He whistled at the sight of her, giving me an amused look while Sally-Anne stared at
the floor, clearly mortified.

"I don't know how you manage to avoid temptation with such a tasty little treat
around," he said, shaking his head. "I would be distracted as fuck by that sexy ass
and... let's check..."

He pulled on Sally-Anne's skirt, eliciting a gasp from her when he revealed her
stockings held up by a garter belt.
"Knew they weren't just tights," my father chuckled. "She knows how to dress, too,
doesn't she?"

"Please, Mr. Windsor," Sally-Anne whispered, but she wasn't looking at my father.

She was staring at me, eyes wide in a silent plea.

"You can go, Sally-Anne," I finally said, looking away from the scene in front of me.

She managed to gather herself enough to walk out of the room with her eyes downcast
and her head hung. Like a defeated animal, she retreated to her desk, and my father's
eyes followed her form, savoring every move of her curves.

"Like I said," he went on. "No idea how you stay focused. And what's so special about
Violet, anyway? I'm not a monogamous man myself."

"Don't I know it," I said bitterly.

The memory of the years he spent cheating on my socialite mother was all too clear in
my mind.

"Now don't get all offended on me," he laughed. "Tell me about Violet. She's staying
with you?"

I nodded, refusing to give him more details.

"You know, she is pretty," he went on thoughtfully. "Always has been. I wonder why
I've never taken her."

"Don't you dare." This woke me up, and the words were just a warning hiss. "She's

"Not until your name is on her," he grinned. “Not until she’s yours.”

"It might as well be," I told him, feeling cocky. "She signed the papers."

"The contract?" My father's eyebrows shot up. "What a naive little girl. Does she
know she's at your mercy now? That she's essentially your toy, your captive?"

"She does," I replied.

"And she has no problem with that?"

"That's none of your concern," I bit out. "Now I'd appreciate it if you let me get back
to work, Dad."

"Of course," he grinned darkly. "But just remember, Devlin. You want her Dad out of
jail, you come and talk to me. You're not going to be able to do it any other way."

"We'll see about that," I ground out. "I have my resources, too. You used to own this
city, Dad, sure. But a lot has changed. There are new players ready to push you off the
battlefield. You're getting too old for this shit, don't you think?"

I watched the rage set in his eyes. He hated being reminded of his age, probably
because he was still living the young playboy lifestyle even his son had outgrown
before him.

"I think you're as naive as your pretty captive," he told me. "If you think I'll let you
take over, you're sorely mistaken. There are two things that keep me alive, Devlin.
Pussy, and business. And until the day I stop breathing, I'm going to get my fill of

"Bye, Dad," I said, clearly showing him he'd outstayed your welcome.

"You know where to find me." He winked at me, saluted, and closed the glass door
behind me.

On his way out, I watched him slip his business card to Sally-Anne, who blushed
fiercely at the sight, and chat to at least four of my employees. None of them showed
him animosity - not because he was friendly or particularly likable, but because he
incited fear in every one of them.

But not in me.

Not anymore.

My father had found his match.

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I had been alonefor at least twenty-four hours—possibly more.  The cage was my
nightmare. It was my prison. It was my breaking point.  I hated the darkness. I had
spent time alone at Cabot Estate, but nothing compared to the loneliness of the dark
cell.  Belle brought my meals and placed them outside of the cage, and I begged her
for some form of contact—a word—a timeline for Devlin’s return.  All I got was
silence—silence until the cage finally unlocked and I was free for a couple of minutes.
I used the bathroom and devoured my food, but I was careful not to drink too much
water, even though I was thirsty.  I watched the timer tick down, trying to find the
courage to go in the cage again—begging myself to ignore the timer and run.

But I can’t.  I have to get back in that cage if I want to save my family.

I walked back to the cage and dropped to my knees so I could crawl into it.  I pulled
the door closed and then the lock sounded that sealed my fate. That lock—the click—
was the only thing that told me time passed.  I knew I had spent twenty-four hours in
the cage because of it. The pain in my joints made it feel like more. There was simply
no position in the cage that could be considered comfortable.  It was definitely
punishment. No matter which direction I shifted, there was always a bar pressed
against something. When I shifted, I put pressure somewhere else, but the bars were
cold until my body temperature warmed them.  I couldn’t even fall asleep—all I could
do was collapse into exhaustion and close my eyes. It wasn’t true sleep. It was just my
body shutting down until I had the energy to open my eyes again.


The next day

“Belle, please.”  I crawled to the front of the cage and grabbed the bars when the
lights came on.  “Say something—I just want to hear another voice.”

Belle didn’t respond—she didn’t even look at me. She simply put down my food,
turned out the light, and walked back upstairs.  I saw breakfast on the table near the
cage before the lights were turned out. That meant it was morning. The door would
open soon.  I could survive a little longer. The madness hadn’t completely won—not
yet. I convinced myself that Devlin would return the next day.  I truly didn’t know
how long he would be gone, but it was better to convince myself that I had hope. If I
didn’t, then everything inside me would collapse like my body did when exhaustion
took me.  I felt like I was hanging on by a mental thread, and that thread was so
delicate—it could snap at any moment.

The lock.  Thank god.

I rushed from the cage and found that my muscles hurt worse than they had any of the
other times I had been freed—they threatened to cramp when I walked.  I went to the
bathroom and realized that I was dehydrated. I had tried to avoid drinking much
water, but I wasn’t even drinking enough to replenish the fluids I lost.  The crying
didn’t help. I walked out of the bathroom and tried to stretch my muscles as I ate. I
was so thirsty that I just drank the entire glass of water. I doubted much of it would
make it’s way to my bladder at that point—not enough to make me uncomfortable.

If Devlin returns tomorrow, I can do this—I can suffer just a little bit longer.

The cage had confirmed one thing—Devlin was cruel.  He was going to make me call
him Master, obey his rules, and punish me if I didn’t comply.  I doubted the cage was
the worst thing he could do to me—a man like him probably sat around all day
thinking of ways to hurt people.  An image of him flashed in my head—brooding—
enjoying my torment. I knew he was watching, or could watch at any time since he
had a camera on me.  I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of watching me cry
again. I was going to get back in the cage and endure what remained of my
punishment—one I still didn’t believe I deserved.

Enjoy the show, Master.

Fuck.  Am I calling him that in my head now?


The next day

Breakfast was served in silence.  I didn’t even try to get Belle to talk to me.  I knew
she wouldn’t respond. I waited until the door opened, did what I could in the allotted
time, and returned to my prison.  I thought of my father—sitting in a cage without the
things he loved. He had been inside one much longer than me, even if it was likely
more comfortable than the small steel box Devlin put me in.  I waited for hours and
when lunch arrived, I started to lose the glimmer of hope. What if Devlin didn’t
return? What if I was forced to spend another day in the cold confines of punishment.
All of that suffering for touching myself?  What would he do if I really defied him or
deprived him of something he wanted?

I can’t think about that.  I just have to focus on my own survival—I have to keep my
I sank into a dark, exhaustive, dreamless state of unconsciousness after I ate lunch.  I
was so weary that it felt like my soul had given up hope of existing outside of the
cage.  I was vaguely aware of footsteps on the stairs. It had to be Belle. She wouldn’t
even talk to me, so why bother looking.  The light hurt my eyes when it came on, even
though my eyelids were shut. I didn’t try to open them—until I realized that the
footsteps were heavier—and they didn’t stop at the table near the cage.

“Devlin!”  I opened my eyes suddenly and was greeted by his icy stare.

“Hello, princess.”  He pushed a key into the cage and turned off the locking

I was happy to see him—happy to hear his voice—any voice really.  But I shouldn’t
have been happy. There should have been hate in my heart.  He pulled the cage door
open and stepped back as I was forced to crawl out of it.  My joints ached and
crawling across the floor didn’t feel very comfortable on my knees after being on
them so much while he was away.  I started to stand, but he put a hand on my
shoulder and kept my knees on the floor.

My first moment of human contact in days—and even that slight touch makes my body

“I haven’t given you permission to stand.”  He removed his hand and tilted his head as
I looked up at him.  “You don’t do anything without my permission.”

“Yes Master.”  I said the only words that I knew how to say—the ones that had
become as normal as hello and goodbye used to be.

“Turn around.”  He motioned to me with his hand.  “I want you to spread your legs
and show me what you’ve been waiting to give me.”

I obeyed.  I turned on my knees, lowered my chest until my chin was against the floor,
and lifted my ass.  I slowly shifted my knees apart until I felt the coolness between my
legs. I didn’t want to get wet for him—I didn’t want him to know that I still desired
him, even after the cruelty he had forced me to endure.  I swallowed hard when I felt
my lust beginning to betray me and spread onto my labia—if he made me stay in the
position much longer, I was literally going to start dripping on the floor. I should have
been humiliated, but I felt excitement—knowing he was staring at me—watching me
get wet for him.

Is he going to fuck me now?  Am I going to lose my innocence in the room where I

was tormented?
“Okay, stand up.”  His tone was quick and commanding.

“Are you sure?”  I blinked in surprise and looked over my shoulder at me.

“You’ll know when it’s time for me to take what is mine.”  He rubbed the front of his
pants. “I have something special in mind later—go upstairs and get ready to spend an
evening with me that you’ll never forget.”

“Yes Master.” I nodded and started to stand.

I felt the wetness between my legs when they came together, and then I started
walking towards the stairs.  It felt good to feel my muscles push against the steps, but
they were definitely weak from being stuck in the cage.  I reached the top of the stairs
that led to the basement and tried to remember which way I needed to go in order to
reach the staircase which would take me upstairs to my bedroom.  I retracted the path
he made me walk to the basement and was mildly disappointed when I didn’t find my
clothes on the floor where I left them.

“You’ll find a new dress and some makeup in your room.”  Belle walked out of one of
the side rooms and motioned towards the stairs.

“Thank you.”  I nodded and started walking again.


There wasn’t justone dress waiting for me when I got upstairs, but the one I was
supposed to wear was already on the bed.  The closet and all the drawers had been
filled with clothes for me—expensive clothes. Some of them were better than the stuff
I was forced to leave behind at Cabot Estate.  I bathed myself, got dressed, and took
extra care applying my makeup. I was fighting a war inside of myself—a part of me
that wanted to defy Devlin, and a part of me that wanted to be absolutely perfect for

If I’m going to lose my virginity tonight, I should at least try to enjoy it.  My body
belongs to the devil until my father is free, and I know Devlin won’t lift a finger to
make that happen until he’s claimed my innocence.

I finished getting ready and waited to be summoned.  It was past dinner time, and I
didn’t get anything to eat, so my stomach was starting to rumble—part of that was just
nerves.  I started thinking back to the time I had spent with Devlin when we were
younger. I wanted the moment we were about to have so many times.  I would have
given myself to him if he just asked—he didn’t even have to ask. There were times
when I wanted to throw myself at him—I did that once, at the ballet.  That was the
night I learned that he truly was the devil—and the last time I saw him before I was
invited to The Devil’s Manor.

“Are you ready, Miss Violet—wow, he’s going to very pleased when he sees you. 
You look ravishing!” Belle’s jaw fell open when she pushed open my door.

“Yes.”  I turned towards her and smiled.  “I’m ready.”

“Follow the petals.” She pushed the door back and I saw flower petals on the floor—

Oh my god.

I stepped out of the room and I was immediately overcome with emotion as I looked
at the petals leading towards the staircase.  I expected cruelty when he took my
innocence, but I was getting something else. Romance? Perhaps the man I knew still
lurked inside the devil he had become—the sweet Devlin who took me to prom.  The
one who took me for ice cream after my horrible date. Maybe I had just been too
young then—just like he said.

I closed my heart to him—especially after he rejected me at the ballet.  Did I close

that door too soon?

I walked across the petals, smiling more with each step as I followed them down the
stairs.  They led to a large door that was closed. I was about to take my last step as a
virgin—the end of my innocence.  I saw a black envelope on the front of the door with
my name on it, written in crimson ink. I pulled it free and turned it over in my hand as
I removed the black paper inside of it.

Join me for a night that you will never forget —Devlin

I didn’t understand Devlin.  He had been so cruel to me—punished me—humiliated

me—and yet he was making our first night together romantic.  I wasn’t sure how to
find the balance between his dominance and the man I fell for when I was too young
to make him mine.  I mentally prepared myself to forgive him—and to call him
Master. My time with him didn’t have to be awful. He was a controlling man, but I
might find a way to look past that—especially if the man I fell for could be brought to
the surface when I needed him.  His dominance excited me when he wasn't cruel, so I
didn’t want him to hide his nature. I had to find a way to embrace both sides of him,
not just for my family’s sake, but for my own as well.

Okay, Devlin.  I’m ready for a night that I’ll never forget.

I pulled open the door and walked into a dark room.  I didn’t like the darkness. It
reminded me of the cage—it reminded me of his cruelty.  A white light came on in
front of me, but it was just a single light—one that revealed him standing in the center
of the room wearing a suit.  He was so handsome, almost like an angel in that dim
white light instead of the devil. I took a step towards him. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to
hug him, kiss him—or both.  The smile that had been put on my face by the petals got

“Come to me, princess.”  He extended his hand.

“Okay.”  I nodded and started walking.

I’m really doing this.

Something was right.  I realized it as soon as I took my next step.  The lights started to
raise all around us, almost like each step I took was controlling them.  As the room
illuminated, I realized that we weren’t alone—there were a lot of people in the room. 
All of them were standing in silence around the perimeter—and all of them were
looking at me.  I felt a lump rising up in my throat as the light got brighter and I
started to recognize the faces.

Oh my god.  These are my father’s business associates.  There’s Mr. Hawthorne—

and his son, Steven.

“Devlin, what is this?”  My heart started to beat hard in my chest.

“It’s a night you’ll never forget.”  He walked closer and took my hand. “This is my
playroom and tonight, we’re going to play—hard.”

“No…”  I shook my head back and forth as I tried to pull away.  “I don’t want to do
this—I know these people.”

“Yes.”  He nodded and tightened his grip and pulled me so close that his ears were
against my ear.  “They’re going to enjoy watching you make me cum.”

“Why?”  I felt tears in my eyes and my chest started to heave—I was about to start
“Oh, Violet…”  He lowered his voice so that I was the only one who could hear him. 
“Don’t you get it yet? Everything has a purpose.”

“Is the purpose of this to utterly humiliate me?  Do you really need to prove yourself
by putting me on my knees in front of people I know—to show them all how far I’ve
fallen from grace?”  I was hissing, but I didn’t raise my voice.

“These are powerful men, princess.  They’re the kind of men that are lost without
your father’s guidance—men that are an integral part of my plan to free him from
prison.”  He growled into my ear. “You remember how awful it is to be in a cage,
don’t you?”

“Yes…”  My voice started to shake.

“They need to see my strength, and yes, dear princess—they need to see Violet Cabot
on her knees—they need motivation to use their influence to free your father.”  He
exhaled sharply. “Kneel—kneel and call me Master. Say it loud enough for everyone
to hear you.”

“I hate you right now.”  I muttered and tried to stop the tears that were trying to run
down my face—tears that were going to ruin the makeup I had worked so hard to put

“It doesn’t matter if you hate me or love me.”  He brushed away the first tear that fell.
“You just have to do as you’re told.”

I thought I had fallen as far from grace as possible.

I was wrong.

I still had further to fall—and the first place I fell…

Was on my knees.

On my knees in front of the devil, with only one word on my lips.

“Master…” I spoke loud of for everyone in the room to hear me—and looked up at
him with a stare that was cold as ice.

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Violet's eyeswere burning as she locked her gaze with me. I smirked at her.

"Look at you, princess," I muttered, my hand absent-mindedly stroking her pretty

face. "So quick to obey and drop to your knees. Do you still have any doubts about
me? Or have you finally accepted that I own you?"

Her lips formed a thin line, but I ignored it. I knelt next to her while her eyes darted
nervously around the room.

"Everyone's watching, princess," I muttered into the shell of her ear. "Now it's time to
give them a show."

I reached between her legs, gently touching her inner thighs and making her mewl out

"You can't fight it, can you?" I asked her. "You're trying so hard to be a good girl, but
every instinct you have is fighting it. You just want to be good for me."

"I do," she whispered, and I tilted her head back with my free hand.

"Remember my name," I said firmly. "Say it, Violet. Say it properly."

"I do. Master," she managed, her eyes connecting with mine yet again.

She was shivering, shaking beneath my fingertips, and I could tell how scared she

"It's just us," I whispered in her ear, softly enough so she was the only person who
could hear in the room full of men. "Pretend it's just us and everything will be alright,

She nodded, a barely perceptible movement, then crawled closer to me. I kept my
persistent touch on the inside of her thighs, and her legs parted for me, showing me
her drenched pussy in a pair of barely-there sheer panties.

"Good girl," I muttered in approval. "Look at you, so fucking ready for me. You've
barely been touched yet, Violet."

I stood up and she yelped at the loss of me, her arms wrapping around my knees in an
effort to keep me closer.
"Don't go," she begged, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Please M-Master, stay."

Standing up, I let my thumb ghost over her lips and she opened her mouth hungrily.

On her knees, she was a different girl to the one I'd known my whole life. She was
eager, desperate for more. Forgetting all about her innocence, she was more than
eager to please me. It was something we were going to explore a lot in the coming

"Do you want something, princess?" I asked her, parting her lips. "Do you want
something in here?"

"Yes," she managed to get out, lips wrapping around my thumb and sucking gently.

"You like having your mouth full, don't you," I groaned. "I'll give you what you want.
Just this one time, Violet. Now be a good girl and strip for me."

Her eyes widened, begging me to change my mind, but I'd already decided. I wasn't
going to make this too easy on her. She would kneel for me in front of all her father's
friends, but it wasn't the only part of her lesson. And now, it was time for the hard

She stood up once she realized I wasn't going to change my mind. The nightgown
came off first, a flimsy white thing with pink bows. She stood before me in nothing
but those sheer white panties and white stockings with matching pink bows adorning
the tops of her thighs. On her feet, she wore impossibly high pink Louboutins. So
feminine, so innocent, yet so fucking corruptible. I couldn't fucking wait to give her
what she so desperately wanted.

"Beautiful," I muttered, just as her gaze found the other men standing in the room.

It was quiet in the playroom. Those pricks were probably too busy toying with their
dicks to make a sound. But I ignored them. All that mattered was my girl.

"Violet," I called her, and she returned my gaze. "Just you and me, remember."

She nodded, her hands finding her panties and slowly sliding them off her hips.

The gasps in the room were audible. It was tense in there, the air thick with the scent
of her arousal.
She fucking loves this, I realized as she tossed her panties on the ground. Fucking
loves being on display.

I decided to teach her a lesson then and there, and once she was naked for me, I forced
her to her knees again, making her whimper out loud.

I reached for my zipper with one hand, touching the back of her head with my other

"Open," I ordered, and her lips parted expectantly.

I brought out my cock, pressing the tip of it against her bottom lip.

Her reaction made me fucking hard as hell. The little hiss of air she let out when she
saw my girth, her eyes admiring my length, the sliver of worry in her gaze once she
realized I would never fit inside her tight virgin holes.

"Suck," I said simply, and she looked up at me before letting my cockhead slip into
her mouth.

She moaned when she tasted me. I was dripping precum already, and I was done
being patient.

I forced myself deeper into her mouth and she choked a little, but it only made me

I held onto the hair at the nape of her neck, groaning as she took me deeper.

"Look at you, Violet," I muttered. "Everyone's fucking watching you take your first

She glanced at the men around us, hands on their bulging cocks, all eyes on my girl.
They all wanted her. Too bad they'd never get a single goddamn touch.

Something changed in her head when she saw them looking at her. A devilish
expression came over her, and she kept her eyes trained on one of the men as she
sucked my cock. Her hand came up, fingers wrapping around my girth as she fed
herself my cock.

I groaned out loud, my fingers wrapping in her hair harder. I followed the line of her
vision and realized she was looking at Steven Hawthorne, a smile playing on her lips
as she sucked my cock.
The little whore was playing me, enjoying this more than she should be.

I growled out loud and pulled out of her mouth with a loud pop.

"Enjoying yourself, are you, princess?" I ground out, grabbing her by the neck.

"No, Master," she whispered, falling back on her arms and exposing her porcelain-
skinned body to my eyes. "I'm sorry."

"You will be," I warned her. "Sit on that ass, princess. Part your legs."

She did as she was told, giving me a beautiful view of her tight cunt.

"You have such a pretty pussy, princess," I told her. "Why don't we let everyone see?"

She glanced at the men, whispering, "P-Please, I don't w-want to."

"You seemed more than eager a moment ago," I told her. "Now fucking turn so they
can all see what my pretty cunt looks like."

She begged me to stop silently, but I wasn't going to change my mind. Finally, she
turned around, opening her trembling legs to the sound of collective groaning from the
men in the room.

"Like what you see, gentlemen?" I asked them with a wicked grin while I retrieved a
toy from a wooden chest. "Look at that pretty little pussy. She's never had a dick in
her, did you know that?"

"Fuck her," Steven spoke up, and my eyes connected with his. "Just fuck her."

"You don't tell me what the fuck to do," I ground out. "Now I'd appreciate if you kept
your mouth shut unless you want to get thrown the hell out of my playroom."

He shut up, his eyes devouring Violet on the ground. She closed her eyes tightly.

"Open them," I murmured in her ear. "Look at them."

She followed directions as I pressed a vibrating wand against her pussy, making her
gasp out loud.

"Oh, princess," I said with mock worry. "It's not even turned on yet. What are you
going to do when I do this?"
I turned it on to the lowest setting and she mewled out loud. I parted her pussy lips
with my fingers, exposing her pink cunt to the men she'd known her whole life.

"Now let's see how many times you can get off with it like this," I said, and she
looked up at me, eyes hazy with the need to come.

It didn't take long for her to start grinding against the wand. She was so desperate to
come, like she'd been starved of the pleasure her entire life. I coaxed her gently until
she was ready, grabbing onto my suit and begging to be allowed.

"What a good girl, asking for permission," I told her. "You're allowed, Violet. Come
for your Master. Come for me, princess."

She came apart in front of me, whispers and moans flowing from her lips freely as she
came on the wand, covering the toy in her creamy juices.

"Thank you, M-Master," she whispered a moment later, her eyes hooded with

"Oh, you're not done yet, princess," I laughed at her. "You'd better keep fucking
coming. And beg, if you want a higher setting."

She whimpered, and I continued my assault on her cunt until another orgasm ripped
through her, making her scream my name.

"Master!" I growled at her. "It's Master to you, Violet."

I put the toy on a higher setting. She couldn't stop herself as another orgasm wracked
her body, followed by a fourth one in mere seconds.

I kept toying with her until her back hit the floor, her legs spasming, her pussy leaking
all over the floor.

"You're a mess, Violet," I told her. "A fucking mess."

Her chest rose and fell quickly. For a moment, I'd managed to forget all about the
other men in the room. But they were there... and suddenly, I didn't want them around.
I want my girl all to myself.

I leaned down, my lips lingering only a few inches away from hers.

"Have you had enough, princess?" I whispered.

She whimpered, her mouth opening and closing to please me, even when she didn't
know the right answer.

"You can be honest," I went on. "You can tell me what you want, Violet. If you want
it to be over, I'll make it stop here and now. Is that what you want, princess?"

Still without a reply from her, I placed my palm on her cheek and she leaned against
my touch, gasping for air as I guided her lips to mine. I gave her a sweet, almost
chaste kiss that seemed to surprise her. She was grateful to return it though, melting
into my embrace in front of all those people watching and letting me have her for

I pulled back, stroking her cheek and tucking a stray strand of her hair behind the shell
of her ear.

"I'm only going to ask one more time," I warned her. "Then I'm going to decide for
you. Have you had enough, princess?"

She nodded, letting out something between a hiccup and a sob as she looked at me,
desperation in her eyes.

"I need your words, Violet," I reminded her. "And address me properly, the way you

"Yes, Master," she whispered. "I've h-had enough. Please, n-no more."

"Okay," I whispered, pressing a kiss against her forehead and straightening up.

She hugged my legs, little helpless whimpers wracking her body as she held on to me,
like I was her lifeline.

"I think we've all had enough excitement for one night, folks," I told the gathered

Groans and disappointed sighs filled the room, but when I raised my hand in the air,
they all shut up.

"You were lucky to be able to see this tonight," I reminded them. "So be fucking
grateful and get the hell out of my house."

They seemed momentarily stunned, so I roared again, "And I mean now."

My tone made it clear I wasn’t messing around, and luckily for them, the men heeded
the warning in my voice. Everyone gathered their bearings while I turned my attention
back to Violet, gathering her in my arms as if she weighed nothing at all. I felt
everyone's prying gazes on my princess as I carried her out of the room, and she hid
her face in the crook of my arm, unwilling to return the others' attention.

I didn't say a word, just climbed the stars with my girl in my arms until I reached her
bedroom. I took her into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Stripping off my
shirt and pants, I got in next to her.

Violet's shivering naked body was covered in goosebumps, but once I got some warm
water running over her skin, she relaxed visibly, clinging on to me for dear life.

Patiently, I washed away every trace of the evening, rubbing every inch of her skin. I
was especially gentle with her pussy, my fingers just barely ghosting over the
sensitive skin there and yet still making her gasp.

I washed her hair too, slathering it with shampoo and washing it out carefully to make
sure all the suds were gone.

Once she was cleaned up, I wrapped her up in a thick fluffy robe and carried her to the
bed. I set her shivering body down, pulling back the bedsheets. She climbed under
them and pulled them up to her chin. Her eyes were heavy, and she was visibly tired.

Pressing another kiss against her cheek, I was ready to go when I felt her tug on my

"Don't go," she whispered, her voice breaking over the two simple words. "Please,

I looked down at her. I could have punished her for not using the proper name for me,
but I didn't have it in my heart. She'd been through enough for one night.

"You want me to sleep with you, princess?" I asked her softly, and she didn't hesitate
for a second before nodding. "Okay."

I was still in my boxers soaked from the shower, and I stripped them off, leaving my
still-hard cock exposed. Her eyes were as wide as saucers, but she didn't seem to
regret her decision as I climbed in the bed with her. She even nestled close to me,
holding on to me as if I was going to slip away while she was sleeping.
Violet was asleep in seconds, but I lay awake for a long time, wondering just how
much of an impact my little princess already had on me.

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The next day

I wokeup alone in Devlin’s bed.  I remembered how I got there. I remembered what
happened the night before.  Thinking about what I was forced to do—and who I did it
in front of—made my blood run cold against my skin.  Even the warm blanket wasn’t
enough to keep the chill at bay. I felt dirty—absolutely filthy. I needed a bath, even
though Devlin had showered with me the night before.  I crawled out of bed, found
the fluffy robe from the night before, and slid it on before I ran down the hallway
towards my room. Putting on clothes hardly seemed worth it when Devlin paraded me
through the house without them at his whim, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave the
room without something wrapped around my naked body.

I can’t believe he did that to me—I can’t believe he forced me to engage in something
that should have been so personal in front of other people.  Not just any people—men
I knew—men that did business with my father—even a guy that I went on a date with

I got to my room and immediately ran a bath.  I didn’t care if Devlin could see me
bathe, I just wanted to wash the filth away.  I started scrubbing, and when that didn’t
make the unclean feeling go away, I scrubbed harder.  I scrubbed until parts of my
skin were red and started to hurt. I wished I could block out the events of the previous
evening—erased the leering eyes that watched me on my knees—attentive faces that
seemed shocked when they heard me call Devlin Windsor my Master.  I had disgraced
the Cabot name—shamed my father—and I would never be able to forgive myself.
That wasn’t what made it so hard to forgive myself though. What truly hurt—the part
that made me feel like I was the vilest human being on earth—was that it turned me

I’ll never admit that to anyone—much less the man who made me call him Master.

I still wanted the bastard—still desired the devil.  No amount of hate that I tried to
muster, or wretchedness that poured from his lips, could make my body stop craving
him.  Even when I was on my knees with his cock in my mouth—all I could think
about was how it would feel inside me. I had to fight against that.  When we were in
bed together after the ordeal was over, I still craved more, even though my body had
been taken to the limit. I just wanted him to roll over—to pin me to the bed and take
what I knew he wanted.  I had to stay focused on my task—the reason I got down on
my knees to begin with. Devlin Windsor was means to an end—a way to restore my
family name. The things I did might have tainted me, but my father could recover
from it.  I just had to make sure Devlin kept up his part of the bargain.

Last night better have been about more than laying the foundation for what Devlin
needs.  That better have laid the last brick. I need proof that he’s going to help me—
otherwise, I’m just the devil’s toy.  If those men can use their influence to free my
father, I expect results. I’ve given too much of myself to still have doubts about
Devlin’s intentions.

Devlin could have taken my innocence in front of all those men, but he didn’t.  The
one thing he said he wanted—he still hadn’t claimed. I wondered if he had further
humiliation in mind for me—agony that transcended the humiliation I went through in
front of my father’s business associates.  I was afraid to find out, but I didn’t have a
choice. I had to keep putting one foot in front of the other, keep calling him Master,
and find a way to demand results without drawing the devil’s wrath. I didn’t want to
end up in the cage again, no matter what.

I finished up my bath and toweled off before returning to the bedroom.  I was
surprised to see a box lying on the bed. I didn’t hear anyone come in.  In the center of
the box was a black envelope, and I stared at it for a moment before pulling out the
crimson inked note.  I flipped over and the card immediately fell out of my hands
when I read it, because it made my whole body tremble.

Tonight we will have another night that you never forget, and I will take your
innocence before sunrise. -Devlin

“Fuck.”  I stared at the note and felt my jaw tighten.

That was it.  There was no wondering—no more questioning.  It wasn’t a vague riddle
or a romantic gesture.  When I left my room the previous evening and saw the flower
petals, I thought he was going to make it special.  I no longer believed the moment he
claimed my body would be special. I wasn’t going to be tricked into trusting him
again.  The part of me that wanted him tried to push excitement through my veins, but
I fought against the feeling. I was going to bed with the devil, and he could take what
was promised, but it was going to be under my terms—and he was going to answer
some fucking questions first.

“Ah,you’re on time for dinner tonight.”  Devlin looked up at me and smiled as I

entered the room.  “Have a seat.”

“I got your note.”  I sat down and stared at him.  “Last night wasn’t enough for you?”

“Last night wasn’t about me.”  He scoffed and shook his head. “Last night was about
sending a message and gaining influence.”

“What was that message exactly?  Did you want all of my business associates to see
that you had turned Hugo Cabot’s daughter into your whore?”  My words snapped off
my tongue and my blood pressure rose with every syllable.

“I told you what it was about.”  He picked up a glass of wine and took a sip.  “Have a
drink—it’ll help you calm down some.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down.”  I narrowed my eyes. “You humiliated me last night!”

“It doesn’t matter.  You are mine to do with as I wish—just like the contract says.” 
He nodded. “Drink your wine.”

“Did you get any closer to getting my father out of prison?  Did your
new influence pull the right strings?”  I kept my eyes focused on him.

“We’ll discuss that another time.  This doesn’t happen overnight. Progress is what
matters.”  He nodded. “Tonight is about us though—a celebration of the moment you
become mine in every way.”

“I signed a contract; you made promises.  If you don’t hold up your end of the
bargain, why should I hold up mine?”  I tilted my head to the side.

“I’m tired of this.”  He put down his glass.  “Why can’t you just accept that I’m trying
to help you?”

“Because I feel like I’m just part of some sick game after last night.”  I shook my head
back and forth. “I will not be going to bed with you tonight.  You won’t have me until
I am absolutely certain you’re going to help my father.”

“I really didn’t want to resort to this.”  He sighed.

“Resort to what?”  I tilted my head to the side.

“Punishing you—and I’m not talking about a cage this time.”  His words snapped
against his teeth and I saw rage forming on his face.  “You’ve left me no choice. I will
not be disrespected—questioned—challenged.”

Devlin’s expression grew dark.  I saw something inside of him that I hadn’t seen
before—a hint of what I was warned about before I ever accepted his invitation.  He
stood up from the table and closed the distance between us before I had a chance to
react. His hand wrapped around my wrist and yanked me out of my chair.  He was so
much stronger than me—I couldn’t have gotten out of his grip if I tried—and I was
too scared to try. He kicked my chair with his foot, sat down, and pulled me across his
knee with a quick jerk.

“Now you’re going to get punished—and I’m not going to stop until I’m certain that
you’ve learned your fucking lesson.”  He growled as his hand grabbed the back of my

“Wait!”  I shook my head, but he ignored my plea.

He pulled on the fabric of my dress and then I heard the threads ripping.  He didn’t
tear it off of me completely, but he ripped enough of it for him to expose my panties. 
Piece of my dress landed on the floor beside me and then I felt his hand around my
panties. They didn’t have enough threads to even put up a semblance of a fight.  He
ripped them straight off my hips until they were just hanging around his knee. I felt
his hand on my ass—and a second later it came down with a stinging smack that
echoed through the room.

“Devlin!  Ow! It hurts!”  I squealed and started to kick my feet as his hand bounced
from one side of my ass to the other with quick, vicious slaps.

“That’s another thing—you bad little girl.”  His hand squeezed my punished flesh.
“I’ve told you to call me Master—you still don’t.  That’s the only name I expect to
hear from your lips when you address me!”

“Ouch!  Master—please!  I’m sorry!” I struggled in his grasp and threw a hand back
to stop the next stinging slap from landing on my exposed ass.

“Move your hand.”  His words were tense, but calmer than the rage I experienced
moments before.  “You will take your spanking.  You’ve earned this punishment.”

“Master…”  I whimpered, but I obeyed and removed my hand.

“I’ve resisted the urge to hurt you—because I’ve always cared about you, Violet.
You’ve always had a place in my heart.  I did the right thing. I followed my father’s
orders—I stayed away because you were too fucking young!” His raged started to

“I did everything the right way—and even now, when your empire is dust and your
family name isn’t worth the dirt on the fucking ground, you still act like I’m not
worthy of touching your body.”  His hand raised.

“Ow!  Master please—I’m sorry!”  My mouth opened and a sob echoed from my

“Keeping saying you’re sorry—how about saying thank you?  Is that too much for a
Cabot to say?  Are those words forbidden like the fruit between your legs?”  His
words came out in a growl. “This precious little cunt wouldn’t be so forbidden if it
wasn’t for me.  I’ve always protected you—always made sure nobody hurt you. When
your prom date bought date rape drugs to put in your drink—I’m the one who made
sure he didn’t get a chance to do it!”

“What?”  My ass was burning, my thoughts were spinning out of control.

“Did I tell you?  Did I soak in the glory and make you get down on your knees with
gratitude—no!  I stepped up and took you to prom—so you could have a good fucking
night. Still you question me—ask if I’m trustworthy—question my fucking motives.” 
He growled again. “You’ve forced me to hurt you, and it’s been a long time coming—
and guess what, princess. I like it.”

I realized in that instant that everything my Master had said since I walked into the
Devil’s Manor was the truth.  It took the pain to quell my uncertainty—to make me
understand Devlin Windsor for the first time in my life. He got off on torment—I
could feel his cock throbbing against me each time his hand came down.  He had been
holding back—and while I thought I was fighting the devil, he was the one fighting to
keep the devil locked away. I deserved my punishment. I deserved to be spanked—I
deserved more than that.

“I’m sorry Master.  Thank you…” I forced the words across my lips as they trembled. 
“P-punish me.”

“Keep punishing me, Master.”  My arms went limp, my body lost all will to even try
to defend from what I deserved—I would lay across his lap until his hand broke skin
if that was what he thought I had earned.
“No.”  He pushed me off his knee and I tumbled to the ground.  “You said what I
wanted to hear.”

“I’m sorry—I truly am.”  I turned on my knees and grabbed the hand that had struck
me, kissing the knuckles as my tears continued to fall.

“I didn’t give you permission to touch me.”  He pulled his hand away like it had been
bitten by a snake and pushed me back to the floor.  “Things are going to be different
now, Violet.”

“Please…”  I looked up at him.  “I want you…”

“You don’t get what you want.  We’ll try this tomorrow, after you’ve had time to
calm down.”  His rage finally seemed to relax. “Princess.”

My ass was burning, and I couldn’t stop the tears.  I thought Devlin was just going to
leave me there when he walked away, but a couple of minutes later, he returned.  He
knelt beside me and squeezed lotion into his hand. I felt his hand on my ass and it
cooled the burn. I rolled over onto my stomach and moaned when he started to gently
caress my punished flesh.  When his fingers came close to my pussy, I raised my hips,
begging for his touch, but he didn’t give it to me. Once the burning was soothed, he
scooped me up like he had the night before and took me to his room.  I wanted more
than just his arms around me, but that was all he got once he climbed into bed beside

I will be his tomorrow.  I won’t resist him again.

Donation of $10 for downloads during next 31 days

The feelingof her sore ass beneath my fingertips haunted me. I woke up with the
thought ingrained in my memory, and it seemed next to impossible to think of
anything else but Violet’s tight, sweet body.

She slept peacefully next to me, her long dark hair fanned out on the pillow. Her scent
was intoxicating, her lips parted in a way that made me want to force the head of my
cock between them.

I traced the outline of her curves with my fingertips.

I wanted to hurt her.

The thought was sudden, surprising me with its ferociousness, demanding to give the
dark voice inside my voice what it so desperately craved.

There was just something about Violet Cabot that brought out the worst in me…
Something that made me want to make her submit, make her kneel, and most of all…
make her obey.

“Violet,” I muttered. “Wake up, princess.”

Her eyes flew open and she yawned, stretching out on the bed like a kitten.

“I’m going to play with you,” I told her plainly.

“W-What?” She opened those gorgeous green eyes, staring up at me. “Now? But it’s
still early. It’s only morning, Dev-Master.”

“I don’t care,” I ground out. “Come on, we’re going back to the playroom.”

I helped her out of bed and she hesitated before letting me pull her to the center of the

“Master, I’m naked,” she whispered.

“I don’t give a shit,” I responded. “After what happened, you shouldn’t care about
your dignity, anyway. You’re not going shy on me now, are you, princess?”

“N-No, Master,” she mumbled.

“Come on,” I demanded. “Playroom. Now.”

I started walking, but she wouldn’t move. She just stood shivering in the center of the

“Violet,” I reminded her. “You need to follow my orders.”

“N-No,” she muttered.

My brows shot up. “No?”

“No,” she repeated, surer of herself this time. “I’m not going back in the cage.”

“Who said anything about the cage?” I asked. “You’re putting ideas in my head,
“I don’t want it,” she mumbled. “I’m not going.”

“No?” I asked, and she shook her head defiantly.

I advanced on her, arms forcefully wrapping around her body, lifting her up into my
arms. She struggled against me, doing her best to get away, but I wouldn’t let her.

I carried her off, placing a hand over her mouth when she started screaming. She was
going to be punished, hard. I was going to spank the last bit of her brattiness out of
that tight little ass.

She struggled helplessly until we got in the playroom, and I pushed her into her cage.

She glared at me, eyes wide, bottom lip trembling. The streak of rebelliousness inside
her was alive and well, eager to show itself to me, reveal just how much of a bad girl
she really was.

Just as I was about to start picking the toys I’d use to make her submit, there was a
knock on the playroom.

Violet glanced at the door just as I did, and I glared at her.

“Don’t you dare scream, princess,” I growled at her. “If you know what’s good for
you, you’ll stay right where you are.”

I leaned down next to her, my eyes on hers as I tipped her chin back.

“You won’t disappoint me, will you, Violet?” I asked her softly.

“N-No,” she managed.

“No what?”

“No, M-Master.”

Her eyes were so fucking wide.

I got up, unable to look at her for another second. If I stayed longer, I would want to
fuck her. Bury my cock in her virgin pussy and remind her to whom she really

I closed the distance between her cage and the door, opening it wide and barking,
“What the fuck do you want?”
My associate, Jasper, stood in front of the door, giving me an apologetic look.

“I’m sorry, Sir,” he said. “There’s someone on the phone in your office. They
wouldn’t take no for an answer… It was quite strange.”

“Well, get rid of them,” I hissed. “I’m fucking busy.”

He briefly glanced over my shoulder, then his eyes went back to mine.

“I’m sorry Sir,” he said again. “I think you should take this.”

There was a note of worry in his voice that made me throw one last look over my
shoulder before walking outside. I shut the door firmly behind myself and followed
Jasper up the stairs and into my office.

A red light was blinking on the landline receiver, and Jasper and I exchanged glances
before I walked in.

“I’ll be right inside if you need me, Sir,” Jasper said, and I gave him a curt nod.


I sat down at my desk, my brows furrowing. I wasn't happy about being interrupted,
but Jasper seemed adamant that I took the call even though it was out of business

"Devlin Windsor himself," the voice on the other side said, laughing out loud.

"Who is this?" I barked into the phone, checking to see the caller ID, but there was
nothing - the number was hidden. "Dad?"

"No, not this time," the voice went on. It was strange, almost robotic, and I realized
that whoever was calling was using a device to mask their voice, so I wouldn't figure
out who the fuck it was. "But you'll wish it had just been dear old Dominic soon
enough, I bet."

"What's this about?" I asked, trying my best to stay level-headed.

I didn't like playing games unless I was the puppet master. And this guy was pissing
me the hell off.

"I heard you've acquired a new toy," the strange voice went on. "A pretty, barely legal
little captive who's signed herself over to you."
"Word travels fast, apparently," I said easily, though my heartbeat had sped up.

I pulled a notebook up, grabbing a pen and pressing it to the paper. I was going to find
out who was calling, so I needed to track down everything I knew about the other

Knows about Violet, I put on paper. Uses a masking device for their voice - could be
someone I know.

"I'd say you had something to do with that yourself," the voice went on. "Since you
just put her on display mere days ago. She was quite the vision, apparently. Sucking
dick like a pro, wasn't she?"

My mouth tightened, but I didn't grace him with the outburst he so desperately craved.

"What's this about, then?" I asked easily. "You trying to score with my toy, or

"You could say that," the voice responded, just as I jotted down another note.

Since the voice is masked, it could be a woman just as well as a man.

"Let's just say sweet Violet Cabot has caught my eye too," he went on. "I wouldn't
mind a piece of that tight little ass myself. She's still a virgin, isn't she, Windsor? You
haven't spoiled her completely yet?"

"I don't see how that's relevant," I replied icily. "Since I have no intention of letting
Violet go."

"No?" the voice asked. "Maybe you will after the proposition I have for you."

"Proposition?" I repeated, crossing off the last note I'd made. It was definitely a man.
"What kind of proposition?"

"I heard about the contract your toy signed," the voice explained. "I like the way you
roll, Windsor. You legally own her now, don't you? She's your property, just like a
pretty work of overpriced art. Think this one's worth the cost?"

"Most definitely," I replied. "Now I'm only going to ask one more time. What
the fuck do you want?"

"I want to make you an offer," the voice said. "I want to buy Violet Cabot from you."
I laughed out loud, saying, "Why not just make her the offer while she was still on the

"What can I say... I don't like getting my hands dirty," the voice admitted. "But I very
much appreciate you setting it up for me, Windsor. I'll pay you handsomely. So
handsomely you never have to work a day in your life ever again."

"Not worth it," I replied easily.

"No?" he questioned. "I'm sure it would be once you hear the figures."

"Don't give a shit how many zeroes you add," I spat out. "She's fucking mine. Now, if
that's all-"

"Not so fast, Devlin," the voice went on. "You can't care about her all that much given
what you had her do in front of her dad's coworkers. You must realize how
humiliating that must have been for her."

"Don't question me," I ground out. "I know what the fuck I'm doing, and you don't get
a say. Maybe if you weren't such a coward and you actually approached me with a
reasonable offer."

It was a lie, but I was better out without people knowing just how much Violet meant
to me. Otherwise, someone could use it against me – or her.

"Twenty million," the voice bit out. "And you give her to me."

"Twenty million?" I repeated. "A good offer. But no, thank you."

I could almost feel his simmering anger on the other side of the line, and I grinned to
myself, knowing I was running the game.

"Now give me one good reason not to end this call right now," I said plainly.

"I can give you more than money," the voice cut in, an edge of desperation easy to
notice even with the machine the guy was using to distort the sound. "I can give you
the one thing your money can never buy."

"And what, pray tell, is that?" I asked easily. "What do I want so badly I'll give up my
toy to get it?"
"You really need to ask?" the voice roared. "Your father, behind bars where he
belongs. If you give me Violet Cabot, I will put your father in jail, with no way of
getting out. He'll never cross you again. And as a bonus, I’ll get Hugo Cabot out."

My lips tightened as I contemplated the offer.

Of course, there was no way I was going to accept. I wanted Violet, and nothing
would be good enough to convince me to get rid of her. Not even the promise I’d
made to her myself.

"You seem to know a lot about me," I said thoughtfully. "But I fear you've
overestimated the family rift here. As much as I want to beat my father, I don't want
him behind bars."

"No?" the voice mocked. "Think of it, Devlin. The ultimate betrayal. Dominic would
be stabbed in the back by the one person that means the most to him. Wouldn't that be
a win in your book?"

"No," I replied simply. "It would be an utter betrayal. And I don't work like that. Now,
if that's all, I have a pretty brunette waiting on her knees to me, and I'd like to give her
the cock she so badly craves before she starts crying for it."

"You... I..." The voice was lost for words, and I grinned to myself knowing I'd beaten
him at his own game. "You can't fuck her. For God's sake, don't do it!"

"She's my property," I said lazily. "So, I'll do whatever the fuck I want with her. Now,
be a dear and fuck off. Don't call this number again."

I cut the call to a number of protests from the robotic voice and got up from my desk.

I walked out of the office, finding Jasper standing in front of the office looking

"Is everything alright, Sir?" he asked. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but the weird voice,
the call at such an odd hour... I thought you'd want to deal with it."

"You did the right thing," I said to him. "Now, I need you to trace the call. I need to
find out who that was. I have a feeling they might make trouble for me in the future."

"Of course," Jasper nodded, and I walked him back to the office.
He worked on the phone, connecting it to a laptop and going through programs and
numbers I didn't know shit about.

Finally, after a few minutes of this, he scratched the back of his head, giving me an
apologetic look.

"Looks like it's untraceable, Sir," he said. "I tried everything."

"You sure?" I asked, rubbing my chin. "Keep fucking trying. I'm indisposed for the
night now. Even if they call again, do not disturb me. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir." Jasper was nodding, obviously wracking his brain for a solution to the
problem at hand. "Is... is everything okay?"

"Yes," I replied firmly, not offering anything else for an explanation.

I walked out of there, leaving him to work on his own with my mind spinning.

The money robo-voice had offered was a lot, but not nearly enough. Nothing ever
would be when it came to Violet.

I needed to get her dad out of prison, but I wasn't going to put my own father behind
bars to get that done. I needed to outsmart the guy on the phone. I needed to be one
step ahead in case he tried to meddle again.

I walked back into the playroom with every muscle in my body tense from the call.
But once I entered the room, my body relaxed at the sight of Violet sleeping soundly
in her cage.

She looked so peaceful. So fucking innocent.

And the beast within me couldn't wait to corrupt her even more than I already had.

I approached her slowly, kneeling next to the cage and reaching out to caress her
cheek through the bars. She stirred in her sleep, an angelic smile on her lips as I
stroked her silky skin.

"Devlin." The word was barely above a whisper as it slipped from her lips, and I
grinned to myself, knowing I was even there in her dreams.

I pinched her pale cheeks between my fingertips, watching them redden as she slowly
opened her eyes.
"D-Devlin?" she said again.

"Hello, princess," I grunted. "You seem to be very tired. Shall we continue this later

She shook her head, suddenly wide awake as she grabbed the metal bars and pulled
herself upright.

"Devlin," she whispered. "I don't want to wait. I'm ready. I want you to have me."

"Is that so?" I chuckled, petting her hair through the bars. "You've just decided that

She stayed stubbornly quiet, but her eyes begged for more.

"It's my call when your cherry gets popped, princess," I growled. I was fucking eager
as hell for it, but she didn't need to know that. Better to keep my toy in suspense. "I
think you should apologize for doubting me first, don't you?"

The corners of her lips turned downward as she repeated, "Apologize? What for?"

"Because you fucking doubted me, princess," I ground out. "Because you were a bad
little girl, and bad girls don't get cocks in their tight cunts until they admit they were

She gritted her teeth together, now openly glaring at me as she hissed, "Well, maybe
you should do something to prove yourself, Devlin. And then I'll see about
apologizing - when I've done nothing wrong, no less."

Just like that, the spell was broken, and she realized her mistake the second I pulled
my hand away. She gripped the metal bars, staring up at me as I closed the door of her
cage, locking it in place. She let out the smallest whimper, but I paid no mind to it.

"I think you need to learn some manners, princess," I growled. "I think you've been a
very bad girl indeed. Do you know why I just left? Do you know what that call was

I leaned down while she stayed stubbornly quiet.

"Someone wants to buy you off me," I told her sweetly. "Looks like I'm not the only
one who craves that sweet cherry of yours, Violet. Now, you better start being a good
girl before I agree. They offered a lot of money for you, princess. You'd better
convince me you're worth more than the amount they want to pay."

"Devlin, I..." she started.

"You nothing," I roared. "You forget the rules. You disobey. You're a bad fucking
girl, princess, and if you keep it up, I'm going to whip your ass into submission until
you beg for mercy. See this?"

I showed her the silver key to her cage and she reached out for it. I dangled it in front
of her helpless eyes, then placed it just out of reach on the floor.

"You'll have to work for your freedom after that little outburst," I told her plainly.

"Don't, D-Devlin, please!" she begged, all remorseful now. "I'll do anything. I'll let
you fuck me, I'll-"

"Let me fuck you?" I repeated, laughing in her face. "No, Violet. You'll
fucking beg me to do it. Beg me to pop that cherry of yours with my dick and let you
taste it on the tip of it, too. Now until you learn that lesson, you can think about all the
ways you can apologize. How does that sound?"

"Okay," she nodded eagerly. "Just let me out, let me apologize."

"Oh no," I grinned. "Why don't you think in here. Alone, so no one can disturb you."

I walked away from her, feeling her searing gaze on my back. I stopped with my hand
on the door handle, throwing her one last look over my shoulder while she called out
my name like a mantra.

"Oh, and, Violet?"

Her frightened eyes connected with mine, and I smirked at her.

"That's Master to you, princess."

To be continued…

Thank you so much for reading the first book of Violet and Devlin’s story! If you’d
like to read more from Isabella, try out her Rose & Thorn series!

Borrow book one with Kindle Unlimited

“This story just sucks you into a world of darkness!!

It is so shocking and twisted!

It grabs and holds your attention from the very first page!!

It has you addicted and waiting line a fiend for your next fix!!

Book three couldn’t come quick enough!!”

Vera, Goodreads reviewer

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