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Subject Code MP 5102

Title Radiation Generating Equipments


Answer any Fifteen (1x15=15)

Question No. 1
Why Cs-137 source is replaced by the Co-60 gamma source
in teletherapy

Choice 1 High Specific activity

Choice 2 Low Specific activity

Choice 3 Very Long half life

Choice 4 Emits alpha particles

Question No. 2
The unit of specific activity of radionuclide used is

Choice 1 mCi/gram

Choice 2

Choice 3

Choice 4 0.02Ci/gram
Question No. 3
Unit-I Why Ir-191 source replaced the Cs-137 source

Long half life

Choice 1
Emits secondary charge particle
Choice 2
High Specific activity
Choice 3
Longer the treatment time
Choice 4
Question No. 4
The C0-60 source dimension used in teletherapy

The diameter of a cylindrical source is between 2-2.5cm, the

Choice 1
height being 3 cm

The diameter of a cylindrical source is between 3cm, the

Choice 2
height being 2.5 cm

The diameter of a cylindrical source is between 1.5-2.5cm, the

Choice 3
height being 2.5 cm

The diameter of a cylindrical source is between 2-2.5cm, the

Choice 4 height being 2.5 cm
Question No. 5 The major shielding of Co-60 source in a cylindrical stainless-
Unit-I steel capsule

Choice 1 Depleted uranium

Choice 2 Depleted Radium

Choice 3 Depleted lead

Choice 4 Depleted tungsten

Question No. 6 One electron volt is equal to (1eV=)

Choice 1 1.60 × 10+19 J

Choice 2 1.60 × 10-18 J

Choice 3 1.60 × 10-19 J

Choice 4 1.60 × 10-20 J

Question No 7 A particle accelerator is a machine that accelerates
Unit-II elementary particles, such as

Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Electrons and protons
Choice 4
Question No. 8 Using Van de Graaff generator , the maximum energy x-rays
Unit-II can produced is

Choice 1 2 MV

Choice 2 4 MV

Choice 3 5 MV

Choice 4 3 MV
Question No. 9 Using pelletron generator, the electrostatic charge can
Unit-II accelerator upto

15 MV,
Choice 1

25 MV
Choice 2

10 MV
Choice 3

Choice 4 30 MV
Question No. 10 In cyclotron, which two force are equating to find the energy
Unit-II of charge particle

Choice 1 Linear force and Centripetal force

Choice 2
Centripetal force and diverging force
Centripetal force and Lorentz force
Choice 3

Choice 4
Lorentz force and angular force
Question No. 11
In Betatron, the accelerating tube is placed between the poles
of an alternating current magnet, then tube shape look like a

Rectangular shape
Choice 1

Choice 2 metallic cylinder divided into two sections

Choice 3 Circular shape

hollow doughnut
Choice 4
The unstable cobalt decays beta rays to attain stable
Question No. 12 isotopes, the energy of beta rays with maximum contribution
Unit-I given by

Choice 1 0.385 MeV

0.285 MeV
Choice 2

0.485 MeV
Choice 3

0.32 MeV
Choice 4
The maximum source strength of Co-60 used In teletherapy
Question No. 13 in the order of

Choice 1

Choice 2 16000-1800KCi

Choice 3

Choice 4
Convert 13000 Ci source in terms of TBq
Question No. 14

Choice 1 481

Choice 2 475

Choice 3 493

Choice 4 450
Question No. 15
The source to surface distance in telecobalt machine

Choice 1

Choice 2 100

Choice 3 90

Choice 4
The buildup depth of Co-60 source is
Question No. 16

Choice 1 0.3 cm

Choice 2
0.4 cm

Choice 3 0.5 cm

Choice 4
0.35 cm
Question No. 17 The energy transfer to an electron when it moves through a
Unit-II potential difference of 2V [E=eV]
3.1 × 10-19 J.s
Choice 1
3.1 × 10-19 J
Choice 2

1.6 × 10-19 J.s

Choice 3
1.6 × 10-19 J
Choice 4
The main advantage of using resonant transformer in
accelerator is
Question No. 18

Choice 1 Uniform wave shape of the voltage

Choice 2 Distorted wave shape of the voltage

Choice 3
Pulse wave shape of voltage

The wave shape generated in the secondary winding of a

Choice 4 resonant transformer is dependent upon the wave shape of
the power applied to its primary winding of X-ray equipment.
Question No. 19 Cascade generator consist of

Choice 1 Low voltage capacitor

Choice 2
High resistances

Choice 3 low voltage Diode

Choice 4 High voltage Capacitor

Question No. 20
Unit-II Pelletron chains are made of

metal pellets connected by insulating nylon links

Choice 1

Choice 2 belt-charged connected by insulating nylon links

Plastic-charged connected by insulating nylon links

Choice 3

Insulator-charged connected by insulating nylon links

Choice 4

Answer any FIVE (2x5=10)

Question No. 21
Whether flattening filter is used in telecobalt

Choice 1 No

Choice 2 Yes

Choice 3 flattening filter made up of Stainless steel is used

Choice 4 flattening filter made up of Copper based material is used

Question No.22 If the source dimension is increases, then major effect is

Choice 1 Penumbra effect will decreases

Minimum trimmer set is required,

Choice 2

Penumbra effect will increases

Choice 3

Maximum trimmer set is required

Choice 4
Question No. 23
Unit-I Which type of source drawer is used for moving the source
between shielded position and treatment position

Hydraulic driven source

Choice 1
Pneumatic driven source
Choice 2
Mechanical driven source
Choice 3
Choice 4 Electrical driven source,
An electron, a proton, and an alpha particle each have 20
Question No. 24
MeV kinetic energy. Which of the following statements is

Choice 1 The alpha particle travel at almost the speed of light.

Choice 2

The proton particle travel at almost the speed of light.

Choice 3

The electron particle travel at almost the speed of light.

Choice 4
Question No. 25
The energy of carbon Ion is expressed in terms of

MeV/u; where u is the mass number of the nucleus.

Choice 1

Choice 2 MV/u; where u is the mass number of the nucleus.

Choice 3 MeV

Choice 4
If the magnetic field is increased to keep the electrons in
circular orbit of constant radius. As proton completes its
Question No. 26 revolution, it almost gains an impulse of 1 kV/turn, which
Unit-II increases its energy as well as frequency then such particle
accelerator is known as

Choice 1 Proton Cyclotron

Choice 2 Electron Cyclotron

Choice 3 Proton Synchrotron

Choice 4 Betatrons
Question No. 27
The maximum specific activity of Co-60 teletherapy

400 Ci/gm
Choice 1

Choice 2 280 Ci/gm

Choice 3 300 Ci/gm

250 Ci/gm
Choice 4

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