Task 3 Describing My Family Life: Ginna Marcela Torres Ospina 518007 - 109

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Task 3 Describing my family life

Ginna Marcela Torres Ospina


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia - UNAD

School of Education- ECEDU
Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages with Emphasis on English
(October) (2021)

Task 3 Describing my family life

Part 1: Watch the videos

Watch the videos and then answer the questions.
(Do not post part 1 in the forum)

Top Notch. (2016, July 10th). Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 4 Street Interview
[Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/JhNyC1h4gAA

Complete each statement with the correct answer.

a. 1.Rita says, “I have two girls and a boy.”
b. I have two children.
c. I have two girls and a boy.
d. I have a boy and a girl.

a. How many children does Mauro have? A son and a daughter

a. Three kids
b. One grandson
c. A son and a daughter

4. When the interviewer says, “Do you have any siblings” he means, “Do
you have any brothers or sisters?”
a. children
b. brothers or sisters
c. parents

a. 4.Maiko is: The oldest sister

b. The youngest sister

c. The oldest sister
d. an only child

Maiko’s brother is Tall, skinny, and handsome

a. Tall, skinny, and handsome
b. Short, fat, and charming
c. Tall, funny, and fit.

TOP NOTCH. (2016, July 10 th). Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 4 Sitcom

[Video]. YouTube.

Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words.

1.Cheryl has (a son and a daughter / a brother and a sister).
2.Cheryl says her (mother / grandfather) is not old.
3.Cheryl’s sister has a (daughter / husband).
4.Cheryl says her sister’s (son / brother) is so young.

B. Write in front of each statement if it is True or False.

1.Cheryl’s brother is thirty-four. (V)
2.Cheryl’s brother is an architect. (F)
3.Cheryl’s brother has a wife. (V)
4.Cheryl’s sister has a son. (V)
5.Cheryl’s sister’s husband is a doctor. (V)
6.Cheryl’s mother is eighty-five. (V)
7.Cheryl is in one of the pictures. (V)

Part 2: Writing

a) Describe at least 4 members of your family and 1 friend. Write a

paragraph description for each one including the following information: -
Describe their relationships (e.g., “He is my aunt’s husband”.) - Describe
the physical appearance.
- Personality. Positive and negative qualities (e.g., “My stepfather is
really generous”.
- Occupations

(Write a short paragraph describing the first family member you choose.)
My dad is a tall, thin, white man, he is a very cheerful, affectionate man. He is a
very collaborative and friendly person and is very sincere, his occupation is a
motorcycle mechanic, in his work he is very honest.

(Write a short paragraph describing the second family member you choose.)

My mother is a very loving person, she is always aware of everything and all her
relatives, she is very collaborative, she is tall, thin, straight hair, she is white, her
occupation is a tenant and a housewife.

(Write a short paragraph describing the third family member you choose.)
My sisters are very wise, they are a bit quiet, they are studying.
Their skin is white and they have curly hair and they are thin.

(Write a short paragraph describing the fourth family member you choose.)

My son is the most special little person, he is three years old, he has white skin, his
hair is straight, he is very affectionate and special, he likes soccer a lot and he loves
to paint pictures of dinosaurs.

(Write a short paragraph describing a friend.)

My friend is called Yurany, she is a very wise, cheerful girl, we have a son in
common, she is also a primary school teacher and lives in Granada, meta, she is
thin, tall with white skin and brown hair, she is not working at the moment because
he is studying for a bachelor's degree too.

b) Describe the place where you live.

(Write a short paragraph describing the place where you live)

I live in Julia Meta because of my work, this is a very calm place and the people are
very friendly, here there are different tourist sites such as waterfalls and rivers, they
are very beautiful places, around here you live a lot from agriculture and livestock,
the Access roads are good because they transport a lot of food in turbo, the climate
is a bit cold due to so much trees.

c) Talk about your household routines and chores.

(Write a short paragraph describing your household routines and the chores you use
to do)

My daily routine is: I get up at 6:30 am, prepare breakfast and go to bathe to get

ready to start my work at 8: oo am I work there until 10:00 am and go out to rest,
then I enter at 10:30 am until 1:00 pm. Then I make my lunch and that of my son,
we have lunch and I begin to organize the room to wash clothes and around 5 pm I
lie down for a while at 7: I make dinner and after dinner I organize a kitchen and at
9:00 pm I sit down to carry out my university activities, every day I advance 3
hours so that I have enough time and be able to fulfill all my tasks.

d) Describe your room and the furniture in it.

(Write a short paragraph describing your room)

My room is small because I live in a school due to my work, there we can find my
bed and my husband's, my son's bed, the 3 closets where we organize our clothes,
we also have a television, a refrigerator, stove and a desk where I advance work.
The room is built with zinc tile roof material and gray enamelled floor.

Part 3. Reading aloud

Paste here the link to your voice recording.

Part 4: Poster with descriptions

Paste here the link to your poster in Lino it

Link: https://voca.ro/1cJ4a9rwr1Sl

Speaking encounters*
Paste here the screenshot to evidence your subscription to the speaking
encounters for English II.


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