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START POINT a \ ‘The old photograph that you can see ahead of you shows Marconi at Signal Hil (defining relative clause) ‘The story of radio probably begins with Heinrich Hertz, who was the fist to produce radio waves in a laboratory. (non-defining relative clause) Relative clauses give more information about someone or something referred to in the main clause. Defining relative clauses specify which (or which type of) person or thing we mean. 'Non-defining relative clauses simply add extra information about a noun. ‘Adding information about people ‘© defining relative clause (subject pronoun ~ the relative pronoun is the subject of the relative clause): it There were many (people) {Wl doubted that Marconi would ever succeed. (Or informally There were mary people that doubted Marconi would ever succeed) ‘defining relative clause (object pronoun — the relative pronoun isthe object of the relative clause): sox proces ste ‘Augsto Rh was an ttalion physicist BB) Marconi studied with in the 1890s (Or informally: an taian physicist (that) Marconi studied with) ‘We ean leave our the relative pronoun ifitis the object ofa defining relative clause. * non-defining relative clause (subject pronoun}: see The story of radio probably begins with Heinrich Hertz, HB] was the first to preduce radio waves ing laboratory ‘© non-defining relative cause (object pronoun): tit renown sub “Augusto Right, (Wa) Marco respected great. guided his research. (Very formally: Augusto Righ, whom ‘Marcon respected greatly, guided his research) Nore that whom is now used only in very formal styles, mostly in writing. ‘A preposition usually comes before the relative pronoun in formal styles: | 1901 Marconi made the announcement! for which he will always be remembered. After a preposition we usually use whom rather than who in formal styles: ‘Alito Righ, with whom Marconi studied in the 1890s, was a physicist. or ‘Augusto Righi , whom Marconi studied with in the 1890s, was a physicist. ‘A preposition usually comes at the end of the clause in less formal styles: {n 1901, Marconi made the announcement which he will aways be remembered for. “Alugusto igh, who Marconi studied with in the 1890s, was a physicist. ‘We can use of which and of whom (or very informally of who) after all, both, each, many, most, neither, part, several, some; a number (e . one, the frst, half) and superlatives: ‘Radio entertainers , many of whom became household names, were highly paid. ‘We can use a preposition, usually from, with where and when: ‘Marconi set up a transmission station in Cornwall, from where the fist transatlantic radio message was sent. 1 1 Relative clauses (1 [EBA Undertine all the possible relative pronouns that can complete each sentence. ('~’ means that the sentence is correct with no relative pronoun.) If there is more than one possible answer, decide which one(s) are ess formal 1. The new drug should be of benefit for anyone suffers from severe back pain. A who: o= C which D that ‘that’ is less formal than ‘who! 2. Did the committee __ took the decision on the new housing estate meet local protestors? A- B which Cc who D whom 3. Thewallpaper, __isavalable in a number of colours is based on an eighteenth-century design. A which 8 that c D who 4 Howard Stevens was one of the artists Carlson worked with in his youth. A whom C which D who 5 Conservationists have called for a programme to eliminate the rats are killing seabirds on the island. A that B- which D whom & Agovernment spokesperson, ____did not wish to be named, said that there had been a major disagreement between the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister. A which B that C who D- 7 Were the coins __ he dug up warth a lot of money? A who B- that D which 8 He was survived by his wife Anastasia, he married in 1936. A whom B that c- D who EED complete these sentences with an appropriate preposition. 1 There were many excellent matches in the World Cup, the best_of which, in my view, was. France against Brazil in the semi-final. 2 which the election was conducted. 3) Weclimbed to the top of the mountain, where itis possible co see three countries. 4 She has recently published a collection of short stories, most. ___ which first appeared in the London Literary Magazine. 5 They showed enormous kindness tome,__ which I will always be grateful 6 The Red Spider has spread rapidly. when it was spotted in the country in 2005. 7 Hewas married in 1253 to a woman named Purcelle, whom nothing more is known. 8 We're trying co speed up the process which decisions are made in the company.

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