Chapter 4

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Some of our findings were as follows:

1. The store was neat and clean
2. There is proper organization of products but a few sections are haphazardly
3. There is a friendly relationship between co-workers and with their superiors. They
subordinates address their supervisor as ‘anna’ or elder brother. But this is also a
hindrance as the employees are mostly having fun leading to disturbances in work.
4. There is a facility to keep customers bag outside the store but is insufficient as
many times people keep their bag on the floor and proceed for shopping.
5. There are only two billing counters and the workers there are also very slow
leading to long queues for billing. Sometimes inexperienced workers are at the
counter who keeps asking doubts to their seniors delaying the process.
6. The aisles are not wide enough to move the shopping cart comfortably, holding a
basket is preferred by the customers.
7. There is a board showing the best customer of the month, which is a good
incentive. However for a few months no employee has been given the award
leaving that space blank.
8. The stocks are not sufficient for certain goods. We can find older products than
fresh ones.
9. The vegetables and fruits section is well maintained and clearly organised.
10. The store manager is not regularly seen, he remains in his cabin and the junior
staff handles everything.
11. Overall the store is managed well enough and it can be better.
Some of our suggestions would be:

1. The arrangement of goods can be improved making it easier for customers to find
the products.
2. The goods can be arranged a little spaciously reducing overcrowding.
3. The arrangement of goods be done beforehand and not when customers are there
in the shop. This creates a negative impression.
4. To clear of old stock faster and restock newer goods.
5. To increase the speed of billing personnel. Proper training needs to be given so
that their work is uninterrupted. Also the no. of counters can be increased.
6. The manager can be out for more frequent checks keeping the employees on their
7. An rearrangement of shelves be done to properly accommodate all the goods.
Presently it is highly congested.
8. Some fridges are inaccessible and that be placed in a better position.
9. More employee awards and incentives be given motivating them further.
10. The store can be cleaned more frequently.
11. A person be appointed to check vehicles parked outside the store as they end up
blocking the entrance.
12. To maintain better discipline amongst employees.

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