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1. After reading this, I have changed my own concept of openness.

Openness should put aside

all kinds of secular concepts when thinking about problems, and there should be no other

"line" restrictions. I am more curious about other cultures. I am eager to understand the

cultures of various places and understand these cultural differences.

2. In the video, I am most attracted by the analogy of secular restrictions as "lines". I think it is

very vivid, which may compare those without open ideas to two-dimensional creatures.

3. I will make changes. I will understand the culture of other regions and improve my cultural

ability, which can reduce the secular restrictions and make me have a more open mind.

4. I was born in China. I don't value the color difference of race as much as they do. This may be

the cultural difference between me and them.

5. My world view: People's ideas will lead to different results, and the results must have a

reason. Others' world outlook: nature is objective and independent, and the existence and

development of nature is not transferred by human consciousness. Our most essential

difference is whether people's ideas can change things.

6. After watching the video, I think we should put aside the secular views on things. Most of

these views are added by ourselves, and we must put them aside.

7. We human beings should be a whole. Don't fall into conflict because of those non-existent

things. The solutions based on secular will not work at all.

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