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Dogs of War FAQ & Errata v1.

Q. Is Domingo's Arbalest "Move or Fire" like regular crossbows?
Army Book Errata

A. Yes, it is treated as a crossbow except for the altered statistics.

-Grimluson's Decksweeper (Pg: 94): change “As it takes awhile to pack all of the
bullets, nails, and other materials used for ammunition in the weapon and to
ready it for use, the weapon may only fire every other turn.” To “As it takes awhile
to pack all of the bullets, nails, and other materials used for ammunition in the
Q. How does "Spies" work with deployment?
weapon and to ready it for use, the weapon may only be fired once per battle
using the breath weapon template, all hits are resolved at S4 Armour Piercing” A. Your opponent must deploy 2 units at a time instead of one where applicable,
no effect on scenarios where one side deploys their whole army before the other.
-Justintines Paychest (Pg: 97): Replace “All friendly units within 12” of the
paychest” with “All friendly units within 18” of the paychest”.

-Halfling Hotpot (Pg:60) Change “All hits are resolved at S3 with a -3 armour save Q. What base size does a Paymaster upgraded with a Paychest have? How does
modifier and only cause D3 wounds” to ““All hits are resolved at S2 with a -3 supporting attacks and look out sir work?
armour save modifier and only cause 1 wound”
A. As the Paychest is carried into battle by 2 guards, the Paymaster, paychest and
2 guards should be models onto a 40x40mm base. Treat supporting attacks from
behind the Paychest as you would with having characters with different base sizes
Army Book FAQ
in the unit like a Khorne Herald on a Juggernaught for example. He is still classified
as infantry so received Look out sir.
Q. When you can use the magic item Grimluson's Decksweeper? is it shooting

A. Yes, Grimluson's Decksweeper fires in the shooting phase or inside combat

Q. Can I buy a magical Paychest without upgrading the Paymaster to carry a
using the breath weapon “shooting in close combat” rules.

A. No, the magical options are upgrades to the Paychest which must be paid for
separately in order to use the upgrade.
Q. Can a character with the Duellist skill use a pair of hand weapons such as an
extra hand weapon or Black Beards Cutlass’s?

A. The only restriction is on single weapons that require 2 hands like Great
Q. Is a paymaster required?
Weapons and Halberd, a pair of single handed weapons is allowed.
A. Yes as always a Paymaster is required in the army, a small omission and will be
added into the final version of the book.

Q. Does the Duellist skill allow the user to take a magical helm? What about
Q. Does the Arabyan Tome grant one extra spell from the same lore which the
A. The Duellist ability does not prevent you from taking a helm or shield.
wizard has pre-selected, and do you need to roll for the extra spell?

A. Correct on both accounts.

Q. Would Mambrinio's golden armour count as light for the purposes of the
duellist skill?
Q, How many attacks and at what strength does the paychest have?
A. As Mambrinio's armour does not state that it is a light armour, he may not
wear it. Only armour that actually contains the words "light armour" is allowed. A. There is 2 Paymaster Bodyguards defending the chest (S4) armed with Halberds
(+1S) to give the paychest 2 attacks at Strength 5.

Q. What happens with Mambrinio's Golden Armour if it gets destroyed (ie: Vaul's
Unmaking). Q. The rules for pikes say only that they strike first, does this deprive them of the
Always Strikes First rule they used to have, and the subsequent rerolls?
A. The armour becomes unusable without magic to sustain it so the bearer
immediately sheds the armour and it counts as destroyed. A. Correct and this was intentional.

Q. What effect would the Nullstone and similar items have on Mambrinio's Q. What is the purpose of paying for Duellists to upgrade to a buckler?
Golden Armour?
A. A buckler does not use up an "hand" slot as such, so you can still have 2 hand
A. The armour becomes unusable until the Nullstone or other magic item weapons and a bucker to get a 6+ save and not lose any attacks.
cancelling effect is no longer in effect and does not grant any protection while
under its influence.

Q. If a character has the Master of Intrigue skill; may I include a character in the
scouting duellists?
Q. Does the Pike of Remas cause impact hits when the wielder charges or is
charged? A. Use the normal rules for characters joining units of scouts.

A. Impact hits are caused when the wielder is charged only.

Q. Are Espringals supposed to be a guy and small bolt thrower together on 40x40 Q. Can the Galloper gun move and fire in the same turn?
A. The guns cannot move and fire but they can flee from a charge unlike other war
A. Correct except there are 2 crew members. machines.

Q. What strength does the Halfling hotpot hit at? Q. Do you get Victory Points for killing a Galloper Gun or Bronzino on their own?

A. All hits under the template are S3 with -3AS and D3 wounds, there is no added A. As Bronzino is treated like an independent character, you get 65VP for killing
strength for the hole in the template. Bronzino and 100VP for each Galloper Gun killed.

Regiments of Renown Errata Q. What does Borgio's: "Master of Siegecraft - mean for 8th edition?

- Soulfire (Pg:60): should read " Can only be cast on Wilhelm himself. All enemy A. Borgio's master of siegecraft is still the same as it allows you to take double the
units in base contact with him takes D6 Strength 4 hits with no armour save usual limit.
allowed, against Undead, Daemons and Forest Spirits the hits are resolved at
Strength 5 with NO armour save allowed."

-Bronzinos Galloper Guns (Pg:51):Change the the sentence " The gun may not Q. What kind of bases are the Birdmen of Catrazza supposed to have?
march move due to its weight and that of the ammunition. Even so, it has a
movement allowance of 8” and the other gunners either run to catch up or hitch a A. Birdmen should have 40x40mm bases.
ride on the carriage." To "The Galloper gun may march move as the crew are
trained to hitch the gun and jump on the carriage at a moment’s notice"

--Bronzinos Galloper Guns (Pg:51): "Galloper gun flees 3D6" to “Galloper guns Q. Do the witch hunters get a Look out, Sir! save if they are within 3"?
have Swiftstride”
A. Following the rules for characters that get look sir, yes. But that also requires
- Bronzinos Galloper Guns (Pg 5): Add to Master Gunner – If Bronzino is within 3” one of them to be dead, because that rule only covers SINGLE characters, not
of a Galloper Gun he may claim a “look out sir” roll. several in a single unit.

-Scimitar of Dakisir (Pg:21): Change to read " The Scimitar of Dakisir gives Sheikh
Ahmed Shufti +1 Strength to blows he strikes or +2 Strength for blows struck in
Q. How does Pizzaros Lost legions "Mixed Formation" work in 8th edition?
the turn in which he charges"

A. Crossbows purchased will always be in the front ranks, if you purchase 10 and
-The Bear Banner (Pg:29): Should read " The Bearmen gain +1 to Hit in the first
are 5 wide then the front 2 ranks will be crossbows, if you purchase 15 then the
round of each Close Combat they are involved in."
front 3 ranks will be crossbows. Models armed with crossbows will not have the
- Asarnil & Deathfang(Pg:58): Amulet of Dragonheart should read "Any unit Strikes first ability of their pike armed squad mates but can stand & shoot as
wishing to shoot or strike at Asarnil and Deathfang suffer a -1 to hit modifier." normal.

- Asarnil & Deathfang(Pg:58): Dragon Armour – change “In addition, he is immune

to all fire-based attacks.” To “In addition, he has a 2+ ward save against all fire-
based attacks.” Q. When do you roll to see what combat resolution Al Muktar's Desert Dogs: Black
Banner adds?
-Ghazak Khan(Pg:63): Amend the Wound stat for Warghan to 1 and change
“Mount” from “Ghazak Khan rides the giant wolf, Warghan. Warghan causes fear, A. At the end of any round in which the unit is in combat.
has thick fur giving it a 4+ armour save, and counts as a monstrous beast.” To
“Ghazak Khan rides the giant wolf, Warghan. Warghan causes fear, has thick
fur(+2 to Ghazak Khan’s armour save) and counts as Fast Cavalry.”
Q. How many attacks and at what strength do Long Drong's Slayer Pirates have?
-Braganza’s Besiegers (Pg:15): Has the incorrect stat line, please replace with the
A. All attacks by the Slayer Pirates and Long Drong at S4 Armour Piercing. The
entire unit has a Brace of Pistols, so regular Slayer Pirates have 2 attacks each,
while Long Drong has a total of 4.

Regiments of Renown FAQ

Q. Do Mengil Manhide's Manflayers crossbow shots count as poison attacks?
Q. As all galloper guns can act independently and Bronzino can ride from one to
another to use his Master gunner skill, does this means he is an independent A. Yes the crossbow bolts are poison attacks.
character and can be targeted by shooting weapons and magic?

A. Correct.
Q. Does Ghazak Khan's "Quell Animosity" rule effect Hobgoblins units?

A. Yes, it should also include his own race.

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