Blazevska Pottery Kilns in D Mitrevski e

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Dragi Mitrevski

Fondacija Vardarski Rid - Skopje
Institut za Istorija na umetnost i arheologija -
Filosofski Fakultet - Skopje

Izdava~ki odbor
D-r Vera Bitrakova Grozdanova - pretsedatel
profesor na Filozofskiot Fakultet
D-r Trajan Gocevski
profesor na Filozofskiot Fakultet
D-r Dragi Mitrevski
profesor na Filozofskiot Fakultet
Jovan Petrovski
izvr{en direktor na Mobimak

Glaven urednik Lektura na makedonski jazik

D-r Dragi Mitrevski Aleksandar Jordanoski

Recenzenti Prevod na angliski jazik

D-r Vera Bitrakova Grozdanova Violeta Svonson
D-r Dragi Mitrevski Gordana Mojsovska
Blagoja Bo{kovski
Pomo{nik urednik Simon Kara{ov
Silvana Bla`evska Igor Jankovski

Kompjuterska podgotovka Lektura na angliski jazik

Branko Ga{teovski Dr Vilijam Najdinger - TFAHR
Jula Matjus - TFAHR

Ilustrativen materijal
Od dokumentacijata na Vardarski Rid

Evropa '92 - Ko~ani



Edited by
Dragi Mitrevski

Foundation Vardarski Rid - Skopje
Institute for History of Art and Archaeology - Faculty of Philosophy - Skopje

Editorial Board
Dr Vera Bitrakova Grozdanova - Pesident
Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy
Dr Trajan Gocevski
Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy
Dr Dragi Mitrevski
Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy
Jovan Petrovski
General Manager of Mobimak

General Editor Macedonian Proofreader

Dr Dragi Mitrevski Aleksandar Jordanoski

Reviewers English Translation

Dr Vera Bitrakova Grozdanova Violeta Svonson
Dr Dragi Mitrevski Gordana Mojsovska
Blagoja Bo{kovski
Editorial Assistant Simon Kara{ov
Silvana Bla`evska Igor Jankovski

Computer layout English Proofreaders

Branko Ga{teovski Dr William Neidinger - TFAHR
Eulah Matthews - TFAHR

From documentation of Vardarski Rid

Printed by
Evropa '92 - Ko~ani

Predgovor Preface
9 12

Dragi Mitrevski Dragi Mitrevski

Vardarski Rid Vardarski Rid
Istra`uvawa 1995-2004 Research 1995-2004
15 15

Zlatko Videski Zlatko Videski

Bronzenoto vreme na Vardarski Rid The Bronze Age at Vardarski Rid
91 91

Aleksandra Papazovska Aleksandra Papazovska

Sloevi od `eleznoto vreme na The Iron Age Layers at
Vardarski Rid Vardarski Rid
115 115

Emil Slamkov Emil Slamkov

Stoa Stoa
Del od klasi~nata agora Part of the Classical Agora
na Vardarski Rid at Vardarski Rid
159 159

Sarita Karpuzova Sarita Karpuzova

Ku}a so kolci The House with Poles
179 179

William Neidinger, Vilijam Najdinger,

Eulah Matthews Jula Matjuz
The Acropolis: Sratigraphic, Architectural Akropola: Izve{taj za stratigrafi-
and Historical Report jata, arhitekturata i istorijata
201 201

Silvana Bla`evska Silvana Bla`evska

Sektor Akropola Acropolis Sector
Istra`uvawa 1999-2000 Research 1999-2000
209 209

Dragi Mitrevski Dragi Mitrevski

Ku}ata na kolekcionerot The House of the Collector
229 229

Silvana Bla`evska Silvana Bla`evska

Pe~ki za keramika Pottery Kilns
261 261
Marjan Jovanov Marjan Jovanov
Bronzeni sadovi od Vardarski Rid The Bronze Vessels from Vardarski Rid
281 281

Vera Bitrakova Grozdanova Vera Bitakova Grozdanova

Skulpturata od Vardarski Rid The Sculpture from Vardarski Rid
289 289

Silvana Bla`evska Silvana Bla`evska

Minijaturni medicinski sadovi Miniature Medicine Vessels
305 305

Marjan Jovanov Marjan Jovanov

Krajot na `ivotot The End of Settlement Life
na Vardarski Rid at Vardarski Rid
315 315

Boban Husenovski Boban Husenovski

Depo na srebreni tetradrahmi A Hoard of Silver Tetradrachmas from the
od III vek pr. n.e. third century BC
323 323

Biljana Pa~kova Kufojanakis Biljana Pa~kova Kufojanakis

Arhitektonsko-grade`ni materi- Arhitectural and Consruction Material
jali i elementi na anti~kata from the Ancient Settlement
naselba na Vardarski Rid at Vardarski Rid
347 347

Milan Ivanovski Milan Ivanovski

Sawa Ivanovska Sanja Ivanovska
Konzervatorski raboti na Conservation Procedures
Vardarski Rid at Vardarski Rid
373 373

Aleksandra Papazovska Aleksandra Papazovska

Pogrebuvawata na Varadarski Rid The Vardarski Rid Burials
341 341

Fanica Veljanovska Fanica Veljanovska

Praistoriskoto naselenie Prehistoric population
na Vardarski Rid on Vardarski Rid
385 385

Kratenki Abbreviations
413 413

V rednuvaweto ili opredelbata na eden arheolo{ki lokalitet

mo`e da se gradira vo pove}e stepeni. Mo`e da bide svedeno na
elementarno nivo, koga se opredeluva samo osnovniot karakter i gru-
bite hronolo{ki ramki, a mo`e da pretstavuva i najvisok stepen na
opredelba, koga se stignuva do celosna rekonstrukcija na kulturno-
istoriskite, arheolo{ki, antropolo{ki, biolo{ki, klimatolo{ki
i drugi vrednosti.
Na toj pat, do {to e mo`no pocelosno vrednuvawe na Vardarski
Rid, stignati sme dotamu {to ve}e mo`eme da zboruvame za eden nov i
mo{ne zna~aen arheolo{ki punkt po dolinata na Vardar, poto~no, vo
Dolno Povardarie. Ovoj region, so svojata geografska pozicija, imal
krucijalno mesto i uloga vo kulturniot i istoriski razvitok na
Balkanot, vo periodot od krajot na bronzenoto vreme do vosposta-
vuvaweto na rimskata dominacija. Vo nego, lokalitetot Vardarski
Rid ve}e se afirmira kako edna od centralnite i najgolemi naselbi, so
intenziven i kontinuiran `ivot tokmu niz navedeniot period.
Celiot dvaesetti vek arheologijata vo Dolno Povardarie (anti~-
ka Amfaksitida) be{e vo znakot, na rezultatite od istra`uvawata
na pove}eslojnite praistoriski naselbi vo gr~kiot del na regionot
(Kilindir, ^au{ica, Vardino, Amatovo, Vardarovca, Kastanas).
Pritoa, osven Tumba-Kastanas, istra`uvawata na ostanatite na-
selbi se vr{eni u{te vo prvite decenii na dvaesettiot vek, i toa
sonda`no - na strogo limitirani povr{ini. Vo me|uvreme, vr{eni se
istra`uvawa u{te na nekolku punktovi vo okolinata na Kuku{. Od
druga strana, vo severniot del na regionot, na teritorijata na
Republika Makedonija, poznati se samo istra`uvawata na nekolku
nekropoli od `eleznoto vreme vo valandovsko-gevgeliskiot region,
kako i sonda`nite iskopuvawa na Isar-Marvinci kaj Valandovo.
Lokalitetot Vardarski Rid-Gevgelija se nao|a tokmu vo centa-
rot na Dolno Povardarie, smetaj}i go ovoj region, od Demirkapiskata
Klisura do moreto, za edinstvena geomorfolo{ka i kulturna celina.
Nejzinata topografija, stratigrafija, hronologija i kul-
turni vrednosti, ja pozicioniraat ovaa naselba kako me|u poznatite
pove}eslojni, vo osnova, praistoriski naselbi - telovi dol` dolen
Vardar, taka i me|u ranoanti~kite makedonski gradovi na sever od
Pela. Prvite, praistoriskite naselbi kako Vardino, Vardarovca,
Kastanas ili Kilindir, zaedno so `eleznodopskite nekropoli vo
valandovsko-gevgeliskiot i kuku{kiot region, obezbeduvaat ubav
pregled na sevkupniot kulturen razvitok na regionot niz celoto
bronzeno i `elezno vreme. Sepak, na ovie lokaliteti im nedostasu-
vaat posodr`ajni sloevi i podatoci za vekovite od ranata antika.
Od druga strana, pak, istra`uvawata na istoriskite gradovi,
trgnuvaj}i od Pela preku Europ do Isar-Marvinci, nudat podatoci,
glavno, za `iveeweto vo ranoanti~ko ili predrimsko vreme, bez
mo`nosti za sogleduvawe na prethodniot kulturen razvitok.
Vo vakov kontekst lokalitetot Vardarski Rid ja pretstavuva
onaa spojka {to gi povrzuva praistoriskite so ranoistoriskite
naselbi po dolinata na Vardar. Vo sega{niot stepen na istra`enost
toj se pojavuva kako sto`erno nao|ali{te za re{avaweto na nekoi od
krupnite problemi na kulturno-istoriskiot razvitok na
Povardarieto vo prviot milenium pred Hrista. Taka, zasega edin-
stveno na Vardarski Rid e vozmo`no da se sogledaat na edno mesto
site etapi od kulturniot razvitok, od docnoto bronzeno vreme do
vostanovuvaweto na rimskata dominacija vo Makedonija. So drugi
zborovi, edinstveno Vardarski Rid ovozmo`uva na edno mesto da se
dokumentiraat takvi slo`eni procesi, kako onie od vremeto na pre-
odot od bronzeno vo `elezno vreme ili onie od krajot na `eleznoto
vreme i po~etokot na ranata antika. Vo isto vreme, na Vardarski
Rid mo`at da se sledat i procesite na vostanovuvaweto na prvata
urbanizacija i gradski `ivot, kako i site razvojni fazi i karakter-
istiki vo naselbinskoto `iveewe na eden istoriski posvedo~en
staromakedonski grad.Vo literaturata ve}e e iznesena mo`nosta za
identifikacija na Vardarski Rid so predrimskata Gortinija.
Vakvata posebnost Vardarski Rid ja dol`i najmnogu na svojata
geostrate{ka polo`ba, kako edinstvena mo`na pozicija za nasel-
binsko `iveewe vo tie vremiwa vo Gevgelisko. Taka, negovata pozici-
ja morala da odgovori i na kriteriumite na edna praistoriska nasel-
ba, no i na potrebite na eden istoriski grad.
Od 1995 godina na Vardarski Rid se vr{at sistematski arheolo{-
ki istra`uvawa. Vo prvite dve godini tie se izveduvaa vo ramkite na
zaedni~kiot me|unaroden proekt na Muzejot na Makedonija - Skopje i
Teksa{kata fondacija za arheolo{ki i istoriski istra`uvawa,
dodeka vo slednite godini kako proekt na Muzejot na Makedonija i
Filozofskiot fakultet - Skopje.
Po deset godini sistematski istra`uvawa utvrdena e strati-
grafijata na lokalitetot, otkrieni se brojni arheolo{ki i arhi-
tektonski celini i bogat arheolo{ki materijal koj se ~uva i delum-
no e izlo`en vo Muzejot na Gevgelija.
Rezultatite od istra`uvawata na Vardarski Rid ne se publikuvani
vo celost, iako se prezentirani niza momenti i naodi vo forma na
izve{tai od poedini istra`uva~ki kampawi, na javni predavawa i
soop{tenija na razni nau~ni sobiri. Pokraj toa, dosega se publikuvani i
tri zasebni truda koi direktno proizleguvaat od rezultatite na sis-
tematskite istra`uvawa, i toa: D. Mitrevski, "Staromakedonskiot
grad na Vardarski Rid# , Skopje 2001 (publikacija za op{tite karakter-
istiki i vrednosti na lokalitetot, bazirana na otkritijata do 2001
g.);B. Husenovski, "Anti~kite moneti od Vardarski Rid#, Gevgelija 2004
(publikacija so katalog na numizmati~kiot materijal otkrien na
Vardarski Rid do 2001 g.); E. Slamkov "Umetnosta na Vardarski Rid#,
Gevgelija 2004 (publikacija - katalog od istoimenata izlo`ba na
naodite so najvisoki estetski vrednosti otkrieni na Vardarski Rid).
Ovaa kniga pretstavuva prv tom, po~etok na celosnata nau~na
obrabotka i prezentacija na rezultatite od dosega{nite sistem-
atski istra`uvawa na Vardarski Rid. Delo e na ~lenovite na
istra`uva~kata ekipa, zadol`eni za poedine~ni segmenti vo proce-
sot na istra`uvawe.
Objavuvaweto na publikacijata e poddr`ano od Filozofskiot
fakulet, odnosno Oddelot za arheologija - Skopje, koj e nositel na
proektot za istra`uvawe na Vardarski Rid i glaven realizator na
terenskite raboti, sekako, vo sorabotka so Muzejot na Makedonija
vo Skopje i Muzejot vo Gevgelija. Od druga strana, ve}e e vo podgotov-
ka i vtoriot tom koj }e bide posveten na problemot na naselbinska-
ta keramika od anti~kata naselba na Vardarski Rid, a koj direktno
proizleguva od istoimenata magisterska rabota na S. Bla`evska.
Na krajot, no ne pomalku zna~ajno e odbele`uvaweto na finansiska-
ta potkrepa vo realizacijata na poedine~nite istra`uva~ki kam-
pawi i konzervatorski aktivnosti, bez {to nema{e da bide dostig-
nat sega{niot stepen na istra`enost, a so toa i vozmo`na ovaa pub-
likacija. Vo ovaa smisla, golema blagodarnost dol`ime na: Minister-
stvoto za kultura i Ministerstvoto za nauka na R. Makedonija, Fo-
ndacijata otvoreno op{testvo - Skopje i Amerikanskata ambasada
vo Skopje, koi bea finansieri na terenskite aktivnosti na Vardar-
ski Rid vo prvite godini, koga i najmnogu be{e potrebna nivnata
pomo{ i razbirawe.
Vo poslednite tri godini, koga e postignata i najgolemata dina-
mika vo terenskite aktivnosti, kako patron na istra`uvawata na
Vardarski Rid se pojavi Mobimak. Blagodarenie na toa, ovoj lokali-
tet zasega e edinstveniot arheolo{ki punkt vo R. Makedonija, kade
celosno se pokrieni finansiskite potrebi za istra`uva~ka rabota,
so {to e obezbeden neophodniot kontinuitet na plansko istra`uva-
we i permanentno prou~uvawe i prezentirawe na otkritijata.
Rezultat na finansiskata poddr{ka na Mobimak e i ovaa publika-
cija, poradi {to, na Upravniot bord na Mobimak i posebno na direk-
torot Jovan Petrovski mu izrazuvame javna blagodarnost.

Noemvri, 2004 g.
d-r Dragi Mitrevski,
rakovoditel na istra`uvawata
na Vardarski Rid


T he evaluation or determination of an archaeological site can be made at sev-

eral levels. At a basic level its main character and the approximate chrono-
logical framework can be determined; or, at a higher level, the complete recon-
struction of the cultural, historical, archaeological, anthropological, biological,
and climatic aspects can be re-created.
On the way towards as complete an evaluation of Vardarski Rid as possible, we
have reached that point where we can publicize a new and very important archae-
ological site in the lower valley of the Vardar River. Due to its geographic position,
this region had crucial place and role in the cultural and historical development of
the Balkans in the period from the end of the Bronze Age until the establishment of
Roman domination. Vardarski Rid is one of the central and largest settlements with
an intensive and continuous life through these periods.
During the whole of the twentieth century, the archaeological knowledge of the
lower Vardar Valley (ancient Amaphaxitis) was based on the results from explo-
rations of the prehistoric settlements with complex stratigraphy in the Greek part of
this region (Kilindir, Chaouchitza, Vardino, Amatovo, Vardarophtsa, and Kastanas).
With the exception of Toumba – Kastanas, the explorations of the other settlements
carried out in the early twentieth century were only trial excavations, in strictly lim-
ited areas. At the same time, excavations in the Kilkis district were carried out. In
the northern part of the region, in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, only
explorations of some Iron Age necropolises from the region of Valandovo and
Gevgelija are known, as well as some trial excavations at the site of Isar-Marvinci
near Valandovo.
The archaeological site of Vardarski Rid, Gevgelija is exactly in the center of the
Lower Vardar Valley, comprising the region between the Demir Kapija Ravine and
the sea, as one geomorphologic and cultural whole.
The topography, stratigraphy, chronology, and the cultural values of the site
place it among the most famous, mainly prehistoric settlements, the tells along the
Lower Vardar Valley and the classical Macedonian towns to the north of Pella. The
prehistoric settlements at Vardino, Vardarophtsa, Kastanas, and Kilindir, as well as
the Iron Age necropolises in the region of Valandovo, Gevgelija and in the Kilkis
area, provide a clear overview of the region’s complete cultural development
throughout the Bronze and Iron Ages. However, all of these sites are lacking strata
and data about the centuries of the later, Classical and Hellenistic periods. And, on
the other hand, the excavations of the historical towns, Pella, Europos, or Isar-
Marvinci offer information mainly of the Classical or pre-Roman periods without
any information regarding previous cultural development.
In this context, the site of Vardarski Rid offers the connection between the pre-
historic and the early-historical settlements in the Vardar Valley. At the present
stage of exploration, Vardarski Rid appears to be the basic archaeological site for
solving some of the crucial problems of the cultural development in the Vardar
Valley in the first millennium BC. So, at this moment Vardarski Rid is the only
archaeological site that gives us the opportunity to examine all stages of the cultur-
al development from the Late Bronze Age until the establishment of Roman domina-
tion in Macedonia. Only Vardarski Rid supplies records of such complicated
processes as the transitional periods from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age, or the one
from the end of the Iron Age to the beginning of the Classical period. At Vardarski
Rid it is possible both to observe the process of establishing the first rudiments of
urbanization and town life, as well as to ascertain the developmental phases and
characteristics of settlement patterns in one of the confirmed ancient Macedonian
town. The possibility this town to be identified as pre-Roman town of Gortinia
already has been published.
This peculiarity of Vardarski Rid is due to its geo-strategic position as the only
possible position for settlement in the region of Gevgelija. So its position was suit-
able to the criteria of prehistoric settlement as well as to an historic town.
Vardarski Rid has been systematically explored since 1995. In the first two
years these explorations were carried out in the framework of a joint internation-
al project between the Museum of Macedonia - Skopje and The Texas Foundation
For Archaeological and Historical Research, while in the following years it was a
project of the Museum of Macedonia and the Faculty of Philosophy of the
University of Skopje.
After ten years of systematic excavations the stratigraphy of the site has been
established, numerous archaeological and architectonic wholes have been discov-
ered, and rich archeological material has been unearthed, which is kept and partly
exhibited in the Museum of Gevgelija.
The results of the explorations at Vardarski Rid are not completely published, but
a lot of moments and findings from some of the excavation campaigns have been
presented as reports at public lectures at different scientific symposia. Also, three
separate publications which resulted from the systematic excavations were pub-
lished so far. Those are: D. Mitrevski, “The Ancient Macedonian Town at Vardarski
Rid”, Skopje 2001 (popular publication for the general characteristics of the site
based on the discoveries up to 2001); B. Husenovski, “Ancient Coins of Vardarski
Rid”, Gevgelija 2004, (catalogue of coins discovered at Vardarski Rid up to 2001);
E. Slamkov, “ The Art of Vardarski Rid”, Gevgelija 2004 (catalogue from the exibi-
tion of the finds with high aesthetic values, discovered on Vardarski Rid).
This book, as a first volume represents the beginning of the complete scientific
publication and a presentation of the results from the systematic excavations at
Vardarski Rid so far. It is a work of the members of the research team responsible
for specific segments in the exploration process.
Publication of results from the explorations is supported by the Faculty of
Philosophy and the Department of Archaeology at the University of Skopje, which
is the main carrier and conductor of the research project for Vardarski Rid, in coop-
eration with The Museum of Macedonia in Skopje and the Museum of Gevgelija.On
the other hand, forthcoming is the second volume - the master thesis of S. Bla`evska
which considers the pottery of the Late Classical and Hellenistic period at
Vardarski Rid.
However, we must mention that without the financial support for realization of
the certain explorations and conservation activities, the present level of excava-
tion could not have been reached. We are indebted to: the Ministry of Culture and
the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Macedonia, to the Open Society
Foundation, Skopje, and the American Embassy in Skopje, which were financiers
of the field work at Vardarski Rid for the first years when we needed their help
and understanding.
In the last three years the patronage at Vardarski Rid of Mobimak has been
appreciated, due to which Vardarski Rid has become one of the rare archaeological
sites in the Republic of Macedonia, where excavation have been completely
financed, and the necessary continuity and permanent studying and presentation of
the discoveries are provided for.
This publication is a result of the financial support by A.D. Mobimak; we want
to express our gratitude to the Mobimak Managing Board and especially to its
General Manager Jovan Petrovski.

November, 2004
Dr. Dragi Mitrevski,
Conductor of the Excavation Project
at Vardarski Rid

Vardarski Rid

Silvana Bla`evska
Silvana Bla`evska

Pe~ki za keramika
Pottery Kilns

n the sixth and last settlement on

o ramkite na poslednata, {esta nasel-

V ba na Vardarski Rid (III vek pr. n.e. - I

vek od n.e), vo trite istra`uvani sek-
tori se otkrieni pove}e gradbi - prete`no
Vardarski Rid (third century BC to first
century AD) several buildings were
uncovered in the three excavated sectors;
ku}i za `iveewe, koi, sledej}i ja terasestata they were mainly dwellings. Following the
konfiguracija na terenot se rasporedeni vo terraced terrain, they were arranged into
mali insuli odvoeni me|u sebe so ulici. Vo small insulae separated from each other by
tekot na navedeniot vremenski period se streets. During this period the arrangement of
menuval nivniot izgled, so toa {to bile the houses changed somewhat. Certain rooms
dograduvani novi prostorii, pregraduvani were re-built, new rooms were added, or
starite ili, pak, se gradeni novi ku}i vrz completely new houses were erected upon
postarite temeli, no izgledot na gradot the foundations of the earlier ones, but the
zna~itelno ne se izmenil. overall urban design of the town did not
Mestopolo`bata na ku}ite, organizacija- change significantly.
ta na prostoriite, kako i otkrieniot inven- The locations of the houses, their spatial organ-
tar zboruva za nivnata razli~na namena. Na ization, as well as the recovered finds give clues to
Isto~nata terasa se otkrieni nekolku gole- their various uses. On the Eastern Terrace several
mi ku}i za `iveewe so bogat inventar, a samo large houses with rich inventories were uncovered,
vo dve e konstatirana "proizvodstvena# ak- and in two of them “manufacturing” activities are
tivnost (Ku}a so atrium, Ku}a so svetili{- indicated (House with an Atrium and House with a
te). Ju`nata terasa pretstavuva "trgovska Sanctuary). The Southern terrace was determined
zona# zaradi otkrienite rabotilnici so pe~- to be a “trading zone” because of the discovery of
ki za keramika, kova~nici, prodavnici itn., workshops with pottery kilns, blacksmith work-
funkcija koja verojatno ja nasleduva od pred- shops, shops, etc., a function inherited from the
hodniot, docnoklasi~en period, koga vo ovoj previous, Late Classical period when the Stoa was
del na gradot bila podignata Stoa. Na Akro- built in this part of the town. On the Acropolis a
polata delumno e istra`en eden golem objekt, large building, named as The Central Complex,
t.n. Centralen kompleks, ograden so bedem i was partially unearthed; it was surrounded by a
kula vo koj bi mo`el da prestojuva arhontot, fortification wall and a tower, in which the town
~ija funkcija bila upravuvawe so gradskata archon might have stayed.
administracija. The local pottery production in the town is
Lokalnata kerami~na produkcija vo gradot confirmed with the eleven so far discovered
e potvrdena so edinaesette pe~ki za proizvod- kilns for producing clay objects. Ten of them
stvo na predmeti od glina. Deset od niv se ot- were discovered in the frameworks of the hou-
krieni vo ramki na ku}ite na Ju`nata terasa,1 ses on the Southern Terrace, 1 due to which
1 Desetata pe~ka otkriena na Ju`nata terasa e pri- 1 The tenth kiln, uncovered on the Southern Terra-
li~no uni{tena. Za~uvan e samo isto~niot strani~en ce, is badly damaged. Only the eastern lateral wall of
yid na lo`i{teto, zatoa, osven {to }e bide zabele`ana the furnace chamber has been preserved, which is why
vo vkupnata brojka na pe~ki, nema da se prezentira. it will only be numbered but not discussed.

Silvana Bla`evska - Pe~ki za keramika

Sl. 1. Pe~ka I.
Fig. 1. Kiln I.

zaradi {to ovoj del od gradot so pravo mo`e da this part of the town can freely be called the
se nare~e "kerami~arski kvart#, i edna vo “Potters’ Quarter”. The eleventh kiln was
Ku}ata so svetili{te na Isto~nata terasa. uncovered in the House with a Sanctuary on
Nivnoto prezentirawe e izvedeno spored hro- the Eastern Terrace. In this article they are
nolo{kiot raspored na sloevite na {estata presented ordered by a chronological deposits
naselba, vo ~ii ramki se otkrieni.2 schedule of the sixth settlement. 2
Vo kampawata esenta 2000 g., na Ju`nata During the autumn 2000 exploration season
terasa be{e otkriena Pe~ka I. Smestena e vo on the Southern Terrace Kiln 1 was uncovered.
ramkite na gradba ~ija golemina, izgled, broj It was located in a building whose size, appear-
i raspored na prostorii te{ko mo`at da se ance, and room organization are difficult to
odredat so ogled na celosnata obnova vo sled- determine, due to its total reconstruction in the
nata grade`na faza, so {to nejzinata osnova following building phase, completely changing
e celosno izmeneta. Edinstveni sigurni ele- the layout of the house. The only certain ele-
menti se zapadniot i isto~niot yid na pros- ments are the western and eastern walls of the
torijata vo koja e smestena pe~kata. room in which the kiln was located.
Pe~kata e potprena na zapadniot yid od The kiln rests against the western wall of the
objektot, orientirana vo pravec i-z, so kanal building, oriented in an east – west direction,
za lo`ewe na isto~nata strana. Ima trape- with the stoking tunnel at the eastern side. It is
zoidna forma so vkupna dol`ina od 1.60 m i trapezoidal, measuring 1.60 meters in length
{irina od 1.40 m (sl. 1). Strani~nite yidovi and 1.40 meters in width (Fig. 1). The lateral
na lo`i{teto i kanalot za lo`ewe se walls of the furnace chamber and the stoking
gradeni od vertikalno postaveni tuli so tunnel were built of vertically placed unbaked
dimenzii 40 h 40 h 10 sm, koi se izvonredno mud bricks, measuring 40 x 40 x 10 cm, which
za~uvani. Centralnoto stolp~e - dr`a~ za are excellently preserved. The central free-
re{etkata, e izvedeno od ~etiri horizontal- standing pedestal, made of four horizontally
no postaveni nepe~eni tuli (sl. 14). Vnatre{- placed unbaked mud bricks, serves as the sup-
nosta na pe~kata be{e ispolneta so razru{en port for the raised oven floor (Fig. 14). The
plitar od gornata konstrukcija, a otkrienite inner space of the kiln was filled with loose,
par~iwa pleter na dnoto mo`ebi se del od unbaked mud bricks from the upper structure.
re{etkata. On the bottom of the kiln small pieces of wattle
Od severnata strana, pokraj pe~kata, e ot- and daub were uncovered that might represent
krien pravoagolen prostor zagraden so eden parts of the perforated oven floor.
red kamewa. Ovoj prostor, zaedno so dvete On the northern side, beside the kiln, a rec-
ovalni jami polni so pepel, ednata severno, a tangular space lined with one row of stones
drugata isto~no od pe~kata, verojatno se vo was uncovered. The function of this space,
funkcija na istata (sl. 15). Vo vnatre{nosta along with the two oval-shaped pits filled with

2 Spored stratigrafskata podelba na Mitrevski 2 According the stratigraphic division by Mitrevski D.,
D., 2001, 16-18. 2001, 16-18.

Vardarski Rid

na pe~kata ne se otkrieni kerami~ni pred- ashes, one placed north and the other east of
meti, no okolu nea, osobeno od severnata the kiln, was probably associated with the kiln
strana, se sre}avaat fragmentirani sadovi, (Fig. 15). There were no ceramic objects found
od koi eden so neobi~na forma, koj bil upo- inside the kiln; but around it, especially on the
trebuvan vo nekoja od fazite na podgotovka northern side, fragments of vessels were found,
na glinata. Numizmati~kiot materijal ot- among which was one with a very unusual
krien vo i okolu pe~kata, za `al, e ne~itliv, shape. Its use is difficult to determine, but it
osven edna bronzena moneta na Filip V, dati- was possibly used as a vessel in clay process-
rana po 201 g. pr. n.e.3 Spored stratigrafija- ing. The numismatic material uncovered in and
ta na Vardarski Rid pe~kata se smestuva vo around the kiln is unfortunately illegible,
vtorata grade`na faza na {estata naselba except one bronze coin of Phillip V, dated after
(V.R.VI, sloj 3). 201 BC.3 In the stratigraphy of Vardarski Rid,
Vo tekot na istra`uvaweto vo 1995 godina the kiln can be placed in the second building
e otkriena t.n. Kerami~arska rabotilnica. phase of the sixth settlement (V.R.VI, layer 3).
Pette pe~ki, od koi ~etiri se otkrieni vo In the 1995 season, the so-called Pottery
ista prostorija, pripa|aat na dve razli~ni Workshop was uncovered. Of five kilns, four were
fazi (sl. 2, 3). Pe~kite II i III se orientirani discovered in the same room. They belong to two
vo pravec s/z-j/i, pri {to prvata e smestena different phases (Fig. 2, 3). Kilns II and III are ori-
pokraj severniot yid, a vtorata se nao|a kon ented northwest to southeast. The first kiln is
sredinata na prostorijata. located alongside the northern wall, and the sec-
Od Pe~kata II se za~uvani strani~nite ond one is placed towards the center of the room.
yidovi na lo`i{teto do visina na centralno Of Kiln II only the lateral walls of the fur-
postavenoto stolp~e so ovalna forma (sl. nace chamber have been preserved to the height
16). Gradena e od plitar, so nepravilna of the central, oval-shaped, free-standing
kru`na forma i pomali dimenzii, koi te{ko pedestal (Fig. 16). It has an irregular circular
bi mo`ele da se odredat so ogled na lo{ata shape and is built of unbaked mud bricks; it is
za~uvanost na pe~kata. Strani~nite yidovi, very hard to determine its size, considering its
kako i kanalot za lo`ewe se prili~no uni{- bad state of preservation. The lateral walls of
teni so gradeweto na pe~kite IV i V vo vtora- the furnace chamber as well as the stoking tun-
ta faza. nel are considerably damaged with the building
Pe~kata III e so pogolemi dimenzii (dol- of Kilns IV and V from the second phase.
`ina 2.70 m, {irina 1.70 m), kru`na po forma Kiln III is larger (2.70 meters long and
i e ne{to podobro za~uvana, osven yidot od 1.70 meters wide), circular in shape and bet-
severnata strana koj e uni{ten so gradeweto ter preserved than the previous kiln, except
na pe~kata V (sl. 17). Centralno postavenoto that the northern wall has been destroyed with
stolp~e e kru`no i pokrieno so tenka kamena the building of Kiln V (Fig. 17). The central-
plo~a. Osobeno e vpe~atliv dolgiot kanal za ly placed free-standing pedestal is circular


Sl. 2. Kerami~arska
rabotilnica so pe~kite II-
IV vo Ku}ata so zanaeti.
Fig. 2. The Pottery Workshop
with kilns II-IV in the House of

3 Husenovski B., 2004, T. XI, No. 101. 3 Husenovski B., 2004, T. XI, No. 101.

Silvana Bla`evska - Pe~ki za keramika



Sl. 3. [ematski prikaz na

dvete fazi na Kerami~ar-
skata rabotilnica, spored
Neidinger W. - Matthews E.
postara faza - pe~ki II i III Fig. 3. Shematic presentation of
older phase - Kilns II and III the both phases of the Pottery
pomlada faza - pe~ki IV i V workshop, according to
later phase - Kilns IV and V Neidinger W. - Matthews E.

lo`ewe (1.20 m) vo predniot del na pe~kata and covered with a thin stone slab. Especially
koj e odli~no za~uvan. Kanalot za lo`ewe i impressive is the long stoking tunnel (1.20
lo`i{teto se delumno vkopani pod podnoto meters), which is well preserved. The furnace
nivo na prostorijata. chamber and the stoking tunnel are partially
Otkako ovie dve pe~ki ve}e ne bile vo dug into the floor of the room.
upotreba, vrz nivnite ostatoci se izgradeni After these kilns fell out of use, two new
dve novi (sl. 2, 3). Pe~kata IV e orientirana kilns were built upon their remains. (Figs. 2,
vo pravec s-j, so pravoagolna forma, so 3). Kiln IV is rectangular, oriented to the
pogolemi dimenzii (dol`ina 2.90 m, {irina northwest, measuring 2.90 meters in length
2.30 m). Kanalot za lo`ewe se nao|a na ju`na- and 2.30 meters in width. The stoking tunnel
ta strana, a vo vnatre{nosta na lo`i{teto e is on its southern side, and inside the furnace
postaveno izdol`eno ovalno stolp~e (dol- chamber a long, oval, free-standing pedestal,
`ina 1 m, {irina 0.40 m). Nepe~enite tuli od 1 meter long and 0.40 meter wide, supported
koi e gradena osobeno dobro se za~uvani na the oven floor. The unbaked mud bricks of
severniot yid od lo`i{teto (sl. 18). Intere- which it is made are well preserved, espe-
sen e podatokot deka vo vnatre{nosta na pe~- cially on the northern wall of the furnace
kata IV e otkriena golema koncentracija na chamber (Fig. 18). Very interesting is the
{kolki, koi verojatno imaat uloga vo proce- fact that inside Kiln IV a large number of
sot na pe~eweto. river shells were discovered, which probably
Poslednata, Pe~ka V, po forma e mnogu had some role in the combustion process.
sli~na na pe~kata III, vrz ~ii ostatoci e de- The last kiln in this room, Kiln V, is very
lumno izgradena. Orientirana e vo pravec similar in shape to Kiln III, upon whose
s/z-j/i, postavena vo severoisto~niot agol remains it was built. It is oriented northwest to
na prostorijata, so kru`na forma na lo- southeast and located in the northeastern cor-
`i{teto i mnogu pokus kanal za lo`ewe, ner of the room. The furnace chamber is circu-
koi isto taka se delumno vkopani pod podot lar and the stoking tunnel is much shorter. They
na prostorijata (sl. 19). Za~uvana e vo dol- are partially dug into the floor of the room
`ina od 2.20 m, a {irinata na lo`i{teto (Fig. 19). The kiln is 2.20 meters long and 1.70
iznesuva 1.70 m. meters wide.
Istovremeno so pe~kite IV i V od pomla- At the same time that Kilns V and VI from
data faza na Kerami~arskata rabotilnica, the later phase of the Pottery Workshop were
no vo sosednata prostorija, bila napravena in use, Kiln VI was built in the adjacent
Pe~kata VI. Orientirana e vo pravec i-z, a room. It is oriented in an east-west direction,
kanalot za lo`ewe koj celosno nedostasuva se and the stoking tunnel, which is missing, was
nao|al na zapadnata strana. Kvadratnoto placed on its western side. The square fur-
lo`i{te e izvedeno od nepe~eni tuli, ver- nace chamber, as well as the free-standing
Vardarski Rid

Sl. 4. Pe~ka VI -
Fig. 4. Kiln VI - The
Pottery Workshop.

tikalno postaveni, kako i stolp~eto, koe e pedestal which is poorly preserved, are made
lo{o za~uvano (sl. 4). Osven pepel, vo vna- of vertically placed unbaked mud bricks (Fig.
tre{nosta na lo`i{teto nema naodi. 4). In the inner space of the kiln, except for
Vo op{tata stratigrafska slika Kerami- the ashes, there were no findings.
~arskata rabotilnica se smestuva vo vtora- In the general stratigraphical picture, the
ta i tretata grade`na faza na {estata nasel- Pottery Workshop belongs to the second and
ba (V.R.VI, sloj 3, 2), so mal vremenski inter- third building phase of the sixth settlement
val me|u dvete fazi na upotreba na pe~kite. (V.R.VI, layers 3 and 2), with a small time
Ne se otkrieni moneti koi poto~no bi ja delay between the two building phases of the
datirale rabotilnicata, no najverojatno kilns. No coins that could have helped us
pripa|a na krajot na III i II vek pr. n.e. Vo pom- date the workshop have been uncovered, but
ladata faza objektot pretrpel prepravki i it probably belongs to the end of the third
dogradbi, osobeno kon sever i istok, no go and second century BC. In the later building
zadr`al karakterot na rabotilnica. phase, the workshop was rebuilt, especially
Pe~kata VII e otkriena vo ramkite na se- the northern and eastern rooms, but still kept
vernata prostorija na t.n. Rabotilnica na the character of a workshop.
Menek. So zapadnata strana e potprena na Kiln VII was uncovered in the northern
kamen blok od Stoata, sekundarno iskoristen room of the building called The Workshop of
za pomladata, helenisti~ka ku}a (sl. 5). Menek. Its western side leaned against a
Gradena e od plitar, so ovalna forma, so stone block from the Stoa, which was in sec-
vkupna dol`ina od 1.50 m i {irina od 1.30 m. ondary use in a later Hellenistic building

Sl. 5. Pe~ka VII -

Rabotilnica na Menek.
FIg. 5. Kiln VII - The Workshop
of Menek.

Silvana Bla`evska - Pe~ki za keramika

Osven na zapadnata strana, kade strani~niot (Fig. 5). Kiln VII is oval shaped, built of
yid e visok 0.50 m, lo`i{teto na pe~kata koe unbaked mud bricks, measuring 1.50 meters
delumno e vkopano pod podot vo prostorijata in length and 1.30 meters in width. Except
e edvaj za~uvano. Orientirana e vo pravec i- for the western lateral wall, which is pre-
z, a kanalot za lo`ewe koj e prili~no uni{- served to 0.50 meter, the furnace chamber is
ten e postaven na isto~nata strana. Vo vnat- considerably destroyed. It is oriented east to
re{nosta na pe~kata centralno e postaveno west and the poorly preserved stoking tunnel
stolp~e izvedeno od dve vertikalno posta- is on the eastern side of the kiln. Two verti-
veni tuli (sl. 20). Re{etkata ne e za~uvana. cally placed unbaked mud bricks inside the
Osven par~iwa izgoren plitar od strani~ni- kiln are all that remain of the central free-
te yidovi i gornata konstrukcija, i debeliot standing pedestal (Fig. 20). The perforated
sloj pepel, osobeno vo lo`i{teto, vo pe~kata oven floor has not been preserved. Aside
e otkriena samo edna ehinus pani~ka. from the pieces of burnt mud bricks (from
Na podot od prostorijata, vedna{ do pe~- the lateral walls and upper construction) and
kata, e otkriena ihtija koja na dnoto odnatre a thick layer of ashes, especially in the fur-
ima vtisnat pravoagolen pe~at so imeto nace chamber, an echinus bowl was uncov-
ΜΕΝΕΚ, verojatno imeto na majstorot-kera- ered.
mi~ar (sl. 6). Istoto ime se sre}ava na u{te On the floor next to the kiln an ichthya
dve ihtii. Od prvata, otkriena vo otpadna was uncovered with an impressed rectangle
jama na Ju`nata terasa e za~uvano samo dnoto stamp with the name ΜΕΝΕΚ, probably the
so pe~atot, za koja so ogled na mestoto na name of the potter (Fig. 6). The same name
nao|awe te{ko e da se izvede datirawe spored occurs on two other ihthyas. Only a base with
stratigrafski kontekst. Vtoriot primerok, the stamp was preserved from the first one,
koj e celosno za~uvan, otkrien e na Isto~nata uncovered on the Southern Terrace in a dump
terasa vo ramkite na vtorata grade`na faza pit. Considering its deposit, it is hard to
na Ku}ata so svetili{te, vremenski opre- arrive at an exact date in the stratigraphic
delena vo vtorata polovina na II vek pr. n.e. context. The second ichthya, which is com-
Spored numizmati~kiot materijal i pe~- pletely preserved, was uncovered on the
kata VII e datirana vo tekot na II vek pr. n.e., Eastern Terrace, in the second building phase
vo prvata grade`na faza na Rabotilnicata of the House with a Sanctuary, dated to the
na Menek. second half of the second century BC.
Rabotilnicata na Menek bila obnovena i The numismatic material dates Kiln VII to
dogradena. Vo edna od ju`nite prostorii e the second century BC, that is, in the first
otkriena u{te edna pe~ka, istra`uvana vo building phase of The Workshop of Menek.
sezonata prolet 2000 g. (sl. 7). Pe~kata VIII e The Workshop of Menek was eventually
potprena na isto~niot yid na prostorijata, reconstructed and rebuilt. In one of its south-
orientirana vo pravec i-z, a kanalot za lo- ern rooms, another kiln was uncovered in the
`ewe koj potpolno nedostasuva bil postaven spring 2000 season (Fig. 7). Kiln VIII leans
na zapadnata strana. [iroka e 0.75 m, a vo against the eastern wall of a room oriented
dol`ina e za~uvana 0.60 m. Pe~kata e so east to west, and the stoking tunnel, which is

Sl. 6. Ihtija so
pe~at Menek.
Fig. 6. Ichthya with
stamp Menek.

Vardarski Rid

Sl. 7. Pe~ka VIII

- Rabotilnica
na Menek.
Fig. 7. Kiln VIII -
Workshop of

kvadratna forma i voobi~aeno e gradena od missing, was placed on its western side. The
nepe~eni tuli, a odvnatre e prema~kana so kiln is 0.75 meter wide and preserved up to
glina. Na isto~niot yid e za~uvan mal del od 0.60 meter in length. The kiln is square, built
gornata konstrukcija koja vidno kupolasto of unbaked mud bricks, and coated with clay
zakrivuva, a za {to e upotreben fragment od on the inside. A small part of the upper struc-
obod od pitos (sl. 21). Od stolp~eto vo vna- ture has been preserved on the eastern wall.
tre{nosta na lo`i{teto e za~uvana samo For the vaulted upper structure, a fragment of
edna vertikalno postavena tula. a pithos rim was used (Fig. 21). Only one un-
Potprena na zapadniot yid vo istata pros- baked brick was preserved from the oven
torija, otkriena e plitarna konstrukcija floor support.
orientirana vo pravec i-z. Taa e so pravoagol- In the same room, next to the western
na forma, {iroka 1.10 m, a vo dol`ina wall, an unbaked mud brick structure orient-
za~uvana 0.60 m (sl. 22). Iako vo prvo vreme e ed east to west was uncovered. It is rectan-
tretirana kako pe~ka, nedostatokot na kana- gular, 1.10 meters wide and 0.60 meter long
lot za lo`ewe i stolp~eto vo lo`i{teto go (Fig. 22). Although at first this structure was
zgolemi somne`ot deka se raboti za pe~ka. thought to be a kiln, the lack of a stoking
Ju`no od nea e otkrien mal zagraden prostor tunnel and a free-standing pedestal in the
so imbreksi koj verojatno e vo funkcija na furnace chamber raises doubts. On its south-
podgotovka na glinata, sudej}i po golemiot ern side, a small space surrounded by
sad so izlivnik na dnoto. Ovaa plitarna kon- imbrexes was probably used for clay pro-
strukcija treba da ja tretirame kako zaseben cessing, a theory which seems to be con-
pridru`en objekt, povrzan so pe~kata VIII, koj firmed by the discovery of a large vessel
e vo slu`ba na procesot na podgotovka na gli- with a pouring spout on its base. This mud
nata ili ve}e gotovite predmeti spremni za brick structure should be treated as a sepa-
pe~ewe. Vo nea e otkriena celosna `enska te- rate, adjacent construction (connected to
rakotna figurina, pa bi mo`ele da zaklu~ime Kiln VIII), where the clay was prepared or
deka pe~kata VIII bila nameneta i za pe~ewe na vessels ready for firing were kept. Inside
lokalno izrabotenite terakotni figurini. this structure an intact female terracotta fig-
Vo funkcija na ovaa rabotilnica e i sosed- urine was discovered, pointing towards the
nata prostorija, odnosno prodavnicata kade conclusion that in Kiln VIII locally made
se prodavale izrabotenite kerami~ni proiz- terracotta figurines were fired.
vodi. Potvrda za ova se otkrienite pitosi Also connected to this workshop is a
polni so sadovi - bokali, laginos, amfori itn neighboring room, a store, where the ceram-
(sl. 23). Zaradi ova, dvete prostorii od pom- ic vessels were sold. This has been con-
ladata grade`na faza na Rabotilnicata na firmed by the discovery of pithoi filled with
Menek se opredeleni kako rabotilnica so other vessels, jars, laginos, amphoras, etc.
prodavnica. (Fig. 23). This is why these two rooms from
Na podnoto nivo na prostorijata se ot- the earlier constructional phase of The
krieni pove}e bronzeni moneti, od koi dve se Workshop of Menek have been named the
identifikuvani. Toa se moneti koi pripa- workshop with a store.
|aat na avtonomnite kovawa na Pela i Amfi- Several bronze coins were uncovered on
polis, otkrieni i vo ostanatite prostorii na t h e fl o o r o f t h e ro o m , am o n g wh i ch t w o
Silvana Bla`evska - Pe~ki za keramika

0 50 100 cm

Sl. 8. Pe~ka IX -
Objekt so pe~ka.
Fig. 8. Kiln IX -
Building with kiln.

objektot, zaradi {to istiot se datira kon have been identified. They are coins that
sredinata i vtorata polovina na II vek pr. belong to the autonomous mints of Pella and
n.e., odnosno pripa|a na tretata grade`na Amphipolis, which helped date the building
faza na {estata naselba na Vardarski Rid. to the middle and second half of the second
Vo 1995 g. e otkriena u{te edna Pe~ka IX, century BC, that is, to the third building
istovremena so prethodnata. Taa e smestena vo phase of the sixth settlement on Vardarski
jugoisto~niot agol na edna od prostoriite na Rid.
t.n. Objekt so pe~ka, koj se nao|a zapadno pok- In the 1995 season, Kiln IX, contempo-
raj uli~kata so drena`en kanal. Po dimenzii rary with Kiln VIII, was uncovered. It is in
e pomala ({iroka e 1.40 m, a vo dol`ina e the southeast corner of one of the rooms of
za~uvana 1 m), so kvadratna forma i central- the Building with a Kiln, a structure located
no stolp~e od koe e za~uvana edna horizontal- on the west, beside a street with a drainage
no postavena tula (sl. 8). Orientirana e vo canal. It is quite small (1.40 meters wide
pravec s/z-j/i, a kanalot za lo`ewe koj se and 1meter long) and square. Only one hor-
nao|al na severnata strana e uni{ten so yid, izontally placed mud brick of the free-
koj pretstavuva del od podocne`ni prepravki, standing pedestal is preserved (Fig.8). Kiln
vo vreme koga pe~kata ne bila vo upotreba. IX is oriented in a northwest to southeast
Poslednata, edinaesetta Pe~ka XI na Var- direction, and the stoking tunnel, which
darski Rid e otkriena na Isto~nata terasa, was placed on its northern side, was
vo ramkite na Ku}ata so svetili{te, poto- destroyed by a later wall that was part of
~no, vo pomladata faza koja e datirana vo vto- some rebuilding, at a time when the kiln
rata polovina na II vek pr. n.e (sl. 9). Orien- was not in use.
tirana e vo pravec i-z, potprena na zapadniot The last Kiln XI on Vardarski Rid was
yid na prostorijata. Ima pravoagolna osnova uncovered on the Eastern Terrace, in the
na lo`i{teto so {irina 1.10 m, i dol`ina frames of the House with a Sanctuary, in its
0.90 m, a kanalot za lo`ewe e postaven na is- later building phase dated to the second half
to~nata strana (sl. 24). Gradena e od plitar, of the second century BC (Fig. 9). It is ori-
no na~inot se razlikuva od site ponapred ented east-west. It has a rectangular furnace
navedeni pe~ki. Imeno, strani~nite yidovi chamber, 1.10 meters wide and 0.90 meter
na lo`i{teto se izvedeni od tri rebra para- long, with the stoking tunnel on the eastern
lelni edni na drugi. Sekoe rebro e napraveno side (Fig. 24). The kiln was built of unbaked
od po dve horizontalno postaveni tuli, edna mud bricks, in a manner that differs from
vrz druga, a od nadvore{nata strana se povrza- the other kilns. The oven floor was not sup-
ni so vertikalno postavena tula. Vo vnatre{- ported by a centrally placed, free-standing
nosta na lo`i{teto nema centralno postave- pedestal, but with lateral pilasters that pro-
no stolp~e koe ja dr`i re{etkata, tuku taa trude from the interior of the kiln wall.
funkcija vo ovoj slu~aj ja imaat rebrata. Na Inside the furnace chamber there is suffi-
Vardarski Rid

sredina na lo`i{teto od edno do drugo rebro cient space between the pilasters for fuel. 4
ima dovolno prostor za stavawe drva.4 Ne e There are no remains left either of the oven
za~uvana gornata konstrukcija. Vo vnatre{- floor or of the upper structure. There were
nosta na pe~kata nema naodi. no findings from inside the kiln.
Pe~kite za keramika se konstrukcii so The pottery kilns represent constructions
kus vek na upotreba, so ogled na postojanoto with a short service life, considering their
izlo`uvawe na golemi temperaturni razli- frequent exposure to repeated heatings and
ki, zaradi {to baraat postojano popravawe i coolings. That is why they required continu-
obnovuvawe. Ne postojat precizni tehni~ki al maintenance and repair. There are no pre-
pravila po koi se gradeni, no vo osnova site cise technical rules for their building, but
gi sodr`at istite konstruktivni elementi. basically the construction elements are the
Glavno, postojat dva tipa pe~ki: "otvoren same.
tip#, odnosno ednokomorni pe~ki prete`no In general, there are two basic kiln types:
koristeni vo praistoriskite periodi i vis- the “open fire” type, single chamber kilns,
tinski pe~ki od "zatvoren tip#, odnosno dvo- mostly used in the prehistoric periods; and
komorni vo koi predmetite se odvoeni od closed kilns of the so-called “up-draft” type,
gorivoto, vo {to se sostoi glavnata razlika or double chambered kilns, in which the ves-
me|u ovie dva tipa.5 sels were burnt separately from the fuel, this
Pe~eweto kaj "otvoreniot tip# e prili~no being the main difference between these two
primitivno. Sadovite se postavuvaat vo plit- types of kilns. 5
ka jama i se pokrivaat so granki, slama, jagle- The firing in the open kiln is rather
nisano drvo, penu{ki, odnosno s¢ {to mo`e da primitive. The vessels were placed in a
poslu`i kako gorivo. Otvorite se pokrivaat shallow pit and covered with whatever fuel
so glina za da se ovozmo`i termalna izolaci- was available, such as branches, twigs,
ja, osven eden koj slu`i za dovod na kislorod. reeds, or charcoal. Afterwards, the open-
Zaradi neednakviot protok na vozduh, niskata ings were covered with clay to provide
temperatura i neednakvo rasporeduvawe na thermal isolation, except one small open-
toplinata, rezultatite od pe~eweto ne se se- ing for oxygen. Owing to irregular draught,

Sl. 9. Pe~ka XI - nad

Ku}a so svetili{te.
Fig. 9. Kiln XI - above
House with a Sanctuary.

4 Malenko V., 1978, 342, kaj nas edinstvena pe~ka 4 Malenko V., 1978, 342, this type of kiln with a
od ovoj tip, ~ii nosa~i na re{etkata se paralelni circular shape, larger dimensions, and with lateral
rebra, e otkriena vo Ohrid, vo kompleksot "Stara pilasters supporting the oven floor was discovered in
~ar{ija#, no e so kru`na osnova na lo`i{teto i Ohrid in the “Old City” complex. It is dated to the sec-
pogolemi dimenzii. Datirana e vo II vek pr. n.e, za ond century BC. The author considers that it was used
koja avtorot iznesuva mislewe deka e za pe~ewe na for firing bricks and roof tiles. The photograph of the
tuli i teguli. Fotografija na pe~kata e objavena vo same is published in the Archeological Map of the
Arheolo{ka karta na R. Makedonija, Tom II, 271. Republic of Macedonia, Vol. II, 271.
5 Cuomo di Caprio N., 1984, 73-74. 5 Cuomo di Caprio N., 1984, 73-74.

Silvana Bla`evska - Pe~ki za keramika

koga{ uspe{ni. Sadovite ~esto se kr{at, low firing temperature, and unequal heat
pe~eni se nevoedna~eno, a bojata na kerami- dispersion, the results are not always suc-
kata e razli~na. Ovie bile koristeni duri i cessful. The vessels are fragile, with dif-
vo rimskiot period, osobeno vo severnite pe- ferent colors of the surface and gray core.
riferii na carstvoto. These types of kilns were in use up to the
Najdobar primer za toa kako izgledale Roman period, especially in the northern
pe~kite od "zatvoren tip# koristeni vo anti- parts of the Empire.
kata, pretstavuva edna ati~ka hidrija i ne- Maybe the best examples of the up-draft
kolku pinaksi otkrieni vo Penteskufia bli- kilns used in ancient times come from
zu Korint, prete`no datirani vo VI vek pr. depictions on an Attic hydria and several
n.e., na koi se naslikani kerami~arski pe~ki pinakes discovered in Penteskouphia, near
vo razni fazi od procesot na pe~ewe.6 Postoi Corinth, dated to the sixth century BC. 6
golema vremenska razlika od pretstavite na Even though there is a big time difference
slikanite pinaksi do pe~kite koi se predmet between the painted pinakes and the kilns
na ovoj trud, no, sepak, tie pretstavuvaat naj- discussed in this article, the pinakes still are
dobar izvor za izgledot na kerami~arskite the best source for the appearance of our
pe~ki koi so tekot na vremeto mo`ebi kilns. In the meantime, they might have
stanale poednostavni, no vo su{tina prin- become simpler, but the basic construction
cipot na gradewe i procesot na pe~ewe ne and process of firing did not essentially
pretrpele nekakvi zna~ajni promeni. Iako change. Although these types of kilns have
konkretno vakvi pe~ki dosega ne se otkrieni, not yet been uncovered, their existence is
nivnoto postoewe e nesporno i najverojatno undeniable. 7
istovremeno so poednostavnite tipovi.7 The usual up-draft kiln has a closed mud
Voobi~aeniot tip pe~ka pretstavuva zat- brick structure with an upper and lower part
vorena plitarna struktura sostavena od dva (Fig. 10). 8
dela: goren i dolen del (sl. 10).8 The lower part consists of a stoking tunnel
Dolniot del e sostaven od kanalot za and a furnace chamber. The stoking tunnel,
lo`ewe i lo`i{teto. Kanalot za lo`ewe, placed in the front of the furnace chamber, is
smesten vo predniot del na lo`i{teto, e la- actually an arch-shaped tunnel, of variable
~en tunel so razli~na dol`ina od kade pe~ka- length, where the fuel is loaded (Fig. 25, a-
ta se polni so gorivo (sl. 25, a-d). Graden e od d). It was built of mud bricks, tiles, and pot-
nepe~eni tuli, teguli i kerami~ni otpadoci, tery wasters and measures from several cen-
a mo`e da bide dolg od nekolku santimetri do timeters to several meters. The long tunnels
nekolku metri. Dolgite kanali se poprakti~- are more practical because they provide bet-
ni, bidej}i ovozmo`uvaat podobar dovod na ter air draught. This is the place where the
kislorod. Vo nego se vr{i po~etnoto zagre- warming of the kiln begins; later the fuel is
vawe na pe~kata, a podocna gorivoto se turka pushed further into the furnace chamber,
povnatre vo lo`i{teto, so {to se za{tituva which is a way of protecting the whole con-
celata konstrukcija od silno razgoruvawe na struction from violent explosion during eve-
ognot so sekoe dodavawe gorivo. ry fuel reloading.
Iako na pretstavite na pinaksite site Although the pinakes show only kilns
pe~ki imaat kru`na osnova na lo`i{teto, with circular furnace chambers, excavations
istra`uvawata otkrivaat pe~ki so razli~na revealed kilns with different shapes: circular,
forma: kru`ni, ovalni, pravoagolni ili oval, rectangular, or square. Certain authors
kvadratni. Spored nekoi avtori, zaradi po- believe that the stoking tunnel and the fur-
dobra termalna izolacija kanalot za lo`e- nace chamber were dug below floor level to
we i lo`i{teto delumno se vkopuvaat pod ensure better thermal isolation. 9 Of the
podnoto nivo.9 Od edinaesette otkrieni pe~- eleven kilns uncovered on Vardarski Rid,

6 Noble J. V., 1965, 72-74; Cuomo di Caprio N., 1984, 6 Noble J.V., 1965, 72-74; Cuomo di Caprio N.,
77-82; Cook R. M., 1984, 64. 1984, 77-82; Cook R. M., 1984, 64.
7 Cook R. M., 1984, 64. 7 Cook R. M., 1984, 64.
8 Cuomo di Caprio N., 1984, 74-75. 8 Cuomo di Caprio N., 1984, 74-75.
9 Cuomo Di Caprio N., 1984, 74; Cook R. M., 1984, 63, 9 Cuomo di Caprio N., 1984, 74; Cook R. M., 1984,
vrz osnova na otkrienite pe~ki vo Britanija, dati- 63, opinion based on the kilns of the Roman period in
rani vo rimskiot period. Britain.

Vardarski Rid

ki na Vardarski Rid, samo vo tri slu~ai se only three have their stoking tunnel and fur-
zabele`uva vkopano lo`i{te i kanal pod nace chamber dug below floor level (Kiln III,
podnoto nivo (Pe~ka III, V i VI), dodeka kaj V and VI). As for the others, their stoking
ostanatite tie se izgradeni na nivo na tunnels and furnace chambers are built on the
podot, {to se zabele`uva i na slikanite floor level, which can also be seen on the
pinaksi. Lo`i{tata imaat razli~ni dimen- pinakes. The furnace chambers are of differ-
zii, no se dovolno visoki za da se ovozmo`i ent heights, but they are high enough to pro-
normalno sogoruvawe. Kaj pe~kite na Var- vide for normal combustion. Of the kilns
darski Rid lo`i{teto e visoko 0.40-0.50 m, uncovered on Vardarski Rid the furnace
kolku {to iznesuva standardnata visina na chambers are 0.40-0.50 meter high, which is
edna tula. actually the standard mud brick height.
Lo`i{teto e odvoeno od gorniot del so The furnace chamber is separated from the
perforiran pod - re{etka na koj se redat upper part by a perforated oven floor on
predmetite za pe~ewe. Na eden od pinaksite which the pottery is placed. On one of the
e prika`ana {ematska pretstava na vna- pinakes a cross-section view of the kiln is
tre{nost na pe~ka na koja se gleda re{etka- depicted, where perforated floor is supported
ta, ~ij nosa~ e centralno postaveno kru`no by a free-standing circular shaped pedestal
stolp~e (sl. 25-d). Kerami~arite vo antika- (Fig. 25-d). The potters of antiquity tried dif-
ta koristele razli~ni re{enija za re{etka- ferent solutions regarding the perforated
ta i nejziniot nosa~, koi bi bile dovolno floor and its support that had to be sturdy
cvrsti da ja izdr`at te`inata na predmeti- enough to carry the weight of the pots to be
te koi se pe~at i vo isto vreme da ima dovol- fired and at the same time to have enough
no prostor vo lo`i{teto za normalno odvi- space in the furnace chamber for normal
vawe na procesot na gorewe. Re{etkata se burning process. The perforated floor rests
potpira na strani~nite yidovi na lo`i{te- on the lateral walls of the furnace chamber
to, a odozdola na centralno stolp~e, radi- and, on the bottom, on a free-standing
jalni pilastri, popre~no postaveni rebra pedestal, pilasters, cross-walls, or inverted
ili prevrten kerami~en sad. Vrz osnova na vessels. Based on these various solutions, a
ovie razli~ni re{enija e izvedena i tipo- typology of kilns was made. 10
logijata na pe~kite.10 The analysts’ opinions mostly differ con-
Mislewata na prou~uva~ite najmnogu se cerning the upper part, the oven chamber,
razlikuvaat po pra{aweto na gorniot del, which was not preserved in any of our kilns.
odnosno komorata, koja dosega ne e za~uvana An oven’s roof can be either temporary or
kaj niedna od istra`enite pe~ki. Taa mo`e permanent. The temporary roof is a rudimen-
da bide privremena ili postojana. Privreme- tary type of vault. Unfired vessels were

Postojana gorna Otvor za dovod na vozduh

konstrukcija Enhaust vent
Permanent domed
Oven chamber
Perforiran pod - re{etka
Perforated oven floor
chamber Kanal za lo`ewe
Stoking tunnel

Centralno stolp~e
Oven floor support

Sl. 10. [ematski prikaz na pe~ka od "zatvoren tip#, spored V. G. Swan.

Fig. 10. Shematic presentation of "up-draft" type of kiln, according V. G. Swan.

10 Cuomo di Caprio N., 1984, 75. 10 Cuomo di Caprio N., 1984, 75.

Silvana Bla`evska - Pe~ki za keramika

nata komora pretstavuva rudimentiran tip stacked on the raised oven floor on top of
svod, izveden na toj na~in {to nepe~enite each other and then covered with ceramic
predmeti se redat na re{etkata eden vrz wasters and clay; a draught hole was left
drug, a potoa se pokrivaat so kerami~ni otpa- open. After the firing, this construction is
doci i glina, pri {to se ostava otvor zaradi demolished, and rebuilt for next firing. 11
dovod na vozduh. Po pe~eweto ovaa konstruk- This primitive way of roofing is similar to
cija se kr{i, a za sekoe novo pe~ewe se the single chambered kilns of the open type.
izrabotuva druga.11 Vakviot primitiven na- In antiquity this type of temporary chamber
~in na pokrivawe na sadovite vo pe~kata e was used for firing coarse wares or roof tiles,
sli~en na "otvoreniot tip# pe~ki, a vo anti- which usually are unevenly fired with a gray
kata vakvite privremeni komori se koris- core, because of the low temperature and bad
tele za pe~ewe na grubi sadovi ili pokrivna hot air circulation.
keramika, bidej}i zaradi niskata temperatu- The permanent roof is usually dome
ra i neednakvoto cirkulirawe na topliot shaped, made of mud bricks arranged in a
vozduh se dobivaat nevoedna~eno ispe~eni scalar fashion or arches which are a frame
sadovi so sivo jadro. upon which clay is spread. All of the kilns
Postojanata komora e vo vid na kupola iz- represented on the Corinthian pinakes have a
rabotena od skalesto naredeni nepe~eni tuli, domed upper structure. On the top it has an
ili, pak, od granki zategnati vo forma na lak opening, an exhaust vent for draught regula-
koi ja pretstavuvaat ramkata vrz koja se tion, which is closed with a tegula fragment
nalepuva glina. Na korintskite pinaksi gor- or some other larger vessel. Opening or clos-
nata konstrukcija kaj site pe~ki e kupolesto ing an exhaust vent influences firing condi-
re{ena. Na vrvot imaat otvor-oxak, so koj se tions, increasing or decreasing oxygen, that
regulira dovodot na kislorod, koj se zatvora is, regulating conditions of oxidation or
so fragment od tegula ili pogolem sad. Vo reduction, which influences the quality and
zavisnost od toa dali oxakot e otvoren ili color of the vessel. In the larger kilns, on the
zatvoren, se menuvaat uslovite na pe~ewe, so lateral wall there is a “door” with a small cir-
ili bez prisustvo na kislorod, odnosno cular spy-hole, to observe and control the
uslovi na oksidacija ili redukcija, {to, pak, burning process.
vlijae na kvalitetot i bojata na sadot. Kaj The most common question concerning the
pogolemite pe~ki na strani~niot yid na kupo- permanent upper structure is the manner of
lata ima "vrata# so mal kru`en otvor preku loading the vessels into the kiln. As I have
koj se kontrolira procesot na pe~ewe. already mentioned, on some of the pinakes, a
Kaj postojanite komori naj~esto postavu- “door” can be seen on the lateral wall of the
vano pra{awe e na~inot na redewe na sado- domed upper structure; it is placed at the
vite vo pe~kata. Kako {to ve}e navedov, na same level as the perforated oven floor or
nekoi od pinaksite se zabele`uva vrata na slightly above it. Through it, the vessels
strani~niot yid na komorata koja se nao|a na could be placed directly on the oven floor, but
visina na perforiraniot pod ili malku nad to load the kiln, the rest have to be placed
nego. Preku nea bi se postavile sadovite di- from above, through an opening at the top.
rektno na podot, no za da se napolni pe~kata This is why it is presumed that only the lower
ostanatite treba da se naredat odozgora, pre- half of the upper structure is permanent and
ku oxakot. Zaradi ova se pretpostavuva deka the uppermost part is built after the kiln is
samo dolnata polovina od kupolata e posto- filled with vessels. After the firing process is
jana, a gornata se doyiduva otkako pe~kata }e complete, the upper half would have to be
bide napolneta so sadovi. Po zavr{uvaweto demolished to extract the pottery. 12 This is
na pe~eweto gornata polovina bi moralo da most likely done in cases when large vessels
se iskr{i za da se izvadat sadovite.12 Ova are fired.

11 Cook R . M., 1984, 65; vakva gorna konstrukcija e 11 Cook R. M., 1984, 65; the same type of roof-
zabele`ana kaj rimskite pe~ki otkrieni vo V. Brita- ing is noticed on Roman kilns uncovered in Britain;
nija; svoeto mislewe go potvrduva i so eksperimentot the author confirms his opinion with the experi-
na Watson, kerami~ar od London, koj izvel uspe{na ment of Watson, a pottery craftsmen from London,
rekonstrukcija na procesot na pe~ewe vo kopija na edna who has done a successful reconstruction of the fir-
od ovie pe~ki. ing process in a replica of one of these kilns.
12 Cuomo Di Caprio N., 1984, 81. 12 Cuomo di Caprio N., 1984, 81;

Vardarski Rid

Sl. 12. Pe~ka vo s. Vrane{nica -

perforiran pod.
Fig. 12. Kiln in the village Vrane{nica -
perforated oven floor.

Concrete conclusions concerning the

height of the kilns cannot be drawn from the
depictions on the pinakes or painted vessels.
Most of them are small, as are the ones
uncovered on Vardarski Rid, but on one
Sl. 11. Pe~ka vo s. Vrane{nica. pinakes (Fig. 25-c) there is an image of the
Fig. 11. Kiln in the village Vrane{nica. potter standing on a ladder trying to reach the
top of the kiln. This suggests that the kiln
osobeno e slu~aj koga se pe~at golemi skla- might be two or three meters high. 13
di{ni sadovi. From all this we can come to the conclu-
Od slikanite pretstavi ne mo`e da se izve- sion that the upper kiln construction can be
dat konkretni zaklu~oci za visinata na pe~- made in two ways, probably dependant not
kite. Pove}eto se mali, kako i ovie na Var- only on the type and size of the kiln, but also
darski Rid, dodeka na eden pinaks (sl. 25-c) on the type of object to be fired.
pretstaven e kerami~arot ka~en na skala za da The kilns still used in present days confirm
go dosegne vrvot na pe~kata, {to zna~i deka e this conclusion. 14 The village of Vrane{nica,
visoka dva do tri metri.13 near Ki~evo, still represents one of the largest
Od napred iznesenoto, se zaklu~uva deka ceramic centers where the pottery craftsman-
gornata konstrukcija na pe~kite mo`e da se ship tradition has survived up to the present.
izvede na dvata navedeni na~ini, {to naj- The kilns which the potters of Vrane{nica
verojatno zavisi i od tipot i goleminata na use are built in pretty much the same manner
pe~kata, no i od vidot na predmetite koi se as the ancient ones, and basically the princi-
pe~at. ple of firing has remained the same. The fur-
Kon ovoj zaklu~ok se nadovrzuvaat i dene{- nace chamber is square on the outside and
nite pe~ki za keramika.14 Imeno, ki~evskoto round in the inside, and built of stones coat-
selo Vrane{nica s¢ u{te va`i za eden od naj- ed with mud. The vessels are placed on the
golemite kerami~arski centri vo koe e perforated oven floor and the upper construc-
zadr`ana tradicijata na grn~arskiot zanaet. tion is temporary. It is built of ceramic
Pe~kite vo koi majstorite od Vrane{nica gi wasters after the kiln is filled with pottery
pe~at sadovite se izgradeni na mnogu sli~en (Figs. 11, 12).
na~in kako i anti~kite, i vo osnova princi- Besides these, there are kilns with
pot na pe~ewe e ostanat ist. Lo`i{teto koe e rounded bases and domed upper structures.

13 Cuomo di Caprio N., 1984, 77, No. 5. 13 Cuomo di Caprio N., 1984, 77, No. 5.
14 Za informaciite i otstapenite fotografii 14 For the photographs and information I an indebt-
mu blagodaram na Gordan Nikolov, etnolog vo Muze- ed to Gordan Nikolov, ethnologist in the Museum of
jot na Makedonija. Macedonia.

Silvana Bla`evska - Pe~ki za keramika

izyidano od kamen oblepen so kal odnadvor

ima kvadratna, a odnatre kru`na forma. Sado-
vite se redat na perforiraniot pod, a gornata
konstrukcija koja e privremena se izveduva od
iskr{eni par~iwa keramika otkako pe~kata
}e se napolni so sadovi (sl. 11, 12).
Za razlika od ovie, se sre}avaat i pe~ki so
kru`na osnova i so kupolna gorna konstruk-
cija (sl. 13).15 Vo vakvite pe~ki sadovite se
redat preku "vratata# koja se nao|a na stra-
ni~niot yid na kupolata i odozgora preku
oxakot. So ogled na toa {to se prili~no
visoki, majstorot vleguva vnatre. Ovie mnogu
potsetuvaat na visokata pe~ka pretstavena na
pinaksot od Korint (sl. 25-c).
Od brojot na dosega otkrienite pe~ki za
keramika, mo`e da se zaklu~i deka vo pred- Sl. 13. Kupolna pe~ka vo Berovsko.
rimskiot grad na Vardarski Rid postoi Fig. 13. Domed Kiln in Berovo region.
silna lokalna kerami~na produkcija, vrza-
na prete`no za II vek pr. n.e. Tie se so (Fig. 13). 15 In this type of kiln the vessels
razli~na forma i razli~ni dimenziii. Kaj are loaded both through the “door” opening
site relativno dobro se za~uvani strani~- on the lateral wall of the kiln’s upper struc-
nite yidovi na lo`i{teto, kanalot za lo- ture and also from the chimney on the top.
`ewe i nosa~ot na re{etkata, no vo nieden Considering that the kilns are rather high, the
slu~aj ne e otkriena samata re{etka. Edin- potter gets inside. This type of kiln resem-
stven pokazatel za nea se tragite od pleter bles the tall kiln image from the Corinthian
otkrieni vo nekolku pe~ki. Ova posledno- pinakes (Fig. 25-c).
vo se odnesuva i na gornata konstrukcija za By the number of pottery kilns unearthed,
koja samo kaj pe~kata VIII ima nesigurni we can conclude that there was a strong local
indicii, i zasega }e se dr`ime do ve}e ceramic production in the pre-Roman town at
iznesenata konstatacija deka vo zavisnost Vardarski Rid, chiefly in the second century
od goleminata na pe~kata i nejzinata BC. The kilns all have different shapes and
konkretna namena za odreden vid predmeti, dimensions. They all had well preserved fur-
taa mo`e da bide privremena ili posto- nace chambers, stoking tunnels, and supports
jana. So ogled na toa {to vo niedna od niv for the perforated oven floors, which were not
ne se otkrieni naodi, ne bi mo`elo da se preserved in any of the kilns. The only indica-
izvede zaklu~ok za kakvi predmeti bile tion of the floors are traces of wattle and daub
nameneti, no sepak mo`e da se pretpostavi uncovered in several kilns. This also accounts
deka pomalite pe~ki slu`ele za pe~ewe na for the upper construction of which only Kiln
terakotni figurini. Potvrda za ova pret- VIII has uncertain indications. For now we will
stavuva `enskata terakotna pretstava stay with the conclusion that the kiln may have
otkriena vo pridru`niot objekt na pe~ka had a temporary or permanent upper construc-
VIII, i analizata na glinata na nekolku tion, depending on its size and use in firing cer-
terakoti otkrieni na Akropolata, koja go tain types of clay objects. Considering that
potvrduva nivnoto lokalno proizvod- there were no relevant finds in any of the kilns,
stvo.16 a conclusion about what kind of clay objects
Ovoj trud pretstavuva prezentacija na were fired cannot be drawn. However, we can
pe~kite za keramika otkrieni na Vardar- presume that the smaller kilns may have been
ski Rid, no, od druga strana, povlekuva i used for firing terracotta figurines. This pre-
mnogu drugi pra{awa povrzani so ovaa an- sumption is based on the female terracotta fig-
ti~ka tehnologija. Pred s¢, problemot na urine uncovered in the adjacent construction of
mestopolo`bata na pe~kite vo ramkite na Kiln VIII and the clay analysis of several terra-
objektite. So ogled na toa {to vo niv se cotta figurines uncovered on the Acropolis.16

15 Kupolnata pe~ka na sl. 22 se nao|a vo Berovo. 15 The domed shaped kiln on Fig. 22 is located in Berovo.
16 Analizite na glinata gi izvr{i d-r. Pere To{ev. 16 Clay analysis was done by Dr. Pere To{ev.

Vardarski Rid

postignuva temperatura od 800-900 ºC, lo- This article is a presentation of the pottery
gi~no e da se smesteni vo otvoreni tremovi kilns uncovered in Vardarski Rid, but touches on
ili sl. Na ova pra{awe }e se dade odgovor many other questions related to this ancient tech-
duri po detalnata analiza na objektite. nology, primarily the problem of placing kilns
Potoa, pra{awa koi se odnesuvaat na teh- within buildings, keeping in mind that kilns
nolo{kiot aspekt na samiot proces, po~nu- reached temperatures up to 800-900º C. It is logi-
vaj}i od podgotovkata na glinata, izvedu- cal to presume that they were placed on open
vaweto na sadovite, na~inot na podgotovka porches or someplace similar. This question can
na firnizot, pa s¢ do problemot na proce- only be answered after a detailed analysis of the
sot na pe~eweto i hemiskite promeni koi buildings themselves. Then questions concerning
se slu~uvaat so glinata i firnizot pri the technological aspect of the process itself, start-
nivnoto izlo`uvawe na visoka temperatu- ing with clay preparation, modeling of vessels,
ra vo pe~kite. Tuka spa|aat i utilitarnite glaze preparation, to the chemical changes of the
predmeti, kako i onie pridru`ni elementi clay and glaze during their exposure to high tem-
so pe~kite koi ovde se samo spomenati, a peratures in the firing process, can be dealt with.
koi verojatno }e bidat cel na nekoe sledno Also, the utilitarian objects as well as the adjacent
prou~uvawe. Od druga strana, otkrivaweto kiln constructions will be subject of some other
na idetitetot na lokalnite kerami~ari e article. Pottery production in the town is undeni-
u{te pogolem pridones vo obidot da se able, but discovering the identities of the local
rekonstruira ovaa anti~ka tehnologija, potters would be a greater step in our attempt to
koja pretstavuva zna~aen segment vo grad- reconstruct this ancient technology, which repre-
skata ekonomija. sents an important segment of the town economy.

Silvana Bla`evska
Museum of Macedonia,
]ur~iska bb, Skopje


Cuomo di Caprio N., 1984, Pottery Kilns on Pinakes from Korinth, Ancient Greek and Related
Pottery, Proceedings of the International Vase Symposium in Amsterdam,
72-82, Amsterdam.

Cook R. M., 1984, The Calke Wood Kiln, Ancient Greek and Related Pottery, Proceedings of
the International Vase Symposium in Amsterdam, 63-67, Amsterdam.

Husenovski B., 2004, Anti~kite moneti od Vardarski Rid, Gevgelija.

Mitrevski D., 2001, Staromakedonskiot grad na Vardarski Rid, Skopje.

Malenko V., 1978, Novi anti~ki naodi vo Ohrid i ohridsko, @A XXVIII, 339- 351,

Noble J. V., 1965, The Techniques of Painted Attic Pottery, New York.

Swan G. V., 1984, The Pottery Kilns of Roman Britain, Royal Commission on Historical
Monuments, Supplementary Series 5, London.

Silvana Bla`evska - Pe~ki za keramika

1 40 80 cm

Sl. 14. Pe~ka I.

Fig. 14. Kiln I.

Sl. 15. Pe~ka I -

pridru`en objekt
so otpadni jami.
Fig. 15. Kiln I - adjacent
structure with dump pits.

Kiln II

Kiln IV Kiln V

0 50 100 cm

Sl. 16. Pe~ka II - Kerami~arska rabotilnica.

Fig. 16. Kiln II - The Pottery Workshop.

Vardarski Rid

0 50 100 cm

Sl. 17. Pe~ka III - Kerami~arska rabotilnica.

Fig. 17. Kiln III - The Pottery Workshop.

0 50 100 cm

Sl. 18. Pe~ka IV - Kerami~arska rabotilnica.

Fig. 18. Kiln IV - The Pottery Workshop.

Silvana Bla`evska - Pe~ki za keramika

0 50 100 cm

Sl. 19. Pe~ka V - Kerami~arska rabotilnica.

Fig. 19. Kiln V - The Pottery Workshop.

0 50 100 cm

Sl. 20. Pe~ka VII - Rabotilnicata na Menek.

Fig. 20. Kiln VII - The Workshop of Menek.
Vardarski Rid

0 20 40 cm

Sl. 21. Pe~ka VIII - Rabotilnicata na Menek.

Fig. 21. Kiln VIII - The Workshop of Menek.

0 20 40 cm

Sl. 22. Pridru`en objekt vo Rabotilnicata na Menek.

Fig. 22. The adjacent structure in the Workshop of Menek.

Sl. 23. Pitos so sadovi-

vo Rabotilnicata na
Fig. 23. Pithos with vessels
in the Workshop of Menek.

Silvana Bla`evska - Pe~ki za keramika

0 20 40 cm

Sl. 24. Pe~ka XI - Ku}a so svetili{te.

Fig. 24. Kiln XI - The House with a Sanctuary.

a b

Sl. 25. Korintski pinaksi od Penteskufija

(spored N. Kuomo di Kaprio). d
Fig. 25. Corinthian pinakes from Penteskouphia
(according N. Cuomo di Caprio).


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