Assignment 3 Leadership Development Plan: BUSM4188 Tony N Nguyen Ngoc Trung Kim-S3741384

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Assignment 3

Leadership Development Plan

Course ID BUSM4188

Lecturer Tony N

Student Nguyen Ngoc Trung Kim-S3741384

Word counts 1513

Introduction 2
Diagnostic tools and Identification of strengths and weaknesses 2
Self-confidence 2
Team leadership skills 3
Emotional intelligence 4
Leadership development plan 5
Conclusion 6
References 6
Appendix 7
In this stage, my own leadership will be evaluated using self-assessing diagnostic
tests which are Self-confidence, Team leadership skill and Emotional Intelligence
respectively. I will firstly identify the strengths and weaknesses in my leadership
style. For the self-assessment task, I have chosen to concentrate on further
developing strengths and improving weakness after finishing the evaluation tests. To
achieve the goal, I will set the outlines and frame which are close to the SMART
(specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound) criteria.

Diagnostic tools and Identification of strengths and


Self-confidence is one of the basic leadership traits and important variety in leader
performance (Strang 2007; Hollenbeck & Hall 2004). According to Kirkpatric and
Locke (1991), self-confidence is a key factor in decision-making and gaining people’s
trust. In this test, I scored 61 out of a total of 75 points which places me in a high and
desirable level of self-confidence range (55-64). However, lacking experiences as a
leader, presenting and speaking in front of a group of people has challenged me. It is
a struggle when I have to speak clearly in the presentation as I cannot communicate
by using body language such as making eye contact and facial expression naturally
without detailed preparation and many times of practice.

Team leadership skills

For this test, I scored 12 out of 15 points of an effective Team Leadership criteria
indicating a good understanding of ingredients of an effective leader. I tend to observe
the situation and people before explaining the view in the way it fits to the situation and
will be understood. Moreover, from my perspectives, both virtual and face to face
communication have its pros and cons. While face to face communication brings
interaction, engagement and clarification; virtual communication is said to bring
convenience, flexibility and time-saving whenever the followers/teammates face any
challenges (Ocker 2001).

The 3 types of leadership developed by Lewin, Lippit and White (1939) are
participative, delegation and authoritarian. Autocratic leadership is valuable in the
situation in which the managers provide expectations of tasks for followers such as
how the work should be done, and train staff that lack skills and experience.
Participative leaders let people work in the process and decision making and
sometimes address the problems. Through analysing and results, I identify myself to
be more participative as there is no hesitation when I have to decide to delegate high
priority tasks for others. Based on the leadership skill test, my leadership style is
more participative which is said to be the most effective style (Morsidi et al. 2015).
I usually listen to the other’s suggestions or ideas as I know that it will improve me,
also help us to be involved and allow us to work as a team rather than doing work in
our own way. In my opinion, all of the team members should control and contribute
to the work so there will be more than one solution and perspective for the issue.

People with cultural intelligence (CQ) are good at communicating with diverse
groups as they have the ability to communicate and work with people from different
cultures under one roof. Earley and Ang (2003) indicate that CQ significantly impacts
job performance and it is a must for an effective leader to detect, match and act
appropriately in situations characterised by cultural diversity. More importantly,
lacking cultural understanding leads to unnecessary conflicts and unhealthy
relationships (Jyoti, Kour, and Bhau 2015). In particular, I still have some barriers
when talking to teammates from other countries and not truly connecting with them
as I am afraid of accidentally saying and behaving something wrong. Therefore, to
be effective in this situation, I need to increase my CQ and properly adjust
behaviours when interacting with those people.

Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, facilitate, understand and manage
emotions (Pool 2018). Pool (2018) states that emotional regulation will lead to the
better management of negative mood, greater resilience to stressful life events and
depression. For this test, four elements of my emotional intelligence are measured. I
scored 5 for self-awareness, 6 for self-management, 7 for social-awareness and 5
for relationship management. As for my strengths, self-management relates to
controlling disruptive emotions which can be explained that important decisions
should not be decided under the influence of negative emotions. Scoring 6 points for
this section made me realize that I rarely make decisions based on my emotions and
without consideration. This also shows the maintaining of honesty standards and
adaptability in changing situations. It is further indicated that my weaknesses are
self-awareness and relationship management. Self-awareness is the ability to read,
interpret and understand emotions, in company with managing work processes and
relationships. According to Lelaine (n.d.), self-awareness and relationship
management have mutual impacts as relationship management is defined to be the
ability to use your emotions of your own awareness and the others to manage
interactions. And by utilizing the strategies to improve self-awareness, self-
management and social-awareness will be able to develop relationship management
skills. Low scores in those sections show that it is hard to accept different opinions
and feedback when I am challenged. Honestly, in many situations, I cannot be open
to listen to people’ feedback and their emotions that people give to me. According to
Eurich (2018), this is examined as external self-awareness and the ones who can
show empathy well and take other’s perspective are claimed to have the ability to
know how the other sees. Hence, to improve my relationship management and self-
awareness (including internal and external factors), it is critical to understand both
my emotions and its impacts on others, seek feedback from friends, and respect
teammates' views and their feedback; moreover, taking advantages of the conflicts
within group project as an opportunity to build relationship

Leadership development plan

In a nutshell, after completing the test and above analysis, I have identified 2
weaknesses which are inability to manage relationships and lacking self-confidence
that results in low self-awareness. Then I have come up with a plan that measures
and establishes specific goals that can be achieved within a timeframe.

Goal Strengths/ Activity Timeframe Measurement


Self-confidence: Strengths: - Reading script/speech out A period of 3 - Rate the level of

Improving - Enhancing loud months anxiety from the
presenting and communication skills -Be active in the class and beginning
speaking skills - Reducing nervousness volunteer to present the (recording/filming)
and anxiety body part of the group and compare it to
presentation the later results
Weakness: - Watching TED talks which
- A lot of effort to has various topics and - Get a score of the
overcome the fear of clear subtitle to follow test higher than 61
speaking - Practicing to present in
- Slow moving front of small group then
move to larger group

Enhancing self- Strengths: - Take feedback well from Depending on - Recheck

awareness and - Opportunity to improve your teammates and the length of surrounding
relationship and learn friends opportunities, relationships
management by - Building social - Face the situation head should to be a - Journey of
understanding self connections with on using self-awareness, long emotions:
emotions and others self-management and timeframe, comparing the
building strong - Exploring healthy social-awareness normally 6 to emotions from the
personal bond behaviours strategies 12 months beginning to the
- Receiving and listening later completion
Weaknesses: what people offer, - Redo the
- Can be uncomfortable definitely need to take emotions test and
and painful at first consideration and take compare the
when experiencing conflicts as opportunities results
others’ emotions to build relationships
- Have to interact with - Taking part in internship
inevitable individuals opportunities in which
work environment, I will
have chance to interact
with individuals
- Joining networking event
that support people’s
connection monthly

Be active in Strengths: - Establishing strong 2 months or

working with - Recognizing relationship with more less as
culturally diverse perspectives from people from different
with team member culturally diverse culture
member - Share your own culture
background with peers,
connect with own faith
while learning and
embracing the culture of
- Adjusting behaviours
while interacting with
these groups
- Ask, don’t assume; listen,
don’t judge

Apart from the plan, I have a feedback checklist which is used to gather feedback
from peers when I want to conduct the plan

Yes No Unclear
Are the goals set out clear and achievable?

Are the activities set out clear?

Are the goals brought into line strengths and weaknesses set?

Are the activities brought into line strengths and weaknesses set?

Is the time frame reasonable?

Are the measurements reasonable?

Is the development plan appropriate and clear overall?

This assignment has taught me countless lessons in a short period of time. I
understand criteria and effective standards that a leader adopts. Furthermore,
through the diagnostic tools and what I accessed from Mr. Linh’s aspects in the
previous assignment, I reflect on my own leadership and expose my strong points
and drawbacks, a future leadership development based plan has been established.
Additionally, I am able to partly understand who I am, how I am going to change and
what I should do to make myself better and to take control of aspects of my life.

Earley, P.C & Ang, S 2003, Cultural Intelligence: Individual interactions across
cultures, Stanford University Press, pp. 220 - 300.

Eurich, T 2018, What Self-Awareness Really Is (and How to Cultivate It), Harvard
Business Review, 04 January, viewed 22 May 2021, ,<

Hollenbeck, G.P & Hall, D.T 2004, ‘Self-confidence and Leader Performance’,
Organizational Dynamics, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 254–269.

Jyoti, J., Kour, S. & Bhau, S., 2015, ‘Assessing the impact of cultural intelligence on
job performance: Role of cross-cultural adaptability’, Journal of IMS Group, vol. 12,
no. 1, pp. 23 - 33.

Lelaine, R n.d, ‘Relationship Management an Emotional Intelligence Imperative’,

One Clear Message, viewed 20 May 2021,
Lewin, K., Lippitt, R. & White, R.K., 1939, ‘Patterns of aggressive behavior in
experimentally created “social climates”’, The Journal of social psychology, vol. 10,
no. 2, pp. 269 - 299.

Morsidi, N.M.H., Sian, K.J., Shahrill, M. & Abdullah, N.A., 2015, ‘Cultivating
leadership into secondary mathematics classrooms: Putting belief into practice’,
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Science, pp. 248 - 256.

Ocker, R.J 2001, ‘The relationship between interaction, group development, and
outcome: a study of virtual communication’, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii
International Conference, System Sciences, pp. 10.

Pool, L.D 2018, An introduction to Emotional Intelligence, University of Lancashire,

Lancashire, UK.

Strang, K.D 2007, ‘Examining effective technology project leadership traits and
behaviors’, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 424 - 462.

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