Vocabulario Eilts

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1. The premiere on Monday is sold out.

2. The stores are sometimes sold out of certain groceries.

3. She's all wrapped up warm with this big old coat on.
4. Wrap up warm from top to toe, from chic hats to sturdy boots.

5. The park was littered with bottles and cans after the concert.
6. The streets were littered with smashed vehicles and glass.

7. The bathroom's on the right if you'd like to freshen up.

8. I splashed some water on my face to freshen up.

9. The bright green letters really stand out on the page.

10. She always stood out in a crowd.

11. Land sticking out into the water.

12. The children were so thin their ribs stuck out.

13. They adored him and looked up to him.

14. I’ve always looked up to Bill for his courage and determination.

15. Many smaller local hospitals are being run down.

16. You’re always running him down.

17. I can put up with the noise during the day, but not at night.
18. We'd been unhappy for years, but I put up with it for the sake of the kids.
19. If the shirt doesn’t fit, take it back.
20. If I buy something and he doesn't like it, I'll take it back.

21. The old house blends in perfectly with the countryside.

22. I don’t like to wear flashy clothes. I prefer to blend in.

23. I'll stay in my pajamas, slip on my kimono and head downstairs to make a cup of coffee.
24. The leather slip-ons were an old, comfortable pair.

25. Li blends right into the crowd of teenagers. Only his accent sets him apart.
26. Man’s ability to reason sets him apart from other animals.

1. We made a quick pit stop in Denver before continuing our journey.
2. Most of the girls make a pit stop there along the way.

3. I’m busy now, but can I take a rain check on that cup of coffee?
4. John can’t go with us; so he asked for a rain check.

5. He really knocked it out the park with his portrayal of a sick patient.
6. I am sure you are going to knock it out the park.

7. You can’t stay on the sidelines for ever; it’s time you got involved.
8. You can't just wait on the sidelines and hope things will improve.

9. She quarterbacked the new sales campaign.

10. The role of a financial adviser is to quarterback the sale of bonds.

11. Parents are already stressed trying to cover the bases at home and at work.
12. I think I’ve covered all the bases – I called everyone, ordered the food , and bought some

13. The DEA and the Justice Department put a full-court press on the drug barons.
14. It also marked the start of a full-court press on the federal government.

15. He took over the team when it became obvious no one else was going to step up to the
16. In this crisis, we all need to step up to the plate and make a difference.

17. Did she say she’d go out with you?’ ‘No, I struck out.
18. I was beginning to feel I wanted to strike out on my own.

19. Every so often life will throw you a curveball.

20. New technologies have thrown a curveball at conventional risk assessment.
1. Guess who I ran into yesterday?
2. I ran into Peter at the supermarket.

3. It was nice to catch up with Peter.

4. I had to play catch-up after being away from work on sick leave.

5. Please, keep me posted.

6. I’ll keep you posted on what’s happening on Friday’s nights.

7. I love hanging out with my friends.

8. We can just hang out and have a good time.

9. I’m hungry. Want to grab a bite?

10. Let’s just grab a bite before the movie starts.

1. Enjoy ready meals because I am very busy and I always can find a 7-eleven to heat.
2. I enjoy having a slap-up meal after a long stressful day because it makes me feel so happy
and satisfied.
3. When I work hard, I like to treat myself to a gourmet meal of my favorite food. /ˈɡʊr.meɪ/
4. I try to have a home-cooked meal with my family at least once a week.
5. I think Indian cuisine is fit for a king. /kwɪˈziːn/
6. I enjoy eating poultry, I like to eat chicken and turkey and duck. /ˈpoʊl.tri/

1. I was at work all day and I really worked up an appetite. /ˈæp.ə.taɪt/: abrir el apetito
2. Most women like to be wined and dined on the first few dates. To eat wine and dine.
3. I scarf the pizza down so quickly it was gone before I blinked.
4. I tucked into a meal so quickly that I was done before a minute.
5. I really have a sweet tooth so I like to eat sweet food.
6. Sometimes adults are also fussy eaters.
7. They don't eat gluten because it makes them sick. /ˈɡluː.t̬ən/
1. My city is a vibrant cosmopolitan city.
2. Many urban areas have severe pollution problems. /ˈɝː.bən/
3. The flower market was bustling with shoppers. /ˈbʌsəlɪŋ/
4. The city’s lively nightlife. /ˈlaɪvli/
5. My life is so hectic that home has to be a tranquil place. /ˈhektɪk/: agitado
6. We also have a very vibrant nightlife. /ˈvaɪbrənt/
7. The sprawling city contained some 4m people./ˈsprɔːlɪŋ/: En crecimiento rápido
8. The cafe's decor is clean and contemporary. /kənˈtempərəri/
9. The Statue of Liberty is a major tourist attraction. /ˈtʊərɪst/

1. The rural poor of the world are flocking to the cities. /ˈrʊərəl/
2. A run-down housing estate. Descuidado
3. A quaint little village. /kweɪnt/ /ˈvɪlɪdʒ/ : Antiguo pero atractivo
4. A close-knit family/community. : Muy unido.
5. They live on the outskirts of Paris. /ˈaʊtˌskɜrts/
6. I grew up in the suburbs. /ˈsʌbɜrb/
7. A picturesque cottage on the edge of the Yorkshire Moors. /ˌpɪk·tʃərˈesk/

8. There are too many high-rise buildings here.: torres de apartamentos/oficinas

9. He is sitting at a table of a pavement café, a tiny cup of coffee.
10. Many garment exporters want to move upmarket.: de categoría; muy costoso
11. There is a pedestrianized shopping area with all your favorite chain stores.
12. A temporary pop-up store often appears.

Travel & Holidays.

1. While I'm travelling, my favourite types of accommodation are hotels.

2. He lost his job yesterday. Now it’s all holiday for him.
3. I've never thought that hotels with all-inclusive service are so comfortable!
4. John and Lily liked their tour with half-board service. They spent breakfasts and dinners.
5. Mary thinks that self-catering is neither pleasant nor efficient.
6. If you book your plane tickets in advance, they will be much cheaper.
7. I’ve seen many breathtaking views during my journey to Paris.
8. Unfortunately, many people spend a busman’s holiday nowadays.
9. Due to our modest budget, we had to take a charter-flight.
10. I’ll meet you at the check-in desk.
11. Australia is a far-off destination; nonetheless, I want to visit it.
12. After I passed my exams, I wanted to get away from it all for at least a couple of days.
13. Unlike my brother, I prefer to go off the beaten track.
14. I’m heading for France for my next holidays.
15. Last year me and my family had a holiday of a lifetime in Italy.
16. Hordes of tourist can be seen during summer near the city park.
17. My grand-mother lives in the middle of nowhere, but she loves her old little village.
18. My sister bought some amazing local crafts on her trip to India.
19. I decided to go on a journey with my friends out of season.
20. We bought a cheap package tour to Italy and stayed in a big hotel by the sea.
21. Stunning landscapes are only one of many reasons why I want to visit Africa.
22. When I'm in a small town I prefer to travel on foot.
23. We've visited many tourists traps lately.
24. I’d love to go on a wildlife safari sometime.
25. During our trip, we stayed in a hostel, because we didn’t have enough money for a hotel.
26. This part of town has a lot of amenities – good shops, parks etc.

1. Steve and Noah are always together, they definitely enjoy each other’s company.
2. A lot of John's friends turned out to be fair-weather friends(old?). They were with him
when he was rich and left him when he went bankrupt.
3. I plan to get in touch with my friends when I return home.
4. Her parents are the only people who are near and dear to her.
5. It’s good to always have a shoulder to cry on.
6. Your parents are married for 15 years, they must have been through thick and thin(No
noun) together.
7. They are well matched.
8. It is hard to believe that Jacob and Sarah broke up. They were dating since high school.
9. As years went by, school friends drifted apart.
10. They were childhood friends, and he fell for her!
11. He left the party after falling out with his girlfriend.
12. I like my new roommate! We have many same interests and get on like a house on fire.
(Relationship)… The same personality
13. I'm an outgoing person and I easily get on well with new people.
14. I thought Jenna was selfish until I got to know her and understood her real character.
15. Joe owes his fast career growth to his friends in high places.
16. I could not imagine that Laura will hit it off with Dylan! They are so different.
17. I lost touch with Mary since she moved to Canada.
18. I think it's better to live in a big city, but my brother doesn't see eye to eye with me about
19. I feel awkward when I strike up a conversation with unknown people.
20. We're friends for almost 30 years! Surely we've had our ups and downs.


1. Living in a computer age has many benefits.

2. Mike is a computer buff. He got an A+ on his programming exam.
3. About 60% of IT specialists are affected by computer fatigue.
4. Cutting-edge technology.
5. I have an old desktop PC that I use for surfing the net when I’m home.
6. Being good at digital editing is essential in our time.
7. Yesterday I downloaded a few films that I plan to watch during the weekends.
8. Internet is an essential piece of technology for many people.
9. Nowadays almost everybody owns a gadget.
10. My friend is a real geek. He owns a bunch of computers and other gadgets.
11. She told me to hold the line, because she had to open the door.
12. A few days ago, I decided to renew my computer, so I bought a large screen for it.
13. Modern computers are light years ahead of those, which people used in 90s.
14. Paul's new laptop is on the cutting edge of technology.
15. I chose to buy a laptop, which is based on the Windows operating system.
16. Due to today's intense workday I am out of steam, so I won’t be able to work tomorrow.
17. Biology is a rocket science for me. I don’t understand anything in it.
18. My brother sent an attachment with his homework to the professor.
19. Uncle Bob is a silver surfer. He uses the Internet every day, although he’s almost 70.
20. Facebook is the biggest social media in the world.
21. I find watching football time-consuming and inefficient.
22. John accessed his email today to see if he had received any letters.
23. I had to back up files on my computer, because I was going to reinstall my operating
24. A lot of teenagers are stuck behind their computers all day.
25. I booted up my computer as soon as I got home.
26. I spent a few hours browsing the websites today, until I found was I was looking for.
27. My computer crashed when I was writing my essay.
28. Millions of people go online every day.
29. Navigating a website is not very easy, especially if the website is poorly designed.
30. After being stuck behind a computer all day, I decided to pull the plug.
31. I became so angry because he pushed my buttons by adding pepper to my ice cream!
32. I was surfing the web yesterday for three hours, because I had nothing else to do.
33. Thanks to the new program for students, I upgraded my computer for free.
34. My computer, despite being 7 years old, is still a well-oiled machine.
35. Our university has a Wi-Fi hotspot. It is very convenient.
36. We have installed a wireless network at home.
37. There are tons of word processing programs.

1. Chloe excels in humanities subjects. She's adept at arts and languages.

2. Mark doesn't like scientific subjects, he's just too lazy to learn formulas.

3. Although I'm not the smartest in my group, I often get an A for effort, because I try hard.

4. I will receive my bachelor's degree in two years.

5. I'm a real bookworm. I won't stop until the book is read.

6. Distance learning is more flexible than traditional education.

7. My friend is an eager beaver. He studies everything with pleasure and gets great marks.

8. When I was a kid, face-to-face classes had no alternatives.

9. I plan to get higher education after finishing school.

10. I'm on my third year in the university, it is time to finally hit the books.

11. Individual tuition is sometimes more effective than group work.

12. A few years ago I took an intensive French course in the university.

13. Before I went into design industry, I took an internship in a company.

14. Nowadays it's not uncommon to face a mature student in the class. /məˈtʃʊər/

15. Maybe John isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he's a good friend nonetheless.

16. Sam made a schoolboy error on his English test.

17. My brother studied in a single-sex school.

18. A small fraction of students managed to pass this exam.

19. It is hard to find a good state school nowadays.

20. My math teacher was a real subject specialist. Thanks to him math is my favourite subject


21. Hugo is a teacher's pet; he gets good marks with poor knowledge.

22. Pupils in a primary school study the three R's (reading, writing, arithmetic). /əˈrɪθ.mə.tɪk/
23. Mary was ill for two weeks, so she fell behind with her studies.

24. Sometimes I like to goof around, although my parents scold me for that.

25. Unfortunately, we weren't able to meet the deadline for our project.

26. I'm studying hard and I will pass IELTS with flying colours.

27. During my school years I often played truant with my friends.

28. I need to set aside some time to collect my thoughts.

29. I had to pay tuition fees this summer.

Describe books and films
1. My brother loves action-packed movies. Probably that's why his favourite film is

2. "Harry Potter" series by Joanne Rowling are so addictive! I couldn't stop after the first
book and read all volumes.

3. Noah finds Stephen King's stories creepy.

4. I can't stand dramas, thrillers and other dreary movies. /ˈdrɪər·i/

5. Comedies are very entertaining.

6. "Star Wars" movie is futuristic and dynamic.

7. When my aunt watched "Titanic" she cried all day! It's such a heartbreaking film.

8. The play's plot was very intense. Just a minute after a couple had a quarrel in the forest;
the secret lover appeared and started a fire-fight.

9. My sister is very emotional. I would rather watch a comedy with her than a tear-jerking
10. Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451" is deeply thought-provoking. I had to rethink my
attitude to legislation and censorship after I read it.

11. Last week I saw a great action movie with my brother at our local movie theatre.

12. I'm really addicted to books! I can't even fall asleep without an hour of bedtime reading.

13. The new movie might be a box office hit, but I didn't like it at all.

14. My e-reader broke a few days ago, so now I'll need to fix it or buy a new one.

15. I am a slow reader so it takes me a lot of time to read a book from cover to cover.

16. My friend gave me a hardcover book as a present for my birthday.

17. My sister recommended me a great book. It was such a page-turner that I read it in one

18. The famous Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" has a very intricate plot. /ˈɪntrəkət/
19. The book involves many subordinate plots that raise questions about physical and
spiritual affinity. /səˈbɔr·dən·ət/

20. The movie's plot was threadbare, but cutely disarming in its own way./ ˈθrɛdˌbɛr /

21. The plot unravelled in a very unpredicted way. /ənˈrævəld/

22. We need to hurry up if we want to catch the latest movie.

23. I flicked through my notes to prepare for the exam, as didn't have time to study properly.

24. I live in this city for my whole life and I know it like a book.

25. Tom saw us in the different corners of the classroom and read everything between the
lines. He's very discerning. (ir más al detalle:encontrar un 2nd significado, de que está

1. My dad is fond of classical music, that’s my father’ music genre.

2. I heard a catchy song the other day and now it's stuck in my head.

3. Yesterday I heard a very annoying elevator music in the local supermarket. (Simple;

relaxing; generic)

4. I can’t stand is the canned music.

5. I prefer listening to a live music than to a recording.

6. When my teacher told me that I got the highest mark in the class for the assignment, it

was like music to my ears.

7. I heard a tuneful choir of birds yesterday morning.

8. If you commit a crime, eventually, you'll have to face the music. (No es tan fuerte como


9. Little children often sound like a broken record and it annoys most people.
10. I realised that I hit a false note on the exam when I received a 0 mark afterwards.(Make a


11. She’s lead singer in a rock band, her brothers plays lead guitar.

12. My family all have different tastes in music.

1. Active rest between lessons helps children to study more effectively.

2. The 9-lane running track is equipped to cope with competitions of all levels.

3. After training for seven years, he blew the baseball competition away.

4. John was very skinny five year ago, but now he has built muscle and looks really strong.

5. Today I've ran 100m in 12 seconds! That is my personal best.

6. It's much easier to train with a sports coach than alone.

7. I chose this gym because it offers a wide range of sports facilities.

8. It is recommended to drink a lot of water after strenuous exercises. /ˈstrenjʊəs/

9. I'm keen on cycling.

10. Lily hasn't been training for years, she is out of condition now.

11. Paul started training in gym because he wanted to get into shape.

12. I practise dancing to keep fit.

13. I took up dancing last week.

14. Good treadmills provide an indoor workout experience as natural as the outdoors.


15. I learned swimming by trial-and-error method, trying different moves until I figured out

how to float on water.

16. Jogging is also a great way to burn calories.

17. You don’t have to be excessively sporty to do it.

18. Exercise can also speed up your metabolism.

19. The most efficient forms of cardiovascular exercise is running or fast walking./ kɑːdɪəʊ

ˈvæskjʊləʳ /


1. The last summer was boiling hot, the average temperature reached 40 degrees!

2. The weather in my country is mild in spring.

3. It's chilly today, so I think you should wear a coat.

4. It was freezing cold and I decided to stay home.

5. In the autumn, the average temperature here is 15 degrees Celsius

6. The temperature often goes below zero in the winter.

7. Personally, I don’t like gloomy weather. It makes me feel depressed.

8. After a long rain, it finally cleared up.

9. I forgot to take an umbrella and was drenched in the rain.

10. It often drizzles in the morning.

11. I like rainy weather. When it pours down, we sit at home with my family.

12. In my country, the climate is generally cold and humid.

13. In the winter, my family and I go skiing to the snow-covered hills of Switzerland.

14. After the hail, we found hailstones that were the size of golf balls!

15. In my hometown, it’s very windy in the winter. Though the temperature rarely goes below

zero, with wind chill factor it feels like minus 10!

16. It’s often boiling hot in my city in the summer and a lot of people suffer from heat stroke.

17. In my country the weather is very changeable, periods of hot weather can be followed by

heavy rains or even snowstorms!

18. My town is so polluted that I don’t see stars at night because of thick smog!

19. Although the forecasts predicted a mild winter, the January was freezing cold.

1. Due to the opening of a new factory nearby, the air quality here went down.

2. Nowadays, we suffer the loss of bio-diversity.

3. White rhinos are endangered species. There are only five white rhinos left in the world.

4. I try to use only environmentally friendly goods in order to preserve the nature.

5. I bought an electric car to avoid producing exhaust fumes when I drive.

6. Gas is one of the most well-known fossil fuels.

7. Global warming is a very serious problem that our society is dealing with.

8. Greenhouse effect causes global warming.

9. Melting of glaciers increases the sea-level.

10. I experienced a natural disaster in the form of an earthquake last year.

11. It was found that paper recycling causes 35% less water pollution and 74% less air

pollution than making virgin paper.

12. Poaching is considered a violation of hunting rules and impedes wildlife conservation.

13. Many factories in my city dump toxic waste into rivers and lakes.

14. Dinosaurs became extinct may centuries ago.

15. White Rhinos are under the threat of becoming extinct.

16. The small river in my hometown dried up this summer due to the enormous heat.
17. My friend decided to leave his boring job and move to the countryside to get back to


18. He suggested that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere formed a heat trap.

19. Hazardous waste is collected by authorized companies for recycling.

20. Melting of the polar ice caps, together with the rise in the temperature of the sea.


1. My friend used to be an addict, but thankfully, he's healthy now.

2. I felt ill for a few days, so I went for a check-up.

3. My friend Rob needs to use inhaler every day, because he has chronic asthma.

4. After an accident, Jim developed an impediment - he stutters.

5. There was a large epidemic in South Africa in 20th century. It took away millions of lives.

6. I had to take the painkillers last night, because I couldn't handle the pain.

7. After talking to a doctor, Jim decided to go to a rehab.

8. Although Nick had a very rare disease, his doctor managed to diagnose it correctly.

9. My grandma is almost 90 but she's still alive and kicking.

10. I was a drug addict, but a managed to break this habit.

11. I blacked out before my final exam, because I was too worried about it.

12. Mary won't be at work todays, she's a bit under the weather.

13. I had to phone in sick last week, because I caught a flu.

14. Paul caught a flu a few days ago and now he's sick as a dog.

15. John looks sick. Look at him! He's white as a sheet.


If you live with your extended family they can help to look after the children. (The great-ones)—
Immediate family

A nuclear family is merely a couple and their children, as opposed to an “extended” family

Everyone has a way to bring up their child.

Some people believe that it is not good for children to grow up in a single-parent household.

My partner and I are having a trial separation. Hopefully we can sort things out. (To be separated)

My dependants will be well-looked after when I die as I have left a lot of money to them in my will.

His father was very authoritarian and he used to scare me quite a lot.

One of the reasons for the falling number of births in developing countries is birth control.
Medical clinics often distribute free contraception.(medical one… Birth…American)

The birth rate has been falling in many countries.

Her parents raised her very well, as she is now a very kind and considerate young woman.

There is no doubt that there are factors external to the family that significantly impact on a child's

Social services will intervene if a child has been neglected.

The child comes from a very dysfunctional family. The father was violent and is now in prison and
the mother has a drugs problem.

The most important factor leading to a fulfilled and happy life for a child is emotional security.

If things go wrong for someone in their formative years(development years), it can have an
impact on their adult life.

They have decided to become foster parents. (Nada que ver con los que los cuidan)

Children who have had overprotective parents do not build up a strong character to deal with the
outside world on their own.

Children who are given everything that they demand from their parents may become very spoiled.

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