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Gabriela Rendon


November 15, 2021

Post Mortem Care

 Copyright information
 Nurses Role (interventions)
o Shroud Kit
 Explain the process and the reason behind what you are about to do (postmortem care) to the
o They need to understand
o Make sure they understand and have them ask Qs
 Dignity/sensitivity must be kept
 Must relate to the patient’s religion practice or cultural background
 Do it asap
o To not disfigure/damage the tissue/body
 Make sure the designated team member established the time of death, and if they request an
 Time of death on death certificate
 1st person consent -> donate life registry or if the DPOA gave permission
 Receive permission for autopsy/obtain death certificate
 Main concern is the patient’s family
 Nurses can grieve too, seek help
o Nonlinear process
 Ways to let go: write a letter of condolences to the family, attend funeral service, seek support
from colleagues, stress mgmt./professional counseling
 Manage stress: meditation
 Normal to have an emotional attachment with patients
 Prepping the body
o Identify cultural/religious belief
o Ask family members if theyd like to help or want to
 Family viewing
o Maintain privacy
o Shave facial hair
o Remove all tubes/dirty linens UNLESS IT IS A CORONER CASE
 Family viewing
o Remove personal belongings/give to family members
o Clean body/align anatomically on pillow
o Fresh linens and gown
o Brush/arrange hair
o Remove all tubes
o Provide denture care
o Position sheet below chin/arms out
o Remove excess equipment rom room
o Calm environment
o Dim lights
 Allow family to visit
 Clarift who takes the pts belonging
 After viewing the body
o Apply name tags
o Wrist
o Respect
 Newborns
o Swaddle body in clean blanket
 ID BRACELET, footprints, lock of hair, photos, cord clamp
o Transport in nurses arms/infant carrier
 Special consideration
o Maintain ventilatory/cardio support for organ retrieval
o Any concerns/process must be kept in private
 Autopsy
o Physician explains to family
 Documentation
o Who pronounced death/the time of death
o Organ donor (y/n)
o What was done to the personal items
o Who provided postmortem care
o Therapies done before death
o Preparing body for viewing
o Personal articles left on body
o Appearance/condition of skin during preparation of body
o Actions taken to secure valuables/name of who received them

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