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Nick Burton, Rinta Kubo, Tiffney Ancil, Andrew Dollins, Emma Scholl

Morgan Allison

GS 12001-003

October 2, 2021
Networking is the art of interacting with others to learn new information, and create new

professional and social contacts. There are many benefits that come with networking. According

to The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, having close relationships and having social

support serves as a buffer against depression and mental health problems, and according to

Social Networks, an article written by M. S. Granovetter, keeping in touch with others who are

not close to you can be a source of information and also provide opportunities for growth, career,

relationships, and more. During college, it is important to develop networking skills as you never

know who you are gonna meet and what opportunities they could present you with. It is also

important to stay involved and up to date on any networking events and take advantage of every

opportunity that you can while in college. Purdue can foster great connections in your major or

future career path but you need to take advantage of said opportunities.

One example of how to network can be seen with Purdue student Katherine Petts. In her

field of music, Katherine has to use a variety of networking techniques in order to succeed in her

field of music. She has the opportunity to network with different artists and their crew by driving

them around to wherever they need to be. Katherine now works as a production intern with the

Purdue Convocations. Her job there is to assist different artists with whatever they need. She

uses this opportunity to network with different crew and managers. Jackie Christon is another

student who has developed networks at Purdue and is majoring in organizational leadership.

Christon was a member of Purdue’s Civic Engagement and leadership club where she would

connect students with community resources, which allowed her to begin establishing connections

in a field related to her major, she even stated “I learned to love that place. They have been like a

family to me.” She was also the president of the AfroRoyale dance troupe where she strived to

bring all ethnicities together to promote African culture, unity, and fellowship through dance.
Through the AfroRoyale dance troupe Christon would develop connections with African

American associations from other universities, saying “learning about that culture through dance

itself was really ‘at home’ for me.”

The process of networking is one of the easiest to get started. One of the best ways to

create these networks is throughout different internships. Not only do they give you the

opportunity for hands-on job experience, you also get to meet a variety of different people that

work with the company. Even if you find yourself trapped on campus, Purdue offers many

different resources and events to help create new networks. One of these resources is Purdue’s

Center for Career Opportunities. This facility gives people the opportunity to research different

jobs and internships. It also gives you different dates for career fairs, where you can meet and

talk to people from different companies, allowing you to create new networks. This event takes

place from Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm. Another event Purdue offers is Speed Networking.

This is an upcoming virtual event that will allow people to speak to Purdue alumni. The event

will take place on June 23 from 7-8pm. Another event that Purdue has weekly are the virtual

Spanish conversation tables. You can go in person to the Latino Cultural Center, but if it is closed

they offer virtual sessions online on zoom Wednesday’s at 6pm. This allows you to be able to

practice your Spanish with those fluent in the language. Be sure to continue to check Purdue’s

website for any upcoming networking opportunities. Our pillar is Networking, which refers to

the interactions between two people to learn new information, and build new professional and

social relationships. According to The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, networking can

help reduce a student's risk for depression and other mental health issues. Furthermore,

networking can help facilitate personal growth and help a student develop better professional and

academic habits, along with other benefits.

Purdue has many resources that support students and help facilitate networking skills,

including the many clubs and campus sponsored events that allow students to meet other students

and even graduates where they can feel ‘at home’ and comfortable while also enjoying their time

and learning new things. Another resource that students can use to help them network on campus

are career fairs, these activities happen frequently at Purdue and can be accessed and attended

easily either online or in person. They can help students learn about their or other majors and

form network connections with alumni and companies which can open up potential post graduate

career opportunities. This pillar is not only important for making your time spent at Purdue more

comfortable, but it will also help you form long term bonds with friends or associates that may

last for years, it can also help you find more career opportunities down the line.

One of the components of Chickering’s theory of development is developing autonomy.

This relates to our pillar of networking as in order to network you are going to have to seek out

these opportunities yourself. When it comes to networking, you really have to put yourself out

there. Nobody is there guiding you on who to talk to and when. In order to network you are

going to need to develop your own schedule. Being punctual for networking opportunities is

crucial. In order to begin networking it is going to take some confidence. It may seem awkward

to put yourself out there and reach out to successful people. A strong sense of self is needed to be

able to in a way advertise yourself for future opportunities and employers, this is where a strong

sense of identity would also be an important component. It is important to be able to be

independent and seek out and coordinate opportunities for yourself.

Another component of Chickering’s theory is managing emotions. Networking can be

stressful, and when you are putting yourself out there you are also taking the chance of being

rejected for an opportunity. Nobody is entitled to someone else's time, professional people have
busy schedules and may not want to meet with every person who is trying to network. It’s

necessary to have the ability to accept potential rejection, and accept it in a positive manner.

Impressions are very important when it comes to networking and having a bad attitude

will stop you from getting opportunities. Perhaps the most important component pertaining to

networking is freeing interpersonal relationships. Being able to connect well with people is the

key to networking. Establishing connections with people and mutually helping each other is what

networking is all about. To be someone who is successful at networking you have to be someone

who is able to make friendships and professional connections with all different kinds of people.

Being kind and respectful and outgoing will get you far, how you carry yourself will make or

break how these opportunities will go for you. It’s important to present your best self when you

are at networking events, while still being true to yourself of course.

Developing competence will also help you, networking should become a mutual

exchange. Both parties should be gaining something from the experience of networking. Having

developed skills in a specific field will go a long way, having a valuable skill to offer those you

are trying to network with is key. That way you are able to exchange information,skills, or

resources. Developing integrity is also an important part of the process. Being a person with

strong morals and values, someone who is trustworthy, will make it more likely for others to

want to do business with you. Being known as an honest and trustworthy person can help you

develop connections with more people.

Lastly, you must have a developing purpose. You have to know what you want out of an

opportunity and how you plan to get it. Setting goals, even small ones, is very helpful in this

process. Starting off with an overarching goal and slowly completing smaller goals until you

complete the biggest one. An example would be thinking of a dream person, company, or job
you’d wanna work for. Though you won’t be able to meet with the dream person right away, you

could work your way up. Maybe working with someone who knows them or has worked for

them first or perhaps taking small opportunities building up a resume to eventually go work for

them. Having an established purpose will motivate you in each decision you make in the

networking process. By applying all of Chickering’s theory you will be able to present yourself

best for all your future networking opportunities.

According to the Purdue Office of Graduate Diversity initiatives “Purdue University is

home to many cultural centers, resources, and networks designed to foster a diverse, inclusive

environment and enable graduate students to thrive. You are cordially invited to explore our wide

array of cultural centers, get to know our welcoming campus community, and see how graduate

students find their home away from home.” (Purdue Office of Graduate Diversity initiatives)

Cultural Centers provide a place for students to interact with other students, professors, and

alumni which helps students build on their social network. The cultural centers on Purdue

campus align with multiple of Chickering’s vectors, including developing mature interpersonal

relationships which comes with meeting and establishing relationships with people from

different backgrounds, establishing Identity which is supported by recognizing and engaging

with cultural diversity in your community, and developing purpose can come with recognizing

and understanding your own cultural identity.

In order to set yourself up best to begin the process of marketing you are going to need to

have confidence within yourself and your abilities. In order to have confidence you need to make

sure you are taking care of your mental health. Purdue has many great resources to help you deal

with your mental health from stressors in school to resources to help deal with mental illness.

Your mental health may not be something you think of when it comes to networking, but in order
to make connections you need to have a good foundation to begin with. According to the Purdue

CAPS center’s mission statement, “Our mission is to help Purdue University students maximize

the value of their life experiences. As we develop collaborative relationships in a safe and

respectful environment, the unique value and dignity of each individual and group is held

paramount. We accomplish our mission through a variety of professional services, including

individual, group, and couples psychotherapy; psychological testing; psychopharmacology; crisis

intervention; drug and alcohol programs; outreach and consultation; and the training of helping

professionals”(Purdue CAPS center). In utilizing this resource you can receive the counseling

and advice necessary to make sure you are building up your self-confidence and taking care of

your mental health. One of Chickering’s vectors is managing emotions, in order to manage your

emotions you must first work through them. Once you’re able to work through your emotions

and better understand yourself it will translate into everything you do, including networking. In

order to market yourself well and establish connections you are going to need confidence in

yourself. If you establish yourself as a confident person that will shine through to others,

including those you’re making business connections with. Take advantage of the resources

Purdue has for mental health and always reach out when you need it.

In conclusion, having access to a mutually beneficial network can prove to enhance your

college career and ultimately give you a step up to succeed after you graduate. When you make

these relationships at Purdue you will find that many opportunities will present themselves,

whether that be a safe place to go when you need career help or when you need more personal

help. The more one puts themselves out there and strives to develop relationships the more

successful one can be. There is even a place for Alumni to stay connected with the Purdue for

Life foundation. Having any network can provide “...resources, streamlined communications,
and a wealth of new opportunities for engagement for the Purdue family…”(Purdue Research


University, Purdue. “General Information about Caps.” Purdue Mark,

Hefner, J., & Eisenberg, D. (2009). Social support and mental health among college students.

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, (794) 491-499.

Initiatives, O. O. (2021). Cultural Centers, Networks, and Resources. Retrieved November 2,

2021, from


About the Foundation. Purdue for Life Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2021, from

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