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Characteristics and components of Organizational development

As we know, OD is a process that helps to increase organizations and employee’s
effectiveness. The characteristics and components of OD are given below:

i) Works are divided equally to the individual which helps to finish the task easily and
achieve the goal in short time.
ii) In an organization, there are many people that come from different culture and have
different perspective. Organizational development helps them to blend in.
iii) OD encourage all the employees of the organization to participate in problem solving
and decision making.
i) Problem solving process: OD encourage problem solving process.
ii) Led and supported by Top management: Top management lead the improvement
journey and encourage the effort.
iii) Visioning process: Organizational members develop a clear image about the
organization and the goal of the organization.
iv) Learning Process: It means the processes of interaction, listening, and self-
examination to facilitate individual, group and organizational learning.
v) Empowerment Process: This means that leadership behaviors and human resource
practices enable members of an organization to develop and use their talents to the
fullest extent possible.
vi) Liberation Management: Liberation management consists in the fact that modern
bureaucratic structures with functional features and rigid hierarchies do not meet the
requirements of today's rapidly developing market.
vii) Action Research: This means a collaborative, iterative, participatory diagnostic and
action model in which the leader, members of the organization, and the OD
practitioners work together to identify and address problems and opportunities.

2. Mention the goals of OD

The goals of OD are mentioned below:
i) It focuses on present structure which helps to increase the efficiency of an
organization and helps to achieve the goal faster.
ii) Employees are rewarded if they are able to fulfill their goal. But there is no
punishment process which helps the employees to be more creative and
innovative with their ideas.
iii) Communication between employees and leader are encouraged. They share their
share experience and knowledge to each other which helps the both parties to
iv) Building trust and mutual trust in the organization to manage and reduce conflict.

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