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White paper

Certification of eVTOL Aircraft

Leveraging engineering simulation to ensure safety, longevity and
structural integrity
Special thanks to the following who provided
important and valuable input to this whitepaper

Patrick Safarian, Federal Aviation Administration

Wade Sullivan, Certification Program Manager, Part 23, Federal Aviation Administration
Brian Hernandez, Certification Program Manager, Rotorcraft, Federal Aviation Administration
Lionel Tauszig, EASA Senior Project Certification Manager, European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Richard Minter, Chief Expert, Airframe & Transmission, European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Karl Hoier, Project Certification Manager, Propulsion, European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Olivier Robelin-Marcel, Certification Expert, Transmission & Powerplant, European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Alastair Healy, Senior Expert Transmission, European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Jack Castro, Associate Tech Fellow, The Boeing Company
Allen Foulstone, Aerospace Engineering Manager, TLG Aerospace
Josh Sementi, Engineering Manager & FAA Designated Engineering Representative, TLG Aerospace
Andrew McComas, Chief Aerodynamicist, TLG Aerospace
Hemant Patel, Senior Director Research &Development, MSC Software
Larry Pearce, Principal Application Engineer, MSC Software
Hanson Chang, Senior Application Engineer, MSC Software
Ali Salman, Technical Consultant, MSC Software
Dan Marinac, Product Marketing Director, MSC Software
Jonas Wirgart, Product Marketing Manager, Computational Fluid Dynamics, MSC Software
Yuya Ando, Country Manager, Computational Fluid Dynamics, MSC Software
Thanos Poulos, Product Marketing Manager, Acoustics, MSC Software
Alexis Talbot, Acoustics Business Development Manager, MSC Software
Connor Lynch, Technical Business Development Manager, Applied Solutions, MSC Software
Jeff Hewitt, Global Aerospace Business Development Director, Applied Solutions, MSC Software
Andreas Schlaic, Lead Aerospace Engineer, Romax Technology, MSC Software
Hemanth Kolera-Gokula, Product Marketing Manager, System Dynamics, MSC Software
Chris Davidson, Senior Application Engineer, System Dynamics, MSC Software
Michael Tran, Product Marketing Manager, Materials & ICME, MSC Software

Legal note: none of the above names represents an endorsement or recommendation of

MSC Software.

Cover image courtesy of SMG consulting

2 Manufacturing Intelligence

Executive summary
With new technology, comes new safety concerns

The world is going through a wave of commercial transportation innovation currently, with the advent
of the eVTOL industry. In major cities around the world, potential customers are excited to “fly above
the traffic” that plagues these major metropolitan areas. This is causing a flood of R&D funding into
new and existing aerospace engineering companies – some are helicopter companies, some are
airplane companies, and others are starry-eyed startups who have only recently completed their
initial prototypes. Whether these companies are large or small, these new aircraft will need to be
certified by the FAA & EASA to be safe enough to fly the public – which is a rigorous engineering
process that requires a vast amount of engineering simulation and testing, ultimately resulting in a
safe, reliable aircraft.

The new aircraft certification process is something that MSC Software has been involved with for
decades. With every new aircraft comes new and sophisticated technology that needs to be tested
and certified as safe for the general public. As such, a lot of “firsts” have come through our doors over
the last 50 years. The first jet aircraft, the first delta wing fighter jet, the first supersonic airplane,
and the first 4-engine, 2-story jumbo jet all were certified using our software tools.

The emerging eVTOL industry is no exception. Most of these new eVTOL aircraft companies are
considering brand new combinations of tilt-rotors, tilt-wings, all-composite fuselages, fly-by-wire
control systems, and rechargeable electric battery systems that have never been seen before in the
world of aviation. Engineers will need vast amounts of simulation and testing in order to raise these
new technologies to the levels needed for the eVTOL industry to become widespread.

The new aircraft certification process is something that we understand well, and we have helped
customers with it for many years. We are happy to continue this process with a new wave of engineers
focused on this new mode of futuristic, sustainable transportation. Manufacturing Intelligence 3

Table of contents
Executive summary .......................................................................................................................................... 3

1. The case for certification – Why do we need it? ...................................................................................... 5

2. The certification process – regulatory requirements............................................................................. 6

3. The partnership between test and analysis – test correlation and digital twins............................... 7

Before simulation software existed, how were aircraft historically developed?............................... 7

How are aircraft engineers using simulation software today?.............................................................. 7

Test and analysis – The “Digital Twin”....................................................................................................... 8

4. Recommendations for building an accurate finite element model..................................................... 10

What is calibration? How do you calibrate a finite element model? ................................................... 11

Successful post-processing strategies for certification...................................................................... 11

5. Engineering analysis workflows for certification ...................................................................................12

What are the simulation tools and workflows aircraft engineers are using today?..........................13

External loads, flutter and dynamic stability..........................................................................................14

Internal loads, structural design and lightweighting ............................................................................14

Aerodynamic design...................................................................................................................................15

Acoustics and noise prediction.................................................................................................................15

Propulsion and emissions..........................................................................................................................16

Controls and mechanisms ........................................................................................................................16

Manufacturability and costing..................................................................................................................17

Customer testimonials ...................................................................................................................................18

4 Manufacturing Intelligence

1. The case for certification – Why do we Authority (CAA) existed in the UK, and the Directorate
need it? General for Civil Aviation (DGAC) existed in France. On July
12, 2002, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
In the beginning of the aircraft industry, much like in the was created, which pulled all of these together, enabling
beginning of the automotive industry, fatal accidents sadly the agency to analyze and research safety parameters,
were all too common. New technology was being developed implement and monitor safety rules, give type certification
and tested, and as such, the best engineers of the time of aircraft and components, and approve organizations
sadly saw promising new technology result in tragic loss involved in the design, manufacture and maintenance of
of life. Engineers would develop and put forth their best aeronautical products.
aircraft designs, and when something bad happened, they
went back to the drawing board and fixed it – so that it Today, the FAA & EASA are mostly harmonized and together
wouldn’t happen again. they oversee a vast amount of standards, testing regimes,
and safety protocols – especially when it comes to new
But as the years went on, and more and more lives were aircraft being designed and approved to carry passengers
lost, a need arose for federal oversight. On June 30, 1956, of the general public. This is something that new eVTOL
a Trans World Airlines Super Constellation and a United engineers reading this now know all too well. The good
Air Lines DC-7 collided over the Grand Canyon, Arizona, news is that you are not alone in this endeavor to create the
killing all 128 occupants of the two airplanes. The collision aircraft of the future. We’re here to help.
occurred while the aircraft were flying under visual flight

Above: Wilbur Wright looks on as his brother Orville flies for the first time Above: A TWA Super Constellation Aircraft, similar to the one that
in their powered airplane. crashed on June 30, 1956.

rules in uncongested airspace. The accident dramatized

the fact that, even though U.S. air traffic had more than
doubled since the end of World War II, little had been done
to mitigate the risk of midair collisions.

On May 21, 1958, a bill was introduced to the US Congress to

create an independent Federal Aviation Agency to provide
for the safe and efficient use of national airspace. Two
months later, on August 23, 1958, the President signed
the Federal Aviation Act, which transferred the Civil
Aeronautics Authority’s functions to a new independent
Federal Aviation Agency (which later evolved into the FAA)
responsible for civil aviation safety.

Between 2002 and 2007, aviation witnessed one of its safest

periods for scheduled air carriers. Fatal accidents became
rare events with only .01 accidents per 100,000 flight hours
or .018 accidents per 100,000 departures. Above: A United Airlines DC-7 Aircraft, similar to the one that crashed on
June 30, 1956.

Governmental oversight of the growing aviation industry

wasn’t just an American thing, though. The Civil Aviation Manufacturing Intelligence 5

2. The certification process – regulatory Also, important to note here is that the FAA has recently
requirements set up an office called the Center for Emerging Concepts
– which focuses exclusively on emerging technologies. This
Technically, every new aircraft goes through certification in team is currently working with new and novel technologies
a different way. But while the details are different each time to make sure they are safe enough for the general public.
– wings are shaped differently, fuselages have windows in
different places, rotors are different sizes and thus require This process works for OEM’s as well as suppliers, also – for
different testing regimes – the basics stay the same. For example, if “Joe’s Composite Shop” wanted to build and sell
any typical eVTOL aircraft, we would likely see the following composite parts to the eVTOL industry, their parts will still
common items: need to meet the same standards as OEMs need to meet.
There are two scenarios here, though:
• A set number of different materials which need to
be characterized 1. If Joe’s Composite Shop wants to build and sell
• Some sort of landing mechanism that may or may their parts to multiple OEMs, then they are the
not deploy responsible party and need to certify their parts
• A propulsion source that sends loads through the and prove the airworthiness of their parts and
entire structure components since they’re the ones seeking the
• A typical flight pattern where wind gusts also send type design approval.
loads through the entire structure 2. If Joe’s Composite Shop is contracted by a specific
• A fuselage where passengers sit, which may or may OEM to build parts exclusively for the OEM, the FAA
not be pressurized doesn’t intervene with the business relationship
• Wing flaps and/or secondary rotors that control the between an OEM and it’s supplier, and the OEM
pitch, roll, and yaw of the aircraft might ultimately be the responsible party for
• Redundant systems to land the aircraft safely in showing airworthiness of a component.
case of an emergency
On the European front, the EASA has similar airworthiness
Because of these commonalities, a set number of “ground standards, but the EASA is also working on special condition
rules” have been set up by the FAA that provide the VTOL means of compliance (MOC) to certify eVTOL aircraft.
framework for certifying these parts of a new aircraft. This exciting process began in 2019 and has gone through a
The first step a new aircraft team takes is to determine few phases of development already on a number of topics:
and agree on which airworthiness standards apply to their
project. For eVTOL, here’s some common ones: • Fly-by-wire systems
• Validation Loads for Structures
• 14 CFR Part 21: Certification Procedures for Products • Design Requirements
and Parts (Starting point for most new aircraft) • Flight Simulators
• 14 CFR Part 23: Airworthiness Standards:
Normal Category Airplanes This is by no means close to completion though… There
• 14 CFR Part 25: Airworthiness Standards: is a large amount still to be discussed including unique
Transport Category Airplanes aircraft configurations, electric distributed propulsion,
• 14 CFR Part 27: Airworthiness Standards: energy storage and distribution systems, high voltage
Normal Category Rotorcraft architecture, advanced and/or automated systems,
• 14 CFR Part 29: Airworthiness Standards: crashworthiness requirements, and noise standards, just
Transport Category Rotorcraft to name a few of the big items. Even when this “Method
• 14 CFR Part 33: Airworthiness Standards: of Compliance” (MOC) is completed, how it is applied may
Aircraft Engines vary due to the uniqueness of the each new eVTOL airframe
• 14 CFR Part 35: Airworthiness Standards: Propellers and engineering architecture. This is where government
• 14 CFR Part 36: Noise Standards: Aircraft Type and regulation comes in to make sure, at the end of the day,
Airworthiness Certification everyone on the ground and in the air is as safe as can be.
• (Special Conditions Process) – Working with the
FAA to show compliance for aircraft that don’t quite
meet the above sections. Examples: electric aircraft 3. The partnership between test and analysis
propulsion systems, rigid airships, etc. – test correlation and digital twins

The last section above is possibly the most important. Before simulation software existed, how were aircraft
eVTOL vehicles have so many never-before-seen elements historically developed?
that there isn’t a lot of historic precedence to certify.
Therefore, eVTOL vehicle companies need to work closely Historically, before computational engineering existed,
with the FAA under the “Special Conditions Process” to if a company had a prototype aircraft that needed to be
make sure their certification plan is well thought out and certified, they would use hand calculations as much as
agreed upon by both sides early in the process. possible to make sure the fundamentals of stress and

6 Manufacturing Intelligence

strain were covered when it came to ultimate material It’s no doubt that the last question is critically important,
allowables…but most of the complicated parts and and the engineering world is following suit with electric
assemblies could not be calculated this way – and thus cars, and soon, electric aircraft in order to curb emissions
almost every part, mechanism, and assembly needed to be and enable the future of environmentally friendly
built and tested to prove to the government authorities that transportation (it’s no surprise that eVTOL has sprung up in
it would work as it was designed to do, and that it would the timeline that it did).
survive in the real world once it was mass produced. This
was a frustratingly long process for aircraft manufacturers Once simulation has been done and the initial prototypes
worldwide. As an example, the original Boeing 737 design have been built, the testing process begins. Testing
process was publicly announced in 1958, and the delivery requires a massive amount of time and effort to make sure
of the first plane to roll off the assembly line happened everything behaves as it should in the air, and that these
almost a full decade later in 1967. parts, sub-assemblies, and full assembly mechanisms
work and perform the same way that the analysis predicted
As the aircraft industry matured over the years, engineers – as an important data point, the FAA & EASA require that
have been working towards making this process faster, the test results must correlate to the predicted results
easier, and more efficient – and they have been quite from the simulation within 10% (or less) in order for the
successful at it. One of the most recent clean-sheet aircraft simulation to be accepted and considered “validated” for
to receive type certification by the FAA and the EASA was certification. Though this 10% mark is pretty standard for
the Gulfstream G650, which was publicly announced as a certification, some OEM’s strive for much higher levels of
project in 2008, and the first delivery to the public occurred agreement (5% or less) but lower levels of agreement on
four years later in 2012. What led to this nine-year process non-critical items can be OK as well.
shortening into a four-year process? While there were
many efficiencies built into this new aircraft development Depending on the configuration, thousands, tens of
process, simulation software was a key component to this thousands, or more load cases need to be simulated in this
shortened timeline. way. In addition, hundreds of tests need to be done in order
to, among other things, validate that the simulations that
To this day, this aircraft development process is still not as were previously done were correct, and the data correlates
fast as aircraft companies want it to be, which means that well to it. This is when the term “Digital Twin” starts making
MSC Software and Hexagon need to be as cutting-edge as sense to an engineer… it’s when the as-manufactured part
possible, always trying new innovations and pushing the behaves and performs exactly as predicted in the analysis(or
cutting edge of what’s possible using engineering simulation. close to it). As another important data point, the 2006
certification of the A380 (by both the FAA and EASA) took
How are aircraft engineers using simulation software today? 2,600 flight hours and a fleet of five test aircraft in order to
perform all the required flight tests for certification.
Today, the engineering timeline for a new aircraft has
been drastically shortened due to the use of engineering Test and analysis – The “Digital Twin”
simulation software. But how are they using it? What are
aircraft engineers using simulation software for today to What is a “Digital Twin” and why does it keep coming
certify a new aircraft? To answer this correctly, you must up in engineering media outlets everywhere? With the
start at the finish line – the answers these engineers ubiquitous availability of engineering simulation software
are trying to find. Ten of the most common engineering and powerful computing capability worldwide, it’s only
questions that are commonly answered with simulation natural that aerospace companies worldwide have created
software are: initiatives to reduce or replace specific amounts of testing
with engineering simulation.
1. Can I build it?
2. Is it durable? When the as-manufactured part behaves and performs
3. Is it strong enough? exactly as predicted in the analysis (or close to it),
4. Is it safe enough? confidence is built in the accuracy and integrity of the
5. Can I test it? engineering analysis performed prior to manufacturing,
6. Will the performance meet the objectives? and thus accurate predictions can be made with these
7. Is it crashworthy? engineering models.
8. Why did it fail?
9. Can it be lighter? To achieve this close level of correlation, Test and Analysis
10. Is it too loud? must be a partnership to successfully develop and certify a
new aircraft. In general, engineers typically start small and
And recently within the past decade, another one has build their way up. From the structural standpoint, this is a
cropped up that has taken hold in the public’s eye: common example of the “building block” approach when it
comes to engineering simulation:
11. For the future, is what we’re building sustainable for
the environment? Manufacturing Intelligence 7

1. Material coupons testing first, then: Aerodynamic Loads & Flutter, Acoustics, Propulsion,
2. Part-level joints & structural details, then: Controls & Mechanisms, and the like.
3. Sub-assemblies & panels, then:
4. Fuselage & wing, then:
5. Full aircraft – complete. 4. Recommendations for building an
accurate finite element model
Similarly, on the testing side of house, the same approach
is used: “An analysis is only as good as the test it correlates to.”

1. Material allowables testing – making sure the – said every Structural Analyst who has gone through the
material is characterized properly testing phase
2. Test to failure (Limit loads testing) – testing to
failure to determine maximum stress & strain of a While there are many types of engineering simulation
particular joint design, composite layup, etc. models and modeling technologies, the majority require
3. Test to validate the design principle of the sub- finite elements. And while it is somewhat easy to build a
assemblies and panels complete finite element model and get a colorful rainbow
4. Subsystem test – wing, fuselage, etc. plot of stresses and strains, it takes a disciplined, focus
5. Full Aircraft test – flight test regime, ground approach to get a finite element analysis that correlates
testing, full scale static test, full scale fatigue test well to test. How is this done today by the experts? While
(pressurization cycling), etc. this can be a PhD-level discussion that spans the length
of an entire university course, there are certain common
This is all, of course, for structural stress and strain steps an engineer can take to ensure their finite element
testing only. Parallel testing regimes like this is done for model is built correctly.

Above: Uber Elevate electric Common Reference Model, eCRM-001, revealed at the 2017 Uber Elevate Summit in Los Angeles, CA.

8 Manufacturing Intelligence

Full aircraft testing Full aircraft simulation
(ex: ground vibration test, full (ex: internal loads modeling,
scale static test, full scale vibratory fatigue simulation)
fatigue test)

Assembly test Assembly simulation

(ex: full pressure test, wing (ex: fuselage pressurization,
bending test, bird strike test) wing bending)

Sub-assembly/panel test to Sub-assembly simulation

validate the design principle (ex: panels, wing flaps)

Part & Joint test-to-failure Part-level joint simulation &

(ex: measure stress, strain, structural details
define limit loads) (ex: wing stiffener design)

Material simulation
Material allowables testing (ex: material coupons, virtual
allowable prediction)

Above: Test & Analysis Partnership Pyramid: The Building Block Approach

System-level test & analysis

Subsystem-level test & analysis

Part-level test & analysis

Material allowables test & analysis

Above: The building block approach to Test and analysis correlation - “Test and analysis pyramid” Manufacturing Intelligence 9

For most types of finite element models, the following following items should be built and tested incrementally
steps are taken: during the model building process:

1. Creation of the model geometry • Material data quality

2. Selection of element type: Rod/Beam, Shell/Plate, • Representativeness of the Geometry
Tet/Hex • Choice of elements: derivations, shape functions,
3. Idealization of material properties orders, types, and options that affect formulation
4. Application of supports, constraints, and loads and results
5. Selection of analysis type • Element properties that are assigned to the element
6. Solution optimization • Connectivity of the elements
• Consistency of element local direction
Even though mostly every finite element model follows • Constraint equations
these same six steps, there are many ways that finite • Supports
element models can be built incorrectly. It is essential • Loading
that in every stage of the modeling process, verification • Adequacy of the mesh density
of the input and validity of the assumptions are checked • Numerical accuracy of the solution
and verified. To achieve the required level of accuracy, • Validity of the idealization of the boundary conditions
all analyses require refinement. The accuracy of a finite
element model can be affected by the following:
What is calibration? How do you calibrate a finite element
• The assumption of linearity model?
• The representation of adjoining structures
• The material properties and idealization Calibration of a finite element model is usually undertaken
• The accuracy of geometric representation to ensure that specific features which have been modeled
• The loading and boundary conditions provide a realistic estimate of the model stiffness or other
• The oversimplification of the model or behavior behavior. Examples include:
• The mesh density
• The element types and shapes • Spring rate of a bolt can be estimated, and later
• The numerical error in the solution calibrated using test data to get realistic values.
• Determining Composite Material behavior using test
Once a finite element model is completed and running, results from element level of BBA is calibration.
model validation is needed. Model validation steps should
be taken well before the solution stage, though. Using a Calibration usually occurs by taking test data and making
simple, common sense, building block approach, the sure the finite element model results correlate well to the

10 Manufacturing Intelligence

test results. If the results do not correlate, then the finite • Define the instrumentation requirements to provide
element model should not be used to predict behavior of necessary data for comparison of FEA validation
the part or solution. In this circumstance, the engineer prior to test
must revisit their assumptions made on the finite element • The test plan should be submitted and approved by
model and make changes accordingly. the FAA prior to test
• The test setup must be conformed to FAA standards
Successful post-processing strategies for certification prior to test

So, you have reached the level of having a running finite

element model – and you are now looking at results. Does Strain gauges are the typical data acquisition method for
this mean you’re finished? Not by a long shot, unfortunately… measuring the internal loads on components of an aircraft
“Finite Element Analysis” does not just mean “Stress during a structural test. There are specific needs regarding
Analysis” – there is much more to a successful FEA than these strain gauges, though:
just getting stress results from a colorful fringe plot.
• Identify and document the quantity, locations, and
If you’re here at this stage, this means that you’re now ready orientations of gauges in the test plan according to
to use common-sense checks to make sure your model was the analytical predictions – the FAA will have to agree
built correctly, and to make changes and updates to verify with these locations prior to test
that your results are the best and most accurate as they
can be. With this, there are several common-sense checks • Establish Pass/Fail criteria for validation prior to test
you can make. While this list is not exhaustive, here are
some of the common checks to make:
One more comment regarding documentation – regarding
1. Are the reaction forces and deflection as expected? documentation of the test, there are also some critical
needs that should be met. The three critical documents
a. Check the equilibrium of forces against the Free that are needed are the test plan (prior to test), the test
Body Diagram results (after test) and the finite element analysis results
b. Check excessive displacements or unexpected
Rigid Body Motion These three documents are critical to the successful
certification of an aircraft component or subsystem,
c. Check if the deflected shape is rational – use of and should be written in a clear format so that anyone
animation is helpful can re-create the steps taken and get the same FEA and
test results that are documented in each of these three
2. What’s your error estimation? documents.

a. Compare the average and unaveraged stress

values, to see if there is a large difference

3. Are there any areas with rapid changes in stress or


4. If there are multiple load cases, are the results of the

load cases consistent?

In terms of certification of a new aircraft, the FAA’s Project

Specific Certification Plan (PSCP) defines the means of
demonstrating compliance with the regulations (i.e. 14CFR
Parts 23, 25, 27, 29, etc.). If the finite element analysis is
the means of demonstrating compliance to 14CFR, the
validation method and procedures should be specified:

• Means of Validation, and comparison to acceptable

test data
• Identify the test plan to validate the finite element
model (pressure test, body/wing bending test,
vibration test).
• Establish test conditions which represent similar
load application methods, structural stiffness, and
boundary conditions Manufacturing Intelligence 11

5. Engineering analysis workflows for certification

Design requirements Design configuration

and objectives

Performance and Aerodynamics

Loads and flutter
handling qualities

No Weights and systems Stress and design


Requirements met?

Flight test and Manufacturing

Above: Typical design cycle of a new aircraft

12 Manufacturing Intelligence

Above: Simulation software tools used from concept through the end-of-life stages of an aircraft

What are the simulation tools and workflows aircraft This can become overwhelming, especially for startups
engineers are using today? and small-to-medium businesses, often driving the need
to rely on highly experienced engineers in many different
When a new aircraft is designed, there are three key sets of engineering disciplines.
airframe loads that are looked at over, over, and over again
– External Loads, Internal Loads, and Detailed Stress & So, in this light, let’s look at this a little differently – let’s
Strain. As can be seen in the above design cycle diagrams, take the perspective as it applies to eVTOL aircraft
these all require vastly different engineering disciplines development, and the issues that are being addressed
and as such, they also require vastly different simulation today with simulation software for new aircraft designs,
software tools, which over the past few decades have been and explain why it matters.
specifically tailored to the engineering question that is
trying to be answered. From the MSC Software / Hexagon
side, these are the software products that correspond to
each of these engineering disciplines:

1. External Loads, Flutter & Dynamic Stability – MSC

Nastran Aeroelastic Flight Loads
2. Internal Loads, Structural Design & Lightweighting –
MSC Nastran, Patran, MSC Apex
3. Aerodynamic Design – Cradle scFlow
4. Acoustics and Noise Prediction – Actran, MSC
5. Propulsion & Emissions – Romax, Nastran, Marc,
6. Controls & Mechanisms – Adams, Easy5
7. Design for Manufacturability & Costing – MSC Apex
Generative Design, Digimat, Simufact Additive, FTi
Above: Multiple different design architectures exist today for eVTOL
vehicles, which requires vastly different engineering approaches to
ensure safety and reliability of the aircraft prior to mass production. Manufacturing Intelligence 13

External loads, flutter and dynamic stability Internal loads, structural design and lightweighting

1. External loads 1. Internal loads and detailed stress

a. The airframe must be able to withstand the Full aircraft finite element analysis is used to
external loads being applied to it – which usually predict subcomponent internal loads which support
come from a combination of three sources – detailed stress analysis to make sure all ribs, spars,
aerodynamic loads (wind and air flow over the wing), fasteners, and built-up assemblies can withstand
inertial loads (mass), and applied forces (thrust, the loads applied to them, permanently deform, or
landing forces, etc.). fail. The loads for this analysis come from the above
“External Loads” analysis.
b. CFD is often used to develop early aerodynamics
of an aircraft (approximate wing lift, aircraft drag) 2. Fatigue and damage tolerance
and if budget and schedule allow for it, a wind tunnel
test is done to get lift and drag data. Predicting what will fail first on the aircraft (and
when), and thus allowing the engineering team to
c. Due to the thousands (and sometimes tens of create a maintenance and inspection schedule
thousands) of load combinations an aircraft can around it to make sure that any fatigue cracking
experience, a lower fidelity aerodynamic model is can be detected and repaired prior to causing more
used (the doublet-lattice method, which is what MSC substantial failures.
Nastran SOL 144 uses) to approximate the vertical lift
of an aircraft. Later in the design process, this result 3. Bird strike, fan blade out, and windmilling
can then be combined with the control system and
mass models for an integrated total aircraft model. Making sure that in case of emergency and a fan blade
is lost, or if a bird strike occurs, the passenger safety
2. Flutter analysis and dynamic stability will be ensured, and the aircraft can safely land.

a. Flutter is state where unsteady aerodynamics

and structural vibrations feed into each other in
an unstable fashion. Flutter analysis typically uses
Aero/Structural models similar to External Loads,
with refinements in some areas in order to confirm
that the aircraft is free from flutter within the
operating envelope.

b. Dynamic stability is also commonly performed to

ensure the flexibility of the wing does not cause any
dynamic instabilities such as excessive turbulence,
and if a wind gust occurs, the aircraft will recover
quickly and safely.

Above: In 2011, A Bombardier CRJ200ER struck a flock of large birds,

causing damage to the nosecone and forcing the pilot to make an
emergency landing. Engineering simulation software was used in this
Above: An aircraft flutter analysis can prevent dynamic instability, which design to ensure safe landing of the aircraft for quick repair.
can occur in flexible aircraft wings and flaps, especially with long and
Image source: AP Photo/MSNBC Photo Blog
skinny wings.

14 Manufacturing Intelligence

Aerodynamic design Acoustics and noise prediction

1. Conceptual design lift calculation 1. External aeroacoustics

When users are deciding the size of their aircraft, a. Predicting engine rotor noise to make sure that if
size of the wings, choosing their propulsion system, the aircraft is flying over a populated area, the noise
etc. they need to quickly calculate the amount of lift is not overwhelming for the population below.
their aircraft design will have, which determines:
b. If an engine fails, this can be extremely loud for
i. the number of passengers allowed, and/or the passengers inside the aircraft. This failure mode
ii. how heavy the electric battery is allowed to be can be simulated, to make sure that the interior
(which thus determines range of the aircraft). cabin noise is minimized if this were to ever happen.

2. Conceptual design drag calculation c. Depending on the type of rotorcraft (open rotor or
ducted fan), different noise mitigation techniques
The amount of energy used for an aircraft to get can be proposed such as noise-absorbing materials
from one place to another is highly determined by and acoustic liners. Simulation in the conceptual
the aerodynamic efficiency of the aircraft’s exterior. phase (and later in the more detailed design phase)
Calculating the drag helps the user determine can be used to optimize the effect of the above
whether their aircraft is aerodynamically efficient devices in mitigating external noise.
(or not), which directly affects the range the aircraft
can have. 2. Interior cabin acoustics

3. External loads – Full CFD analysis a. Ensuring passenger comfort by making sure the
interior cabin noise is at a comfortable decibel level.
When a user performs a full CFD analysis on the
exterior of the aircraft, the pressure and thermal loads b. Noise from the airframe and the landing gear can
on all external surfaces can then be used to determine have a significant effect on interior noise comfort
the internal stresses and strains of each of the internal due to the multiple noise transmission paths.
aircraft components. Structure-borne noise transmission paths and air-
borne noise transmission paths can be simulated
and assessed during the aircraft design phase.

c. Similar to a road vehicle, trimmed acoustic

treatments, noise-absorbing glass panels and
optimized seals can help create a quiet and
comfortable environment for passengers. Simulating
these components can help optimize the location,
materials and arrangements of different type of trim
components, panels and seals to obtain the best
noise and vibrations performances for the lowest
cost and added mass.

Above: A full CFD analysis shows the ground effect of a VTOL aircraft at
takeoff, and at the bottom an eVTOL aircraft in the air showing the air
movement around the rotors, which corresponds well to the CFD simulation. Above: Chevrons can be seen in the back of the engine nozzles on a Boeing
747-800 to reduce noise. Manufacturing Intelligence 15

Propulsion and emissions 5. Motor & gearbox acoustics

1. Power density a. Simulating the directionality of the sound caused

by the motor and gearbox is key to understanding
Propulsion engineers simulate and calculate the how the noise is experienced by an observer whilst
amount of power a vertical flight propulsion system the aircraft is in flight.
can produce – and thus verify that it can produce
more lift than the maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) b. Understanding the impact of vibration that this
in order to successfully fly. sound causes on components, particularly power
electronics on the aircraft.
2. Thermal management

a. Since poor thermal management can lead to

demagnetization and/or degradation of electric
motor performance, thermal simulation is used to
determine what effects the different materials have
on the internal motor components (which all have
different thermal expansion properties).

b. On electric motors, the two most common issues

are insulation cracking between the stator and
windings, and fracture of the sleeve holding the
permanent magnets. Simulation is used to predict
this and prevent these modes of failure.

3. Duty cycle analysis & digital certification

a. Duty cycle analysis of the full transmission system

needs to be completed to determine component life.
Although dynamic characteristics of the gearbox and
motor are well understood when considering them
separately, they can cause troubles when bringing
them together. Simulating these components
together gives a dynamic signature that can be used
Above: A Rotordynamics analysis is performed to show the safety and reliability
to predict the in-flight behavior of the assembly, of the aircraft propulsion system, so that open propellers without a casing
together with interactions of different excitation “unducted fan” designs, as seen on the right on a Bombardier Q400, can safely
land in case of emergency (loss of a propeller blade, for example, which causes
sources. an unbalanced “windmilling” effect).

b. Understanding the fatigue characteristics of

each propulsion component and chosen material
allows the “Mean Time Between Overhaul” (MTBO) Controls and mechanisms
to be approximated and established for aircraft
maintenance schedules. 1. Hight lift system design and wing flap load

4. Rotor dynamics Simulating the load on a wing flap mechanism, as well as

the load the flap imparts onto the rest of the structure
For all rotating components including shafts, turbines as the wing flap extends or retracts; then verifying
and propellers, simulating and understanding the full successful operation.
dynamic signature is key to ensuring safety. As the
rotational velocity increases, the level of vibration 2. Landing gear load generation during deployment and
often passes through a ‘critical speed’ commonly retraction
excited by unbalance of the rotating structure.
Evaluating forces necessary to extend and retract the
Simulation is performed to determine where these landing gear in the allowed time, but also verifying that
critical speeds lie in relation to the vehicle’s intended the bottoming loads do not impart excessive force on
operating range, and whether they are a potential the airplane structure.
hazard to the vehicle and/or passengers.
3. Wing bending

If an ultra-light aircraft is designed to have flexible

wings, then users can verify that wing deformation

16 Manufacturing Intelligence

does not introduce destabilizing dynamics or in a high-performance CAM system to predict the
compromise the operation of flight control machining time and cost that it takes to manufacture
actuation systems. a part or batch of parts.

4. Rotor movement 2. Additively manufactured parts

Since eVTOL vehicles can commonly have rotors that a. For the conceptual design phase, users optimize
tilt, engineering simulation can be used to evaluate their parts for load path, minimize the amount of
performance, load requirements, and failure modes material needed, and minimize the time it takes to
associated with this function. actually print a part using a 3D printer.

5. Doors and mechanisms b. Users can also simulate the actual printing process,
thus predicting thermal distortion, minimizing
Verify rify performance and load-holding capability support structure needed, and ensuring first time
of various aircraft mechanisms. print success.

6. Fly-by-wire control systems design 3. Composite layup & draped parts

Evaluate aircraft stability over all the possible For complex, doubly curved surfaces that are
operating scenarios, considering both normal common in Aerospace, users need to ensure part
operation, as well as operation with possible integrity from the carbon-fiber draping process.
failure events. Using a built-in carbon fiber materials database or
a custom in-house proprietary materials database,
7. Assesing power demands and stability users predict the formability of composite laminates
before they’re built to ensure first-part success.
Verifying timing, power requirements, and other
performance characteristics of mechanisms during 4. Stamped sheet metal parts
deployment and retraction.
a. Precisely and accurately develop the flat pattern
of the part the first time, including fastener and rivet
hole locations, so that you can reduce the material
cost and the number of development trials for
production. This reduces or eliminates the need for
costly prototypes and tooling re-work.

Above: Wing flap deployment multibody dynamics analysis, showing the

stresses the wing flap mechanism experiences during deployment.

Manufacturability and costing

Above: a composite draping analysis for an aircraft fuselage section is

1. Subtractively manufactured parts
shown next to an as-built composite aircraft section, where draping analysis
was required during the design process (Spirit ASTRA fuselage panel with
For CNC machining, users optimize and integrated composite stringers). Image source:
simulate the entire manufacturing process Manufacturing Intelligence 17

Customer testimonials “There are no other codes in the world that can do this
combination of analysis.”
As a company, we have seen many new aircraft designed,
certified, and flown successfully over the past 54+ – Dr. Charles Lawrence, Structures & Acoustics Division, NASA
years we’ve been in business – we are confident that we Glenn Research Center
understand the world of aviation research, development
and certification. But don’t just take our word for it, listen “MSC Nastran/Patran usage through the development and
to what our customers have to say: certification of the Airbus A220 aircraft program (formerly
known as the C Series) was critical to the success of
“Almost every new Boeing product that I can think of has our ambitious endeavor to bring to the market the most
been impacted positively by the products of MSC – and advanced single-aisle aircraft/clean sheet design and
the reason is due to the strong partnership between the the only new aircraft purposely-build for the 100-150 seat
Boeing engineering team and the MSC engineering team.” market segment. Every step of the way, MSC Products
enabled us to deliver an efficient, safe & reliable aircraft
– John Tracy, Chief Technology Officer, The Boeing Company to meet the market’s high expectations.”

“Airbus has confirmed the accuracy of Actran predictions – Jean Nicolas Houle, Senior Engineering Specialist, Stress
by comparing them with engine static testing results. Integration, Airbus
Actran is the only simulation tool able to accurately model
the main physical phenomena for engine nacelle radiation.”
– Jean-Yves Suratteau, Head of Numerical Methods, Acoustics &
Environment Dept., Airbus
“TLG is proud to use MSC Nastran to drive their industry-
leading capability in aircraft design, analysis and
certification for loads, dynamics, and flutter.”
– Robert Lind, TLG Aerospace Safety_Agency

“The engineers at NASA were not able to test most of the ht tp s: //w w w. av iationto day.c om /202 1/05/24/ev tol-
critical mission events on Earth so they had to rely upon certification-now-challenges-still-lie-ahead/
MSC Software simulation technology to design most of
the hardware and control sequences for this mission.
There was only one chance to get it right.” june/17/pipistrel-first-to-certify-electric-airplane

– Dr. Chia-Yen Peng, Principal & Lead Engineer for the Loads and
Dynamic Simulation team at NASA JPL
“The correlation between test and analysis was close enough page
to enable the successful design of rotors for bird strike.”
– Michael Urban, Manager of Structural Methods, Sikorsky Aircraft

18 Manufacturing Intelligence

Hexagon is a global leader in sensor, software and autonomous solutions.
We are putting data to work to boost efficiency, productivity,
and quality across industrial, manufacturing, infrastructure, safety,
and mobility applications.

Our technologies are shaping urban and production ecosystems

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Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division provides solutions that utilise

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