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Rainforests and Deforestation

Deforestation is a Issue we all know exists it causes many Issues of it’s own that are worth
going over separately to see the full Impact of deforestation We will start with the Impact on the

Carbon Cycle: Today countless trees take in Carbon Dioxide and release Oxygen into the air
however as these trees are being removed from the planet the ability for this to happen keeps
decreasing we rely on the ability of Plants to give us oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from
the air if this were to no longer play a factor in the carbon cycle then we would be stuck with 7.6
billion metric tonnes of extra CO2 in the atmosphere every year this is a significant Increase in
carbon emissions as worldwide we are only producing 33.1 billion metric tons per year which is
already to much for our world to handle.

Biodiversity: we rely heavily on the health of the planet a health that is rapidly deteriorating,
when a forest is clear cut the forest animals can’t survive which decreases the world's
biodiversity this biodiversity is needed for many things the health of a species relies on the
species living in different areas and being accustomed to different things as soon as you remove
a large section of their habitat you also with it decrease that chance of the species surviving the
next disease. So then you begin to not only lose biodiversity but you begin to have extinctions
as well.

Removal of Entire Species: Someone who is concerned with the wellbeing of a forest would not
knowingly cut down the entire area that has a specific tree but somebody looking for lumber no
matter the cost to the environment without research can remove all the trees in the only area
where a specific tree grows this kills the species and likely because the area is no longer it’s
natural habitat it will never grow back again.

Changes the Environment: in an area with a canopy overtop the soil will usually stay moist even
in the hottest parts of the year but remove that canopy and you have no reason for the water to
stay near the ground and the ground becomes quickly baked and dry causing droughts, and
then when the rainy season does come because it always will the ground is hard and dry and
not ready to absorb water causing flooding. This also prevents the trees from growing back
turning your sustainable resource into a limited one, this too is where the heart of the problem is
because large companies don’t want to take the time to farm there forests in a way that they will
continue producing for years they instead clear cut a practice that makes it take almost forever
for the forests to grow back and sell the land to farmers who turn it into land that will never again
support the forests it once did. This deal even turns out poorly for the farmers whose land if not
kept wet and well drained becomes prone to flooding in the rainy season.

All these Impacts on the forests should show us one thing “Stop Irresponsible Forestry” we
should be able to realize this is costing us more in the long run than it would to farm the forests
responsibly, right now we still have enough forest land to support the responsible farming of
Forests though it may be a larger investment to get started this has actually been proven to be a
more profitable method of forestry quite early on especially if you choose the right forests after
all more is to be found in the woods than wood Coffee, Bananas, Eucalyptus along with other
beneficial plants are in the same forests that we are cutting down so carelessly.

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