Unidad 3 Inglés I

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A) Decide which replies are OK. Sometimes more than one is possible.

1. It’s great to see you again!

a. It’s great to see you, too. c. Thank you.
b. Nice to meet you.
2. Thanks, that’s very kind of you.
a. Not at all. c. You’re welcome.
b. Please.
3. I’d love a cup of coffee.
a. I get you one. c. I’m afraid I only have tea.
b. I’ll get you one.
4. How are you doing?
a. Not too bad, thanks. And you? c. I’m painting the garage door.
b. Fine, thanks. I’ve nearly finished.
5. Oops! I’m sorry!
a. That’s OK. c. No problem.
b. You’re welcome.
6. Is this your screwdriver?
a. Yes, it is. c. Yes, do you want to borrow it?
b. Yes, of course.
7. Can I borrow your torch?
a. Yes, go ahead. c. Yes, I can borrow it to you.
b. Yes, help yourself.
8. What do you do?
a. How do you do? c. I’m replacing the disk drive.
b. I’m in computers.
9. I’ll be getting along then.
a. Go ahead. c. Thank you for coming.
b. It was nice meeting you.
10. Thanks for showing me around the plant.
a. Goodbye. c. It doesn’t matter.
b. It was a pleasure.

B) Listening. Gianluca Donatelli is at a conference. Listen to him introducing himself to

Jana Frkova. Complete: ​ UDIO
Jana’s nationality …………………………………………..
her job ………………………………………….

C) Complete what Gianluca says. Listen and check your answers. ​AUDIO

1. Excuse me. ……………………………………….. this seat free?

2. Thanks very much. Can I …………………………………… myself? I’m Gianluca Donatelli.
3. Nice to meet you …………………………………., Jana. Where are you ………………………………?
4. And ………………………………... do you work for?
5. Oh really? And what do you ……………………………………?
6. So ……………………………. are you at this conference?
7. That’s interesting. A friend of mine works for an Italian service provider. Can I introduce
………………………… to ……………………………?
8. Roberto. Can you come here for a minute? This is … Sorry, what’s your name ……………………………?
9. Roberto. ……………………………….. is Jana. She’s writing an article on Internet service providers.

D) Listen to Gianluca again. He asks Jana eight questions. Match her responses to each
question from ex. C.

1 ___ a. I am a journalist.

2 ___ b. Jana. Jana Frkova.

3 ___ c. Yes, it is.

4 ___ d. Nice to meet you. I’m Jana Frkova.

5 ___ e. I’m here to research an article on Internet service providers.

6 ___ f. I am self-employed.

7 ___ g. Yes, of course. That would be nice.

8 ___ h. I’m from the Czech Republic.

E) Now listen to two extracts from a different version of the conversation and answer:

What does Gianluca do? ​AUDIO

Why is Jana at the conference?

Why is Gianluca at the conference?

F) Put the following conversation between Jack and Camille in order. Write 1-10 after
each section. The first sentence is given. J is for Jack, C for Camille and P for Peter.

J: ​Excuse me. Can I introduce myself? I’m Jack Reynolds.

a. C: ​I’m an IT engineer. I work with computers and IT systems. What do ​you ​do? ____
b. J: ​How do you do? Where are you from, Camille? ____
c. C: ​To repair the computers! ____
d. C: ​Camille Vargas. I’m sorry. It’s nice to meet you, but I must go now. ____
e. C: ​I’m French. I live in Marseilles. How about you? ____
f. J: ​Oh, right. Can I introduce you to my colleague Peter Samms? His computer’s not working very
well, and maybe … Peter, this is … sorry what’s your name again? ____
g. J: ​I’m from Detroit in the United States. What do you do? ____
h. J: ​I’m a TV reporter. I work for CNN in their Detroit office. Why are you here at the trade fair?
i. C: ​How do you do? I’m Camille Vargas. ____
j. P: ​OK, Camille, see you later. ____
G) Now choose one of the two dialogues and practise it in pairs. Then, replace the words
with your own information.

H) Introduce yourself.

My name’s …………………………………………. . I’m from …………………………………… . I live in ……………………………… .

I study at …………………………………………… . I study ……………………………………… engineering.

I) Complete some more conversations using phrases from the list.

Would you like Could you of course Do you want a hand Can I

I’m afraid No, it’s all right, thanks. I can manage Do you want me to please

1. A: ………………………………………………….. hold this cable for me?

B: Yes, ………………………………………… .
2. A: …………………………………………………… with your bags?
B: Yes, ……………………………………………
3. A: …………………………………………………… use your computer?
B: Yes, but ……………………………………………….. it’s running a bit slowly.
4. A: …………………………………………………… call a taxi for you?
B: …………………………………………………… I’ll catch the bus.
5. A: …………………………………………………… some help?
B: Thanks, but I think …………………………………………………… .

J) Work with a partner and act out these conversations.

1. A: Ask B to help you carry some boxes to B: Offer to give A a lift.

the fourth floor. 5. A: Find out if A would like coffee or
B: Say yes. something to eat.
2. A: Ask B if you can leave your laptop in B: Say what you would like.
their office. 6. A: Introduce B to your boss.
B: Say no and give a reason. B: Greet your colleague’s boss.
3. A: Tell B about a job you need to do this
B: Offer to help.
4. A: Tell B you need to go to the airport.

1. Match a question or sentence on the left with a reply on the right.

1) Hello, Maria. How are you? __ b) Sure, it’s almost half past one.
2) Can I use your phone? __ c) Yes, of course. And help yourself to
3) I’m afraid I can’t come to your farewell the biscuits.
party on Friday. __ d) Hello, Alan. I’m fine, thanks. And
4) Thanks for all your help. __ you?
5) Excuse me. Where is the bus stop, e) Thanks. It was nice meeting you.
please? __ f) That’s OK. Don’t worry.
6) Welcome to Aero Technologies. I’m g) Yes, of course. Go ahead.
Brenda Stahl. __ h) Sorry, Lars. I’m afraid I’m very busy.
7) Excuse me. Do you have the time? __ i) There is one around the corner.
8) Sorry, I’m late. __ j) I’m in telecommunications.
9) Can I have another cup of tea? __ k) Thanks. Daniel Thorne. Pleased to
10)What do you do? __ meet you.
11)Carlos? Can you give me a hand? __ l) Oh, that’s a pity.
12)Well, Ms Keller, have a good trip back
home. __
a) You’re welcome.

2. Complete the questions with ​Can I, Could you​, or ​Would you like​.

1) ………………………………………….. borrow your pen for a sec?

2) …………………………………………… hold the other end of the tape measure for me?
3) …………………………………………… some more coffee?
4) …………………………………………… switch the lights off if you are the last person to leave?
5) …………………………………………… to order the standard or the luxury model?
6) …………………………………………… use your phone?
7) ………………………………………….. tell me when the problem started?
8) …………………………………………… give you a hand?
3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Then, listen and check.

A: …………………… I use your phone?

B: Yes, go ………………………
A: I just ……………………… to call a taxi.
B: …………………… are you going? To the ………………………?
A: Yes.
B: Do you want me to give you a ………………………?
A: Could ………………….? That’s very …………………….. of you.
B: You’re ………………………… .



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