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Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2019-318412 on 12 February 2020. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.

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Original research

Lifestyle and sociodemographic risk factors for

gastroschisis: a systematic review and meta-­analysis
Silvia Baldacci,1 Michele Santoro,1 Alessio Coi,1 Lorena Mezzasalma,1
Fabrizio Bianchi,1,2 Anna Pierini1,2

►► Additional material is ABSTRACT

published online only. To view, What is already known on this topic?
Background  Gastroschisis is strongly associated with
please visit the journal online
(http://d​ x.​doi.o​ rg/​10.​1136/​ young maternal age. This association suggests the need
►► Gastroschisis is a rare congenital anomaly
archdischild-​2019-​318412). for further investigations on non-­genetic risk factors.
characterised by serious neonatal medical
Identifying these risk factors is a public health priority in
Institute of Clinical Physiology complications and infant morbidity and
National Research Council, order to develop prevention strategies aimed at reducing
mortality, with an increasing prevalence
Pisa, Italy the prevalence and health consequences in offspring.
Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Objective  To systematically assess and quantitatively
Monasterio, Pisa, Italy ►► The aetiology of gastroschisis is still unknown
synthesise the available epidemiological studies to
but the cause is likely to be multifactorial.
evaluate the association between non-­genetic risk
Correspondence to ►► Several studies have previously demonstrated a
factors and gastroschisis.
Dr Silvia Baldacci, Institute of strong association between young maternal age
Clinical Physiology National Methods  Literature from PubMed, EMBASE and Scopus
and gastroschisis.
Research Council, Pisa 56124, was searched for the period 1990–2018. Epidemiological
Italy; ​silviab@​ifc.​cnr.​it studies reporting risk estimates between lifestyle and
sociodemographic risk factors and gastroschisis were
Received 18 October 2019 What this study adds?
included. Two pairs of reviewers independently extracted
Revised 24 January 2020
Accepted 24 January 2020 information on study characteristics following Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-­ ►► This study showed that maternal smoking,
Analyses and MOOSE (Meta-­analysis Of Oservational illicit drug use and alcohol consumption during
Studies in Epidemiology) guidelines. Relative risk (RR) pregnancy were associated with an increased

by copyright.
estimates were calculated across the studies and meta-­ risk of gastroschisis.
analysis was performed using random-­effects model. ►► For African-­American mothers, a lower risk
Results  We identified 58 studies. Meta-­analyses were was observed while for Hispanic mothers no
conducted on 29 studies. Maternal smoking (RR 1.56, association was found.
95% CI 1.40 to 1.74), illicit drug use (RR 2.14, 95% CI ►► A healthy diet may reduce the risk of
1.48 to 3.07) and alcohol consumption (RR 1.40, 95% CI gastroschisis while younger fathers and
1.13 to 1.70) were associated with an increased risk socioeconomically disadvantaged mothers may
of gastroschisis. A decreased risk among black mothers be at higher risk, but further studies are needed
compared with non-­Hispanic white mothers (RR 0.49, to verify it.
95% CI 0.38 to 0.63) was found. For Hispanic mothers
no association was observed.
Conclusions  Exposure to smoking, illicit drugs and Gastroschisis requires specialised surgical repair
alcohol during pregnancy is associated with an increased at birth and it is characterised by serious neonatal
risk of gastroschisis. A significantly decreased risk for medical complications and infant morbidity and
black mothers was observed. Further epidemiological mortality. Thus, gastroschisis represents a major
studies to assess the potential role of other healthcare burden.4–6
environmental factors are strongly recommended. The prevalence of gastroschisis ranges from 2 to 3
PROSPERO registration number  CRD42018104284. cases per 10 000 live births and several studies indi-
cate an increasing prevalence worldwide in the last
two decades.4 7–10 The prevalence of gastroschisis
also varies across geographic regions and between
Introduction race/ethnicity; recent studies estimate its current
Gastroschisis is a rare congenital anomaly. The prevalence up to 4–5 cases per 10 000 pregnancies
International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects in high-­income countries.10–12
© Author(s) (or their Research and Surveillance defines gastroschisis as ‘a The aetiology of gastroschisis is still largely
employer(s)) 2020. No congenital malformation characterised by visceral unknown but the major hypothesis relies on multi-
commercial re-­use. See rights
and permissions. Published herniation, usually through a right side abdom- factorial genesis involving gene-­ environment
by BMJ. inal wall defect to an intact umbilical cord and not interactions.
covered by a membrane. It excludes aplasia or hypo- Several studies have previously identified a strong
To cite: Baldacci S,
plasia of abdominal muscles, skin-­covered umbilical association between young maternal age and gastro-
Santoro M, Coi A, et al.
Arch Dis Child Epub ahead of hernia, omphalocele’.1 This anomaly mainly occurs schisis.4 8–12 This consistentassociation suggests
print: [please include Day as isolated (simplex); more rarely it is associated that gastroschisis could be caused by the exposure
Month Year]. doi:10.1136/ with other intestinal pathologies (complex) or with to environmental factors more frequent among
archdischild-2019-318412 chromosomal syndromes.2 3 adolescent mothers.
Baldacci S, et al. Arch Dis Child 2020;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2019-318412    1
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2019-318412 on 12 February 2020. Downloaded from on March 20, 2020 at Western Sydney University. Protected
Original research
Three reviews reported several studies investigating the associ- Study selection
ation between several non-­genetic risk factors and gastroschisis, Two pairs of reviewers independently (SB and AC; MS and
but no factor, other than young maternal age, has been identi- LM) screened each study by title and abstract to assess confor-
fied as steadily associated with gastroschisis.13–15 Moreover, the mity with selection criteria and identify potentially relevant
interpretation of these findings is difficult, as they summarised studies. Agreement regarding potential relevance was reached
the available studies without providing a quantitative synthesis by consensus. The articles potentially eligible were examined
of estimates. To date, only a meta-­ analysis by Hackshaw et in full-­text against the selection criteria, independently by the
al reported a significant association between smoking and reviewers, to reach a final list of studies to be included in the
gastroschisis.16 review. Disagreements were resolved by discussion between
Identifying potential risk factors for gastroschisis is a public reviewers.
health priority in order to develop prevention strategies aimed
at reducing the prevalence and health consequences in offspring. Data extraction
Thus, we conducted a systematic review to summarise the Data on the following characteristics were extracted from
available epidemiological studies and meta-­ analysis to deter- eligible studies independently by each reviewer using a stan-
mine the associations of selected non-­genetic risk factors with dardised extraction form: first author, year of publication,
gastroschisis. country of study, study design, study duration, sample size, data
As 123 studies were found eligible, in this current study we collection methods, description of exposure, risk factors under
focused only on lifestyle (ie, cigarette smoking, illicit drugs use, study, description of participants, estimates of risk (ie, OR, risk
coffee and alcohol consumption, diet) and sociodemographic ratio, HR, prevalence ratio) and associated 95% CI and p value
factors (ie, race/ethnicity, paternal age, socioeconomic status). (when available), adjusted or unadjusted effect measures, details
Studies on exposure to environmental contaminants, medica- of the variables/confounders that were adjusted for, study limita-
tions use and physiological risk factors were included in another tions and quality assessment score.
article, currently in progress.
Quality assessment
Methods Methodological quality assessment of cohort and case-­control
This systematic review followed the Preferred Reporting Items studies was performed independently by each reviewer using
for Systematic Reviews and Meta-­ Analyses17 and MOOSE the Newcastle-­Ottawa Scale (NOS)19 illustrated in the online
guidelines.18 supplementary appendix 2. An adapted NOS was used to eval-
uate the quality of cross-­sectional studies (online supplementary
appendix 2).20

by copyright.
Search strategy Studies scored from 7 to 9 stars (up to 10 stars in the case
We conducted literature search on PubMed, EMBASE and Scopus of cross-­sectional studies) were considered as of good quality,
electronic databases from 1 January 1990 to 18 July 2018 (date studies that scored 6 or 5 stars as medium quality and studies
of the last search). For databases search we used combinations of that scored <5 as poor quality.
the relevant medical subject heading and keywords related to the
exposure and the outcome of interest: [smoking OR “maternal
Statistical analyses
infection” OR “maternal illness” OR maternal age OR medica-
Meta-­analysis was conducted only if more than five studies inves-
tion OR “body mass index” OR diet OR race OR alcohol OR
tigating the same risk factor were available. Furthermore, only
drug OR risk OR waste OR environment* OR occupation* OR
studies adjusted at least for maternal age and with a NOS score
socioeconomic OR exposure] AND gastroschisis. The search
>4 were included. After applying these criteria, meta-­analyses
was restricted to English language. Reference lists of reviews and
were feasible only for studies investigating the association of
relevant papers were hand-­searched to identify additional rele-
gastroschisis with maternal smoking, illicit drug use, alcohol
vant studies. Since all eligible studies were available, it was not
consumption and race/ethnicity.
necessary to contact the authors.
Since gastroschisis is a rare event, the OR is a commonly
Details of the search strategy are presented in the online
applied measure to approximate relative risk (RR). The OR and
supplementary appendix 1.
95% CI of the included studies were pooled and summary effect
estimates were calculated using a random-­effects model. The
Eligibility criteria 95% prediction interval (PI) was computed in addition to the CI.
We included studies if they met the following criteria: a) were An I2 test was used to measure heterogeneity between studies.21
population-­ based studies with case-­ control, cohort or cross-­ The possible publication bias was evaluated by Egger’s test and
sectional design; b) assessed exposure to lifestyle, physiological, Peters’ test (significance level was set at p<0.05).22 23
sociodemographic and environmental risk factors; c) assessed In order to assess the robustness of the results, sensitivity anal-
risk factors exposure at individual level; d) reported risk esti- yses were performed including/excluding studies on the basis of
mates on the association between gastroschisis and at least one the following criteria: study design, publication year, NOS score
risk factor. and study weight (ie, excluding cross-­sectional studies or the
We excluded in vitro experimental studies, in vivo and ex vivo study with the highest weight, selecting only high-­quality studies
studies, letters, reviews, editorials, reports, comments, docu- with NOS >6 or studies published after 1999).
ments issued by regulatory bodies and book chapters. We also Statistical meta-­analyses were performed using STATA V.13.0
excluded ecological studies, since they assessed risk factor expo- (StataCorp, College Station, Texas, USA).
sure at aggregate level rather than at individual level. Moreover,
as maternal age has been demonstrated consistently associated Results
with gastroschisis, studies which investigated only maternal age Of 3005 citations identified, a total of 256 articles were selected
were not included. for full-­text reading. Of these, 123 studies met the inclusion
2 Baldacci S, et al. Arch Dis Child 2020;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2019-318412
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2019-318412 on 12 February 2020. Downloaded from on March 20, 2020 at Western Sydney University. Protected
Original research
Lifestyle risk factors
Maternal gestational smoking
Twenty-­one studies11 29 32 34 37 38 40 41 46 48–50 53–55 60 62–66 were
included in the meta-­analysis providing data on 13 483 cases
(figure 2). Pooled data showed that maternal smoking was
significantly associated with the risk of gastroschisis (random-­
effects RR 1.56, 95% CI 1.40 to 1.74, 95% PI 1.10 to 2.21).
Heterogeneity among the studies was observed (I2=56.0%) with
no evidence of publication bias (online supplementary table S5).
Sensitivity analyses did not change our pooled estimates.
Among the studies not included in the meta-­ analysis, six
studies reported unadjusted data.30 43 45 52 56 58 Three studies
showed an increased risk among exposed mothers27 42 44 (online
supplementary table S1).

Maternal gestational illicit drug use

Seven studies were included in the meta-­analysis, providing data
for 2366 cases (figure 3A).11 32 34 53 59 60 63 Pooled data showed
that maternal gestational illicit drug use was significantly asso-
ciated with the risk of gastroschisis (random-­effects RR 2.14,
95% CI 1.48 to 3.07, 95% PI 0.77 to 5.99). Heterogeneity
among the studies was observed (I2=60.6%) with no evidence
for publication bias (online supplementary table S5). Sensitivity
analyses did not change our pooled estimates.
Among the studies not included in the meta-­analysis, one study
presented unadjusted data.31 One study showed an increased
Figure 1  Literature search using Preferred Reporting Items for risk among exposed mothers,27 three studies39 46 48 reported no
Systematic Reviews and Meta-­Analyses flow diagram. significant association except for marijuana smoking (online
supplementary table S1).

by copyright.
criteria (figure 1). Fifty-­ eight studies11 24–80 concerning life- Maternal gestational alcohol consumption
style and sociodemographic risk factors were included in the Eight studies were included in the meta-­analysis, providing data
systematic review (online supplementary tables S1-­S2). Twenty-­ for 3429 cases (figure 3B).11 34 48 50 51 53 63 66 Pooled data showed
nine studies11 29 32 34 37 38 40 41 46 48–51 53–55 59 60 62–66 69 73–75 79 80 that maternal alcohol consumption was significantly associated
were available for meta-­analyses comprising 21 994 cases of with the risk of gastroschisis (random-­effects RR 1.39, 95% CI
1.13 to 1.70, 95% PI 0.82 to 2.35). Heterogeneity among the
gastroschisis. Among them, four studies were adjusted only for
studies was observed (I2=57.3%) with no evidence for publi-
maternal age or for maternal age and body mass index (BMI).
cation bias (online supplementary table S5). Sensitivity analyses
In nine studies, adjustment variables included at least one life-
did not change our pooled estimates.
style habits or sociodemographic factors. Sixteen studies were
Three studies that were not included in the meta-­ analysis
also adjusted for other additional factors (eg, medications use
presented unadjusted data30 52 56 (online supplementary table
and maternal physiological conditions). A detailed description of S1).
the included studies is provided in online supplementary tables
Maternal nutrition
In 28 studies, cases were ascertained in live births infants;
Two studies suggested that a better diet quality during pregnancy
in 24 studies cases included live births, stillbirths and elective
or an increased fruit or vegetable intake were associated with a
terminations of pregnancy. In five studies, cases were ascertained
statistically significant decreased risk of gastroschisis.35 50 In one
in live births and stillbirths, and one study included live births study, no significant association was observed.36 Three studies
and elective terminations of pregnancy only. reported an increased risk of gastroschisis with low levels of
Based on NOS quality assessment score, 40 studies were classi- protein, zinc, BMI, α-carotene and total glutathione, and with
fied as good, 16 studies as medium and 2 as poor quality (online high levels of nitrosamines.46 47 59 One study showed a mild asso-
supplementary tables S3-­S4 a, b). ciation with higher maternal intake of total energy and fat.57 One
Studies on lifestyle risk factors11 24–67 mainly investigated study suggested a weak association with a lower phytoestrogen
maternal smoking, illicit drug use, maternal alcohol consump- intake.61 In one study, the exposed group was not large enough
tion and maternal nutrition. Few studies investigated other for consistent risk estimation67 (online supplementary table S1).
maternal lifestyle habits (online supplementary table S1).
Studies on sociodemographic risk Other maternal lifestyle habits
factors27 29 30 32 34 40 42 44 48 50 52 53 55 56 60 66 68–80 were mainly Three studies28 50 66 showed inconclusive evidence of an associa-
focused on maternal race/ethnicity, education level and tion between maternal caffeine intake and gastroschisis.
paternal age. Maternal marital status, place of residence, Two studies25 33 found an increased risk in mothers having a
family income, change in paternity and maternal or paternal shower for >15 min or taking hot baths. One study observed no
occupation were also investigated (online supplementary table significant association between swimming pool use and the risk
S2). of gastroschisis.24 One study showed a decreased risk associated
Baldacci S, et al. Arch Dis Child 2020;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2019-318412 3
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2019-318412 on 12 February 2020. Downloaded from on March 20, 2020 at Western Sydney University. Protected
Original research

by copyright.
Figure 2  Forest plot (random-­effects analysis) showing association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and risk of gastroschisis.

with increased water consumption26 (online supplementary table Paternal age

S1). Seven studies found that younger fathers were at a higher risk
of gastroschisis.29 53 68 70 71 76 80 Conversely, one study42 showed
a decreased risk. One study reported unadjusted data52 (online
Demographic risk factors supplementary table S2).
Maternal race/ethnicity
Eleven studies were included in the meta-­ analysis, providing
data for 8636 cases (figure 4A).29 34 48 54 55 69 73–75 79 80 Pooled Socioeconomic status risk factors
data showed that black mothers have a lower risk to have a child Education
with gastroschisis (random-­ effects RR 0.49, 95% CI 0.38 to Two studies suggested that a high level of education is associated
0.63, 95% PI 0.21 to 1.15). Heterogeneity among the studies with gastroschisis.27 42 Eight studies showed no significant asso-
was observed (I2=81.1%) with no evidence for publication ciation between maternal or parental education level and the risk
bias (online supplementary table S5). Sensitivity analyses did of gastroschisis.34 53 55 60 66 69 72 80 Three studies reported unad-
not change our pooled estimates. For Hispanic white mothers, justed data44 52 56 (online supplementary table S2).
pooled data revealed no significant association (random-­effects
RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.85 to 1.18, 95% PI 0.59 to 1.72, figure 4B). Maternal marital status
Among studies not included in the meta-­analysis, three studies Two studies reported an increased risk of gastroschisis for unmar-
reported unadjusted data.40 44 56 One study showed a lower risk ried women.32 55 One study showed a significantly decreased risk
among the offspring of black and Hispanic teenager mothers.27 compared with unmarried young mothers.42 Conversely, one
One study reported a significantly higher risk among the study60 observed a higher risk for married mothers. One study
offspring of non-­Hispanic white and Hispanic young mothers did not adjust for maternal age40 (online supplementary table
compared with blacks42 (online supplementary table S2). S2).
4 Baldacci S, et al. Arch Dis Child 2020;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2019-318412
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2019-318412 on 12 February 2020. Downloaded from on March 20, 2020 at Western Sydney University. Protected
Original research

by copyright.

Figure 3  (A) Forest plot (random-­effects analysis) showing association between maternal illicit drug use during pregnancy and risk of gastroschisis.
(B) Forest plot (random-­effects analysis) for maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy and risk of gastroschisis.

Baldacci S, et al. Arch Dis Child 2020;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2019-318412 5

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2019-318412 on 12 February 2020. Downloaded from on March 20, 2020 at Western Sydney University. Protected
Original research

by copyright.

Figure 4  (A) Forest plot (random-­effects analysis) showing association between black mothers and risk of gastroschisis. (B) Forest plot (random-­
effects analysis) showing association between Hispanic mothers and risk of gastroschisis.

6 Baldacci S, et al. Arch Dis Child 2020;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2019-318412

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2019-318412 on 12 February 2020. Downloaded from on March 20, 2020 at Western Sydney University. Protected
Original research
Maternal residence Our meta-­analysis shows that recreational drug use is asso-
Two studies29 55 reported no significant association, one study ciated with gastroschisis. Animal studies have demonstrated
showed a higher risk for infants of mothers with non-­urban the teratogenic effects of carbon monoxide, one of the most
residence.79 One study did not adjust for maternal age40 (online important components of marijuana.83 84 The most psychoactive
supplementary table S2). agent in marijuana interferes with cellular growth, morphology,
in exchange pathways, leading to the apoptosis in placental
Income development.85 Human and animal studies have suggested that
One study found a decreased risk among women living in prenatal cocaine use might affect embryonic and fetal devel-
households with an annual income >US$50 000.48 Two studies opment through vasoconstriction in maternal and fetal tissues,
observed a higher risk of gastroschisis among offspring of leading to hypoperfusion and hypoxia.86 87
mothers living in a more disadvantaged neighbourhood.54 60 One Our meta-­analysis shows that maternal alcohol consumption
study34 reported no significant association. Two studies reported is associated with gastroschisis. It is well known that prenatal
unadjusted data52 56 (online supplementary table S2). alcohol exposure may be harmful to the fetus leading to a wide
range of lifelong adverse birth outcomes known as fetal alcohol
spectrum disorders.88–90 WHO has recently published an over-
view of the literature on interventions to prevent alcohol expo-
One study showed no significant association between parental
sure during pregnancy addressed to pregnant and non-­pregnant
occupation status and the risk of gastroschisis.50 Two studies
reported unadjusted data40 52 (online supplementary table S2).
Our meta-­ analysis shows a decreased risk among black
mothers compared with white non-­Hispanic mothers. Among
Change in paternity Hispanic mothers, no association was evidenced. The observed
One study showed that change in paternity is associated with prevalence variations might account for different genetic suscep-
increased risk for gastroschisis.30 In two studies, no significant tibility to specific environmental factors across ethnic groups,
association was observed.50 78 One study reported unadjusted even if the relationship between race and ethnicity and the risk
data52 (online supplementary table S2). of gastroschisis is still largely debated.4 8 10
Our meta-­ analyses were performed on several multistate
Discussion studies with large sample size and expansive geographic scale that
Our systematic review included 58 studies. Our meta-­analyses, allow ample statistical power to investigate several risk factors
conducted on 29 studies and over 21 994 gastroschisis cases, and provide the opportunity to identify variations between
showed that maternal smoking, illicit drug use and alcohol surveillance areas. Moreover, most of the studies included in the

by copyright.
consumption during pregnancy are associated with the risk of meta-­analyses are based on cases identified from registries with
gastroschisis in the offspring. Furthermore, meta-­analysis results an active surveillance system and the inclusion of live births,
indicated a decreased risk of gastroschisis among black mothers fetal deaths and elective terminations of pregnancy provided a
compared with white, non-­Hispanic mothers. Among Hispanic more complete case ascertainment. Additionally, we conducted
mothers, no significant association was detected. Sensitivity sensitivity analyses, which suggested that our results were not
analyses supported the robustness of these results. influenced by differences in study design, weight or period of
Our systematic review suggested that maternal healthy diet study publication.
and being married may be protective factors for gastroschisis. Our study hasfew limitations. Our review was limited to
Conversely, younger fathers and socioeconomically disadvan- studies that were published in English and the studies included
taged mothers may be at higher risk of having a newborn with in our meta-­analyses varied in terms of adjustment variables,
gastroschisis. Although current literature is not sufficient to study design, time and geography. Furthermore, all the included
draw conclusions on the relationship between maternal nutri- studies are observational and their findings may still be influ-
tion, paternal age and socioeconomic status and the risk of enced by problems of residual confounding. Another limitation
gastroschisis, some studies supported their role as confounding with case-­control studies is the potential for recall bias. More-
or interaction factors. To date, few studies have evaluated if over, exposure misclassification may occur in self-­ reported
socioeconomic disparities may be associated with the risk of exposure assessment. Finally, the majority of the studies included
gastroschisis, thus the epidemiological evidence is still limited. in our meta-­analyses was conducted in the USA and may reflect
An important consideration is that lower socioeconomic status country-­specific maternal lifestyle habits as well as specific socio-
is associated with health-­damaging behavioural habits such as demographic characteristics.
heavy smoking, increased alcohol consumption and poor health-
care. Overall, these results support the role of socioeconomic Conclusion
factors as determinants of health and have implications for a Meta-­ analyses findings indicate that maternal smoking, illicit
health programme and policy. drug use and alcohol consumption during early pregnancy are
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first meta-­analysis associated with an increased risk of gastroschisis in offspring.
of several potential risk factors for gastroschisis. The greater These findings strengthen the importance that prevention strat-
number and the increased quality of included studies, compared egies are focused primarily on tackling behavioural risk factors.
with a previous meta-­analysis16 on smoking, is the main strength Moreover, our systematic review highlights that beyond the
of our results. effects of conventional behavioural risk factors, further investi-
Previous epidemiological and experimental studies have gations of potential associations between gastroschisis and other
suggested that tobacco can have a teratogenic and carcino- environmental factors and gene-­ environment interactions are
genic effect on germ cells.81 82 Thus, tobacco toxin may lead to needed.
abnormal development of the ventral body wall during the fetal
growth. Moreover, nicotine produces vasoconstriction, so it may Contributors  SB, MS, AC, LM and AP contributed to the writing of the study
be implied in the gastroschisis pathogenic process.64 protocol. SB conceived the study, conducted the literature search, screened and

Baldacci S, et al. Arch Dis Child 2020;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2019-318412 7

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2019-318412 on 12 February 2020. Downloaded from on March 20, 2020 at Western Sydney University. Protected
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