Micro-Machines For 3D Micro-Parts

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Micro-Machines For 3D Micro-Parts

Kaushal Chandak and Suhas S. Joshi

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Powai, MUMBAI – 400 076 (India)

Abstract: Limitations on the resources of energy, space and material coupled with the
recent trend of miniaturization of mechanical devices, have provided impetus to the
development of meso- or micro-sized machines to manufacture micro-parts. It is
observed that in these machines, the vibrations, inertia and thermal effects decrease
significantly with the scale of machines. This paper focuses on the function and design
features of various components of a micro-machine system. The discussion is based on
the relevant examples from literature and the authors’ work.

Recent developments in engineering technology have lead to downsizing of many
systems in the electronic and optical fields. The large size computers of one time have
now been scaled down to lap-top or palm-top sizes. To effectively pursue this trend of
miniaturization, mechanical components or systems also need to be miniaturized too.
Therefore, use of meso- or micro-sized machines, popularly known as micro-machines, is
likely to increase considerably in the near future. In fact, with the limitations on resources
of energy, material and space, miniaturization will become a necessity in virtually every
field. Consequently, smaller machines will be required for manufacturing of smaller
components because the use of big machines to manufacture small components results in
an undue loss of space, energy and material [1]. It has been observed that the vibration
and inertia effects are reduced with the scale of machine. The inertia and elastic forces
decrease as the fourth and second power of the scaling factor respectively [2]. Further,
the thermal deformations were found to decrease linearly (or faster) with a decrease in the
size of a machine tool [3]. The miniaturization and integration is found to increase the
degree of freedom of product design thereby facilitate modifications in the system design
The Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, (MEL, Japan) had come up with a concept
of micro-factory in 1990 [1, 4-6]. In 1996, MEL developed a miniature lathe called
micro-lathe with overall dimensions of only one cubic inch in size. Subsequently,
prototypes of small production machines viz. micro-milling and micro-press were also
made. Similarly, Lu and Yoneyama [7] of Kanazawa University, Japan have developed a
micro-lathe turning system of length 200 mm. There have been other efforts to develop
meso- or micro-scale machines such as pocket size EDM [8] and micro-equipment [3]. It
is clear that the emphasis of these developments is on the miniaturization of production
machines. These machines are capable of producing a variety of 3D micro-shapes
virtually on any work material; unlike, the very high resolution new technologies such as
lithography, etching [9], etc. that are capable of producing 2D shapes on a few select
work materials such as Si and Ge [3]. Therefore, over the last few years, development of
meso- or micro-scale machines to manufacture micro-parts has gained momentum all
over the world.
This paper presents recent developments in the area of miniaturization of production
machines with relevant inputs from the literature and authors’ work. The emphasis here is
on identifying functions and design features of various components of typical micro-
machines. Based on this understanding, development of a conceptual micro-lathe is


There are a number of reasons for which the miniaturization or development of micro-
machines is always attempted at. Firstly, to date, the manufacturing of micro-components
is mainly facilitated by lithography based techniques. However, these processes can
produce two-dimensional components on a select few materials. Whereas, many
microscopic actuation devices and mechanisms require three-dimensional components
made of materials of varying characteristics. In the past, these have been manufactured
using precision or ultra-precision machine tools. However, the ability of a machine tool
to produce a precise micro-component is proportional to its size. The smaller machines
can produce smaller components more accurately than larger machines. This is because
the inertial forces decrease proportional to the fourth power of the scaling factor.
Consider a schematic of disc fixed on a rotating shaft on as shown in Figure 1 [a].

Fig. 1 [a] Schematic of a disc fixed on a rotating shaft [b] Free body diagram [3].

The center point of the disc is displaced relative the center point of the shaft by amount e.
The inertia force Fi of the disc is given by –

Fi = mω 2 e (1)
where, m is the mass of the disc and ω is the angular speed of disc. Assuming the shaft to
be a cantilever beam loaded at end by the inertial force Fi, the deflection from bending
(see Fig. 1[b]) is given by –
∆z = CL3 Fi ED 4 (2)

where, C is constant, E is the elastic modulus of shaft material, L is shaft length, D is

shaft diameter and Fi is the inertial force. Therefore, the deflection of machine tool A
made of the same material and design as that of B but S times smaller than machine tool
A is given by –
∆z A = S∆z B (3)
Therefore, the inertial forces produce deflection in the machine tool B is at least S times
smaller than that of in the machine tool A.
Also, with the reduction in size, the machines are subjected to reduced thermal
deformations [3]. If there are two machine tools of size A and B that have the same design
and are made of same material. If B is S times smaller that of A. The thermal deformation
of a component length L can be given by –

∆L = αL∆T (4)

Therefore, the length component of B is S times smaller than that of A, therefore –

L A = SLB (5)
Since it is easier to maintain constant temperature in the smaller volume than in the larger
volume, therefore, the internal temperature difference machines can be represented as –

∆TeA >= ∆TeB (6)

Therefore, the thermal deformation of A will be larger than that of B, as given by –

∆L A >= S∆LB (7)

Thus, the thermal deformations decrease linearly (or faster) with the decrease in the size
of the machine tool.
Similarly, the elastic forces decrease proportional to the second power of the scaling
factor [10]. The reduced inertia of the smaller machines, facilitate higher speeds and
increased flexibility in manufacturing. They also provide large extend of savings in the
energy (see Table 1 for examples), space and environment.
Table 1: Comparison of average energy consumption due to miniaturization to 1/X [11]

Sr. Energy Average consumption Energy saving effect (1/X

no. in actual factories (%) miniaturization)
1. Operating energy 13 1/X3
2. Environmental energy
Illuminating 23 1/(1.5*X3)
Air conditioning 56 1/(3*X3)
3. Processing energy and others 8 1

However, the miniaturization of machines is never free of complications as limitation of

space imposes numerous constraints on the machine development process.
The power consumed by a mechanical system is expected to be proportional to square
or cube of its dimensions. However, experimental results with previously developed
micro-machines reveal that amount of energy saved by downsizing is not as per the
expectations. This could be due to power loss in the developing highly accurate


Development of a micro-machine system could involve integration and development
of a number of components as summarized in Fig. 2.

Actuation (Power supply) and

control unit
Setting and resetting Miniaturization of tools
of work
Machine System Human handling of
Surveillance machine

Fig. 2 Subjects for the development of a cutting system of micro-parts [5].

Specifically, for a micro-machine for metal cutting purpose, requirements of the system
can be listed as below –
Actuation and Control Unit: It involves spindle supported by appropriate bearings and
coupled to a drive of variable speed. It also involves the actuation mechanism and drives
for machine tool slides. In the world of micro-machines, better and efficient actuators are
always necessary. Conventional actuators like electromagnetic motors have serious
problems when they are miniaturized. For example, with a high-speed electric motor, the
associated gears require appropriate reduction to obtain desired torque. Here, motion
characteristics of the device depend on the accuracy of manufacturing of micro-gears and
their reliable coupling. A solution to this problem is to use direct drive actuation.
Among the various types of actuators, piezoelectric based actuators with high
response speed (100kHz), large yield (40N/mm2) and very compact size are the best
suited for micro-machines [12]. Other actuation drives which fall in non-direct driven
category include electro-mechanical, electro-pneumatic drive, electro-hydraulic drive,
micro-stepper motors and linear motors. However, these drives facilitate limited
Miniaturization of Tools: The micro-machine system requires specially manufactured
cutting tools of smaller size. They must be stronger than work material. Since in such
processes the metal removal rate is very small, the breakage strength of work material
approaches its theoretical value G/2π (where G is shear modulus) [13]. Investigations
have also shown that unpredictable tool-life and premature tool failure are the main
commons in micro-machining operations using solid cutting tools. The FEM analysis of
various types of micro-end mill geometry, shows that during the machining operation, the
end mills are subjected to cutting forces of varying magnitude rather than localized loads
[14]. The analysis shows that failure of cutting tools can be easily detected by monitoring
the surface finish.
Setting and Resetting of Work: At micro level, loading and unloading of work cannot
be done by hand. Hence dedicated manipulators to handle workpieces are required along
with the micro-machine.
Machine Surveillance: Microscope or computer controlled cameras are required along
with the micro-machine system to monitor or to grasp the working situation directly. This
is usually achieved by an optical microscope connected to some display unit.
Human Handling of Machines: It is required for the movement of machines for
relocation or integration.
A number of aspects of selection or design of components of a typical micro-machine
can be understood from a careful study and analysis of various micro-machines or micro-
mechanisms developed earlier. A summary of various micro-machines and their salient
features is presented in Table 2.


The selection or design of the components for the desired micro-machine can be arrived
at after a careful study and analysis of various micro-machines or micro-mechanisms
developed earlier. It is therefore proposed to develop a micro-lathe with following
preliminary specifications (see Table 3). The design and development activity for the
proposed micro-lathe is already underway and initial concept of spindle design for this
machine is presented in this paper.
Table 2: A summary of micro-machine features.

Spindle Min. Achievable Other

Machine Dimensions speed diameter Spindle Surface informati
(mm) (rpm) achieved power roughness on
Micro-lathe L:32 W:25 ~10000 60 µm 1.5 W 1.5µm Weight
[1, 5] H:30.5 100 gm
Micro-lathe L:200 ~15000 10µm -- 1µm
L:170 -- --
Micro- W:170 ~15600 -- 36W DC
milling [1] H:102
-- Load 3kN
Micro-press L:111 W:66 -- -- 100W Speed -
[1] H:170 AC 60 strokes
/ min.

Table 3. Specifications of the proposed micro-lathe.

Sr. No. Machine Feature Specifications

1. Machining Process Turning
2. Capability to generate Internal cylindrical – 0.1 to 3 mm
features External cylindrical – 1 to 5 mm
3. Approximate area 1200 mm2
4. Maximum Spindle Speed 10, 000 rpm

Consider a static model of the micro-machine spindle with outer diameter D and inner
diameter d as shown in Fig. 3. The distance between the bearing supports is a and
overhang of the spindle is b. If F is the cutting force, E is Young’s modulus of spindle the
material and I is the moment of inertia of the cross-section of the spindle, then the cutting
point static flexibility is given by [15] –
α =∆ F (8)
where, ∆ is the net spindle deflection at the cutting point. If ∆s is the deflection at the
cutting point due to bending and ∆B is the deflection at the cutting point due to the
bearings, then the net spindle deflection is given by –
∆ = ∆S + ∆B (9)

For the system under consideration, the net spindle deflection is given by [14] –
( )
∆ = F b 3 + ab 2 3 EI + F (a + b )2 ak1 + Fb 2 a 2 k 2 (10)

where, k1 and k2 are stiffness of bearing. Therefore, from Eq. (8) we get,
( )
α = b 3 + ab 2 3 EI + F (a + b )2 ak1 + Fb 2 a 2 k 2 (11)

a b

Fig. 3. Schematic of micro-machine spindle.

Now, consider dimensions of the proposed spindle such as - a = 60 mm, b = 40 mm, D =

8 mm, d = 6 mm. Let the non-dimensional bearing stiffnesses K1 and K2, and are given
by –
K1 = k1 / ED and K2 = k2/ED (12)

and typically the range of K1, K2 is given by –

0.01 ≤ K1, K2 ≤ 0.1

Therefore, the cutting point static flexibility (α) for the proposed system varies from -
1.90 µm/N to 2.09 µm/N. It implies that during micro-cutting, if the magnitude of cutting
force is of the order of 10 mN, the cutting point deflection would be about 2 X 10-2 µm,
which is fairly acceptable.
The dynamic flexibility (αD) of a machine tool determines its susceptibility to chatter.
To prevent from chattering, following condition needs to be satisfied.

1/αD > KF

where, KF is the cutting force factor, and has almost linear dependence upon the width of
cut for a given workpiece and geometry [15]. The dynamic flexibility of a machine can
be calculated on the similar lines.

1. Development of micro-machines is vital to manufacture three-dimensional micro-
components on virtually any type of work material.
2. Use of small machines to manufacture of small components has a number of useful
effect and results in a considerably savings on resources.
3. A micro-machine is a system rather than an individual machine. It needs a number of
additional components to facilitate human interface with the system. In that respect,
development of a micro-machine is always a challenge.
4. Based on the understanding from the literature, design of a micro-lathe for
performing a micro-turning operation is proposed.

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