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Sunday, October 31, 2021 GUARDIAN OF THE PEOPLE No 39435

Audit finds $81M
wastage on

islandwide plan 5
Material bought for
16 projects rotting
away 8 years on
processes flagged

A WASA worker cuts a
water pipeline at the site
of a collapsed section of
Ariapita Road, St Ann’s,
yesterday. Work crews say
it could take five days to
repair the line and road,
which collapsed on Friday.
(See Page 10)

CAL executive quits over Cops exhume body over

difference with colleague bizarre ritual fear
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Latest WASA audit finds Differences with Repair work on St Ann’s Spreading light, love
$81M pipeline scandal colleague sees sinkhole starts for a Trini Divali
Rampant inefficiencies in the Water
and Sewerage Authority (WASA)
CAL manager quit PoS North/St Ann’s West MP
This Thursday, Hindus across T&T
will observe Divali–the celebration

The project management department Yannis Gounaris has resigned Stuart Young, councillor Sherwyn of good over evil, light over
have led to the beleaguered State- as Caribbean Airlines’ Chief Jones and senior officials from darkness. On this local national
owned company over procuring $81 Commercial officer. the San Juan Laventille Regional holiday, when Mother Lakshmi

million in pipelines they may not Sources said Gounaris, who joined Corporation came under fire is believed to roam the Earth,
have needed. This was just one of CAL around 2018-19, was based yesterday, as residents of St Ann’s bestowing blessings of wealth
the shocking findings contained in in the US. Gounaris resigned last complained that they had been and happiness, many will prepare
Friday, it’s understood. informed about the bad condition

a 35-page report by WASA’s Internal sumptuous East Indian favourites,
Audit Compliance Department CAL has been restructuring after of the Ariapita Road outside the wear new clothes and adorn their
into the authority’s procurement its finances were hard-hit by the Cascadia Hotel long before it caved homes and streets with beautiful
of 38,480 lengths of pipes valued at border closure last year. in on Friday. decorations, including thousands of
$223 million. —Page 5 —Page 13 —Page 10 eye-catching deeyas. —Page 22-23
Today’s stories
in capsule INSIDE
... for all? 57,121
Governance is defined as the DEATHS
act or process of governing be
it an organisation, or a country.
The Corporate Governance
Institute defines governance PEOPLE TESTED
as the system by which an
organisation is controlled, 394,203
operates and the mechanisms
by which the organisation and ACTIVE CASES
its people are held to account.
Specifically, it refers to the rules,
controls and policies established ONE-DOSE VACCINATIONS
to guide or
ensure that the
behaviours of all
are appropriate FULLY VACCINATED
to the
circumstances. 338 600,601

—Mariano Browne WEATHER 247,104,564

Trinidad & Tobago

Generally hot, 5,009,930

sunny and hazy
CONTACT US with the likelihood
Port-of-Spain: of showers over
22–24 St Vincent Street, few areas. There is
(PO Box 122)
also a low (20%)
Telephone: chance of isolated
235-5668 Exts 5133, 5135, 5116,
5174, 5113, 5115
thunderstorm activity, favouring
Dressed as a witch, western areas of Trinidad. Significant
San Fernando Bureau: Samantha Lalan yesterday concentrations of Saharan dust is
235-5668 Exts 5224, 5225, 5226 handed out Halloween present in the atmosphere.
candy to shoppers at The
Tobago Bureau: Falls at West Mall. PICTURE Piarco Max 32°C Min 23°C
Camille McEachnie ANISTO ALVES Crown Point Max 32°C Min 24°C
6 news Sunday, October 31, 2021

Million-dollar legal fees at

CoP’s office under radar
Questions over legality of acts

Expenditure by the Office of the

Commissioner of Police under for-
mer CoP Gary Griffith is the sub-
ject of an ongoing probe initiated
by the Ministry of Finance.
A team of financial analysts, ac-
countants and other experts from
the Ministry of Finance are in the
process of conducting a probe to
review the millions of dollars in
Last week, Minister of National
Security Fitzgerald Hinds con- Former commissioner of police Gary
firmed his ministry was consulting Griffith PICTURE KERWIN PIERRE
with the Finance Ministry in re-
viewing spending within the TTPS. A source with knowledge of the
Finance Minister Colm Imbert also procedural process said all em-
confirmed the probe, noting that ployees of the State have to be
contract work, which increased represented by the independent
from $54.1 million in 2018 to $88.8 offices of the SGD and CSSO which
million in 2021, was one of the fall under the purview of the Min-
areas of concern. istry of the Attorney General and
The issue of legal fees paid to Legal Affairs.
hire external lawyers to represent “This is the established consti-
the T&T Police Service (TTPS) has tutional arrangement because the
also come under scrutiny. Tradi- TTPS is part of the State. These are The Police Administration Building in Port-of-Spain. PICTURE SHIRLEY BAHADUR
tionally, the TTPS has always been independent legal officers who are
represented in civil matters in the appointed by the JLSC. They pro- about him on Facebook–Mark leave from the TTPS on August 16 ery, which is the Chief State and
High Court by legal officers from vide independent legal advice John Hamel-Smith of Bay Road, pending the outcome of the inves- Solicitor General, will always then
the Solicitor General’s Depart- and representation so that even St James, and Kenlee Ramoutar, tigation into the matter. kick in to be the defence attorneys
ment (SGD) and the Chief State if police officers were wrong, the a security guard from Couva. He for the State. Police officers are
Solicitor’s Office (CSSO) which fall matter can be objectively assessed has also written pre-action proto- Legal mind not sued in their private capacity
under the Ministry of the Attorney by lawyers who are not part of the col letters to several media houses but as agents of the State.”
General and Legal Affairs. TTPS.” on behalf of Griffith threatening to Told that the TTPS’ legal depart-
Under the State Liability and
However, the SGD and CSSO, as The source said the reason for sue for defamation. Proceedings Act, the SGD and ment in the last two years had re-
well as lawyers from the TTPS’s this legal relationship “is that it Concerns have been raised CSSO should defend the State, a tained private attorneys who were
Legal Department, were being by- is the State that is liable for the about Roper being retained to reputable legal mind with expe- paid for their services through
passed and external lawyers were unlawful conduct of agents and represent the TTPS in court whilst rience working for the state told the TTPS, he said, “I know that in
being hired to represent the TTPS employees. This is illustrated by he, at the same time, acted as Grif- civil matters that the SG and Chief
Guardian Media.
in the High Court. The head of the fact that it is the State and fith’s personal attorney. Having provided legal services State...I would think are the sole
legal at the TTPS then was Chris- not errant police officers who are According to Roper’s Linkedin to government departments, of- representatives (for the State) un-
tian Chandler. responsible for paying the dam- profile, he graduated from Hugh fices and state agencies, the senior less they have some objection or
Sources indicate that several ages and compensation that are Wooding Law School in 2012. To legal luminary said it was never a whatever and then I presume the
senior attorneys from the SGD awarded by the court in cases of compound matters, Chandler policy for the TTPS to retain pri- SG could waive and allow them to
and CSSO raised concerns about police brutality, malicious pros- was also Griffith’s personal lawyer retain private attorneys.”
vate attorneys.
this practice and policy, because it ecution and breach of a person’s before he was appointed as head He added, “But I don’t know
“I don’t know that practice. I
is the Attorney General who is re- constitutional rights.” of the TTPS’s legal department. don’t know where that practice that in truth and in this instance,
sponsible under the Constitution The Ministry of Finance and Chandler had threatened to sue has come from. I never knew that that they can go to private attor-
for the conduct of all civil proceed- other state entity probers are now the Police Service Commission on practice that the police can bypass neys and bypass the SG and Chief
ings against the State. Questions trying to understand the “special behalf of Griffith prior to his ap- the Solicitor General and Chief State. That is news to me. I have
were also raised about whether or arrangement” that allowed the pointment as CoP. State and hire attorneys to repre- never known that as the practice…
not a note was taken to Cabinet to bypassing of the Constitution and Chandler was recently detained sent the police. I never knew that because they are there to save tax-
facilitate the bypassing of the SGD selection of external lawyers paid and charged in relation to an in- because under the State Liability payers’ money et cetera. Why are
and CSSO. by the TTPS. cident aboard Chandler’s yacht and Proceedings Act, we are the you bypassing the State and going
Legal officers from the SGD and The TTPS has been represented off the Chaguaramas coast on Au- ones who represent the State in to private attorneys?”
CSSO are appointed by the inde- by Chandler and lawyers from his gust 5. He was slapped with five The legal mind said these two
those matters.”
pendent Judicial and Legal Service legal department, as well as Joel criminal charges arising out of the When police officers are sued, independent offices offer expert
Commission ( JLSC) and report to Roper, an external attorney from incident and is currently on $1 mil- advice and one has to find out
he said the act caters for this.
the Solicitor General and Chief private practice. lion bail. Chandler is scheduled to Once a matter is filed against the “where is the real authority for
State Solicitor, which are inde- Roper, who operates out of appear virtually before a Port-of- State, he said, “I don’t know if the where that goes.”
pendent offices protected by the Atlantic Law Chambers, landed Spain magistrate on November 25 He stated that in the case of
Solicitor General and Chief State
Constitution. several briefs and appeared in a in the matter. could be bypassed. If they feel criminal matters, the TTPS also
Legal sources told Guardian number of high-profile cases for At least ten other people were there is some conflict of interest, has the DPP to advise them.
Media that these legal officers are the TTPS. also allegedly on board the vessel “In civil matters, the Chief State
they might then seek to have out-
there to give objective legal ad- Copies of High Court judgments at the time of the incident, includ- side attorneys represent them and Solicitor and Solicitor General
vice to the AG, who is ultimately showed that the TTPS was repre- ing the captain, a businessman advise ministries and state de-
a case has to be made for that.
responsible for defending cases sented by external lawyers, one and eight women ranging from “If you look at that act…when partments. That is how I have al-
brought against State entities such of whom is also acting as Griffith’s ages 27-32, contrary to the public they (public) sue the State, it then ways known it. And nothing has
as the Police Service. Compensa- personal attorney. health regulations, which, at that becomes in the name of the Attor- changed from that.”
tion and legal costs are also paid Roper recently issued pre-action time, limited the number of public ney General and the police officers
by the AG’s Office and not the protocol letters against two peo- gatherings to five people. involved…and the State machin-
TTPS. ple who made adverse comments Chandler had proceeded on Continues on Page 7
Sunday, October 31, 2021 news 5
Latest audit at WASA finds ...

$81M pipeline scandal

SHALIZA HASSANALI pipes procured and prevented the author-
ity from attaining value for money for WTC
Rampant inefficiencies in the Water and 46/2012,” the audit report said.
Sewerage Authority (WASA) project man- The report concluded that the tendering
agement department have led to the be- process for the procurement of the iron
leaguered State-owned company over pipes was deficient, since the selection
procuring $81 million in pipelines they may team failed to use the prequalification cri-
not have needed. teria under WTC 137/2011. The management
This was just one of the shocking findings team at the time justified the circumvention
contained in a 35-page report by WASA’s of the same, as three packages of the WTC
Internal Audit Compliance Department Some of the pipelines purchased since 2013 for a series of projects sit on a WASA compound still only had two compliant bidders, which is
(IACD) into the authority’s procurement unused. The process used in the purchase of the pipelines has been raised in an audit report. the minimum required to facilitate a com-
of 38,480 lengths of pipes valued at $223 petitive e-auction. However, the report
million from Chinese based firm Xin Xing pointed out, this did not justify circumven-
Ductile Pipes Company Ltd since 2013. The tion.
38,480 pipes cover a distance of 235.14 kilo- “This not only impaired the transparency
metres and it marked the largest purchase and equity of the procurement process but
in WASA’s history. possibly limited the authority’s selection of
The pipes were bought for the execution the most suitable supplier.”
of 28 projects geared towards improving The audit also picked up several variances
WASA’s reliability and regularity of its pipe- between the pipes that were purchased and
borne supply to its 400,000-plus custom- WASA’s inventory records.
ers. To address the deficiencies, the IACD put
Eight years later, however, the report, forward several recommendations. One
dated September 16, 2021 and obtained by The name of the Chinese firm from which WASA bought pipelines for a project since 2013 are
recommendation was that acting CEO Sher-
still visible on them, although many are rotting away at sites across the country having not
Guardian Media, has found that 16 of the 28 been used for the projects they were intended. land Sheppard consider utilising the pipes
projects are still incomplete after millions of in stock for future projects and revise its
taxpayers’ dollars have been spent. Road, were never executed but estimated discontinued was estimated to use 983 evaluation process and records manage-
The report also uncovered discrepancies to use 8,167 pipes valued at $61,067,787.56. pipes, having an approximate value of ment in readiness for the implementation
in the procurement process for the pipes, “It appears that the authority procured $3,499,615,25. of the Public Procurement and Disposal of
irregularities in the shortlisting and evalu- 873 pipes valued at $5,064,814.26 in ex- Further analysis also showed that 12 com- Public Property Act 2015.
ation procedures and lack of due diligence cess of the quantities approved by the TC pleted projects used 1,878 pipes less than “It should be noted that the detailed is-
by WASA’s management. (Tenders Committee) at the 219th and 225th what was estimated. sues were raised with the relevant man-
The audit concluded that every aspect meetings. The TC approved the procure- Among the 12 projects is the Caroni Du- agers for corrective action and will not be
of WASA’s project management cycle had ment of 37,607 pipes, yet 38,480 pipes were alling South Transmission Main project, included as part of the outstanding Audit
been plagued with inefficiencies which procured.” which is now 91 per cent completed after Recommendations. However, it is expected
resulted in the over procurement of pipes The report stated that “the former Head, starting in 2017. that corrective action will be taken to im-
valued at $81,284,659.74 Water Projects explained that since Xin “Based on documentation received from plement recommendations in the shortest
The fact that 16 projects had not been Xing’s cost was less than the authority’s es- the executing department, although an possible time frame.”
executed, the report stated, demonstrated timate (38 per cent) spare pipes were also estimated $289,412,088.89 of taxpayers’ Contacted on the audit report, Minister
the authority’s inability to execute projects purchased for repairs and future projects. dollars has been spent to date, of which Gonzales said for weeks he has been pon-
within planned timeframes, while manage- However, this was not adequately justified $89,307,528.52 is for iron pipes, there is no dering how best he can utilise his time to
ment did not have the autonomy and ability via votes to the TC.” confirmed plan to complete this project.” address the ills that occurred in WASA over
to determine the prioritisation of projects. Also, 8,883 pipes priced at $26,045,566.41 It also found that as of May 2021, WASA the years,“including the pipeline debacle
“The authority’s failure to adequately were also procured for ten projects that had not used 24,269 of the pipes valued at and scandal.”
conceptualise projects resulted in pipes were no longer required. $80,113,234.68 which are currently stored “I think the public interest, at this time,
being procured for 10 projects that are no Of these projects, four were completed in Freeport, Caroni, Carlsen Field and two will be better served by putting all the un-
longer required. The IACD is of the opinion prior to receipt of Xin Xing’s pipes and areas in Tobago. used pipeline to use to improve transmis-
that the controls over the procurement of should not have been included in the 28 “IACD was unable to accurately reconcile sion and distribution of water, especially in
the iron pipes were unsatisfactory,” the re- projects. and validate the actual quantities of pipes areas where there are high leakage lines,”
port discovered. Pipes were also purchased for six other that were used in the 28 projects. Utilis- he said.
Public Utilities Minister Marvin Gonzales projects, three of which had been du- ing the Executing Department’s records, He said many of the players who were
ordered the IACD to commission the audit plicated, while an additional three were 16,550 pipes were calculated to be on involved “in this scandal are no longer in
in March, in order to verify whether there cancelled/discontinued. WASA spent hand. The variance of 7,719 lengths valued the authority and the transformation will
was a legitimate need for the number of $6,322,947.56 on 1,650 pipes for the three $44,782,704.78 between Inventory (Oracle) address the internal shortcomings that fa-
pipes procured, the reason for a large num- duplicated projects. and the Executing Department’s records, cilitated this egregious and vexing state of
ber of unused pipes in stock and ascertain “This brings into question whether man- may have resulted from inadequate and in- affairs.”
if the procurement process was executed as agement was negligent or deliberately mis- accurate project records,” the report found. Having seen the pipes, which are hidden
an arm’s length transaction. led the TC when requesting approval for The report attributed that other control from the glare of the public, some rotting
A review of the detailed report showed the quantities of pipes required,” the report deficiencies would have contributed to the away, Gonzales said, “It struck me that past
WASA purchased the pipes under the then stated. variances. executives were never interested in solving
People’s Partnership administration. The report cited two projects—Beetham/ In reviewing the procurement process, the country’s water crisis but used WASA as
Funding for the projects was allocated Sea Lots and Castara to Runnemede—that the IACD picked up several discrepancies a cash cow to line their pockets.”
under the 12-month Water Development did not require pipes as confirmed by the which brought into question whether “the Gonzales said this fiasco went on for years
Plan and Infrastructure Development and former head of Water Projects, yet 1,250 process was conducted at arm’s length.” “undetected” with no answers in sight.
Consolidated Funds from the T&T govern- pipes valued at $3,294,898.58 were pro- Based on their investigations, the audit “I was not getting satisfactory explana-
ment. cured for the projects. found the Tenders Committee and the tions from previous management. Now that
The pipes, ranging in diameters eight to “It should be noted that the former Head, board did not exercise due diligence in re- a special audit is completed the findings are
43 inches, were delivered to WASA in five Water Projects subsequently contradicted questing adequate support from manage- clear and startling,” he said, adding he will
tranches between March 2013 and May 2014 himself by indicating that the Beetham/ ment to make informed decisions. ensure that every piece of unused pipeline
and the average cost per pipe was listed at Sea Lots project was executed at a reduced Irregularities were also identified in the is placed in the ground to improve T&T’s
$5,801. scope but no documentation was provided shortlisting and evaluation process. water supply for citizens.
Apart from the over procurement of the to substantiate this claim,” the report “The deficiencies noted in the pro- Pressed on if he will refer the audit to
16,045 pipes, the audit showed that two pro- found. curement process possibly impaired the the T&T Police Service for an investigation,
jects, namely Caroni Dualling from Couva The report discovered that one project transparency and equity of the tendering Gonzales did not respond.
to San Fernando and Naparima/Mayaro —South Central Road—which had been process, negatively impacted the quality of
PLAY WHE: 10.30 am: 7 (Hog) 1 pm: 33 (Spider) 4 pm: 10 (Momkey) 7 pm: 6 (Belly) PICK 2: 10.30 am: 26,9 1 pm: 21,14 4 pm: 23,24 7pm: 30,3 PICK 4: 10.30 am: 6,6,9,8 1 pm: 0,1,5,9 4 pm: 3,1,6,7 7 pm: 8,9,6,2 CASH POT: 1,3,10,14,17 M: 4 LOTTO: 3,6,7,28,35 PB: 2
2 Sunday, October 31, 2021
4 news Sunday, October 31, 2021
Sunday, October 31, 2021 news 7

Confusion over reports Solicitor

General’s Department bypassed
Continued from Page 6 house counsel and external/pri- the Legal Department when I it is a situation where the State
vate attorneys in over 34 matters was there, we had mostly serving hasn’t been engaged within the
She said matters of “high public since 2019.” police officers attached to the de- immediate position and you have
interest and or sensitive matters, partment.” to have an attorney present.”
the outcome of which is likely Williams: No such practice Williams said if the TTPS has He said there may be situations
to impact the State as a whole, under my watch a matter which requires legal where an attorney from the TTPS’
requests for representation are services, its Legal Department Legal Department presents in
made to the SGD and CSSO. As would engage the Solicitor Gen- court “while we would have been
During his six-year tenure as
it pertains to the preparation of eral’s Department for assistance in the process of engaging the So-
acting CoP, Stephen Williams
legal advice, same is obtained in- and the AG, who is responsible licitor General’s Department. It is
said it was never the practice of
ternally within the unit.” for the SGD and CSSO, will decide almost like a stop-gap measure to
the TTPS to retain private attor-
Asked if the TTPS’ legal depart- whether the Solicitor General’s ensure you have a presence, but
neys to represent the Office of the
ment has been bypassing the SGD Department by itself will repre- not by way of saying you are not
Commissioner. He confirmed in
and CSSO for independent legal sent in a matter or they will re- engaging the Solicitor General’s
an interview with Guardian Media
advice and representation, Rivas tain a senior counsel from private Department.”
that the established policy dur-
wrote, “No.” practice to work with the Solicitor Williams said this ensured that
Stephen Williams ing his tenure was that the TTPS
Questioned if the TTPS’s Legal General’s Department. the TTPS’ Legal Department
would seek legal representation
Department had, in the last two and Legal Affairs.” “So, you may have attorneys acted as a support mechanism to
from the SGD and CSSO. He said
years, retained private attorneys She stated that matters from the Solicitor General’s De- the SGD to provide representa-
he had no authority to override
to represent the TTPS/CoP in “brought against the office of the partment working as instructing tion for the Police Service.
that institutional arrangement
High Court matters and if so, how Commissioner of Police for ad- attorneys to a senior counsel who Williams said, “If the Police Ser-
and bypass those departments
many attorneys were hired, who ministrative decisions taken by is in private practice who will vice engages an attorney directly,
and hire external lawyers to rep-
they were, what were the value the TTPS are conducted by the take the lead on the matter...but the funds have to come from the
resent police officers. He also
of the briefs and how many cases Legal Department, such as judi- not the Police Service going and Police Service.”
had no idea how the CoP’s office
were victorious, Rivas wrote: cial review matters, writs of ha- retain those persons.” Since retiring, however, Wil-
under Griffith could do so.
“TTPS’ records reflect the re- beas corpus and matters involving Asked when the TTPS’ Legal liams said he tries not to focus on
“I can speak authoritatively for
tention of 12 attorneys for this pe- any administrative tribunal.” Department can defend a matter, the TTPS.
the period that I was head of the
riod. The total value of the briefs In the last two years, Rivas Williams said “generally, the Legal “If I pay attention, it will cause
Police Service, that that was not
over the last two years amounts stated, the TTPS’ record showed Department would not effectively me severe pain and stress.”
the practice. I am actually una-
to approximately $1.1 million. its Legal Unit “has represented represent on its own the Office of
ware of any period of time that Continues on Page 12
Notwithstanding that the major- the office of the CoP in approxi- the Police Commissioner...unless
the Legal Department would have
ity of the matters are still engag- mately 110 writs of habeas cor- undertaken that type of activity
ing the attention of the court, pus, one proceeds of crime because the State is entrusted
seven matters have been decided application, 50 judicial review with attorneys and once a matter On Tuesday, Joel Roper, one of I know the matter (is) of public
in the TTPS’ favour.” applications (promotions, trans- is before the court, we normally the attorneys who received TTPS interest and national importance.
Rivas did not provide any de- fer, disciplinary), and 45 judicial engage the State to represent and briefs, was sent nine questions via I understand that and I appreciate
tails regarding the court matters review applications (Freedom of WhatsApp by Guardian Media. the need to get to the bottom of
the Attorney General’s Office ac-
that went in favour of the TTPS. Information) matter as at Septem- That same day, Roper was also things.”
cording to what it may be...(they)
As for the names of the at- ber 2021.” contacted on his cellphone and Roper asked this reporter to call
may choose to retain a senior
torneys who were hired by the Questioned about the last asked to provide some clarity to him the following day saying,
counsel from private to assist in
TTPS, Rivas sidestepped this mat- time the TTPS had sought rep- the questions he had received. “Perhaps I will get the requisite
a matter combining the State re-
ter, advising that “the attorneys resentation from the SGD, Rivas Roper said he held discussions legal advice at that time.”
sources of State attorneys to work with attorney Keith Scotland (PNM A subsequent WhatsApp message
retained must first be informed maintained the TTPS “is still con- with a senior counsel who is in Port-of-Spain South MP) regarding was sent to Roper at 6.09 pm
prior to disclosing their names.” sistently represented by the SGD private practice.” the questions and was awaiting asking if there was any feedback
Asked who footed the bills and CSSO in all matters of a con- In matters where the TTPS had his reply. to his responses, which he read
for the private attorneys and if stitutional nature.” been sued or litigation brought “I think that is prudent for me to but did not reply to.
the TTPS’ Legal Unit was given In August, Rivas stated that rep- against them, Williams said “rep- do…to seek my own legal advice Another Guardian Media reporter
a budget to pay these lawyers, resentation was requested for a on the matter,” said Roper. sent a WhatsApp message to
resentation would have been
Rivas wrote: judicial review matter. However, Roper set the record Roper on Thursday enquiring if he
sought through the Solicitor Gen-
“Some of the fees are paid by Based on an examination of straight with regard to one could respond by 2 pm that same
eral’s Department. So, the Legal
the TTPS under the line item the TTPS’ record, Rivas stated question–if he had ever worked in day since there was a deadline to
Department effectively repre-
‘fees’, which includes legal fees, that its Legal Unit “has sought Chandler’s law chambers. meet.
sents the Commissioner of Police
and some of the fees are paid by representation from the SGD and “I sought to clarify that with Roper replied in a message,
before the Supreme Court. Derek (Achong Guardian Media “I spoke to my client and they
the Ministry of Attorney General CSSO which has assigned both in- “So, the dominant issue with court reporter) I don’t work with advised that a response was
him (Chandler)…I never have. I already provided. Please contact
QUESTIONS TO GARY GRIFFITH have always worked closely with the client for it. I was advised that
On October 13, questions were from the Attorney General advising 6) Is there any special precedent Keith Scotland. All the rest of the a response was provided.”
forwarded to Griffith on WhatsApp of the new policy whereby the for this type of arrangement under questions, I would have to seek The client that Roper referred to
which showed two blue ticks as CoP’s office would be allowed to any other commissioner? my own legal advice on because was the TTPS.
having been read, but he failed to retain its own counsel to represent 7) Can you say how many
reply. the TTPS? independent attorneys were hired
Hours later, Griffith read a second 3) Did you sanction the bypassing since the restructuring of the TTPS’ QUESTIONS TO CHRISTIAN CHANDLER
message but did not respond, of the Solicitor General’s legal department in 2019 and how
while efforts to reach him on his Department by the CoP’s office many matters were handed out? 1. How was Joel Roper selected as 6) Who selects the private
cell phone on October 14 and 18 for legal representation or are 8) What was the cost of this external counsel for the TTPS? attorneys?
were unsuccessful. you aware of who sanctioned this exercise under your watch? 2. How is it that Joel Roper came 8) What were the criteria used in
Griffith eventually blocked our move to breach the constitutional 9) We understand that Joel Roper to be paid by the TTPS and not the selecting external attorneys?
number on WhatsApp. arrangements that have governed was one of the lawyers of choice Ministry of the Attorney General?
the legal relationship between the retained by the TTPS’s Legal Unit 3. Who authorised the bypassing Chandler also failed to respond to
These are the questions that AG and CoP’s office regarding legal to represent the CoP’s office. What of the Solicitor General and Chief questions sent via text message
Griffith read: representation? was the basis for his selection? State Solicitors departments, on October 18. On October
1) On what authority did the 4) Are you aware of a note being How was Roper selected and by which traditionally provides legal 19 and 20 emails were also
CoP’s office bypass the Solicitor taken to Cabinet to facilitate or whom? representation for the State? forwarded to him which he did
General Department which support the bypassing of the 4. Who authorised you to retain not acknowledge, while calls to his
has traditionally provided legal Solicitor General’s office regarding Additional questions were sent to external lawyers to act on behalf cellphone on these two days went
representation to the TTPS and legal matters? Griffith on October 18 but failed of the TTPS? unanswered. Voice messages were
started retaining external counsel? 5) Is there any special budgetary to go through as a result of being 5) Who authorised payments for also not returned. This was prior to
2) Were you given any official provision for the Commissioner to blocked on WhatsApp. external attorneys hired by the him being detained by police for
correspondence or memorandum retain his own lawyers? TTPS? questioning in the yacht incident.
Sunday, October 31, 2021 news 9
T&T Guardian your
partner in growing
your own food
The pandemic has changed our Ramnarine said.
lives a lot, including how we get our “It is our hope that citizens will
food. utilise the seeds to start or add to
Grow It Today is a movement their kitchen gardens.”
launched by the Trinidad and To- Phase one includes Warrenville,
bago Guardian in collaboration with St Helena, Cunupia, Enterprise,
the National Seed Bank to promote Chaguanas, Felicity, Longdenville,
the importance of growing your own Tabaquite, Chase Village, Freeport,
food. Couva, Claxton Bay, Marabella,
As part of this initiative, readers Gasparillo, Mayo, San Fernando,
who purchased the T&T Guardian Princes Town, Tableland, Rio Claro,
yesterday would have received a free Mayaro, Moruga, Barrackpore, Erin,
packet of seeds in their newspaper. La Romain, Fyzabad, Point Fortin
If you missed it, this will be repeated and Tobago.
next week, so you still have a chance Phase 2 will include Carenage,
to get that packet of seeds if you pur- Diego Martin, Petit Valley, Port-
chase a T&T Guardian next Saturday of-Spain, Morvant, Laventille,
From left, GML Communications Specialist Kristy Ramnarine-Bakr, Senior Account Executive Sandy Wong-
(November 6). Barataria, San Juan, St Joseph, Pollidore, The Big Board Company Administrative Coordinator Tsarius Guichard and GML executive
“Seeds are pockets of possibility Curepe, St Augustine, Tacarigua, management trainee Maryam Mohammed pack seeds on Friday, to be distributed free in yesterday’s T&T
and potential we plant in the world, Arouca, Arima and Sangre Grande. Guardian for the GML Grow it Today project being done in collaboration with the National Seed Bank.
be it in our garden, in the commu- Deputy Director of the National PICTURE SHIRLEY BAHADUR
nity, or even the seeds of positivity Seed Bank, Ian Mohammed, said the
planted within our minds,” said main thrust of the organisation is to
Commercial Head, Print Division, improve this country’s food security.
Steve Dipnarine. “We welcome the Grow It Today
“As we navigate the tumultuous movement, as it goes hand in hand
tides of this pandemic that can cer- with our goals,” Mohammed said.
tainly cloud our vision, let us be re- “A mass distribution exercise will
minded of the resilience of seeds. have a wide impact in the country.
Let us plant prosperous beginnings. We want people to know that it is
The T&T Guardian is your partner in important to grow your own food.
growth, adaptability and sustainabil- It will not only strengthen the coun-
ity. We hope you plant these seeds try’s food security, but assist with
with your family and friends and be the reduction of our food import
reminded of YOUR resilience and bill. We also want citizens to know
Hope within.” that you can obtain seeds locally at
Guardian Media communications the National Seed Bank to grow your
specialist Kristy Ramnarine said pi- own kitchen gardens.”
geon peas and corn seeds were ob- The National Seed Bank falls under
tained for mass distribution across the Agricultural Services Division of
Trinidad and Tobago. the Ministry of Agriculture, Land
“Employees volunteered their and Fisheries.
time to package over 7,000 packets One of its major activities is the
of seeds for Phase 1 of the move- production of high-quality seed ma-
ment. In the coming week, another terial like corn, pigeon peas, bodi,
7,000 packets will be packaged for sorrel, pumpkin, ochro and melon-
Phase 2 of the distribution process,” gene.


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8 news Sunday, October 31, 2021

Medical experts again caution over COVID rates, bed spaces

94% of patients in ICUs unvaccinated
ANNA-LISA PAUL occupied. That is a percentage of information to those needing that forward and get vaccinated.
basically 94 per cent occupancy, extra assurance that vaccination He added, “I am again pleading
This country’s health crisis con- so there were three beds left as of was the right thing to do, Dhanoo with the unvaccinated to consider
tinues to worsen and as the Min- this (yesterday) morning.” said it was being manned by 25 being vaccinated as part of now,
istry of Health (MOH) battles She stressed, “Of those 51 pa- doctors and over 300 volunteers your civic duty, to make our doc-
the grave situation, fears have tients, 48 are not fully vaccinated, who have fielded more than 100 tors and nurses not have to make
increased with medical officials so 94 per cent of our patients in calls during the past week. those life and death decisions
warning yesterday that on the our ICUs are not fully vaccinated.” Claiming vaccine hesitancy to allocate scarce resources to
current trajectory in the parallel Highlighting these alarming fig- in T&T seemed to be pervasive you which could have been used
healthcare system, resources at ures, she added, “We are seeing throughout, he appealed to the elsewhere. We do not want to
the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and the impact of not being fully vac- public to listen and heed the ad- shut down our outpatient clinics
the High Dependency Unit (HDU) cinated.” vice of medical professionals who again.”
will be expended within the next With ICUs near full occupancy, were the most trusted sources of He said while field hospitals are
12 days. Abdool-Richards warned, “If we information. once again being activated, the
Speaking during the ministry’s continue on this trend as we have He added, “If it is that you are ministry is rationalising staff and
virtual media briefing, Principal noticed, for the next 12 days, re- vaccinated, your chances of sur- stocking the hospital at the Jean
Medical Officer Dr Maryam Ab- sources will be expended.” Dr Maryam Abdool-Richards, vival are much higher.” Pierre Complex with consuma-
dool-Richards said although they Principal Medical Officer of
Assuring the nation that the Lamenting the unfortunate de- bles as part of their preparedness
Institutions in the Ministry of
had been staring down this clear ministry was trying its best to pro- Health. cline in vaccine numbers, Health strategy, in the event there is
and present danger for some vide care in both the traditional Minister Terrence Deyalsingh said overspill from the St James Med-
time now, trends in the last two and parallel healthcare systems, six-times higher risk vaccinated while over 600,000 people had ical Complex.
weeks indicate more people are the PMO pleaded with citizens persons were facing, he said the completed their vaccine regime,
presenting in a state that requires to access the vaccines as they are risk, “seems to be much higher in the daily vaccination rate has con- 8 more COVID deaths
immediate ICU care. She said this “safe, accessible and available.” Trinidad.” tinued “crawling to around 1,000
meant there was an urgent need Underscoring just how impor- Speculating that this was “be- a day.” Meanwhile, the Ministry of
for oxygen and ventilatory sup- tant vaccines are, Diabetes Asso- cause of the high prevalence of Cautioning persons not to be- Health said yesterday that eight
port upon arrival at hospital. ciation president and director of NCDs” in T&T, Dhanoo said it ap- come misled by the numbers, more people had died from the
Up to 10 am yesterday, there the T&T Non-Communicable Dis- peared to be “the driving force he said doctors and nurses are virus, taking the overall toll to
were 19 patients at traditional eases Alliance (TTNCD), Andrew here.” stressed and faced with the in- 1,682. It said among the victims
A&E centres awaiting transfer to Dhanoo, said, “Persons living Focusing on vaccine hesitancy evitability of having to make life were one elderly male, three el-
hospitals in the parallel health- with NCDs and persons with other trends globally, he said local hes- and death decisions in the coming derly females, two middle-aged
care system—with seven requiring health conditions have a higher itancy could have been amplified days as to who will get resources. males and two middle-aged fe-
ICU support, of which two were risk of severe COVID-19 disease through misinformation and dis- “We are not making any dis- males. Five of the patients had
too unstable to transport. All 19 and are more likely to die from information, complacency, con- tinction between the vaccinated comorbidities, including diabe-
were said to not be fully vacci- COVID-19.” spiracy theories and a general and the unvaccinated, but what is tes, high blood pressure, heart
nated. Pointing to data by the US Cen- wait and see approach. happing is that the unvaccinated disease and osteoporosis, while
In seeking to drive home the se- tre for Disease Control (CDC) Having launched the vaccine are posing a clear and present three had none.
verity of the situation the ministry which claimed unvaccinated per- hesitancy hotline 607-VAXX last danger to the vaccinated,” Dey- It also said 290 new cases had
is battling, Abdool-Richards said, sons had an 11-times higher risk week as one means of reaching alsingh said, adding this situation been detected from samples
“In Trinidad, 51 out of 54 beds are of dying from the virus versus the the public and providing accurate can be avoided if persons come taken from October 26-29.

Dead sex trafficker’s grave upturned

Cops suspect bizarre ritual linked to Venezuelans
RADHICA DE SILVA lan people, they will dig up the body and dismember it. That was
  the intention on this occasion.”
After receiving a tip-off that the Jones said the people who tried
body of murdered human traf- to dig up the grave knew where
ficker Keon Charles had been ex- the head was placed. He said they
humed and dismembered, police were perusing surveillance cam-
returned to the cemetery yester- eras to see who tried to dig up the
day morning to dig up his grave. grave.
But after digging for two hours, Charles was killed on the day he
they found the body intact. celebrated his 40th birthday. 
Charles, 40, aka Papa, of Morne Jones said they had no evidence
Diablo, Penal Rock Road, was shot that Charles’ death had a Vene-
dead around 3.35 pm last week zuelan link but noted that Homi-
Sunday behind a shop near his cide officers were still doing that
home. His funeral took place on investigation.
Thursday, following which he was Meanwhile, the digging of the
buried at the Penal Rock Road grave attracted the attention of
Cemetery. spectators who went to do the
However, hours after his fu- annual cleaning for All Saints Day.
neral, the mother of four of his Rennie Ganga said he was there
children received information to clean his grandmother’s grave
that his grave had been upturned. and was astonished to see a grave
When she visited the cemetery, Sgt David Jones and relatives of murder victim Keon Charles peer into his grave at the Penal Rock Road Cemetery being dug up.
the soil around his grave had been yesterday. Police were forced to exhume the body after Charles’ wife claimed she had received information that his “First time I ever see anything
dug up. She then went to the po- body had been disturbed. PICTURE KRISTIAN DE SILVA like this. I wanted to go closer
lice requesting permission to ex- She admitted that her husband ASP Mathura. the day he was killed,” Jones said. but the police said we could not
hume the body. had children with several women. Speaking to Guardian Media, “This man also had 13 children go there. They said the body was
“I am just doing this to make “I don’t know how I coping. I Jones said there seemed to be a with one woman and four chil- dismembered but when they
sure that the body that I left there am just trying to get there. No one Venezuelan link to the grave tam- dren with another. The informa- checked that was not so. I was
is there. This is just for my peace has been arrested yet,” she said. pering. “We received information tion we received is that he wasn’t shocked to find out this is hap-
of mind. My husband got shot on Sgt David Jones, who is in that Charles was involved in a re- a friendly person with Venezuelan pening here,” Ganga said.
the 24th of October on Penal Rock charge of Penal Police Station, su- lationship with a Venezuelan na- nationals. Traditionally, when- Police left the Penal Rock Road
Road,” she revealed. pervised the operation along with tional who gave birth to twins on ever you were unkind to Venezue- cemetery after midday. 
10 news Sunday, October 31, 2021

CMO Parasram tells UWI graduands

Failure also a path to success
RAPHAEL JOHN-LALL He also said that as a young graduate, imagine what it would be like to walk in what he expected in the world of work was those shoes at this point in time in our na-
far different from what he experienced. He tion’s public health history, where every
Given the COVID-19 pandemic and the also advised the graduands to be a “team decision must take into account its impact
health problems that exist globally, Chief player.” on the health of almost 1.4 million people.”
Medical Officer Dr Roshan Parasram be- “None of us can do these jobs on our Earlier in the morning, UWI celebrated
lieves that people have a newfound respect own, we are part of a healthcare team and the graduands of the Faculty of Humani-
for health workers. every sphere of life. In order to succeed, ties, Education and Sport virtually.
Parasram made the comment yesterday we have to be part of a team. Every mem- Pannist Ray Anthony Holman was
as he was awarded an honorary Doctor of ber of that team should be treated as equal awarded his Degree of Doctor of Letters
Science (DSc) degree at a virtual graduation partners. From the operating theatre to the (Dlitt) during the ceremony and was de-
ceremony for the class of 2021 in the fac- boardroom teamwork equals positive out- scribed as being a musician and educator
ulty of Medical Sciences of the University comes,” Parasram said. whose music career began in 1956. Holman
of the West Indies, St Augustine. His other advice to graduands was to give also performed during the virtual gradua-
He urged young doctors and medical their best no matter what they do in life, tion ceremony by playing the steelpan.
practitioners to treat their patients as they have integrity and do the right things, even Chancellor Robert Bermudez, who gave
would treat themselves. when no one is looking. introductory remarks, said COVID-19 had
“In this world filled with critics and cyn- Finally, he told graduands not to be dis- changed the world including the way the
ics, there seems to be a renewed sense of tracted by failure. university operates.
hope and appreciation for the healthcare “There will be times in your career when “How we work, how we learn, how we
worker. Our patients come to us at their you will fail. Failure is the foundation on conduct a significant ceremony such as
most vulnerable time, when they are in which the path to success is built. Learn your graduation. This change in the mode
their hour of greatest need. They have your lessons and keep moving forward.” does not diminish the significance of this
chosen to take healthcare above all other In her address, UWI Professor Elizabeth celebration. Despite the changes that have
needs. Let us not betray their trust. Let Walcott-Hackshaw spoke about Parasram’s taken place and will continue to take place,
us not disappoint them. Instead, let us be “outstanding accomplishments,” listing his whatever you do in the future must be im-
honest and kind. Treat each one of them education at Presentation College, UWI pactful, it must be done to a high standard
as if they were your mother, father, sister, and the London School of Hygiene and with a commitment to advancing not only
grandmother and in a manner you would Tropical Medicine. your personal interest but those of the Chief Medical Officer Dr Roshan Parasram was
awarded an honorary Doctor of Science
like to be treated,” he said in his acceptance “He is the nation’s physician, overseeing wider community,” Bermudez said.
degree by UWI.
speech. all health-related matters in T&T. I cannot

Councillor, MP under fire as sinkhole repair work starts

CHARLES KONG SOO social media dealing with the challenges in
the community and asked him about ac-
Port-of-Spain North/St Ann’s West MP Stu- cessing hampers for the needy.
art Young, St Ann’s/Cascade/Mon Repos “However, a lot of people are very dissat-
West Councillor Sherwyn Jones and senior isfied with his work ethic, we understand
officials from the San Juan Laventille Re- the situation with finances, however, this
gional Corporation came under fire yes- whole thing could have been avoided.”
terday, as residents of St Ann’s complained He said Jones gave him a run around to
that they had been informed about the bad get a Bailey Bridge, claiming red tape and a
condition of the Ariapita Road outside the bureaucratic process.
Cascadia Hotel long before it caved in on Seales said he attempted to impress on
Friday. Jones how critical the situation was, noting
When the Sunday Guardian visited the there was one way in and out of the area
area yesterday, a San Juan/Laventille Re- and there were many elderly people, sev-
gional Corporation excavator was at the eral pregnant women and the sick who
site with personnel and corporation trucks lived in the community.
removing the debris, while WASA person- Also contacted yesterday, Cascadia Hotel
nel were cutting an exposed water pipe to said, “The management team of the Cas-
allow for the culvert repair. cadia Hotel is pleased to be in a position
In order to allow affected residents to to bring some relief to the residents of
access their properties and to get in and the area during this challenging time, and
out of the community, a wall on the Cas- hope the situation can be resolved as soon
cadia Hotel compound was broken down as possible. We continue to work with the
to allow vehicles to pass through it to get citizens in our community.”
around the sinkhole area. In a statement on Facebook on Friday,
Speaking under condition of anonymity, Young said that the matter was being ad-
WASA workers assess the area around a ruptured water pipeline along the Ariapita Road in St
a resident said, “The Minister (Young) was dressed.
Ann’s yesterday. The road cave in on Friday, making access into and out of the area impossible
aware of this, also the senior personnel for residents beyond the point. A wall at the Cascadia Hotel was broken down to allow residents “There has been what appears to be
from a corporation. We had screenshots of temporary access around the site until the area is repaired. a sinkhole road collapse on the Ariapita
messages. The Ministry of Works said they PICTURE ANISTO ALVES Road, St Ann’s outside Cascadia Hotel. I
only found out about this on Thursday. I On October 11, three weeks before Fri- “The authorities visited and will rectify have spoken to the Minister of Works and
find that hard to believe.” day’s collapse of the road, a resident the issue as it was deemed urgent. Spe- Transport and he informed me that the
posted on Facebook, “We require cial thanks to Terry Seales and others who ministry assessed this yesterday and he
assistance from the councillor or MP made it happen.” assured me that they will work on a tem-
Stuart Young with reference to the St Ann’s resident Terry Seales said he porary solution to allow cars to pass. It
road located at Upper Ariapita Road, also made several attempts and spoke with is hoped that this will be effected by this
between Cotton Tree and the Casca- St Ann’s/Cascade/Mon Repos West council- evening.”
dia Hotel. The road is collapsing and lor Jones as well as with the engineers who St Ann’s/Cascade/Mon Repos West coun-
is in need of immediate repairs be- visited the site about three weeks ago. cillor Jones did not return the Sunday
fore it becomes unusable or worse, Speaking to Sunday Guardian yesterday, Guardian’s call or Whatsapp messages.
collapses and hurts someone. Calls Seales said, “Sherwyn Jones and I grew up However, work crews at the site yester-
293-6142 have been made to the councillor’s together. I spoke to him at length along day told the Sunday Guardian repair works
or 463-7429
phone to no avail.” with other people from the area. I have a at the site could take as long as six days due
Tobago 282-1068 Email:
An update was later posted saying, programme called Trini Famili Matterrz on to the extent of the damage.
Sunday, October 31, 2021 11
Sunday, October 31, 2021 news 13
Differences with colleague
sees CAL manager quit

Yannis Gounaris has resigned as Car-

ibbean Airlines’ Chief Commercial
Sources said Gounaris, who joined
CAL around 2018-19, was based in the
US. Gounaris resigned last Friday, it’s
CAL has been restructuring after its
finances were hard-hit by the border
closure which began last year when
COVID-19 hit T&T. CAL sustained a
$738 million loss for the year ending
December 2020. Unaudited financial
results from the first quarter of 2021
showed a $172.7 million loss, with 75
per cent decline in revenue, com- Yannis Gounaris
pared to the first quarter of 2020.
Restructuring plans included send- edly compromised all the gains we
ing home 450 workers. But this was were able to make with our deci-
later reduced to 280. sions.”
However, in a goodbye statement However, Gounaris lauded the
to colleagues—which has been cir- professionalism, efforts and vision
culating on social media—Gounaris which he said CAL staff brought for-
cited issues with a senior official. ward during the pandemic to make
His message stated that he resigned the airline survive 15 months of lock-
following discussions with CEO down at its hub, fend off tough com-
Garvin Medera and “it is for the best petition and ever-changing health
of the company to depart immedi- restrictions, fund the company and
ately.” Gounaris said it wasn’t an easy go after new opportunities while
decision but it was driven “primarily everyone dealt with personal strug-
by multiple and escalating issues” gles a pandemic can bring.
caused by the actions of a certain vice Thanking Medera, CAL’s board and
president over the last 16 months. all Commercial Division employees
Gounaris claimed the person’s for the chance, he added, “I will al-
actions “have continuously caused ways look up in the sky for the Carib-
significant hardship to CAL’s Com- bean logo under the fuselage.”
mercial Division and that directly Senior CAL officials, including
translates to financial hardship for Medera, didn’t respond to calls yes-
the company, especially in the cur- terday. Corporate communications
rent difficult time.’’ manager Dionne Ligoure confirmed
Gounaris claimed the person’s Gounaris’ resignation but declined
actions caused “significant unnec- to discuss details of the resignation
essary stress” to CAL employees, letter, saying they were confidential.
“crossing legal and ethical lines After Gounaris’ departure, there’s
which during the pandemic period now speculation in CAL about
was tragic for employee morale and whether any more executive staff will
recovery efforts” and “have repeat- be leaving later in November.

In Loving Memory of

10 January 1921 -
30 October 2001

Late husband of Rosita (deceased)

Father of Leon (dec), Linda,
Lorna, Lucille, Louise, Lynette (dec),
Irving, Irma and Petra
Forever in our hearts
Benjamin delighted in his
15 grandchildren and
would have been happy to know his
21 greatgrands.

May Daddy’s soul continue to

rest peacefully in the arms of
our Lord.
12 news Sunday, October 31, 2021

AG silent on TTPS legal spending

Continued from Page 7 Questions are being raised as He had promised to answer swered. He also did not respond
to why the AG’s office allowed Guardian Media last week but to follow-up messages and an
Contacted on the matter, Al- the TTPS’ bypassing of the Con- never did. email.
lanna Rivas, who is attached to stitution and mechanisms of Al-Rawi first acknowledged Additional questions sent to
the office of the TTPS’ Head of the State to select and retain receipt of the questions, which Al-Rawi on October 18 remained
Legal Services, insisted that the external lawyers to represent were sent via WhatsApp to him unread up to October 23.
offices of the SGD and CSSO the service. The auditors have, on October 8. Repeated calls to Al-Rawi’s
“conduct matters with the full therefore, raised queries about He replied to the message, phone also went unanswered.
cooperation and assistance from the legal authority for such ex- “Headed into the Budget now.” A WhatsApp message could
the Legal Unit (TTPS) and vice- penditure. Guardian Media replied, “Ok, I not be sent to Finance Minister
versa.” Whilst officials remain tight- will await your telephone call or Colm Imbert’s cell phone since
Section 76 (2) of the Constitu- lipped about the ongoing probe, written responses.” he blocked our number. He also
tion states the Attorney General sources within the TTPS have The AG wrote, “Appreciated.” did not answer calls.
is responsible for the adminis- confirmed that legal fees to ex- Among the questions the AG On October 7, Guardian Media
tration of legal affairs in T&T and ternal attorneys are “under in- read were: sent a list of questions via
legal proceedings for and against tense scrutiny.” 1) How did Gary Griffith get a WhatsApp to Solicitor General
the State shall be taken- (a) in the “If external counsel had to be legal budget to pay external at- Carol Hernandez, who read the
case of civil proceedings, in the retained, it was the AG who did it torneys? message but did not reply.
name of the Attorney General (b) in consultation with the Solicitor 2) Where is the money coming Contacted on her cellphone
in the case of criminal proceed- Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi General and not the TTPS,” one from? the following day, Hernandez
ings, in the name of the State. source said. 3) Was a note taken to Cabinet said, “I have no comments on
A legal source said all employ- This ensures that objective The Sunday Guardian repeat- to facilitate this? that. If I did not respond… I have
ees of the State have to be rep- independent legal advice and edly sought answers and clarifi- 4) Can you say if an investiga- nothing to say on that.”
resented by the independent representation is provided, as cation from AG Faris Al-Rawi to tion is being conducted into the Pressed on if she was abso-
offices of the SGD and CSSO, the legal officers in these depart- no avail. He refused to shed light expenditure of the TTPS’s legal lutely sure she would not re-
which fall under the purview of ments are appointed by the JLSC on the mysterious circumstances department? spond, Hernandez replied, “I am
the Ministry of the Attorney Gen- and are not part of the TTPS. in which the Solicitor General’s Several calls to Al-Rawi’s cell 100 per cent sure.”
eral and Legal Affairs. Department was bypassed. phone thereafter went unan-
Sunday, October 31, 2021 15

Issues for the December 6 THA election

have been asked by several hotel construction? Bills that would or wouldn’t ben-
persons what issues the two • The PNM reminding us of its efit Tobago, e.g., proposals for
major parties are likely to ad- improvement of transportation education and land management.
dress for the THA election of on the sea-bridge? • Infrastructural improvement/
December 6, 2021, and given the • The PDP, in line with its theme decline in different electoral dis-
fact that I am still to go out and of #LehWeFixDis, identifying a tricts.
follow the parties around, and the
further fact that the temperature
Dr Winford James number of critical areas in To-
bagonian life that need fixing?
• The re-design and renewing of
the capital, Scarborough.
of the hustings is still rather low, Like low wages from the state and • The opening up of Tobago to
I have not been able to give an- in the tourism sector? Like the international shipping.
swers that some of the seekers of crumbling of our road infrastruc- • Stasis versus dynamism in To-
my views seemed satisfied with. ernment for, say, two years, and and with discussions about fund- ture as we scramble to get tourism bago’s development space.
But in political commentary, then go back to the polls. But the ing for Tobago and, inevitably, really going via long-term plans? • The brain drain and the need
the best way to know is to ask parties couldn’t agree on either a about dependence on Trinidad, • The PDP holding the torch to expand Tobago’s economy.
the likely voters via polling. But legal perspective on Tobago gov- Tobago’s terrestrial and maritime for the transformation of the gov-
we don’t do polling in this way ernance or a power-sharing for- boundaries and its entitlement ernance of the island through the What have I missed? Oh yes, the
in these islands. The good thing mula. to a greater development share prosecution of radically different advantages and disadvantages of
is that we have had since January We have heard that the impasse of the national budget, and of legislation? incumbency. Has the PNM been
25, some nine months now, when could be ended by the drawing of corruption in the distribution of • The PDP focusing on election in power long enough? Is the PDP
the electorate tied up the parties, lots in accordance with our par- contracts and other goodies from gimmicks by the ruling party? ready for government?
to listen to and discuss the issues liamentary regulations, but the the state. Like reactivating the BOL (Bene- Some of the issues are difficult
arising and hear various propos- PDP said that they didn’t have the Surely, these matters will not ficiary Owned Land) programme to present and argue on a politi-
als going forward. And surely, we funds to prosecute the matter in just disappear? Surely, they will with $25,000-$50,000 cheques cal platform, and it would be very
have heard enough to declare that the courts. feature on the hustings? to suspiciously selected appli- interesting to see who the parties
there can be no issues other than We have heard that the best cants and sending them to seek choose as their main speakers.
those we have heard thus far? way to end the impasse was to And there are others. What assessment letters from financial This is a time for the young men
We have heard that the new- amend the THA law to expand about the following, all of them institutions? and women of Tobago to take the
ly-elected PDP and PNM Assembly the number of electoral districts already a part of our political nar- • What do the constituents want baton and run as if their lives de-
persons could take the unprece- to 15 and set the stage for new rative: for their economic progress? pend on it. This is a time for the
dented step of sharing power by elections. This was a suggestion • The PNM focusing on the ‘un- • The constituents wanting ac- energy and innovativeness of the
agreeing to elect a Presiding Of- from the Cabinet and it was the suitability’ of Watson Duke, espe- cess to participatory budgeting younger encouraged by the care-
ficer, share portfolios, present to one that prevailed. cially on his association with the and contractual opportunities? ful judgement of the elder.
the Cabinet an agreement of how In the meantime, we have been UNC? And the stakes may be much
they (and not the Cabinet) would taken up with Bills to ostensibly • The PNM holding aloft its Still others might include, for higher than we think. Who re-
like Tobago to be run autono- provide equality of status and project of airport expansion and both parties: ally owns Tobago? Tobago is at its
mously within the state, run gov- self-determination for Tobago its promise of facilitating 4/5-star • Different aspects of the new umpteenth crossroads!

Governance? What governance?

ast Sunday’s T&T Guardian reputable businesses are operat- a substantial number of pub- course. And their lack of action
published a report on the ing in terms of their accounting, lic servants. And its leadership, regarding the PSA raises justifia-
state of the Public Services governance and fraud prevention especially Mr Duke, is often ble questions over the state of the
Association’s accounts measures. criticising private and state or- accounts of other unions in the
for the years 2014 and 2015–the To begin with, as things stand, ganisations for all sorts of cases country.
accounts that only materialised the auditors seem to believe that of what they see as poor manage- From the report published last
after the PSA was ordered to do the PSA may struggle to argue it ment and lack of transparency. Sunday, the PSA’s management
so by the High Court. will remain a going concern, as As it happens, he also holds a was made aware of the auditor’s
Admittedly, the news story was they found the union to be in a prominent role in the politics findings last year and, yet, there is
based on a leaked document but, state of asset deficiency when of Tobago, so his dealings at the no sign–publicly at least–that the
assuming it is the final report liabilities exceed assets. In plain PSA ought to be above board if he Registrar has acted since, despite
by the accountants, E Augustus language, they are saying that is to be entrusted with the spend- the gravity of the findings.
Alexander and Company, it is a the PSA may need to pay more Duke, reacted to the report with ing of public money. And where is the labour move-
damning verdict on how the PSA money than it has in the bank a characteristic ‘the buck doesn’t So, it would be helpful, if not ment itself when these serious
and its leaders were and may and in assets they could turn into stop here’ attitude, claiming that vital, for Mr Duke to come for- errors amongst their own are
still be handling their members’ cash. all financial matters fall within the ward and produce a detailed identified? They seem to be very
money. Not that it is very easy to estab- PSA’s General Council. explanation of what has been hap- quick to organise protests and ac-
The report claims that the PSA lish the actual state of the PSA’s But here is a problem: accord- pening at the PSA under his watch tion against companies that they
has overspent its budget by $6.3 assets as, according to the audi- ing to former members, Mr Duke and how he plans to fix the prob- claim to be putting pension funds
million in the last four years, tors, the union’s procurement has been making financial deci- lems there. Starting, perhaps, by at risk or ‘cooking their books’
whilst raising questions over procedures are also inadequate. sions without the General Coun- having a proper membership reg- (as the then leader of BIGWU and
how it goes about spending the According to them, there were cil’s meetings and that the annual istry, as even that failed to materi- current Industrial Court judge,
members’ dues and sounding the fundamental breakdowns in the conference of delegates, required alise in front of the auditors. Vincent Cabrera, once accused
alarm over the state of its own procurement process, with no in the PSA’s constitution, was last The auditor’s report may be this paper’s publishers of doing
staff pension. reasonable explanation provided. held in 2012 (yes, 2012–this is damning for the PSA and Mr without a single piece of evi-
To sum it up, it lists a number of One part of the report quoted by not a printing error), which im- Duke’s leadership, but it also dence). But they seem remarkably
very worrying governance and ac- the T&T Guardian is particularly plies the financial transactions raises some really big questions quiet when governance flaws fail
counting shortfalls, raising some worrying: “The Auditors noted by its executive have been going over how committed and willing both trade union members and
really important questions over an unusually high frequency of through without the oversight the Ministry of Labour is when it their own employees.
how such an important union reimbursements to the President. and approvals required by the comes to fulfilling the role of the Labour movement leaders
runs its business and whether the On enquiry, we were told these PSA’s own rule book. trade union registrar, established must remember that the moral
Ministry of Labour is fulfilling its were purchases made on behalf Mr Duke could argue that the in legislation to ensure the inter- high ground cannot be claimed
trade union oversight legal obli- of the Association. On further PSA is a members-only associa- ests of union members are prop- through shoddy practices. And
gations. enquiry by the Auditor, as to why tion and therefore he has nothing erly looked after. them, together with the Ministry
First, the PSA itself. the sourcing of these standard to answer for, at least as long as To begin with, it took an elec- of Labour, must also remember
According to the report, the au- items was not obtained using the the wider public is concerned. If tion dispute and a High Court that good governance principles
ditors found a number of ‘report- Association’s established procure- so, he is wrong. judge to get the accounts for don’t apply only to private busi-
able conditions’ applicable under ment, the auditors were informed The PSA is one of the coun- 2014 to be completed, with no nesses–they are designed and ex-
international auditing standards– that is how it happened based on try’s main trade unions, with the evidence of remedial action pected to be applied to all.
the kind of standards that are instructions at the time.” ability to impact on everyone’s taken by the Registrar’s office to The PSA would make a good
adopted to measure how well The president of PSA, Watson lives given the fact it represents get them done and filed in due starting point.
14 Sunday, October 31, 2021

Guardian Woodland

residents fish
for cascadura
at Pool River,
Pluck Road, on
Tuesday, after
the water level
rose following
Established 1917 rains that day.
COVID’s mental health toll KRISTIAN DE
To the credit of the Ministry of Health, the focus of the
national response to the COVID-19 pandemic has not been
solely on the physical efects of the disease.
Dr Hazel Othello, who assumed the position of Director
of Mental Health just months before the irst COVID-19

G Governance…for all?
case was conirmed in this country, has been participating overnance is defined as
occasionally in the thrice-weekly news brieings, providing the act or process of gov-
information and advice on mental health issues arising from erning, be it an organisa-
the pandemic. tion, or a country. The
Still, so much is unknown about the efects of this Corporate Governance Institute
pandemic on mental health, such as the efects of separation
from loved ones, loss of freedom, boredom and uncertainty.
defines governance as the system
by which an organisation is con-
Mariano Browne
There was just no way that the worrying increase reported trolled, operates and the mecha-
nisms by which the organisation it prudent to step aside to avoid non-compliance?
by mental health professionals in children and teenagers,
and its people are held to ac- prejudicing the success of the or- The Integrity Commission’s
requiring treatment for anxiety, depression and other
count. Specifically, it refers to the ganisation. This depends on cul- gazetted publication, Vol 60
illnesses and disorders, could have been anticipated. rules, controls and policies estab-
This is an aspect of the pandemic which, if not addressed tural norms and the strength of #68 of May 5, 2021, showing
lished to guide or ensure that the public opinion: Ethics. those non-compliant for 2015-
urgently, could lead to grave consequences in the long term. behaviours of all are appropriate Even written rules can have dif- 2019 makes interesting reading.
Therefore, much more efort needs to be put into promoting to the circumstances. fering interpretations. In the last Not only was the list long (675
public awareness of available mental health services. Note that this definition refers names), but it included persons
three months, there have been
As an immediate response, not only must the Ministry to “people,” not simply leaders from all walks of life who are also
several instances where rules
of Health make known its strategies to support the mental or managers. It is wide and sys- have required interpretation, or gatekeepers in other spheres of
health needs of all citizens, but it must make these strategies temic, meaning that it is binding circumstances in which the rules influence. They included account-
universally available, especially in vulnerable communities. on all who are part of the organ- have been questioned, or simply ants, practicing bankers and for-
Unless there is a sustained efort, this country could ind isation, from captain to cook. No ignored, the Integrity Legislation mer bankers, current and former
itself struggling with the mental health aspect of COVID-19, one is above the law. Viewed from for example. The law was passed business executives, consultants,
such as a higher prevalence of psychiatric disorders and this angle, it incorporates ethics with the intention of restricting doctors, lawyers, trade unionists,
suicides, for several years after the pandemic ends. (meaning moral principles), risk those appointed to public of- university professors, current and
The capacity does not seem to exist within T&T’s health management, compliance and fice from unjust enrichment as former cabinet members and par-
system at present to avert a mental health crisis on the scale administration, all elements of a result. S11(6) of the Integrity liamentarians.
that experts in other jurisdictions have been predicting since the governance process. in Public Life Act requires those Rules matter and are meant to
the onset of the pandemic. To ensure wide acceptance, who hold office to declare their be followed. Clearly, publication
these mechanisms should be income annually and submit a and shaming are insufficient to
A 2018/2019 Joint Select Committee ( JSC) highlights
clear and transparent and known statement of registrable interests encourage compliance. How is
serious challenges with the detection of mental illnesses and
to all. Transparent means that in accordance with that objective. it possible for someone to be
accessibility of services and treatment dating back to well they should be understood by all
before COVID-19. The Integrity Commission’s ad- non-compliant for five years?
concerned. Having written rules vertisement in the newspapers Why bother to comply if there is
Another major concern in this country, which is ranked helps to ensure that everyone un- on October 26 listed 60 current either no penalty, or no penalty
the third highest in the Caribbean for the prevalence of derstands their responsibility to and former parliamentarians as is enforced? Given the continued
mental illness, is the stigma associated with seeking and the organisation and its members. complaint about corruption at all
not having filed their declara-
using mental health services. That may explain why, For example, every employee levels, surely it is important to
tions with the commission. The
according to data from the Ministry of Health, some 20 per should receive an employment current members included 14 ensure the rules are followed and
cent of our population might be living with some type of letter or contract of service to Cabinet Ministers, 4 non-cabinet seen to be followed.
untreated mental illness. ensure the responsibility of em- ministers, 2 backbenchers, 7 op- In this regard, former Speaker
Among the recommendations in that JSC report was for a ployer and employee are under- position parliamentarians and 6 Nizam Mohammed and former At-
policy document to be done on mental health services for stood by all parties. independents. Since there are 71 torney General Ramesh Lawrence
minors and adolescents, which could inform amendments Managing a country is a more parliamentarians (41 elected MPs Maharaj are to be complimented
to the Mental Health Act, Children Act, Children’s Authority complicated process than man- and 30 Senators), that means for their clear and unambiguous
Act and other relevant laws. aging a corporation, but the the non-compliance rate was statements supporting the proce-
That document was also to be used to guide the principles are the same. The con- widespread at 48 per cent. Also, dures adopted by current speaker
development and expansion of facilities to provide mental stitution protects the rights of all, non-compliant were 27 perma- Bridgette Annisette-George in
healthcare for children and teenagers and guide the determines how the key players nent secretaries, gatekeepers accordance with S36 of the Con-
should perform whilst in office of the public service. COVID-19 stitution in her handling of the
collection of data on mental health issues in that age group.
and the rules by which incum- was advanced as an explanation. procedural motion to begin the re-
The JSC also recommended training of school guidance
bents can be removed from office. It is more probable that the 52 moval of the President. Institutions
counsellors and social workers to assist in the early There will be grey areas. For ex-
detection of at-risk children. per cent who filed were diligent are important to the functioning
ample, if an incumbent loses the and took their responsibility of any democracy and must be
If these recommendations have been implemented there confidence of stakeholders, there more seriously. Will the Finance upheld. Democracy requires a re-
is a glimmer of hope. It means that T&T is well on the way may be no rules which require Minister be as understanding to sponsible and spirited opposition
to building capacity within the healthcare system to address the incumbent to resign. But to hold government accountable
citizens who do not file their valu-
the problems identiied by mental health professionals and public opinion may be so strong for its actions. But that also requires
ation forms by November 30 and
avoid a full-blown epidemic. that the incumbent may consider waive the penalty of $5,000 for good sense and judgement.

CONTACT US Guardian on Sunday Editor: Debra Wanser
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Editors: Address 22-24 St Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain
Lead Editor, Investigative: Mark Bassant Robert Alonzo Circulation Manager: Cashyap Sharma Tobago Bureau: Camille McEachnie
16 news Sunday, October 31, 2021
mera which had been parked under the garage but

2 killed as gun violence continues it was completely destroyed. The truck’s front cabin
was also damaged.
Officers said straightening and painting work is
ANNA-LISA PAUL the parlour when a black, heavily-tinted ve- Facility where he was treated and warded usually done at the garage. The truck was taken to
hicle drove up and the lone occupant shot in a critical condition. He was expected to the garage located at Rampersad’s home by Kevin
Members of the T&T Police Service are him three times. be transferred to the Eric Williams Medical Michael Williams on Friday evening. Williams was
currently investigating two murders that A relative of Peters rushed outside and Sciences Complex, Mt Hope for further shot while there.
occurred on Friday. found him struggling to breathe and took treatment yesterday. Investigations are continuing into all incidents.
In the first incident, an Arima construc- him to the Arima Health Facility, where he And in a connected incident, around Meanwhile, a Sangre Grande man was shot and
tion worker was shot dead as he went to died just after 2 pm. 1.40 am yesterday, Mohani Rampersad, killed minutes after he heard gunshots and peered
purchase a soft drink to consume with his In a separate incident in the district 47, of Moonlight Circular, Demerara Road, out his window on Friday night.
lunch. around 6.30 pm, Kevin Michael Williams, alerted fire and police officials of a fire at Police said around 7.45 pm, Victor Fournillier,
Police said around 1.50 pm, officers also known as Spongey, of Thanno Lane, her home. She reported that a portion of of Kowlessor Road, Coalmine, was in his bedroom
on mobile patrol in Pinto were alerted Arima, was at a garage at Mathura Road, the outer wall to her kitchen area, along when he heard gunshots nearby and walked to his
to gunshots at Peters Avenue, Demerara Arima, checking on his vehicle when he with a Nissan Primera and a white Mazda kitchen and pulled back the curtain to check outside.
Road. They arrived at the scene to find Ian saw a gunman clad in a black hoodie ap- three-tonne truck, had been set alight. The 57-year-old’s wife told police she then heard
“Cobin” Peters, 36, lying on the road in proaching him. He was shot once in the Neighbours managed to keep the fire several more gunshots and ran out of the bedroom
front of a mini-mart. neck by the suspect, who escaped on foot. from spreading, using a bucket brigade. to find him lying on the kitchen floor, bleeding from
Witnesses said he had just come out of Williams was taken to the Arima Health They managed to pull out the Nissan Pri- several wounds. He died at the scene.
Fournillier’s death is believed to have been an ac-
cident, as officers reported that the fatal shooting
followed an attempt to kill another man.
A 22-year-old man of Southern Main Road, Cu-
napo, who was driving along Kowlessor Road
around 7.30 pm, told police he saw the suspect, who
is known to him, emerge from the bushes wearing
camouflage gear and holding a shotgun in his hand.
The suspect, who lives at Mandillion Road, Coalm-
ine, fired a single shot at the driver of the van, caus-
ing him to run off the road. As the driver came out of
the van, the suspect continued to fire at him, hitting
him. It was following this incident, as the suspect
walked along Kowlessor Road, that he fired at the
home of Fournillier, killing him.
The driver of the van was treated for minor inju-
ries and was said to be in a stable condition yester-
day. Officers of the Eastern Division Task Force later
arrested the suspect, who remained in police cus-
tody up to yesterday.
In another incident, a Morvant man was shot sev-
eral times while liming on the road near his home
on Friday night.
Akil Douglas, 30, of Celestine Drive, Morvant, sus-
tained injuries to both arms and his chest after an
unknown gunman shot him shortly before the 10 pm
curfew took effect.
Port-of-Spain Task Force officers were alerted to
the incident after officials at the Port-of-Spain Gen-
eral Hospital informed them that Douglas had been
brought in suffering with gunshot wounds.
Douglas later told police he was seated near the
corner of Celestine Drive #1 and Pelican Extension
in front of a shop, when he saw an unknown vehi-
cle pull alongside him and a gunman came out and
opened fire on him. Douglas was said to be in a sta-
ble condition up to yesterday.
Also on Friday, officers of the Capital City Patrol
Unit and the PoSDUI were performing street check
exercises in the Central Police Division when they
stopped a black Mazda driven by a soldier—after of-
ficers observed a child under five years of age seated
in the back without a child restraint or booster seat.
Whilst officers were handing back the driver’s doc-
uments to him, he allegedly used obscene language.
As the officer cautioned the driver about using
obscene language, he sped off, dragging the officer
a short distance away as
he refused to stop. Other
officers pursued the car,
which eventually came to
stop near George Street
due to traffic. The driver
was subsequently charged
for various offences.

400 - 2000 Sq Ft
680-MALL (6255)
Sunday, October 31, 2021 news 17

Guardian Media journalist Ryan Bachoo, left, sits down with UN Global Ambassador for Climate Change Racquel Moses ahead of the Conference of Parties 26 meeting. PICTURES KRYSTLE JAMES

A warming world looks to world leaders

The Caribbean takes centre stage in Glasgow

World leaders will gather in Glas-

gow this week to discuss climate
change. And if it feels like we’ve
been here before, we have. I was
a college student in 2009 studying
journalism when Commonwealth
heads of government descended
on Port-of-Spain for two days in
November. Then French presi-
dent Nicolas Sarkozy was a special
guest. Climate change dominated the GCF and a new mechanism tional news outlets to conclude
the summit which served as a pre- will be piloted in the hope that that climate change has arrived.
amble to the United Nations (UN) funds are released quicker than T&T is not immune. In fact, the
Climate Change Conference in Co- they have been in the past. Her change in weather patterns which
penhagen, Denmark, a week later. country has also set up a regional has seen more violent storms and
Since then, there have been fund. These are part of several hotter temperatures point to
pledges made and promises bro- broader initiatives around the Car- the damage that is already being
ken, which brings us to the point ibbean to generate funds quicker. done.
of Glasgow. The Conference of Moses’ Caribbean Climate-Smart Moses went further in saying,
Parties (known as COP26 this Accelerator set up a financial ad- “We’re definitely seeing sea lev-
year) is the UN meeting of the 197
UN Global Ambassador Racquel Moses in an interview with Guardian Media visory committee consisting of re- els rise across the region. You’re
ahead of the Conference of Parties 26 meeting this week. gional representatives providing hearing people talk about with 1.5
countries that have agreed to the
UN Framework Convention on Global Carbon Project put T&T in she insists investments made in them with projects every month degrees you’re going to see this
Climate Change. This year’s con- second place worldwide for car- the region must be grant money. and working alongside corpora- much sea level rise–sea level rise
ference will take place in Scot- bon emissions. Now, with more “I intend to make the case that we tions such as the Inter-American is happening now, erosion of the
land’s largest city. The UN itself violent storms and hotter days, are certainly vulnerable but we Development Bank. coastal areas is happening now,
has desperately tried to put the the effects of climate change are are innovative and ready to de- She further explained, “There people are being forced to move
worsening climate situation at the being felt by all, even those who liver solutions to the world, that are a number of efforts that are across the region now. These
forefront of global headlines with are not aware of it. we need the funding and much being coordinated to ensure that things are all happening already.”
its general secretary Antonio Gu- Racquel Moses, the UN Global of that needs to be free money funds continue to flow through She remains optimistic of
terres declaring the latest reports Ambassador for Climate Change, because if we’re talking about ad- the region. The challenge that we COP26, even as recent history
“a code red for humanity” and who is from T&T, has confirmed ditional loans we just don’t have have is that a lot of that money is shows that countries renege on
warning “we are approaching a that there has already been sea the capacity to take on additional not free money. It’s loans or even promises made at major climate
point of no return.” In journalism, level rise across the region. debt to solve a problem that we equity investments and those are summits, none more so than The
we are careful not to sensational- She’s the CEO of Caribbean didn’t cause,” Moses said. all great but we also need access Paris Agreement of 2015. Moses
ise stories but Guterres seemed Climate-Smart Accelerator, an or- Free money will be at the cen- to free money because, again, we agrees that the reason everything
justified in labelling the Emissions ganisation that supports climate tre of Moses’ case when she pre- don’t have enough room to take hinges on Glasgow is that nations
Gap report “another thundering action and economic growth sents in Glasgow. The concept on any additional debt.” failed to deliver on their targets at
wake-up call.” The report found through sustainable develop- isn’t new. Free money is a benefit Moses said what is required is home in the last five years.
that nations, including the United ment, and she was recently ap- that has no costs. It merely means bringing these different instru- “We’re on the wrong trajectory
States, Canada, Australia, Brazil, pointed as the new UN global that the entity is not asking for ments under a single umbrella so but unless we remain hopeful,
South Korea, and Mexico never ambassador. Moses will sit at the anything directly in return for people understand where to go, determined and action-oriented
met their old target. Scientists say global table in Glasgow, speaking the money. While the region has how they qualify, and how to get on measuring the changes that
the planet has warmed by 1.2 de- on behalf of the people of the Car- access to the Green Climate Fund access to it. need to take place we won’t get
grees. ibbean. (GCF), created in 2010 to support World leaders start arriving in there, so I refuse to believe that
Trinidad and Tobago is one of In an interview with the Sun- the efforts of developing coun- Glasgow as their countries begin anything but positivity will come
the victims and one of the cul- day Guardian before leaving for tries in responding to the chal- feeling the early effects of climate out of Glasgow because there is
prits in this climate catastrophe. Europe, Moses said she will tell lenge of climate change, Moses change. Unprecedented flooding not another option,” she said.
This country has over the last global heads of government that admitted “they don’t move as fast across European towns this year It may very well be the summit
decade placed within the top ten the Caribbean is ready to lead, as we would like.” along with images of New York where world leaders are told they
contributors per capita of CO2. provide solutions and use those Barbados Prime Minister Mia city’s subway system underwater cannot be the arsonist and the
Three years ago, the World Bank’s solutions to create jobs. However, Mottley recently held talks with have prompted several interna- firefighter at the same time.
18 commentary Sunday, October 31, 2021

Members of the Shiva Gana Organisation, from
Campo in Cunupia, during their Ramleela
production last Sunday. From left, Ishaan Ramjit-
Shri Ram, Sanjay Boodha-Lakshman, Shane Ramjit-
Bharath, Akeish Shah-Shatrughan and Rajeev Singh-

Women as sexual objects, and race in calypso

ne of the most controver- which sought sufficiently and ment with state funds.
sial areas of exploration by with enough calypsonic rhyme In the 1990s when Bro Mar-
the calypsonian is his creat- and music to have men conceive vin sang what was considered
ing out of the woman, a sexual ob- Sparrow has over the decades of women with love, respect, and by groups of people a crossover
ject of his fantasy, his conquest, been an avenger on social classes appreciation, a creation of the Di- song that pointed to the com-
as the arbiter of power in the rela- vine, equal to men? mon roots of the two peoples,
tionship and his projection of her
of women, the most famous Jean As controversial as the treat- there were those who felt not
as being inherently unfaithful. and Dinah, Rosita and Clementina. ment of women in calypso has only was he singing for his supper
However, it has not been a one-di- He also had little sympathy and been how calypsonians have sit- but he made “Ramlogan, Basdeo,
mensional portrayal. uated and commented on race Prakash and I” the benefactors of
The body of compositions in understanding of “Marabunta relations between Indians and the “Brotherhood of the Boat.”
this genre of calypso is expansive Jean” and “Picky Head Eileen” who Africans especially, but not exclu- Important too were the inter-
and complex, meaning it has not he swore had to be swept off the sively, in the post-Independence ventions by Black Stalin begging
only been the objectification and period is a matter that has im- Sundar Popo to make a chutney
degradation of women, antago- streets as a means of "Keeping de pacted social relations. for him–my interpretation being
nistic and belittling in character. City Clean". In many of the calypsoes of the that he not only wanted to further
There has been genuine humour, contemporary period, the char- a brotherhood in song and mel-
often with the male calypsonian acterisation of Indo-Trinidad has ody, but to understand something
at the receiving end. Love, de-
fined in several ways, and honour Tony Rakhal-Fraser been acerbic, hostile in language
and imaging of Indians. Cro Cro
of the Indian culture. The Black
Man also saw the relationship
for the woman have all been part and Sugar Aloes antagonised between Afros and Indos from a
of the genre. Denyse Plummer, Indians and blew open the con- class perspective in “Sufferers.”
Calypso Rose, Singing Francine, test for political and economic His Caribbean Man identified
Singing Sandra have retorted with in Morvant,” using knowledge of to the sexual spell of the Alpha power by Indo-Trinidad; the Indo such a man as being culturally
strong, striking voices. bush remedies and the powers of Male, “The Village Ram, not ah party having been through the and physically “Black.” The ca-
Sparrow has over the decades her sexual manoeuvres. woman ever complain yet.” first three-quarters of the 20th lypso attracted great attention
been an avenger on social classes In the contemporary period, But even Sparrow, after three century without a real chance of and verbal conflict. Even histo-
of women, the most famous Jean women in soca have been cen- verses of bragging on the best gaining control of government. rian Williams did a take-off on
and Dinah, Rosita and Clemen- tral to dance music–“Rebecca,” ways to subject women, had to When they challenged for it and Stalin’s commentary.
tina. He also had little sympathy “Ethel,” “Marajhin,” “Indrani” admit that if he continued with achieved it in the 1990s and be- What we have heard is the ca-
and understanding of “Marabunta and others. The playful, adoring his disrespectful treatment and yond, a number of Afro-singers lypsonian, essentially African in
Jean” and “Picky Head Eileen” treatment of the Bahia Girl, Rud- one-dimensional view of the aligned to the Afro-based PNM hit ethnicity and cultural outlook,
who he swore had to be swept off der, and the love songs of respect woman, she would eventually out with a great deal of acidity in as he sought to make sense of the
the streets as a means of “Keeping and adoration of Black Stalin for gather the strength “to leave him their lyrics and tone of voice. reality of the ethnic and ideologi-
de City Clean.” the “Black Woman” are “love” eternally.” And having ventured It was a case of a number of Af- cal contests for economic, social,
Kitchener mocked “Tie Tong features of the treatment by ca- across the Caribbean Sea, he had ro-calypsonians (the reality being educational and political power.
Mopsy” who in today’s world lypsonians of women. to run from “Dem Bermuda Girl”. as a group, limited in number but To be sure, calypsonians did not
would have been considered I submit that in the majority The issue to be researched and loud in their castigation) reacting create the tribal contention but
someone subjected to scorn not- (but I admit that my conclusion is concluded upon is whether or not fearfully of the coming power they reflected native feelings and
withstanding her challenges. On not based on any expansive sur- the calypsonian has been com- of Indo-Trinidad. The allegation the animosity generated by it.
the other side of “de mopsy” is vey of a body of the man-woman plicit in furthering the discrim- came through that there were
“Santa who tief ah big man from calypsoes) the calypsonian has ination and abuse of women by those amongst PNM officials who
St James and tie him like a cow portrayed the woman as subject men, and is there a body of songs encouraged the anti-Indian senti- To be continued.
Sunday, October 31, 2021 commentary 19
The recent unsuccessful attempt
at establishing a tribunal to in-
vestigate the President in the
Electoral College has revived con-
sideration of the means by which
our current Electoral College
A tale of two electoral colleges of the Majority that the President the Wooding Commission’s Draft
came into being. Under the head- The provisions in our Republican Constitution for the should be elected by an Electoral Constitution. The draftsman did
ing of “Announcements by the removal of the President from office represent an edited College composed of the mem- an edited cut and paste job to re-
Speaker” at the Extraordinary Sit- bers of the National Assembly and move the word “Vice-President”
ting of the House of Representa-
cut-and-paste job that was done by
the members of the City, Borough to leave only the word “Presi-
tives two Thursdays ago, Speaker the draftsman to alter the wording of and County Councils. The prec- dent”. There was also the substi-
Brigid Annisette-George, at para- the Draft Constitution (separate from edent for this is taken from the tution of the words “Senate” and
graphs 21 and 22 of her published the Report) prepared by the Wooding Constitution of India.” “House of Representatives” for
statement, said: Sinanan’s position on this point “National Assembly” and “Assem-
“21. Admittedly, a motion to
Constitution Commission.
was adopted by the Government bly” either jointly or individually
trigger the removal of a Presi-
dent is rarely invoked. In fact,
the framers of the Constitution
Prof Hamid Ghany who rejected the attempt to
morph the States of India into
in certain sub-sections of section
36. local government authorities in These adjustments were nec-
intended that when the provision Trinidad and Tobago for purposes essary because the Commission
is invoked, the complaint and the of creating the Electoral College to had recommended the abolition
succeeding.’” quoted by the Speaker, at para-
particulars must be sufficiently so elect and remove the President. of the Senate, the creation of
These excerpts from the Wood- graph 150, an Electoral College
sufficiently weighty that it would He preferred that the President the office of Vice-President who
ing Constitution Commission based on the following member-
be likely to succeed. be elected by a simple majority of would have been the Speaker of
Report of January 22, 1974, rep- ship:
22. This is evident from para- the House of Representatives and the National Assembly, and the
resented a commentary by that “150. Accordingly we rec-
graph 162 and 163 of the Wooding serve for five years. Deputy Speaker was to preside
Commission on the procedure for ommend that the President be
Commission. Paragraph 162 states As regards the issue of removal over sittings of the Electoral Col-
removing both the President and elected by an electoral college
as follows: of the President from office, Si- lege (not the Speaker) because the
the Vice President that they had composed of members of the Na-
‘We thought it necessary to nanan had this to say at page 7 of Vice-President could also be im-
recommended. tional Assembly and the members
make provision for removing the his Minority Report: peached by the same procedure.
The provisions in our Republi- of the City, Borough and County
President from office although it “I submit that the provisions The use of the Wooding Com-
can Constitution for the removal Councils sitting all together and
is expected that this eventuality for removal from office (Art 53 mission Report as a reference to
of the President from office rep- voting by secret ballot.”
will never arise.” and 54 of the Draft Constitution) “framers of the Constitution” was
resent an edited cut-and-paste job This proposal was roundly re-
It continues at paragraph 163: ought to be deleted entirely. They quite charitable by the Speaker
that was done by the draftsman jected by Dr Eric Williams and
‘The recommended procedure are unnecessary, and may easily having regard to the outright re-
to alter the wording of the Draft the PNM as well as by one of the
for his removal as set out in the be abused in practice.” jection of their Electoral College
Constitution (separate from the Commissioners, Mitra Sinanan,
attached draft constitution is de- The then government did not proposals by Prime Minister Eric
Report) prepared by the Wooding who submitted a Minority Report,
signed basically to make it un- accept Sinanan’s proposal on Williams in his address to the
Constitution Commission. also on January 22, 1974. In it, he
likely that the procedure will be this point and decided instead to House of Representatives on De-
That Commission had rec- said the following at page 6:
set in motion unless there is near extract portions of Article 54 of cember 14 and 17, 1974.
ommended, in the same report “I reject the recommendation
certainty of the likelihood of its

Digital labour and hybrid hiring of gig talent

Digital labour is the new zeitgeist. ment benefits, and pensions in cation; 2) handling information
Soft skills and hard work are now COVID-19 triggered many activities in the digital gig gig economy contracts alongside and content; 3) transacting; 4)
intertwined. Digital platforms, the standards and guidelines of problem-solving and; 5) being
through the application of big
economy. The demand for gigs and the ascension of the International Labour Organ- safe and legal online. Other coun-
data, AI and cloud computing, several new forms of jobs call for the ization (ILO). (4) Tax: Provisions tries categorized digital skills into
are shifting the nature of work development of a comprehensive to guarantee that gig economy seven core and five contextual
and economic structures. These gig economy framework and the platforms pay taxes and VAT espe- skills. Information management,
platforms are either ‘capital plat- cially those domiciled in alien ju- communication, collaboration,
forms’–like Airbnb that connect continuous review of its building risdictions or those that position creativity, critical thinking and
customers with renters (sellers) or blocks which remain open. themselves as off-shore purveyors problem-solving are core skills.
‘labour platforms’ like Uber, that of services. Ethical mindfulness, cultural
connect clients with service pro-
viders to offer either physical ser-
Dr Fazal Ali Across all LAC countries, DT
is imperative as it will enhance
awareness, flexibility, self-di-
rection and lifelong learning
vices (gig work) or virtual work. transparency, offer citizens faster are contextual digital skills. It is
For the gig economy to deliver and more accessible services any- important to recognise that the
the foreseen transformative im- where any time, fewer opportuni- battery of contextual skills varies
pact, widespread broadband omy platforms and services. The and allow gig workers to develop ties for corruption, and improve across countries. This suggests
infrastructure penetration is gig culture demands a unique their gig expertise. As COVID- public service efficiency. In a re- that there is a need to develop
required, especially if entrepre- ‘gig mindset’ and agile work pa- 19  fuelled  knowledge workers’ gion characterised by low output, tool kits unique to the gig culture
neurs in rural communities are to rameters. Gig workers flock to desire for flexibility,  co-working socio-economic inequality, and of countries and tool kits specific
have access to gig platforms and co-working spaces where they spaces are likely to double in the low trust in government, digital to industries in each economy.
services. This ‘gig mindset’ will meet like-minded individuals, ex- US in the next five years. It is esti- transformation offers a chance On June 9, 2021, Google an-
birth disruptions. It will mandate change experiences, collaborate mated that 30 per cent of all office to advance toward the solution to nounced its plan to lay the
a high-level, porous, multi-stake- and build business connections. space will be consumed flexibly many of these complications. Firmina subsea cable that will
holder governance model to This is unlikely to happen while by 2030 and that five million peo- To identify the digital talents run from just north of Miami to
script and orchestrate the emerg- working remotely or freelance. ple will be working from co-work- required to participate in digital Las Toninas, Argentina, with ad-
ing new order that will embrace These features separate the ing spaces by 2024, an increase of gig labour, it is essential to first ditional landings in Praia Grande,
multinationals, trade unions, ci- ‘freelance economy’–charac- 158 per cent compared to 2020.  define digital skills. The European Brazil, and Punta del Este, Uru-
vi-tech, angel finance, and start- terised by independent work- LAC countries must consider Commission established that dig- guay. It will be the longest cable
ups. ers–from the platform economy. four key themes when setting out ital competence involves the con- in the world capable of operat-
COVID-19 triggered many activ- Independent workers are yet to the regulatory framework for the fident, critical and responsible ing entirely from a single power
ities in the digital gig economy. have equal access to unemploy- gig economy. (1) Data Protection: use of, and engagement with, source at one end of the cable if
The demand for gigs and the as- ment insurance, workers’ com- Consumer and provider personal digital technologies for learning, its other power source(s) become
cension of several new forms of pensation, training, credentials, data protection and ad-hoc cyber- at work, and for participation in provisionally unavailable—as a
jobs call for the development of access to credit lines, the protec- security schedules in consultation society. It embraces information resilience measure when reli-
a comprehensive gig economy tion of anti-discrimination laws, with consumer protection agen- and data literacy, communica- able connectivity is vital.  This
framework and the continuous re- retirement security, minimum cies and consumer safety mecha- tion and collaboration skills, dig- announcement came eight days
view of its building blocks which wage legislation, and they can- nisms. (2) Fair Trade Regulations: ital content creation (including after EllaLink went live with a
remain open. Developing a digi- not be easily licenced. The gig Allowing fair market competition programming), safety (including state-of-the-art optical platform
tal culture is central to any digi- economy requires investment in and the licencing of gig economy digital well-being and competen- connecting Fortaleza in Brazil to
tal transformation (DT) strategy. co-working spaces. These hacker platforms. (3) Labour Policies: cies related to cybersecurity), and Sines in Portugal. This is the first
Latin American and Caribbean spaces make gig workers feel they Enforcing social security bene- problem-solving. data link connecting South Amer-
(LAC) countries must curate citi- belong to a bigger community fits, healthcare, injured workers’ The UK digital skills framework ica to the EU. Hybrid hiring is
zen developers to build gig econ- of aspirants, inspire creativity, compensation and unemploy- has five parameters: 1) communi- open to gig talent anywhere.
Sunday, October 31, 2021 commentary 21

The importance of income

Why do you work? Why do people work? yourself and your loved ones?
The usual answers are to survive, to sup- As Warren Buffet likes to say, “If you have to
port basic needs or to pay bills. This can be
summed up into one word “income”. Coaching Corner go through too much investigation something is
Not an up and down income but a steady Education reduces fear. As we grow older, start-
income on which you could always depend. ing the process early in our lives will make things
Income can come from two sources. A man Janice Learmond-Criqui easier. In the event a hazard strikes and you are
or a woman who is working for money alone CPC, ACC not able to have an income to support your basic
is always at a disadvantage when compared needs, you would blame yourself for not putting
to another man or woman who is working things in place so that your family life would not
for money AND at the same time has money have to change forever.
working for them. Don’t wait until it is too late. If you would like to
But income can come from a third source– There are days that you feel like a list of the three most important rea- find out more about the hazards of life and how
charity. Most of us will not be looking for super dad/mom and you would not sons why you get up every day to go to you can prepare for it, I can be contacted at janicel-
charity. give any thought about the hazards a job that you do or do not enjoy. Once
I indicated earlier that income is to provide of life. Working diligently at your job, you make out your list, think of ways Tomorrow is not promised! So give it some
for the basic necessities of life such as food, taking care of your family, going to the in which you can have money working thought and talk it over with your partner. I have
clothing, shelter, education. But there are gym, running errands and maintain- for you. What can you do to protect yet to meet someone who has a crystal ball.
situations in life that can threaten the contin- ing relationships.
uance of your income. These situations are Are you prepared to put things in
called the hazards of life and are described as place to treat with the hazards of life?
old age, disability, death and critical illness. Instead of being trapped in a world of
Have you asked yourself the following ques- analysis paralysis, knowing all the an-
tions: Can I live to the ripe old age of 85?; is swers but yet you cannot bring your-
it possible that I can become disabled?; can I self to put money to work for you? Are
die too soon?; can I become critically ill? What you going to allow your fear and doubt
do you think would happen to you and your to be in control?
family if you experienced any of the hazards After reading the above, ask yourself
of life? Think about it. Let’s look at each one. the question: Why do I work? Make a

• Unexpected death–If you were to die unexpectedly, you

will no longer be around to provide an income or the basic
necessities for your family, whether it is your wife/husband
and children or even your parents who you would be looking

• Disability–If you were in an accident and became disa-

bled, you will no longer be able to generate an income that
may provide for all of your basic necessities plus pay for
medical expenses.

• Critical illness–If you were to become critically ill, would

you not want to have a reserve to assist with the medical bills
and look after your family?

• Old age–If you were to live to a ripe old age, would you
not want an income that would pay for your basic needs es-
pecially with the rising cost of living?

We need love, compassion, charity and forgiveness

T&T is in the throes of great tur- as awful as the betrayal, torture
moil today. Almost two years into and death of Jesus, then nothing
the COVID-19 pandemic, there is is beyond redemption.” Look at
no Police Commissioner because
the Police Service Commission Vernon Khelawan the kind of compassion and char-
ity our people display after a local
made a foul-up somewhere; se- tragedy. It’s simply fantastic
vere economic problems; protests Each of us, therefore, could
all over the country for water, pot- help change society for the better.
gladness. ers and each of us needs someone
holed roads and suspect bridges; Armed with the resolution to be a
And renew you in his love, to lead us. Hebrews 11 gives a long
landslides and a plethora of other crime and uncertainty and resort better citizen, more forgiving, ex-
He will sing joyfully because of list of courageous heroes who
ills, a litany of woes so to speak. to all things protective. But what uding more love not only to family
you, have stood strong in the faith and
It all boils down to a serious lack we really need is that radical turn and friends but to all with whom
As one sings at festivals. each generation has more faith-
of leadership–at home, at institu- to Almighty God. We have to be we come into contact, more char-
Should we study this passage filled leaders for us to learn from.
tions, in sports and government. determined to let God come into itable and great faith in the Lord.
carefully, we begin to see hope We observe how they live and how
We cannot look to the majority of society. We have to be focused, Resolve today to make a change in
and a certain kind of joy. That is they show faith that is rock solid.
parents, the many single mothers, strategic and alert. The writer behaviours in almost everything
demonstrated here. We only have We watch so we can follow and be
Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), adds that God doesn’t leave us de- you do and slowly you will see
to understand that God is always stronger ourselves.” Does this in
sports administrators and our par- fenceless. “God gives us armour the kind of change that this nation
in our midst. Understand that and any way sound like Trinidad and
liamentarians. You see then, why to wear, weapons of truth, right- needs.
we are on the way to getting closer Tobago today? The answer lies in
we are in such a pickle. So, who eousness, peace, faith, salvation
to Him. So, we need a better so- your own hearts. Vernon Khelawan is a columnist
remains? Almighty God. and His word.”
ciety–one that is full of love, com- It also says, “At some point, for Catholic Media Services Limited
Let us look at this passage from If we are to consider what good
passion, charity and forgiveness. we discover that life is more (CAMSEL), the official communications
Zephaniah (3:17-18) will eventually come from the
Reading a book recently, I came like a battleground than a play- arm of the Archdiocese of Port-of-
The Lord, your God, is in your COVID-19 pandemic we could read Spain. Its offices are located at 31
across a passage which states: “As ground.” This is where we are
midst, Mark Neilsen in “Living Faith” Independence Square. Telephone: 623-
men, we are never alone. We grow in this place called Trinidad and
A mighty saviour; when he writes, “If God could 7620.
by observing the examples of oth- Tobago. We are battling all this
He will rejoice over you with bring good even from something
20 letters on sunday Sunday, October 31, 2021

COVID-19: What
will it take
to protect
the Americas?
Director of the Pan American
Health Organization (PAHO)

en months after the
first vaccine for COVID-
19 was authorised for
use by the WHO, most
people in the Americas
remain at risk.
We must face the daunting re-
ality that the over-reliance on im-
ported health products–including
lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines–has
left this region vulnerable. We Dr Carissa Etienne, PAHO Director
cannot wait for the next health PICTURE PAHO/WHO
emergency to act, as ending this As a first step, a private com-
dependency will require long- pany in Argentina and a public
term planning, investment and, institute in Brazil were selected as
above all, collaboration. hubs to develop and produce vac-
Despite the pervasive inequal- cines using cutting-edge mRNA
ity within and across countries, technology.
our region has achieved high The mRNA initiative is just one
coverage of routine childhood part of a broader platform that
vaccines, which have saved lives aims to serve the needs of the
and secured a chance of a better entire region, by linking capac-
future for several generations. ity across countries to produce
The Americas was the first region different components of the
in the world to eliminate rubella, pharmaceutical supply chain. No
to eradicate smallpox and to be single nation has the means to
declared polio-free. transform the current landscape
Yet, during the worst pandemic on its own. We must align around
in a century, we are struggling a shared plan and coordinated in-
to secure enough vaccines to vestments to make the Americas
protect our people and though
41 per cent of the population in
Latin America and the Caribbean
more self-sufficient.
It is not enough to act during
this emergency. Expanding man-
Shopping time
has been immunized, coverage ufacturing and bringing vaccines
closer to where they are needed Four-year-old Maiya Joseph looks at items while shopping at Wonderful World, Westmall, on Wednesday.
remains very low in the poorest
areas of our region. Why has ac- require lasting commitment from
cess to COVID-19 vaccine been so governments across our region,
different? and the active engagement of
Simply put, there are not
enough vaccines available, and
the ones that are, have not been
global funding partners.
It also requires that the few
companies that hold the required
Parliamentary conduct worsening
technical knowledge and patents The front page of our three dailies I listen to men/women speak on now is for our leaders to unite
equitably distributed. Nations
are prepared to share these to on Friday, October 22 reported, matters affecting the lives of citi- against the ills which exist at pres-
with more resources, or with es-
help diversify global production “Total disorder,” “Disgrace,” zens? Can someone tell me what ent in our society. The population
tablished manufacturing capac-
of vaccines and medicines. Fail- “Speaker calm under fire”. This has changed in the lives of patri- needs to see leadership demon-
ity, secured the lion’s share of
ure to do so will keep the world was the news the way they saw it otic citizens after the October 21 strating love, care, and concern
vaccines for their people, while
struggling with insufficient out- and rightly so. They shared the be- brawl? Absolutely nothing! Now towards them, feeling their pain
the rest of the world must wait.
put for months and, possibly, haviour of some of our parliamen- there seems to be another upcom- and spending time to make their
This delay cost countless lives
years to come. tarians, people elected into office ing fiasco. Well, I am sure that we lives better. This is what the citi-
around the world, but especially
The upcoming G20 summit is by us the citizens, on October 21. I are making world news. But for zens voted for when they allowed
in economically stratified regions
a crucial opportunity to embrace would like readers to fully under- what reason? Is it going to benefit you, our MPs, the opportunity to
like ours.
this vision and secure it with stand that I am not dealing with us in any way? represent us in Parliament.
We have no option but to close
strong financial and technical the issues that are at hand with Permit me to give my learned From my observation, our lead-
this gap. Vaccine donations re-
commitments. the CoP etc. Let those who are the friends in Parliament a gentle re- ers have before them thousands
main critical, but we need to look
We can only succeed if coun- experts in this area do the talking. minder, thousands of our citizens of disappointed citizens whose
elsewhere for long-term solu-
tries in the Americas work to- I am listening to the comments of are still in a serious “dilemma” dreams and aspirations have been
gether to locally produce the the experts. out here, many of them still un- shattered because of the state of
That is why the Pan American
tools that can get us out of this My concern, which I feel very employed. Poverty (not having, the country. Try hard as you may,
Health Organization (PAHO) is
pandemic and leave us better pre- strongly about, is the behaviour lack, ends cannot meet, financial that is the reality before you that
championing an ambitious new
pared for the next. and the conduct that continues to suffering) is real in the public do- must be addressed–giving hope
programme to expand vaccine
COVID-19 has shown that there get worse in the Parliament. The main while you trade punches in to the citizenry. I believe it can be
manufacturing capacity in Latin
is no pathway for recovery while demon of misconduct was at it Parliament. done. T&T could be a better place
America and the Caribbean,
our neighbours continue at risk. again on October 21, as I sat there My request: Can we have those for all if only we can stop the fight-
where vaccine availability has
Science and innovation that looking on wondering what was concerns of the citizens seriously ing amongst ourselves. Let’s do it
been very uneven. It builds on
remains out of reach will not taking place. addressed? Too many are being together people.
the proven expertise of our insti-
protect us. Solidarity and self-re- Is that the new face of parlia- left behind and our children are
tutions and the strengths of our
liance in vaccine production will. mentary conduct that I will be also in the mix, the future gener- ARNOLD GOPEESINGH
scientific community.
viewing even more regularly as ation. What the nation needs right San Juan
Sunday, October 31, 2021 rec 23

love for a Trini Divali

—FROM PAGE 22 always ask what was the secret of such a
beautiful fusion. “When Malick and Shiv
“It was an amazing experience. You would Shakti meet we are just a real big loving
never feel so proud to hold your national family. They come over by us for Divali,
flag and walk the streets. It was a phenom- we storm by them at Christmas. The se-
enal experience. And then to see when cret is love,” he said.
you’re driving through the streets, the flag
of T&T on all these apartment buildings.” Q&A with assistant artistic director
Despite his achievements, he holds a and dancer of Shiv Shakti, Anastasia
unique dream for the country and himself
close to his heart.
“One of my dreams actually is to rep-
resent my country in a Broadway pro- How long have you been a part of the
duction because I believe we have the
I was actually born into Shiv Shakti as
resources here, we have the talent.
my mother was the former lead dancer of
“All we need is an opportunity to pack-
the company. I, myself, started dancing
age a very good show...not just snippets
ever since I could remember.
of our culture, but a full understanding of
I made my debut appearance with the
what we are.”
performing company at the tender age
Salickram had a message for T&T in the
of 11. Today, I share the spotlight as one
face of the COVID crisis. He felt that de-
of the frontline dancers with the senior
spite the setbacks, the people of this coun-
company, as well as the lead dancer of the
try would benefit from working together
Swastika dance group, which is a branch
to pick up the pieces.
of our parent company. I also assist with Members of the ZEE TV Shiv Shakti Dance Company, strike a pose at the end of a performance.
He added, “Despite the pandemic, there
the administrative aspect, choreography,
is always hope and we always have to look Please share any Divali reflections or Any words you would like to share
audio editing, marketing etc.
on the brighter side. memorable Divali moments you have had about learning from dance guru Michael
“At least our country is not in war like What do you enjoy most about being a with the group. Salickram?
some other countries. We’re not living member of the group? Back in 2018, I was indeed privileged to He’s not only my uncle but a mentor;
with that kind of fear. We should make Firstly, it gives me an opportunity to represent my country at an international a source of inspiration. He has taught
the best of what we have. Sometimes we pursue my first love which is dance, along Divali pageant which was held in Guade- me many lessons like: “Nothing in life
worry about what we need and never ap- with opportunities that may sometimes loupe. comes easy. Success can only be achieved
preciate what we have.” seem unimaginable. In my opinion, dance Apart from being victorious and cop- through dedication and hard work.” But
Recalling “the Ganges and the Nile” is the ultimate form of devotion. You be- ping the first prize, the experience was most importantly, he has taught me: “Be
unity dance performed with the Malick come one with yourself and all that sur- very refreshing as I was able to form life- yourself, but be your best self.” Today, I
Folk Performers which took both dance rounds you. Apart from the art form itself, long friendships with the other contest- live by those simple words and try to em-
companies on tours worldwide, Salick- the bond created with our girls is what we ants, sharing our diverse culture with ulate those attributes in everything that I
ram said people would see the dance and consider a “sisterhood”. those around the world. do: “Humility with majesty.”

Founder, artistic director and

choreographer of ZEE TV Shiv Shakti
Dance Company, Michael Salickram.
22 Sunday, October 31, 2021

Spreading light,
in the early years, Salickram sought to Helping to prepare delicacies, cleaning the
develop something uniquely Trinidadian. house, bursting bamboo, splitting bamboo
He ended up with a contemporary style, to place and light deeyas on in the yard
mixed with classical East Indian dance and village in Princes Town, where he
elements, Bollywood, folk and African in- grew up were some of Salickram’s fond
fluences. memories of Divali.
“I wanted to create a style that could “It was so much fun going to collect the
be Indo-Trinidadian, so styles were from mud to actually put onto the bamboo to
different dance techniques. Some dances hold the deeyas (in place)…and playing
would be a combination of classical and with starlights. In those days we never
folk dances and some would be Bollywood had fireworks, we had starlights. That was
style depending on the occasion. Like we the closest thing to fireworks for us. Every-
say: Shiv Shakti has a dance for every oc- body would come out in the village and we
casion,” Salickram laughed. would share what we made for the day–all
“What I always say is that when we are vegetarian stuff–greet each other and it
asked abroad especially, to show what our was really beautiful.
talent is, we cannot go and display the tal- “We would sing songs, sit and talk about
ent of India, Africa or any other country. old times...kind of what you do for Old
We have to show them what our talent Year’s night because Divali is like a whole
is here which is chutney, calypso, limbo, new beginning for Hindus. It’s like a whole
steelpan.” He proudly recalled how awed new year for us, so we really look forward.
many people of South Korea and India You clean the house, varnish the floor, so
Assistant artistic director, Anastasia Salickram, centre and members of the ZEE TV Shiv Shakti were a few years ago after Shiv Shakti much excitement, paint over the house,
Dance Company. did a production in their countries when try to clean up before 6 pm because
they realised that “we in Trinidad have a they say it’s inauspicious to be sweeping
GILLIAN CALISTE Shiv Shakti has partnered with the culture of our own.” Of course, there are your house after six on Divali Day, in fact
broadcasters in the past to produce local other features that make the more than 40 throughout the year,” he recalled.

his Thursday, Hindus across T&T cultural programmes, which garnered performing members of Shiv Shakti from He also reminisced on the new outfits
will observe Divali–the celebra- over 40,000 views worldwide last Divali areas across Trinidad stand out. everyone would wear for the occasion,
tion of good over evil, light over and Christmas. Their keenness to research dance styles and the drive or walk around the area to
darkness. On this local national According to Salickram, this year, the and design custom-made costumes embel- view decorations and deeyas, lamenting
holiday, when Mother Lakshmi is believed focus is highlighting the talent of the lished with sequins or gems or are hand- that we were losing the authenticity of the
to roam the Earth, bestowing blessings of youth through the likes of singer Kaitlyn painted, and their knack for doing their celebration that is truly Trinbagonian be-
wealth and happiness, many will prepare Sultan and pannist Joshua Regrello, and to hair and make-up is a winning formula, cause of the rise of social media and the
sumptuous East Indian favourites, wear continue to promote the diverse culture of said Salickram. He just wrapped up par- like.
new clothes and adorn their homes and this country. ticipation in a documentary showcasing He insisted that Shiv Shakti would never
streets with beautiful decorations, includ- Known for its bold use of colour, its Best Village stalwarts on TTT. lose its social conscience as the dance
ing thousands of eye-catching deeyas. As vibrance and innovative choreography, Having Indira Salickram tasked with company supports many temples and
usual in our melting pot of cultures and Shiv Shakti has distinguished itself as a stitching costumes, Gail Boodoosingh charitable organisations like the Ganesh
peoples, others will also join in the festiv- foremost East Indian dance troupe in the doing handwork and Joycelyn Abraham Utsav Foundation and Isha Foundation.
ities making the occasion, “A Trini Divali.” Caribbean and beyond, since its inception managing props, costume design and just Salickram said he views T&T as a small
This is also the title of a much-antici- 34 years ago. about anything else also helps their pro- cultural village where we should encour-
pated concert series to be hosted on ZEE Under Salickram’s leadership, the group cess. Based in Couva, Shiv Shakti boasts age others to reach for their dreams.
TV, from November 1 to 4. And who better has copped awards time and time again, eight dance schools in T&T where the One of the greatest moments for the
to convey the spirit of T&T than the ZEE with the dance guru, as Salickram is af- members are very focused on education only ever male winner of dance at Mastana
TV Shiv Shakti Dance Company. fectionately called, showing himself to and consider themselves to be a “dance Bahar (1992) and champion of Scouting for
As founder, artistic director and chore- be a force on the local and international family,” Salickram said. Talent in 2002, was making his debut in
ographer for Shiv Shakti, Michael Salick- landscape of East Indian dance. In 2004, Salickram felt that though Divali cele- the Bollywood film industry as a choreog-
ram informed Sunday Guardian recently, he was awarded his most outstanding ac- brations would be on a smaller scale due rapher on the movie Dulha Mil Gaya.
A Trini Divali was conceptualised by Ro- colade to date, the Chaconia Silver for his to the pandemic, the group would still He added that he was also grateful to
shan Persad and is a wonderful blend of outstanding contribution towards the de- approach all their engagements, like their have represented T&T as part of a contin-
East Indian film and devotional songs, film velopment of culture and the arts in T&T. appearances at the Divali Nagar site last gent for the World Cup 2006 in Germany,
dances, devotional dances and steelpan Breaking barriers that limited dances week, with their customary high standard. when the Soca Warriors qualified that
performances, and even features a mod- to either classical East Indian dance or The festival usually kindles positivity time.
elling segment. dance recreated from Bollywood films, and unity in communities in this country. —CONTINUES ON PAGE 23

Vibrant colours and creative choreography are

hallmarks of the ZEE TV Shiv Shakti Dance Company.

“When Malick and Shiv

Shakti meet we are just
a real big loving family.
They come over by us
for Divali, we storm by
them at Christmas. The
secret is love.”
24 rec Sunday, October 31, 2021

Good Samaritan
INNIS FRANCIS credit card and I welcome the dona- tions and kindness of others. So you
see, I couldn’t have a family and do
Delvin Gooljar, the Good Samaritan this kind of work. I can’t even travel
who has put his life on hold to fulfil as I want,” Gooljar said.
his childhood dream, now stands Gooljar is pleading with people
committed to taking care of dogs to forget about the aesthetics and
abandoned and left to suffer on the “seasonal” obsession when they
roadsides. purchase or get a dog, take the ani-
His commitment to these animals mal to their homes and later dump
spans six years. them. 
Gooljar, 53, of Caroni Road, off He said, “I am doing this all my
Cemetery Street, Princes Town, is life. I never had a place to put the
hoping that the authorities imple- dogs but I couldn’t turn a blind eye
ment stricter laws so the animals to a dog suffering and go my way.
would not be abandoned and be But we don’t have a culture of adop-
handled with more care.  tion, so I have more intake than the
Over the years Gooljar adopted exit of dogs. Like most things in life,
street dogs and brought them back people go for the more aesthetically
to his humble home where he pleasing and similarly everything
would rehabilitate them and pro- serves the same purpose.
vide a place for them to live until While some people insist on get-
they die. ting the dogs, he said, they are not
With no one coming forward to capable or prepared to treat the an-
adopt these abandoned dogs, the imals well.
pressure of this commitment has There is a surge in demand for
now forced the former TSTT con- dogs during the Christmas period,
tractor to become a stay-at-home especially as gifts to children. But
caretaker. then the novelty wears off, Gooljar
He is pleading with the public to said. 
be more aware and get educated “People just let them go because
about responsible ownership of they become a burden. Especially
their animals.  at Christmas time, a lot of people
Gooljar said since COVID-19 go out and buy a dog for their kids
started, it has become difficult both and then get fed up. It is on a case-
physically and mentally to look by-case basis. I would pick up dogs
after the distressed animals. He said suffering on the streets with skin
he does camera installation but this conditions, a hole in their head with
has become somewhat dormant worms. It is the injured dogs that
and it is has now become a struggle draw my attention the most. I usu-
to feed the animals and take care of ally take in pot hounds, pit bulls,
their medical needs. rottweilers, and poodles.”
It has become an even bigger He said on the public side, the
struggle to leave home on time to lack of education and cultural prac-
do anything as he spends so much tice was the major hiccup in the
time looking after the needs of the well-being of the animals.
“I can’t even work part-time. I
live off my savings, I maxed out my • Continues on Page 25

Delvin Gooljar plays with one of the dogs he looks after daily.
Sunday, October 31, 2021 rec 25

dog rescuer needs help

• From Page 24 from Animal 360, Fine Choice Limited in Arima,
and Happi Products. 
He said his dream to have an establishment with Sara Maynard, TTSPCA operations manager ap-
people to work and take care of the animals seems plauded the efforts of Gooljar for the work he is
unattainable, and now with COVID-19 around he doing with the animals in the absence of a pound
just does it by himself. Gooljar said people would facility.
say that he was wasting his time and that he has Maynard said there was no government facility in
nothing else to do and all the time in the world to Trinidad where people can take unwanted animals. 
do it, but, “people need a big stick over them to “People will continue to dump the animals. There
obey the laws. We need the enforcement of the dog is nowhere and no education coming from the Min-
legislation.” istry of Agriculture, and there is a disconnect be-
Gooljar said his recurring expenditure is for the tween the police and the Ministry,” she said.
items he uses to car for the dogs. His immediate “It is a vicious cycle, there is nothing in place, it
plan is to get assistance to expand and give the dogs will continue to happen. Spay and neuter will res- Delvin Gooljar walks past some of the rescued dogs at his Princes Town
more room. He had high praises for the assistance cue the population and proper humane facility.”   home.

Ways to decrease the number

of stray animals
It’s no secret that homeless animals are becoming a
problem. Pet overpopulation stems from several factors:
cats and dogs reproducing with little chance of their
offspring finding homes, lack of spaying or neutering,
pet owners relinquishing their pets to shelters, and irre-
sponsible pet owners.

How to decrease the number of strays

1. Spay or neuter your pet

Spaying and neutering your pet is the best thing you
can do to help prevent pet overpopulation. The key is to
prevent the problem before it begins.

2. Adopt an animal
Instead of purchasing a pet from a breeder or pet store,
adopt from an adoption centre.

3. Educate your children, family members, friends, and

Help to combat pet homelessness by educating others
in your community.

4. Commit to keep your pet for life

Before you adopt or, buy a pet understand the commit-
ment you’re making. Dogs and cats can live upwards to
13-15 years, some even longer. Pets are your responsi-
bility for their lifetime. Puppies and kittens may be cute
when they’re young, but how will you feel when they’ve
lost their cuteness and started to gray? Will you still love
them the same or will you surrender them to a shelter?
It’s no secret that senior pets are the last to get adopted,
and they are less likely to adapt to a shelter setting.
Evaluate your lifestyle and determine if bringing a pet
into your home is the best for both you and the pet. De-
termine what type of pet you’re looking for and choose
a breed that best fits your lifestyle. (

Delvin Gooljar holds up Crazy Larry, one of the dogs

he saved after treating him for a hole in his head.
Sunday, October 31, 2021 27
26 Sunday, October 31, 2021

Anthony E Phillip Laurent Mef

Chairman Managing Director
28 rec Sunday, October 31, 2021

The magic words

he building blocks of proper by telling them that each word has
etiquette and good manners magic powers. After a short time,
begin with the magic words. they start using these magic words
These are not the abraca- more frequently, when they see how
dabra, hocus pocus, or words used happy it makes their parents and
by magicians when pulling a rabbit friends. Here is a fun story for you
out of a hat. The magic words of man- Magic Words With Max By Michelle
ners are: Please, thank you, you’re Borel. Manners matter. The way
welcome  and  I’m sorry.  These are we act affects others, and it’s never
the words and phrases that should too early for children to learn these
be taught to children from an early lessons. The best way is through
age. role-playing, songs, stories, and fun
When we introduce children to activities.
magic words, we heighten their
motivation to learn and use them (AUTHOR MARY CUFFY)
Sunday, October 31, 2021 quik flix 29

This image shows a poster of Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Parents need to know that science teacher, Mr Grooberson
Ghostbusters: Afterlife reboots the (Paul Rudd), tells her how current
beloved Ghostbusters franchise events seem to relate to the
as a frighteningly good comedy paranormal events of New York
adventure about kids ridding a City in the 1980s.
town of ghosts. When a supernatural presence
This instalment takes place tries to communicate with Phoebe,
decades after the events of the she starts to understand her
original and was written to appeal family’s mysterious past.
to kids (including a self-possessed The Ghostbusters franchise
tween girl scientist leading the crosses streams to find new life as
charge), who don’t need to have a family film that’s frighteningly
seen the original to enjoy this one. good fun.
But long-time fans will be For anyone who remembers how
rewarded with a basketful of the original 80s horror comedy
Easter eggs and cameos from all shook pop culture like a ginormous
of the original living Ghostbusters: Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man
Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie stomping through New York, it
Hudson, Sigourney Weaver, and may have seemed like too much to
Annie Potts (Egon/Harold Ramis hope for that a new version could
died in 2014). Count on seeing match that magic (especially after
ghosts both funny and fearsome; the underwhelming 2016 reboot).
keep in mind that special effects And yet, Ghostbusters: Afterlife
have improved since 1984, and pulls it off.
what didn’t scare you as a kid Writer-director Jason Reitman–
might be more frightening through son of Ivan Reitman, who directed
the lens of modern technology. the 1984 classic–grew up with this
There are references to virginity franchise. With Ivan now in the
(without an explanation of what producing role and (according to
that term means) and a couple of Jason) sitting right next to his son
other sexual insinuations that will on set, the duo proves to be the
likely go over most kids’ heads. You Keymaster and the Gatekeeper,
can also expect a few swear words. truly re-creating the special feeling
Still, this is definitely a more of an 80s comedy, while adding
family-friendly film than the a modern-day spin that fits with
original, with themes of friendship, today’s sensibilities.
forgiveness, and redemption. While pulling back from the
Watch through the end of the original’s eyebrow-raising banter
credits for an extra treat. and behaviour, this kidventure still
respects its elders. The 1984 film
What’s the story? was about four scientific misfits
who don’t quite fit into society
In Ghostbusters: Afterlife, but believe in themselves when no
siblings Trevor (Stranger Things’ one else does and, through their
Finn Wolfhard) and Phoebe courage and ingenuity, save the
(McKenna Grace) move to a small world.
Oklahoma town with their mom, Here, the same premise is
Callie (Carrie Coon), to take over reignited: Four diverse kids come
their late grandfather’s crumbling together to follow a similar path.
farm. When unusual activity starts Ghostbusters: Afterlife appears in
happening around town, Phoebe’s cinemas on November 17. AP

31 33
Sunday, October 31, 2021 kids 31
30 Sunday, October 31, 2021

Russell Diaz,

No stopping visually impaired young man... right, with his

older brother,

CHARLES KONG SOO floor. ian on what inspired him to

write his poem, Russell said "I

orld Sight Day is an an- They say prevention is better learned about World Sight Day
nual day of awareness than cure! in class, and I decided that a
held on the second Well, vitamin A, C, and E is the poem would be a good way to
Thursday of October, to focus key. share what I learned and help
global attention on vision im- Carrots, spinach and pump- raise awareness.
pairment, including blindness. kin! Yum! "The poem tells you about
The event was observed on Orange, tomatoes and al- ways to care for your eyes so
October 14, with the theme, monds! Mmm! that you can avoid vision loss
'Love Your Eyes.' Let us eat healthy guys, and and blindness.
Globally, at least one billion learn to love our eyes. "I have the NVDA (NonVisual that his help with this.
people have near or distance Desktop Access) software in- favourite subject is Science. He described his son as being
vision impairment that could Sunglasses and limited screen stalled on a laptop, which I Russell said he would feel ec- very obedient and hard working.
be prevented or are yet to be time, use for school and is similar to static meeting his school friends Since Russell was about seven years
addressed. Boost the protection of your JAWS ( Job Access With Speech). and teachers in person because he old, he told his parents he wanted
Russell Micheal Diaz, 11, from eyes. "NVDA is a free 'screen missed them. to be a DJ to play music on the
Cunupia, who was born blind Dryness of eyes, headaches reader' which enables blind His favourite food is KFC and his radio.
wrote a poem for the occasion and eyestrain, and vision-impaired people to favourite dessert is chocolate ice Diaz disclosed that when the fam-
of World Sight Day, also called can be avoided if we protect use computers." cream. ily lost his mom, Maline Diaz, three
Love Your eyes. our eyes. He said he admires Deejay Russell revealed that his favour- years ago due to illness, it crushed
Pun from 96.7FM and he would ite television show is The Pink Pan- him. With prayers and comfort,
LOVE YOUR EYES Preserve and prioritize your like to be a DJ and radio an- ther, his favourite movie is Black however, Russell was able to stick
By Russell Diaz eyes, nouncer just like him one day. Panther. When it comes to music his mind to it once more.
By having regular eye exams Russell lists among his hob- he likes a mix of all genres, but he Diaz lets him and everyone
Well, guys! it’s that time again, Share this message with family bies or interests listening to loves local music–soca and chutney, around him know that there is
World Sight Day is upon us and friends music since it makes him happy Anthony Diaz, Russell's father, nothing that they do that he can’t
once more, And make it a mission to love and relaxed and keeps him oc- said hat he tries to help him with do.
Let us come together my your eyes! cupied. his pursuits and activities. His Jessica Ramnarine, who has seen
friends The School for Blind Chil- brother, Richard Diaz and grand- his progress over the years, is one
And bring awareness to the Speaking to the Kids' Guard- dren Class Three student said mother Mooniha Seenatha also of the people who support Russell.

old Kalea
smiles as
Girls pose
posed for
Angeline Martinez,
a photo
22-month-old, stands
at the
near the water fountain
at The Falls at West Mall,
Westmoorings on
last week

32 kids Sunday, October 31, 2021


August 23-Sept 22
ACROSS Eugenia 3 STARS Share your
1. In the sky
6. Naturalist John
Last thoughts and feelings, and
you’ll find out where you
10. Loggers’ contest stand. It’s important to know
11. ___ account (never)
12. Gardener’s gift
14. Out ___ limb
Horoscope what’s possible before you
start making changes that
will affect the way you live or
15. Not just “a” HAPPY BIRTHDAY where you live. Don’t give in
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18. Vegan coffee order
20. Small Chevy model
you can accomplish. Rely
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23. Trivial Pursuit category: Abbr. Sept 23-Oct 22
you will find the path that
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30. Flight tower grp. and knowing what makes stress and give you a chance
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37. Kommo ___ (Australian trail that your attributes to make your environment will encourage
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mysterious, dedicated and
Oct 23-Nov 21
DOWN unique. You are compelling
1. Jason’s ship, in myth and unpredictable. 4 STARS Investigate
2. Desolate what’s available to you.
3. Olive genus YOUR NUMBERS Ask questions, and push
4. Service charge 8, 13, 21, 27, 34, 39, 42. for answers. Be secretive
5. Kemo Sabe’s companion regarding your intentions
6. Bris official Aries until you have all the
7. Burma’s first prime minister 19. James Bond, e.g.: Abbr. 27. Google Maps offering March 21-April 19 information you require to
8. Prisoner 20. Muscles that are crunched 30. Tiptop put your plan in motion.
9. “Domo arigato, Mr. ___” (Styx line) 21. Jumps 31. Mr. T’s last name 3 STARS Personal growth Aggressive action, coupled
13. “Love ___ neighbor ...” 22. Composer Grieg 32. Start of some blended juice names will lead to a positive change with mysterious charm, is
17. It’s tapped 25. “The Chosen” author Chaim 34. ___ of Tranquillity of attitude. Spend time with encouraged.
18. Distress signal 26. “Inglourious Basterds” org. 35. Curse someone you love, and you’ll
gain perspective regarding
Nov 23-Dec 21
your relationship and where
CROSSWORD SOLUTION 168 it’s heading. Discuss your 2 STARS Draw on the
plans, and you’ll feel better experience you have
about your future. gained over the years, not
secondhand information
LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION Taurus from an unknown source.
April 20-May 20 Pay attention to detail, and
make only adjustments
5 STARS Take part in that are foolproof. Trust the
something that excites you. facts, not your heart, when
An adventure, challenge or dealing with emotional
unique experience will give situations.
you the boost you need
and encourage you to push
Dec 22-Jan 19
harder to achieve something
that will help you improve 5 STARS Improvements
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you to spend more time
Gemini at home. A sufficient
May 21-June 20 workspace will enable you to
2 STARS Use discretion develop an idea and turn it
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Sunday, October 31, 2021 classifieds 43

Hardware & Beyond!
TEL: +1 (868) 324-HOME (4663) OR +1 (868) 328-SALE (7253) Cor.Tobago
Rd. & SMR Montrose, Chaguanas.

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42 classifieds Sunday, October 31, 2021

CUNUPIA $1.5M. 329-4130


COMPANY LTD 2049/ 739-2049
Large Building 2 Levels.
Reg, Dealer #10 Main Road
#392-394 Cedar Hill 776-9654 Sales Oice: 772-5520/
Road, ClaxtonBay 7 SEATER Oice: 622-3831/ 228-9927
PDk SANTA Fe, local, trade 768-9800/ CARS/ WAGONS ST AUGUSTINE- near U.W.I. Email:
PDA QASHQAI local, trade
considered, financing. 702-0960/
considered, financing, excellent 659-1212/1616 DAILY, WEEKLY, 5,200 sq.ft. 340-2877, 499-3296
314-4318 MONTHLY
condition. 314-4318/ 702-0960
Facebook: Laura Homes TT
BLOW OUT SALE 752-2049/ 739-2049 FOR SALE
PDN kIA SORENTO, excellent
BRAND NEW WINGLE 2000 Sq.ft Unit, Furnished ARIMA - (NEW CONSTRUCTION) - Last
3 Bedrooms, 2½ T/B
condition, 60KM, fully powered, P/UP 90K UP One Woodbrook Place
Townhouse - Providence Circular – 3
bedrooms, 3 baths – TT$1.35M
sunroof, one owner, $165,000,
Neg. 463-5174.
SOUTH 680-6160 baths – TT$1.2M
Suzuki Swift 2013 HONDA VEZEL $165,000 CASCADE – River Gardens – 3 bedrooms
($70k) ANCHOR DRIVE BEL AIR Ext 3 bedroom Town- 2.5 baths – TT$3.65M
AD Wagon 2016 (70k) NISSAN NOTE $75,000 Large Architect Design house 2.5M. 681-5653 DIEGO MARTIN – Averboukh – 3
PDX 2019 Mazda 2. 12,000 miles. Nissan Wingroad 2018 bedrooms, 2.5 baths – Starting @ TT$2.75M
(105k) TOYOTA AQUA $80,000   5 bedroom house,
$125,000. 335-9182 PALMISTE 3 bedroom Town- LONG CIRCULAR – The Meadows –2-bed-
Toyota Axio Hybrid NISSAN LATIO/VERSA $85,000 5 toilets, house $1.85M. 681-5653 room & 3-bedroom TT$2.5M/TT$2.75M
PCW Suzuki Grand Vitara ($105k)
2011, 165,000km, $85,000, 4 baths with large attic. MARAVAL – Chaconia Estates – 4
Fielder Wagon Hybrid NISSAN WINGROAD $95,000 632-9224 FOUR Roads, Diego Martin Main bedrooms, 3 baths – TT$4.5M
Excellent Condition. 2016 ($110k)
Call: 376-2028, 778-8310 MAZDA AXELA $110,000 Road. 7 bedroom 5 bathroom PETIT VALLEY – (NEW CONSTRUCTION)
residence opposite entrance to
Golda Meir Gardens on 15,800
Majuba Crossroads – 2-bedroom 2 bath-
Kia Sportage starting at TT$2.4M/ 1 bedroom TT$2.2M
WANTED TO BUY sq ft of freehold land. WhatsApp SHORELANDS – 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths,
Turbo Diesel (90K) TOYOTA AXIO HYBRID $105,000
SUZUKI JIMNY E25 LOW TOP 747.3400 offers or enquiries only (no calls) 2-bedroom annex – TT$5M
AUTOMATIC, GLASS SIDE ($65k) NISSAN SERENA $165,000 BELMONT. T/HSE 3 floors 319-0251. SOUTH OROPOUCHE – Townhouses,
Used Wingle p-up Broadway bldg 12,000 sqft; Grove Park - 4 bedrooms 3.5 baths Starting
3 floors @ TT$2.3M
632-7305 HONDA FIT HYBRID $85,000 Cascade Chelsea 11029 sqft TOBAGO - Plantation Villas – 3 bedrooms 3
Mercedes Benz land w. appvls CUNUPIA CHIN CHIN baths – TT$3.2M O.N.O.
C180 AMG MAZDA 3 $145,000 Woodbrook Original 4 BR. 2 10,000 sq.ft $450K financing
PDL, Panoramic Roof, bths + anx available.
50,000km. TOYOTA COROLLA ALTIS $150,000
PDA RAV 4. 740-2113
Woodbrook Modern 2 storey 5,000 sq.ft. lots $230K 736-5164/
688-7302 res. excel. location 272-2858.
Westmoorings Original 3
BR home OWN 15,535 sq.ft. in Grand
All prices neg. Bahama, Bahamas. $500,000.
688-4209/ 689-1568
2010 MITSUBISHI L300 Panel 655-0743/ 280-8496
Van White $65,000. 680-1771 Buying & Selling
All makes and models STORE BAY Local Branch Road
Trucks, Backhoes, SUV’s, 6505.7 sq.ft., freehold, easily
Buying Panel Vans, Pick up’s, Cars, accessible, utilities, $825,000.
JUkE 2010 Air Condition, Power Used Vehicles Knock down vehicles etc. Valuation in hand. 682-0307/
Windows, Power Locks, Power Trade in and Financing 710-3098
Mirrors, Power Steering, Anti- 275-6252 Available
Locking Brakes, 4 Wheel Disc Spot Cash for Used and
Brakes, Bluetooth, Body Kit, Key- Damaged
less Entry, Reverse Sensors, Front BUYING, SELLING, LAND FOR SALE,
and rear HD Dash Cam. $105,000. TRADING TIMBERLAND PK, D’ABADIE
480-4996 5900SQF, 1.35MIL NEGO
748-9429 WHATSAPP 011353877072730
BUYING USED/ Damage vehi-
cles. 296-6178. LA BEL Air 2 lots $700,000
EACH. 653-5225
678-3915 9799
PDM NISSAN Quashai 2016,
Mileage 52,000km. $140K Ne- INTERESTED IN selling Buying USED VEHICLES
trading your used or slightly CARENAGE- GATED, ocean
gotiable. 389-3908/ 498-6914
damage vehicles. 680-9079
763-5640 views. 368-3823
44 classifieds Sunday, October 31, 2021
Sunday, October 31, 2021 classifieds 45
46 classifieds Sunday, October 31, 2021
Sunday, October 31, 2021 classifieds 47
48 classifieds Sunday,

We are having an Open House!

Your invited to come view these new, modern developments

Averboukh, Diego Martin

The Palms, Santa Cruz
Saturday 13 November
Saturday 06 November

Palmiste Palms, Palmiste Grove Park,

OPEN HOUSE South Oropouche
Saturday 20 November OPEN HOUSE
Sunday 07 November
Sunday, October 31, 2021 classifieds 49

Panka Street, St.James San Juan Petit Valley, Mohan Gardens

2,340 sq ft 2 Floors - 3200 sq ft per loor Unfurnished 2 bedrooms,
Freehold land Ground loor - TT$15,000 per month 1 bathroom
1 Full bathroom, Parking for 1 Upper loor - TT$12,000 per month Asking Price: TT$4,500
Asking Price: TT$2.5M

Diego Martin, Off Dickson Avenue Maraval, Collens Road St.James, Upper Bournes Road
HOUSE FOR SALE HOME FOR SALE 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom
4 Bedrooms, 4 full bathrooms 6000 sq ft of living space Fully furnished
Newly renovated kitchen 5 bedrooms, 3 en-suite Inclusive of all bills and Utilities
Asking Price: TT$4.2M Asking price: TT$11M Asking Price: TT$6,500 per month

CUNUPIA HOME FOR SALE Palms Boulevard, Akal Trace, Las Lomas, Ramnarine Street
1600 sq ft Santa Cruz LAND FOR SALE
Open plan living, kitchen and dining LAND FOR SALE 27,252 sq ft
Extra room for storage 24,000 sq ft Agricultural land Freehold land, residential approval
Asking price: TT$1.67M Freehold Asking Price: TT$750k
Asking Price: TT$100 per sq ft

Petit Valley, Team Drive Goodwood Park, Professional Kitchen Maracas Gardens
INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE Fully equipped kitchen 20,000 sq ft
8 apartments on Compound FOR RENT Leasehold land. 999 years
2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom Convenient location, industrial equipment and Located in a gated compound
Open plan living, kitchen, self contained appliances included Slightly sloping and benched
laundry room Delivery entrance Asking Price: TT$1.6M O.N.O
Asking Price: TT$6.5M Asking price: TT$6,800 per month
Sunday, October 31, 2021 classifieds 51

CuNuPIA 3 bedroom $6500.

329-4130 MAYARO,
ing at $1,800.00. Utilities in- BUILDING FOR RENT Beachfront, 5 Bedroom,
cluded, fenced, parking. Piarco 686-7931 A/C, Wifi, Security.
678-8878 678-4210
WEsTMOORING 5 bedroom CANOEBAY- 5 acres. 368-3823
Oice: 622-3831/ 228-9927 villa, pool. 368-3823 2 BEDROOMs, spacious, close 1500 sq.ft. Ideal for small busi-
Email: to shopping/ transport San Juan. ness or office, secured. $3500.
331-6725/ 795-8128 465-5495
Facebook: Laura Homes TT 2 BEDROOM Apartment $3000 ALAN’s PLAZA New Opening
St. Vincent Street, Tunapuna, fully @ 38 Henry Street, P.O.S. Ground
AGRICULTURAL LAND - email us for burglarproof, parking. 334-7985/ floor Booths for rent. 680-7771 CROWN POINT- furnished ca-
full details 3 BEDROOMS 678-9756 bana adjoining Storebay. Augus-
ARIMA – Tasso Road – 23,980 sqft 2.5 BATH, 2 COMMERCIAL sPACEs Upstairs tus 633-0406
TT$950,000.00 O.N.O. LOWER sANTA Cruz. $1500. EMR Tunapuna. $3500. monthly.
ARIMA – Malabar – 5,605 sqft
PARKING SPACES, 389-0463 Airconditioned, utilities. 678-
LONG-TERM- BON Accord, near
FULLY AIR Pigeon Point. Also suitable for
TT$850,000.00 O.N.O. 8678 retirees. Studios & 2 bedrooms
FREEPORT – 5 Acres, 4.5 Acres & 4 ¾ CONDITIONED COuVA- 1 & 2 bedroom apart-
ment, hot/ cold, air-condition. MAYARO- LARGE office com- from $2,500.00. 767-9300 before
Acres TT$1M p/acre TOWN HOUSE, 5:00pm.
FYZABAD – 4 plots @ TT$500,000.00 each
461-1266 pound. 680-2978
GOPAUL LANDS – 5,100 sqft TT$1.2M
2- 1 bedroom apartments
O.N.O $6500.00 350-5334 San Juan, a/c, hot/ cold,
LONGDENVILLE – 5,000 sqft
FOR RENT - 7 bedroom 5 bath- secure parking, electronic CROWN POINT- furnished ca-
TT$550,000.00 O.N.O. room residence on Diego Martin gate, CCTV camera, $2500. bana adjoining Storebay. Augus-
MARAVAL – 1.5 Acres, 3 Acres, 5 Acres & 8 BusINEss WAREHOusE Space, tus 633-0406
Main Road in Four Roads oppo- 782-1899 Tunapuna. 399-3001
Acres TT$1.5M – TT$9.8M site entrance to Golda Meir Gar-
SIPARIA – 5000 sqft TT$300,000.00 O.N.O. EL sOCORRO- 2 bedrooms 752-
dens. Washing machine, dryer, 2049/ 739-2049
TOBAGO – Gated Communities 5,000 sqft water tank and pump. Near 2
up TT$590,000.00 up
shopping centres and taxi routes. sAN JuAN- studio apartment.
TOBAGO – (Store Bay Old Rd) with WhatsApp offers or enquiries WAREHOUSE
739-2049, 752-2049, 610-8625
approvals – 9,000 sq ft TT$2.9M only (no calls) 319-0251. SPACE
TOCO – El Toco Estate – 11,733 sqft – 1 ROOM Mission road San Juan, 3,000 SQ.FT. OF
TT$575,000.00 $2000. 735-3616/ 638-2842 CENTRALLY
H/C, $3500. 798-9052 SPACE AND 15,000 SQ.FT. Sleeps 7. All amenities.
LOWER sANTA Cruz. $2000. OF WAREHOUSE SPACE ON 632-4127/ 754-9705
CHELSEA 389-0463 sAN JuAN 2 Bedroom Apt.
$2300. 689-4027
GARDEN WOODBROOk- 2 bedroom,
fully self-contained, wifi, cable, sAN JuAN 2 bedrooms $3600.
TOTAL OF 18,000 SQ.FT.
Gated electricity, secure. 684-5560, 684-1165 WILL SUB DIVIDE IF
community BARATARIA 1 bedroom, H/C, 24/7 LIVE SECURITY, CCTV,
Freehold, fully Parking for 1, Living room, FOUR ROLLER SHUTTER
Kitchen, Utilities. $2200. 465- DOORS .
approved lots for 5495 PARKING FOR 15 CARS.
sale starting at 795-4448/ 769-2107/
$550,000 3 BED 2 Bath, Cable WiFi. 675-2978
Princes Town
294-8569 sTuDIO APARTMENT St. Au-
gustine. 340-2877/ 299-3877
fully furnished, A/C townhouse CASCADE $1000 WEDDING
available for rental. $5,500, park- 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, COMPLETE.757-9448
APT BuILDING El Dorado, ing for one vehicle on gated A/C, GATED. GOOD AREA
attractive income, $3.5M compound. Laundry room also 776-9654.
Owner Migrating, 357-6600 included. 720-9827.
DIEGO MARTIN 3 Chow Quan Sales Oice: 772-5520/ BOuNCY CAsTLEs, Clowns,
12 APT Complex El Dorado, COuVA- 2 bedroom, 2 bath,
$3.5M, Cash Buyers only, all utilities, parking, $6,000.00. Avenue, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, Oice: 622-3831/ 228-9927 Magic, Puppets, Characters,
Spacious, A/C, H/C, Parking, Good Email: Santa, Popcorn. 353-5417;
Owner migrating, 357-6600 789-7639
Area, $4000. 633-5728 763-3011
2 BEDROOM, 2 BEDROOM Facebook: Laura Homes TT
NEAR PRICE PLAzA. DIEGO MARTIN ARIMA – East Lake – 3 bedrooms, 2 baths
$3900/ $4400. Water pump, Secured Parking UF TT$6,000.00
UTILITIES. 751-9270 DIEGO MARTIN – 4 bedrooms 2 baths SF
296-7417 TT$8,000.00
FALCON HEIGHTS – 4+ bedrooms,
ST JOSEPH NEAR MAIN 3.5 baths UF, rooftop entertainment –
sT. JAMEs 2 bedroom Apt, A/c, US$5,000.00
$5,500. 787-7400 ROAD 1 BEDROOM, GLENCOE – 1 bedroom FF FE – TT$3,500.00
1 T/BATH, H/C 776-9654 MARAVAL – 2 bedrooms, 2 baths UF –
WOODBROOk $5700/ House TT$8,000.00
$6200. 390-0523 MAUSICA – 17 Fully furnished Apts, shared
GLENCOE APARTMENT fur- hot/ cold, air-condition. 305-5930 laundry and pool – TT$4,000. TT$4,500.00
& TT$5,000.00
nished, A/C, all amenities, $2800/ #1 A True Girlfriend Experience.
1 BEDROOM apt, El Dorado, NEWTOWN – Studio apartment FF
$3800 monthly, $800 weekly. Call 381-7079
close to PBR A/C, Internet, TT$3,500.00 | 1 bedroom 1 bath FF
747-1244/ 633-1846
Commercial Property cable, utility inc, H/C water, TT$4,500.00 | 2 bedrooms 1 bath FF
$3500. 678-8678 TT$6,500.00
FOR SALE PALMISTE - Palm Villas – 3-bedrooms, 2.5
Operating Bar, sPACIOus 2 bedroom apart- baths, FF – TT$10,000.00
ment. secured parking for 1, ST. JAMES – (The Meadows) – 2-bedroom
Fully-furnished house & land scenic environment, H/C, A/C, 2 bath FF TT$9,000.00
petite café junction, PERSEVERANCE ROAD, $3000. 464-5155/ 781-5007 WESTMOORINGS – (The Towers, Bayside,
HALELAND PARK MARAVAL La Riviera, La Fontaine) US$3,500 -
5 mins to Princess Town. Studio $2000. US$3,800.0
CHAsE VILLAGE 1 bedroom and
1 minute walk to businesses 2 bedroom, 3 bedrooms apt available
including grocery, 3 bedroom 751-2823
doctor office, pharmacy, 1, 2 & 3, B/rooms
health centre, ONE WOODBROOk Place 2 MARABELLA 3 bedroom,
bedrooms, amazing views, $3.6M 2 bathroom, safe parking. Apartment
serious enquiries only. 683-6841 767-0315 776-9654
2 BEDROOM Carapichaima, a/c, DIEGO MARTIN, STUDIO, Fur-
wifi, secure parking. 753-5610 nished, a/c, utilities included.
2 BEDROOM, El Socorro Exten-
sion. A/C, H/C, fenced, garage,
738-0726 Barataria - Close to Maritime
GLENCOE APARTMENT great 1,050 sq ft - with
view, A/C, all amenities, $700 2 BEDROOM house 2 washrooms, 2 offices, sT JAMEs 1 furnished room.
and $900 weekly. 747-1244/ Mt Lambert large open areas- $6,000. Spanish female person, $1000.
633-1846 625-0839, 623-5568 Parking. 689-7577 622-5735/ 753-9011
50 classifieds Sunday, October 31, 2021
Sunday, October 31, 2021 classifieds 53
52 classifieds Sunday, October 31, 2021
54 classifieds Sunday, October 31, 2021
Sunday, October 31, 2021 classifieds 55
Sunday, October 31, 2021 classifieds 57
Baby Trend

18’ x 9’ x 52” Pool: $10,995.00 15’ x 42” Pool: $4495.00


10% OFF


Marabella House, Marabella Roundabout
Marabella, Trinidad, W.I.
Tel: (868) 610 4545 / 610 8697
Fax: (868) 658 6002
56 classifieds Sunday, October 31, 2021
58 classifieds Sunday, October 31, 2021
Sunday, October 31, 2021 classifieds 59
60 classifieds Sunday, October 31, 2021

SAN FERNANDO Whatsapp orders to
270-0930 for curbside pickup or delivery within the area.
(868) 652-1259


Sunday, October 31, 2021 classifieds 61
62 classifieds Sunday,

Guardian lives remembered

FERREIRA, LARRY passed away
peacefully on Wednesday 20th
October, 2021. Husband of Jen-
nifer Ferreira (née de Verteuil). Fa-
ther of Robert. Brother of Agnes
(dec), Gloria, Dianne, Elaine (dec),
Glen and Cliff. A private funeral
mass for the late Larry Ferreira
took place on Thursday 28th
October, 2021. For enquiries,
contact Chancellor Walks Funeral
Services Limited, 287-0403/04.

Tuesday 26th October, 2021

BERYL JEAN SUE WING Sunday 31st October, 2021
passed away peacefully in her
sleep in Boston, Massachusetts,
USA on 21st October, 2021 after Curtis Francis Jones,
a brief illness. Jean, as she was son to the late parents, Beryl (Gajadhar) and
known, was born in New York OSWALD (OSSIE) NOEL
City in 1927, the last of nine WOODS Timothy Jones, passed away on Friday, Octo-
children of T.D.E. “Jack” Hill and Sunrise: 05-08-1948 ber 15, 2021, at 66. Husband to Yvonne. Father
Lydia Caroline Hill (nee Gibson). Sunset: 25-10-2021 of Cassia and Leah. Grandfather to Isabella and
She came to Trinidad as a young Ex husband of Prunella Veron-
ica Woods (deceased), Son of Milan. Brother to Sheryl, Barbara (dec), Carol,
girl and attended Tranquility Paulas, Marcelus and Gregory. Uncle and friend
Methodist School. A stalwart of Lionel and Floretta Woods (de-
Trinidad’s cultural scene from ceased) Father of Marc Woods. to many. Special mention to the entire Reyes
the 1950s through 2000s, Jean Brother of Stephen and David Family who loved him unconditionally and to the
was a member of multiple drama Woods. Cousin of Jackie Sher-
riff, Arnold and Myrna Sherriff
thousands of beautiful people he touched and
groups including the Whitehall saved through fellowship.
Players, Company of Players (Deceased), The Toby, Watson,
and Strolling Players, where she Sherriff, Bowles, Bowles-Dove, He will be deeply missed by all.
acted, stage-managed, directed Thomas & McMillan families.
and produced several plays. For Brother-in-law of Cora Arnold,
23 years she served as Cultural Lennox Watson, Frederick and
Officer in the Ministry of Educa- Carlton Watson (deceased)
tion and Culture, traveling the Uncle of Darren and Shoshana
country, nurturing talent in the Sherriff, Kerry and Kandice
folk arts, and putting on concerts Springer, Ashley Rahim, Daron
and cultural showcases for local Kyle Woods. Friend of Micheal
as well as international audi- (Yogi) Tousainnt , Stanley Git-
ences. Jean acted as judge for tens, Adrian Bartholomew,
numerous national speech and Mike Beard, Peter. Machintosh
drama festivals as well as for the and MANY MANY more! Funer-
National Carnival Commission. al at 11:30 AM Monday 1st No-
Known for her command of vember, 2021 from Clark and
English and fearless commitment Battoo Chapel, 11 Tragarete
to the truth, Jean always gave Road, Port of Spain, Cremation
freely of her knowledge and to follow at Clark and Battoo
expertise, and catalyzed every- Crematorium at 4:00PM. TO
one around her to aspire to high SEND CONDOLENCES PLEASE
standards while providing quiet VISIT www.clarkandbattoo.
reassurance that excellence was com. For enquiries; call C&B:
attainable. A dedicated, lifelong 625-1170
teacher, she taught drama, ora-
tory and literature to students at
secondary schools and teacher
training colleges throughout
Trinidad, as well as English lan- It is with a broken heart
guage at University of the West we announce the passing of
Indies, St. Augustine and School DARREN OWEN
of Languages. In retirement Jean Son of Eileen Owen; Brother of
Frankie, Gail and Rhonda. Belov-
remained a staunch cultural ed father of Xchyelle, Tsahai and
advocate, writing a series of fea- Aaron; Nephew of Janet Skinner,
tures in the Trinidad and Tobago Monica Perez, Jean Reece and
Review on prominent contribu- Barbara Drayton; Cousin to the
tors to the development of the Owen, Willis, Perez and Drayton
nation’s performing arts. She was families; friend and colleague
an active supporter and honor- to many. Due to the COVID-19
ary member of the Girl Guide pandemic and current restric-
movement. Jean was the widow tions, the funeral service for the
late Darren Owen will be held at
of Audley Sue Wing, upon whose the Clark & Battoo Funeral Chapel
passing she moved to Boston on Tuesday 2nd November at
to spend her last years closer to 12.00 pm followed by cremation
family. She is survived by her four at same. The funeral service will
children, Judith and Jonathan be livestreamed via
Herbert, Leah Hill and Ian Sue renOwen. For enquiries; call C&B:
Wing, two grandsons and three (868) 625-1170. To send condo-
great grandchildren. lences please visit our website
Sunday, October 31, 2021 classifieds 63
64 Sunday, October 31, 2021

England gives old rival Australia

8-wicket thrashing
DUBAI —Jos Buttler was near his Dawid Malan for 8 and barely no-
brutal best as England thrashed ticed.
old rival Australia by eight wickets England’s bowlers, with Chris
with 50 balls to spare at the cricket Jordan leading with 3-17, raced
T20 World Cup yesterday in the through Australia’s batting lineup
United Arab Emirates. at the start, with the Australians
Buttler smashed 71 not out from sliding to 21-4 in 6.1 overs. Australia
32 balls with five thumping sixes rallied to see out its full 20 overs,
and five fours as England’s batters but only just with Mitchell Starc the
quickly finished off what its bowl- last man out off the final ball of the
ers had started by knocking the innings.
Aussies over for 125. Jordan was one of three England ally strong Australian side.
Buttler dismantled a vaunted seamers to subdue the Australian “They are all hard (games), we
Australian bowling attack, punish- batters, with Chris Woakes taking treat everyone with the same re-
ing both quick bowlers and spin- 2-23 and Tymal Mills 2-45. spect.”
ners — and scattering the crowd Australia’s top order fell apart in Australia, which belied its shaky
with huge hits into the top tiers of the first four overs after being put recent form by winning its opening
the stadium — as England powered in to bat, with David Warner (1), two games, is tied with South Af-
home in Dubai by making 126-2 in Steve Smith (1) and Glenn Maxwell rica for second place in Group 1 but
11.4 overs. (6) all back in the dressing room. behind the South Africans on run
“A pleasure to watch genius at Australia was 51-5 before Ashton rate. Saturday’s hammering by Eng-
work,” England teammate Liam Agar, Pat Cummins and Starc swung land was Australia’s heaviest loss in
Livingstone said of Buttler. “He’s the bat and connected for five sixes terms of wickets at the World Cup.
the best hitter of a white ball in the between them to give themselves at South Africa beat Sri Lanka ear-
world. A clinic of white-ball hit- least something to bowl at. lier yesterday and only the top two
ting.” But it wasn’t nearly enough and teams from the group will reach the
It was a clinical way also for Eoin England, with comprehensive wins semifinals.
Morgan’s England team to take the over West Indies, Bangladesh and “We had to bowl them out, no
outright lead of Group 1 and re-em- now Australia, appears headed for issues there, but Buttler played a
phasise its status as one of the fa- the knockout stages. Maybe there hell of an innings,” Australia cap-
vorites for the title. will also be a chance to put right tain Aaron Finch said. “We got off
Openers Buttler and Jason Roy a heart-wrenching loss to the West to a poor start, but a couple of days
put on a rapid 66 to start England’s Indies in the final of the last T20 off to recharge and we’ll dust our-
chase. Jonny Bairstow was with World Cup in 2016. selves off.”
Buttler to finish it off, and also “The challenge for us is adapting
didn’t hang around by launching to conditions away from home,” SCORES
two sixes in his 16 not out from 11 England captain Morgan said. “We AUSTRALIA 125 (A Finch 44; C Jordan
balls. did that really well in the first two 3-17) vs England 126/2 (J Buttler 71 not England’s Jos Buttler hits a six during the Cricket Twenty20 World Cup
England lost Roy for 22 and games then a big test against a re- out, Agar 1-15). England won by eight match against Australia in Dubai, UAE, yesterday. England won by eight
wickets. wickets. PICTURE AP

De Kock takes knee as South Africa beats Sri Lanka

SHARJAH — Quinton de Kock “It’s really hard for us after this
took a knee at the start and David game,” he added, with Sri Lanka
Miller took charge at the end as now in a battle to claim one of
South Africa beat Sri Lanka by the two semifinal places from the
four wickets with a ball to spare group.
in the T20 World Cup in the Spinner Tabraiz Shamsi and
United Arab Emirates, yesterday. seamer Dwaine Pretorius both
Miller hit two sixes in the last took 3-17 after South Africa put
over as South Africa shrugged off Shanaka’s team in to bat. But Sri
a hat trick from Wanindu Hasa- Lanka’s 142 all out in 20 overs,
ranga, which left it struggling on set up by opener Pathum Nissan-
112-6 in the 18th over, to clinch ka’s brilliant 72 from 58 balls, was
a second victory in the Super 12 highly competitive.
stage that keeps it in contention It seemed like a winning total
for the semifinals. when legspinner Hasaranga re-
The 32-year-old Miller launched moved Bavuma (46) and Preto-
his late attack with support from rius in consecutive balls in the
Kagiso Rabada to take his side be- 18th over, having removed Aiden
yond the target of 143. Markram off the final ball of his
Miller finished with 23 from 13 previous spell.
balls and South Africa ended up South Africa needed 22 from
smiling after a week of turmoil South Africa’s David Miller, right, celebrates with teammate Kagiso Rabada after defeating Sri Lanka in their Cricket nine balls when Rabada kicked
following de Kock’s decision to Twenty20 World Cup match in Sharjah, UAE, yesterday. PICTURE AP off the late rally with his six back
withdraw from Tuesday’s game the field ahead of the start. He “I was a bit tense but I had con- bada played his role, too, with a down the ground.
against West Indies in protest at made 12 opening the batting. fidence in David. He’s got one of six in the penultimate over and
players being told by the South “It’s quite hard to put the most beautiful swings, like a the winning runs from an edge SCORES
African cricket board to take a everything that’s happened over golf swing.” past the wicketkeeper for four. He SRI LANKA 142 (20 overs) (P Nissanka
knee in support of the Black Lives the last couple of days behind Miller’s swinging sixes off the finished with 13 from seven balls. 72; T Shamsi 3-17, D Pretorius 3-17) vs
Matter movement. us,” South Africa captain Temba second and third balls of Lahiru “It was enough to defend for SOUTH AFRICA 146/6 (19.5 overs) (T
De Kock returned to the team Bavuma said. “There was a bit of Kumara’s final over flew into the Lahiru,” Sri Lanka captain Dasun Bavuma 46, D Miller 23; W Hasaranga
yesterday after apologising, and 3-20, Dushmantha Chameera 2-27).
it at the back of the mind but we stands in Sharjah, and settled it Shanaka said of the last over.
removed his cap and took a knee South Africa won by four wickets.
had a job to do and we had to dig after South Africa needed 15 off “Credit to South Africa’s batsmen,
alongside all the other players on deep. the last six balls. Tailender Ra- they finished really well.
Sunday, October 31, 2021 65

Fixing yourself benefits the team

“I’m fed up with these chats after is you can start working on time-sucking activities. places? When will we be hon-
games and people apologising. yourself at any time. There’s a The best leaders focus on win- est? When will we stop wasting
(Harry) McGuire was saying they reason that the high perform- ning the small battles before the our time and potential?”
need to come together as a group. ers dedicate more time towards biggest of victories, right? Same And listen, it’s normal to feel
“No you need to sort your game personal enhancement, they goes for personal achievements like you could be doing more
out if you’re going to be the leader train more, they eat better, they and improvements. Focus on when it comes to boosting your-
of that group. Get the basics and do rest better and they focus more what you can control. You are self.  But being a better person
your own job.” on their mental state. in total control of you, better doesn’t involve being overly
Those were the words of former Unless these athletes are in- than anyone else. With some hard on yourself. In fact, it’s
Manchester United captain Roy volved in individual events, inspiration, planning, and im- quite the opposite. The more
Keane on the back of Manchester they are mostly part of a team plementation, you can start self-kindness and self-compas-
United’s 5-0 whipping by Liverpool and they understand the con- self-improvement anytime. sion you can foster, the more
last week and his statement had siderations that come with Craig Harper, a leading equipped you’ll be to treat
deep meaning as it’s something that being in such a set up. But they presenter and educator in those around you the same way
has become common in modern-day also know that nobody else is self-improvement and high and make a contribution that
sport and usual day-to-day activities. going to do their job or their performance, said “...we know benefits the rest. In the end, the
We all know the saying that: “To- “extras” for them. what to do, but we don’t do team comes out better because
gether Everyone Achieves More”. By taking positive steps to re- what we know. Too many of us of you.
Working collectively is the way to align your life’s vision, you’re are great at the theoretical and
go or at least it’s been preached to working toward the best ver- complete crap at the practical. Shaun Fuentes is the head of
us for as long as we can remember sion of yourself. It’s an invest- We continue to destroy our- TTFA Media. He was a FIFA Media
particularly in a team environment, ment that takes time, discipline, selves despite our knowledge. Officer at the 2010 FIFA World
for the team. Consider what it’d be Cup in South Africa and 2013 FIFA
But it’s become the norm where after and a lot of effort. Interestingly We want the results without
like with everyone having this type of U-20 World Cup in Turkey. The
matches or events it seems to be the self-improvement activities do the work. We want the pill, the
mindset and approach. views expressed are solely his
easy way out when the spokesperson in fact  involve being around powder, the potion, the short- and not a representation of any
Self-improvement is an ongoing
laments on the lack of team effort or people who inspire you as cut. When will we stop look- organisation.
process. The most successful people
the group failing to pull it together. well as it involves avoiding ing for answers in the wrong
in the world are constantly work-
This is where I agree with Keane in
ing on personal development and
that too often persons are being let
self-improvement. Self-improve-
off easily without being held account-
ment is a way for you to make your-
self better or more knowledgeable.
There are times when as individu-
It’s a way to challenge yourself in
als we need to take stock of ourselves
new ways while working on your
and perhaps put more pressure on
personal growth.
ourselves to improve. The better we
The beauty of self-improvement
become, the better it’s going to be
champs to be decided today 856-858 Siparia Erin Road, Los Bajos
Trinidad, West Indies
Tel # 649-5683/4507/6253
Fax # 649-6676

Two new champions in the Men’s

and Women’s ‘A’ categories will be
decided today in the Chetwynd End
of Year Tennis Tournament at the
club’s tennis courts on Tunapuna
Road in Tunapuna.
These finals were settled last week
and week before last respectively, All applications must be submitted on the approved
under humid conditions. But yester-
day only a few matches were able to
be played before the heavens opened
and stopped play.
Nathen Martin who was ousted
from the Men’s ‘A’ last week, battled Applicants for the Tertiary Level Bursary must be
to the final of the Men’s ‘B’ after de-
feating Askia Richards in the semi- pursuing Tertiary Level Courses of study approved by
finals. Martin whipped Richards in
Jaeda-Lee Daniel-Joseph will battle
straight sets 6-2, 6-3 for the right to
Shenelle Mohammed in the Women’s ‘A’
be in the title match before the rains final PICTURE ANTHONY HARRIS
came. He will now face the winner of
clash with Jaeda-Lee Daniel-Joseph
the other semifinal match between
Randy Bailey and Zachary Byng
to determine the Women’s ‘A’ title Applicants must provide evidence of registration/
winner, which is currently being
which was scheduled to be played,
held by Chautilal. The 2020 cham- acceptance at an institution accredited by the Ministry
once the rain stopped.
pion was knocked out by Moham-
Also yesterday, Kristyan Valentine
med, a former national tennis queen
and Ronald Robinson cruised to the
and a multiple-times winner of the
quarterfinals of the Men’s Doubles
Tranquility Tennis Tournament,
by virtue of beating the pair of Julian
who has travelled from all the way
Roberts and Nigel Marcus, 4-6, 6-3,
10-0, in a round of 16 encounter.
in the deep southland in search of Application forms must be returned to
her first Chetwynd title.
Meanwhile, the team of Zara
The Men’s ‘A’ title will be contested
Ghuran and Keshan Moonasar pro-
by Akile Duke and Nabeel Moham-
gressed to the quarterfinals of the
med, while the in-form Em-Miryam
Mixed Doubles by beating the team
of Darren Alexander and Farah Chau-
Campbell-Smith, daughter of former
Minister of Sports Darryl Smith, will
November 5th, 2021
tilal 6-1, 6-2.
have a date with Gabriella Prince for
Today, Shenelle Mohammed will
the Women’s ‘B’ title.
Sunday, October 31, 2021 67

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66 sports Sunday, October 31, 2021

Solskjær gets vital win for United; City, Liverpool setbacks

LONDON — After all those doubts about his
future at Manchester United, Ole Gunnar CITY SHOCKED
Solskjær achieved what Pep Guardiola and While Liverpool is the last unbeaten side,
Jürgen Klopp couldn’t do yesterday: Win in Guardiola’s City has another loss to add
the Premier League. to the opening game of the title defense
It just needed United to face a Tottenham against Tottenham.
side devoid of any attacking ingenuity that Hopes of recovering from Wilfried Zaha’s
allowed Cristiano Ronaldo and Edinson Ca- sixth-minute goal were hit when City had
vani — with a combined age of 70 — to both Aymeric Laporte sent off in first-half stop-
score before Marcus Rashford netted. page time for bringing down Zaha when he
After collecting one point from four was the last man. Gallagher added a second
games, the 3-0 win in north London will goal on the break in the 88th.
give Solskjær some breathing space even “Unfortunately it went wrong in many,
though United is still eight points from first many things,” Guardiola said, “and we lose
place. the game.” (AP)
“Of course this week has been a difficult
one for the players, fans they haven’t been YESTERDAY’S RESULTS
happy,” Solskjær said. “The experience
Particularly from the 36-year-old Ron- Leicester 0 - 2 Arsenal
aldo, who got on the end of a high ball Burnley 3 - 1 Brentford
from Bruno Fernandes and peeled away Liverpool 2 - 2 Brighton & Hove
from defender Ben Davies before netting Manchester City 0 - 2 Crystal Palace
from a first-time volley across goal in the Newcastle 0 - 3 Chelsea
39th minute. Ronaldo turned provider for Watford 0 - 1 Southampton
Tottenham 0 - 3 Manchester United
Cavani, who clipped in the second in the
64th before Rashford came off the bench
Elche 1 - 2 Real Madrid
and produced a curling strike. Sevilla 2 - 0 Osasuna
“I hope this time we have changed the Valencia 2 - 0 Villarreal
page,” Ronaldo said. “Everyone knows his Tottenham’s Son Heung-min is challenged by Manchester United’s Victor Lindelof, right, during Barcelona 1 - 1 Deportivo Alaves
role in the team, it’s not only the coach that the English Premier League football match at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London, ITALY - SERIE A
many point out (for criticism), it’s the play- yesterday. Manchester won 3-0. PICTURE AP Atalanta 2 - 2 Lazio
ers as well. what you’re doing.” Klopp’s second-place Liverpool threw Verona 2 - 1 Juventus
“I believe that something happened for Tottenham failed to register a single shot away a two-goal lead to draw 2-2 at home Torino 3 - 0 Sampdoria
a reason and we have to be happy for this on target and Nuno has now lost half of his to Brighton. GERMANY - BUNDESLIGA
amazing afternoon, we win 3-0 in an away Arminia Bielefeld 1 - 2 Mainz
10 league games in charge Defending champion Manchester City is
stadium against a difficult team and we are Leverkusen 0 - 2 Wolfsburg
“The booing and disappointment of the two points further back after Guardiola’s Dortmund 2 - 0 FC Cologne
so pleased for that and happy.” fans is understandable,” Nuno said. 200th league game in charge of the club
Rather than Solskjær feeling the heat — Freiburg 3 - 1 Greuther Fuerth
Chelsea was able to extend its lead at the ended in a 2-0 home loss to Crystal Palace. Union Berlin 2 - 5 Bayern Munich
United fans were back singing “Ole’s at the Premier League summit to three points The Arsenal revival continued with a 2-0 Frankfurt 1 - 1 Leipzig
wheel” — the Tottenham supporters were with a 3-0 win at Newcastle secured by a win at Leicester putting the north London FRANCE - LIGUE 1
booing their team and chanting at man- double from Reece James and Jorginho’s club behind United on goal difference in Metz 1 - 1 Saint-Etienne
ager Nuno Espirito Santo: “You don’t know penalty. sixth place. Lyon 2 - 1 Lens
68 sports Sunday, October 31, 2021

Bubbles and bubble fatigue

A bio-secure bubble is a safe and re-entry, they were quarantined rated into the wider society. This ap- fatigue and challenges of operat-
secure environment that is cut for seven days and tested for proach was used in West indies tour ing in a bubble. Many stress on not
off from the outside world to COVID-19 at days two and day to New Zealand in 2020. The players having their family around to help
minimise the risk of infection at five. were placed in a cluster of three to them in such a tough time and that
a sports event. A “water in a glove” bubble is four persons, with each having a dif- existing in “back to back” bubbles
This has been the go-to for one where all the players, staff ferent skill so that in the event one has led to increased anxiety, fear,
many sports like cricket, which and other personnel participat- person became infected, the rest of depression and feelings of isolation
was the first sport to resume ing in the competition would the squad would most likely remain for some.
competition as seen in the “con- stay at one hotel. The bubble COVID- free and still have enough One may think that being in a bub-
tained” bubble used in the 2020 would extend from the hotel to players to field a team. Frequent ble would have been a great oppor-
West Indies vs England series the practice and competition COVID tests and temperature checks tunity for many teams to bond but
and a “water in a glove” bubble grounds in different areas. No were done. this has not been the case; some
for the 2020 Caribbean Premier one would be allowed to leave In some cases, like the 2020 In- became even worse off. We ask our-
League. These two types of bub- these areas except for medical dian Premier League hosted in selves, what can be done to help
bles were successful in protect- treatment which could not be Dubai, players were asked to wear a bubble-fatigued players? We can
ing the players and staff during offered in the bubble and in such tracking system that recorded their start by taking a sports psycholo-
the competition. Let us look at cases, a predesignated facility movements and contacts with per- gist with each team, having a rota-
the characteristics of each bub- was used. sons within the bubble. At the stadi- tion policy for players to give them
ble. The formation and manage- ums and practice areas, players were “bubble breaks,” hosting more tour-
A “contained” bubble is one ment of a bubble is a costly only allowed to use the facilities naments in countries with minimal
where the hotel for the players, venture. Another way of hav- for bathroom purposes and not to infections so there may be greater
staff and other personnel is in ing a successful tournament at shower. Gears and equipment were opportunity for socialisation in a
or around the same area where emergency. In the event of such cheaper costs may be to host the left outside and only one team was relatively safe sphere and educating
the competition is being held. In emergencies, a predesignated event in a country with minimal allowed to use the facility at a time. athletes on coping mechanisms.
the England tour, the hotel was hospital with isolated areas for to no infections. In this case, the Cricket, like any other sport, The absence of spectators when
part of the sporting complex. the athletes was utilised. Per- participating teams would follow causes mental fatigue and stress. competing in a bubble has also had
No one was allowed in or out of sons leaving the bubble did so in the requirements for entry and Every day, athletes battle with the a negative impact, especially for
the bubble except for a hospital full protective gears and, upon quarantine and then be incorpo- need to be mentally strong and to be athletes who depend on the crowd
seen in the public’s eyes as warriors energy to drive them to higher levels
and role models. of performance. With vaccines being
Some can handle the pressure rolled out throughout the world,
alone, whilst others rely more heavily consideration should be given to
on support from family, friends and having some spectators at sporting
teammates. It is not uncommon for events. We hope that one day we can
them to be accompanied by mem- stem the flow of the pandemic and
bers of their support network when return to pre-COVID norms. Until
they travel for competition. Sadly, then, “let’s be our brother’s keeper.”
a bio-secure bubble does not make
allowance for this and we have seen Dr’ T’shaka Patterson is a medical

NOTICE OF VACANCIES many athletes like Virat Kohli, Jason

Holder, Jofra Archer and Eoin Mor-
doctor from St Vincent and the
Grenadines and is a graduate student
in the Faculty of Sport.
gan speaking out about the mental
The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance is inviting applications from suitably
qualified persons, for employment, on contract, in the undermentioned positions, for a
period of three (3) years in the Information and Communications Technology Division:

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Applications for the aforementioned positions must be submitted online only via the
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All applications must include a cover letter,which clearly indicates the position being
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The deadline for submission of applications is

11:59 p.m. on Sunday 14th November, 2021

To access the Job Descriptions, please visit the Ministry of Finance website at

We advise that only online applications will be accepted and only short-listed candidates will
be contacted. E-mail applications will not be accepted.
Sunday, October 31, 2021 sports 69
Waldropt dropped McCarthy debuts for Mavericks in Fast5 tourney
T&T’s Jameela McCarthy made champion Loughborough Light- even with the “Wow Hydrate”

in second round at
her debut yesterday with the ning (51-30) and edged Strath- golden buzzer in action. At six
Saracens Mavericks, helping clyde Sirens (20-17) to reach the minutes to go, it was the Mav-
them reach the final of the semifinals. Mavericks went on ericks who had the advantage

Fast5 Netball All-Stars Tour- to top Thunder, 27-11, to reach 6-3 but they turned a corner
nament but they fell to a 23-17 the title match. from then on, first using their
defeat against Team Bath at the Bath led by Anna Stembridge own golden buzzer moment
Copper Box Arena in London, saw off London Pulse twice, to perfection. Those closing
WALTER ALIBEY fighter wobbling before he went to England. 27-26 and 23-17, before a nail- moments did seem tense, but the canvas for a second time. McCarthy formed part of biter against Wasps Netball it didn’t faze a Bath side who
This time the referee called off the the Mavericks defensive team (29-28) to set up the final with finished third in the 2021 VNSL
T&T’s Blessing Waldropt went down fight with Waldropt hurt. who in their opening match in Mavericks despite a hiccup campaign. Long bombs are the
to American Vershaun Lee by knock- Afterward, Waldropt’s coach Rey- the double elimination group against Manchester Thunder aim of Fast5 especially when
out in a bruising Light Welterweight nold Cox said it was an experience stage fell to Wasps Netball club, (36-16). double points arise, but Stem-
contest in the round of 32 as action that his fighter will learn from. 48-33. However, Mavericks re- When it came down to the bridge rewrote the rulebook as
continued in the AIBA World Boxing “The guy was a little bit more ex- bounded to upstage defending final, proceedings were tight Bath secured their first title.
Championship in Belgrade, Serbia, perienced than he was, but it came
yesterday afternoon. down to a simple mistake of Wal-
Waldropt, a national champion dropt dropping his hands and was
boxer in his class, was up against caught with a very good shot which
a physically stronger Lee who ap- spelled the end for him.
peared to have been set waiting for “He was also caught in the first
the big knockout punch. Waldropt round, but it did not affect him so
looked decent in the first round, much. We always tell the boxers that
moving from side to side and charg- by dropping their hands they may
ing ever so often, but he was fre- get away with it at the national level,
quently caught in Lee’s crossfire but not at this level at the World
punches. Championships,” Cox explained.
Waldropt did land a few punches With Waldropt losing, it now
of his own in the opening round but leaves only Nigel Paul as the lone
the American caught him with more boxer to carry the red, white, and
telling blows. black of T&T at the championships.
The experience of Lee then Paul will be up against Ayoub
showed in the second round, as Ghadfa of Spain in a Super Heavy-
Waldropt sought to make up for lost weight division contest, today.
points in the first round. Cox told Guardian Media Sports
As Waldropt charged, he was he believes Paul can do really well in
caught flush with a big right hand the tournament if he does what he is
that sent him to the canvas more supposed to do in the fight.
shaken than hurt. He successfully “If he enters the fight with the
survived a standing eight count, but right frame of mind he can, not only
later in the same round, the Ameri- go to the second round but can go
can caught him with an even stiffer all the way to the podium,” Cox said.
right-hand punch that left the T&T

T&T boxer Blessing Waldropt, left, punches in his bout against Vershaun Lee in the
Light Welterweight (60kg to 65.3kg) category at the AIBA World Boxing
Championships yesterday in Belgrade, Serbia. Waldropt lost by knockout in the
second round of the bout.
70 sports Sunday, October 31, 2021

Int’l cricket returns, U-19 World Cup coming as...

Bassarath bowls out Mahabir

RYAN BACHOO president. ahead exacerbated by the pan- Fernando. Speaking to Guardian Media demic, Bassarath is confident he He further explained, “Part of
Sports after being declared the can achieve his goals over the the U-19 World Cup will be staged
No review was needed. No power- winner, Bassarath said this term next four years. in Trinidad and we are looking
play necessary as Azim Bassarath will be one of the most important He said, “I don’t think it will be forward to that. We know it will
soundly beat T&T Cricket Board periods in domestic cricket. a difficult job. I think the team I be a challenge because are very
(TTCB) presidential candidate He said, “I think the next four have put together for the execu- close to January now and the pan-
Surujdath Mahabir in yesterday’s years will be extremely critical. In tive are people who have experi- demic is still raging so we know it
elections. these pandemic times, we have to ence, who have the passion for will be a challenge for us here in
Bassarath won 34-15 to secure put in a lot of work in the devel- the game and I’m quite confident Trinidad but we are part of it and
a fifth term in office with the ma- opment stages of the game for the that they are going to put their we are very happy that Cricket
jority of his slate also marking vic- youngsters. The youngsters have best foot forward in giving me West Indies and the ICC have
tory with him. not been engaged in any sort of all the necessary support that is awarded Trinidad part of that ICC
For first vice president, Arjoon sports for the last 18 months so it needed to really take the game tournament.”
Ramlal staved off stiff competition will be a tough ask to really get the forward.”
from former West Indies spinner youngsters back out on the park He will place a large amount
Dinanath Ramnarine. He won Azim Bassarath, returns as president and we are only waiting on the of focus on the development of
with 23 votes while Ramnarine of the TTCB restrictions to be lifted to start to the game saying that an Under-23 ELECTION RESULTS
had 19 votes. In third position was Baksh was on Mahabir’s slate. work.” tournament will return as soon as
Shareeda Mohammed with seven Finally, independent candi- Reacting to the defeat, Mahabir restrictions are lifted. President: Azim Bassarath - 34;
votes. date Kiswah Chaitoo won his bid conceded by saying, “It’s a Demo- He added, “We have also de- Surujdath Mahabir - 15
Kerwin John returned as second for the treasurer post eclipsing cratic process and the electorate cided that we are going to host First vice president: Arjoon Ramlal
vice president unopposed. Central Sports president Richard has chosen. Congratulations to a four-team Under-16s and U-19s - 23; Dinanath Ramnarine - 19;
Incumbent third vice-president Ramkissoon, 28-20. the winners, especially Mr Baksh tournament during the cricket Shareda Mohammed 7
Parasram Singh, the chairman of Among the seven candidates and Mr Chaitoo. I wish the new season next year so a lot of plans Second vice president: Kerwin John
the North East Zone, and a former executive all the best.” are in place already to make sure - unopposed
running for executive positions,
Third vice president: Parasram
president of the T&T Umpires As- Joseph Sam Phillip received 43 Bassarath urged all the stake- that we focus on the development Singh - 29, Sukesh Maniam - 19
sociation beat out Sukesh Maniam votes, Stephen Ramkissoon 39, holders involved in the elections of the game and for the benefit of General secretary: Altaf Baksh - 25;
of Mahabir’s team for the position Kelvin Mohammed 31, Anderson to put the past behind them and the game.” Henry Chase -24
of second vice president. Singh Ramnath 29, Ann Browne-John now work towards developing the Bassarath also confirmed that Treasurer: Kiswah Chaitoo - 28;
had 29 votes while Maniam had 29, Winston Sobers 26 and Sharaz game in the country. international cricket will return to Richard Ramkissoon - 20
19. Mohammed 17. “I’m going to make that call that T&T in 2022 with India expected Executive positions: Joseph Sam
It was a close battle for the post The victory means Bassarath everybody must get on board and to play four matches in this Phillip (43), Ann Browne-John
of general secretary with school will begin serving in a new era of try to focus on developing the country including three One Day (29), Anderson Ramnath (29),
principal Altaf Baksh narrowly the TTCB. On October 2, a major game and give every single crick- Internationals and one T20 Inter- Kelvin Mohammed (31), Stephen
edging attorney-at-law Henry part of a new constitution that eter the necessary support,” he national which is expected to be Ramkissoon (39), Winston Sobers
Chase, 25 votes to 24. Chase rep- said. played at the Brian Lara Cricket (26), Sharaz Mohammed (17)
was passed by the board included
resented the Bassarath slate while two four-year term limits for a Despite the challenges that lay Academy (BLCA) in Tarouba, San

Jones wants equal treatment for women footballers

WALTER ALIBEY ing the information they got and trying to implement it on the pitch. Rhea (Belgrave)
had a fantastic performance and also Yaya
Interim national women’s coach Kenwyne (Kennya Cordner) had a fantastic perfor-
Jones has called for women footballers to mance.
be treated equally to their men’s counter- “All we have to do is be able to perform
parts. that consistently over 90 minutes. If we
His call came at Monday’s post-match don’t we see where we can cause ourselves
media conference after the T&T wom- problems and the opposition will have
en’s team played to a 1-1 tie with Panama room to score.”
women at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Bal- Before Monday’s encounter, the T&T
main, Couva. team also played to a goalless draw with
Jones, quizzed on what he believes is the same team on October 21.
necessary for women football to strive in The former national striker was appointed
T&T, said, “As a former player, all I think as interim head coach of the senior wom-
the women need is respect. Respect for en’s national team on October 18 by the T&T
their craft, respect for what they do. They Football Association (TTFA) which is being
have for themselves, but I think our wider managed by a FIFA-appointed Normalisa-
society needs to do that because at the end tion Committee, led by chairman Robert
of the day, like any young boy or young Hadad replacing previous coach Constan-
man or adult male, they are playing for tine Konstin after he stepped down.
their lives. Konstin’s appointment came after Wales’
“They love football from a very young James Thomas, who was hired in April as
age, and there is room for them to play the women’s team’s head coach after an
football, but we also have to respect the fact extensive recruitment process, resigned to
that anything that men can get, we have to pick up the position as Bristol City.
be able to have equality across the board The national women’s team is preparing
because if we don’t do that, we’re going to for the Concacaf Women World Cup and
help stifle a few generations of players. Gold Cup Qualifiers, which was recently
“For far too long, the women of T&T have delayed from November to February.
been disrespected, have been operating T&T will contest Group F alongside Guy-
T&T’s Ochelle Decourcy, left, challenges Panama’s Deysire Salazar for the ball during Monday’s
with a lack of resources and to be honest, I friendly encounter between the countries at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Couva. The match ana, Nicaragua, Dominica, and the Turks
think it’s a little bit more than the men. The finished 1-1. PICTURE COURTERSY TTFA and Caicos Islands for the round-robin se-
men’s teams, well they suffer, but the wom- ries at the end of which only the top team
Jones was high in praise for all his play- past two years.
en’s teams suffer a bit too much, so I think will advance to the next stage of qualifica-
ers, noting that they have done well in the He said, “Every single one of the ladies
it’s time for things to turn around and we tion.
two practice matches against Panama, de- I have to praise today for their effort, for
give them that respect that they deserve.”
spite not being involved in action for the their continued drive and also for receiv-
Sunday, October 31, 2021 71
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Locusts spreading
across south Trinidad

Millions of dollars
in losses anticipated

Divali and Christmas

favourites affected
Sports Sunday, October 31, 2021

Afghanistan v Namibia, 6 am
India v New Zealand, 10 am

England v Sri Lanka, 10 am



scored a goal for T&T against
Panama in an international friendly
at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Couva
on Monday. The match ended in a
1-1 draw.


“Every single one of the ladies I

have to praise today for their effort,
for their continued drive and also
for receiving the information they
got and trying to implement it on
the pitch.”

— KENWYNE JONES, interim

national women’s football coach.

Los Angeles Lakers’ Anthony Davis
shoots under pressure from Contact us @ GML Sports
Cleveland Cavaliers’ Kevin Love
during the first half of an NBA 235-5668, ext 5127,
basketball game Friday in Los 5128, 5129, 5130, 5131
Angeles. Lakers won 113-101. • Visit our website
email: gmsports@guardian.
Printed and Published by Guardian Media Ltd, ANSA McAL Centre, Rodney Road, Endeavour, Chaguanas, Trinidad. Tel: 235-5668
& CNC3 facebook page
SB2 Sunday, October 31, 2021
Sunday, October 31, 2021 in the seat SB3
Millions of locusts devastate farm
land in Lothians Road, Princes

eating into
farmers’ money
he Old Testament of the man told the Business Guardian. ally lose that because you are not tain is usually around $25,000- Sorrel is also a staple of the
Holy Bible tells the story Ousman’s farm in Princes Town sure to get that crop going,” Ous- $40,000. Christmas season.
of Pharaoh refusing is one of many farms in South man said. “Imagine investing in that and Agricultural extension officers
Moses’ entreaties to re- Trinidad that have been attacked Apart from the delays, Ousman you lose that entire thing. And from the Ministry of Agriculture
lease the enslaved Israelites, and by locusts recently. said in some instances the locusts you still have to pay the bank. And have been tracking the locust
God in turn sending a series of Ousman, 37, has seen locusts actually kill the plants. you still have to provide for your since August with the intention
ten plagues to show his might and before, but he never saw them “Once the locust feeds on the family,” he said. of destroying their breeding
pressure the Egyptian ruler to let reach this far. leaves it hampers that fruit it ham- Apart from Moruga and Princes grounds.
his people go. “Growing up here in Princes pers getting the nutrients to that Town, there have been reports of Currently, 28 egg nests are mon-
The plague of locusts was the Town I never saw this amount of fruit to mature that fruit so you locusts invading Debe, Barrack- itored yearly by the Agriculture
eight plague that God sent after locusts before here. I saw them end up getting premature fruit. pore and New Grant as they have Ministry but there are concerns
he had sent a plague of hail, ac- in Moruga before,” Ousman ex- In some cases you will lose the now moved from residential areas that the recent inclement weather
cording to the Bible. plained. fruit,” he said. in South Trinidad to South West- may have split up the swarms.
“They covered all the ground The farmer said his family has The ravaging by the locusts may ern coastal areas. The tracking teams have said
until it was black. They devoured fields in both Princes Town and in turn affect two of the upcoming President of the Agricultural that the locusts have made a cir-
all that was left after the hail— Moruga. religious holidays in this country. Society of T&T Darryl Rampersad cle and would normally return to
everything growing in the fields The family does various crops Apart from the chataigne which said he anticipates that the locusts their nesting grounds.
and the fruit on the trees. Nothing including mangoes, pomme- is a staple for the Divali season, have destroyed over a million dol- “We will see some pressure in
green remained on tree or plant cythere, cassava eddoes, peas Ousman said the locusts may also lars in crops. agriculture and we will continue
in all the land of Egypt,” Exodus and paw paw. cause difficulties to get peas for “We are hearing of huge losses seeing that,” Ousman said.
10:15 states. The locust actions are giving Christmas. and it is spreading,” Rampersad “It is a lot of things farmers are
But for farmer Devon Ousman the farmers and added headache, “I’m not foreseeing a peas said. being faced with,” he said.
this ravaging by locusts is not just Ousman said. crop. We are at the end of Oc- “If you are to do an assessment Ousman said farmers have not
some biblical tale told to church- “Once they destroy the leaves tober and peas is supposed to $15,000 a acre by almost 100 gotten a financial assistance even
goers that hampers the crop from pro- start flowering next two weeks in acres,” he said. in the face of COVID-19.
It has been his life. ducing,” he said. order to get that peas to come in Rampersad said the locusts are “I have credit with ADB and
‘The breadfruit and chataigne “It delays the harvesting period for the ending of November into most likely to exacerbate the pres- I can say that I have not gotten
trees are now like dry sticks. I and that itself puts additional Christmas and I am not seeing sure facing the agricultural sector. any deferral for COVID. Farm-
never saw a tree so clean in my strain on the farmer because you that,” he said. “We are approaching the Christ- ers had to face the full brunt
life. The locusts ate everything have to re-fertilise. The amount Locusts also love plantain, Ous- mas and one of the crops down throughout the year. And this
and the chances are that fruit will of money you spend on that crop man said. there is sorrel, which is a favour- locust situation is an added pres-
just drop off it may not stay,” Ous- you lose. It comes like you gradu- Ousman said a field of plan- ite,” Ousman said. sure,” he said.
Sunday, October 31, 2021 news SB5
Climate change and
the energy sector
• From Page SBG4

It said looking sector-by-sector at what meas-

ures governments have actually put in place,
as well as specific policy initiatives that are
under development, reveals a different picture,
which is depicted in its Stated Policies Scenario
(STEPS). This scenario sees an accelerating pace
of change in the power sector, sufficient to re-
alise a gradual decline in the sector’s emissions
even as global electricity demand nearly doubles
to 2050. However, this is offset by continued
growth in emissions from industry, such as the
production of cement and steel, and heavy-duty
transport, such as freight trucks.
It said a successful, orderly and broad-based
energy transitions depend on finding ways to
lessen the tensions in all countries. the IEA noted
the need to do more by embarking on at least
four key measures.
The four measures are:
a) A massive additional push for clean electri-
fication that requires a doubling of solar PV and
wind deployment; a major expansion of other
low-emissions generation, including the use of
nuclear power where acceptable; a huge build-
out of electricity infrastructure and all forms of
system flexibility, including from hydropower; a
rapid phase out of coal; and a drive to expand
electricity use for transport and heating. Accel-
erating the decarbonisation of the electricity mix
is the single most important lever.With improved
power market designs and other enabling condi-
tions, the low costs of wind and solar PV mean
that more than half of the additional emissions
reductions could be gained at no cost to electric-
ity consumers.
b) A relentless focus on energy efficiency, to-
gether with measures to temper energy service
demand through materials efficiency and behav-
ioural change.
c) A broad drive to cut methane emissions
from fossil fuel operations. Rapid reductions in
methane emissions are a key tool to limit near-
term global warming, and the most cost-effec-
tive abatement opportunities are in the energy
sector, particularly in oil and gas operations.
Methane abatement is not addressed quickly or
effectively enough by simply reducing fossil fuel
use; concerted efforts from governments and in-
dustry are vital to secure the emissions cuts .
d) A big boost to clean energy innovation. This
is another crucial gap to be filled in the 2020s,
even though most of the impacts on emissions
are not felt until later. All the technologies
needed to achieve deep emissions cuts to 2030
are available. But almost half of the emissions re-
ductions achieved in the NZE in 2050 come from
technologies that today are at the demonstration
or prototype stage. These are particularly impor-
tant to address emissions from iron and steel,
cement and other energy-intensive industrial
sectors – and also from long-distance transport.
According to the IEA getting the world on track
for 1.5 °C requires a surge in annual investment
in clean energy projects and infrastructure to
nearly USD 4 trillion by 2030.
It warned the costs of inaction on climate are
immense, and the energy sector is at risk.
Extreme weather events over the past year
have highlighted the risks of unchecked climate
change, and the energy sector will feel the im-
pacts. Today, the world’s energy infrastructure
is already facing increasing physical risks re-
lated to climate change, which emphasizes the
urgent need to enhance the resilience of energy
systems. We estimate that around one quarter of
global electricity networks currently face a high
risk of destructive cyclone winds, while over 10%
of dispatchable generation fleets and coastal re-
fineries are prone to severe coastal flooding, and
one-third of freshwater-cooled thermal power
plants are located in areas of high water stress.
SB4 news Sunday, October 31, 2021

A new global
energy economy
is emerging
There is a big difference of opin-
ion on how quickly the world will
transition away from oil and gas
to renewables but what is clear
in the latest report from the In-
ternational Energy Agency (IEA)
the ride will be bumpy and not
enough is being done now to
meet the most ambitious targets.
In its World Energy Outlook
(WEO) released earlier than nor-
mal in anticipation of the start of
today’s COP26 meeting, the IEA
said liquids and gases are caught General Electric wind turbines, part of the Pakini Nui Wind Farm in Kailua-kona, Hawaii. Despite the growth in renewables, the US still gets nearly two-
between scenarios. Oil demand, thirds of its electricity from burning fossil fuels, primarily natural gas and coal. Nuclear and renewables account for roughly equal shares of the rest, each
accounting for less than 20 per cent of total output. PICTURE MICHAEL DARDEN
for the first time, goes into even-
tual decline in all the scenarios meet rising demand for energy today,” the report noted. able energy in economic recov- Today’s energy system is not
examined in the WEO-2021, al- services in a sustainable way. The According to the IEA a new en- ery packages has only mobilised capable of meeting these chal-
though the timing and speed of deficit is visible across all sectors ergy economy is emerging one around one-third of the invest- lenges; a low emissions revolution
the drop vary widely. and regions. At the same time, the that is more electrified, efficient, ment required to jolt the energy is long overdue.
In the Stated Policies Scenario amount being spent on oil and interconnected and clean. system onto a new set of rails, It added that in the run-up to
(STEPS) of governments post the natural gas, dragged down by two It used the example of 2020, with the largest shortfall in devel- COP26, many countries have put
2015 Paris agreement, the high price collapses in 2014-15 and in when economies bent under the oping economies that continue new commitments on the table,
point in demand is reached in 2020, is geared towards a world of weight of COVID-19 lockdowns, to face a pressing public health detailing their contributions to
the mid-2030s and the decline is stagnant or even falling demand renewable sources of energy such crisis. Progress towards universal the global effort to reach climate
very gradual. In the Announced for these fuels,” the WEO stated. as wind and solar PV continued to energy access has stalled, espe- goals; more than 50 countries,
Pledges Scenario (APS), a peak IEA analysis has repeatedly grow rapidly, and electric vehicles cially in sub-Saharan Africa. The as well as the entire European
soon after 2025 is followed by a highlighted that a surge in spend- set new sales records. direction of travel is a long way Union, have pledged to meet net
decline towards 75 million barrels ing to boost deployment of clean “Its emergence is the product of from alignment with the IEA’s zero emissions targets. If these
per day (mb/d) by 2050. energy technologies and infra- a virtuous circle of policy action landmark Net Zero Emissions by are implemented in time and
The WEO predicts that natural structure provides the way out and technology innovation, and 2050 Scenario (NZE), published in full, as modelled in detail in
gas demand increases in all sce- of this impasse, but this needs to its momentum is now sustained in May 2021, which charts a nar- its new Announced Pledges Sce-
narios over the next five years, happen quickly or global energy by lower costs. In most markets, row but achievable roadmap to a nario (APS), they start to bend the
but there are sharp divergences markets will face a turbulent and solar PV or wind now represents 1.5 °C stabilisation in rising global global emissions curve down, says
after this. volatile period ahead. the cheapest available source of temperatures and the achieve- the IEA report.
“Many factors affect to what Clear signals and direction from new electricity generation. Clean ment of other energy-related sus- “The APS sees a doubling of
extent, and for how long, natu- policy makers are essential it said, energy technology is becoming tainable development goals.” clean energy investment and fi-
ral gas retains a place in various if the road ahead is paved only a major new area for investment The report noted that the pres- nancing over the next decade, but
sectors as clean energy transi- with good intentions, then it will and employment—and a dynamic sures on the energy system are this acceleration is not sufficient
tions accelerate. The outlook is be a bumpy ride. arena for international collabora- not going to relent in the coming to overcome the inertia of today’s
far from uniform across different Transitions it said can offer tion and competition,” the report decades as the energy sector is energy system. In particular, over
countries and regions,” the report some shelter for consumers read. responsible for almost three-quar- the crucial period to 2030, the
reads. against oil and gas price shocks. The IEA said every data point ters of the emissions that have actions in this scenario fall well
Energy Minister Stuart Young Energy transitions can provide a shows the speed of change in en- already pushed global average short of the emissions reductions
recently told the Senate that natu- cushion from the shock of com- ergy can be countered by another temperatures 1.1 °C higher since that would be required to keep
ral gas was going to be around for modity price spikes, if consumers showing the stubbornness of the the pre-industrial age, with visible the door open to a Net Zero Emis-
a long time as the world has seen can get help to manage the up- status quo. It said the rapid but impacts on weather and climate sions by 2050 trajectory. One of
that there needs to be a more de- front costs of change. uneven economic recovery from extremes. The energy sector has the key reasons for this shortfall
liberate approach in the transition “As electricity takes up a pro- last year’s COVID-induced reces- to be at the heart of the solution is that today’s climate commit-
to renewable energy. gressively larger share of house- sion is putting major strains on to climate change it added. ments, as reflected in the APS, re-
The IEA warned that there is a hold energy bills, governments parts of today’s energy system, At the same time, it noted that veal sharp divergences between
looming risk of more turbulence have to ensure that electricity sparking sharp price rises in nat- modern energy is inseparable countries in the pledged speeds
ahead for energy markets. markets are resilient by incenti- ural gas, coal and electricity mar- from the livelihoods and aspira- of their energy transitions. Along-
“The world is not investing vising investments in flexibility, kets. tions of a global population that is side its achievements, this sce-
enough to meet its future energy efficiency and demand-side re- For all the advances being made set to grow by some 2 billion peo- nario also contains the seeds of
needs, and uncertainties over sponse. by renewables and electric mobil- ple to 2050, with rising incomes new divisions and tensions, in the
policies and demand trajectories “Across all scenarios, the share ity, 2021 is seeing a large rebound pushing up demand for energy areas of trade in energy-intensive
create a strong risk of a volatile of variable renewables in electric- in coal and oil use. Largely for services, and many developing goods, for example, or in interna-
period ahead for energy markets. ity generation expands to reach this reason, it is also seeing the economies navigating what has tional investment and finance.”
Transition-related spending is 40-70% by 2050 (and even higher second-largest annual increase in historically been an energy- and The report read.
gradually picking up, but remains in some regions), compared with CO2 emissions in history. emissions-intensive period of ur-
far short of what is required to an average of just under 10% “Public spending on sustain- banisation and industrialisation. • Continues on Page SBG5
Sunday, October 31, 2021 SB7
SB6 news Sunday, October 31, 2021

Don’t blame COVID for regional tourism

woes says UWI professor
he region’s tourism challenges have Tourists at
not been created by COVID-19, but Dunns River
have simply been exposed and am- Falls, Jamaica.
plified believes Professor Andrew
Spencer, who was recently the first person
to be promoted to the position of Professor
of Tourism at University of the West Indies
(UWI), Mona. uptick in arrival numbers but not as well
In an interview with the Sunday Business with the management of infection rates.
Guardian, Spencer who was appointed on “There is a clear difference, however,
October 13, explained that the problems with those rates outside of the resilient cor-
before the pandemic are the problems ridors and inside these managed spaces,”
today: climate change, social exclusion and Spencer said.
high leakage rates. The World Travel & Tourism Council
These, he advised will continue without (WTTC) recently noted that while the Car-
real structural changes. ibbean is recovering faster than other re-
“The dominance of sun, sea and sand, gions, this is still below its performance in
multinational corporation exploitation and 2019; a record year for the sector where
an accommodations preoccupation must travel and tourism represented more than
make space for the emergence of forms of 14 per cent of the region’s GDP contributing
organic and socially inclusive offerings and more than US$ 58 billion to its economy.
experiences,” Spencer, currently the Dep-
uty Executive Director at the Mona School Jamaica’s recovery initiatives
of Business and Management, said.
Most recently, Spencer served for four In sharing Jamaica’s recovery plan, Spen-
years as the executive director of the Tour- cer said the impact of the pandemic on
ism Product Development Company Ltd, that country’s tourism sector has been sig-
the agency responsible for the mainte- nificant and has given rise to the Jamaican
nance, development and enhancement of Government implementing a comprehen-
the tourism product in Jamaica, and the sive multi-phased approach to cushioning
largest agency in that country’s Ministry of the impact and re-opening that country’s
Tourism. borders to visitors.
Zeroing in on T&T, he said this country’s As the CEO of the Tourism Product De-
decision not to open its borders for tourism velopment Agency from 2017 to 2020,
was prudent given its lower dependence on Spencer led this process.
the industry. He outlined that the agency ensured the
He advised that a slow and methodical industry had access to enhanced health and workers to restart operations in a safe tination is in a position that it wishes to be
reopening for this country is best and will and safety standards required to reopen environment,” Spencer explained. in. Resources are scarce and priorities do
allow for proper monitoring of the “stories tourism, develop COVID-19 tourism health Additionally, he said the number of corri- not necessarily favour tourism, Spencer
of success and failure.” and safety protocols based on benchmarks dors, their geographic reach, and scope of added, noting that the overall trend in the
According to Spencer, response rates are of nearly 20 markets in the Caribbean and operations will be expanded or contracted region is a decrease in cases.
improved in such an environment where globally. depending on the level of risk to both visi- Once again, however, Spencer said most
tourism numbers are not large, uncon- Jamaica was one of the first three coun- tors and Jamaicans. countries have dedicated larger portions of
trolled and uncontrollable. tries to receive the WTTC Safe travel stamp Noting that a collaborative approach is their budgets to marketing than to product
“The strengths of Tobago ought to be for its measures based on its comprehen- required to ensure the safe management development, which may provide a “band-
highlighted with a clear differentiation in siveness. of the “corridors” Spencer said key pillars aid and a short-term high, but which will
what is being offered in Trinidad outside of Further, Spencer said Jamaica’s proto- include controlled visits, adherence to Ja- continue to “promote exclusion and re-
festival and events. There are community cols are being guided by a five-point recov- maica’s Ministry of Health and Wellness, sentment which are antithetical to sustain-
tourism options available in abundance ery strategy including robust measures that Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Local ability.”
and these must be unearthed,” Spencer will withstand local and international scru- Government and Community Development
further recommended. tiny, training all sectors to manage proto- protocols and controlled group activities. Holistic tourism approach
Additionally, he noted that countries cols and new behavioural patterns moving
which have been leading the charge in the forward, strategies around COVID security Are Caribbean countries on Spencer started off at UWI as a Literature
region in post-COVID efforts appear to be infrastructure (PPEs, masks, infrared ma- the right path to recovery? in English.
Barbados and a few Eastern Caribbean chines, etc), communication with the local He then transferred after one year to the
states in terms of managing infection rates and international markets about reopening To Spencer, the paths are quite varied yet Faculty of Social Sciences before venturing
and opening up of borders. and a staggered approach to reopening/ the similarity is striking. into tourism.
Jamaica, he also said, has done well with managing risk in a structured way. “The development paths of destinations A holder in a Masters in Tourism and
Further, Spencer said as a part in the region took on an identity of their Hospitality and a PhD in Tourism Strategy,
of the Jamaican Government’s risk own, while many of the challenges were the Spencer’s personal desire for Caribbean
management strategy to reduce the same over many decades,” he explained. tourism development entails an “attrac-
likelihood of transmission of the In much the same way, he noted, the tions-driven model” that allows for real
virus between visitors and Jamai- challenges surrounding balancing lives community involvement with the accom-
cans, that country’s Ministry of Tour- versus livelihoods in tourism dependent modations sector being a key support arm.
ism instituted “Resilient Corridors.” states, with very weak healthcare systems Further, he hopes there be a region that
Within these “corridors” all inter- are not dissimilar, however approaches embraces a sector that is “environmentally
actions are subject to the enhanced have been varied. sensitive, socially inclusive, authentic and
health and safety standards directed He cited that Grenada for example, re- owned by its local people.”
by Jamaica’s Ministry of Health and mained closed with very few cases, but According to Spencer, tourism at its best,
Wellness and as set out in the COVID- eventually had to respond to economic should provide dignified work to people
19 tourism health and safety proto- challenges. who would have made some trade-offs for
cols. Meanwhile, Jamaica and the Bahamas its development.
“All tourism entities in operation opened their borders relatively quickly but “Being the first full Professor in the field
within the corridors are required dealt with spikes which in turn, made it at UWI makes my future role exciting and
have a COVID-19 resilient certificate. challenging to sell tourism because of CDC daunting all at once,” Spencer acknowl-
These corridors will protect visitors classifications, Spencer added. edged.
with robust protocols and will ena- Barbados, on the other hand, he said, He added that his job is therefore, to
ble more visitors to safely experience took a measured approach to a slow open- champion all these causes through thought
more of the tourism product than ing with systems of tracking, which had pe- leadership, advocacy and impactful re-
would be available in their hotels riods of success search projects that will lead to significant
while enabling tourism businesses “In the final analysis, no Caribbean des- improvement to lives and livelihoods.
SB8 stocks Sunday, October 31, 2021

T&T STOCK EXCHANGE TRADING SUMMARY TCL is this week’s volume leader
Massy Holdings Ltd. (MASSY) –
with 20.33% of market activity
29.10.21 This week saw 392,734 shares traded on prise Limited (NEL) holds third place with
Market Trades Volume Value (TT$) the First Tier Market, a decrease of 56.54 an increase of 1.23 per cent or $0.04 to
The Trinidad and Tobago Stock
First Tier 259 392,734 9,177,137.04 per cent on last week’s total of 903,625 close at $3.29.
Exchange Limited (TTSE) received
Mutual Fund 28 40,304 1,070,932.71 shares crossing the floor. The value of The major decline this week was TCL
notice from MASSY advising that SME 2 500 3,740.00 trading decreased by 57.12 per cent to down 4.38 per cent or $0.18 to close at
a Director purchased 355 MASSY Total 289 433,538 10,251,809.75 $9,177,137.04 from last week’s value of $3.93. In second place was One Caribbean
shares on October 13th 2021. $21,403,323.05. Media Limited (OCM) with a decrease of
MARKET INDICES AS AT OCTOBER 29, 2021 Trinidad Cement Limited (TCL) was the 2.26 per cent or $0.11 to close at $4.75,
National Flour Mills Limited Index Value Weekly % Change YTD % Change volume leader with 20.33 per cent of the followed by Point Lisas Industrial Devel-
(NFM) – 29.10.21 Composite Index 1,423.34 0.34 7.58 market activity or 79,842 shares traded. opment Corporation Limited (PLD) down
The TTSE received notice from All T&T Index 1,938.51 0.53 9.36 In second place was West Indian Tobacco 1.67 per cent or $0.05 to close at 2.95.
NFM advising that Ms. Annalean Cross Listed Index 122.22 (0.12) 3.50 Company Limited (WCO), with 16.53 per There was no activity on the Second
cent or 64,922 shares traded. In third place Tier Market.
Inniss, an Attorney-at-Law, was SME Index 40.62 2.99 (36.86)
was Guardian Holdings Limited (GHL) with On the TTD Mutual Fund Market, 40,211
appointed as a Director of NFM, Market Capitalization 135,748,354,449 0.34 4.90
15.19 per cent or 59,658 shares traded. CLICO Investment Fund (CIF) units traded
effective October 11th, 2021. The Indices ended the week in mixed with a value of $1,069,350.91. CIF’s unit
territory. The Composite Index rose by price closed at $26.50, up 2.04 per cent
Praetorian Property Mutual Fund Security Amount Ex-Div. Date Record Date Payment Date 0.34 per cent or 4.80 points to close at or $0.53 from last week. There were 93
(PPMF) – 29.10.21 GMLP 3.00% 15.10.21 19.10.21 08.11.21 1,423.34. The All Trinidad and Tobago Calypso Macro Index Fund (CALYP) units
The TTSE received notice from Index ended at 1,938.51, up 0.53 per cent traded this week with a value of $1,581.80.
Dividends of cross listed companies are quoted in their national
PPMF advising that pursuant to an or 10.29 points. The Cross Listed Index fell CALYP’s unit price closed at $17.01, un-
currencies. *Dividend quoted in US dollars. by 0.12 per cent or 0.15 points to close at changed from last week.
Ordinary Resolution of the Class B
that pursuant to a previous Resolution of the Class 122.22. The Small and Medium Enterprise On the Small and Medium Enterprise
Unitholders, the Termination Date
Index ended at 39.44, a increase of 2.99 Market, 500 Endeavour Holdings Lim-
of the Fund has been extended to B Unitholders passed on the 07th August, 2019 the per cent or 1.18 points. This week there ited (EHL) shares traded this week valued
the 14th November 2022. PPMF Termination Date for the Fund was resolved to be 14th were 10 shares advancing and 9 shares at $3,740.00, while CinemaOne Limited
indicated that in order for the November, 2020; which was subsequently extended to the declining, while 2 shares were at their 52 (CINE1) had no trades. EHL’s unit price
Trustee to complete the disposal 14th November, 2021 via resolution dated October 22nd week high and 2 share at their 52 week closed at $7.28, up 3.31 per cent or $0.24
of the remaining properties in 2020. low. from last week. CINE1 unit price closed at
the Deposited Properties, the Further details on this announcement can found using The major advance this week was ANSA $4.00, unchanged from last week.
Termination Date of the Fund the following link: McAL Limited (AMCL) up 2.17 per cent or On the USD Equity Market, no MPC Car-
was extended to 14th November, $1.24 to close at $58.37. In second place ibbean Clean Energy Limited (MPCCEL)
mutual-fund-notice-re-extension-oftermination-date-of- was Trinidad and Tobago NGL Limited shares traded this week. MPCCEL shares
2022, having regard to the current
(NGL) with an increase of 1.55 per cent or closed the week at US$0.90, unchanged
economic situation. They noted praetorian-property-mutual-fund/ $0.28 to close at $18.31. National Enter- from last week.
Sunday, October 31, 2021
2 Sunday, October 31, 2021
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Hillview College

The original school building

From humble beginnings

to Hillview, our home
In July 1951 the official Board of the present site at the top of El Dorado
Aramalaya Presbyterian Church ap- Road.
pealed to the board of the Presbyte- In November 1957 the government
rian of the Canadian Mission Church granted the college permanent status
for a Boys’ Secondary School to be as a Government Assisted Secondary
sited on Sheriff Street, Tunapuna. School and in 1962 the next princi-
Two years later the Naparima Col- pal, Dr Stephen Moosai-Maharaj, re-
lege Board, which was governing named the school to Hillview College
only the Canadian missionary Sec- and gave it its motto and composed
ondary Boys’ School in the country the words for the college song.
at the time, was instructed by the In 1959 the science laboratories
Presbytery to proceed with plans for were built and the number of class-
a programme of secondary school rooms increased.
expansion, giving priority to the oil- In 1967 the main hall was extended
field area and the area in the vicinity to accommodate the increased num-
of Tunapuna. ber of staff, and an extension was
A committee of missionaries made in 1996 to create offices for the
agreed to release buildings on Sher- administration and clerical staff.
iff Street for use and on September In 1986 a library was built and
27, 1954, an application was made named in honour of Stephen R Seep-
to the Colonial Government for the ersad (Principal 1975-1988).
recognition of a Provisional Assisted In 1993 a 6th Form block was
Secondary School in Tunapuna. built, and in 1999 a pavilion was
On Monday, January 17, 1955, the constructed and named in honour
school was opened under the prin- of Richard Kokaram (Principal 1989-
cipalship of Reverend H F Swann. It 1999).
was called Naparima College, Tuna- In 2005, Hillview College won the
puna Branch, with an enrollment of President’s Gold Medal for the fourth
44 students and two teachers. The time. Hillview also obtains scholar-
church hall on Sheriff Street was ship places in CSEC (CXC) examina-
used as the classroom and the por- tions.
tion of the grounds and cow-shed Victorious InterCol 2011 Cricket
were used for games. Team: Hillview College became the
Naparima College, Tunapuna first North East Zone school to win
Branch, remained on this site until the PowerGen Secondary Schools
September 1957. In this year the prin- Cricket League and swept all other
cipal, staff and students entered the major competitions.
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Leandro Seepersad, from left, Zachary Geelalsingh, Riaz Jokan,

Kyla Lakheeram, Amrit Galbaran (President Medal Winner), Leslie Mahase

Nothing concerning
(Principal, retired), Derek Bissessar (Principal, Ag), Jabari Daniel, Ojore
Kanneh, Jason Harroo, Michael Sam. Missing: Dylan Kowlessar.

Derek Bissessar, principal (Ag) district. This was repeated in 2017,

humanity is alien to us
2018 and 2019. The Hillview College
Hillview College is a seven-year Gov- film and photography club is one of
ernment-assisted Presbyterian Sec- our most vibrant clubs and has been
ondary School. It was established in existence for seven years.
on January 17, 1955 as a branch of Within this time, the club has
A snapshot of Hillview College Naparima College in order to fulfil
the need for a boys’ college in North
hosted seven photography exhibi-
tions and five film festivals. Its mem-
Trinidad. It was then called Napa- bers have won awards nationally.
rima College, Tunapuna Branch. The club’s activities focus on de-
From humble beginnings on the Ar- veloping the creative digital arts of
amalaya Church compound at Sher- students and promoting the image of
riff Street, Tunapuna, the College the school.
was moved to its present location in Being a Presbyterian School,
1957. morning worship/assembly is an
Over the years, with the support of important part of school life. These
the Ministry of Education, we added are conducted by staff, students and
new buildings, modernised our labs visitors.
and upgraded our infrastructure. These assemblies instil moral and
Just recently the ministry handed spiritual values, motivate and chal-
over two new buildings, giving us lenge students, and develop lead-
a total of nine new classrooms, a ership and public speaking skills.
lecture theatre and a staff resource Our College Chaplain conducts spe-
centre. cial services, including those at the
The college is owned and man- opening and closing of each new
aged by the Presbyterian Church of term.
T&T. The Presbyterian Secondary The college is supported by a very
Schools’ board of education, is re- vibrant PTA and Old Boys’ Associa-
sponsible for the management and tion. Both organisations were very
development of the college. The instrumental during the college’s
school currently has an academic transition to online school during the
staff of 50, a support staff of 19 and pandemic, ensuring that our teach-
a student population of 830 which ers and students were well-equipped
includes a small number of girls in with the required resources.
Form six. Hillview offers a diversi- They are invaluable stakeholders
fied curriculum and is renowned who contribute to making Hillview
for its excellent results in the CSEC a community. I have spent 35 years
and CAPE examinations. Hillview of my life at Hillview College, 28 in a
has won the coveted President’s professional capacity and seven as a
Medal on five occasions including student. Over the years, I have seen
2020, when Amrit Galbaran won in Hillview College evolve into what
the category of Science. Every year we know it as today, one of the top
our students are among the top per- performing boys’ secondary schools
formers in the CAPE/CSEC regional in the country. We have come to be
ranking. In 2020, the college gained associated with excellence, not just
ten National Scholarships—four open in academic terms, but from a holis-
and six additional. tic perspective as our students excel
The school has over 30 active clubs in and out of the classroom and they
and offers a number of sporting ac- leave Hillview College forever, im-
tivities including: Cricket, football, bued with a sense of pride, belong-
badminton, table tennis, basketball, ing and camaraderie.
distance running, dragon boat rac- This culture is cultivated by our
ing and swimming. In 2017, 2018 and staff who consistently go the extra
2019 the Premiership Cricket Team mile, giving of themselves and their
swept all the national titles. talents to keep the Hillview flag fly-
Also in 2017, the Under-16 and ing high.
Under-14 teams were both National From where I sit now, as principal
Champions, a first in the history (Acting), I can say with absolute cer-
of the Secondary Schools’ Cricket tainty that there is indeed something
League (SSCL)! In 2015, the school special about Hillview College and
won the National Secondary Schools’ we hope this supplement will give
Swimming Championship, a first for you a little insight into what “Hum-
a school outside of the Port-of-Spain ani Nihil Alienum” means to us.

Celebrating education in unique times

Greetings from The Rt Reverend Since 1868, the PCTT has been and courage for the present and
Joy Evelyn Abdul-Mohan making an invaluable contribu- find guidance with vision for the
Moderator of Synod, tion to education as a human future, as we celebrate education
Presbyterian Church of T&T enterprise in which people at- in unique times.
(PCTT) tempt to do something in a pur- As you continue to construct
poseful, thoughtful and careful your future with wisdom, I pray
When the World Health Organi- way, recognising the good and that God will stimulate your con-
zation declared more than a year worthwhile in life. Among the cern for spiritual, moral and aca-
ago that the rapidly spreading varied and cherished institutions demic excellence through holistic
coronavirus outbreak became a of the Canadian Mission in its ed- education. May your witness and
pandemic, we all had to adapt ucational work, the invaluable service vindicate the continuing
to a “new normal” and a new contribution of Hillview College involvement of the church and
way of life. As a result Hillview, cannot be overestimated and its education and may your future
as most educational institutions, importance to the church, com- be blessed with success, as it un-
discovered its ingenuity out of munity and nation is very signif- doubtedly has been in the past.
necessity. icant. Therefore, on behalf of the
As we celebrate with thanks- Hillview College has a great Synod of the PCTT, it is with a
giving the achievements and heritage and great stalwarts have deep sense of optimism and pro-
accomplishments of Hillview left their imprints on this institu- found admiration that I extend
College during the past 66 years, tion, so there must be gratitude best wishes and God’s blessings
in these unique times, we are cel- and appreciation for the solid to the present and past Admin-
ebrating an impressive history foundation upon which this in- istration, teachers, parents, and
and rich heritage of the Presby- stitution is built, but there must students for your accomplish-
terian Church of Trinidad and also be preparedness to grow and ments and successes.
Tobago (PCTT) which has been to see new visions. We can look May God bless us all and keep
in existence for over 153 years. back in gratitude, gain inspiration us safe in these unique times!

The Rt Reverend
Joy Evelyn Abdul-Mohan,
Moderator of Synod,
Presbyterian Church of T&T

Consistently providing
quality, holistic education
Message from the Chairman College
of the Presbyterian Secondary d u r i n g
Schools’ Board of Education these un-
“What makes a child gifted and times. We also
talented may not always be good thank the parents
grades in school, but a different way for their unwavering
of looking at the world and learn- support and the students
ing.”—Chuck Grassley. for their co-operation with the
teachers and school administra-
As the Chairman of the Presby- tion amidst the many changes and
terian Secondary Schools’ Board uncertainties of the past two years.
of Education, I am humbled at this The school has made appreciable
great honour to bring greetings to efforts to mould these young minds
all readers of this special magazine to think logically and critically and
edition. For decades, Hillview Col- become nation builders as well as
lege has consistently provided qual- caring human beings. The aim of
ity holistic education to the young Hillview College is undoubtedly to
active minds of children in Trini- help their students tap into their
dad and Tobago. This institution potential and emerge as the best
ensures that an ethos of moral and versions of themselves, while re-
spiritual values is instilled into the taining their individuality and cre-
minds and souls of the students that ativity.
walk its corridors, while also im- We are so grateful for the rich his-
parting learning to match advance- tory and legacy that the Presbyte-
ments in technology and worldwide rian Church has embedded into the
development. hearts and minds of these students
Hillview College continues this and I pray that God will continue
task by effectively adapting to local to shower his blessings upon the
and global changes even during this Hillview College family.
immensely daunting Covid-19 pan- Thank you all.
demic. Speaking on behalf of the —Ashford Tamby,
PSSBoE, I am proud of the amazing Chairman of the Presbyterian
commitment displayed by the Prin- Secondary Schools’
cipal, teachers and staff of Hillview Board of Education

Working together for a Deaconess

Anupa Nanan

brighter and better future

A message from the Chairman of the to interests, goals and aspirations of all stakeholders.
Administrative Committee:
We wish the staff and students all the best and
“True wisdom consists in two things: Knowl- God’s blessings for health and peace for this new ac-
edge of God and Knowledge of Self.”—John Cal- ademic year 2021-22.
vin —Deaconess Anupa Nanan
Chairwoman of the Administrative Committee
It is a privilege and honour to bring greet- of Hillview College
ings on behalf of the Administrative Com-
mittee (AdCom) of Hillview College. As the
new Chair, I am delighted to be part of this
esteemed learning institution and to be given
the opportunity to work with a dedicated
team from the Presbyterian Church of Trini-
dad and Tobago, alongside the teachers and
Principal as we devote ourselves in service to
Hillview College.
This is an institution with remarkable
achievements both academically and non-ac-
ademically. These achievements have pro-
duced responsible and enthusiastic persons
who contribute tremendously to the develop-
ment of our country.
The AdCom pledges continued support as
we work together for a brighter and better fu-
ture, even in the midst of this COVID-19 pan-
demic. We look forward to the new school
term as we embrace change, set goals and
develop life plans for the growth of students
by sharing and expanding in a holistic and
spiritual way. By grounding our students in a
knowledge of God, we believe that their goals
and ambitions will be shaped in a way that
blesses both school and nation.
We also believe that training and education
are critical for self-improvement and commit
to working hand-in-hand with all stakeholders
to achieve key objectives that would benefit
the school. This, therefore, requires a true
knowledge of self, as we continuously evalu-
ate our methods and relationships to ensure
growth and development in the relevant
By strengthening bonds and supporting stu-
dents and staff we can provide the tools nec-
essary to succeed and make dreams a reality.
Our top priority is to add value to Hillview
College: to better serve by doing what Al-
mighty God has called us to do by responding

Face the world with visions new


he Archives of the Aramalaya
Presbyterian Church divulge
that it was 70 years ago in
July 1951 that members of
the congregation raised their
collective voices to call for the establish-
ment of a secondary school in the Tuna-
puna area to educate their sons akin to
what Naparima College had been doing
for the sons of Presbyterian families in
South Trinidad.
That dream materialized in January
1955 on the very grounds of the Church.
There is no other church that readily
gave up its Church Hall, its grounds,
part of its Manse and its now very fa-
mous ‘Cow Shed’ so that a secondary
school could germinate.
Within two years the Presbyterian
Church was able to secure a permanent
location for the growing school not far
away on El Dorado Road.
At the foot of the Northern Range and so the initially named Naparima ebrate today. Throughout the years the lege. Indeed, since that first morning in 1955 to
the slightly elevated “hill” site offered College North of the church grounds be- Aramalaya Church has steadfastly main- the present date Hillview College has sustained
a panoramic “view” of North Trinidad came the Hillview College that we cel- tained a close relationship with the Col- an unbroken line of students and faculty who
are members of the Aramalaya congregation.
In fact, three of Hillview’s eight appointed
principals were members of Aramalaya and
elders of Aramalaya continue to be regulars on
the Administrative Committee of the College.
Traditionally also the Minister of Aramalaya is
also appointed the College Chaplain.
It goes without mention that the church has
had numerous occasions to celebrate with the
Its myriad successes with national and other
scholarships, in sports and in national and in-
ternational competitions of every type are rec-
ognised and applauded not only at Aramalaya
but by the wider Presbyterian family.
Undoubtedly what has been a great harvest
in this 66-year-old church/school partnership
has been the symbiotic development and cre-
ation of generations of nationals who under-
stand hard work, maintain faith in God, and
are exemplars of ethics and diligence.
Those for who Hillview is Alma Mater have
gone on to become outstanding entrepreneurs,
leaders in government and in the fields of med-
icine, science, technology and – of particular
value to the church – ministers of religion.
Certainly this beacon on the hill will con-
tinue to produce a caliber of individuals that
will build our nation and Church for genera-
tions to come.
I am thus delighted on behalf of the found-
ing congregation of Aramalaya to convey con-
gratulations to the industrious principal, staff,
students, and organisations of Hillview College
such as the Hillview Old Boys’ Association and
PTA on the significant milestones reached and
We pray for God’s continued benevolence
and grace on all aspects and activities of the
school as she continues in her unending mis-
sion under the motto Humani Nihil Alienum.
Rest confident the church will never devi-
ate from an active and relevant relationship
with Hillview and all its stakeholders so that
together we will continue to - in the words of
the College song - “face the world with visions

Local Board,
Aramalaya Presbyterian Church

May the maroon Stronger and more resourceful

and gold continue to continue our good work
to fly high A message from our PTA:

A message from The Hillview ipated and accelerated move to ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of
College Old Boys’ Association: online learning and the reconsid- times.’
eration of the use of technology, Many would look at the state of education
Greetings on behalf of The pedagogy and education. HOBA’s over the last 18 months and say that they are still
Hillview College Old Boys’ Associ- immediate response was to pro- waiting on the first part of that saying to come to
ation (HOBA) and the thousands vide funding towards the upgrade pass. But I think we need to also see the opportu-
of alumni all over the world. of the College’s digital infrastruc- nities that this pandemic has created, especially
Hillview College has played a ture and technology capability, for schools like Hillview College, and reference
critical role in the education and Phase 1 of this upgrade is near a quote by Winston Churchill instead that says,
development of graduates who completion and will enable teach- “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
have supported national devel- ers to engage students remotely The PTA has had to pivot in this crisis and evolve
opment, political and social co- using tools that enable both syn- from one that was dependent on a single barbecue
hesion, economic growth and chronous and asynchronous com- fundraiser to finding multiple safe and creative
productivity, as well as personal munication. ways to generate revenue. We have had to find
development and fulfilment. Apart from raising much ways through the economic challenges to finan-
HOBA continues to support the needed funds and resources for cially assist three times the number of students as
College in providing excellent ed- the College, our activities also before. Come what may, our students still needed
ucation to its students as it deals bring people together and facil- to continue their education online, write exams,
with challenges including rising itate an atmosphere of immense cope with a mentally distressing environment
and still find ways to enjoy their young formative PTA President Cheryl Mohammed
student expectations and the pro- enjoyment. The connection of
vision of education applicable to all Alumni to HOBA provides a years. As a PTA, this meant digging deep to iden- more resourceful to continue our good work.
a global context, the upgrading common bond and a strong sense tify the needs of our parents and students, main- We are still in the midst of the crisis but I am
of old and expired infrastructure of school community, spirit and taining close ties with our school’s Administration confident that as we trust God, leverage our
and the provision of a safe and pride. You can make that connec- and finding innovative ways to keep the Hillview combined strengths and remain resolute in our
comfortable environment for the tion to HOBA visiting us at http:// family connected even when we were more physi- common purpose, our Hillview College PTA com-
students and staff as well as the cally disconnected than we have ever been. munity will thrive and find the hope and silver
provision of innovative technol- On behalf of HOBA and its Ex- I remain a firm believer in the resilience and for- linings in this pandemic.
ogy and digital tools for students ecutive Team, we wish our Alma titude of our College community, and the children In the words found in this scripture, we find
and staff, all in a changing eco- Mater continued success and may we have raised and taught. Like the rest of the our hope and encouragement for a brighter to-
nomic environment of rising costs the maroon and gold continue to world we have wrestled with what works and also morrow:
and shifting funding. fly high excelling in academics, what needs further adjustment. We have had to
The advent of the COVID-19 sports and all aspects of college deal with frustrated parents, overworked teachers “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord.
pandemic transferred education life. and confused, depressed children. But through it Plans to prosper and not to harm you...plans to give
to students’ homes and Trinidad all with the grace of Almighty God and the power you a hope and a future.”
and Tobago, like many countries, —Peter Machikan of community, the PTA has emerged stronger and —Jeremiah 29:11.
faced the challenge of an unantic- President, HOBA
Sunday, October 31, 2021

s a member of the pio-
neer class (1955-1960), I
am pleased to share some
Naparima College, Tunapuna
Reflections of a pioneer student
Branch was located on Sheriff
Street, Tunapuna in a structure
known as “The Cowshed”. It
was this seed that would blos-
som into this dynamic second-
ary school, Hillview College.
Our first day at school was
one to remember. With heavily
starched and ironed blue shirts
and short khaki pants with stiff
seams, we moaned and groaned
through the National Anthem,
“God Save the Queen”. Obvi-
ously, He did. Queen Elizabeth
II is still alive and very well A class in the 1960’s
today. The officials present, as
far as I can recall, were Rever- work at home. As a brand-new given some ridiculous penance.
end Harold Swann, Principal, student in a brand-new school, I I fondly recall Dr H Swann
Reverend Isaac Kirkpatrick, Our pioneer students
wondered, “what in the world is teaching us the subject “Facts
Mrs Kirkpatrick, Reverend he talking about?” It didn’t take of Life” similar to present-day
Cyril Beharry, Reverend Paul long before I experienced the Social Studies. How can I forget teacher and I had the dubious hon- ble. On one occasion, we emerged
Sharma, Mr Kalloo, Reverend stark reality of homework. As a Mr Effle Mohammed teaching us our of getting all my “sums” wrong, at the back of the Caura Hospital.
Lute, Principal of Naparima young student, I found it rather Latin, Biology, Algebra and Ge- much to my teacher’s amusement. Startled by barking guard dogs, we
College, San Fernando, Mr Ste- curious that the new brick and ometry? To this day, I remember However, I did get a few correct but beat a hasty retreat to the safety of
phen Alisharan and Mr Effle concrete washrooms were far the formula for solving quad- this was purely accidental. The con- Hillview College with me bringing
Mohammed. After the prayers stronger than our old wooden ratic equations. Mr S Alisharan cept of “Stocks and Shares” served up the rear.
and speeches, I remember Mr school building. However, I was taught us English and Arithme- us well later in life. Preparation for Our daily morning assemblies
Kalloo advising that we should never brave enough to ask any tic. At the end of Form One, he Life, THAT is Hillview College. kept us in touch with the strong re-
always “do that little extra” teacher, fearing that I might be was our “Stocks and Shares” One Friday afternoon, we were
ligious guidelines and standards ex-
absolutely delighted to escape the
pected of students. This served me
drudgery of studies. We were in-
structed by Mr Alisharan to walk in good stead when I was appointed
up El Dorado Road to the site of Vice-Principal of the Guaico Presby-
our new school. The purpose of terian School and later as Principal
our visit was to clear the rocks and of the Sangre Chiquito Presbyterian
stones from the newly graded play- School. At Hillview College, I made
ing field. On arrival there, we were lifelong friends: former Chief Justice
completely “blown away” by the Satnarine Sharma (deceased), Mr
vast expanse of land which was to Ralph Sampath, Mr Ramesh Ram-
be our new campus. This seemed kissoon, Mr Stephen Kangal and Dr
at least a thousand times larger Harri Narinesingh and Dr Rawle Ji-
than the compound of our former bodh. On every student of Hillview
school. The contrast of extremes College, the stamp of Excellence
was striking to us. and Humanity is indelibly etched on
I am not sure how many stones his/her character, providing a solid
were actually cleared, but I recall academic base and a strong moral
thinking aloud that this was proba- compass. What a privilege to have
bly a stone quarry that these “crazy”
served as a member of the Admin-
people were desperately trying to
istrative Committee for many years
convert into a playing field. What
and then as Chairman for the past
great fun we had that afternoon!
two years! I consider it an honour
Every imaginable “stone joke” was
to be part of the rich heritage of
delivered to roars of raucous laugh-
Hillview College.
ter. But miracles do happen. With
Thanks to all stakeholders past
a lot of grading, filling and rolling
and present. Of significance to me
the land, a playing field gradually
is the role they played in effecting
materialised for our enjoyment
major improvements to the infra-
and education. In Form Three, we
structure of the school, especially
said goodbye to Sheriff Street and
the Promenade which features a
moved to our new school on El Do-
marble plaque in recognition of
rado Road.
pioneer students, the Richard Ko-
Dr Swann had retired and re-
karam Pavilion overlooking the
turned to Canada and Reverend
refurbished playing field and the
Kirkpatrick assumed duties as
Leslie Mahase Sixth Form Building.
Principal. Life at Hillview College
May God continue to guide and
was different from life at Naparima
inspire the Principal, Staff and
College, Tunapuna. Lots of space
students of Hillview College and
and elbow room; no more cramped
shower them with his blessings.
classrooms and endless grounds to
roam. Our hikes up the mountain —Kenneth Mahase
trails at the back of the school pick- Pioneer Student (member of the first
ing fruits etcetera were unforgetta- class of Hillview College in 1955)

Assembly in the old days.

Sunday, October 31, 2021 11
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Past principals
Reverend Harold F Swann ........................................... 1955-1957
Reverend Isaac Kirkpatrick .......................................... 1957-1962
Dr Stephen Moosai-Maharaj ........................................1962-1969
Stephen Alisharan ....................................................... 1969-1975
Stephen Seepersad...................................................... 1975-1988
Richard Kokaram .......................................................1988-2000
Jeremiah Seepersad...................................................2000-2007
Leslie Mahase ...........................................................2007–2020
Derek Bissessar ......................................... 2020-Present (Acting)
Leslie Mahase (2007-2021)

Rev Harold Swann (1955-1957) Dr Stephen Moosai-Maharaj (1962-1969)

Rev Isaac WM Kirkpatrick (1957-1962) Stephen Alisharan (1969-1975) From left: Stephen Seepersad (1975-1988), Richard Kokaram (1988-2000) and Jeremiah Seepersad (2000-2007).

Hillview College has made world in Cambridge Advanced
tremendous strides since Level Mathematics, and won
1955, having been formerly the President’s Gold Medal in
known as Naparima College, 2005. Additionally, in 2020,
Tunapuna Branch. they won the President’s Gold
Today, the college stands as Medal for the fourth time.
one of the most prestigious Students are extremely
educational institutions in enthusiastic about cricket and
Trinidad and Tobago. Its football and were especially
administrators have always proud to have become the
adopted a holistic approach irst Secondary School to have
in their pursuit of excellence. swept all major competitions
There is evidence that the college has in the Power Gen Secondary Schools Cricket
remained true to its Mission Statement “At League in 2017.
Hillview College we encourage students Dr. Stephen Moosai-Maharaj, Stephen
to become lifelong learners by nurturing R. Seepersad, Richard Kokaram and Leslie
and developing their intellectual, physical, Mahase are among its most outstanding
moral and spiritual potential through a fully principals.
integrated curriculum, enhanced by a strong We wish the Board of Management and
partnership between home and school.” Staf at Hillview College every success as they
One of its greatest achievements is that of strive to infuse their students with a passion
Amrik Singh Kochar who placed irst in the for learning.
Sunday, October 31, 2021


Our Staff

Nadira Kalloo Joseanne Sam

Alan D’Andrade Yema Jaikaran


Stephen Bedase

Damian Charrie Laldeo Bahal Sharina Ramkissoon Shane Baldeosingh Mala Chin Fong


Keegan Fanovich Neil Singh

Haima Joseph (Ancillary) Jeewan Soogrim (Ancillary) Alexi Noriega (Ancillary)


Larrisa Mohammed Raul Gajadhar

Karen Williams-Sharma Leslie Mahase (Principal Retired) Michael Batson

Roshini Ramkissoon Sarita Sookraj-Sirju

Mohanie Nanan Louise Owen Shanice Batson

Kathy Brooks (Dean)

will retire on November 10, 2021 Jay Mahase Tracy Chang-Thomas Ria Rodriguez
Jade-Marie Kennedy
Sunday, October 31, 2021


Surujdaye Lalchan Elspeth Ann Salina Thakur Roop,

Derek Bissessar (Principal (Ag)) Sharon Ramdeen (VP Ag) HOD Science HOD (Ag) Modern Languages HOD Mathematics & IT


Camille Mohammed-Beharry Michelle Tappin-Davis Krishna Lakheeram

HOD (Ag) Business HOD (Ag) English and VAPA HOD(Ag) Modern Studies
Siddiqua Khan Hamesha Ramnarine-Manickchand


Sushilla Maharaj-Phagoo Lisa Rajkumar (Dean Ag) Nigel Phagoo (Dean)

(Dean Ag)
Marlon Bachew Bhisham Deonarine

Jeremy Lum Young Sievan Siewsarran

Sherry Ann Saunders Shastra Ali Firishta Ali Hosein

Christopher Adams
Rheisa Heeralal Danielle Lewis Samantha Joseph-Antoine
Micaela Naidoo-Paul

Deans: Asha Parasram-Paltoo - Form 1 - Dean (Ag)
Language Arts and VAPA Department: Fiona Chadee,
Darren Gunness
Mathematics and IT: Cathy-Ann Lindsay, Ron Ramsingh, Adesh Ragoo
Modern Studies: Kheera Daly-Novoa
Library Staff: Sarita Jodhan, Preeya Ramesar, Stefan Smith
Lab Staff: Virginia Sorzano
Office Staff: Vindra Maharaj-Sharma, Jehvani Riley
Security Staff: Doreen Harford, Annalise Hippolyte
Ancillary Staff: Joel Owen, Dassie Pardassie, Leena Rampersad, Naresh Toolsie Alana Ramlal Nalini Rampersad
Aleah Guitan
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Women in Administration
SHARON R RAMDEEN their femaleness. Her tenure began in August
Her contribution to Hillview
College added a dynamism in
which she was easily approach-
The women of Hillview have 2015 and culminated in 2019. able, of humble character and

V isualise an administrator at
this institution, and chances
are that your vision is male. Fe-
had to put in all their determi-
nation and effort, offering to the
post good career survival value.
She taught both French and
Spanish at government schools
before coming to Hillview Col-
possessed a very funny, at times
quirky sense of humour.
We, at Hillview College wish
male administrators at Hillview Women, at the helm have dis- lege. Miss Tikah the very best in all her
College have been non-existent played nurturing, empathetic, She enriched Hillview Col- endeavours and pursuits.
since the culture of the institu- sensitive, caring and accommo- lege not only with her bright- We know that she will etch an
tion has been traditionally male. dating qualities, as women gen- ly-coloured attire and high heels indelible mark on the lives of all
That being said, our female erally would. but also with her sense of strong whom she encounters at Biche
administrators who have acted Hillview College gained its first values and a woman who stood Secondary where she is currently
as vice principals throughout the female-appointed vice principal for the love of familial bonding, the Principal.
years have been very different in the person of Miss Pearl Vashti children, music, travel and a Thanks again Miss Tikah, for
Pearl Vashti Tikah from their male counterparts, in Tikah. matchless faith in Almighty God. your soulful contribution to our
Former VP of Hillview College noble institution.

The chimney in bloom

Student and Staff Choir

Sunday, October 31, 2021 15
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Enjoying Sports Day

The Nativity

Girls Tug of War (2020)

The Steel Ensemble

The students eating food at Divali.

Models for the Divali Fashion Show 2019

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Student activities
Our student activities are many and help make our students well-rounded.

Sports Day fun (2020)

Alisharan house (2020) celebrating after winning interhouse Tree Planting

football competition.

Form 6 Parang
Group for Carols
by Candlelight

HVC Choir for Carols by Candlelight (2019)


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“Nothing concerning humanity is alien to us.”
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Online learning
Down the Chimney! The student perspective
SHARON RAMDEEN roll, visitors, parents’ ques-
tions, a whirlwind in the of- RESHAD AHMED, FORM 5: “As we rec- school is online again or on campus.”
ognise that humanity is resting in the
N ovember 24, 2020, I
transitioned from online
teaching to the post of Vice
The workload could
smother me like the catspur
midst of a paradigmatic revolution
which is fundamentally changing our
line learning has thus far been effec-
Principal (Ag) of Hillview Col- vines on the chimney. What lives, we also take heed of the conse- tive in its purpose. It is convenient
lege. When I was asked to act, makes it worthwhile, there is quences of such. The education sys- and it has the potential to be very im-
I remember saying: “Yes, Sir, I always something new…new tem has certainly changed to suit our mersive and efficient once the right
am willing to serve.” is good...refreshing. I dust “new” ways of life...for the better or teaching methods are employed. It
Initially, I felt as if I myself off and bloom every- for the worse? In all honesty, my be- does have one flaw, however, which
were Alice in Wonderland. day as the catspur does in her ginning reaction towards the “online is a lack of socialisation. There should
Everything that I have learnt golden yellow dress and smile school” initiative was enveloped with be measures put in place to allow for
so far has held me in wonder radiantly. contempt. How could I focus like this? this as I feel like it is a crucial aspect
and awe as if I am on an ad- My learning curve in this Why can’t there be physical school for of society.”
venture. Some days, I learn post has been about our CSEC/CAPE students alone? How am
very quickly. Other days, Sharon Ramdeen (VP Ag) school’s motto “Humani Nihil I going to manage with CSEC exams SAMEER MUSLIM, LOWER SIX - ONE:
struggling, trying to grasp, Alienum.” Hillview has a cul- while being forced to stay home and “Online learning became very new
to understand the duties of steadfast, to weather every ture engendered in warmth, learn from a screen? I often found to me as the pandemic started but I
a Vice Principal. Initially, it storm with strength, courage love, discipline, respect and myself asking those questions, but I quickly adapted to my new learning
was crazy adapting to admin- and grace. excellence. So working with could never find the answer. As time environment. Although I adapted, I
istrative duties. I have never Though, unlike Alice, I did my colleague daily, the Prin- progressed, this alienation from the still found it challenging. Why? Be-
fathomed anything like this not meet any anthropomor- cipal (Ag), Derek Bissessar physical world has unequivocally cause I wasn’t able to retain infor-
job, especially, not during a phic beings. I met iguanas, has been a slow but thorough yielded its benefits. While I couldn’t mation and the workload was a lot.
pandemic. hummingbirds, the catspur learning process. have improved my “social image”, I I would even go a lot of nights with-
At times, I feel as if Vice vines so tightly interwoven, I thank God daily for His decided to expand my physical, intel- out sleep just to get my work done.
Principal duties and respon- matted on this chimney. I cling kindness, patience, support lectual and philosophical horizons. My sleep schedule was so messed
sibilities associated, make everyday, swinging, holding and advice. Sometimes I tell My first step was to delete every form up and after a while I started to feel
me feel that I am falling, fall- on for dear life. I listen to the myself, there is so much to of social media. This certainly detox- very tired in the mornings since I was
ing down a rabbit hole. In bamboo, the wind whistling, learn, to apply, to change. ified my perception of the world as lacking sleep. Although I had these
Hillview, we have no rabbits soothing all my encounters, I feel myself constantly it removed my previous egocentric challenges with the online learning
nor rabbit holes. making them human, humane evolving. Like Alice, “I knew individualistic personality. Following environment, there was still a bene-
We have the Hillview chim- and humanitarian. who I was this morning but such, I began to read every piece of fit—I didn’t have the inconvenience
ney—a maestoso icon of this Every day, I have been I’ve changed a few times since literature that I could get my hands of waking up early in the morning
noble institution. I wish it taught on the job. Some days, then”. on and as my knowledge increased, to face traffic on the road to get to
could speak. I could only I am bombarded with phone As I continue on my journey inherent feelings of self-satisfaction school. Instead, I could have woken
imagine the secrets it would calls, staff issues, children’s down the Hillview chimney, I were escorted in. Exercising has kept up about 10 minutes before class
share with me, the advice concerns, ministry docu- look forward to all the excit- me sane during this school year espe- began to get ready for the online
it would give me – to stand ments, Ministry of Education ing encounters ahead. cially as it is one of the best avenues class. To conclude, the online learn-
of stress relief. My exams have finally ing environment was very different
come to an end and as I conclude, from the physical school environ-
my advice to those who may not see ment and I did face some challenges
the light at the end of the tunnel is to but I also benefited. Do I prefer on-
inculcate a mindset of abundance, line learning? No. I do not but I also
where obstacles are seen as opportu- do not mind doing online learning for
nities and not limitations. “If you are some time again until the spread of
willing to do things that others are COVID eases up. Safety is more im-
not, then you will accomplish what portant than comfort and I would do
others will not”—This quote has been what is safe for me rather than what I
my driving force for as long as I can feel comfortable with.”
remember. I hope you find it helpful.”
TROY GALE, LOWER SIX-ONE: “This ing back now, I can safely say that
school year was definitely different although the journey may have been
to say the least and presented many irritatingly difficult and stressful at
challenges that I was not prepared times, online education certainly was
for. Honestly, at the start of the on- a useful and efficient way of not only
line school year, I was happy to be at gaining knowledge, but communicat-
home because I thought I would be ing as well, because despite the fact
able to relax more. However, that was that it can become very trying, the
not the case. The first few weeks of process of learning online is unique
online school were fine but after two and very much helpful in ways that
or three months, the cycle of getting one would find somewhat unpredict-
up, attending class on my laptop and able as it has aided in more ways than
simultaneously trying my best to be one.
on top of numerous assignments be- “Going through the pandemic and
came boring, tiresome, and monot- being introduced to the platform of
onous. I began to miss some of the online schooling and to the method
things that I once took for granted, known as e-learning, I have found
like talking to friends, going to the an increase in skill sets such as so-
cafeteria and walking around the cialising, communicating and even
campus. understanding more generally. To
“Although some of my subjects summarise, the past school year,
were somewhat of a challenge to which took place online, has more so
adapt to, like Pure Maths and Chem- introduced/presented itself as some-
istry, my teachers always did their what a wave, one filled with a mix
best to make the learning experience of knowledge and new experiences
easier for our classes. This year was that, as previously mentioned, assists
really a challenge. Nevertheless, I a person in very unique ways, and so
honestly, eagerly look forward to even though tiring and most times
upper six and I definitely think I will hair-pulling, I don’t at all regret the
be better prepared for it, whether experiences that came along with it.”
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Nathan Nancoo (Form 5)

F or the last few years, Hillview Col-

lege has been second to none in
the field of swimming.
Our sporting accomplishments
Usually, there are three swim number of points, via participation
meets per academic year. They con- and the amount of wins they gath-
sist of the Inter School Swim Meet, ered. Hillview has produced some
the National Secondary School Swim of the top young swimmers in the
Meet and the ASATT National Sec- country such as Gabriel Bynoe, Gio-
ondary School Swim Meet. Since the vanni Rivas and Kael Yorke, who
year 2016, the Spartans have won helped greatly in achieving the posi-
all three yearly swim meets, with tion of the top school swim team in
the exception of the year 2019-2020 the country.
when they placed second in one of The HVC Spartans Swim Team Swim
the meets. However they completely consists of swimmers from every Team
dominated the other two meets. form, from 1 to Upper 6, and has a
The most recent of these swim very large number of athletes. Led
meets was the ACATT National Sec- by the coach Sterling Manchouck, DRAGON BOATING June 2017 Tobago House Assembly U21 open standard 500m
ondary School Swim Meet, which he works diligently to ensure the suc- HILLVIEW COLLEGE HYPERIONS: Regatta • 1st - Open 200m small boat U21 open small 200m
Dragon Boat All Under 21 Division 2nd - Mixed 200m small boat U21 open standard 500m
was held on the 26th of January, cess of the students and helps keep a
October 2018 Chinese Bicentennial U21 open small 200m
2020. Hillview College managed to holistic education. Limited Regatta • 1st-Open 200m March 2017 TTDBF School’s Regatta
place first in at least one stroke in As of right now, the swim team is small boat 3rd - Open 200m standard boat THE PAN AMERICAN CLUB CREW
every age category, and conclusively inactive due to the closure of public 3rd - Open 200m small boat CHAMPIONSHIP 2019
sporting facilities, but will continue June 2018 Pigeon Point Heritage Park 3rd - Mixed 200m small boat
placed first among all the schools Regatta • 1st - Open 500m small boat
overall by accumulating the highest to train as soon as possible. 1st Place in the following:
1st - Open 200m small boat CHINESE BICENTENNIAL U21 Open 100m
REGATTA 2019 Under 21 Open 1000m
March 2018 TTDBF School’s Regatta Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th
2nd - Open 200m small boat Under 21 Open 2000m
October 2019
October 2017 Chinese Bicentennial 2nd Place in the Following:
Limited Regatta • 3rd - Open 200m @the boardwalk Chaguaramas Under 21 Mixed 200m
small boat 1st place in ALL of the following: Under 21 Mixed 500m

Congratulations on your achievements.
Dragon Boat team And
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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Cricket Team
Our sporting
accomplishments Cup, West Indies A team, T&T youth
teams and senior team.

ver the last 20 years, Richard Kelly Jr: West Indies A
Hillview College has be- team 2006, T&T youth teams and
come a powerhouse in sec- senior teams.
ondary school cricket in Kirstan Kallicharan: West Indies
T&T. Due to this success, the school Under-19 World Cup teams of 2016
has been able to continue to churn and 2018, T&T youth teams and sen-
out players for the various national ior team.
youth and senior teams. Keagan Simmons: West Indies
Under-19 World Cup team 2018, T&T
The following represent the youth teams and senior teams.
achievements of the school, over the Leonardo Julien: West Indies
last 20 years: Under-19 World Cup team 2020, T&T
youth teams.
National Under 14 Titles (2) - 2008, 2017 Isaiah Rajah is also a past student
National under 16 titles (1) - 2017 of Hillview College who has repre-
National under 19 Premier League Titles sented T&T youth teams, together
(5) - 2011, 2013, 2017, 2018, 2019 with being a stalwart on the national
National super sixes titles (4) - 2011, 2012,
senior team.
2017, 2018
National Intercol Titles (5) - 2010, 2011, Special mention: Andrew Ram-
2017, 2018, 2019 baran, who would have Captained
School of the Year Titles (4) - 2011, 2017, the West Indies Under-15 team in the
2018, 2019 recent past.
Cricketer of the Year (3)- 2011- Duane
CONGRATULATIONS TO Cockburn, 2018- Navin Bidaisee 2019-
This success has been under the
Navin Bidaisee
Coach of the Year (1) - 2017 Richard Kelly superb guidance of the outstanding

Players to represent West Indies

Richard Kelly Sr, Derek Bissessar and
Raul Gajadhar.
Leslie Mahase, former principal,
overlooked all of this success and
his support is the main reason for
OF CONTINUED ACADEMIC SUCCESS Jeremy Solozano: West Indies this amazing chapter in Hillview Col-
Under-19 team at the 2014 World lege’s cricketing success.

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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Winners Amrit Galbaran Darryl Ramoutar Vinai Roopchansingh Amrik Kochhar Pratyush Dave

AMRIK S KOCHHAR of me and asked for advice and friends on the quality of this principal Stephen R Seepersad, and Grounded in a solid primary
As I reflect on my time at an insight as to what to expect foundation that was given to us. the assumption of the principalship school education, and with both
Hillview College, I continue to in Form six. A common thread I feel great honour and pride to by the indefatigable Richard Ko- parents being professional teachers,
see the tremendous impact it strung all their responses to- have been a part of this ongoing karam, whose ten-year tenure would Vinai’s academic brilliance became
has on my life even today, and gether which was that Form legacy. No matter what the day be marked by a dizzying array of more and more evident as he pro-
how well it prepared me for the six required focus, consistency, may bring, I hope that none of accomplishments in the academic, gressed through the forms.
trials of my working and profes- and perseverance. With this in us will ever forget to “Have a sporting and cultural fields. His love for Math, science and
sional life. mind, I did some pre-reading disciplined and productive day.” Amidst the political, social and technology was boundless, for he
Hillview taught me the “how” in the various subject areas be- economic upheavals in the nation in knew that it would lead him directly
to learn. While you are study- fore the start of the school term PRATYUSH DAVE the decade of the eighties, Hillview to his professional development as
ing, learning in class and doing and when school commenced, I It was a nervous first three College quietly went about its core a research scientist. In his role as a
homework, you are in the sim- would never let a day’s work go months after arriving in T&T business of delivering the curricu- senior prefect, he took a keen inter-
ple act of applying yourself and by without revision of what was from India in January 1978, set- lum, expanding the facilities, chal- est in mentoring the younger boys,
making your mind flexible. taught during the school day. In tling into a new country, filled lenging and inspiring the students thereby developing his own leader-
This flexibility pays dividends that way, the work never accu- with uncertainty and questions. to “face the world with visions new.” ship qualities. The highly anticipated
throughout your life, it allows mulated and became unbeara- My brother and I were placed The highly competent and ded- announcement of Vinai copping the
me to continue learning new ble. in Hillview College in late March, icated staff, well supported by the President’s Gold Medal was greeted
technologies and skills, in the In the end, I truly credit my which brought some semblance PTA and HOBA, worked tirelessly to with euphoria and served to further
rapidly changing high tech- success to three factors that I of stability to a new chapter in push the frontiers of knowledge, and motivate the Hillview boys and girls
nology world we live in today. believe are important to achieve my life. At Hillview, I found a the well-disciplined student body re- to win an increasing number of na-
Indeed, the stress of exams pre- your goals. Firstly, it is having a great faculty filled with qual- sponded to the call. tional scholarships, titles and prizes.
pares you in its own way for the personal relationship with God ified and caring teachers and This was the milieu into which the In the following years three
stresses on the job and in life. in order to leverage divine guid- found acceptance from teach- young and precocious Vinai would more students have won the Presi-
My fellow classmates taught ance in your approach to your ers and students alike. With re- be absorbed, feasting on the offer- dent’s Gold Medal —Darryl Ramou-
me the power of empathy and studies. Perseverance is also es- newed excitement I turned my ings of the new Stephen R Seepersad tar(1999), Amrik Singh Kochhar (also
trust. At any scale, great deeds sential in overcoming all the tri- focus to my studies. My teach- library and the new computer lab, First in the World 2005—a special gift
are done not by the few but by als and tribulations of a student. ers at Hillview were excellent while strengthening his physique on Hillview’s Golden Anniversary),
the many. Lastly, every student should mentors—caring, compassion- and his self-defence skills in the ka- and Hillview’s most recent hero
To be a leader in the work- have a support group including ate, and encouraging. This had rate club and honing his musical Amrit Galbaran (2020). As the jour-
place means you must under- your family, teachers and col- a very positive influence on my skills on the guitar. ney continues.
stand those that follow you and leagues that can advise you and studies. The moment when my
how best you can serve them. give you constructive guidance name was announced on na-
By building trust with your along the way. tional television in August 1981
co-workers you can achieve far as the student standing first in
more together than on your DARRYL NILESH RAMOUTAR the country in the A’ level ex-
own. By providing a safe envi- 1992-1999, President’s Gold Medal aminations, was unequivocally
ronment to build lasting friend- Winner 1999 a life-changing moment for my
ships, the College teaches you Consultant Trauma and Or- family and me. This, along with
these soft-skill fundamentals. thopaedic Surgeon, University the recognition and respect I
I am proud to be an alum of Hospitals Coventry and War- received from Hillview staff and
Hillview College. Continue your wickshire, United Kingdom. students, helped fortify an al-
journey and keep God in your Humani Nihil Alienum “noth- ready strong foundation formed
heart. ing concerning humanity is by my parents, and this has
alien to me.” These words have been the primary reason for my
AMRIT GALBARAN guided me from that first day self-confidence and success in
I am a former student of when I nervously set foot on my life, for which I will forever
Hillview College, Class of 2020 those inspiring grounds nestled be grateful to my teachers and
and I was nominated for the in the foothills of El Dorado. friends from Hillview.
President’s Medal award in They were not just words, but
Category one. I am currently a philosophy imparted to us by VINAI ROOPCHANSINGH
pursuing my first year of stud- every Hillview teacher. It always 1989 President Medal Winner
ies leading to the bachelor of reminded me that as big as the Written by Bedoor Maharaj
medicine, bachelor of surgery world is, understanding and In 1989, Vinai Roopchansingh
(MBBS) degree at the UWI, St respecting humanity is what wrote his name into the history
Augustine. In Form four, I chose would always inspire progress books of educational excellence
to pursue the science subjects at and success. when he won the prestigious
O’ level. The values steeped in us at President’s Gold Medal based
This decision stemmed from Hillview: Kindness, tolerance, on the results of the Cambridge
my love for science that ignited perseverance, humility...gave GCE advanced level examina-
from the incredible exposure, me the tools to deal with any tions.
which the teachers at Hillview challenge that was thrown at This highly coveted award
College rendered to me. It is me in both my professional and was the second one for his alma
so important to love what you personal life. I was instilled with mater, following upon the his-
study. In Form five, I was able to the confidence that no dream toric first for Hillview by the In-
find a fair balance between stud- was unachievable. dia-born, Trinidad-bred young
ies and leisure, and committed In Hillview, I learnt to fos- man Pratyush Dave in 1981.
to that balance all the way to ter an all-round development: 1989 was indeed a watershed
O-level examinations. Academic, social, emotional... year in the life of the relatively
During the transition be- something that has kept me bal- young but vibrant and dynamic
tween Form five and Form six, anced on my journey to where Hillview College, as it also
I got into contact with the stu- I am now. 20 years later, I still marked the retirement of the
dents that were a year ahead reflect daily with my Hillview very distinguished educator,
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Proud of our past students

Former Minister of Education: “My School’s Motto -
“There is much I experienced and ‘NOTHING CONCERNING
remember about Hillview College: HUMANITY IS ALIEN TO
the value of scholarship, the ME’ has engendered
insistence on sport participation, an inquisitive spirit of
and the emphasis on respect for multi-disciplinary private
persons and institutions, but what learning. This, in turn, has
stands out most for me is the aided my jurisprudential
environment the College provided perspective and has
for the nurturing and formation of brought about requisite
lasting friendships. Above all, out of humility in that regard.
the lessons modelled, taught and My school’s motto
learnt, Hillview College provided has also fostered my
AKASH SAMAROO an environment where lasting recognition of the
friendships were formed, nurtured paramountcy of ‘giving
Producer/Presenter, CNC 3/Guardian and strengthened over time. Of back’ and the importance
Media Limited: “I haven’t worn the uniform all the friends I have made in my of public service.”
in 13 years but everyday I am inspired by lifetime, those formed out of the
our motto which is emblazoned in my heart. experience of Hillview College have
Humani Nihil Alienum is the mantra that stood the test of time.”
powers my journalism.”
Former Chief Justice, TC, CMT was
President, Phoenix Park an “old boy” of Hillview College. He
Gas Processors Limited: “As was among the first set of students to
a student of Hillview College, attend the College in the late 1950’s. He
the watch words “Humani Nihil received the Chaconia Medal (Gold) in
Alienum” have defined my 1998 and the Trinity Cross in 2003 for
outlook on my life ever since I his contribution to the development
joined this institution in 1978 of the law. He contributed significantly
and everyday thereafter. As a to many reforms within our judicial
student and now a professional, system including the inauguration of
the message that nothing is alien the Family Court pilot project in 2004,
to me, has been my inspiration the introduction of the Civil Proceedings
to aim for excellence in all that I Rules (1998) which ushered in a new
do, while steadfastly adhering to way of managing the business in
the principles of discipline and the Civil Courts. His most significant
integrity instilled in me during contribution was in his jurisprudential
my time at Hillview.” development of our law from many of
his landmark judgements. Former Chief
Justice Satnarine Sharma passed away in
October 2019. As a past pupil of Hillview PRAKASH BARATH
College he will be remembered for his
outstanding contribution he made to Local Government
Councillor, La Florissante/ Representative, Councillor:
Lopinot: “I entered Hillview building this nation. Perhaps most of all
by his words and actions he exemplified Caura \Paradise\ Tacarigua
College, in 1990, as our Country was (2019-2022): “I entered Hillview
recovering from the devastation of the words “Humani Nihil Alienum”.
Words all past students of Hillview College in 1971 where I spent five
a Coup d’etat. As a 1st former in 1M years until 1976. During this time
(Middle) under the tutelage of Mr understand. Indeed, nothing concerning
humanity was foreign to him. I was afforded the opportunity
Zainool Maccum my form teacher, to explore and acquire various
and Mrs Jay Gosine, Assistant form disciplines that would eventually
teacher, I quickly learned that shape my life. I was fortunate to
‘’Humani Nihil Alienum”, a Latin be a student in the first Form Five
phrase that translates to “Nothing KEVIN RAMNARINE Special Class created for students
concerning humanity is alien to me” of Academic Excellence. During
was not only our motto but a way of Former Minister of Energy: my studies and interaction there
life. It is a motto that has remained “Hillview engendered in me a with persons of different walks of
embedded in my mind, and a motto sense of morality, justice, fraternity, life I was indeed able to develop
that guides me in all my words, perseverance, discipline and an affinity for the social upliftment
thoughts and deeds. As I grew in life, competitive spirit which I credit with of people. The various attributes
the lessons taught and learnt in this preparing me to survive the rigors of I acquired during my tenure at
prestigious Institution have served professional and public life.” Hillview College assisted me in
as a beacon in my life journey. For shaping my role as a community
this I shall be forever grateful.” leader.”


BA; LTh; MSc (Dist); MA: “Entering through the gates and seeing Attorney-at-law, Head of Allum
the chimney and the magnanimous mountain behind the school Chambers and Vice President of the
made me realise that this was more than a different place. It was Law Association of T&T (Attended
an alien place, a place where things would change, a place where Hillview: 1981 and 1989): “Hillview
challenges would be conquered, a place of life. Soon I realised I College allowed students an invaluable
would be one among a new batch of something new to the school. opportunity to appreciate that the school
For apart from entering in 1995, I was placed in the first ‘North’ class experience was not limited merely to
to exist, and to today many of these classmates still bond together. academics but rather the school provided
To write this reflection in summation is a task, but one overarching an environment where students were
lesson I learnt at my years in Hillview, was the beauty found in encouraged to interact and pursue extra-
balance. Balancing faith with new experiences; balancing education curricular activities through the many
with friends and sport; balancing the top of the mountain with the clubs and societies at the College. It is no
valley below. I guess it is cliché, but nothing truly feels alien to me, surprise that so many former students have
for my experiences have taught me to respect all, strive high, and distinguished themselves in all areas of
always be grounded. I say thank you to my teachers and friends, society, appreciating that as graduates the
paying tribute to those of my year who have passed on. I am proud, individual has a role and contribution to
but humble to say, “my alma mater is Hillview College”. make in the wider society.”
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Producer/Tv Host SportsMax Tv, Sports
Deputy speaker Producer/Anchor Ceen Tv
Member of Parliament for Tunapuna CAPE-Caribbean Examinations
HILLVIEW College Council, Hillview College, September
1975 to 1980 2010-June 2012: “The two years I spent
My entry into HILLVIEW College in 1975 was a at Hillview college as a form 6 student have
significant contributory factor, which impacted been rewarding. They were definitive years
and continues to impact on my life’s development. of my life having previously attended an all-
Overcoming the pride of passing for your first choice, girls institution Naparima Girls’ High. Apart
having a view from the “Hill”, replacing short pants with from the numerous academic and personal
(long pants) trousers; every day in those hallowed halls developments, it was here I fostered lifelong
on the foothills of the northern range in El Dorado, friendships. As the school hymn goes, “Lift up
TUNAPUNA. This Fairley Street, Tunapuna boy was your voice and sing. Across the campus clear;
being fashioned into a man of the future. Let the name Hillview ring. From classrooms
Our legendary Teachers administered a curricula that year by year; We’ll strive with might to serve
ensured we could not only recite Shakespeare, Julius the world with deeds of love, with flags
Caesar and Robin Hood (I played Little John in Robin unfurl’d,” I intend to let my voice be heard
Hood recital) but, also had an understanding of the and serve in every capacity with love. ”
plot and sub-plot and character of the main players.
We were exposed and given an understanding of REVEREND DAMIEN
such varied topics such as matrices, cumulus clouds, SIEUNARINE
recounted the Slave Trade from Africa to the Caribbean;
and Indentureship in the British West-Indies and “The location of Hillview at the base
encouraged us to horn our debating “speaking” skills of the Northern Range has been
among many extra-curricular exploits. Discipline, a source of inspiration in my life. I
Responsibility, Respect, Accountability, Productivity and reside in East Trinidad and look to
Planning were all derived in those experiences. We were the Hills and remember that time
being molded into “Men of Hillview”. in my life and I gain the courage to
Sirs, such as C.P. Maharaj, Stephen Kangal, Jerry Sagar, face new challenges and embrace
Andy Anderson, Omar Ali and Bedoor Maharaj, to opportunities. Hillview College
name a few have left and continue to leave an indelible allowed me to encounter teachers
mark on our lives. Principal Richard Kokoram saw and who were dedicated and committed
knew that my voice (big mouth) would make it big for to their vocation and this was
me in life; Sir always pictured me “summing up before demonstrated by their understanding
Judges and always coming out on top”. R.I.P. Sir Richard of the student as an individual person
Kokoram, my role model. and for this I will always be grateful.
A most significant impact for me, early at HILLVIEW life, When I think about Hillview the
was meeting of many people of diverse races, cultures physical location, the psychological
and circumstances. We knew students who sacrificed in understanding, the emotional
working at jobs before and after school to assist their support, the spiritual insight have moulded me into who I am today.”
families. We learnt of Ram and Sita at Divali. We, (5 Reverend Keron Khellawan, BA; LTh; MSc (Dist); MA: “Entering through the gates and
Middle) shared meals (sada roti, baigan, “Johnny” bake seeing the chimney and the magnanimous mountain behind the school made me realise
and salt fish, “chest provokers”/ dumplings and curry that this was more than a different place. It was an alien place, a place where things
wild meat with each other; played sports, joined clubs, would change, a place where challenges would be conquered, a place of life. Soon I
even got in “trouble” together, learnt and shared life realised I would be one among a new batch of something new to the school. For apart
lessons and of course made lifelong friends. Our parents from entering in 1995, I was placed in the first ‘North’ class to exist, and to today many
were very much involved in our school development, of these classmates still bond together. To write this reflection in summation is a task,
and not only at fund-raisers and PTA; they also but one overarching lesson I learnt at my years in Hillview, was the beauty found in
developed relationships and friendships among balance. Balancing faith with new experiences; balancing education with friends and
themselves across the diverse HILLVIEW community. sport; balancing the top of the mountain with the valley below. I guess it is cliché, but
Hillview was the best of times; it was a time of nothing truly feels alien to me, for my experiences have taught me to respect all, strive
fashioning and grooming ESMOND into who and what I high, and always be grounded. I say thank you to my teachers and friends, paying tribute
have become in 2021 - “Humani nihil Alienum” to those of my year who have passed on. I am proud, but humble to say, “my alma mater
is Hillview College”.

Hillview College
Cricket Team

A labour of love
Reflections of Jay Mahase
estled at the foothills of roles on this ship, staff represent- lieving that God was at my side, I
the Northern Range in El ative for the PTA, member of the plunged forward, applied and eas-
Dorado, Hillview College Benevolent society, co-ordinator ily and effortlessly transitioned to
stands stately, shining its of outreach activities, member this position of trust.
golden light on all who traverse of the organising committee for While my philosophy has al-
through its majestic gates, past several activities—graduation, ways been to do the best I can
the old chimney guard on the Christmas concerts, Divali pro- and extra, since I first started my
right. grammes, Carnival celebrations, job at Hillview, it was this position
I was assessed by the Teach- Sports’ day events, Founders’ day as dean, which spoke to my heart
ing Service Commission, as a programmes to name a few. and connected me to my purpose
teacher of English and Spanish, There was never a dull mo- at this time. I aligned myself with
and was fortunate to be assigned ment, as I found myself caught up God, who directed me, as I inter-
to Hillview College as an English in this web of co- and extra-curric- acted with the students, to assist
teacher. Hence, I excitedly yet ular activities, which were all part them in the many different areas
nervously, began my journey of this esteemed institution and of their lives, whether it was aca-
at this prestigious Presbyterian contributed to the all-round stu- demic or personal.
school in the east, mere months dents it produced, as they person- To this end, I worked one-on-
after graduating from the Univer- ified the school’s motto, Humani one with students and sometimes long-term results in a student’s lab staff, ground staff and security
sity of the West Indies, St Augus- Nihil Alienu—nothing concerning engaged the assistance of special- holistic development. Restorative personnel, all team up to make
tine campus. humanity is foreign to us. ised individuals or groups, to or- discipline is my motto and I was this school, “a happy place.”
As I boarded this ship called As co-ordinator of The Hillview ganise motivational programmes. fortunate enough to help formu- The school’s atmosphere is one
Hillview College, I immediately College Rotary Interact Club, Here, the seas were not all late the school’s discipline philos- where students feel comforta-
became fully immersed in the ac- it was a joy to observe how the smooth sailing, sometimes rough, ophy, which included the tenets ble to approach their teachers,
tivities of this school. My first and outreach activities of this club but I persevered, understanding of restorative discipline. express their thoughts, explore
foremost assignment as a teacher contributed to the holistic devel- that each child was precious and Hillview College offers entry their creativity whenever they
of English, proved to be reward- opment of the students and pro- my role was always to achieve into Form six to a few girls each wish and teachers work tirelessly
ing yet challenging, in those first vided the fertile soil for hidden, a win-win outcome whatever year. Together with my portfolio beyond their job definition, to in-
few years, as I blended my own admirable qualities to blossom. it took. As co-ordinator of The as dean of Form one, firstly and teract with their charges, encour-
ideas with the needs of the stu- I fondly recall one such event, Hillview College Peer Helpers then, dean of Form two, I also age them, motivate them. In this
dents. It has always been a work when the students took on the Club, I was gratified to observe served as dean of girls. Generally, happy place, comfort zone, safe
in progress, as I constantly sought magnanimous task of organising how students helped their peers, these young women made a pos- haven, it is easy to understand
to adapt to each year, each group, a brain-cooler event entitled Rem- by organising self-esteem pro- itive impact, as they integrated why so many students excel both
to instil in them, this love for lan- edy, at the end of an academic grammes and assisting students themselves into the culture of academically and in co-and ex-
guage and literature and bring out year, to raise funds for charitable with their academic work, or just the school, while pursuing their tra-curricular events.
their best, to be scholars in their causes. Though they encountered by providing a listening ear. academic aspirations. I recall Furthermore, past students in
own right and also gain a lifetime setbacks, they diligently worked As I navigated these waters in working with them one year, as different year groups over the
appreciation of the arts. together as a team and voilà, it my capacity as dean, I would say they organised a major fashion years, continue to bond with one
Although I was assigned as an was a success! that you really have to be a role show event at the school, which another.
English teacher, I was asked to as- A defining moment in my career model, if you want students to re- I dare say, could have rivalled a Whenever I encounter a
sist the Spanish department for a at Hillview College, was my role as spect you, listen to you, trust you. professional Parisian event! The Hillview College student both past
few years. This proved to be very dean (secondary) over the last 21 You need to LISTEN, LISTEN, girls even had a catwalk con- and present, joy fills my heart.
fruitful. At that time, Spanish was years. Graciously, I accepted the LISTEN to each student, tune structed and they gracefully pa- Even though you may think I am
compulsory and while some stu- acting position in 2000, having in to the unspoken words, since raded, attired in a kaleidoscope of biased, you encounter a poised
dents had a flair, several strategies done a few counselling courses, these are the keys to a successful tastefully selected outfits, to the young man or young woman, po-
had to be implemented to interest out of personal interest. outcome. You have to be kind, yet delight of the school’s population. lite, well-spoken, caring, wrapped
those who needed “a gentle push” A few years later, I was officially firm. I do not believe in shouting If you ask the question, what is in the culture of Hillview College,
and a few whose “greatest Span- appointed by the Ministry of Ed- at students no matter the situa- responsible for Hillview’s success? ready to take on the world. In-
ish phrase” was “mi madre packo ucation. I firmly believe that God tion (and sometimes it could be First and foremost, Hillview Col- deed, teaching at Hillview College
mi bago.” As they say, “all hands guides us through every step we quite frustrating!). I believe speak- lege is one big family and every- was not a job for me, but a voca-
on deck” and over the years, I take. Initially, I was hesitant to ing calmly and showing respect one—administration, teachers, tion—a labour of love, for which I
found myself in various other apply for the position, but be- and understanding, will achieve students, office staff, librarians, most humbly thank God.

Cherished moments with our retired teachers

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Leslie Mahase encouraged

innovation and positive change
A tribute by Sharon R Ramdeen by Candlelight programme, the outreach denominational institution, by ensuring clothing and rendering uplifting words to
programmes for Form one and the many that two new buildings were constructed families and selfless service to those most
It is said that there are distinct differences field trips photography and art exhibits. to accommodate more classrooms, a lec- in need.
between a man and a gentleman. He encouraged all the students to become ture theatre and added accommodation When the world faced the most challeng-
A man tries to make his mark. involved in sports and to enjoy living a full, and storage that was sorely lacking on the ing unprecedented surge ever, in the form
A gentleman strives to leave a mark. healthy, holistic lifestyle. compound. Mahase has had a wealth of ex- of the coronavirus pandemic, he sailed
A man accepts a favour. He was excellent as a mentor, mediator, perience overseeing the school, managing with HVC and all onboard into unchartered
A gentleman returns the favour. counsellor and a patient listener, when ministry, staff, parents, students and all territory—online teaching and learning.
A man gives orders. dealing with issues with parents and stu- other stakeholders. Throughout his tenure, However, with his level of open minded-
A gentleman inspires. dents. He displayed a fantastic level of he dealt with everything and everyone with ness, years of experience and wisdom, he
A man fits the mold. empathy when dealing with discipline and dignity and class. brought everyone onboard to execute a
A gentleman tries to break the mold. behavioural issues with students. He always placed his students as top successfully functional virtual programme.
The differences are many, but it all comes He was great fun to work with. There priority, often bending over backwards This trip—sir, we are forever grateful to you
down to this—a man takes the necessary was never a dull moment with him and he to facilitate them and culminating every for bringing us to safe, calm waters.
number of steps. always saw the fun side of things from se- assembly, highlighting the importance of Sir, you were dedicated to your task, sin-
A gentleman takes the extra step. rious mistakes on graduation programmes brotherly love and togetherness, ending cere to the core, simple in life and never
such as the misspelling of the word “Bur- his assemblies with “Be your brother’s yielded to anger. You created a stress-free
saries” to an empty water jar on the head keeper.” He spoilt his staff and defended learning environment for students. You

his is the man who served as Princi- table for graduation. them to the very end. No one could have tried your best to improve the quality of
pal of Hillview College in the person He allowed us, the staff, the freedom to violated that for he protected them as if he everyone and encouraged their develop-
of Leslie Cyril Mahase. At Hillview, do tasks without micromanaging us. He was “the armour of God.” ment through love, learning and the desire
Mahase experienced every level student, was always appreciative of all our efforts His level of humility never allowed him to be the best human, humane and human-
teacher, Head of Biology, Dean of Studies, and encouraged us to embrace all the ac- to accept credit for any of Hillview’s incred- itarian beings that we could ever be.
Vice-Principal and finally, Principal. His tivities embarked upon at Hillview. ible and numerous achievements. His usual You are one of the fundamental bricks
first-hand experience at Hillview made him This noble institution achieved grander response was “I have a great staff and stu- in this historic structure called HVC. The
the perfect “commandant” for the job. accomplishments under the leadership of dent body.” rich legacy you built has etched a profound
During his years of leadership, as Mahase such as topping the Cricket League One of the greatest lessons Mahase has mark in the lives of all of us, such that the
Vice-Principal from (2005-2007), but more and introducing the first ever dragon boat ever shown us, is the value of friendship Canadian Pioneers of 1955 would deem you
so as Principal, from (2007-2021), Ma- team to a school, on the top of a hill, miles using kind words and showing he cared for a true son of the HVC soil. Sir, you came to
hase encouraged innovation and positive away from the sea. His academic pro- all of us. The respect he showed to each make a difference to Hillview College and
change. He urged both staff and students grammes met and surpassed every record one of us, his willingness and eagerness you did. You took us to the stars!
to be visionary, to soar beyond their own set internally and nationally. The statistics to involve us in taking major decisions Psalm 32:8 reads the Lord says, “I will
potentials, to break through their own speak for themselves, an increase in the are things that will be remembered in our teach you the way you should go; I will in-
academic barriers and to forge their own number of scholastic achievements, espe- hearts and minds for always. struct you and advise you.
dreams. cially open scholarships, thereby making We remember when flood victims were This, you followed to the core. For all
To all who encountered him, his “open Hillview College the top Boys’ College in stranded in their homes, he was on the these years you have sung in our ears
door policy” made him approachable and the North, the jewel of the east! ground, in the floodwaters, on the trucks Hillview’s vision and mission statements.
very accommodating. He was quite sup- Also infrastructurally, he made an inval- along with members of staff and the PTA, Little did you realise sir, you lived each day
portive of new ideas such as the Carols uable contribution to the expansion of this assisting them by delivering foodstuff, and epitomised Humani Nihil Alienum.

Karen Williams-Sharma
A breath of fresh air for Hillview Karen Williams-Sharma

n Monday, January 7, 1986, an excellence always. She insisted that each get married, a blanket of silence filled the
eager and fresh-faced, young be involved in extra-curricular activities hall and shocked faces stared at her. One
woman joined the English depart- and made sure they participated, in all the teacher laughingly told them, “You all can’t
ment. She was all of £85 and four concerts and Carnival celebrations. have her forever!”
feet, 11 and a half inches tall, which resulted She also made sure they had wonderful It was this year that she took the Acting
in the affectionate nickname “Pigeon!” But Christmas parties. She would organise a Post of Head of the English department.
don’t let that tiny physical body fool you! fancy lunch for them and after the meal, With ease she adopted her leadership role
She was able to face her students bravely, she would dance and enjoy herself. They and guided the department, not just in
confidently and from day one, all due re- certainly saw a different side of Miss! fulfilling the curriculum but showing the
spect was given to her. This was her calling. She headed the Literary and Debating boys that English is alive and fun.
Never for one moment on that first Society up to three years ago, the Drama Through her guidance she hoped to
day when she faced Form Five West, did Club, co-ordinated the Badminton Club, encourage them to be committed to their
she feel unsure, nervous or intimidated. organised countless Christmas concerts, work, to be professional and to explore
She felt quite at home and totally at ease. Carnival shows, oration competitions, de- their creativity in teaching. She worked
Her enthusiasm and passion for her work bates and carried her classes to dramatic well with the members of the department,
reached the boys who gave her their best. productions. She was even co-ordinator of always willing to listen and advise.
Karen Williams was certainly that breath the Hillview College Steel Ensemble. As a Head of Department, she was very
of fresh air to the school. She came with It was here that she met her husband passionate in her defence of the Language
all these creative ideas when teaching her Satanand Sharma, an old boy and schol- Arts and Modern Studies Departments and
classes, since she felt students should first arship winner, who was the band’s tutor. made sure they were not sidelined in the understanding and was always able to give
and foremost enjoy what they were doing. She worked closely with these boys and ac- development of the school. It was through direction to help a situation.
She also aimed to make the words on the companied them on many engagements all her advocacy that the Heads got their own In an effort to make the students’ entry
pages of their books come alive. Her classes over the island, they even went to Guade- office space. into Hillview an easy transition she organ-
were full of activity. It was amazing, the loupe. She loved working with the students She gave up her role as Head and ac- ised, with the help of Form teachers, excit-
great joy she felt in her classes and it was in these informal situations and established cepted the post of Acting Dean of Form ing activities for them during the first week
with ease that she won over her students, close bonds with them as they saw her ded- One. She held this position until she re- of school.
no matter at what level. ication to them. tired. She took this role seriously, since All this was done to foster socialising,
Very rarely did anyone give her trouble in She was a member of Alisharan House as far as she was concerned the Form one making new friends and just to make the
class but if they did try, a quick reprimand and she made every effort to encourage year, is the most important year in the stu- boys feel relaxed at their new school.
and that was the end of that. Her classes the members of her house. She was very dents’ life. Mrs Sharma took every opportunity to
were very informal with lots of discussion involved in fundraising for the house to It is the foundation that determines broaden their experiences. She did all this
and activity, yet she was always totally in buy March Past uniforms and the House one’s attitude to one’s studies and to the with enthusiasm and excitement which
control. The students clearly knew their won many March Past titles. This commit- school. As such, she took a very robust transferred to her students.
limits with her. As a Form teacher, she took ment to the school continued throughout and serious approach to it. As a dean, she Mrs Sharma felt she was part of a vision
her role as mentor seriously. her career and she had the uncanny ability was very busy since every child’s issue was that started in 1955 and continues today.
She was very dedicated and committed to motivate students and teachers to partic- important to her and talking to numerous She tried in her own way to contribute to
to them, counselled and motivated them to ipate in events. In 1993, when the principal parents to help the children was essential that vision and legacy that is Hillview Col-
be all-round students, who should aim for announced that Miss Williams was going to to her. She faced parents calmly and with lege and she enjoyed every minute of it.

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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Kathy Brooks...teaching chose her

BY FIRISHTA ALI HOSEIN cated teachers: Karen Sharma and Sharon “Social interaction, pecong, old talk, is
Ramdeen took charge of the March Past all part of the learning experience,” she

athy Brooks, a member of the and although they did not win the overall mused, “and these children are missing a
Business Department at Hillview proceedings, Alisharan quickly climbed huge chunk of their learning experience,
College, is set to retire in Novem- the ranks to first place in this activity. As more so, I miss my boys. I miss seeing
ber 2021. Miss Brooks entered time progressed and with the help of new their smiles, or gesticulations in person.”
the teaching profession in 1989 and when teachers on staff, notably Siewsarran, Miss Although she is not au courant with tech-
asked “why teaching?” she noted that Brooks is happy to leave knowing that Alis- nology, often calling herself a “technotard”
teaching chose her. haran now holds first place in the overall (meaning she lil’ retarded when it comes to
Assessed to teach Social Studies, Eco- Sports Day experience. technology), and the online transition was
nomics, Mathematics and Accounts, Miss Miss Brooks also held the post of Form obviously not her preferred medium for
Brooks recollected; being initially called Three Dean at Hillview, for the past nine delivering the curriculum; with the help
out by Anna Mahase, one of the former years. When asked what it was like tran- of Firishta Ali Hosein, she was able to con-
principals at St Augustine Girls’ High sitioning into such a position; with all its scientiously prepare for her online classes.
School, to help out the Mathematics de- responsibilities, Miss Brooks conveyed that “While I thank my work daughter for
partment. it was something she desired and as such helping me get ready, I must admit I could
There she spent a term before mov- was willing to do what was necessary for never be my best self in this forum,” she
ing on to Holy Cross for a year; followed her boys. pondered, “I believe that teaching is a call-
by St Joseph’s Convent, Port-of-Spain for Admittedly, when the opening first came ing, it is so much more than simply convey-
three years; before finding her forever up she was not eligible as she only had her ing the curriculum.”
home, in September of 1993, at the es- Diploma in Education for three years; but She deliberated that as human beings we
teemed Hillview College. It is at Hillview, by the second time it had come around are not meant to spend life alone, and a
Miss Brooks spent the last 29 years in the Kathy Brooks she had acquired a Masters in Education, major part of our education is learning the
Business Studies department, creating a specialising in Youth Guidance, and was so ability to socialise. Although Miss Brooks
unique and amazing learning space for her to her, was so dubbed for her fierce loyalty qualified to attain the position. To her, the did not get to end her tenure the way she
students. to those she loves; and possesses a note- purpose of “dean” is to counsel and advo- had so desired, she concedes that she has
Having had the experience of teaching, worthy ability to see the best in everyone. cate for the student and by attaining the made many friendships at Hillview and this
in both all-girls high schools as well as all- This writer believes that these qualities are MEd, she was able to learn how the psyche is not goodbye.
boys high schools, she was able to highlight in part key to her successes at Hillview. of the child works and how best she can Of the many conversations that this
several differences in the cultures that per- Placed in Alisharan House, so named facilitate the growth and development of writer had with Miss Kathy Brooks,
vaded each school. after one of the first Principals at Hillview, these young men. She meant to success- whether it be on personal issues or prob-
However, reflecting on the years she Miss Brooks, admitted that it was not the fully impact the behaviours and academic lems that arose in the workplace, there is
spent at Hillview, she professed that she most athletically inclined group of stu- performances of her students and this she one quote that comes to mind: “Success is
found her niche in engaging the young men dents: “For some reason Alisharan year did. not final, failure is not fatal: it is the cour-
who entered the halls of Hillview College. after year, would get children with some Unfortunately, Miss Brooks’ final teach- age to continue that counts” by Winston S
To her it was easier to engage the boys: ailment or the other,” she quipped, “so we ing years were spent at home in the online Churchill. She has taught me to not be so
“We understood each other” she reported. were most definitely not the house in line transition due to the global COVID-19 pan- hard on myself, to accept my successes and
Miss Brooks, endearingly known as Saint for first place on Sports Day.” demic. “I cannot believe that this is my last have the courage to keep pushing forward.
Katherine of Lynton Gardens by those close However, she along with two other dedi- year,” she lamented. Thank you.

Louise Owen God’s richest blessings

An asset to our noble institution to Mohanie Nanan
Louise Owen commenced her years of service Louise dealt with everyone in a very patient,
on October 5, 2001 and officially retired on July humble and caring way. Mohanie Nanan began her service at Hillview College in 2001, where she
16, 2020. At Hillview College, she was employed Her duties involved: Answering the phone, served as an administrative assistant. Her duties involved: Delegating
as the clerk typist and stenographer 1 (Ag) to welcoming and attending to all visitors and responsibility to trainees, preparing and organising packages for both
the principal, at that time, Jeremiah Seepersad. parents, distributing files and certificates to all Form one and Form six registration, collecting monies, managing the
Her vast knowledge of the education sector students, preparing memos, revising minutes, college development fund, and assisting to plan and prepare for func-
and its operations made her an asset to our securing staff files, sorting correspondence tions. However, Nanan, fondly known as “Kay” to everyone, many times
noble institution, since she had previously electronically, recommendations for present overworked herself by doing extra duties such as typing the principal’s
worked at the Ministry of Education, for 20 and past students. She prepared school data speech every graduation, organising the hall for registration and work-
years. for the ministry and generated exams. ing assiduously for walkathon every year.
She possessed a friendly, sociable and out- We sometimes felt that she was in charge Nanan possessed a friendly Mohanie Nanan
going disposition which made her easy and ap- because she knew where everything could be yet reserved disposition. All
proachable to members of staff. found. who encountered her,
She was quite meticulous at her daily run- She concluded her meritorious service at were dealt with in a pro-
nings of the school. In the office, she was a Hillview College, under the leadership of Leslie fessional and polite
mother-like figure to all who came under her Mahase. We wish her an abundance of God’s manner. She was an
tutelage, such as the must and OJT trainees. blessings in her retirement. early bird ensur-
ing that she ar-
Louise Owen rived very early
to commence
the day’s work
Her work
ethic was al-
ways prompt,
meticulous, re-
liable, respect-
ful and diligent.
She chose to mi-
grate on January
31, 2020. We wish
her God’s richest
blessings in her future
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Humani Nihil Alienum

We’ll face the world with visions new

Attempts at breaking a world record

Form 1 outreach to the Spring Loading up items to be sent

Village Primary School to Penal, following flooding
in October 2017.

HEAL cleaning up the beach.

Planting trees on the mountain side at the back of the school. (2018)

Volunteering at the
Animals Alive Shelt

Commemorating World Down Syndrome Day in 2019. Cleaning up the Fishing Pond Beach

Form one students creating head

Hillview parents and students putting pieces as an activity to bring
together items to distribute to about awareness of Breast Cancer.
households affected by floods in 2018.
28 Sunday, October 31, 2021
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Sunday, October 31, 2021 31
Sunday, October 31, 2021
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4 Sunday, October 31, 2021
6 Sunday, October 31, 2021
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Sunday, October 31, 2021

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8 Sunday, October 31, 2021
2 Sunday, October 31, 2021
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