Recewed 9 No Ember 1992 Recewed For Publication 14 December 1992

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Meck. Mack. Theory Vol. 29, No. I. pp. 25--42,1994 0094-I 14X194 $6.00 + 0.

Printed ia Great Bnutin. All rights ~ CoP~Sht ~ 1993 Pergamon Preu Lul




School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University. West lafayette, IN 47907-1288, U.S.A.

(Recewed 9 No~ember 1992~ recewed for publication 14 December 1992)

Abstrsct--This paper presents unified and compact equations describing the geometry and the geometric
properties of the different types of trochoid. For the first time. the double-generation theorem is expressed
in an explicit manner and a complete classification of all trochoids is documented. Unified and compact
equations describing the geometric properties of a conjugate envelope are also presented in the paper. A
new type of conjugate envelope for a given trochoid is discovered. An important contribution to the
existing literature on trochoidal-type machines is the derivation of closed-form parametric equations for
nine types of conjugate envelope. These equations provide significant geometrical insight into the design
and analysis of trochoidal-type machines. The paper also presents the necessary and sufficient conditions
for a closed type ! conjugate envelope. Finally. the paper includes a detailed discussion of the
characteristics and the relationships of the different types of trochoid and conjugate envelope.

Trochoidal-type machines belong to the category of planetary rotation machines and offer
significant advantages over types of machinery; for example, simplicity and reliability; the
possibility of higher speeds; and a wide variety of applications, namely, engines, pumps,
compressors and blowers. There are two major components; i.e. a rotor (or piston) and a chamber
(or cylinder). If one component is referred to as the trochoid then the other is referred to as the
envelope. For example, in the trochoidal-type pump, the rotor is a peritrochoid and the chamber
is an outer envelope, whereas in the Wankel engine, the rotor is an inner envelope and the chamber
is the peritrochoid. The inner and outer conjugate envelopes are defined as the limiting cases of
the envelope for which there is no interference on the bottom and on the top of the trochoid lobe,
respectively, during the entire motion [Wydra, 1986]. The conjugate envelope provides the
maximum compression ratio, the lowest contact stresses, and the best geometry for sealing. The
earliest trochoidal-type machinery with a conjugate envelope is believed to be the rotary steam
engine invented by Cooley [Yamamoto, 198 I]. The rotor was a peritrochoid and the chamber was
an outer conjugate envelope. Later, Wallinder and Skoog invented a rotary engine where the
chamber was a hypotrochoid and the rotor was an inner conjugate envelope [Yamamoto, 1981].
The first gerotor (abbreviation for generated rotor) pump was invented by Hill, the profile of the
rotor was a peritrochoid generated by a circular arc instead of a point [Beard et al., 1987]. Wankel
invented the first rotary internal combustion engine where the chamber was a peritrochoid and the
rotor was an inner conjugate envelope [Yamamoto, 1981].
Colbourne [1974] defined eight types of conjugate envelope for each trochoid where the number
of envelope lobes was either one more, or one less, than the number of trochoid lobes. He generated
the eight types of envelope, i.e. two type ! inner, two type ! outer, two type 2 inner and two type
2 outer envelopes, by a numerical method. In spite of the important advantages of a conjugate
envelope, the existing literature only contains closed-form equations of the geometry for two types
of conjugate envelope [Ansdale and Lockley, 1969]. The authors demonstrated the value of the
existing closed-form equations in the design of a Wankel rotary engine. Then Robinson and Lyon
[1976] were able to modify the equations by introducing a constant which accounts for the space
that is required in the sealing design. The closed-form equations again proved to be useful in a
recent design of a trochoidal-type gas compressor [Hoffmann, 1985].
Since the existing closed-form equations have proved to be important in the analysis and design
of planetary rotation machines, the focus of this paper is (i) to derive closed-form parametric
equations for nine types of conjugate envelope; and (ii) to study the geometric characteristics and
26 J.B. Sm~'.~Gand G. R. i~NNOCK

relationships of the different types of trochoid and conjugate envelope. The paper shows that a
smooth trochoid, i.e. a trochoid without cusps, or without crossing over itself, always has a closed
type i conjugate envelope where the envelope eccentricity is less than or equal to the trochoid
eccentricity. The paper includes equations that describe the relationships between the different types
of conjugate envelope. A new candidate for a trochoidal-type pump or compressor is also
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the different types of trochoid and
presents equations describing the geometry and the geometric properties of the trochoids. Then
Section 3 presents the definitions and classifications of nine types of conjugate envelope. The
geometric properties of each envelope are presented and closed-form parametric equations for the
envelopes are derived. The necessary and sufficient conditions for a closed type ! conjugate
envelope are also obtained. Section 4 is a detailed discussion of the characteristics and the
relationships of the nine types of conjugate envelope. Finally, Section 5 presents important
observations and conclusions.

A trochoid is defined as the path of a point fixed in a circle which rolls, without slipping, on
a fixed circle. The rolling and fixed circles are, henceforth, referred to as the moving and fixed pitch
circles. Trochoids are called epitrochoids if the moving pitch circle is outside the fixed pitch circle,
hypotrochoids if the moving pitch circle is inside the fixed pitch circle, and cycloids if the fixed pitch
circle degenerates to a straight line. The trochoids are classified as ordinary, curtate, or prolate if
the curve has a cusp, crosses over itself, or is smooth, respectively. Ordinary epitrochoids and
hypotrochoids are also referred to as epicycloids and hypocycloids, respectively. The name
peritrochoid is often used for a trochoid where the moving pitch circle encloses the fixed pitch circle
[Reuleaux, 1876; Yamamoto, 1981], Every peritrochoid is identical to some epitrochoid with fixed
and moving pitch circles of diffcrcnt radii, referred to as the double-generation theorem [Paul,
1979]. According to this theorem, a hypotrochoid can also be generated with two different sets of
pitch circles.
In order to describe the geometry of the trochoid analytically, the following notation is
introduced. The centers and the radii of the moving and fixed pitch circles are denoted by 0,~ and
O¢. and r,. and re. respectively. The distance between the two centers is denoted by e, (i.e.
el ~ Ir,, - re[) and referred to as the trochoid eccentricity. The Cartesian reference frame attached
to the moving pitch circle at O,m is denoted by X~O,,. Y; and referred to as the generating frame.
The Cartesian reference flame attached to the fixed pitch circle at O,/is denoted by X, OeY, and
referred to as the trochoid frame. The generating point of the trochoid, which is a point on the
X; axis, is denoted by C. The distance between O,m and C is denoted by rc and referred to as the
trochoid radius. The line connecting O¢ to O,m and passing through the point of contact of the
two pitch circles; i.e. point P, is denoted by 0¢0,., and referred to as the reference line. When the
reference line 0 ¢ 0 . . turns an angle ~ relative to the X, axis, the generating frame turns an angle
• /k t relative to the same axis (kt is referred to as the angular velocity ratio for the trochoid) and
the generating point traces a portion of the trochoid.
The coordinates of the generating point, expressed in the trochoid frame, are

X, = e, cos ~ + rc cos .--- (! a)

Y, = e, sin • + r,. sin ~, (1 b)

Depending on the sign of k,, equations (I) describe the different types of trochoid; i.e. a positive
value of k, corresponds to either the epitrochoid or the peritrochoid, and a negative value of k,
corresponds to the hypotrochoid. Furthermore, when k,-- + m (where m is a positive integer
greater than one), then equations (i) describe a peritrochoid. When k t - - - m , the equations
describe a hypotrochoid referred to as the type i hypotrochoid and when k, = + l/m, the equations
describe an epitrochoid. Finally, when k,-- - I / m , the equations describe another hypotrochoid
Trochoid~-tyl~ machines ~th conjupte envelol~ 27

m~-mS p i ~ ci~k ..*"

initial posttion of
genenmng point C
FiR. !. A peritrochoid.

referred to as the type 2 hypotrochoid. For illustrative purposes, Fig. I shows a peritrochoid with
k, = 7, r~ = 5.0, e, = 0.5 and 0t varies from 0 ° to 7 x 360 °.
For each peritrochoid, an identical epitrochoid can be generated when k, is replaced by its
reciprocal, the values e, and r~ are interchanged, and a is divided by k,. These conditions can be
written as
(k,),,= I/(k,),; (rc).p=(e,)p.; (e,)~,=(re) ~ and (Gt)~-(,,)p./(k,)~ (2)
where the subscript ep stands for the epitrochoid and the subscript pe stands for the peritrochoid.
Similarly, for each type I hypotrochoid, an identical type 2 hypotrochoid can be generated when
(k,)~2=l/(k,)~t; (r¢)~,2=(e,)~,l; (e,)~,z=(r¢)~, I and (,,)~,2=(-)~,,/Ik, l~,, (3)
where the subscript hp ! stands for the type I hypotrochoid and the subscript hp2 stands for the
type 2 hypotrochoid.
The radii of the moving and fixed pitch circles can be written, respectively, as

r~ = Ik, le, and re= I k , - lie, (4a)

Eliminating the trochoid eccentricity, the angular velocity ratio for the trochoid is expressed as

k,= r. (4b)
r~ + re
where the " + " sign is for k, = + l/m and the " - " sign is for the other three cases. Since for all
practical purposes the radius of the fixed pitch circle cannot be zero then k, cannot be one. For
a trochoid not to have a cusp or not to cross over itself, when k, = + m. then
r~ > r , (4c)
However, when k, = + l/m then
re < r , (4d)
The number of lobes on the trochoid can be expressed in terms of the angular velocity ratio of
the trochoid [Coibourne, 1974] as
n, = Ik, - I I when k, = + m ( m = 2, 3, 4 . . . . ) (4e)

n,=ll/k,-l] when k,=+l/m(m=2.3.4 .... ) (4f)
28 J.B. Stcor~Gand G. R. I~Nr~OCK

Table 1. Fifteenpossible trochoids

Location Circle Roils Ci~le Roils Circle Rolls
of the ona Outside the Inside the
Point Swaight Line Fixed Circle F'uted Circle
On Ordinary Pericycloid Epicycloid Type I Type 2
the circle cycloid hyl~cycloid hypocycloid
Outside Cunate Prelate Curtme Prelatetype 1 Cuttme type 2
the circle cycloid perilmchoid epiuechoid hypouucboid hypotmchoid
Inside Prelate Curlate Pmlale C u t ~ e type 1 Prelate type 2
the circle cycloid peritmchoid epiuechoid hyl~Zmchoid hypottechoid

Equations (!) and (4) are compact expressions for the geometry and the geometric properties of
the peritrochoid, and epitrochoid, and the two types of hypotrochoid. Equations (2) and (3)
describe the double-generation theorem, in an explicit manner, for the peritrochoid and the type
! hypotrochoid. Table 1 presents a complete classification of the different types of trochoid.


A conjugate envelope is generated by the entire trochoid. To understand this for the outer
conjugate envelope, imagine that the trochoid is guided by two specified pitch circles and is
undergoing planetary rotation within a sand-box. At the beginning, the outer profile oftbe trochoid
is surrounded by sand. During the generating process, the top of the trochoid lobes push the sand
away and form the outer conjugate envelope. Similarly, for the inner conjugate envelope, imagine
that a hollow trochoid is undergoing planetary rotation within the sand-box. At the beginning, the
inner profile of the trochoid is surrounded by sand. During the generating process, the bottom of
the trochoid lobes carve the sand away and form the inner conjugate envelope. Therefore, the outer
(or the inner) conjugate envelope may be defined as the minimum outer (or the maximum inner)
envelope for which there is no interference on the top (or the bottom) of the trochoid lobes during
the entire motion when the trochoid is guided by the two specified pitch circles. From the process
of generating a conjugate envelope, the contact force between the two components is theoretically
zero at the no load condition. Also, the inherent shape provides the best geometry for sealing
between the trochoid and the envelope.
In order to describe the geometry of the envelope analytically, the following notation is
introduced. The centers of the moving and fixed pitch circles are denoted by O.,. and Of,
respectively. The radii of the moving and fixed pitch circles are denoted by r~, and r.f, respectively.
The distance between the two centers is denoted by e. (i.e.e. -- Ir~, - r.fl), and is referred to as the
envelope eccentricity. The Cartesian reference frame attached to the moving pitch circle at O.,. is
denoted by X,O,. Y,. This frame can be regarded as the trochoid frame with O,f replaced by O,~,
since the trochoid is moving and generates the envelope. The Cartesian reference frame attached
to the fixed pitch circle at O,f, is denoted by X.O.fY. and referred to as the envelope frame. The
line connecting O+f to O,., and passing through the point of contact of the two pitch circles, i.e.,
the point P, is denoted by O,fO.. and referred to as the reference line. When the reference line
O,~O,.. turns an angle p relative to the X. axis, the trochoid frame turns an angle p/k+ relative to
the same axis (k. is referred to as the angular velocity ratio for the envelope). If k. is negative then
the angular displacement of the trochoid frame is in the opposite direction to the angular
displacement of the reference line.
In the derivation of the equations describing the geometry of a conjugate envelope, the rotor
(described by the trochoid) will be regarded as the moving rigid body and the chamber (described
by the envelope) as the fixed rigid body. The coordinates of any point on the rotor, expressed in
the envelope frame, are

X, = e, cos # + X, cos ~, - Y, sin k~

# (5a)
Trochoicbd-type machineswith conjugateenvelopes 29

Y, f e , sin[$ +Xrsin + Y, COSk-~~ (5b)

Substituting equations (!) into equations (5), and rearranging, the coordinates of the generating
point C are
X, = e, cos ~ + e, cos(~ + ~B) + rc cos(~ + ~ ) (68)

Y, ffi e, sin p + e, sin(~ + k~) + rcsin(~+ k~) (6b)

where ~ + [$/k, is the angular displacement of the reference line O¢O,, relative to the X, axis, and
• /kt + [3/k, is the angular displacement of the X~ axis relative to the same axis.
Conjugate envelopes can be separated into two classes, namely; the type I envelope if k, is equal
to 1 - k, and the type 2 envelope ilk, is equal to k, - I. In each case, the difference in the number of
lobes between the trochoid and the envelope in one. Trochoidal-type machines with one lobe
difference between the trochoid and the conjugate envelope have many practical applications; for
example, the Wankel engine and the trochoidal-type compressor and pump. However, when k, is
equal t o j (kt - I), wherej is an integer greater than one, then the envelope does not appear to have
practical applications [Colbourne, 1974]. Further investigation shows that k, must be an integer in
order to generate a conjugate envelope [Shung, 1992]. Henceforth, the parameter is defined as
k, f f i ± m ; (m=2,3,4 .... ) (7)
and the trochoid is assumed to be either a peritrochoid or a type I hypotrochoid, unless specified
otherwise. Within each class of conjugate envelope there are two subclasses, namely: the type (a) if
e, is less than e,, and the type (b) if e, is equal to e,. If e, is greater than e, then the envelope either
crosses over itself or loses contact with the trochoid and does not have practical applications.
Therefore, for each trochoid there are theoretically eight diffcrcnt conjugate envelopes, namely: the
type I(a) outer, the type I(a) inner, the type I(b) outer, the type l(b) inner, and type 2(a) outer, the
type 2(a) inner, the type 2(b) outer envelope, and, finally, thc type 2(b) inncr envelope [Colbourne,
The radii of the moving and fixed pitch circles can be written, respcctivcly0 as
r.. = Ik, le, and r,/ffi Ik, - lie, (8a)
Eliminating the envelope eccentricity, the angular velocity ratio for the envelope can be expressed as
k, = r,,, (8b)
re m D

The number of lobes on the envelope can be expressed in terms of the angular velocity ratio of the
envelope [Colbourne, 1974] as
n, = Ik,- II (8c)
Equations (8) are compact expressions for the geometric properties of a conjugate envelope.
T w o new parameters will now be introduced so that the firsttwo terms in equations (6a) and (6b)
can be written as a product when e, ffie~. The firstparameter, henceforth denoted as p, is defined as
half the sum of the two angular displacements of lines O,,,O. and O,/O,. relativeto the X, axis.The
second parameter, henceforth denoted as v, isdefined as half the differencebetween the two angular
displacements of lines 0¢0,.. and O,sO,,. relative to the X, axis. Therefore, the two
parameters are written as
' <",

30 J.B. SHUNGand G. R. l~Ntcocx

From these two equations, the angles ~ and ~ can be expressed in terms o f / t and v as

~,= 1- ~+ i+ v and ~=~-v (10)

Substituting these expressions into equations (6a) and (6b), and rearranging, the coordinates of the
generating point of the trochoid can be expressed as

X, = E, cos ~ cos v - E2 sin/~ sin v + r~ cos(K,/~ + Kz v) ( 11a)

Y, = E z cos/a sin v + El sin/a cos v + r~ sin(Kt/~ + K2v) (I lb)

Et=e,+e,, E2=et-e, (llc)

k,+k,- 1 k,-k,+ !
Ki = and kz ; (lid)
k,k, k,k.
Since a conjugate envelope is the limiting case of the generated shape for which there is no
interference at the top or the bottom o f a trochoid lobe during the entire motion, the extreme values
of X,, while holding ¥, constant, must be evaluated. To obtain a closed-form solution for the
conjugate envelope, the method of Lagrange multipliers is adopted here. The first step is to
introduce the Lagrange function
F=X,+~Y, (12)

where ~ is the Lagrange multiplier. Then substituting equations (I la) and (! ib) into equation (12),
taking partial derivatives with respect to g and v, respectively, and setting the results equal to zero,

El sin/~ cos v + E2 cos/~ sin v + r~Ki sin(K,/~ + K2v)

+ ~.[E2 sin/~ sin v - El cos/~ cos v - r~K, cos(Ki/~ + K2v)] = 0 (13a)


E~ cos/~ sin v + E2 sin g cos v + rc K2 sin(K,/~ + Kz v )

- ~.[E2cos/~ cos v - E, sin/t sin v + rcK, cos(Kl/t + Kzv)] = 0 (13b)

Finally, eliminating the Lagrange multiplier in these two equations gives

rcK2[cos(K,l~ + Kzv)(Et sin/~ cos v + £'2 cos/~ sin v) - sin(K,/~ + Kzv)(Et cos ~ cos v
- £'2 sin/t sin v)] - r~K, [sin(Ka/~ + K2v)(EI sin/~ sin v - E2 cos/t cos v)
+ cos(K,/~ + K2v)(E, cos/~ sin v + E2 sin/~ cos v)] = (El - E~)sin v cos v (14)

This equation, which provides the necessary constraint between/~ and v for a conjugate envelope,
will now be used to derive the equations for the type ! and type 2 conjugate envelopes.
The condition for a type ! conjugate envelope is

k. = I - k, (15)

Substituting this condition into equations (9a), (9b) and (i id), respectively, gives

K,=0 and Kz = 2 / k , (17)

Trochoidal-type machines with coujuple envelopes 3I

Then substituting equations (17) into equation (14), the constraint for the type I conjugate envelope
can be written as

r, E~ c o s - - c o s v + E2 sin
k, Y,sin v sin/z
[ .2.
-r~ Eism~-~tcosv - / / 2
2v ~ k,
cos ~, sin v os # = ~- (E~-E~)sinvcosv (18)

To obtain expressions for sin p and cos/~ in terms of v, first substitute equations (I Ic) into equation
G8) and rearrange to give
V3- V2 cos.
sin # = (! 9a)
+e,cos(l+~)v] (19b)

V2=r~[e, s i n ( I - ~ ) v - e , sin(! + ~ ) v ] and V3---e,e,k, sin2v (19c)

Squaring both sides of equation (19a) and substituting sin2p = ! - cosz/~ into the result gives
v,v, + v,(vi + v ~ - v~) '/~
cos/~ = V~ + V~ (20a)

The " + " sign is for the outer conjugate envelope and the " - " sign is for the inner conjugate
envelope. Also, substituting equation (20a) into equation (19a) gives
sin# =_~_[V~V,-t- V, Vz(V~+ V]- V]) 'a]
V, ( V~ + V~) (20b)
The necessary and sufficient conditions for the type ! conjugate envelope to exist will now be
investigated. The condition for cos p to have a real value, see equation (20a), is
vl + v~ - v~ >I 0 (2l)
Substituting equations (19b) and (19c) into equation (21) and rearranging,gives
f(v) >I 0 (22a)
~ ' + e~ + 2e, e, cos 2v)
f ( v ) = re(e, - c,-=c,~,-:'-2sin 2 2v (22b)
In order to have a closed conjugate envelope, the minimum value off(v), henceforth denoted as
f(v*), must satisfy the following three conditions:

(i) ~df Iv" = 0, (ii) ~-~-~v21v

d~ , >0 and (iii)f(v*)>~0 (23)

Differentiatingequation (22b) with respectto v, and applying the firstcondition in equation (23),
4e,e, sin 2v*(e,e,k~cos 2v* + r~) = 0 (24)
In general, the solutions to this equation are either

sin 2v* = 0 (25a)

COS 2V* m rc
e, eck2 (25b)
Substituting equation (25a) into the trigonometric identity cos 2 2v* = ! - s i n 2 2v* gives
cos 2v* = + I (26a)
32 J. B. SHUNG and G. R. PENMCK

and substituting quation (25b) into the same identity gives

(efeikf - r:)’ 2
sinZv+= f (26b)
Taking the second derivative of equation (22b) with respect to v, applying the second condition
in equation (23) and simplifying, gives

e,e,kf(cos’Zv - sin’ 2v) + ri cos 2v < 0 (27)

Then substituting equations (25a) and (26a) into this equation, the first necessary and sufficient
condition for a closed conjugate envelope is

e,e,kf & rf < 0 (28)

The “+” sign is not a possible solution, therefore, cos 2v* must equal - 1 and the first necessary
and sufficient condition for a closed conjugate envelope must be

rr 2
> e,e, (29)
0 iT;
Note that when equation (25a) and cos 2v * = - 1 are substituted into equation (22b) then the third
condition in equation (23) is always valid.
A second necessary and sufficient condition for a closed conjugate envelope can be obtained by
substituting equations (25b) and (26b) into equation (27). After simplification, the condition may
be written as

rc ’

or as
(v,)2> -
0 k


Note that when equations (25b) and (26b) are substituted into equation (22b) and simplified, then
the third condition in equation (23) is valid only if


Comparing equation (30b) with equation (31). the second necessary and sufficient condition for
a closed conjugate envelope is written as


The design parameters e,, k,, r, and et, satisfying either equation (29) or equation (32). will
generate a closed conjugate envelope. For a prolate trochoid, the trochoid radius is greater than
the radius of the moving pitch circle; i.e. r, > r,,,, where r,,,, = Ik,le, and k, = fm. Therefore, the
condition can also be written as


For a practical conjugate envelope, the envelope eccentricity is less than or equal to the trochoid
eccentricity, and equation (33) is in complete agreement with equation (29). This shows that a
prolate trochoid always has a closed type 1 conjugate envelope when e, < e,. For a non-practical
conjugate envelope, the envelope eccentricity is greater than the trochoid eccentricity and quation
(33) may, or may not, be in agreement with equation (32). Therefore, to have a closed typ I
conjugate envelope, the first necessary and sufficient condition; i.e. equation (29). is for an envelope
where e, < e,, and the second necessary and sufficient condition; i.e. equation (32). is for an
envelope where e, > e,.
Trochoidal-type machines with conjugate envelopes 33

Substituting equations (! Ic) and (17) into equations (! la) and (1 lb), the equations for a type
I conjugate envelope are
X, = (e, + e,)cos/~ cos v - (e, - e,)sin/~ sin v + r c cos k~ (34a)

Y, -- (e, - e,)cos/~ sin v + (e, + e,)sin/~ cos v + rc sin .-- (34b)
where cos/~ and sin/~ are given in equations (20a) and (20b), respectively. Since the equations are
general, they are valid for a type l(a) conjugate envelope when the envelope eccentricity is less than
the trochoid eccentricity.
For the type l(b) conjugate envelope, the envelope eccentricity and the trochoid eccentricity will
be denoted as
e, = e, = e (35)
Substituting this equation into equations (19b) and (19c) gives
2v 2v
VI -- 2roe cos v cos ~,, V: = -2r~e cos v sin ~ and V~ -- e2k, sin 2v (36)

Substituting these equations into equations (20a) and (20b), respectively, gives

cos.-- ---s,n--s,n
rc kl [
v + cos2v-l:--s,n2v
/T cos_sec v (37a)

sin/~ --
+ek' 2v . I
-r,- c o s ~ s l n v + _ c o s 2v
_ (ek,
sin 2 v \rl'/2 2v secv
) J sin~, (37b)

Then substituting equation (35) into equations (34a) and (34b) gives
X, --- 2e cos/~ cos v + r~ cos ~ (38a)

Y, -- 2e sin/~ cos v + r~ sin k"~ (38b)

Finally, substituting equations (37) into equations (38), the equations for a type I(b) conjugate
envelope can be written as
• 2v 2v
X, = r~ cos 2v
k, rc sin 2v sm ~ + to cos ~,
k'e2 (39a)

2v k,e 2 2v . 2v
Y, -- r~ sin "-'k,+ ~ r , sin 2v cos ~ + m sm ~- (39b)

co --- + 2e cos 2 v - ~2-~r~sm 2v (39c)

The " + " sign is for the outer conjugate envelope and the " - " sign is for the inner conjugate
envelope. Therefore, for a given trochoid there are four type I conjugate envelopes; namely, the
type l(a)-O, type l(a)-l, type l(b)-O, and type l(b)-I. Examples of the four type I conjugate
envelopes for a peritrochoid are shown in Fig. 3(a) and 3(d). The figures will be discussed in detail
in Section 4.
The condition for a type 2 conjugate envelope is
k, = k , - 1 (40)
34 J.B. S m . ~ and G. R. ~


fixed pitch ci~le~

moving pitch civic. ~ , ,

.....,,. ..... ,•

l "'" ""~"

/ ..
i \ ~ Yr¢ "

•... "~ouom of a lobe

outer conjuslUc ¢nveinp~ ..........• . . . . . . . . . . o.
.... ""'top of a lobe
a typical contact point/
Fig. 2. An outer conjugate cnvclope generated by a peritrochoid.

Substituting this condition into equations (9a), (9b) and (I Id). respectively, gives
2 - k,

Ks=2/k, and K 2 = 0 (42)

Then substituting equations (42) into equation (14), the constraint for the type 2 conjugate envelope

roE2 sin -/t os v - roE, cos sin v = ~-(Ei - El)sin v cos v (43)

To obtain expressions for sin v and cos v in terms of~. first substitute equations (I Ic) into equation
(43) and rearrange to give
V$ cos v
sin v = (44a)
V , + V, cos v

V, = r~(e, + e,)co I- /~, V 5 = r~(e, - e,)sin I - /~ and V 6 = 2e, e,k, (44b)

Squaring equation (44a), substituting sin:v = I -cos=v into the result and rearranging gives

cos' v + V. cos j v + Vb COS 2 V -- V. COS V -- -~- = 0 (45a)

Vo = 2 V4 V~ 4- Vs2 - V~ (45b)
V6 and V~= V,2

Applying the Ferrari solution to a quartic equation [Korn and Korn, 1968; Tuma, 1979], equation
(45a) may be written as

. }
Trochoidal-type machines with conjugate envelopes 35

1', Y,
e t

v e l ~ ~~ T r o c h o i d /-.-Envelope ~ ~Trochoid
Fig. 3(a). A peritrochoid with a type I(a)-O conjugate Fig. 3(b). A peritrochoid with a type I(a)-I conjugate
envelope, envelope.

Ye Ye

•~ X e ; ---.~'Xe

Fig. 3(c). A peritrochoid with a type l(b)-O conjugate Fig. 3(d). A peritrochoid with a type Ilb)-I conjugate
envelope, envelope.

Vc = - Vb + w , V~ = ~ w 2 + V : ) ° ' (46b)


_ _ _VbZ and q= VI+ V2- V~ - Vb_ I (46d)

P= 3 -2"7 4
Initially for a hypotrochoid the indicator Si = + I, and for a peritrochoid S, = - !. Initially for
an outer envelope the indicator S, = + 1, and for an inner envelope $2 = - I . The sign of the
indicators S~ and S: change when the sign of I/4, as given by equation (44b), changes. The indicator
M M'II' ~ l l ~
36 J.B. Suuii~ and O. R. I~NNOCI~

$3 is selected to be - I and does not change. Note that w, as given by equation (46c), is only valid
forO>0. IfQ=0then
f q \ l,'3 Pb
if (4 i

~ +-~- if Vb<O (46f)

If Q < 0 then
w = 2 ( ~ l ) 'i2 c o s 3 + ~ Vb (47a)

s = cos- I 3A (47b)

Substituting equations (I Ic) and (42) into equations (1 ia) and (I lb), the equations for a type
2 conjugate envelope are
X, -- (er + e,)cos v cos/~ - (e, - e,)sin v sin/~ + r e cos ~ (48a)

It, = (e, - e,)sin v cos/~ + (e, + e¢)cos v sin p + r c sin 2__~ (48b)
where sin v and cos v given by equations (44a) and (46a). respectively. Since the equations are
general, they are valid for a type 2(a) conjugate envelope when the envelope eccentricity is less than
the trochoid eccentricity.
For the type 2(b) conjugate envelope, substituting equation (35) into equations (48) gives
X, = 2e cos v cos/z + re cos ~'t (49a)

Y, = 2e cos v sin/z + re sin 2/z (49b)
where/~ and v are given by equations (41). Substituting equation (35) into equations (44b) gives

V4=2r<ecos I - ~, Vs=O and 1"6=2e2k, (50)

Then substituting these results into equation (44a), and rearranging, gives
re ( ~ )
sinv--0 and cosv=-~-~cos i- /z (51)

Note that for the type 2(b) conjugate envelope, the value of Q in equation (46c) is zero and cos v
shown in equation (51) can also be obtained from equation (46a) when the indicators
Si -- Sz -- $3 = + I. Finally, substituting equations (51) into equations (49a) and (49b) gives
X, = - 2 ~,, cos 1 - /~ cos/~ + r< cos -~,
21z (52a)

Y, = -2-:--cos ! - /z sin + r, sin .-- (52b)
These two equations describe the type 2(b) inner conjugate envelope for a peritrochoid and the type
2(b) outer conjugate envelope for a hypotrochoid. The two envelopes, however, have cusps. For
Trochokbd-type machines with conjugate envelopes 37

the special case Q -, 0, equations (46e) and (46t") give

w=V~ when Vb>10 (53a)
wffiO when V b<O (53b)
Substituting equations (53) into equations (46a) and (46b) then equations (44a), (46a), (48a) and
(48b) will generate another inner conjugate envelope for a peritochroid and another outer conjugate
envelope for a hypotrochoid. For this case, the two envelopes do not have cusps. Therefore, the
type (b) conjugate envelopes may further be distinguished by referring to the envelopes with cusps
as type (bi) and the envelopes without cusps as type (bii). Therefore, for a given peritrochoid there
are five type 2 conjugate envelopes; i.e. type 2(a)-O, type 2(a)-l, type 2(b)-O, type 2(bi)-I, and type
2(bii)-I; and for a given hypotrochoid there are five type 2 conjugate envelopes; i.e. type 2(a)-O,
type 2(a)-I, type 2(bi)-O, type 2(bii)-O, and type 2(b)-I. Examples of the five type 2 conjugate
envelopes for a peritrochoid are shown in Figs 4(a) and 4(e). The figures will be discussed in detail
in Section 4.
This section has shown that a total of nine types of conjugate envelope (considering both the
type ! and the type 2) are possible for each trochoid. Note that Colbourne [1974] only defined eight
types of conjugate envelope for each trochoid. The new type, presented here, is the type 2(b)-I for
a peritrochoid and the type 2(bi)-O for a hypotrochoid. The following section presents a detailed
discussion of all nine types of conjugate envelope.

4. T H E N I N E T Y P E S OF C O N J U G A T E E N V E L O P E
The type I conjugate envelopes, for a peritrochoid, have one lobe more than the trochoid and,
for a hypotrochoid, one less than the trochoid. Figures 3(a) and 3(b) show an example of the type
I(a)-O and the type I(a)-! conjugate envelopes, respectively, where kt = 5, r c --3.5, et--0.5 and
e, ffi 0.3. Figures 3(c) and 3(d) show the corresponding type I(b)-O and type I(b)-I conjugate
envelopes, respectively, where k, ffi 5, rc ffi=3.5, and e, ffi e, ffi 0.5. In general, the type l(a) conjugate
envelope has a smoother curvature, and the type I(b) conjugate envelope has a higher compression
ratio. For the peritrochoid, when the type I(b)-O is modified to be a type I(a)-O, to improve the
curvature, the minimum pocket area increases and the number of contact points is reduced by one,
see Figs 3(a) and 3(c). For the hypotrochoid, when the type l(b)-I is modified to be a type I(a)-I,
to improve the curvature, the minimum pocket area also increases but the number of contact points
is increased by one [Shung, 1992]. In both cases, the location of the contact points become position
dependent and sealing is more difficult. If the compression ratio is defined as the maximum pocket
area divided by the minimum pocket area, then reducing the envelope eccentricity to improve the
curvature not only reduces the compression ratio but also increases the difficulty in sealing.
Furthermore, the peritrochoid type l(b)-O conjugate envelope is a good candidate for high
compression ratio because the minimum pocket area is theoretically zero, as shown in Fig. 3(c).
For each peritrochoid with a type I(b)-I conjugate envelope there is a similar hypotrochoid with
a type l(b)-O conjugate envelope when
(k,)k~ = 1 -- (k,)~; (r~)hy ffi (r~ - e,),,; and (e,)~, ffi (et)~ (54)
where the subscript h y stands for the hypotrochoid and the subscript pe stands for the peritrochoid.
Note that the relative positions of the trochoid and the envelope have been interchanged. Figure 5
shows a hypotrochoid with a type l(b)-O conjugate envelope (where k t f f i - 4 , rcffi 3.0, and
e, ffi e, = 0.5) that is simlar to the peritrochoid with a type l(b)-I conjugate envelope shown in
Fig. 3(d). The characteristics of the type 1 conjugate envelope are summarized in Table 2.
The type 2 conjugate envelopes, for a peritrochoid, have one lobe less than the trochoid and,
for a hypotrochoid, one lobe more than the trochoid. Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show examples of the
peritrochoid with type 2(a)-O and type 2(a)-I conjugate envelopes, respectively, where k, ffi 5,
rc ffi 3.5, e, = 0.5 and e, ffi 0.3. Figures 4(c)-4(e) show the corresponding type 2(b)-O, type 2(bi)-I
with cusps, and type 2(bii)-I without cusps conjugate envelopes, respectively, where k, *ffi5, r~ ffi 3.5,
and e , - e, ffi 0.5. The two peritrochoid type 2 outer conjugate envelopes, see Figs 4(a) and 4(c),
and the two hypotrochoid type 2 inner conjugate envelopes [Shung, 1992] generated by the
38 J.B. S,~UNG and G. R. PENNOCK

closed-form equations, see equations (48a) and (48b), have overshoot and discontinuous sections.
However, these envelopes can be generated smoothly by a numerical control machine. Unfortu-
nately, these conjugate envelopes not only have cusps but also do not always have a finite number
of points remaining in contact. This causes the pocket area to change irregularly and the conjugate
envelopes do not appear to have any practical applications.
Now we compare the peritrochoid type 2(a)-I with the type 2(bii)-[, see Figs 4(b) and 4(e), or
the hypotrochoid type 2(a)-O with the type 2(bii)-O [Shung, 1992]. The general conclusion is that
the type (a) has a smoother curvature and the type (b) has a higher compression ratio. For the
peritrochoid, when the type 2(bii)-I is modified into the type 2(a)-I, to improve the curvature, the
minimum pocket area increases and the number of contact points remains the same, see Figs 4(b)
and 4(e). Similarly, for the hypotrochoid, when the type 2(bii)-O is modified into the type 2(a)-O,
the minimum pocket area increases and the number of contact points remains the same [Shung,
1992]. Therefore, reducing the envelope eccentricity to improve the curvature, reduces the

rr rr

-....o.. X.,

" L--Envelope ~ ~ Trochoid

Fig. 4(a). A peritrochoid with a type 2(a)-O conjugate Fig. 4(b). A peritrochoid with a type 2(a)-I conjugate
envelope, envelope.



....X~ .... Xe

. ~ - - E n v e l o p e ~ ~-.-Trochoid L.--Envelope ~ ~ Trochoid

Fig. 4(c). A peritrochoid with a type 2(b)-O conjugate Fig. 4(d). A peritrochoid with a type 2(bi)-I conjugate
envelope, envelope,
Trochoidal-type machines with conjugate envelopes 39


i i ........ X~


Fig. 4(c). A peritrochoid with a type 2(bii)-I conjugate envelope.

compression ratio but has no effect on the sealing. This gives the type 2 conjugate envelope an
advantage over the type i conjugate envelope. Furthermore, the peritrochoid type 2(bii)-I conjugate
envelope is also a good candidate for high compression ratio because the minimum pocket area
is theoretically zero, as shown in Fig. 4(e).
For each peritrochoid with a type 2(bii)-I conjugate envelope there is a similar peritrochoid with
a type I(b)-O conjugate envelope, and for each hypotrochoid with a type 2(bii)-O conjugate
envelope there is a similar hypotrochoid with a type I(b)-! conjugate envelope. The envelopes can
be generated when
(k,)i=(kr)2-1; (rc)l=(rc±e,)2; and (er)i=(e,)2 (55)
where the subscript i stands for type ! and the subscript 2 stands for type 2, and the " + " sign
is for the hypotrochoid and the " - " sign is for the peritrochoid. Note that the relative positions
of the trochoid and the envelope have been interchanged. Figure 6 shows a peritrochoid with a
type l(b)-O conjugate envelope (where k,--4, rc = 3.0, and e,--e,--0.5) that is similar to the


Fig. 5. A hypotrochoid with a type I(b)-O conjugate envelope.

40 ]. B. Sm.:~3 and G. R. PF.NNOCK

Table 2. Characteristics of the type 1 conjugate envelopes

Type Clmracmris~cs Petim3cho@d Hypom~oid
all no. ofenveklpe lobes = no. ~W0choid lobes + 1 = no. ~ Wochoid lobes- I
l(a)-O cusp no no
no. of contact points = no. of trochoid lobes = no. of trocho/d lobes
contact regions wide narrow
sealing relatively difficult to seal easy to seal on m~choid
l(a)-I cusp no no
no. of contact points = no. of trochoid lobes = no. of trocho/d lobes
contact reOons nmmw wide
sealing easy to seal on trochoid relatively difficult to seal
l(b)-O cusp yes yes
no. of contact points = no. of envelope lobes = no. of trochoid lobes
+ no. of eavelope lobes
contact regions narrow narrow
sealing easy to seal ms envelope beuer to seal on envelope
others high ¢ompressim ratio
similar to 2(bii)-I similar to petitrochoid I(b)-I
l(b)-I cusp yes yes
no. of contact points = no. of Irochoid lobes = no. of envelope lobes
+ no. of envelope lobes
contact regions narrow narrow
sealing beuc~ to seal on envelope easy to seal on envelope
others similar to hypoimclmid I(b)-O similar to 2(bii)-O

peritrochoid with a type 2(bii)-i conjugate envelope, see Fig. 4(e). Note that this envelope has
smoother curvature at the contact points than the peritrochoid type I(b)-O conjugate envelope.
For each peritrochoid with a type 2(bi)-l conjugate envelope there is an identical peritrochoid with
a type l(a)-O conjugate envelope and for each hypotrochoid with type 2(bi)-O conjugate envelope
there is an identical hypotrochoid with a type I(a)-[ conjugate envelope. The envelopes can be
generated when
(k,),=(k,)2-1, (rc)l=(k,),(rc/k,)~; (e,),=lrdk, h; and (e,)l=(e,)2 (56)

A Ye
t J

\ -

Fig. 6. A peritrochoid with a type I(b)-O conjugate Fig. 7. A pericycloid with a type I(a)-O conjugate envelope.
Trochoidxl-type machines with conjugateenvelopes 41

Table 3. Characterist~s of the type 2 conjugate envelopes

Typc Om~smstics ~ H ~
all no. of ¢avelo~ lobes = no. of tmcho/d lobes - I = no. of Irochoid lobes + I
2(a)-O cusp yes no
no. of contact points =0 = no. of trochoid lobes
c ~ regioos
sealing easy to seal on mxhoid
others no practical application
2(a)-I cusp no yes
no. of contact points = no. of uochoid lobes =0
contact regions narrow
sealing easy to seal on trochoid
others no pnw.ti~ ap~icauon
2(bi)-O cusp yes
no. of contact points = no. of envelope lobes
contact regions wide
sealing relatively difficult to seal
others identr~I to l(a)-I
2(b)-O cusp yes no
or no. of contact points =0 = no. of trochoid lobes
2(bii)-O contact regions narrow
seating easy to seal on trochoid
others no practical application similar m ICo)-I
2(bi)-I cusp yes
no. of contact points - no. of envelope lobes
contact regions wide
seating relatively difficult to seal
others identical to I(a)-O
2Co)-I cusp no yes
or no. of contact points = no. of ttochoid lobes =0
2Coii)-I contact regions narrow
sealing easy to seal on trochoid
others high coml~.ssion ratio no practical application
similar to ICo)-O

where the subscript i stands for type I and the subscript 2 stands for type 2. Note that the relative
positions of the trochoid and the envelope have been interchanged. Figure 7 shows a pericycloid
with a type I(a)-O conjugate envelope (where kt = 4, rc = 2.8, et = 0.7 and e, -- 0.5) that is identical
to the peritrochoid with a type 2(bi)-I conjugate envelope, see Fig. 4(d). The characteristics of the
type 2 conjugate envelope are summarized in Table 3.

5. C O N C L U S I O N
This paper presents unified and compact equations for the geometry and the geometric properties
of the peritrochoid, the epitrochoid, and two types of hypotrochoids. An explicit way to express
the double-generation theorem for the peritrochoid and the type I hypotrochoid is presented and
the necessary conditions to obtain a smooth trochoid are discussed. A precise and complete
classification of the different types of trochoid is presented. Compact equations for the geometric
properties of conjugate envelopes are also presented. The paper includes the additional type 2(bi)-I
conjugate envelope for a peritrochoid and the additional type 2(bi)-O conjugate envelope for a
hypotrochoid. Closed-form parametric equations are derived for all nine types of conjugate
envelope which is believed to be an original contribution to the literature. The equations for the
type i(b) conjugate envelope do not require a sign change in the generating process which is an
42 J.B. SH1U~NGand G. R. PENNOCK

advantage over the existing closed-form parametric equations. Two independent, necessary and
su~cient conditions for a closed type i conjugate envelope are also derived. The paper shows that
for any smooth trochoid, closed type l conjugate envelopes are always available when the envelope
eccentricity is less than the trochoid eccentricity. In general, the type (a) conjugate envelope has
a smoother curvature and the type (b) conjugate envelope has a higher compression ratio. For the
peritrochoid type l(b)-O and the hypotrochoid type l(b)-] conjugate envelopes, reducing the
envelope eccentricity to improve the curvature, not only reduces the compression ratio but also
increases the difficulty in sealing. For the peritrochoid type 2(bii)-[ and the hypotrochoid type
2(bii)-O conjugate envelopes, reducing the envelope eccentricity to improve the curvature, reduces
the compression ratio but has no effect on the sealing. This gives the tYl:)¢ 2 conjugate envelopes
an advantage over the type I conjugate envelopes. The peritrochoid type 2(bii)-I conjugate envelope
is found to be a better candidate for a pump or a compressor than the peritrochoid type i(b)-O
conjugate envelope because it has a smoother curvature at the contact points. Finally, the
peritrochoid mechanism with type 2(bi)-O conjugate envelope is recognized as a kinematic
inversion of the pericycloid mechanism with type I(a)-O conjugate envelope. Similarly, the
hypotrochoid mechanism with type 2(bi)-O conjugate envelope is recognized as a kinematic
inversion of the hypocycloid mechanism with the i(a)-I conjugate envelope [Shung, 1992]. The
conclusions that are presented here arc believed to play an important role in the optimum design
of a trochoidal-type machine.


I. R. F. Ansdale and D. J. Lockley. The Wankel RC Engine. A. S. Barnes. New York 0969).
2. J. E. Beard, A. 5. Hall Jr and W. Soedel. Hypotrochoidal versus epitrochoidal gerotor type pumps with special attention
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pp. 3.554362(September 27-30, 1987).
3. J. R. Colbourne, Mech. Much. Theory 9 (No. 3/4), 421-435 (1974).
4. R. M Hoffmann, Volumetric trochoidal gascompressorfor u~ as a heat pump. Report GRI-85/0026,Chicago, Illinois
5. G. A. Korn and T. M. Korn, Mathematical Handbook for Scientists and Engineers. 2nd edn, Chap. I. Sec. i.8-4 to
!.8-6, 23-24; Chap. II, S¢c. 11.3-4, 334-335 (1968). McGraw-llill. New York.
6. B. Paul, Kinematics and Dynamics of Planar Machinery. Chap. 5, Sec. 5.4. 164-165; Sec. 5.21. 178-179. Prentice-Hall,
Englewood. Cliffs, New Jersey 0979).
7. F. Reuleaux, The Kinematics of Machinery (written in 1876, translated and annotated by A. B. W. Kennedy). Reprinted
by Dover, New York, pp. 592 (1963).
8. F. J. Robinson and J. R. Lyon J. Engng. Ind. Trans. ASME 98 (Series B. No. I), 161-165 (February 1976).
9. J. B. Shung, Analysis of trochoidal-type machines with conjugate envelopes. Ph.D. dissertation, School of Mechanical
Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, Chapter 2, pp. 7-66 (August 1992).
10. J. J. Tuma. Engineering Mathematics Handbook, 2nd edn. Chap, I, Sec. 1.06. p. 7. McGraw-Hill, New York 0979).
II. L. Wydra, Development of outer-envelope trochoidal compressors. Proc. 8th International Compressor Engineering
Conference at Purdue University. West Lafayette. Indiana. Vol. I, pp. 289-291 (July 1986).
12. K. Yamamoto. Rotary Engine, Chap. I, Sec. 1.4.3. pp. 7-8; Chap. 2. Sec. 2.1. pp. !1-12. Toyo Kogyo. Japan (1981).

Zmmmncmrmung--Di~c Arbeit pre~ntiert einheitliche and zusammengefassteGleichungen, die die
Cm'ometri© und geometrischen Gr6sscn verschiedener Trochoiden beschrciben. Zum ersten Mal ist das
Doppelgenerationstheorem beschrieben in einer ofl'enen Gleichung und die komplette Klassifikation aller
Trochoiden ist dokumentiert. Einheitliche und zusammengesfasste Gleichungen. die die geometrbchen
Gr6ssen der konjunktiven Randkurven beschreiben, sind auch gegeben. Eine neue Art yon konjunktiver
Randkurve wurdegefunden. Ein wichtiger Beitragzur Literatur der Trochoidmaschinenist die Entwick-
lung yon geschlouenenGleichungen ffir neueArten yon konjunktiven Randkurven. Dies=Oieichungen
erlauben wichtigegeometmche Einsichtenin die Entwicklung und Analyseder Trochoiclmaschinen. Die
Arbeit gibt die notwendigen und gen,~gendenBedingungen ffir ein= geschlo~ene, Art I, konjunktive
Randkurve. Lemlich b¢inhahed die Arbeit auch eine detailierte Diskussion der Charakteristiken und
BeziehungenverschiednerTypen yon Trochoiden und konjunktiven Randkurven.

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