Perpmen: Mech. Math. Them' . Vol. 29, No. 5, Pp. 673-689. 1994

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Mech. Math. Them'>.Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 673-689.

Copyrisht C 1994 ELsevierScience Ltd
Perpmen Printed in Great Ilntmn. All Hi[ha t,eL.~ed
0094- I 14X/94 $7.00 + 0.00


Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston,
LA 71272-0046, U.S.A.

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1288, U.S.A.

(Received 26 October 1992; received./'or publication 9 July 1993)

AIBtract--Reducing the contact forces in a trochoidal,type machine is important because the machine
cannot be adjusted for wear. The main difficulty in calculating the contact forces is to determine the forces
that are transmitted through each contact point. Since there are many points of contact, at any instant,
the problem is quasi-statically indeterminate and no satisfatory method of analysis is available in the
current literature. The first part of this paper presents a simplified analytical model of a trochoidal-type
machine when friction and deformation at the contact points are neglected. From this model, closed-form
equations are derived for the normal contact forces. Then the second part of the paper presents a combined
analytical and finite element model of the same machine. The analysis for both models is for quasi-static
conditions. The results from the two models are compared and important conclusions are drawn.

I. I N T R O D U C T I O N
The contact forces between the rotor and chamber in a trochoidal-type machine, henceforth,
referred to as the direct contact problem is addressed in this paper. In an effort to understand the
direct contact problem, trochoidal-type machines are separated into two classes based on the
method of driving the rotor. The firstclass is where there is no guiding gear set, such as in a gear
p u m p or a fluid motor, and the motion of the rotor is caused by the contact forces between the
rotor and the chamber. The direct contact problem, for this class, has been investigated by Hall [I]
and by Colbourne [2].They both simplified the problem by neglecting frictionat the contact points
and, in this way, obtained analytical solutions. Hall analyzed the contact forces and stresses in a
gerotor-type gear p u m p where the chamber is formed by circular-arc teeth. In another paper, he
derived an important equation for the minimum radius of curvature of the rotor [3].Colbourne [4]
used the equation to modify the gerotor parameters and reduce the contact stresses.The equation
has also proved to be a valuable design tool to increase the minimum radius of curvature in
gerotors [5].The equation, however, is only valid for envelopes formed by circular-arc teeth and
is not applicable to conjugate envelopes. The second class of trochoidal-type machine is where a
guiding gear-set or gear-train is used, such as in a Wankel engine or a rotary compressor [6].Sadler
and NelIe [1979] studied a rotary p u m p driven by a gear train and performed a staticforce analysis
of the rotor and gear train. However, the study did not include the contact forces between the rotor
and chamber. Mannisto and Bazaz [8] performed a structural analysis of a rotary combustion
engine rotor using a finiteelement method but the contact forces were again neglected. In another
research effort, several values of frequency and amplitude of the displacement excitation were
applied to the head of the apex seal and the dynamic behavior of the seal was simulated [9].Again,
the distribution of the contact forces over the points of contact was not included in the study.
The main difficultyin calculating the contact forces is to determine the force that is transmitted
through each contact point. Since there are many contact points, at any instant, the problem is
quasi-staticallyindeterminate. Furthermore, sealers are usually installed either on the rotor, as in
the case of the Wankel engine, or on the chamber, as in the case of a trochoidal-type
compressor [I0]. This means that significant friction exists at the contact points. The analytical
approach, based on Hertzian theory, is limited when friction is dominant in the contact area. In
674 J.B. SHL'.~Gand G. R. PE.~OCK

such cases, a numerical approach may be the only way to solve the problem [1 1-13]. The literature
indicates that a general and reliable method to solve the direct contact problem, in both classes
of trochoidal-typ¢ machine, is not commonly available when contact friction is included. The
method presented in this paper uses a combined analytical and finite element approach. A
trochoidal-type pump (which belongs to the second class) is used for purpose of illustration because
the driving method of the second class generates lower contact stresses between the rotor and
chamber than the driving method of the first class, under the same loading conditions. Three types
of forces must be considered: (i) a body force acting on the rotor due to the planetary rotation
and the gravitational acceleration; (ii) a surface force acting on the rotor and chamber (also referred
to as the pocket pressure) and (iii) concentrated forces due to the contact points between the rotor
and chamber, between the rotor and shaft, and between the guiding gear set. For simplicity, the
analysis assumes that the contact forces between the gear set is balanced by the contact forces
between the rotor and shaft. Therefore, these contact forces will not appear in the force balance
equations. The analysis also assumes that the component of the moment (with respect to the pitch
point) due to the contact forces is the only significant moment (also referred to as the driving
moment) and may be simulated by a couple acting at the pitch point and the point of contact
between the rotor and shaft. With these two assumptions, the direct contact problem can be
regarded as a two-dimensional problem.
The remainder of the paper is subdivided as follows. Section 2 presents the geometry and the
cross-sectional area of the rotor for a trochoidal-type machine. Section 3 presents a simplified
analytical model o f a trochoidal-type machine. From this model, closed-form equations are derived
for the normal contact forces. Then Section 4 presents a combined analytical and finite element
model of the machine which includes friction and deformation at the contact points. Section 5
presents a method of solution for the direct contact problem using a general purpose finite element
computer program. Finally, Section 6 presents the results of two simulations for the analytical
model and the combined model. Important results and conclusions for the direct contact problem
are then discussed in some detail.


For purpose of illustration we will consider the trochoidal-type pump shown in Fig. I. This pump
has five intake and five discharge valves and is similar to a pump manufactured by the Trochoid
Power Corporation [I0]. The chamber is a type l(b) outer conjugate envelope, therefore, the points
of contact of the rotor on the chamber are cusps [14]. The pitch point is denoted by P and the point
of contact between the rotor and the shaft is denoted by H. The centers of the moving and fixed
pitch circles are denoted by O~m and O~,, respectively, as shown in Fig, 2. The radii of the moving
and fixed pitch circles [15], respectively, are
r~m = Ik, le, and r+i= I k , - lie, (la)
where k, is the angular velocity ratio for the envelope and e¢ is the envelope eccentricity. Since the
chamber is a type l(b) outer conjugate envelope then k~ = I - k, and er = e,. where k, is the angular
velocity ratio for the trochoid and e, is the trochoid eccentricity. Each set of intake and exhaust
valves are located on the chamber between thejth cusp, denoted as Qj and thejth + I cusp, denoted
as Qj+ t, wherej = I . . . . . 5. The relation between the number of envelope cusps, or lobes, and the
angular velocity ratio for the envelope is
n, = Ik¢ - II. (Ib)
The distance between Od and O¢,, is equal to the envelope eccentricity and the distance between
O,/. and Qj is equal to the trochoid radius, denoted by r,.
Three Cartesian reference frames are used in the analysis: (i) an envelope frame denoted by
(X,-Of- Y,), (ii) a trochoid frame denoted by ( X , - O , ~ , - If,) and (iii) a generating frame
denoted by (X~ - O,r - Y~). The Z,, Z, and Z~-axes are perpendicular to the plane of motion, in
accordance with the right-hand rule, and the three unit vectors are denoted by k,, k~ and k~,
respectively. The angles between the directed line O,iO,,, and the X,-axis. and between the directed
line O ~ O d a n d the X,-axis are denoted by ,6' and ~, respectively. In the initial configuration: (i) the
angle/~ is zero, the directed line O,rO,,, is horizontal and the X,-axis is coincident with the X,-axis
Contact forces in a trochoidal-type machine 675

" gear set


/ /

i - . o~


- /-
".,°%, .,," /
°%"%,•,..eooeoee•iQo••'• J •°•"

Oo• , ,•" •
- pocket "°0"°°'. °°,,ooe.,•'''~•°"


t-i~let valve
Fig. I. Schematic diagram of a troichoidal-type pump.

chamber ~.

I "...


%**oo~l**.|.oo.~e**** ***° ,"

\ %

*'e. I
/ ,ra.
e, "e
I el
.Y A
Io, ° l "

" """
..~~/ ~ ref / /: i
................ Q~... ...."
•, ,,"
• ,% ,e, "°

Fig. 2. Notation for calculating the cross-sectional area of the rotor.

676 J.B. SHUNG and G. R. ~ s . , ~ c g

and (ii) the generating frame is coincident with the envelope frame and the angle x is 7t radians.
When the directed line O d O _ rotates an arbitrary value o f / / t h e n : (i) the X,-axis rotates ~/k, with
respect to the X,-axis and (ii) the directed line O,O,r rotates a and the X;-axis rotates :t/k, (also
denoted by 0) with respect to the X,-axis. Therefore, the relationship between ~,and ,8 can be written

:t = ,8 - ~, + n. (2a)

The angle from the X,-axis to the X;-axis can be written as

~t fl n
k~ + k~ = k~" (2b)
which implies that the X~-axis always passes through the cusp Qt on the envelope, see Fig. 2.
The cross-sectional area of the rotor [16] can be expressed as

As 2.]o r ' d * - n r ' = s J o r;k-d-o)dO-nr;' (3)

where r, and ~0 are the polar coordinates of the trochoid with respect to the trochoid frame and
r, is the radius of the inner circle of the rotor. The radial coordinate of the trochoid can be expressed
in terms of X, and $ as
r~ = X~ + Y~ = X~(I + tan" ~b). (4)
The first-order derivative of tan ¢L with respect to the input angle 0, can be expressed as

d-0 X,, = ~ \ - ~ - X, - ~ Y, (Sa)

o r as
d (tan ¢,) = (I + tan: 4') d'O" (Sb)
Equating these two expressions, rearranging and substituting equation (4) into the result gives
d, I fdr, dX, )
d--0= ~ ~,~- X, - ~ Y,," (6)

Substituting this relation into equation (3). the cross-sectional area of the rotor can be expressed

As = ~ \--~- , - -~- Y, dO - nr,, (7a)

where the parametric equations of the trochoid [15] can be written as

X,=e, cosk, O+r~cosO and Y,=e, sink, O+r, sinO. (7b)
Substituting equations (7b) and the first-order derivatives of the equations with respect to 0 into
equation (7a), the cross-sectional area of the rotor can be expressed in terms of the four parameters
k,. e,, r, and r,; i.e.
As = n(k,e, + r~ - r~). (8)
The following section develops a simplified analytical model of the pump. for quasi-static
conditions. The analysis neglects the rotation of the rotor, friction and deformation at the points
of contact. Two assumptions are also made in the analysis; i.e. (i) the rotor can be modeled as a
lumped mass and (ii) a cusp on the chamber can be modeled as a linear spring. From this simplified
model, the direct contact problem is solved as one complete system. Since the slope is discontinuous
and the curvature is indeterminate at a cusp, the contact stresses, based on the Hertzian stress
equation, are indeterminate [17]. Therefore. closed-form equations can only be developed for the
normal components of the contact forces. The equations will include an iterative scheme to identify
the positive normal contact forces.
Contact forces in a trochoidal-type machine 677

3. A S I M P L I F I E D A N A L Y T I C A L M O D E L
In order to simulate the pump at a particular instant, the pressure in each pocket must be known.
To model this pressure, four assumptions are made, i.e. (i) the fluid in the pocket is incompressible,
(ii) there is no friction between the fluid and the wall, (iii) the flow rate and the pressure on both
sides of each valve are uniform and (iv) each valve is modeled as an orifice plate with the same
discharge coefficient. During the intake stage, the pocket is increasing and the time rate of change
of the pocket area is positive. Therefore, the volumetric flow rate in the jth pocket [18] can Ix
expressed as
qs = T~(dA /dt )j = + C, Ao[2(p,N - p,)/p/]'::, (9a)

where TR is the thickness of the rotor, (dA/dt)j is the time rate of change of t h e j t h pocket area
(i.e. the area between cusps Qj and Q, + t ), Cd is the discharge coefficient of the valve, A0 is the valve
area, Pts is the inlet pressure, Ps is the pressure in t h e j t h pocket, and Pf is the mass density of the
fluid. During the discharge stage, the pocket is decreasing and the time rate of change of the area
is negative. Therefore, the volumetric flow rate in the jth pocket can be expressed as

q, = T~(dA /dt )i = - Cdao[2(pj - poux )/pf] ':2, (9b)

where POUTis the discharge pressure. From equations (ga) and (9b), the pressure in the jth pocket
for the intake stage and the discharge stage can be expressed, respectively, as

ptr~(dA/dt)~ and + pfT~(dA/dt)~ (10)

t,, = p,N 2c~a ~ p, = pou~ 2c~a

The time rate of change of the area in the j t h pocket [I] can be expressed as
(e"" .~.
(dA/dt),=co, I dl = [(pQ,+,),._(pQ,)z]; j = I..... n,. (It)
d eQ,
where con( = [J/k,) is the angular velocity of the rotor and I is the distance between the pitch point
P and an arbitrary point on the outer profile of the rotor, see Fig. 3. The distance between P and
the cusp Qt is obtained by specifying the coordinates of both points with respect to the envelope
frame. The coordinates of P can be expressed as

O,,P = e,i, + P,.j, = r d . ( c o s / l i . + sin//j,) (12a)

and the coordinates of Q~ can be expressed as

O,¢Qj = (Qj),i, + (Qj)~.j, = r,(cos ¢ji. + sin ejj.); j = I . . . . . n, (12b)

(2/- I)n
~, = - - , 03)
is the location of thejth cusp with respect to the envelope frame. From equation (12), the vector
from P to Qj can be written as

PQJ = n, r4cos/~ i, + r,. sin (2j -n, I)n r,fsin/~ j,. (14)

From this vector equation we can write

PQ~ = r~ + r~l- 2r'r'fc°s[ '2j - I '1 (15a)


PQ~+I = r, + r , f - 2r, rdcos [(2j+l)~ p . 1 (15b)

678 J. B. SHRUG and G. R. J~NNOCK


t Yt


r c ".. - . #

/.. 1 ,'

°°*°.-*~ ; f

/. Mint


- . . . "e I ....... -.. :. :
~X e


Fig. 3. Notation for calculating the pressure force and the moments.

Substituting equations (15) into equation (I I) and rearranging, the time rate of change of the area
in the jth pocket can be expressed as
[ n\ [2~j )
(dA Idt)j = 2coRr,.r~¢ s i n | - - | s i n | ~ - ~ ; j = I . . . . . n,. (16)
\n,] \ n,
Then substituting equation (16) into equations (10), the pressure in thejth pocket can be calculated
for both the intake stage and the discharge stage.
The equivalent pressure force in the jth pocket can be expressed as
F~=pjT~k, x {[(Qj+,)x-(Q/)~]i,+ [(Qj+l)y-(Qj)y]j,} (17a)
or as

F,=p,T,,{-[(Q,÷.),-(QAAi.+[(Q,÷.),-(Q,)Ai.}; y = t ..... n,. (17b)

which can be calculated when the pressure in the jth pocket is known. The rotor is n o t axially
symmetric, however, the mass of the rotor can be approximated by a lumped mass located at O,,..
If the rotor is oriented such that the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the gravitational force,
then the body force of the rotor can be written as
F, = - p• T.~AR(~..I - g). (18)

where PR is the mass density of the rotor, g = - g j. is the gravitational acceleration, and
ao,,, = - /~:e, (cos /H, + sin/~j,) (19)
is the centripetal acceleration of the rotor. If the axis of rotation is taken collinear with the
gravitational force then the force due to the gravitational acceleration is omitted. Substituting
Contact forces in a trochoidal-type machine 679

equation (19) into equation (18) and rearranging, the body force of the rotor can be written as
F, = Ps Tt, AaLB:e~ cos/~i. + (~:e, s i n / / - g)k] (20)
and can be evaluated w h e n / / a n d / I are specified.
The total moment acting on the rotor is
Mint = M~ + M , = M,~ It. (2 I)

M, = ~ M a (22)

is the moment due to the equivalence pressure force in all the pockets and M, is the moment due
to the body force. For convenience, the moments will be taken with respect to the pitch point.
Therefore, the moment due to the equivalent pressure force in the jth pocket can be expressed as
M~I = PRj x F~; j = I . . . . . n,, (23)
PRj = ½(PQ|+, + PQj) = ~{[(PQ, +, ), + (eQ,),]i. + [(PQi +, ).,.+ (PQ,).,]J, }. (24)
is the vector from P to Rj which is the center of the line segment defined by
Q, Qj+, = ? Q j + , - PQj; y = I . . . . . n,. (25)
Substituting equation (25) into equation (17b). the equivalent pressure force in thejth pocket can
be expressed as
F~=p, TR{-[(PQ/,.,),.-tPQ,),.Ii,+[(PQ,~.,),-(PQ,),~i,); j = I . . . . . n,. (26)
Then substituting equations (24) and (26) into equation (23), the moment due to the equivalent
pressure force in the jth pocket can be expressed as

MN = ~ - ~ [(eQ, ~, ): - (PQ,)tk.; j = I . . . . . n.. (27)

The moment caused by the body force can be expressed as

Mb = P O , . x F, (28)
PO., = (e, cos p - P,)i. + (e, sin p - P,.)j, (29)
and Px and P,. are given by equation (12a). Substituting equations (20) and (29) into equation (28)
Mb= PR TR ARg( P, - e, cos j/)k,. (30)
For steady state operation of the pump, the total moment acting on the rotor is balanced by the
driving moment. The driving moment is simulated here by a couple; i.e. a pair of vertical forces
acting at P and H, as shown in Fig. 3. The magnitude of each force can be expressed as
F~ = - M,o,/I(PH),I, where the denominator is the absolute value of the horizontal component of
the vector from P to H.
Thejth cusp on the chamber is modeled as a linear spring with a spring constant k/and a spring
deflection uj, see Fig. 4. Therefore, the contact force at the jth cusp can be expressed as
= kfu,; j -- t . . . . . n,. (31)
The spring constant can be obtained by considering the cusp as an axially loaded bar with length
L, width Wand thickness TR. The stress and the strain at thejth cusp can be expressed, respectively,
F/ and cs= (32)
a,= w r , Z


o." L

..... 41-
.'~ • t

re tt

Oef ' ~

I t


"% o'
• ,,O,oo.oooo.loo . , , , o ooO,' ' ' °

Fig. 4. A model for the analysis of the contact forces.

Substituting these relations into Hooke's law (i.e. cj ffi oj/E, where E is the modulus of elasticity
of the rotor and chamber material) gives

u_/ffi F/ (33)
If the width of the bar is assumed equal to the length of the bar then the contact force can be written

Fj = ET~uj; j = I . . . . . n,. (34)

Comparing equations (31) and (34), the spring constant can then be expressed as
k t = E T .. (35)
To simplify the force analysis, a Cartesian reference frame (denoted by X : - P - Y/) is attached
to the chamber at P. The X/-axis is chosen coincident with the resultant force acting on the rotor,
and the Yr-axis is 90 ° counterclockwise from the Xf-axis. The resultant force acting on the rotor
can then be expressed as

F~ = Fb + ~ F,~ = Fbp(COS qi, + sin ~j,), (36)


sin q = (Fbp),,/F~,p, cos tl = (Fbp),/Fsp (37a)
rt = t a n - I ( sin rt ~, (37b)
kCOS ~,/
Contact forces in a trochoidal-type machine 681

is the angle from a line through P parallel to the )(,-axis to the Xraxis, see Fig. 4. When the
resultant force is applied to the rotor then the location of P will shift. The small translational
displacements along the Xr and Yr-axes are denoted by AXy and A Yi, respectively. The small
rotational change with respect to the 7_c-axis (defined by the cross-product Xr x Yf) is denoted by
&Of. The pitch point is the intersection of the normal vectors to the rotor surface at each contact
point. Therefore, the rotational change will have negligible effect on the spring deflection; i.e. the
spring deflection can be expressed in terms of AXf and A Y/alone. Furthermore, the normal contact
forces do not generate any moment with respect to P and the resultant force does positive work
along the Xy-axis. Therefore, AXf must be positive. Note that A Y/may be positive, negative or
zero [i].
The displacement along the outward normal to the rotor surface at thejth cusp will be denoted
by cj. The direction of this displacement can be defined by
PQj = PQj(cos ~ji. + sin ~jj,); j = 1. . . . . n, (38)
sin ~j = (PQ~),./PQ,. cos ~j = (PQjL/PQj (39a)
. _,/sin ¢,'~
~,= tan [,c-~s~j,); j - - I . . . . . n~. (39b)

is the angle from a line through P parallel to the X,-axis to the line through PQ, see Fig. 4. A
positive displacement along the outward normal indicates that the spring is in compression and
cj is equal to the spring deflection. A negative, or zero. displacement indicates that there is no spring
deflection and. therefore, no contact force: i.e.
uj=cj if c j > 0 and uj=O if G~<0 (40a)
cj= AX/cosd/j + AYrsin d/j: j = I . . . . . n,. (40b)
The angle of the contact force measured from the XFaxis. see Fig. 4. is
J= I . . . . . (41)
where t/and ~j are given by equations (37) and (39), respectively.
The contact forces can be obtained by substituting equations (40) into equation (31 ). The positive
contact forces can be expressed in terms of the X and Y components of the displacement of the
pitch point; i.e.
Fj = k A A X / c o s + A r/sin j = !...... ,i,. (42)
From Newton's second law, the Xf and Y/components of the contact force, respectively, are
(Fj)xl = k f ~ (AXf cos" Oj + A Y/sin ~,j cos ~,j) = Fhp, (43a)
~, (Fj)rl = kf~., (AXfcos ~j sin ~j + A Y/sin 2 Oj) = 0, (43b)
where the summation is over all the positive contact forces. Therefore, the components of the
displacement of the pitch point can be written as

and AY/= - S.AX r, (44a)

S~ = ~ cos 0, sin ~b, and Sb -- ~ COS:~'j -- S~ ~ sin ~,, cos ~,,. (44b)
sin 2 ~bj
MMT 2~l~.--O
682 J.B. SHUNG and G. R. Pt~r~ocK

The coefficient So is, henceforth, referred to as the convergence indicator for reasons which will
soon become obvious. Substituting equations (44) into equation (42), the positive contact force is

= F~,(cos ~k,- S, sin ~k,). J = I . . . . . n,. (45)

If a contact indicator is defined as
b, = cj/AXf; j = I . . . . . n,. (46a)
then a positive value of bj implies a positive value of cj (since AXr is always positive) and contact
exists between the rotor and the chamber at the cusp Q,. Substituting equation (40b) into equation
(46a). and using equation (44a). gives
bj = cos Oj - S, sin ~/; j = i . . . . . n,. (46b)
Substituting this equation into equation (45). the positive contact force can be expressed as

Fj= Sh ; j = I . . . . . n,. (47)

Note that there is uncertainty about which springs are in compression and which springs are
under no load condition. In order to identify the positive spring deflections, numerical values of
the shift of P are required in equation (40b). However. to calculate this shift, positive spring forces
(which implies positive spring deflections) are required in equations (43). Therefore. an iterative
procedure must be used to identify and evaluate the positive spring deflections. Since a contact force
with a smaller angle ¢/, away from the resultant force is more likely to be positive, the two values
of ~j having the smallest absolute value chosen to calculate So, see equation (44b). in the first
iteration[I]. Then this value of S, is substituted into equation (46b) to calculate the contact
indicator for all values o f j . If the contact indicator is negative then it is set equal to zero. Only
the values of Of, for which the contact indicator is positive are used to recalculate S,. If the value
of S, has changed significantly from the previous value, then the identification process has not yet
converged. It is for this reason that S, is referred to. in this paper, as the convergence indicator.
All contact indicators are recalculated, and the convergence indicator is also recalculated by using
the values of ¢J~ with positive contact indicators. A comparison between the current convergence
indicator and the previous convergence indicator is continued until the change in the convergence
indicator (denoted as AS,) is within some specified tolerance (denoted as S,o,). Then the last set
of Oj can be used to calculate S~ from equation (44b). This value can then be substituted into
equation (47) to obtain the contact force for all values of j. A flow chart for identifying and
calculating the contact forces is shown in Fig. 5.


The basic idea in the finite element approach is to obtain the solution to a complicated system
by modeling it as many simpler ones. In general, the strategy is to obtain an approximate solution
and not an exact solution. To build a finite element model of a trochoidal-type machine, the rotor
and the chamber are represented by an assemblage of finite elements. These elements are
interconnected at specified joints called nodes or nodal points. The nodes usually lie on the element
boundaries where adjacent elements are considered to be connected. Since the actual variation of
the state variables inside the element (e.g. the displacement and the stress) are not known, the
variation of the state variables inside a finite element is usually approximated by a simple function.
The approximating functions (referred to as the shape functions or interpolation functions) are
defined in terms of the values of the state variables at the nodes. When the system equilibrium
equations for the entire machine (i.e. the rotor and the chamber) are assembled, the new unknowns
are the nodal values of the state variables. These nodal values are obtained by solving the
equilibrium equations, which are generally in matrix form. Knowing the nodal values, the
approximating functions define the state variables inside each element. The state variables
throughout the entire machine can then be determined [19]. In this section, the model is referred
to as the combined analytical and finite element model since it requires values that are calculated
Contact forces in a trochoidal-type machine 683

Choose the two vslues of yj having

the mufllest absolute values.
Use the two values to cldculate S,.

bj f ~ l values of j.
I f b j < 0 dlen set bj = 0 .

Choose all values of yj having positive b. [

Use these valu~ to calculam S..


From Eq. (44b)

CaJcuhte Sb

From Eq. (47)
C~c,,laze Fj
Fig. 5. A flow chart for calculating the contact forces.

from the simplified analytical model: e.g. the pocket pressure, the driving moment, and the contact
Since the direct contact problem is considered to be two-dimensional, the body force and the
surface force can be balanced by the contact forces between the rotor and the chamber (as discussed
in the previous section). For the steady state operation of the pump, the moments caused by the
body force and the surface force can be balanced by the driving moment simulated by a pair of
vertical forces. The magnitude of the vertical forces is obtained from the simplified analytical model
as discussed in the previous section. The internal equilibrium equations, the stress-strain
relationships, and the strain-displacement relationships for a rotor or chamber element are
available in the literature [14, 20, 21].
The coordinate system of the rotor element, denoted as (x-o-y), is chosen parallel to the
envelope frame, as shown in Fig. 6. Also, the rotor coordinate system is the trochoid frame and
the coordinate system (x,-O,,,-y,) attached to the shaft is referred to as the shaft frame. The
acceleration of the mass center of the rotor element (which is undergoing constant planetary
rotation) is
(a¢) R= to x (to x r) + fl x [1"1x (R)R] + 2fl x (to x r) (48)
where ~(--/Jk,) is the constant shaft angular velocity, r defines the location of the mass center GR
relative to O,,,, (R)~ defines the location of G~ relative to Of, and
m = - ~ k , + toRk, = k , t o R k , (49)

is the constant angular velocity of the trochoid frame with respect to the shaft frame.
There are two types of boundary conditions; i.e. (i) the geometric boundary condition, and (ii)
the force boundary condition. For the nodes along the outer profile of the chamber, the geometric
684 J. B. Sm:v~Gand G. R. PENNOCK

Qy =0

CaG)R ,;, X
II .-],
,~p ! I X$ g
eI S r
• i
• ¢
s i
s t


~x =0


Fig. 6. A rotor elemcn! undcrgoing planclary rolation.

(i--2)R (i-2) c

(i-DR (i-l)c chamber

JR, ic +2)C


it ~ XC
Fig. 7. The local coordinates and node pairs at the contact region.
Contact forcesin a trochoidal-typemachine 685

boundary condition must be fixed. In the contact region, the contact boundary is discretized into
small segments connected by nodes. There are many node pairs (one node from the rotor and
another node from the chamber) along the contact boundary. A local Cartesian coordinate system
(t-iR-n) is attached to the ith node on the rotor which is denoted by iM. The n-axis is the outward
normal to the rotor surface at the node iR, and the t-axis is the tangent to the rotor surface at
/, and 90 ° clockwise from the n-axis, as shown in Fig. 7. Due to the deformation at the contact
zone, the number of node pairs in contact (henceforth denoted by m) will change when the load
The ith contact node pair between the chamber and the rotor satisfies the geometric boundary
(UT)c- (uT)~ = u°; i = 1 ..... m, (50)
where (UT)c and (uT)R are, respectively,the normal displacements of the ith node on the chamber
and on the rotor, and u~° is the initialgap between the ith node pair. W h e n the ith node on the
rotor coincides with the ith node on the chamber, then the ith initialgap is zero. A nonzero initial
gap between the i +j node pair isdenoted by u°~j, wherej = I to k and k is chosen by the designer
according to the geometry of the contact region. For example, the initial gap between the i + 2
node pair is shown in Fig. 7.
If friction between the chamber and the rotor is included in the analysis then two cases must
be considered; namely, (i) the stick case, and (ii) the slip case [22]. For the stick case, the/th contact
node pair must satisfy not only the condition stated by equation (50) but also the two conditions:

(u~)c-(ul)R=0 and IF$I</~IFTI; i - - I . . . . . m, (51)

where (u~)c and (u~), are, respectively, the tangential displacements of the ith node on the chamber
and the rotor; F~ and F~' are, respectively, the tangential and normal components of the
concentrated force acting on the ith node pair; and/~ is the coefficient of Coulomb friction. For
the slip case, the ith contact node pair must satisfy not only the condition stated by equation (50)
but also the condition;
F~= +~IF;',I; i-- ! . . . . . m, (52)
where the negative sign indicates that the chamber is moving in the positive tangential direction.
For either a rotor or a chamber element on the surface of a pocket, the force boundary conditions
can be obtained from Newton's second law [19]. The pressure in each pocket can be obtained from
the simplified analytical model presented in Section 3.


Most general purpose finite element computer programs are based on a variational formulation.
In this method, a finite element analysis is interpreted as an approximate method for solving
variational problems, usually a minimization of the total potential energy of a system[21].
Therefore, it seems reasonable to use the total potential energy as the functional in solving the direct
contact problem if the purpose is to easily implement the algorithm in general program packages.
The strategy based upon variational formulation, can be one of four computational
approaches[23], namely: (i) quadratic programming, (ii) stiffness formulation, (iii) flexibility
formulation or (iv) gap element. The quadratic programming approach [22] is implemented by
calling a quadratic programming algorithm. Since the functional for deriving the system equi-
librium equations must be in a quadratic form, this technique will not work if friction is included
in the finite element model. The stiffness formulation approach [23] involves a linear transformation
to include the boundary conditions at the contact node pairs. The flexibility formulation approach
[I i, 13] involves the inverse of the stiffness matrix. A drawback with this formulation is that a
singularity problem could exist when the deteminant of the stiffness matrix is very small. The gap
element approach [12] requires the solution to a nonsymmetric system matrix which in general is
not an easy task. Because of the nonlinearity of the contact forces at the contact points, an iterative
scheme must be applied no matter which computational approach is used. Furthermore, when
friction at the contact points is included in the model, the nonconservative effect requires that the
686 J.B. SHUSG and G. R. RENNOCK

body force and the surface force be applied gradually along the actual loading path. Therefore,
an incremental loading scheme is used to simulate the loading path.
The gap element approach is adopted in this paper. For the direct contact problem, the general
purpose finite element program ANSYS provides a simplified gap element which monitors the
candidate contact node pairs and calculates the contact forces efficiently. This is accomplished by
allowing an acceptably small amount of material overlap to occur at the contact regions. The gap
element is defined by two nodal points, an orientation angle (0t) with respect to the X, axis, see
Fig. 7, stiffness along the surface normal (k,) and stiffness along the surface tangent (k,), the
coefficient of Coulomb friction (/~), and an initial gap (~°) between two nodal points along the
surface normal [24, 25]. The orientation angle and the initial gap are obtained from the geometry
of the contact region and the location of the nodal points, and the two values of stiffness are
obtained from Section 3. Twenty gap elements are inserted into five contact regions around the
five cusps on the chamber. The rotor and the chamber of the pump are assembled by linear,
two-dimensional, isoparametric elements. A complete finite element model of the pump, which
contains 3561 elements and 3935 nodes, is shown in Fig. 8. The ANSYS program uses the
Newton-Raphson iterative technique to solve the nonlinear equations due to the contact forces.

/ i..-4-~..;~.

,/1% z .


• ~: ! ~ ~ "" ", d ;..,"

Fig. 8. The compl©le finite ¢]cmcnl model of Ihe pump.

Contact forces in a trochoidal-type machine 687

When friction at the contact points is included in the model, the angular velocity of the shaft is
increased gradually. The driving moment on the rotor and the pressure inside each pocket are
calculated accordingly. An alternative incremental variational formulation to solve elastostatic
contact problems is presented by Torsenfelt [23].

In this study, the geometry of the rotor is generated when the angular velocity ratio for the
trochoid is 5, the trochoid radius is 30.3 mm and the trochoid eccentricity is 4.29 ram. The envelope
eccentricity is also 4.29 mm and the angular velocity ratio for the envelope is - 4 . The thickness
of the rotor and the chamber is 28 mm and the radius of the inner circle of the rotor is 14 ram.
The position of the rotor is when the shaft angle is 40 °. The mass density of the chamber and the
rotor is 7.82 × 10 -9 Mg/mm 3, the modulus of elasticity is 2.07 x 105N/mm 2, and the spring
constant for the cusp is 6.0 x 106 N/ram. The discharge coefficient of the valve is 0.63 and the valve
area is !.767 x 102ram -'. The fluid inside the pump is water, therefore, the mass density is
1,0 x 10 -9 Mg/mm 3. The tolerance for the convergence indicator is I x 10-~0 and the coefficient of
Coulomb friction is 0.03.
Two case studies were conducted to check the validity of the analytical results. For the first study,
the only force acting on the rotor is the body force due to the circular translation. The shaft speed
is taken to be a constant 10,000 rpm which is approximately the average of the general operating
speed. Of course one could use any operating speed in the analytical or the combined models.
However, when using the combined model and simulating a low speed, the results may be
contaminated by the artificial stiffness matrix which is required by the gap element in the ANSYS
program to enhance solution stability [14]. For the second study, the only force acting on the rotor
is a surface force or pressure inside the fifth pocket of 5 N/mm 2. In the first study, contact occurs
at Qz and Q: and in the second study, contact occurs at Q2, Q~ and Q~. The points of contact, in
both studies, are believed to be in the correct locations. The results of the two case studies, from
the analytical model and the combined model, are shown in Tables I(A) and I(B), respectively.
The model is also used in two simulations; i.e. (i) the pump without fluid, and (ii) the pump with
fluid. For the first simulation, the resultant force acting on the rotor consists of the body force due
to the same circular translation (f~ = 10,000k, rpm), central rotation (¢o = 12,500k. rpm) and
gravitational acceleration (g = For the second simulation, the resultant force
acting on the rotor consists of the body force, indicated in the first simulation, and the surface
forces in the five pockets when the inlet pressure is 5 N/mm: and the discharge pressure is
30 N/ram 2. In the first simulation, contact occurs at Q, and Q2 and in the second simulation, contact
occurs at Q~ and Q~. The results of the simulations, from the analytical model and the combined
model, are shown in Tables 2(A) and 2(B), respectively.
The results in Tables I(A) and I(B) show excellent agreement. For the first study, the differences
between the analytical model and the combined model are less than 0.1%. For the second study,
the differences are less than 5%. This noticeable discrepancy is believed to be due to the fact that

Table I. Contact forced and displacements

Body force for circular translation Surface force in the 5th pocket
Fj (N) u/(mm) F~(N) uI (ram)
(A ) From the Analytical Model
Qa 0.29668e4 0.49446e-3 0.0 0.0
Q: 0.73817e3 O. 12303e-3 0.26686e4 0.44477e-3
Q~ 0.0 0.0 0.23706e4 0.3951 le-3
Q4 0.0 0.0 0.78628e3 0.13105e.3
Q~ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
(8) From the Combined Model
QI 0.29647e4 0.49412e-3 0.0 0.0
Q: 0.73766e 3 0.12294e-3 0.2635&,4 0.43927e-3
Q~ 0.0 0.0 0.24198e4 0.40330e-3
Q, 0.0 0.0 0.75040e3 0.12507e-3
Q, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
688 J.B. Sm;NGand G. R. i~NNOCK

Table 2. Two simulation models

Pump without fluid Pump with fluid
F, (N) u, (mm) F, (N) u, (mm)
(A ) From the Analytical model
Q, 0.296[ le4 0.49352e-3 0.29934e5 0.49890e-2
Q: 0.73229e3 0.12205e-3 0.0 0.0
Q~ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Q, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Q~ 0.0 0.0 0.38632e5 0.64386e-2
(B) From the Combined Model
QI 0.29592e4 0.4931%-3 0.29929e5 0.49881e-2
Q: 0.73174e3 0.12196e-3 0.0 0.0
Q~ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Q4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Q~ 0.0 0.0 0.38632e5 0.64386e-2
/~ =0.0.

there is no force acting towards the pitch point. The rotor may be rotating slightly with respect to some
point other than the pitch point. The results in Tables 2(A) and 2(B) also show excellent agreement.
The differences are always less than 0.1%. Ramping the angular velocity o f the shaft in small
increments does not affect the results. Since the results indicate that the combined model is acceptable,
it is used to simulate the pump with fluid when contact friction is included. The results are shown in
Table 3. Note that deformations occur at both regions in the neighborhood of Q, and Qs. The results
also change slightly when different increments of shaft angular velocity are used. Table 3 shows the
results for increments of 5 and l0 and the conclusion is that the results are more accurate for the
smaller increment, in Table I(A), wber¢ the body force is due to only circular translation, the weight
of the rotor is not included. This case can also be intepreted as the simulation o f the p u m p without
fluid when the axis of rotation of the rotor is coilinear with the gravitational force. Comparing Table
I(A) with Table 2(A) (where the weight of the rotor is included) one may conclude that the weight has
little effect on the contact forces and the displacements. Furthermore, one may expect that for
the simulation of the p u m p with fluid the weight of the rotor plays an even less impor-
tant role. The reason is that the total force acting on the rotor includes all the body and surface forces.
Although the analytical model contains several simplificatons, it provides physical insight into
the direct contact problem and the closed-form equations for the normal contact forces. These
equations can be used to check the combined model under the same conditions. The combined
model is used to predict not only normal contact forces but also tangential contact forces and
deformations in the geometry, Stresses throughout the rotor and the chamber, including the contact
regions, can also be obtained. The results, however, would need to be checked and interpreted
carefully. The computational time may also be significant.

Table 3. Pump with fluid from the combined model

F~'(N) u~'(mm) F~(N) u~(ram)
Incremcnt = 5
(Q))l 0.76817e4 O.12800e-2 - 0.22694e3 0.57724
(Qi): 0.21114e5 0.35189e-2 - 0.32735e3 0.62612
Q: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Q~ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Q4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
(Q~), 0.57 I0 le4 0.95164(,-3 - O.15976('3 1.9222
(Q~): 0.30580e5 0.50967('-2 - 0.9058%3 1.9182
Increment = I0
(Q))l 0.74726e4 O.1245le-2 - 0.22067e3 O.57653
(Q,): 0.2130%5 0.35514e-2 - 0.24145e3 0.62526
Q: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Q~ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Q4 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0
(Q~)) 0.56852e4 0,94748e-3 - 0.15903e3 1.9195
(Q~): 0.30587e
5 0.50978e-2 - 0.9061 le3 1.9155
, = 0.03.
Contact forces in a trochoidal-type machine 689

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