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1. Contract law deals with promises that create legal rights, a contract is formed when one
party makes an offer that is accepted by the other party.

2. Contract law deals with promises that create legal rights. In most legal systems, a contract
is formed when one party makes an offer that is accepted by the other party. Some legal
system require more, for example that the parties give each other, orpromise to give each
other, orpromise to give each other, something of valuc. In common law systems, this
promise is known as consideration
3. 13 chapters.

4. a. that the national development is a sustainable process that must constantly be responsive
to the various dynamics that occur in society;

b. that globalization of information has put Indonesia as part of the world information society
that requires the establishment of arrangement for the management of Electronic
Information and transactions at the national level so the development of Information
Technology can be done in an optimal, distributive, and spread manner throughout all
levels of society to advance the intellectual life of the nation;

c. that the development and advance of Information Technology have contributed to changes
in the people’s life activities in the various fields that have had direct effect on the
emergence of new forms of legal acts;

d. that the use and utilization of Information Technology must continuously be developed to
foster, maintain, and strengthen the national union and unity based on Rules in the national

e. that utilization of Information Technology has important role in national trade and
economic growth in order to achieve society prosperity;

f. that the Government should supports the development of Information Technology through
infrastructure of law and its regulation in order that the Information Technology utilization
is carried out securely to prevent its misuse with due regard to religious and social-cultural
values of the Indonesian society;
g. that based on consideration as intended in paragraphs a, b, c, d, e, and f, it is necessary to
make Law concerning Electronic Information and Transactions;

5. Any Person who knowingly and without authority distributes and/or transmits and/or
causes to be accessible Electronic Information and/or Electronic Documents with contents
against propriety, gambling, affronts and/or defamation, and exortion and/or threats.

6. Power of Attorney is created when the principal is mentally competent and capable of
acting for themselves but is unable to do so. An Ordinary Power of Attorney is valid as
long as the principal is competent (meaning they are capable of making their own
decisions and are not incapacitated). A power of attorney can end a number of reasons,
such as when the principal dies, the principal revokes it, a court invalidates it, the principal
divorces his /her spouse who happen to be the agent or the agent can no longer carry out
the outlined responsibilities.

7. An incapacitated person is someone with a clinically diagnosed condition that leaves them
unable to make or communicate decisions affecting their physical health, safety, or self-
care. The person asking to be named guardian is called the petitioner, and the person
believed to be incapacitated is called the respondent.

1.    Lease aggrement

2.    Employment contract / loan

3.    Aggrement residential lease agreement

4.    Sales agreement

5.    Premarital agreement

6. - Humanity
is a virtue associated with basic ethics of altruism derived from the human condition. It
also symbolises human love and compassion towards each other.
Humanity differs from mere justice in that there is a level of altruism towards individuals
included in humanity more so than the fairness found in justice.That is, humanity, and the
acts of love, altruism, and social intelligence are typically individual strengths while
fairness is generally expanded to all. Humanity can be classed as one of six virtues that are
consistent across all cultures.
The concept goes back to the development of "humane" or "humanist" philosophy during
the Renaissance (with predecessors in 13th-century scholasticism stressing a concept of
basic human dignity inspired by Aristotelianism) and the concept of humanitarianism in
the early modern period, and resulted in modern notions such as "human rights".
adalah keutamaan yang terkait dengan etika dasar altruisme yang diturunkan dari kondisi
manusia. Itu juga melambangkan cinta dan kasih sayang manusia terhadap satu sama lain.
Kemanusiaan berbeda dari sekedar keadilan karena ada tingkat altruisme terhadap
individu yang termasuk dalam kemanusiaan lebih daripada keadilan yang ditemukan
dalam keadilan. Artinya, kemanusiaan, dan tindakan cinta, altruisme, dan kecerdasan
sosial biasanya merupakan kekuatan individu sedangkan keadilan adalah umumnya
diperluas ke semua. Kemanusiaan dapat digolongkan sebagai salah satu dari enam
kebajikan yang konsisten di semua budaya.
Konsep ini kembali ke perkembangan filsafat "manusiawi" atau "humanis" selama
Renaisans (dengan pendahulu dalam skolastisisme abad ke-13 yang menekankan konsep
martabat dasar manusia yang diilhami oleh Aristotelianisme) dan konsep kemanusiaan di
periode modern awal, dan menghasilkan pengertian modern seperti "hak asasi manusia".

- Justice

The ethical, phiosophical idea that people are to be a treated impartially, fairly, properly,
and reasonably by the law and by arbiters of the law, that laws are to ensure that no harm
befalls another, and that, where harm is alleged, both the accuser and the accused receive a
morally right consequence merited by their actions
Gagasan etis dan filosofis bahwa orang harus diperlakukan tidak memihak, adil, pantas,
dan wajar oleh hukum dan oleh arbiter hukum, bahwa undang-undang harus memastikan
bahwa tidak ada kerugian yang menimpa orang lain, dan bahwa, di mana kerugian diduga,
baik penuduh dan terdakwa menerima konsekuensi yang benar secara moral yang
diperoleh dari tindakan mereka

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