Self Assessment

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Tara Sivulka Self-Assessment & Professional Development

Learning Goal Strategies Resources Success Indicators Target Date

What are the best ways to What do I need to help me
Related Standard How will I know I achieved it? When do I plan to achieve it?
achieve this goal? achieve this?
KNOWLEDGE: Review all coursework related to Previous class materials related Feedback will be provided by my 3/29/2022
Gain a be er understanding of school-based OT, complete to school-based OT, University of FW supervisor and when we
the role of Occupa onal research into best prac ces for Utah (U’s) Health Sciences sense an overall competence in
Therapy (OT) in a school-based school-based OT, and review Library catalog for research, and working in school-based OT.
se ng and apply that informa on on school-based OT informa on from level 2 FW site
knowledge in my level 2 provided at my level 2 FW site.
Fieldwork (FW.)

CRITICAL REASONING: Prac ce situa ons where I can Read The Flight to Flourish: Feedback will be provided by my 3/29/2022
Show more asser veness and be more asser ve. Engaging in the Struggle to FW supervisor.
decisiveness when dealing with Cul vate the Life You Were Born
problems and coming up with to Live by Jennie Lusko.
solu ons.

INTERPERSONAL ABILITIES: Invest in each of the students Read informa on provided by Unstructured feedback from 3/29/2022
Have effec ve communica on that I am working with and my FW supervisor and Everyone students and unstructured and
with students in my spend the required me outside Communicates, Few Connect: structured feedback from my FW
school-based se ng. of therapy to understand the What the Most Effec ve People supervisor.
different cultures in order to Do Differently by John Maxwell.
relate to them be er.
PERFORMANCE SKILLS: Review all assessments and The latest research in Keep a log of all assessments 3/29/2022
Ensure all my assessments and interven ons used during my school-based OT is accessed and treatments and reference
interven ons are grounded in fieldwork to ensure they are through the U’s Health Sciences research backing the prac ce.
current research. based on current research’s best Library.
prac ces.
ETHICAL REASONING: Review and study AOTA’s Code of AOTA Code of Ethics Recall 7 core values and provide 1/1/2022
Memorize and ar culate an Ethics 7 core values: h ps:// examples related to OT.
understanding of American 1. Altruism, 2. Equality, 3.
Occupa onal Therapy Freedom, 4. Jus ce, 5. Dignity, 6.
Associa on (AOTA) 7 core Truth, and 7. Prudence.

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