Adaptive Zumba

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Shelby Piller

Students are expected to use 12-point font and include their name in the top right-hand corner.
All activities should follow the following order:
1. Activity Title (Research and choose an activity that is age appropriate. Do not rely on old
camp or recreation activities from your childhood. These must be research substantiated.)
a. Adaptive Zumba
2. Sources for your activity and for your adaptations (APA citations)
a. Adaptive Zumba. Adaptive Zumba: The Power of Zumba. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2,
2021, from
b. Zumba safety. Zumba Safety | Denver Health. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2021, from
3. Equipment needed
a. Flexible shoes
b. Water bottle
c. Need to be in an area with hardwood floors or a non-wet flooring
d. Open Space
4. Activity Description – How will the activity be explained to participants? Provide a
bulleted set of instructions on how to lead the activity, including an rules or guidelines.
a. Adaptive Zumba is a physical activity used to help your physical and can help
your psychological benefits.
i. You want to first stretch to prevent any injuries
ii. Make sure you drink water when needed during the activity
iii. Make sure you are in an open space away from anything you can bump
yourself into
1. I will adjust the camera in a view you will be able to see me do the
2. You will follow me at your best ability during this dance
3. It will only be four to five minutes long
4. As soon as we finish, we will discuss the dance and have a brief
conversation about the overall activity.
5. Primary social interaction pattern(s)- Explanation of the reason for the chosen pattern or
patterns. (Submit completed activity analysis or TAAAM form as addendum)
a. It is a great way to stay in shape, while also giving you the opportunity to get out
your comfort zone and try moves you might have not done before in a safe space
6. Adaptation: One researched adaptation specific to a disability group assigned for each of
the four (4) uploaded activities. This is not for the purpose of leading activities; this is
only for the purpose of submitting activities.
a. Physical Health
7. Participant: 45-year-old man with Down Syndrome – Moderate cognitive impairment,
heart defect, and obesity

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