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Behavior Intervention Plan

The implementation of the Behavior Intervention Plan will contribute to enhancing the quality of life and independence of the student.

Student: Student DOB: Student ID#: __

Date:_ School:___

1. Functional Behavior Assessment Summary (Hypothesis Statement)

Student has been involved in hitting, pushing or kicking his peers in the classroom. He had shown
aggressive behaviors towards his classmates. When he gets upset, he will hit, push or kick his peers or
hit himself.

2. Replacement Behaviors
a. Identify the short-term replacement behavior the student will be taught to use, while working toward the desired goal
Student will say, “I am upset, I need a break” when he feels the need to scream.

b. Identify the desired goal behavior the student will be taught to use instead of the problem behavior.

Student will appropriately state angry feelings.

Student will accept feedback and redirection appropriately (without screaming).
Student will use the cool down corner consistently, in the classroom and in all specialists' classrooms
with understanding that, it is a place for him to go and take deep breaths or practice counting when he
is angry or feeling aggressive.

3. Proactive Strategies and Supports (to limit occurrence of problem behavior)

a. Identify methods to address setting events, if applicable.
This behavior takes place in the bus, in the classroom, during classroom instruction, independent seat-
work, unstructured activities, activity-to-activity transitions, and unstructured settings.

b. Identify methods to modify antecedents, including positive strategies to modify the environment.
 Remind student of classroom rule for speaking respectfully in appropriate voice, level, tone,
language and remind rewards/consequences.
 Praise peers for appropriateness.
 Implement reinforcement systems throughout the school day in each setting.

4. Intervention/Teaching Strategies to Teach Replacement Behavior.

Identify, who will teach, when it will be taught, the location, frequency of instruction, duration of instruction, and methods
used. Task-analyze the skill.

Teaching staff will teach, model, practice, and reinforce the Replacement Behavior in the school setting
(class, lunch room, playground, bus, etc.) with Student on a regular basis (e.g., daily or weekly) or as a
whole class lesson followed by practice within the whole group.
Behavior Intervention Plan
The implementation of the Behavior Intervention Plan will contribute to enhancing the quality of life and independence of the student.

Student: Student DOB: Student ID#: __

Date:_ School:___

5. Consequence Strategies.
a. Reinforcement of Replacement Behavior. b. Response to Problem Behavior

Identify the response to the short-term replacement or Identify the strategies used to respond to the problem
desired goal behavior. Must specify the reinforcer(s) behavior. Consider a response that does not escalate the
earned, schedule of reinforcement, location and staff student, is least intrusive, and is focused on teaching/re-
members responsible for delivering reinforcer. teaching replacement behavior.

Behavior chart will be given to Student. School Student will be verbally redirected at the first sign
staff will mark chart. Once chart is all marked, of inappropriate behavior by staff. He will be
Student will receive agreed upon reinforcement. verbally reinforced if or when he makes the
appropriate choice.

6. Crisis Plan (if needed)

Define strategies to be implemented in the event of escalation of problem behavior. Define a plan focused on safety.
Student will take a cool-down period in another classroom. Guardian will be called when needed.

7. Implementation and Progress Monitoring Plan

Identify tools used to monitor frequency, duration, intensity of problem behavior, as well as implementation and
effectiveness of interventions, strategies, and supports.
Teaching staff will teach, model, practice, and reinforce the Replacement Behavior in the school setting
(class, lunch room, playground, etc.) with Student on a regular basis (e.g., daily or weekly) or as a
whole class lesson followed by practice within the whole group.

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